Poor Bill

Steve at No More Mister Nice Blog links to a Drudge report story that further documents the crap that comes out of Bill O’Reilly’s mouth:

FOXNEWS’s top-rated host Bill O’Reilly recently claimed that he is “running against Hillary for most copies of nonfiction books sold this year!”

But numbers obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT show a dramatically different sales scene for 2003.

NIELSEN, the same company that ranks O’Reilly #1 on Cable TV, currently places O’Reilly at #6 for the year on the nonfiction charts — trailing rival Al Franken by nearly 30%!

“We’ve outsold that guy [Franken] all over the place,” O’Reilly claimed Monday on NBC’s TODAY show. “We’re running against Hillary for most copies of non-fiction books sold this year!”

Which gives us a chance to take a stroll down memory lane and read the wonderful things Rush Limbaugh & Friends had to say about sales of Living History this summer:

“Mrs. Clinton’s first printing is rumored to be 1 million. But we’ve got a source … an unnamed source at Simon & Schuster saying they made that up, saying, ‘Where would we put a million books? Where could we hide ’em? And we don’t know how many have been sold we’re just saying this because it’s part of a PR campaign.’ …

Despite some media accounts of initially hot sales, WorldNetDaily reported that bookstores across America’s heartland were not seeing any strong demand for “Living History,” …

According to Publishers Lunch, Living History has sold in excess of 1 million copies.


Comments: 2


Yes, but you’re not using the correct methodology–the sales of the book at Costcos at which Bill O’Reilly is doing book signings. There, he’s outselling Franken easily!


Has Tucker Carlson eaten that shoe yet?


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