Dammit, Malkin, I Don’t Even Know What You’re Pretending to be Outraged About Anymore

Another funny:

It seems racism against black Americans is unacceptable, except when it’s endorsed by the untouchable Mexican government.

As CNN and many others are reporting, Mexican President Vicente Fox’s administration has issued a stamp depicting an exaggerated black cartoon character known as Memin Pinguin.

I looked at the stamp, and yes, it is quite offensive.

But who the hell (other than the people in the Mexican government who produced the stamp) thinks racism is “acceptable” when “endorsed by the untouchable Mexican government?” Predictably, Michelle never tells us, so I consulted the actual article to see what the hell she was talking about:

The Mexican government has issued postage stamps depicting an exaggerated black cartoon character known as Memin Pinguin, just weeks after remarks by President Vicente Fox angered U.S. blacks.

Aaaah, yes, those remarks:

Mexican President Vicente Fox called two American civil rights leaders late Monday and told them he regretted any offense to African-Americans when he said Mexican immigrants in the United States take jobs “that not even blacks want to do.”

And who were those American civil rights leaders? Why, two of Michelle’s favorite people:

Fox spoke separately by phone with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, according to a statement from the Mexican Foreign Ministry.

So apparently, Jackson and Sharpton didn’t give the head of “the untouchable Mexican government” a free pass for his racist remarks. So who is Malkin talking about?

The end of the post provides a clue:

You’d think there would be more of an uproar about this. President Bush likes to recite his empty platitude that “Family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande.”

Y’know, I can think of a lot of things to blame Bush for, but this simply isn’t one of them. Michelle, do you really want Bush to approach Vicente Fox and say, “You ain’t got no family values down there in South Tacostan?” I mean, was there any point to this post, any at all, other than to make your readers hate Mexico?

Incidentally, here’s someone who wasn’t outraged by Mr. Fox’s obnoxious remarks about black people- LaShawn Barber:

American co-president and Mexican president Vicente Fox has stirred the racial waters. As a justification for flooding our country with his poor subjects, he said, “There is no doubt that Mexicans, filled with dignity, willingness and ability to work are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States.”

His office issued a lame apology. Honestly, I don’t know what he’s apologizing for. I think what he said is true. Americans in general, not just blacks, are so used to living in a welfare state, they’d probably rather exist on the government dole than do “undignified” work.

I got nothing to say to that. G’night!


Comments: 55


Must be a slow week for right-wing outrage.

A Mexican stamp. See, she gets to bash Mexico as racist, while…you know, racistly bashing Mexicans.

I swear, these people’s brains are just wired differently. None of us could ever have thought of that in a million years.


None of us could ever have thought of that in a million years.

I know, there’s some kind of twisted genius to it. If only Michelle had pursued a career in film- she coulda been the next David Lynch.


Yeah, McShrill herself calling other people racist….that’s hi-fucking-larious.

However, I do think it’s sort of weird that only wingnuts seem to have glommed on to a couple of facts about our evolving relationship with Mexico. The first is that Mexico is a deeply racist society. Which is not to make any kind of apologia for the racism of American society…just an observation. It is almost universally the case that the wealthy of Mexico look like Europeans, and the vast underclass look like Indians, and both groups are KEENLY aware of the difference. Second, the Fox administration really does sort of act like the US has no immigration laws. Since liberals tend to take a sort of open-borders position on immigration, we tend to ignore the fact that by allowing unlimited immigration from Mexico, we’re allowing the Mexican government to continue with failed economic policies that benefit the already-rich while offloading their massive, desperate underclass into the US. I guess I have a problem with that…it seems like we enable the injustices of Mexican society.

I dunno…people are really touchy about this subject. But I’ve lived in south Texas for 15 years, and I can tell you that the current situation just isn’t good for anyone (except, perhaps, Vicente Fox, who has a lot invested in the idea that we actually need all of the people he’d just as soon be rid of).


Yeah, funny how ‘Lynch’ is the first director’s name that comes to mind. Then again, if there were a director named David Throwpeopleinconcentrationcamps…


What’s this? Mexico is racist?! I’m going to write a letter to my congressman – right after I finish this other one about how we should lock up anyone that looks like an Arab.


Bush’s guest worker plan actually seemed like a good idea, despite the natural presumption that there were the usual Trojans in the horse. What was your take on that?


Bush’s guest worker plan actually seemed like a good idea, despite the natural presumption that there were the usual Trojans in the horse.

Yeah, it sounds a lot saner than just leaving the border completely open, but I haven’t read the details of the plan yet, so I can’t comment.

What goes unmentioned is the reason Bush won’t do anything to stop open Mexican migration isn’t political correctness, it’s that his friends at the WSJ Op-Ed page love cheap labor.


Yeah, that was my presumption too. Inter alia, I didn’t find much to be genuinely offended about in Fox’s statement that Mexican workers will do jobs that even American blacks don’t want. (Or however it was phrased.) That’s one of those ‘you’re not supposed to say that’ kind of things, but Jesse Jackson is a smart guy, and certainly not blind to issues of class in America.


OMG hispanic people are racist? No way?!

Speaking as a spic, I can tell you right now, hispanics are some of the most prejudiced people. We discriminate against each other like there’s no tomorrow. You can tell just by looking at someone – Mexican, Cuban, Dominican, Colombian, whatever – what kind of blood they have in their family. Based on that alone, you can expect to be treated differently. People from most of Central America are referred to as spear chuckers and if you’re a black hispanic – jesus. I have family members that have been disowned for marrying black people, and they were Cuban blacks at that.

It’s the way of the world.


“was there any point to this post, any at all, other than to make your readers hate Mexico?”

My guess is – No. Crank the hate for Mexico up and make people get angry about all of the MEXICANS coming up from the South across our borders.

The anti-Mexican stuff has been buzzing along in the background for decades. It seems like in the last few years its really come out to the front more and more (at least nationally).


I surely didn’t mean to do any of the following:

1. Express and/or stir up anti-Mexican sentiment
2. Imply that American culture is not racist, or less racist than Mexico
3. Allow racist rhetoric regarding Mexico to elide issues of class (and race) in the US

It’s difficult to even broach the topic of immigration policy, because the most active and visible voices around these issues are blatant racists like the so-called Minutemen and wingnut wanktanks like Americans for Immigration Control.

My only point was that there are issues of class and wages as well as race at play in immigration debates. I don’t think it’s inherently racist to point out that there may be a problem with Mexico offloading the casualties of its own heinous economic policies and conditions onto the southern states of the US, which already bear the brunt of America’s own current heinous economic policies.

Nor is it any surprise that George W. favors normalizing migrant workers. To him and his MBA buddies, a labor pool consisting of rootless economic refugees wandering across national borders to work low-paying jobs is his idea of a perfect workforce.

Anyway, I didn’t mean to piss anyone off…sorry if I offended.


What, who’s pissed off? I thought everybody was agreeing?


The thing is, and I can only make sort of rough guesses based on what I’ve seen, but I wouldn’t for the life of me imagine it would make things better for anybody other than the employers.
My understanding is it works like this: You can come here as long as you have a job. If you get fired, we ship you back home.
If you went to stay, you’d better do any damned thing your boss tells you to do.
We already *know* companies will make employees work unpaid hours and skip breaks and any other thing they can think of, even when the employees are high school educated Americans who know it’s probably illegal.
The majority of my adult years have been spent as a motel housekeeper, which is not really a job people clamor for. It’s largely, to be frank, populated by immigrants. Generally legal immigrants, but that doesn’t make much of a difference.
My co-workers have, usually, two jobs and a family, and don’t have a lot of time or energy or cash to spend on English classes, so they get by on what they can, and hope there’s resources around in a language they can understand, but increasingly our fellow *America First* pals are cutting those programs. Even if their English was perfect, they still haven’t got the money or time to research employment law or hire lawyers if they suspect they’re getting screwed.
One employer actually threatened to have a *legal immigrant* deported for trying to file a workman’s comp claim. I told her repeatedly it wasn’t possible, and that she had a right to file the claim, but honestly, am I sure enough to risk this woman’s job? Now that she’s got a bad shoulder?
If *I* don’t want to take the risk, you can imagine how well the threat worked on her.
This goes on *all the time*. And these are women who could at least hang around long enough to find another job if they get fired.
You link their presence to their specific employer, and you have essentially created a group of indentured servants.
It might work better when you’re talking about doctors or computer programmers with work visas, but for the most part, we’re not talking about people with many other options.
Are they better off here than home? I dunno. Are they better off getting screwed here by Wal*Mart and *then* sent back home? You tell me.
Long post, but the way we seem to regard people who are out of options makes me angry. Any decent person looks at someone at the end of their rope and wants to help. Our corporate culture says “Hot damn! Fresh meat!”


Oh, geez. All that long thing was about the guest worker plan. I thought I’d mentioned that somewhere.
Preview, then post. *sigh*


“You can come here as long as you have a job. If you get fired, we ship you back home.
If you went to stay, you’d better do any damned thing your boss tells you to do.
We already *know* companies will make employees work unpaid hours and skip breaks and any other thing they can think of, even when the employees are high school educated Americans who know it’s probably illegal.”

Amen, D. Sidhe. The “guest worker” program is set up to provide the U.S. with a permanent underclass of people who don’t dare complain. In return, their children get to go to (inevitably underfunded) American schools where they’re treated as a big asspain for bringing down test scores.


The thing is, and I can only make sort of rough guesses based on what I’ve seen, but I wouldn’t for the life of me imagine it would make things better for anybody other than the employers.

Yes, that’s true. Even a harmless-sounding Bush proposal is probably up to no good.


I’m confused about who Malkin thinks is giving Mexico a free pass. Are all liberals keenly interested in the Mexican postal system, and so enamored of their collectible stamps that we’d give them a pass on murder?


This is what happens when people blindly apply their own local biases to foreign cultures. Say the word negro is, in principle, nothing but a neutral description like blond, or tall or plump. However given the history of the word *in*the*USA* it is offensive there and best avoided *there*.

About Memin, all cartoons are exaggerated (look at any editorial cartoon of George Bush with ears the size of his head). While a certain jovial disrespect *is* inteded, as with all cartoons, no racism is intended unless there is some new form of anti-big-presidential-ears racist movement I’m unaware of. Similarly the fact that Memin’s black characteristics are exaggerated say nothing about what are the values Mexicans ascribe to them.

What is happening here is Americans are judging the comic strip within their own cultural context in which simply being called black or negro is an insult. This speaks of the racism in your society, not Mexico’s.


Uh, Alex, did you look at what
some of the black Mexicans
had to say about it?

“One would hope the Mexican government would be a little more careful and avoid continually opening wounds,” said Sergio Penalosa, an activist in Mexico’s small black community on the southern Pacific coast.


It seems racism against black Americans is unacceptable, except when it’s endorsed by the untouchable Mexican government.

Memin Penguin was a black American?

What do i care of the mexican governments opinion regarding Black Americans, and …untouchable?



er… what do i care of the Mexican Governments Post Office’s opinion of ….


Esto es tan est?pidamente surrealista que ni siquiera resulta divertido: un pu?ado de gringos y sus ac?litos, que s?lo hablan mal ingl?s y que no saben absolutamente nada de M?xico, menos comprenden, intentando imponer por la fuerza a sus vecinos del sur soluciones for?neas que no han conseguido que les funcionen en casa.

Generaciones enteras de mexicanos aprendieron a leer con Mem?n Pengu?n a la par que eran cautivadas por su simpat?a, su dulzura, su inquieta inteligencia y su conmovedora sinceridad y capacidad de amar. Mem?n les ayud? a adquirir valores humanos, a respetar la diversidad y a detestar la injusticia. Y ahora nos quieren reinventar la rueda encontrando odio donde siempre hubo aprecio y racismo donde siempre hubo cari?o y respeto, en un clar?simo caso de ?piensa el ladr?n que son todos de su condici?n?.

No son ni capaces de escribir correctamente el nombre de Mem?n. Tama?a muestra de cerraz?n causar?a hilaridad si no provocara antes profundo llanto.


“One would hope the Mexican government would be a little more careful and avoid continually opening wounds,” said Sergio Penalosa, an activist in Mexico’s small black community on the southern Pacific coast.”

He’s part of Mexico Negro, a civil group leaded by a Priest from Trinidad and Tobago that was outraged when he found out that blacks in Mexico don’t consider themselves different to whites or mestizos, I think they’re the only people that use the term ‘African Mexican’, and they’re supposed to help people to discover their “Blackness”,to me that’s more racist than the stamps themselves.


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