Think Michelle Malkin’s Kooky? Wait ‘Til You Hear From Her Readers
Although SZ brilliantly roasted Michelle Malkin this morning, I think her latest column is so kooky that it deserves a second thrashing.
Here’s the gist of it:
The left-wing Kumbaya crowd is quietly grooming a generation of pushovers in the public schools. At a time of war, when young Americans should be educated about this nation’s resilience and steely resolve, educators are indoctrinating students with saccharine-sticky lessons on “non-violent conflict resolution” and “promoting constructive dialogues.”
Because there’s only one way to successfully resolve a conflict, and that’s with overwhelming violence. (And don’t even get me started on so-called “constructive dialogue.” Our president can’t put a simple sentence together, and look how far he’s gotten in life. The only “dialogue” that needs to go on between America and all the non-Americas out there is “My dick. Your mouth. Got it?”)
Just what we need to combat throat-slitting, suicide plane-flying Islamists: young eunuchs swaying to moldy old folk music while their “Peace Place” signs flap in the wind.
Yes, we should train children to fight terrorists by having them fight each other… to the death! The children will engage in Roman-style gladiator tournaments in round-robin format. The champions will be sent to Iraq to fight terrorists. The losers will die (or if their parents have money, be sent to the Heritage Foundation for a cushy summer internship).
While Michelle’s column is mindless enough on its own, she’s decided to post some reader responses that are even crazier. Here are the highlights:
1.) “As a counter-point to this ‘namby-pamby’ training, let’s support the Civilian Marksmanship Program in the schools and among our youth so we can develop some confidence and defense skills of a different sort.”
Hey, there’s a program- teach kids to stand up to bullies by training them to be expert marksmen. I hear it’s worked wonders in Littleton, Colorado.
2.) “Michelle, your column made me think of the 1960s ad of the young girl in the flower field and the atomic bomb. Only the 2005 version is the same girl all grown up with a group of friends waving their peace flags and a suicide bomber driving his car toward her, laughing.”
Right, except the point of the “Daisy” ad wasn’t that the girl in the flower field deserved to get nuked for being too weak to fight Communism- the point was that Barry Goldwater was an effing lunatic who’d start a nuclear war.
Here’s another thoughtful, erudite reader:
3.) “Reminds me of the joke where Attila the Hun is told that the meek will inherit the Earth…’Good,’ he replies, ‘I’ll kick their butts and take it away from them.'”
“The meek will inherit the Earth?” What left-wing loser said that? Oh yeah, it was Jesus Christ, George W. Bush’s supposed hero.
Here’s another brilliant idea:
4.) “May I suggest a starting point for a cure for namby-pambyism: Make every student over 12 (or so) watch George C. Scott in ‘Patton.'”
Yeah, there’s no better way to toughen up your kids than having them sit indoors and watch a three-hour movie.
Let’s do one more:
5.) “The namby pamby nation is a frightening thing. You are right to be concerned. Our upcoming generations will have no stomach for sacrifice, discipline, or enduring burdens.”
5.) “The namby pamby nation is a frightening thing. You are right to be concerned. Our upcoming generations will have no stomach for sacrifice, discipline, or enduring burdens.”
Do these people not listen? We’re raising “young eunuchs”, unable to breed, so the namby pambies (I thought it was mamby ..) won’t be able to contribute genetically to future generations. If Michelle catches you not reading …
Also, Cle 2, Bos 1, Bottom 6 …
Ahem. Tie game now. Let’s not gloat until the game is over (I learned that last night).
4-2 Sox now. As long as they don’t bring in Keith Choulke, they should be OK…
5-2 Sox.
The Spawn of Malkin are still quite young and handleable, so she’s talking through her hat. How she may long for “eunuch”-like behavior–at least as far as Virgin Ben-style abstinence goes–when they get older! And just wait until one of her kids lays a hand in anger on another (it’s only a matter of time), or vice versa.
When I think of the fights that were considered routine in my Baby Boomer childhood, they generally were lumped under the heading, “Settle it among yourselves.” For some of us, it was the adults we had to worry about, not other kids.
I’m a student of the “gloat now because you probably won’t be able to later since you’re an Indians fan” school.
I’m a student of the “gloat now because you probably won’t be able to later since you’re an Indians fan” school.
You’ve got a good young team. The hitting is there, and I think the pitching is developing well (Lee, despite a crap performance last night, is quite a good young pitcher).
You just need to put CC Sabathia on a slim-fast program before he becomes Bartolo Part II…
At a time of war, when young Americans should be educated about this nation’s resilience and steely resolve
That’s funny, because George of the Anti-Idiotarian Ankle-biting Poodle just said in comments (below) that the level of casualties was ‘comparable to peacetime.’
It’s war! It’s peacetime. It’s war! It’s peacetime.
It’s almost as if they change their mind depending on the point they’re trying to make. Isn’t there a word for that?
Didn’t we learn in a previous episode of Dead Man Malkin that Michelle Maglalang’s kids desperately need protection from Christina Aguilera magazine covers? Someone needs some toughening up.
Wait till Michelle’s kids get bullied at school, so she complains to the principal who tells her to have her kids watch “Patton” a few times.
I really wish Michelle would take her marital dissatisfaction out of her blog and into therapy where it belongs.
So Michelle thinks we should resolve our differences with violence? Cool. Tell her I’ll be right over to slap that stupid look off her face.
Is Michelle doing her part? Is she ready to kick ass?
Cuz I know a couple of female instructors of tae kwon do that would looooove to show her a few moves.
Also, bullying tends to lead more to suicide and depression then toughness.
Not to mention the fact that bullies are generally trying to get you to straighten up and toe the majority line; When “normal” people beat the shit out of you every day, it doesn’t build respect for American society, it teaches you to loathe American society.
But the bottom line is that shitheads like Malkin don’t care about the people being bullied; they’d be happier for fags, nerds and weirdos to stay in the closet, or, even better, kill themselves before they grow up and start influencing society.
They also want to teach kids early to use force to keep dissidents in line.
Now, Michelle says that of course she’s not against anti-bullying programs, she just thinks that kids should be taught self defense. She then links to a column she wrote about some kids who beat up a developmentally disabled girl.
Apparently it hasn’t occured to her that maybe developmentally disabled students won’t be able to learn martial arts as well as bullies. It also hasn’t occured to her that maybe the bullies will also take self defense course, do better at them then the unathletic nerd types, and the end result will be that bullies will still be able to beat the shit out of other kids.
Actually, I guess she just doesn’t believe in preventative care, since she says that we should just send the bullies to juvy after they act out. Yeah, I’m sure the parents of bullies will be happy about that. Stuffing someone in the trashcan is a massively shitty thing to do, but I’m not sure it should condemn you to a year in jail with the really bad kids who deal drugs and stab people. I tend to worry that would just make the bullies meaner.
Not to mention the abject hatred of principles espoused by Jesus Christ. That’s the fucker who said that when a man hits us, we should turn the other cheek. It’s a little weird to hear conservatives calling Jesus Christ a moron and a pansy.
I could go on with this all day, it pisses me off so damn much.
“Our upcoming generations will have no stomach for sacrifice, discipline, or enduring burdens.”
Certainly, they won’t have the stomach for the kind of sacrifice, discipline and enduring burdens we’ve seen displayed on the battlefield by the Justin Darrs and Jonah Goldbergs of today…
Extreme right-wing nonsense sounding like self-parody
This column is one of the most absurd things I’ve seen in a while. It actually reads like satire. Extreme liberals can be crazy, but they’re generally not organized enough to actually have published columns and stuff. Normal liberals are…