Sadly, …


Donald Rumsfeld, March 29, 2005:

Q Yeah, what do you think about negotiation with the leaders of the insurgency?

SEC. RUMSFELD: Well, I — it’s a definitional issue. The first thing I would say about that, that’s up to the Iraqi people. It’s the Iraqis’ country, and it’s the Iraqis’ government. And they’re going to have to make those judgments.

June 26, 2005:

US officials in Iraq have had talks with leaders of the anti-US insurgency, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says.

Lawrence Di Rita, February 22, 2005:

But ultimately, as I said, it’s Iraqis, Iraqi government, that will decide the terms on which any of this happens. Negotiations aren’t for the United States to conduct, and to my knowledge, we’re not conducting negotiations.

June 26, 2005:

Quoting Iraqi sources, the Sunday Times said insurgent commanders “apparently came face to face” with four American officials during the talks held on 3 and 13 June at a summer villa near Balad, about 40 miles (60km) north of Baghdad.


Comments: 10


I think some terrorists just went a freedom fightin’


one might even say a Poor Man’s…..


Did you see Rumpster on MEET THE PRESS? Here’s my favorite quote:

But over time, there’s no doubt but that Iraq is going to have to finance its reconstruction itself, and it’s going to take a long time.

Yeah, sorry we totally blew up your country, but, you know, y’all are gonna have to pay for that shit.


George W. Bush negotiates with terrorists.


G W Bush is a terrorist.

He invades another country for no legal reason, blows the shit out of the people, puts in a USA friendly, token government then says that its not up to the USA government to fix it all up. And lets not start on the current price of oil. I remember that just before he invaded Iraq they were concerned that the price was going to fall below US$20/barrel. Now it’s US$60/barrel and he and all his cronies are making a fortune.


Sometimes I almost think there’s something disingenous about these people. Maybe it’s just me.


“But over time, there’s no doubt but that Iraq is going to have to finance its reconstruction itself, and it’s going to take a long time.”

They said from the beginning that Iraq’s oil reserves were going to take care of paying for everything: the invasion, the cleanup, the start of the new democratic governement. How much has it paid for so far?


Bush on Iraq: We broke it, you pay for it!


They said from the beginning that Iraq’s oil reserves were going to take care of paying for everything: the invasion, the cleanup, the start of the new democratic governement. How much has it paid for so far?

Well, after Halliburton and Bechtel got paid their 99% convenience fee, I think the leftover money was used to purchase ink for the January elections.


“the leftover money was used to purchase ink for the January elections.”

Actually, that ink was used up by the people in the audience at the State of the Union address.


Oy vey. I suggest that instead of the “Christian Nation” flag, what we really need to represent the intentions and basic philosophy of America is a flag that has all of our stars and stripes style but with a big hand giving the middle finger. Right in the middle. That pretty much sums up the way our foreign policy looks right now . . . ‘cept in No. Korea where we’re still “negotiating.”


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