We talked and talked and talked…

[Stolen from The Daily Show ’cause it’s so darn funny.]

President Bush, uh, talks:

President Hosts United States – European Union Summit

I want to appreciate [sic] Council President Juncker and Commission President Barroso, the High Representative Solana and the delegation for coming to the White House today. …

We talked about the Middle East. We support the vision of two democratic states, Israel and Palestinian [sic] living side by side in peace. We talked about Iraq. … We talked about Afghanistan … We talked about the broader Middle East … We talked about the Ukraine and Georgia, as well as the Balkans. … We talked about terrorism. We talked about visas. We talked about the need to continue to share information to make sure that we cut off money flows to terrorist groups and prevent terrorist organizations from obtaining weapons of mass destruction. We talked about Iran … We talked about our collaborative efforts in Darfur. … We talked about our economies. … We spent a lot of time talking about China … And so we talked about how we can work together to make sure that the world trades more freely and more fairly for the sake of our — for the sake of our peoples. …

To top it off, Bush shows what friends are for:

PRESIDENT BUSH: He’s done a good job, and I value his friendship. I know it’s really important for people at our — when we sit down at the table, to have a friendship, so we can discuss things in a frank way, in an honest way, without fear of being able to tell people what’s on our mind.

Not a friendship with each other — just, you know, a friendship.


Comments: 6


Having friends is hard work. Especially when they’re pieces of work.


People like Dubya don’t have friends. They have co-exploitees.


I know it’s really important for people at our — when we sit down at the table, to have a friendship, so we can discuss things in a frank way, in an honest way, without fear of being able to tell people what’s on our mind.

This is like a commercial for General Foods International Coffees. Or Lean Cuisine. Or tampons.

The Dark Avenger

He should’ve brought Laura, Jenna, and/or not-Jenna to talk about the importance of feeling ‘fresh’.


You talk too much, you worry me to death . . .


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