[fortified with the usual updates]
Alas and huzzah, the world’s premier aquarium blog, World of Carp, is picking on us again.
It’s too bad that Seb of Sadly, No! is so busy with his so-called “real life” that he doesn’t have time to blog much any more, because his best friend Justin Darr has a great column this week: “Liberalism’s ultimate goal: the destruction of Christianity through Social Security.”
And this after our epic argument on protein skimmers and nitrate levels last month! Well, S.Z., we’ve hooked the Darr column for reel, and boy, is it crappie. He flounders from the first line. Darr’s really made anemone of us this time.
Darr: Would you let your child go fishing alone with a known child molester?
Shadly, No!
Liberalism’s ultimate goal: the destruction of Christianity through Social Security
No, the ultimate goal is a one-world neo-Islamic terror state with Hillary Clinton as divine moon-empress of Village Earth. Along the way we have mandatory child sodomy, the destruction of Christianity, and all those other preliminaries. Eyes on the prize, Justin!
Would you let you child go fishing alone with a known child molester? Why not? The answer is simple enough: because patterns of behavior are called “patterns of behavior” for a reason, and once someone does something once, they are likely to do it again. Evil people do evil things over and over.
We notice this every time a new Darr column appears. It also makes us think about Amber’s ‘retirement’ in mind of the homicidal recipes she’s posted. Like the BTK killer (Amber is henceforth known as ‘the BLT killer’), these folks might lie fallow for awhile, but the urge to get up and do some evil eventually overtakes them again.
Also, you wouldn’t let your child go fishing with a known child molester for a number of reasons, including asking, “Catch anything?” and the kid answers, “Gee, I hope not!”
Over the last 50 years, the radical left has established a pattern of winning minor precedents from an activist judiciary system then slowly building on those precedents to warp the interpretation of the law and erode the fundamental foundations of our society.
Justin goes on at long length about the court decisions that banned mandatory bible-reading and prayer from public schools, ending in a pirouette about how, because of these precedents, kids are now banned from praying over their milk and cookies, teachers can’t wear crosses, and the Declaration of Independence is banned because it mentions God. Bannity-ban-ban! Sadly, Justin is talking a bunch of No.
But let’s skip to what they call the ‘nut graf’ (although with Justin, every paragraph is a ‘nut graf,’ if you get what I’m saying).
The goals of the left have been achieved, students must now abandon their Christian beliefs as a prerequisite to receive an education. What started with the Courts controlling what the administers of tax payer dollars could to with the money for its beneficiaries, has evolved into what the beneficiaries of public funds must do in order to receive it. American children today must either be atheists or run the risk of being expelled from school and denied an education.
Atheists. That’s quite a bold, limb-flailing leap from Premise Bluff into Conclusion Gorge. If you’re not supposed to whip it out in the classroom, does that mean the government confiscates your dick? When they pry it from my cold, dead hand!
But in any case, this no-practicing-religion-in-school business would seem traditionally to be addressed by…um, what’s that other great American institution? Oh yes, THAT one.
Churches: an often-overlooked venue for the practice of Christianity.
The wise American of Christian faith knows that if atheism threatens, he would be well satisfied in seeking out one of these many sanctuaries of prayer and worship — once so integral to American life, but now so often confused with the public school system and the seats of civil authority.
Is Darr wandering from the local K-6 to the Post Office to the DMV, hemorrhaging faith and wondering why the pastor is never in? Hint: He hangs out at the place with the big, giant cross on it. Jeez-louise.
Liberals have used the same pattern of behavior to achieve the same goals in the public sector. What started as a few precedents regarding prayer at public events has grown into endless court cases ordering depictions of the 10 Commandments to be chipped off the walls of court houses and, as in Denver last year, the expulsion of groups saying “Merry Christmas” from the town’s Christmas parade.
Someone’s been huffing a rag soaked with Doug Hagin again.
As Hagin sums up:
So let us resolve to just ignore their carping and wish them a Merry Christmas! They sure need to learn to have one of those for a change!
‘Carping,’ eh? It’s just a recursive spiral of intratextual references around here. But what we’re learning is that if something happened in Denver last year — for instance, if there was a ‘holiday parade’ in which hymn-singing Christians were asked not to ride a float that said ‘Merry Christmas’ on it (and who knows what the real story was, with these people: If it’s anything like that phony Declaration of Independence incident, the float might’ve been emblazoned with, “Merry Christmas — And P.S., We’re Going To Heaven And You Totally Aren’t,” and been designed to fire cannons filled with Jack Chick tracts over the crowd) — it means that not only Denver, but all of America is suddenly transformed into a nightmarish upside-downland of anti-Christmas hatred. There’s a term for this, and I forget what it is, but it’s something like ‘expandio ad absurdum’ — or ‘blowio out of proportium.’ They’re always doing that, these wingnuts.
…And they’ll keep at it until we’ve strung up the last one of them from the top of the last burning Christmas tree!
Kidding there — it’s simply too wacky.
The results have been the same as well. Where America was founded as a bastion of religious liberty, where all faiths were welcomed to worship without the worry of persecution, it has now evolved into a place where all religions are persecuted unless their adherents run around and act like they do not exist.
…unless their adherents run around and act like they do not exist.
“Hey you, stop running around! This is a restaurant, not a racetrack.”
(Puts lampshade on head.) “Um, hi — I’m a lamp.”
“Oh. Well for a moment there, I thought you were a religious person. All set to persecute you man, sorry. ”
“No problem. …Wooo-ee!”
“Es-kuzme sir.”
“Yes? Say, aren’t you one of those Moslems?”
“Ah, no. I do not eksiss. I am a ghost. Boo.”
“Oh, well ok then.”
“Woohoo! Weehee!”
There are many other cases, but the pattern has been established. The left is using access to public funding as a lever to expel Christianity from our society. If even one cent of public funds is spent on anything, the left demands the recipients of that penny abandon their Christian faith and embrace their atheistic beliefs.
So what is next for the left? They have succeeded in purging Christianity from the schools and public events, but they are surely not content with just that. How will the left continue their work of the last 50 years into the next? Who is their next innocent victim who may have to abandon their souls as the price of financial support? What is their next target? It is the granddaddy government spending program of them all: Social Security.
So the Left is targeting Social Security. Justin doesn’t just drink the Kool Ade; he cooks up the raw powder in a spoon and injects it.
In the next 50 years, it is entirely likely that retirees will be prevented from using the government funds provided through Social Security for any religious activity because it will be determined that such usage violates the separation of church and state.
‘Entirely likely’ meaning that Darr’s logical faculty is so twisted up, he has to have his wife help him screw his hat on. Now, why does it seem as though this argument might lead into something like, “And therefore we should privatize Social Security.”
[skipping over 900 paragraphs of wha? and tortured legal renderings and ‘unh, getting-sleepy’]
In the end, the left has removed Christianity from the lives of our children, they are attempting to remove it from the lives of adults in the public square, and soon they will seek to remove it from our retirement years. Christian persecution from cradle to grave is the means to their ultimate end of destroying Christianity in America. How can faith survive when over the course of your entire life you are told it is wrong to talk about it or share it with others? How can a society survive when its citizens must trade their core values for either an education in their youth or healthcare when they are old? It cannot. May God help us all.
Urrhm. All that work and no money shot (yet). Could Darr be leading up to a spurting climax in next week’s column? It seems ‘entirely likely.’ Tune in next week and see — same moonbat time, same moonbat channel.
I think we should make the “Darr Blows Goats” sign Sadly, No!’s official logo.
What planet is he writing about? It sounds pretty weird.
“Darr Blows Goats”
I swear, I almost blew Coke out of my nose when I saw that sign.
The remarkable thing about Darr’s article is how utterly stupid he thinks his readers are. The scary thing about it is how actually stupid they really are.
Your best post, Gavin!
The remarkable thing about Darr’s article is how utterly stupid he thinks his readers are.
No, it’s just that Darr’s stupid.
I thought that our next attack was going to be to prevent government roads from leading to churches and after that we were going to stamp 666 on all food. When did “force old people to be atheists” get bumped up on the priority list? I knew I shouldn’t have left my Left-Wing Media Death Squad Elitists newsletter subscription expire.
Wait a minute, you mean people are still allowed to drive to church with gasoline purchased with their Social Security funds? Damnit, Hillary, someone’s asleep at the switch again!
For some reason, the “Death Squad” thing has me singing a variation on that cheer from High School swim team:
We are the death squad,
the Left-Wing Media Death Squad Elitists,
Wherever we go,
People wanna know,
Who we are,
So we kill them.
We are the Death Squad/
Nobody likes/
Atheist Elitists on motor-bikes
OMG, between Justin’s kool aid craq pipe and Mighty Mighty Liberal Media Death Squad Elitists, I’m laughing so hard I’m crying and my husband is giving me very strange looks.
Been a rough day, I needed that. Thanks.
I just laughed so loud I scared the cat.
You meant to say “…and BUOY is it crappie”.
Aw, hake.
O god.
You’re killing me.
(Eeee, that was funny.)
This is so simple. Look folks, if you want to get the latest update on what the left is doing, well Norbizness is The Left, he’ll let you know. The obvious fact is that justin is trying to “drum” (heh I did it too) up business for the fishing department at Sears. His regional manager must have told him that sales were “going down” and the they wanted the local child molestors to get some new rods in their hands.
BTW: “Also, you wouldn’t let your child go fishing with a known child molester for a number of reasons, including asking, “Catch anything?” and the kid answers, “Gee, I hope not!”” is the funniest thing I’ve read all year.
No, the ultimate goal is a one-world neo-Islamic terror state with Hillary Clinton as divine moon-empress of Village Earth.
Gavin, you forgot “legalizing cloning of fetal stem cells to create an army of brainwashed zombies to work as slaves in our uranium mines on Pluto”.
you forgot “legalizing cloning of fetal stem cells to create an army of brainwashed zombies to work as slaves in our uranium mines on Pluto
Nono, ultimate goal. We need that uranium for the universal remote-control personal death collars.
Like, “Oh, I see Citizen 724193X7A has expressed impatience with the enslavement program in the Former Israel.”
(click) BABOOM!
Damn, I thought the uranium was for the Orbital Mind Control Lasers.
Oh yeah, those too.
There’s also the Orbital Superstring-Theory Anti-Rapture Divine Radiance Elimination Beam.
Like Kryptonite for Jesus! That damn thing takes a lot of uranium.
“How can a society survive when its citizens must trade their core values for either an education in their youth or healthcare when they are old?”
Well, with all the cuts to Social Security and public education, the Republicans are sure trying to see if a society can survive without an education or healthcare, period.