Webster’s Dictionary: Sodomite Propaganda

Cynthia Janak’s got a very special new column up at Renew America. Let’s dig right in (thanks to Gavin for the tip btw):


Gays are not gays!

Cynthia A. Janak

Okay people I have had it with all this gay bashing. These people are not gay they are homosexuals, plain and simple. Let me give everyone a lesson in the definition of these two terms.

“Oh Jesus!” you say. “She’s not going to prove her point by quoting the goddamn dictionary, is she?”

Well, yes she is. But there’s a twist- apparently, Cynthia will only quote dictionaries published before the end of World War II:

I am going to use a dictionary that was published in the 1942. I don’t care what the terms mean today. I am looking at the historical value behind the terms.

Yes, after World War II, dictionaries were taken over by sodomy-enabling secularists who tried to make America accept homosexuality by hijacking some of our most cherished words, including “gay,” “flamer,” and “all-night anal sex party.”

And say, while we’re appreciating the “historical value” of words, let’s recall the definition of “oats” as written by Samuel Johnson in his 1755 dictionary: “a grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people.”

So you can see how the modern secularist dictionary has ruined what used to be a great insult against those filthy Scotish people. Is nothing sacred?

This is taken from the “Webster’s 20th Century Dictionary of the English Language”:

Gay – ga y, a. [ME. gay; Ofr. gai, O.H.G. gahi, quick, sudden, rash, lively.]

1. – Merry, airy, jovial, sportive, frolicsome. It denotes more live and animation that cheerful.

Belinda smiled and all the world was gay. – Alexander Pope.

2. – Fine, showy; as, a gay dress.

3. – Inflamed or merry with liquor, intoxicated, dissipated. [Colloq.]

And if you combine these definitions, you get “Frolicking flamer wearing a dress.” Where’s the controversy?

In this dictionary there were no other definitions for gay.

“There was also no definition for ‘CD player,’ proving that phonographs are the only legitimate way to listen to music.”

I printed exactly what was in the Webster’s 1942 edition. If you do not like the definitions then too bad. Deal with it. I write only with truth and fact, historical and present.

Uhm, since you didn’t quote today’s official definition of “gay,” I find that hard to believe…

Now as to why I am writing about this topic when there is so much other more important news happening in the world today.

Because you’re obsessed with gay people?

This morning when I turned on my computer I was greeted with a story about Kraft Foods. It was sent to my email by the “American Family Association.” I receive various emails from different organizations so that I can keep up with the topics that I feel are important to the American public. This was the last straw. I hate hearing about this stuff before I get to drink my first cup of caffeine.

Well, if you’re tired of hearing about gay people, I’d reccommend cancelling that subscription to the American Family Association’s morning headlines, since roughly one-fourth of them are about “the homosexual agenda.”

I am sick and tired of all of the homosexuals who because they are ashamed of who they truly are, have to term themselves as gay. They are not gay (please reference the definition above.) They use the term gay to make what they are more acceptable to them and no one else. If they were truly proud of who they are then they would use the proper English language term homosexual. But they do not and that just shows me that they are ashamed of their sexual orientation.

Yeah, and if so-called “African Americans” weren’t ashamed of their heritage, they’d call themselves “coloreds,” just like the 1925 Webster’s dictionary says!

They have smeared the words gay and rainbow.

I was going to ask “smeared with what?” but I think some things are best left unknown…

I will not use the word gay to reflect how I feel. (Reference the term above.) I am a happy and jovial person and I should not be ashamed of using the word gay to reflect my feelings as is proper within the framework of the English language.

There you have it- Cynthia Janak is gay.

There are many people that I know who find it offensive that they call themselves gay. I have homosexual friends and they are proud of it. I respect them for who they are as people. And (here is the big and) they do not shove the fact that they are homosexuals in my face every single day.

Would they like us heterosexuals to shove our sexuality in their faces by having rallies and other events just like they do. I would think not. They would have the ACLU on our backs telling us that we were discriminating against them. They would term it hate speech or something like that. On the other hand maybe we should. They would see that the orientation of the majority of Americans is heterosexual.

Uhm I’m pretty sure they know that already.

OK, this goes on for a bit. Let’s skip around to the highlights:

Kevin Boyer, co-vice chairman of the board and the chairman of the marketing committee for the Gay Games had this to say. “Obviously, we are disappointed that Kraft has been targeted by extremists…” EXTREMISTS he says. I am sorry but I do not think that having family and moral values extreme. I think AIDS is extreme, PEDOPHILIA is extreme but having family values…not. ‘Gays’ are the extremists. They are the ones that are constantly screaming their homosexuality to the masses.

There’s only one person “screaming” about homosexuality here, Cynthia, and it ain’t Kevin Boyer.

Also, do you know that homosexuals are not discriminated against in regards to marriage? Don’t be so shocked. It is true. Any homosexual man can marry any homosexual or heterosexual woman and any homosexual woman can marry any homosexual or heterosexual man. It is true. So they are not discriminated against in regards to marriage.

That’s right- homosexuals could get married to someone they don’t love and then cheat on their spouses, but NOOOOOOOOO, they chose to be selfish and demand their own “special” marriages!

But, they would have you to believe that they are being discriminated against and denied their rights to marriage. That is just not true and they know it. They are just a bunch of malcontents that want their own way or they will throw a tantrum. Waaaahhh!!!

Once again, I don’t think the homosexuals are the ones who are throwing a tantrum…

I’m sorry but Klinger from MASH may have looked cute but that is fantasy. I know I would not want to look at those hairy legs. Augh!!!!!!

This has gotten so juvenile and pointless that it sounds like a homophobic version of Sadly, No!

Homosexuals need to reflect into their own sexuality and past to see if there is an underlying psychological cause as to their sexual orientation. There probably is as the studies show. But, and here is another big but, they are afraid to do so because they might find out the truth. People with radical ideas like the left-wing extremist homosexuals (boy, that sounded good) want attention. I surmise that it may be because of a lack of attention as a child or the wrong kind of attention during the formative years.

And Cynthia’s parents obviously consulted the Kaye Grogan Guide… to Child “Rearing” and fed her heavy doses of rubber cement.


Comments: 77


First Orson Scott Card claims he has gay friends, now this.

I have homosexual friends and they are proud of it. I respect them for who they are as people. And (here is the big and) they do not shove the fact that they are homosexuals in my face every single day.

Translation: “They don’t oppress me by talking about their same-sex partners, but I feel free to talk about my husband. Well, I would, if these ‘gay friends’ actually existed somewhere other than my head…”


“There probably is as the studies show. But, and here is another big but, they are afraid to do so because they might find out the truth.”

Everyone I know has a big but. C’mon, Cynthia, let’s talk about YOUR big but.


so, I’m guessing her dictionary didn’t define “Santorium” either???


so, I’m guessing her dictionary didn’t define “Santorium” either???
“Santorum”? Isn’t that Latin for “asshole”?


I’m sure her “gay friends” just LOVE her.

Gee, Cynthia, maybe the reason “gay” people aren’t “gay” is because of nosy idiots like you.


3. – Inflamed or merry with liquor, intoxicated, dissipated. [Colloq.]

I got so damn gay the other night I was bumming fags, even though I’m trying to quit.


Yes, after World War II, dictionaries were taken over by sodomy-enabling secularists who tried to make America accept homosexuality by hijacking some of our most cherished words, including “gay,” “flamer,” and “all-night anal sex party.”

There was a great Kids in the Hall sketch about this, where Mark McKinney was dressed as a little old lady and was all upset because the gayz had taken beloved terms such as “Fisting” (apparently once a knitting stitch) and “Fuck Off” (a summer drink).


Cynthia, everybody has a big but. Tell me about your big but.

She looks like Martha Stewart, except that she is smiling. Perhaps I should stop reading things through the prism of online personal ads.

Even more tangentially: I always thought that Johnson’s definition of oats was supposed to highlight the plight of the Scots (a’la Swift’s Modest Proposal), not mock them. I feel so monumentally naive.


agrippacash, creator of the brilliant wingnut personal ads, makes an appearance 🙂


Those people shouldn’t use the word “gay.” They should use the traditional term, “homosexual,” which dates all the way back to 1892.


It’s always been my understanding the origin of “gay” as it relates to homosexuals is a French theatrical term for men who performed women’s roles (in the days when women weren’t allowed to act on stage): “les gay”(not sure of the spelling.) It was adopted by the British as a “code word” for homoseual, as a way and identifying one another. I’m not sure at what point in the 20th century it became common in America, but in the 1938 comedy “Bringing Up Baby”, there’s a scene in which Cary Grant is wearing a woman’s nightgown, and when a character asks why, he replies, “Because I went gay all of a sudden!” A slang term used by an “underground” culture (which in the ’30’s, homosexuals surely would have been) probably wouldn’t appear in a standard dictionary. So it’s likely that joke went over the heads of many people, just as Lenny Bruce’s joke about sniffing glue went over some people’s heads in the ’60’s. In any case, by the ’60’s quite a few people knew what it meant, enough for a gay joke to turn up in an episode of “The Monkees”.


It’s always been my understanding the origin of “gay” as it relates to homosexuals is a French theatrical term for men who performed women’s roles

It’s always the damned French, isn’t it? 😉


BTW, the very cutting-edge Cynthia Janak is re-hashing a complaint about the word “gay” that’s roughly as old as her dictionary. Finger on the pulse, Cynthia.

Can't even get mad, she's so "special"

Just once I’d like to meet a “homosexual friend” of one of these loons. We’re not expected to believe they exist, are we?


Bill S: The Oxford English Dictionary seems to suggest that “gay” had meant something like “flamboyant” for a while, and then became a subculture/underground word.

I haven’t heard about the French connection before. But women were allowed on the English stage beginning in 1660, so it’d have to be a VERY old term if it were linked to cross-dressing stage performers. OED doesn’t mention it, but that’s not the end-all of the discussion.


I wasn’t saying the link was that old, only that it was an old term that was adopted as a code word. But since I can’t remember where I originally read that-it was a back when I was in high school (which feels like a century ago, but was actually in the ’80’s)-it may not have been a very reliable source. In any case we can safely say it was in use at least as far back as the ’30’s, but was probably around even longer. Incidentally, I figured out I was gay in Junior High, when a teacher complained that the word “gay” used to be a nice word but “now it means homosexual”. I’d been hearing the word gay a lot. I’d even been called “gay”, but was only familiar with the “traditional” meaning of the word, and didn’t know why it was supposed to be an insult. (I had some idea that it was being used in a different way) So when I heard the word “homosexual”, I looked up THAT word, and that, “THAT’S what that means? What’s so bad about that?”(I knew I liked guys instead of girls, I just didn’t know there was a word for it.) It kinda pissed me off that it was being used as a putdown, then it kinda scared me, because what if anyone found out I actually was? I guess since I wouldn’t have known myself if I hadn’t looked in a dictionary, that the AFA will be calling for a ban of them.


I think that Cynthia has a very queer interest in the word gay.

By the way, anyone who uses ‘that’ when they should use ‘who’ is at best semi-literate. That’s what my queer friends say, anyway.


Anybody have an OED from prior to WWII?

I’ll bet that they have that defined as homosexual then.


Wikipedia to the rescue:

The word gay has had a sexual orientation meaning since at least the nineteenth century, and possibly earlier. Sometimes, specifically extracted histories of word origins are incomplete and not useful to communicating modern meanings of socioculturally potent words.

A quote from Gertrude Stein’s Miss Furr & Mrs. Skeene (1922) is possibly the first traceable use of the word, though it is not altogether clear whether she uses the word to mean lesbianism or happiness.

They were …gay, they learned little things that are things in being gay, … they were quite regularly gay.

Noel Coward’s 1929 musical Bitter Sweet has the first uncontested use of the word: in the song “Green Carnation”, four overdressed, 1890s dandies sing:

Pretty boys, witty boys, You may sneer
At our disintegration.
Haughty boys, naughty boys,
Dear, dear, dear!
Swooning with affectation…
And as we are the reason
For the “Nineties” being gay,
We all wear a green carnation.


I think Cynthia needs to revert only to old English, or at least just after middle English. After all, words have changed since then, and she’s only interested in their historical meaning.

Also, does Renew America win the Wingnut Antigrammar Competition? I think they’re in the front, but is anyone worse?


Also, it’s great that Renew America links to Faith Mouse. I had fun with the creator of that a while ago…


“Would they like us heterosexuals to shove our sexuality in their faces…?”

Sex and the City.
The Bachelor.
The Bachelorette.
The Dating Game.
The Newlywed Game.
Change of Heart.
Blind Date.

…and every single couple at every single theme park I’ve ever been to.


Gee, if those gay friends of hers ARE real, how lucky are THEY to have her as friend? “Oh, I love them and respect them for who they are: a bunch of sick, diseased, immoral malcontents who molest children. Oh, and I don’t want to know about their lives, don’t believe their relationships should be legalized. But other than that they’re perfectly fine.” BTW, that study she quotes is from widely discredited quack Paul Cameron, who, if I’m not mistaken, had his medical license revoked. (If I AM mistaken I hope someone can correct me.)


Don’t forget any hetereosexual who wears a wedding ring, Uncle Mike. (Oh, and if anyone can cite more examples, please volunteer them.)



At least Cynthia can take comfort in the fact that the word “bitch” still means the same thing today as it did in 1942.

Phoenician in a time of Romans

I am going to use a dictionary that was published in the 1942. I don’t care what the terms mean today. I am looking at the historical value behind the terms.

“National Socialism” – a strong and vital movement which has revitalised German society and made it one of the key players in modern society.


Heh, I could go on and on…

Pictures of spouses on desks.
Spouses at Xmas parties.
eharmony.com (straights only!)
My own parents.

Hey! This is fun!


How about the meaning of “dumb cunt”?


(Oh, and if anyone can cite more examples, please volunteer them.)
All those books I had to read in high school that were filled with straight people declaring their love for each other. Various parks around town where straight couples are almost always posing for wedding pictures. Plenty of commercials, magazine ads and billboards featuring hetero couples flirting/kissing/gazing oh so longingly at each other.


Read it in a Peggy Hill voice for full effect.


Besides, isn’t every NASCAR race, and every NFL game, sort of pure straight pride rallies? In case this poor lady feels tightly constricted as to places she can go and celebrate her heritage and sexuality?

Oh probably NASCAR doesn’t exist in any 1942 dictionaries, so I guess it doesn’t exist.


If homosexual men marry homosexual women (or even heterosexual women), doesn’t it seem like the subsequent alienation, adultery, depression, and divorce would have more of a negative impact on the concept of “traditional marriage” and “family values” than just letting gay people marry the people they love and stay together?

And people who bitch about how “they’re not gay, they’re homosexual, why can’t they use the right word?” seem to always be the same ones who object to gay people on the grounds that they just can’t respect “people who define themselves based entirely on a sex act”.


I wonder why the cut-off date is 1942 also, as if all the changes in english up untill then are acceptable, but none after.

I mean, if she wants to be historically accurate, shouldn’t she talk like a Shakespeare character?

Also, that whole spiel about homosexuality having psychological roots pisses me off. You know what? All behavior has psychological roots. The fact that I like lo-fi indy-pop has psychological roots. But I don’t feel the need to have extensive counciling with the aim of curing my love of it. I don’t have to hide my They Might Be Giants cds.

Being gay (excuse me, homosexual) doesn’t hurt anybody, but efforts to change sexual identity do.


Oh, and what is it with these people who say they have gay friends but also quite publically say that homosexuality leads to pedophillia?

Seriously, how can you accuse your friends of being pedophiles? What’s that all about?


Well, they don’t mean CLOSE friends, like the kind you hang out with or socialize with. Or talk on the telephone to. Or e-mail. Or snail mail. Or…


And salvage, that’s an insult to Peggy Hill.


On another topic, isn’t it amazing that someone can get to the position of writing on a popular conservative site without once having learned the basics of English grammar, and can pontificate on meanings of words without knowing how to spell (beyond the AutoCorrect level)? And what kind of editor could fail to correct such tortured, illiterate sentence constructions?

I suspect this is a bit of a rhetorical question, but sometimes they’re necessary – especially for RenewAmerica.

Liberal AND Proud

I am surely looking forward to the day when simpletons such as this woman slink back into the dark hole that they’ve crept out of.


Pere Ubu: Santorum (sorry, mistyped it earlier) has ANOTHER meaning. heh heh



and right wingers wonder why we think they’re stupid. jebbus.


“They use the term gay to make what they are more acceptable to them and no one else. If they were truly proud of who they are then they would use the proper English language term homosexual.”

Yeah, and they can’t be queer because that means odd, and they can’t be faggots because that’s a bundle of sticks…

Anyone else here reminded of that Simpsons ep when Homer complained that the gays took all of the good derogatory words for themselves? I bet this lady is just so mad because people aren’t insulted when she calls them gay anymore.


I know that a gay house was a 19th century term for a gay brothel and gay cat was usually used to denote the catamite companion of hoboes and tramps from the 19th century on. Certainly the word gay to denote homosexual precedes the coining of the word homosexual itself.


Personally, I think she should go all the way back to Indo-European. I bet they don’t even have a word “gay” there!


Remarkably enough, the definition of idiot has remained fairly consistent.


Moonbiter- Indo-European is a theory to explain why so many modern languages have similarities. It’s a very good theory, but there are no known Indo-european words. Unless I’m wrong…


With these wingnuts, “I have lots of gay friends…” usually means “My stylist and I gossip about the same celebrities whenever he highlights my hair, so we’re the bestest of friends.”

Her gay “friends” probably wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire.


Moonbiter: they might not have had a word for gay, but you can bet there were serious practicioners of the “gay”…and BTW, what do you think all those Roman soldiers were doing in between battles with the ‘heathens’? Yup-gay, gay, gay.

Why, Western civilization has a fine tradiiton of the gayness, including of course the Greeks after whom we fashioned our “democracy”.

Why does Cynthia hate our freedom?


Moonbiter- Indo-European is a theory to explain why so many modern languages have similarities. It’s a very good theory, but there are no known Indo-european words. Unless I’m wrong…

Yes and no. Indo-European specifically refers to cultures that seem to have a common origin (Greek, Slavic, Celtic, Indic, etc.) for their languages, and to some extent their cultures.

There are reconstructed hypothetical words which are derived from the study of sound muations in comparative linguistics (Oddly enough, Jakob Grimm of the Brothers Grimm was one of the discoverers of the rules of mutation). These are generally refered to as Proto-Indo-European. Now, the actual form of these words have changed over time, depending on the theorist and the phoneme system being used to express the hypothetical sounds and mutations.

So while there are no written Indo-European words from 2000 BCE, there are hypothetical words based on well-founded linguistic theory.

Sorry, but linguistics and PIE culture are hobbies of mine.


Dammit, I was trying to show off MY interest in linguistics, but then you come along and show me up.


Moonbiter- Indo-European is a theory to explain why so many modern languages have similarities. It’s a very good theory, but there are no known Indo-european words. Unless I’m wrong…

Yosef: Indo-European — or more accurately, Proto-Indo-European — is a well-established root language for many modern languages that, while not attested (i.e., there are no living speakers and no direct written materials), is well-supported by a rigorous application of comparative linguistics. I highly recommend the detailed discussion of Proto-Indo-European by Harvard’s Cal Watkins in the American Heritage Dictionary. A key point:

The one fact is that certain languages present similarities among themselves so numerous and so precise that they cannot be attributed to chance and of such a kind that they cannot be explained as borrowings or as universal features. The one hypothesis is that these languages must then be the result of descent from a common original.


Doh! Beaten to the punch.

But still, read the Watkins essay. It’s fascinating, though it does get a bit abstruse and esoteric.

And for anyone interested in etymology, the American Heritage Dictionary is quite possibly the best reference available, at least the best one online and free of charge.


Uh oh… I can’t edit what is obviously a missed tag in the previous entry. Someone with Administrative Powaz, please help!


The one fact is that certain languages present similarities among themselves so numerous and so precise that they cannot be attributed to chance and of such a kind that they cannot be explained as borrowings or as universal features. The one hypothesis is that these languages must then be the result of descent from a common original

Blasphemy! Language is so complex that it had to have been the product of an intelligent designer. Ergo, God created language. English, like the way Jesus spoke!




eharmony.com (straights only!)

Really? So I guess they’re intentionally overlooking one pretty obvious “level of compatibility,” huh?


some of our most cherished words, including “gay,” “flamer,” and “all-night anal sex party.”

Eeeeeee. I wish I were this funny when I got angry. 🙂


Dan and Tlachtga-

All I’m saying is that we can’t prove that there was ever an actual Indo-European language, just like we can’t prove that man has walked on the moon. Or that Seb didn’t really have a double penis operation.


I don’t mind homosexuals taking the word ‘gay’, but why do we heteros have to be stuck with ‘straight’. It’s so dull. I’m gonna flip open the dictionary right now and come up with something more intersting than ‘straight’. Ok… from now on, I’m not straght, I’m … Burmese.


Her column should be printed in The Onion under Jean Teasdale’s byline.


Waddaya know!? I looked up asshole in my 2007 left wing unabashed dictionary and Cynthia Janak’s picture is there! So I guess that means whenever we hear the word asshole, we’re required to visualize Ms(?) Janackoff. Go kids!


Why is she picking on Klinger, who refused a Section 8 if it meant stating he was a transvestite and homosexual?


My stars! I had NO IDEA that “the gays” had it so good; now I’m going to have to rethink my opposition to the right wing loonies and their Kristian Koalition Kuties. And Cyndii, you may want to reconsider that “cup of caffeine.” As her screed progressed, I had unsettling visions of her with little beads of frothy spittle collecting in the corners of her maw. Not a pleasant image (although disturbingly titillating).


I don’t mind homosexuals taking the word ‘gay’, but why do we heteros have to be stuck with ‘straight’. It’s so dull. I’m gonna flip open the dictionary right now and come up with something more intersting than ‘straight’. Ok… from now on, I’m not straght, I’m … Burmese.

Wow; I’m ‘Harrisburg.’


You’ve been Peeked, Brad. Yay! (There might be something kind of, uh, not-entirely-Burmese about Evan’s attention to Sadly, No!, as this is at least the second time it’s happened.)
[and I hope I don’t remaul the tag thingie here with this one.]


Wow; I’m ‘Harrisburg.

I’m so sorry, Gavin.


Also, do you know that homosexuals are not discriminated against in regards to marriage? Don’t be so shocked. It is true. Any homosexual man can marry any homosexual or heterosexual woman and any homosexual woman can marry any homosexual or heterosexual man. It is true. So they are not discriminated against in regards to marriage.Of course, people said exactly the same thing about miscegenation laws — they didn’t discriminate against blacks because they could still marry other blacks. Nor did other Jim Crow laws discriminate against blacks — they could go to the black schools, and the black lavatories, and sit in the black sections of the buses and theaters, etc. “Separate but equal” and all that.


I have homosexual friends and they are proud of it. I respect them for who they are as people. And (here is the big and) they do not shove the fact that they are homosexuals in my face every single day.

Some homosexuals, as soon as they’re done shoving it in your face, they start trying to cram it down your throat! Every single day!

And then every time you turn around, they’re breathing down your neck giving you a pain in the butt!

The Dark Avenger

what kind of editor could fail to correct such tortured, illiterate sentence constructions

Probably whoever pays Pastor Swank for his little ‘essays’ that were improperly translated from the original Klingon.


I am a Trekkie and deeply resent the above slur on the Klingon language. 😉


Nevermind that she’s an idiot, what’s with that style?

Is that renew.us site a vanity blog? There’s no way someone that amatuerish and functionally illiterate could be paid for writing that.
It’s not really like there’s a shortage of assholes who know how to write.


God, that woman is pathetic. She writes like a five-year-old.


Yeah, the writing style has that “first draft of an elementary school writing assignment” feel to it. Were it not for the picture, I’d assume a child had written it. Not five, but I’d say 11, 12 maybe.


If this Cynthia person wears a wedding ring and lives somewhere where homosexual marriage is illegal, then she is throwing her sexuality right into the faces of everyone she deals with.

Most gays don’t strut around flashing symbols that indicate that they regularly indulge in the consummation of their sexuality.

Also, up there a ways in the comments someone mentioned homosexual women marryibng homosexual men in sort of a negative way.

It doesn’t have to be negative.

If two homosexual women married two homsexual men, excuted clever prenups, bought a duplex, and installed an interior door between the two units, this could work.

The two men live on one side, the two women live on the other side.

If all four people were truly commited to each other, this could work.

And think of how well-balanced their chilkdren might be.

Some lawyer should write a book on how to do this properly.


Home School Nation

Sam Weaver is one of Renew America’s most exciting new talents. In the first place, he looks like a C-grade ’70s porn star: “Howdy ma’am! My name’s Slammin’ Sam Weaver and I’m here to bring you a very special package!…


quoting banana-slug:

” Moonbiter- Indo-European is a theory to explain why so many modern languages have similarities. It’s a very good theory, but there are no known Indo-european words. Unless I’m wrong…”

Banana you are wrong, there are many words that derive from the Indo-European languages, one of which is the Celtic branch,into our modern english.
For example the words:

“Galore”( from “go leor”, Irish for “plenty”)

“Slogan” (from the Scots Gaelic “sluagh-ghairm” which was used as a War cry)

“Smashing” (from “‘s math sin”, Scots Gaelic meaning “That’s good”)

“Slob” ( from “Slaba” meaning lazy person)

“Phoney” (from “f?inne”, meaning fake in Irish Gaelic)

“Bog” (quite simply from the same Gaelic word of similar spelling, meaning soft wet ground)

And even the girl’s name “Colleen” derives from “cail?n” which is referrs to an Irish Girl

Quoting Dan Someone:

“The one fact is that certain languages present similarities among themselves so numerous and so precise that they cannot be attributed to chance and of such a kind that they cannot be explained as borrowings or as universal features. The one hypothesis is that these languages must then be the result of descent from a common original

Blasphemy! Language is so complex that it had to have been the product of an intelligent designer. Ergo, God created language. English, like the way Jesus spoke!”

Sorry Dan , you may be correct in saying that God created languages, but wrong in saying that English was the language of which Jesus spoke with, considering that English itself is ony a few hundered years old.

Now as far as the word “Gay” it’s all in how one wishes to interpret the meaning, for me it means someone who is a happy person, so if a homosexual wishes to use this word if it makes them happy…. so be it 🙂


iwould like to pract ahomosextual with english boy this my hop inn this life


Homosexuality is illogical.


(comments are closed)