Does God love me this much?

I have no idea how legit this indictment is (it comes from a Texas grand jury after all), but I think it would be the absolute perfect way to end the Bush Era:

Vice president, former AG, state senator indicted

A South Texas grand jury has indicted Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on charges related to the alleged abuse of prisoners in Willacy County’s federal detention centers.

The indictment criticizes Cheney’s investment in the Vanguard Group, which holds interests in the private prison companies running the federal detention centers. It accuses Cheney of a conflict of interest and “at least misdemeanor assaults” on detainees by working through the prison companies.

Gonzales is accused of using his position while in office to stop an investigation into abuses at the federal detention centers.

There aren’t enough ponies in the world for things this awesome.


Comments: 53


The pardons at the tail end of the Bush Regime are gonna be fascinating and deeply rage provoking.


This sounds like a job for Walker, Texas Ranger.

Chuck Norris, where are youuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!


Please make it so and stop fucking with me.


I’ve already started steeling myself for the onslaught of last minute pardons from the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania.

Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Rove, Abramhoff, Ted Stevens, Tom Delay, the list is nearly endless. Plus many lower-level peons who might be tempted to tell a great story to avoid severe prosecution, I’m sure. Everyone involved with Iraq, Plame, Gitmo, the Justice Department.


Please, please, please, please make this be true!


What? Cheney? He couldn’t hurt a fly. No way.


The comments section over at the chron article could use some Sadly style balancing, as it seems a bit tilted in favor of wingnuts.


Josh Marshall seems to think it’s nothing to get too excited about.


The USA is an Obamanation. THAT’S fucking awesome.


But on the minus side, Droopy Dog is keeping his job. Anyone want to start a pool as to how many months into the Obama administration before Joe issues his first subpoena in some baseless investigation of Obama?


The post-election Republican Party is like the new vampires of True Blood: Promising a new way of doing business, of abandoning their ancient evil because they’ve eschewed Koolaid for Troo-laid! But do not trust them. They want to do bad things to you.


I think it would be the absolute perfect way to end the Bush Era

Lessee, Bush is mouth-open-tongue-out jimmying off the O key with a hand-carved Iraqi letter opener and the O pops up and into his windpipe, choking him into a Terri Schiavo-like vegetative state. Legal battles ensue.


The pardons at the tail end of the Bush Regime are gonna be fascinating and deeply rage provoking.

butbutbut Clinton pardoned that guy! That guy who did that thing! an’ money an’ stuff!


Wow, you haven’t come across “Obamanation” yet? Where oh where have you been?!?


From the USDOJ pardon page:
Under the Constitution, only federal criminal convictions, such as those obtained in the United States District Courts, may be pardoned by the President…. However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense.


Excellent, another Trueblood fan. I love the way the vet who had been at Fallujah said, “I can’t listen to politicians. I get seizures.” And the “God Hates Fangs” sign. And the all the other sly digs and jokes.


Does God love me this much?

Hell no. Now stop askin’.


Hey! Where’s the article go? The linked page is tellin’ me “no such story, chumpette.”


It sure looks like one of those futile “throw rocks at god” kind of efforts that are noble and well intentioned, like Santa Cruz’ law against possessing nuclear weapons in city limits, but ultimately not likely to lead to any great outcomes…



Hey! Where’s the article go? The linked page is tellin’ me “no such story, chumpette.”

Try this:


Isn’t this probably like that town in Vermont that impeached Bush? Sound and fury signifying nothing?


Shorter Brad:

“Devil bunnies! I snort the nose, Lucifer! Banana banana!!”


The linked page is tellin’ me “no such story, chumpette.”

They said that to YOU, Ms.MzNicky?? I just may have to open a RUGGED can of whoopass on ’em!! Damned DEMONcraps!


Why don’t you link to something really important, like this:


Shorter goober:

“I make poopies in my panties”.


You know, I only recently learned of this Vermont town. I wish that would catch on here, but I live in Garyville, Heartland.


Listen, for the love of gawd, trust me on this.

Poopies will totally fuck up your panties.

Goddam dirty apes…



Okay, something really weird is going on here. I clicked on the link for the article that Xanthippas provided, read it, then clicked back to this Sadly page — and it took me back to a page that only had about 10 comments on it. No matter how I clicked here and there and so forth I couldn’t find the page I had started from! Even my “History” log didn’t have a record of it! As if it had never happened, and I’d just somehow made it all up! It was like the Twilight Zone! Anyone else experiencing similar Adventures in Sadly, No! today? If I press “Submit Comment,” will I ever see anyone of you again? [sob] I’m skeered.


As expected, Goober is faultlessly gracious in defeat.


RUGGED: And they say chivalry is dead!


Hi goober , so you reappear after a decent interval after the elections . What happened to your promise that you would be here on November 5th mocking us all ?


It’ll never happen, and it’ll never happen in Texas, but if an actual prosecution were to happen, not that it will, Texas is the place that it could happen.

Fuckin Texas. No place like it.


Everyone who believes this, raise your hand:

It’s worth repeating here that “The Factor’s” primary job now is to provide fair oversight to the Obama administration. No cheap shots, no free passes. We’ll analyze what the new president says and does in a methodical, clear, and non-biased way. In that way, we’ll separate ourselves from most of the other media that are either deeply in the tank for Obama or hate him.


I haz link.

What it might do to MzNicky, I will not be responsible for.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Everyone who believes this, raise your hand:

I believe the “no free passes” part.


It would be fun if indictments such as these kept coming down every now and again, if only to force these fuckers to keep lawyers gainfully employed for years to come. Not that I have any great love for the lawyers, but these fuckers hate to part with any of their money.

As for Josh Marshall thinking it’s no big deal, well, I love the guy, but he can’t write his way out of a goddammed paper bag. I know he’s busy and he’s got babies crawling all over him, but I’ll lend his opinions more weight when he can, you know, write his way out of a goddammed paper bag.


And I need a job, so I want to be a paper bag writer,
Paper bag writer.


In other news, God dropped a turd in Ted Steven’s tea cup. Also.


like Santa Cruz’ law against possessing nuclear weapons in city limits

I would be interested to know what the NRA’s position on this is.

Rugged in Montana

I would be interested to know what the NRA’s position on this is.

Well, it’s in violation of the 2nd amendment, that’s for sure! Damned California LIEbrals tryin to take away my G*d given right to own a nuke!!


Do either Gonzales or Cheney actually reside in South Texas?
If so, then God really does love you that much – but otherwise … ahem.

Methinks God’s not going to call you the next day, dude.
I hope you at least got Him to get you a nice corsage or something.


I’m….Not Sure…this is worth giving a flying hoot about. Cheney’s going to have the Pretty Big Downer anyway with two lost wars under his belt. Yeah, that’s right, under his belt, not chimp boy’s, who was only the “fluff” in this admin.


As if Cheney could give a flyin’ fuck. He’ll just have those responsible for this “indictment” outrage disappeared or something, then he’ll be returned to his underground vault.


What happened to your promise that you would be here on November 5th mocking us all ?

I never said I would mock you. I predicted a big Obama win, so why would I mock you when your guy won?

Besides, I was at work on the 5th and only managers/supervisors have internet access. And after working 12-hr shifts the last thing I want to do when I get home is snark on some 120,000th-rate moonbat “humor” blog.

So pthhhthhpt.


some 120,000th-rate moonbat “humor” blog.

If that’s really how you think of us, boy are your priorities screwed up.


Besides, I was at work on the 5th and only managers/supervisors have internet access.

In fairness to them, it wouldn’t look cool to be blogging while offering french fries with the Super Value Meal.


1) If your workplace has supervisors and managers and you’re not one of them, you should probably reconsider wignutism, as it’s really only a good philosophy for the “moneyed owners” and a few mediocre writers.

2) Sadly, No is a FIRST-RATE moonbat “humor” blog, or second-rate at worst. It updates way more frequently than fafblog, tinyrevolution explicitly gave up on humor a long time ago, and norbizness is posting pictures of album covers on Flickr.


The sad thing is, I’m not seeing much of this on the news sites. CNN and MSNBC aren’t blaring it as a major story… and this is a sitting Vice President getting indicted we’re talking about. Even the cowardly bullied-by-the-GOP mainstream media would show a link somewhere on their front pages… or have they been that fully beaten into submission? Or is this a story without any real bite to it?


In fairness to them, it wouldn’t look cool to be blogging while offering french fries with the Super Value Meal.

Well played, sir, well played.

Sadly, No is a FIRST-RATE moonbat “humor” blog, or second-rate at worst.

I was exaggerating for effect, Doctorb. I actually think these guys are pretty funny.

The sad thing is, I’m not seeing much of this on the news sites.

Here’s why:

“The AP report noted that the indictments “have not yet been signed by the presiding judge, and no action can be taken on them until that happens.” And that, of course, is unlikely to ever happen.

The prosecutor in question is Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra, who’s apparently developed a reputation for being something of a … how do I put this gently … legal eccentric. A lawyer for Democratic state Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr., who is also charged in the Cheney/Gonzales indictment, called Guerra a ‘one man circus.’ ”


Yeah so, one of those symbolic things. But still, an indictment by a grand jury is an indictment by a grand jury.


And I need a job, so I want to be a paper bag writer,
Paper bag writer.

That was just. . .win.


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