Mark Noonan is upset

He’s not a big fan of Obamania:

Just Saw an Ad on TV

And it was for commemorative Obama plates.

The people who are so enthused about Obama are starting to disgust me. Never in my life did I ever think I’d see some of my fellow Americans acting so servile to a politician…this nauseating flattery really has to stop. Get off your knees, Obamaniacs!

That’s now. This was then:

Presidential Press Conference

We’ll have a transcript up when one is made available, but I just wanted to put out my main observation: The MSM is getting more stupid by the minute.

The first question out of the gate was along the lines of, “two months ago you said we were winning, now you say we’re neither winning nor losing, what made you change your mind?”. Do these nincompoops in the press understand even the first thing about being President in war time? […]

The job of President in war time is to lead the country to victory – not endlessly rehash the past or issue continuing mea-culpa’s for mistakes real or imagined. In leading the country to victory, one doesn’t dwell on setbacks, but keeps oneself firmly fixed on the goal of victory. […]

As far as I’m concerned, the President should just give up press conferences as a bad job – the members of the press are too hostile and/or too stupid to even do their jobs properly. Much better, for instance, if the President were to just invite a selection of radio talk show hosts and bloggers into the White House for a chat – we’d see to it that the word got around, and the press could steam and stew and just take the story as we gave it to them. Anything has got to be better than the President of the most powerful nation on earth being questioned by ignoramouses.

While I’m not a big fan of cheesy presidential merchandise, I think buying an Obama plate is a far less servile act than volunteering to be his personal propagandist.

Just sayin’.


Comments: 108


And, ironically, he’s too stupid to correctly spell “ignoramus.”

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Yes, much better that the President distribute talking points to a bunch of even bigger ignorant rubes than the mainstream press. That’ll show ’em.


Never in my life did I ever think I’d see some of my fellow Americans acting so servile to a politician…this nauseating flattery really has to stop

Said Mark Noonan, waiting for his towel to clean up after eight years of fellating the thing in the White House.


I object to characterizing Noonan as a “personal propagandist.” His actual title was “Bush Administration Butt Monkey.”


personal propagandist. There’s a euphemism I haven’t heard before. Is that what they’re calling “shitbox tongue jacker” these days?


I heard Hannity whinging about how “the MSM has Obama mania”. His source? An article in OK! magazine. OK!

Brent Bozell is manning the ramparts as we speak.


I don’t have adequate Intertubes access, but I hope Mr. Noonan in the very near future is inundated with quotes about shoulders you could land a jet on, about Presidential codpieces, about the gratuitous use of “my Commander-in-Chief” and so forth.


Oh, god. The comments to that post are the most delicious nectar in the world.
Best presidential transition period evar.


Oh, and off the top of my head – calls to not only change the dime to feature Reagan instead of FDR, but talk about carving Reagan’s head into Mount Rushmore.

Nope, never seen such fawning over a political figure, nu-huh.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Also, I remember in the past eight years commemorative 9/11 money plates. So, let’s compare.

For eight years, assholes were purchasing money plates of a fucking building and the crappy replacement that isn’t anywhere near close to completion eight years later.

This ass sees a plate of Obama being marketed on TV, and suddenly we’re servile?


questioned by ignoramouses: “Who moved my cheese?”


The plural of ignoramouse is ignoramice, and we love cheesy things, thank you very much


Perhaps Mr. Noonan would also like to speak to John (?) “Bush Is A Man Of Great Genius” Hindraker about “fawning”, as well.

Or Rich “Starbursts for Palin” Lowry.

(You will let me know if I’m getting any of these cites wrong, I’m sure.)


The greatest minds not only think alike, they do it at exactly the same time.


So, like, I was banned or something? I’m sorry for whatever I did. I’d very much like to comment here some more. Please?


Yes, since he’s actually popular, it’s pretty obvious that mountains of “official commemorative” Obama hokum will be hawked between now & circa 2012 & yes, wingnuts will bawwww about it.

Hmm. Remember all those lovely souvenirs that were up for grabs at Jenna Bush’s wedding? Leather invitations? Cow-skull ashtrays? Mouse-pads? Coasters?

Coasters & mouse-pads still available here:

… yeah, those Bushes will be a hell of a tough act to follow, taste-wise.


Noonan never complained about his favorite footie Ronald Reagan pajamas.


Speaking of servile acts … has anybody noticed the hotness of our soon-to-be first lady? I bet a lotta guys will be applying to be her intern, if you catch my drift …


The greatest minds not only think alike, they do it at exactly the same time.

Bah! Great minds my ass – what this country needs is people with doughty hearts to fight the judeobolshevik islamofascist menace minds read and recite the RNC narrative as soon as it crosses their desk.

While some of the looser cannons may occasionally pause to reflect on RNC talking points and thus produce vaguely original wording, remember always that these people are selfish traitors and easily succeptible to left deviationism.

Shorter Mark Noonan:

If the press is this desperate for an eloquent, black, globally-beloved leader to commemorate, why don’t they focus on the current Pres– I mean, Ronald Reagan?


Oh, god. The comments to that post are the most delicious nectar in the world.

Mmmmhmmmm. Noonan gravely announcing that Obama’s election isn’t historic to Republicans because they’re “long past racial politics” is particularly tasty.


‘minds’ = ‘to’, as it says in the OED.


Mmmmhmmmm. Noonan gravely announcing that Obama’s election isn’t historic to Republicans because they’re “long past racial politics” is particularly tasty.

I think that’s being a little unfair. After all, while they might not care much for black people, they still have a devil of a time recognizing them.

Have a heart. The poor dears still think Clinton was our first black President, or at least they distinctly remember calling him a nigger a few times. The older ones can’t even recall whether or not ‘peanut farmer’ was an ethnic slur.

Tim (The Other One)

That Noonan photo is begging for some Photoshop love.


While I’m not a big fan of cheesy presidential merchandise, I think buying an Obama plate is a far less servile act than volunteering to be his personal propagandist.

And you can lick that clean instead of Bush’s ass!


That Noonan photo is begging for some Photoshop love.

I’ve always wanted to make his eyebrows slowly circle his head.


Why oh why am I unable to comment in the last thread? I’ve tried four times, maybe five and WordPress just keeps eating them. Even a short comment with no link gets eaten. What gods have I offended? Are the S,N! chipmunks angry at me?

Also, FYWP with an ice-auger.


Noonan in the comments:

I don’t want to wind up in a camp because some fools started to really think of this Chicago pol as a messiah…

We have taken the first step on the path to totalitarianism. Commemorative Obama plates are the Reichstag Fire of Liberal Fascism!


Okay, I’ll say it here. Google “bucktoothed fish sheepshead” and follow the top link to a flickr page. THAT’s the McCarthy fish.


Waaaaah. Hello? Is this thing on?


I propose we make a series of commemorative plates with Mark Noonan’s face on ’em and sell ’em as a diet plan.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Y’know, I tire of these fears.

We’re not putting anybody into camps. Honestly, you’re just not that scary, at least not as terrifying as you think we are.

We will however raise the minimum wage. Which is like camps for you, except completely different in all ways.


I don’t want to wind up in a camp because some fools started to really think of this Chicago pol as a messiah…

Gosh, I’m trying to see the downside of that.

For everyone but Noonan, I mean.


I’ve always wanted to make his eyebrows slowly circle his head.
Undulating in the process, like woolly-bear caterpillars.


Hello? Is this thing on?


You have to give the guy credit, though, he doesn’t wildly edit the comments ala Pammycakes or Althorse.


Did someone mention my name?


Why aren’t you talking about me?


Commemorative Obama plates are the Reichstag Fire of Liberal Fascism!

I eagerly look forward to the award-winning graphic novel portraying with brutal frankness the vicious consequences of the Obama regime for white males, the Jews of liberal fascism.

Chapters after chapters of dead-eyed elephants spreading whitefish caviar on store-bought saltines, a mother poisoning herself and her family rather than let the Obamaniacs force them to pay their help minimum wage, and the resourceful creative accounting needed to buy a second house under the unimaginable horrors of a 39% marginal rate.

I call it Kaus.


Fuck you, Opera. And shame on you for blaming poor innocent WordPress. IF that’s what really happened.


I’ll get you, Tiny Dwarves!


me too Peej

it’s all obama’s fault.


IF that’s what really happened.

Your Obamabot membership is paid up, yes?


fine–this belongs in the last thread and was eated

hello friend

i hope this e-mail finds you well. what i am about to tell you must remain strictly between us, but a possibility for the enbiggerment of both us is surely both good to pass up.

8 weeks ago a special tape was made that can only be heard by a certain type of preson. i have checkad all available records and you and others who are on non quarter website also free republican and american thinkre are eligible. this tape is worth USD 42 billion. unfortunately do to cirucmstances i can not receive this money without your help. as you are on a lkist from mr. atwater vigurie you are someone who i know will work to help release this money and tape to all western medias.

if you give me the following:

1. your bank account number
2. your PIN
3. your address
4. your social security number
5. your blood tipe
6. the name of your wife’s maiden

then i can release the tape adn we can relize the 42 billion together.


chief editor korir


Commemorative Obama plates are the Fuhrerprinzip of Liberal Fascism!
Unless Fuhrer Prinzip was the guy who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand — so much history, so few braincells — in which case, not so fixed.


bucktoothed fish sheepshead

AKA the Tautog.


Oh, and off the top of my head – calls to not only change the dime to feature Reagan instead of FDR, but talk about carving Reagan’s head into Mount Rushmore.

And from those not-so-long-ago days of Bush worship, there’s this and this and this and this and
this and this and, above all, this.

I’ll be amazed if all these links get past WordPress.

Nim, ham hock of liberty

If there was any justice on the internets, Chief Editor Korir would be a meme lasting at least 3 or 4 more years.


I demand that Robert Green immediately cease and desist claiming to be Chief Editor Korir. Everyone knows that as one of the most liberal members of this blog, I am the real and only Chief Editor Korir. As such I further request the transmittal of $47.50 to my p.o. box at, er um, Riker’s Island, so that I can stand up to all of the Obama thugs.

That is all.


I have no patience for this shit today.

There are wingnuts who give me a chuckle–your Swanks, your Doughbob Loadpantses–but Mark Noonan is the moral and intellectual equivalent of a phlegm lump in a bus-station urinal.

Fuck him, his self-serving double standards, and his eyebrows.


Jim thanks so much for pointing out that Jenna Wedding Shite. Now that she lives 2 blocks from me, I can order something up and maybe have her sign it for me (if she can read and write…I know she went to UT and all, but she’s also the Spawn Of Dubya)!


Aww, don’t feel bad Mark Noonan.

You can get a Bush commemorative plate here.


Unless Fuhrer Prinzip was the guy who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand…

Fuhrer Prinzip was Gavrilo’s zany little kid brother.


Google “bucktoothed fish sheepshead”


I’ve always wanted to make his eyebrows slowly circle his head.

Like vultures circling a particularly bloated carcass. In my mind I hear the rumba…

We’re not putting anybody into camps

No on the wienie roast, then, huh? What about the s’mores and cocoa? Ghost stories? Dammit, this presidency already sucks and it hasn’t even started yet.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Well, I suppose we can let people go to the camps, if they really wanted to go. But we’re not forcing anybody. That’s bad!


Wasn’t there a Bush action figure, in flight-suit with codpiece?


I’ll tell you what I goddamn well support at the moment. Prison camps for guys who piss on the toilet seats in public restrooms.

I bet Noonan does it.


Leon: YAY! With the recession, though, we may be limited to hobo dinners.


Also, this is a cartwheel I’ve done under other circumstances, but here it is, Marky-boy: You fuckers lost Reno. It was one of the country’s most Republican cities, and because you guys crossed the fucking line – and because you never had anything concrete to offer them and because your entire fucking campaign revolved around sneering at them for being elitist enough to get born in a large city – it went to Obama by ten fucking points.

Nevada as a whole went by twelve.

You go ahead and challenge Reid if you like, you jumped-up pigfucker. You’re living in a blue state now – if anyone challenges Catfucker McSearchlight it’ll be you wingnuts’ old pal Oscar Goodman.

And I’m gonna fucking gloat whoever wins, because even if I’m still represented by the dour old idiot leading the Dems in the Senate, so are you!


I wonder if he was being inspired by his black-velvet paint-by-numbers portrait of St. Ronnie when he wrote this?


Wait, why is Durand Durand so pissed off at Obama? I thought he got stuck in the Matmos back in ’68…


Gah. He may have forgotten the week of apotheosis between Reagan’s death and his funeral, but I certainly haven’t.


You hating “The Plates” is all part of the progrom Markie…

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

How can someone be selling Obama plates on TV now that we’re a socialist country?


After years of Liberian Bush, McCain coins (where’s the Liberian Obama coins?)… He’s upset at some Obama plates?


He cries himself to sleep every night with his Bush ‘codpiece’ doll.


Wow, I think we finally found something that’s slightly worse than punk music. This guy severely sux ass — I’d say about a 9.9 on the ass suck scale compared to punk’s 9.75..


For all this “omg hubris he think’s he’s the messiah” nonsense, I bet you can’t find a single one who said anything about John Ashcroft anointing himself with Crisco (Crisco!).


Yeah, the George W. Bush flight-suit (with super codpiece motion!) action figure was not execrable at all.


I certainly had difficulty execrating it.


Maybe someone will put out Johhny Rotten commemorative license plates! Or maybe a nice butter dish with his face on it. Or a little porcelain doll figure or maybe a Christmas ornament that when you walk by says,”I’m an antiChrist!”


Somebody talk to me.

I’m so lonely.



Anybody remember that old South Park episode where the kids all go to Aspen, and Stan is constantly taunted by a teenage bully who thinks the nastiest way to make fun of him is to change his name from “Stan Marsh” to “Stan DARSH”? And he keeps calling him “Stan DARSH” over and over and over again, despite Stan’s overwhelming indifference?

This is starting to remind me of that.


John Ashcroft anointing himself with Crisco (Crisco!).
Crisco chrism?
International Talk-like-Dr-Suess Day seems to come earlier each year.


Or maybe Johnny Rotten will do a special collector’s edition Christmas album or perhaps an album where he covers standards. Or maybe he’ll do a 6 month run in Vegas!


I thought Ashcroft anointed the seats of some Congressional subcommittee with Crisco. Or the doors of the Senate cloakroom, or some damn thing. I suppose I could InterTube it but I don’t really care.


Remember when they used to call John Ashcroft “General Ashcroft?” Those were the days…



No, I don’t remember that one.


Stupid Creamweasel


How about a Johnny Rotten action figure that actually spits on you?

Stoopid Creamweasel! lolololololololololol


The Fool said,

November 19, 2008 at 3:21

Stupid Creamweasel

God what a tool. Dude, don’t you get it? Creasmweasel’s just as dumb as Stan Darsh. Moran.


It’s hard to complain about people being too nice to a president when you’re still coughing up Bush’s semen.


Or maybe Johnny Rotten will do a special collector’s edition Christmas album or perhaps an album where he covers standards. Or maybe he’ll do a 6 month run in Vegas!

That might actually get me out to Vegas, as opposed to some drunk lame blind blues artist.


Bite me Slivy. Go gyre and gimbel in the wabe.


I’ll tell you what I goddamn well support at the moment. Prison camps for guys who piss on the toilet seats in public restrooms.

Hey, don’t threaten ME with a good time.


Wasn’t there a Bush action figure, in flight-suit with codpiece?

I have a pallet of them in my basement lair, next to the Civil Defense Saltines.


Yeah, Bluez is for lames.


Rugged: do they make you horny?



Go away blueser


Now I can’t remember who I am


You know what? Now that our guy is prez, I hope we don’t turn into Noonans when things in Astan or here at home go south, which they will.

Just saying.

Mike in teh Hear.....Shoulderland

Never in my life did I ever think I’d see some of my fellow Americans acting so servile to a politician…this nauseating flattery really has to stop

A few months ago, in response to my bitchin’ about illegal wiretaps, and other Bush Constitution-trampling, and question as to whether he’d trust that power to a Democrat, Mr. Noonan said he wanted “his president” , no matter who it is , to have the same kind of power . I assumed that also meant all the sycophantic trappings that go with a king/president . Guess not . 😉


Ah, Rugged, you are a man among men. Or so they tell me down at the Blood Clot…


There is really something weird and cognitively unexplainable about this. The guy has a site called “blogs for bush” with a giant banner celebrating bush and a dump truck full of content saying the president’s farts should be treated like champagne bubbles, and he can actually write this sort of wheezy jabber? i just don’t understand it. the oaf has been bush’s personal fluffer for 7+ years. I just don’t see how it comes together. don’t the laws of physics prevent this sort of thing from happening? i must admit that my main reaction to this is perplexity.


Oh, but it’s not fawning when THEY do it. Just like it’s not fascism.


I live in a Red state, and rather than saying “have a nice day” after every minor social exchange, I now part with “God bless President Obama.”


I now part with “God bless President Obama.”

Good job. It’s kind of like saying “Merry Christmas”. You can always tell the wingnuts, because they look like they want to call their parents and print invitations. In your case, you can probably tell from the looks of pure hate.


Better Obama commemorative plates than Obama commemorative targets. I just Google Images searched for … brb, Secret Service.


Better Obama commemorative plates

That is so musical.
Better Obama commemorative plates
Than a buttered bonobo with crocodile crates


What do we want?
Better Obama commemorative plates!
When do we want them?
Next Thursday in time for crisco chrism!


The saddest part about Noonan is that he labels liberals as kooks while people like Jeremiah call for the death penalty for gays and believe the ACLU is a paramilitary organization.


Than a buttered bonobo with crocodile crates
“Execrates” is another good rhyme for ‘plates’.


I’m an unabashed Obama fan and supporter, and there’s no WAY I’d buy “collectible commemorative Obama plates.” That kind of thing is just some sad “entrepreneur’s” idea of making a quick buck. It is unlikely that they’ll sell to any but a few kooks.

Noonan is being grossly intellectually dishonest in assuming that there is an actual demand for such a product in the mainstream of Obama supporters. His then/now hypocrisy is just gravy.


“Execrates” is another good rhyme for ‘plates’

And here I thought it was a character from “Gladiator”.

“Execrates! Put down that sword! I am your emperor!”


Mark’s just bitter about his U-StoreIt bay full of unsold Ronald Reagan Commemorative Interrogation Dildoes (The Gimper!™).


Noonan is being grossly intellectually dishonest

No way.

Principal Blackman

Noonan gravely announcing that Obama’s election isn’t historic to Republicans because they’re “long past racial politics” is particularly tasty.

Yeah, I really can’t believe they jumped into that one with both feet. But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, knowing Noonan and his commentariat as I do.

They’re really cracking up over there at B4V. Did you guys catch the post in which Obama’s bit on 60 Minutes about wanting a playoff system for college football was called a harbinger of coming Stalinism? No, I’m not making that up. Teh krayzee, it burnz!

I know I’m not alone in hoping that Noonan does try to vie for Harry Reid’s Senate seat. I can’t even imagine how awesome it would be to see Noonan out on the stump, Noonan trying to handle a press conference, Noonan trying to debate, etc.


You know, there are just some people who like commemorative plates. I am pretty sure that fewer than 5% are buying them ironically, while the vast majority simply have bad taste. Or they were caught up in the emotions like those we all felt on election night and instead of cheering or kissing someone or popping open a bottle of Chandon they called an 800 number and gave their credit card information to a call center.


(comments are closed)