Something is bunk and then you debunk it
The smartest and hardest working woman journalist without a TV show writes:
The autopsy report spends three-and-a-half pages debunking Schiavo’s claim [that Teri suffered from bulimia.]
Malkin links to, but does not quote, said “three-and-a-half pages.” No surprise given the amount of space devoted to (and the nature of) said debunking. (In other words… Sadly, No!)
Some debunking. (And quite short for “three-and-a-half pages.”) But Malkin does one better when she writes:
Here’s a typical example from an article headlined, “No trauma before Schiavo collapse:”
An autopsy report on a brain-damaged woman at the centre of a long legal battle in the US has shown that she suffered no trauma before her collapse.
But on page 4 of the M.E.’s summary, what the report actually says with regard to possible strangulation is this:
Autopsy examination of her neck structures 15 years after her initial collapse did not detect any signs of remote trauma, but, with such a delay, the exam was unlikely to show any residual neck findings.”
The text that directly precedes Malkin’s quote is:
Maybe Malkin’s lack of a TV show isn’t due to media bias.
Oh, I hope you left a trackback on her site (if you didn’t, please do so… I miss having trolls around…)
Facts, Schmacts! This was state-ordered murder!!! [/Terry Randall]
Some of the more underreported segments of Dr. Frist’s astonishing video diagnosis include “… one could also clearly see deep hand-shaped bruises around Terri’s neck, finger imprints, as if she’d been choked. My further analysis concluded that the hands could belong to no other than … MICHAEL SCHIAVO !!!” (gasps from senate seats)
Now, I’m confoosed.
The coroner’s report seems to rule out potassium imbalance due to bulimia as a cause of Ms. Schiavo’s heart attack, in that signs of bulimia were not present. However, they then go on to seemingly suggest that, based on the potassium imbalance, it could well have been bulimia after all. Eh?
If I read it right, they say that treatment she received early in the hospital destroyed the information which might have told whether she had bulimia or not.
Short version: bulimia & anorexia & other forms of malnutrition can reduce your blood potassium level, and so if her potassium was way low it would strongly argue she had a disorder like that;
but nobody saw any other symptoms of bulimia apart from the weight loss, while meanwhile she seems to have been starving herself more conventionally.
So we’ll never know one way or another.