A billion levels of awesome

Say, did you know that Johnny Rotten is now doing butter commercials?

I can imagine a bunch of outraged Pistols fans screaming “SELL OUT!!1!!”, which is actually what makes doing a butter commercial the most punk rock thing anyone has ever done. Seriously, what could be more punk than dressing like a middle-class wanker and telling your own fans to sod off?

Consider this a Sunday open thread.


Comments: 510


Can one sell out more than once? I think the Pistols’ reunion tour shot that wad already.


I don’t know about selling out, but I do appreciate that my people are finally a target audience…


I believe in this, and it’s been tested by research: He who f*cks nuns will later join the Church.
– The Clash


What is this thing called “open thread”?


If Lester Bangs were alive, I’m pretty sure he would write 20,000 words about this and conclude that it’s great.


Open thread? That’s a fristing.

which is actually what makes doing a butter commercial the most punk rock thing anyone has ever done

Nay nay. Marketing what are, for the most part Subgenius gospel songs to children, on children’s television, on a Disney record label takes the prize.


Can one sell out more than once? I think the Pistols’ reunion tour shot that wad already.

I think their very first tour did, but I thought that was the point.


Why did Johnny cross the road?

The new rates on his ARM just kicked in…


Lydon never had any ideology. This is totally in keeping with his history and what the Pistols were all about, i.e. getting over on the system. It’s very consistent with the Rebel Billionaire story and all that Tech rubbish about how they’re a different kind of capitalist. In fact, I remember Rotten belittling The Clash and other British punk bands for their developed politics.
It’s still why, IMHO, The Clash is still the only band that matters of those two. What did the Sex Pistols do around the anti racism movement that was so important to British punk in the late 70s? Or what did they do for striking miners?


Nothing quite says totally irrelevant former cultural icon quite like appearing in a butter commercial.


Nothing quite says totally irrelevant former cultural icon quite like appearing in a butter commercial.

Maybe, but something tells me Lydon really doesn’t give a shit what you or anyone else thinks.


Percyprune –
Yep. He is crying all the way to the bank.


That wasn’t intended to come out as a pointed remark, DrDick. More how I perceive the way Lydon really thinks.


Percyprune –
Didn’t take it as such. See mine at 19:33.


Actually, there’s a sort of refreshing honesty to the commercial. ‘I eat this product because I like it. So there.’

Assuming, of course, he really does like it.


Y’know, I think pretending that someone selling out who you didn’t expect to sell out is merely “selling out, but ironically” is sort of a cop-out. I know denial is punk, but come on.


Why, oh why couldn’t Johnny have made a distinguished exit like Sid?


John intends to go as disgracefully as possible, pissing off the maximum number of people he can, including his fans.

Didn’t you get the memo?


Why, oh why couldn’t Johnny have made a distinguished exit like Sid?

Or Jimi and Janice?


Why, oh why couldn’t Johnny have made a distinguished exit like Sid?

Ah yes, stab your g/f, then OD. How very punk-rock.


islmfaoscist wins the thread for quoting the single greatest lyric ever written.


The Pistols were Malcolm MClaren’s creation, and being cynical sellouts was always the point.

I agree that they’re nothing compared to the Clash, but I loved listening to both back in collage.


Old news. Johnny did a commercial for Mountain Dew 12 years ago.

As a friend said, he missed a trick by not singing “I-i-i yam the Anti-CHRIST-ah!/ I-i-i have a mighty THIRST-ah!”


I think the ad is full of win, with one exception:

I really expected the name of the product to be “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Shite”.


Butter commercial? Tchah. Lydon was one of the multitude of has-beens and UK D-listers on “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!” back in 2003. Talk about “selling out.”

He’s been little but a wank and a publicity hound his whole career. Never did it for me. Not that, as percyprune so aptly points out above, he gives a toss what I think.


I was in London a month ago and his pasty orange mug was all over Tube station walls and bus stop kiosks. He reminded me a bit of Danny Elfman…


I am the Anti-Shite!
I am a Butter Christ!
Don’t know what I want but
I know how to spread it
Country Life Butter™
my toast ’cause I…


Oh, lighten up on Lydon.

Given the company here, I know I’m not the only one who read his biography. Having known really nothing of who he was beyond his Sex Pistols persona until I read it, you can imagine my shock at learning that during that whole Sex Pistols period, he was working a day job at a school. Can’t remember now for sure, but it seems it was a school for disabled kids. And his girlfriend, who I believe he later married, was a fairly sedate type who was quite few years older than he. (Sorry for the fuzzy recall – it’s been some 10 years since I read that book and the brain, it is aging.)

So cut the guy some slack. He never was “Johnny Rotten”; that was just how he was marketed. In his private life, he appears to have been a pretty sensitive guy.

The REAL Johnny Rotten was probably wildman Shane MacGowan.


I must admit I would have had NO idea who the dood in the commercial is without the external commentary.

And it kinda doesn’t matter ’cause it’s still a pretty good commercial.

Better knowing who it is, but either way…



Open thread?!

As the shackles of rigid topic adherence finally fall away I feel I can breathe again. I feel I can say ANYTHING!

Lydon’s career path of irreverent rock icon morphing into dependable middle-aged character actor is a fairly well-trodden one.

Shane MacGowan. He could promote SE Asia tourism.


The REAL Johnny Rotten was probably wildman Shane MacGowan.

They’re all pussies compared to GG Allin.

More seriously, I’d consider Bad Religion and Dead Kennedys (the real one, not the crappy Jello-free version) the epitome of punk-as-it-should-be.


…it’s still a pretty good commercial.

Ugh. No such creature.

I simply can’t wait for the arrival of Mister BluesDouche on this thread.


(They say that if you say ‘punk’ three times, he appears…)


I’d consider Bad Religion and Dead Kennedys (the real one, not the crappy Jello-free version) the epitome of punk-as-it-should-be.

I love BR, but I’m not sure that a geology Ph.D. is quintessential punk.

One part per million… unacceptable!
One part per billion… unacceptable!
One part per trillion… unacceptable!


He looks unusually self-satisfied.


Nah – maybe it’s only a relative measure, but sure there are pretty good commercials. The beer commercials where they use the football coach press conferences and interviews are hilarious.

And in the spirit of the open thread, I have a question.

Why aren’t the owners of ceaselessly yapping little fucking dogs annoyed by the yip yapping?



Public image, you got what you wanted
The public image belongs to me
It’s my entrance, my own creation
My grand finale, my goodbye


Why aren’t the owners of ceaselessly yapping little fucking dogs annoyed by the yip yapping?

As an add-on to mikey’s question, if you’re going to get a pet that size, why not get a cat?


…or a rat

Mike in teh Hear.....Shoulderland

Noticed another clip , Johnnie Rotten does Judge Judy


My friend’s sister had one of those yapping, quivering little things. It had long hair, such that when it ‘made bears’, the owner often had to cut the poo away from its rear end with a pair of scissors. Couldn’t really see what was in it for her.


I was about to eat lunch. Thank you, kiki.


As a further add-on to Mikey’s question, why are little yapping dogs allowed to be brought onto airplanes as carry-on luggage? Does anyone see any benefit to this?

Northern Exposure

Psst…if The Fool shows up, whatever you do dont tell hir that Lydon used flog LSD at Hawkwind gigs, strobing out with the best of them. That punk/hippie division was always 90% media bullshit.


Johnnie Rotten does Judge Judy

I thought that would be against youtube policy, not to mention all things holy.

I remember a dozen or so years ago, while working in a joint that did ad spots, recognizing a voiceover, but not quite being able to place it. Turns out “Large Angry Tattooed Man” Henry “I’ll never sell out” Rollins was doing a bunch of spots for Saturn. I chuckled. I know he’s done a lot more since, but that was the first I’d seen.

As to little yappy dogs and their owners, I’ve met one or two that were tolerable, and a couple of the dogs were, too.


“Oh, you know what ___ doing, he’s going for that anti-marketing dollar. That’s a good market, he’s very smart.”

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

And there was no more self-important, blowing huge volumes of smoke up their own asses, band than the clash.

Seriously, as soon as you realize you’re a punk, you’re not.


Okay, since is is an open thread, what the hell does it even mean to sell out, exactly? I mean, I’m a fan of Hank’s, justme, so I might be biased, but doing voiceover work for advertising is selling out?

I guess I just don’t know what that even means…

Mike in teh Hear.....Shoulderland

As an add-on to mikey’s question, if you’re going to get a pet that size, why not get a cat?

Then nobody’d notice the owner of the ceaselessly yapping little fucking dog.

Simba B said,

November 16, 2008 at 21:22

I was about to eat lunch. Thank you, kiki.

Same here. Thanks kiki. (At least it’s not brown. 🙂


Henry Rollins has had some fun sending up his Large Angry Guy image in cartoons.

“Mad Stan” from Batman Beyond

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Rotten selling out is pretty bad, but the standard for selling out was already set a few years ago.

Iggy, who had much worse habits of self-destruction than Rotten (i.e. a real life punk) let one of his song be used for a frickin’ cruise line.


Seriously, as soon as you realize you’re a punk, you’re not.

Maybe I just don’t “get it”. But it seems like you can be whatever you describe yourself as and do the things that fall within your moral and ethical code. What might not work for you, or what you might not be willing to do yourself doesn’t seem to me to apply to someone else.

Obviously, at some point someone might devolve into hypocrisy, but you cannot diagnose that condition without being certain of the actual worldview of the individual being diagnosed – somewhat difficult to do with an entertainer.

But I’m pretty sure Tim, Matt and Lars are “Punk”…



As a further add-on to Mikey’s question, why are little yapping dogs allowed to be brought onto airplanes as carry-on luggage? Does anyone see any benefit to this?

They make for a quick and easy snack when you crash land on a deserted island?


I was about to eat lunch. Thank you, kiki.

Hey, at least that ‘meet your meat’ ad at the side is gone.


Anyone started their Xmas shopping, yet? If not, break out that plastic, people. It’s almost Christmas and the wingnuts have you covered. Featured: Black lawn gnomes (watermelon included), gun-toting fetus ornaments, electric-burning cross from the AFA and much, much more.

Excuse me, now, I have a sudden urge to go out and buy butter.


New York Times article on Obama and email:

His messages to advisers and friends, they say, are generally crisp, properly spelled and free of symbols or emoticons.

Thank you, President-elect Obama. I say his election is a mandate for all of us.


He received a scaled-down list of news clippings, with his advisers wanting to keep him from reading blogs and news updates all day long, yet aides said he still seemed to hear about nearly everything in real time.

Somehow, we’ve got to get Sadly, No! content delivered to him once he’s in the White House. The nation needs it!

One more:

Mr. Obama has, for at least brief moments, been forced offline. As he sat down with a small circle of advisers to prepare for debates with Senator John McCain, one rule was quickly established: No BlackBerrys. Mr. Axelrod ordered everyone to put their devices in the center of a table during work sessions. Mr. Obama, who was known to sneak a peek at his, was no exception.

Check your guns BlackBerrys.


That’s awesome !!11


For me the giggle point came when I saw Lou Reed using “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” in a TV ad to sell scooters. Edgy, hip… transgender?


“That punk/hippie division was always 90% media bullshit.”

Tell that to Neil and Vyvyan.


Somehow, we’ve got to get Sadly, No! content delivered to him once he’s in the White House. The nation needs it!

It’s about time we had a real leader to deal with our national shit moat crisis.


“I am the anti-Christ/Please buy my merchandise…”

I don’t know where I heard that, but it was around the reunion tour. I was in college and all the punk kids – of which Gainesville, Ef-El-Ay, had legions – were torked, boy. It was also about this time that I lost the opportunity to regularly make the sign of the triple-backed catfish with this little punk rock girl ’cause I refused to admit that Sid Vicious was every bit the bass player that James Jamerson, “Duck” Dunn, Roger Hood and Tommy Cogbill were. I think I even laughed at the idea.

I still think Never Mind The Bollocks is one of rock music’s best front-to-back records – that is, it’s better to listen to it all the way through than on shuffle or with individual tracks – but the whole punk rock/sell out thing is friggin’ stupid. Like Jennifer, I read Rotten’s autobiography, which I liked, and simply cannot take that argument serious anymore. You try making a living in the music bidness – not get rich, just make a living – and then you can talk about what is and what ain’t “selling out”.

I simply can’t wait for the arrival of Mister BluesDouche on this thread.

Uhhh, now I know that, more than most folks, I champion blues, country, R&B and soul music over anything as boring as punk rock (let’s be honest), but I do hope I haven’t been a douche about it. Or is this the Beatles guy? They’re worse than the punk/college rock bunch. Pop music’s older han ’62, come on.


Steve Jones always said he was in it for the chicks.

Anyhoo, this is all well and good, but I’m really saddened by the latest developments in the API Michelle Obama tape story. It seems our crack journalist, Chief Korir, got the plug pulled by the liberal fascists at WordPress. I think this is a very disturbing turn in the crusade for truth.


Why aren’t the owners of ceaselessly yapping little fucking dogs annoyed by the yip yapping?

Also, couples in restaurants with screaming infants making no attempt to quiet or soothe them. What’s up with that?

In Our Lady of the Flowers, Jean Genet’s first novel, he writes that he scoops in “cupped hands my crushed farts, which I carry to my nose”. I think somewhere else he mentions how the thought that there could be some of someone else’s fart mixed in there would totally ruin it for him. I believe small yappy dogs are like this. Sort of. I just wanted to mention Jean Genet liked smelling his own farts, because to me that’s hilarious.


Anybody who is for butter, is, by a simple extropolation, against guns. That’s wonderful. I don’t think punks have ever embraced the gun, except metaphorically. And that’s something.


Matt T., I think he was talking about “The Fool”.


hief Korir, got the plug pulled by the liberal fascists at WordPress.

Oh, I want to know the story behind this real bad. Anyone know if WordPress publicly states why they yank a blog for violation of terms?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Consider this a Sunday open thread.

You forgot to say “rock on”. It’s like Simon Says.

Re: punk, I’m clueless about every popular culture phenomenon ever, so I can’t say I know what’s punk and what isn’t, although I think it has to do with acting as though your entire life is a raised middle finger to the rest of the world (or, in the British case, that two-fingered gesture). Which is why I’m inclined to agree with Brad that “[Johnny Rotten] doing a butter commercial [is] the most punk rock thing anyone has ever done.”

In the early 90s I created an artwork of a sort that a friend of mine insisted was punk, although I didn’t have that in mind; it was supposed to be on the utopian and cuddly side, really. But I found that if I stared at it hard enough there was indeed a very understated current of Fuck You in it. My friend was very observant about things like that.

So – anybody other than the Fool – what is punk? Somehow I don’t think Wikipedia will help me here.


Neil and Vyvyan had no real beef with each other and were united in common hatred of Rik, the embryonic Tony Blair.


Oh no! Chief Editor Korir! How will you save us now?


My brother’s theory is that all of rock music’s various subgenres and the lifestyles being a fan of said subgenre demands can basically be boiled down to one thing: how you wear your hair. Beyond that, it’s only rock & roll.


And besides, wasn’t Vyvian more metal than punk? Rik was a little bit punk, mixed in with his anarchist ideas.


You can still get the African Press International posts through its RSS feed, including three kooky ones from this morning.


I love Johnny! C’mon the Pistols named their reunion tour “The Filthy Lucre Tour”. At the time Johnny said that the Pistols had found something that could bring them back together one more time, “Your money”.


I’m so sad that API is gone. Now we’ll NEVER hear that tape!


All things considered, Johnny Rotten selling butter is still better than when I realized that EMF’s “Unbelieveable” was now being turned into “Uncrubleivable” and used to sell crumbled cheese.

Not because I begrudged EMF the money- I’m sure they all have mortgages to pay, and children to put through college. But because I was suddenly the target demographic for prepackaged crumbled cheese.

And than I realized: 32 year old women ARE the exact target demographic for such things, to fee our children and husbands and such.

Since I have no children, no husband, and a small yappy dog, it never occured to me that I would not have time to crumble my own cheese.

As for little yappy dogs: I’ve got a very elderly dachshund. He’s a constant companion for naps, tv watching, and generally lazing about. Plus he is adorable, and plays fetch. What else can you ask out of a pet?


They should have surrounded it with a shitmoat.


this is either the most punk thing anyone has ever done or the most depressing thing. maybe both.


Yappy dog. dissertation.


My favourite part on the smorgasbord of hilarity that is the API comments is when one commenter says, ‘I’ve been away. What’d I miss?’

There’s something about somebody saying ‘What’d I miss’ on an internet forum, where the entire conversation from start to finish is written directly above your own comment, that I find endearingly stupid.


He’s already at the fossil stage:

In 1997, paleontologists Jonathan M. Adrain and Gregory D. Edgecombe named a series of fossil trilobite species in honour of the Pistols’ members: Arcticalymene rotteni, A. jonesi, A. cooki, A. matlocki and A. viciousi.


I can imagine a bunch of outraged Pistols fans screaming “SELL OUT!!1!!”, which is actually what makes doing a butter commercial the most punk rock thing anyone has ever done.

When I was in a punk band in the mid-’70’s, my manager asked me what venues I’d be interested in. “Get me a Coke commercial” was my bespittled reply.

Pity, never happened.


I have learned, after a lifetime of canine sizism, to appreciate small dogs. The chihuahua next door, Carlos II , did it for me. He’s small, but he has a lot of heart, and he tries to retain a shred of doggie-dignity. I finally had to give in and admit he was indeed a dog. Maybe even a good dog. It was just that his genes were too tight, or something.


Knock it off awready. Anyone with a brain knows there hasn’t been any rock & roll since about 1963. Lots of music, some of it good, some inspired by R&R and even some both inspired by and good.

But Rock and Roll was a corpse by 67 at the latest.


I have learned, after a lifetime of canine sizism, to appreciate small dogs

Aww, size doesn’t matter, there’s no such thing as an imperfect dog. Pelicans though, that’s another matter.


..the only thing worse than little yappy dogs is little dogs who circle silently around behind you to attack your ankles (prompting a place-kick over a nearby hedge, which usually does not amuse the owner)


OT, but since someone upthread mentioned xmas gifts…the post office delievered, by accident, a catalog to me that was supposed to go to someone a few blocks away…a very propitious mistake, it turns out. It’s for this outfit called “What On Earth” (web: whatonearthcatalog.com) – among other goodies I have on my list for various friends and family members is a T-shirt that reads:

National Sarcasm Society
Like we need your support

One with a generic white guy in suit from the 1950’s, flashing a peace sign and saying:


And one I might have to get for my ownself:


Also they have a bunch of Archie McPhee type stuff – but check McPhee first – they’re cheaper. Ah, xmas! The time of year for buying loads of cheap plastic novelty items!


There’s something about somebody saying ‘What’d I miss’ on an Internet forum, where the entire conversation from start to finish is written directly above your own comment, that I find endearingly stupid.

Well, how’s about a quick synopsis? It could be a “shorter”, if that is within the parameters of Internet traditions. I hope the Internets are not becoming hidebound. By tradition, I mean.


HAHAHAHAHAH! I love how he made that old-style punk-rock face at the very end after he crunched into the toast!


[…] Sadly, No!) Posted by Comrade PhysioProf Filed in […]


Nothing quite says totally irrelevant former cultural icon quite like appearing in a butter commercial.



Every year I end up doing a lot of my christmas shopping at think geek.

Titanium sporks, singing monkey balls, various led geegaws and usb powered toys.

Of course, it helps that the vast majority of people on my christmas list have WAY more money than me and lack for nothing in this planetary system. So the goal isn’t to find them something they want or need, but merely to amuse myself and them.



Iggy Pop selling that tune to Carnival Cruise line made my decade. Cause I know the lyrics to that song.

It made me laugh every time I saw that commercial.

“You know I’ve had it in the ear before…”

“Love…that’s like hypnotizing chickens”

Ahahahahaha! Oh my oh my.


I still like the idea of the product being called “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Shite”.

Punks And Gobbers, Oh My

Say what you like about Henry Rollins, and god knows he’s not a saint, but he’s the only punk rocker I know who has continued to reply to his fans emails personally, and he’s done it from when I was a snotty teenager telling him “your latest album suxx, dooood” nearly 15 years ago, and he still gives the people who write to him the same courtesy today, when I’m much older, wiser and dropped him a line after catching him on a spoken word tour.

As an aside, I also met Jello Biafra briefly after a tour here a weeks after Rollins breezed through too, an old school Punk won’t even use the internet at all, much less sell out; he’s rather awkward in person it seems, perhaps because he was being harassed at the time by someone clearly suffering from a delusional obsession with Jello; whilst I flubbed what I wanted to say to him, this guy came and interrupted us both to try and get Jello to go home with him, he he he…


Note: I love the Clash, but they don’t wear well. The Sex Pistols, on the other hand, are for the ages.

Dunno why exactly. Some insufferable music snob might be able to pinpoint it, but I can’t, being a philistine & all.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> Promise!

Some of the old fogies here like me probably remember the whispering “butter” ad campaign for Parkay margarine. The ad showed a guy opening the container and it whispering “butter” to him.

I was in some kid’s group back then and we had to put on some skits for the parents. I had the idea of doing that commercial and ending with the listener smashing the container to make the whispering stop.

Naturally we didn’t do a dress rehearsal.

Naturally the end result was like a Gallagher show. The parents did not like the cleaning bills.

It was punk as hell in retrospect…


It’s about time we had a real leader to deal with our national shit moat crisis.

A chicken in every pot, a hybrid in every garage, and a fine shit moat around the whole damned property! The American dream!

I am very intolerant of barking dogs of any size, and I hate screaming rugrats with a passion. Probably why I’d really like to live alone with cats and plants, out in the woods. Silence is golden. As to why yapping dogs don’t bother the owners, I would like to know the answer to that myself.

Like Jennifer, I didn’t know much about Rotten until I read his book. I’d seen Sid & Nancy, and that formed most of my opinion of him. (He, um, viciously took down that movie in the book.) I was very impressed by the hardscrabble childhood he had. As childhoods go, they don’t get much tougher than his. Then he almost died of meningitis and has had epilepsy every since.

I was impressed by his bafflement at people who want to turn Sid into some kind of rock antihero. He said something to the effect of, “Dying isn’t glorious. Any idiot can do it.” I really liked that.


And it’s not just being political or not, because the Dead Kennedys, too, are for the ages.


little dogs who circle silently around behind you to attack your ankles (prompting a place-kick over a nearby hedge, which usually does not amuse the owner)

We always called them football dogs when we were kids.


Rik was the people’s poet. Give him a break.

Also, Gang of Four:

All this talk of blood and iron
Is the cause of all my shaking
The fatherlands no place to die for
It makes me want to run out shouting
I hear some talk of guns and butter
That’s something I can do without


Candy, I too like the silence.

My guy is a noiselover. He’ll put on talk radio in the car and drive me right into the stratosphere. “WHAT IS IT?? MAKE IT STOP!!! Why do you listen to this??” At least it’s sports, not Rush or some such, but honestly, why do people volunteer to have some idiot yammering at them at top volume?

Even at home, here with the geese and the breeze and the train in the distance and the dog rustling in the leaves…he’ll put on the emergency radio with sports shows, all of them consisting of two guys yammering. Jesus Christ, if you care about this shite, read it, but what the fuck is the ear assault about?


In our neck of the woods, Candy, we call them ‘puntables’ for exactly the same reason.


Shell Goddamit, I feel your pain. With my partner it’s classic rock. Pain. Pain. Pain.

Now I’ve got to take my teen somewhere. At least he listens to music I like. Raconteurs. Yay!


My wife is just like your guy, Shell. TV on all the time for noise. Lights on in every room of the house, brighter the better. Stereo in the car loud, even when it’s just the yakking DJ’s talking.

And when she’s not at home, I have music on at a barely audible level, one bulb of one lamp on, and a book out, if I’m not online.


People whose dogs bark and/or yip n’ yap most likely ARE bothered by it but don’t know what to do about it, so they pretend like they don’t hear it. Ditto for the parents of noisy obnoxious children. In both cases it’s the fault of the adult for not enforcing disciplinary rules. Yes I am an old cranky person.


Y’know, now that I actually watch the commercial it’s not bad.

Punk is patrially at least about doing what the hell you want, so i guess “I eat this butter ’cause I like it” is kinda punk.

At least he’s aging gracefully and not trying to pretend he’s still 25 years old stagediving into the mosh.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I still like the idea of the product being called “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Shite”.

There was a segment on TV Funhouse about a dog whose new year’s resolution was to stop eating his own poop. He attempted to kick the habit with a tub of “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Poop”.


My father used to play Pink Floyd at amazingly obnoxious levels when I was in grade school.

When they finished their basement about five years ago he put in a speaker system that he got on sale for close to $1,000 (that was speakers only, not the amp or anything else). He loves to turn up the bass on movies and football games.

Needless to say my earphones are my friends when I go home.


There was a segment on TV Funhouse

Was that on SNL? Oh, man. Back in the day I spent my summers watching nothing but SNL reruns on Comedy Central. I got to see (and appreciate) all the things my parents were laughing at past midnight back in the late ’80s-early ’90s.

I seriously hate whoever is sitting on the rights to all those old shows because every so often I will think of something and want to see it or show it to someone, but of course SNL is nowhere to be found on YouTube.


Johnny Rotten was pretty clear after Malcolm McLaren screwed him over with the whole Pistols thing that he was going to do pretty well for himself from then on out. PiL was organized as a corporation, and in certain respects ran itself that way.

You want your socialist New Wave or punk outfits, go find Gang Of Four or, as has alreasy been mentioned, the Clash.

PiL has always been all about getting what’s yours, and, incidentally, they made some good albums.


This talk of music and selling out and commercials let me to thinking about the recent revitalization of “The Ecstasy of Gold” which, of course, has led to the playing of “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” on my DVD player. What could be better background while you grade a bunch of stupid pre-med’s Organic Chemistry lab reports?


Oh, and Ennio Morricone totally sold out when he let Metallic kill that shit with electric guitars.


Well, I admit, the thing I can’t stand is the canned talk. Can’t even listen to NPR. Music of pretty much any description is acceptable, but talk – it better be calm, and it better be good. I used to be able to listen to Prairie Home Companion, but it, like me, got old.

Hell I live in the flight path of an airport. That doesn’t bother me, but blather does.


Damn, I’m living in paradise here. No kids, no spouses with a yen for talk radio (or any other kind), no dogs (now that the next door neighbors’ dogs have grown up and stopped barking constantly)…just me and a meek and quiet kitty.

As for those dogs, when they first got them, I went over 6 months without sleeping through the night. I don’t understand people who get dogs to stick in the backyard and ignore. Finally, when they were away one weekend, someone here in the neighborhood came and left a note on their door telling them that if they didn’t make the barking stop, they were going to get reported to the city and get a fine. Then they finally got serious about it. By that time, I had already trained the dogs not to bark at ME, something the owners hadn’t accomplished with the approximately 1 hour per week they spend with the dogs. Which by the way, they also don’t take on walks and refuse to get neutered (the husband is a wingnut who anthropomorphizes his love and attachment to his own balls to the dogs, who of course, will never be allowed to mate). I feel sorry for the dogs more than anything else; every animal deserves some attention and they get more from me when I’m doing my smoke breaks on the back porch than they get from the people who live in the house their yard is attached to.

The neighbor catty-cornered across the alley had a really bad habit of putting their dog out at 5 am for awhile; the dog would then bark incessantly. That ended when I got up one morning while it was going on and walked over there in my pajamas, beat on the door, and when the wife answered, said, “if I can hear that, I know damn well that you can. Do something about it, because if I lose another hour of sleep over it, I’m calling the city,” and turned around and walked off. That dog isn’t a problem anymore.


People whose dogs bark and/or yip n’ yap most likely ARE bothered by it but don’t know what to do about it, so they pretend like they don’t hear it. Ditto for the parents of noisy obnoxious children.

I often ask my partner “Can I beat the dog now?” I’m going to be an awesome parent. My kids are going to interracial: black and blue.


i, too, am unaccustomed to this “open thread” thing…but since it’s an open thread and all, i wanted to tell y’all that i went to a pro-equality demonstration yesterday at san francisco’s city hall and it was pretty great. there were people of all sorts, and really well chosen-speakers. and probably, one or two of you were actually also there. happy sunday!


My boyfriend plays Guitar Hero every once in a while, but other than that, things are quiet here most of the time.


I can stand most of the NPR news shows. It’s the call-in shows that get me. I am actually allergic to taking callers. Read their emails, their texts, their twitters, for chrissakes, but do NOT let them on the air…

I tend to hear about five minutes out of every episode of “Talk of the Nation” – the part before they say “let’s take a caller”


Are snausage-dogs yappy? I never really think of them as such. Abbreviated, certainly, but I can’t think of seeing one be particularly yappy.

I took a nice long walk on the beach yesterday, as did most of SF it seemed, what with our little heat wave, and there was a flock of wiener dogs accompanying their persons. Half a dozen, maybe ten. Dogs, not people. I just couldn’t quite think “pack”, so “flock” will have to do. Oh, An Exaltation of Larks, where are you when I need you?

Anyway, they seemed to be little attention-whores, but not a yap from the lot of ’em.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Was that on SNL?

Possibly – I saw it on the very short-lived TV Funhouse standalone show. IIRC, that spun off from SNL, and might have had bits that were first shown on SNL.


i, too, am unaccustomed to this “open thread” thing

S,N! doesn’t really do open threads. More like “stream of snark,” like the Joyce of assholery.


The Spouse likes to listen to the worst “rock” radio in the car and sees no reason to change the station, or even mute the sound, when the smarmy dj’s blather and the 10 straight minutes of commercials come on. I can hardly stand it. I use it as an opportunity to practice my patience meditation so as to avoid killing The Spouse.


but of course SNL is nowhere to be found on YouTube.

SNL is the hardest to find. I guess they take selling the dvd sets very seriously.

During the whole Larry Craig thing, I wanted nothing more than a solid link to a clip of the “Under the Boardwalk” bathroom skit. If you’ve seen it, you know what I mean.


the Joyce of assholery

That’s one-a them-there gay sex manuals, ain’t it?


… sees no reason to change the station

…just be glad it’s not a (no longer) teenage daughter, whose sole function in the passenger seat seems to be to prevent more than 1.3 seconds of any particular radio station from lingering in the air. (Thank god the trips are usually short).


Punk rock? Some things can’t be defined, only illustrated …

So this punk rocker is walking down the street when a guy asks him, “Hey, what exactly is punk rock?” So the punker
kicks over a trash can and says, “That’s fucking punk rock!” So the guy kicks over a trash can and goes, “That’s
punk rock?” The punker says, “No, that’s trendy.”


Jennifer said,

November 16, 2008 at 23:59

Damn, I’m living in paradise here. No kids, no spouses with a yen for talk radio (or any other kind), no dogs (now that the next door neighbors’ dogs have grown up and stopped barking constantly)…just me and a meek and quiet kitty.

I’m living in the same paradise, except in addition to no spouse and no kids, I have no pets and no potted plants. It has been clear to me for many years that it would be best for all concerned if I had no direct responsibility for any living things.

I also enjoyed jas’ take on NPR. I do EXACTLY the same thing. Until they let the caller talk, I usually enjoy the discussion. But when you have politicians or phds or economists or scientists on to educate me, why do you let every day idiots who have nothing to contribute use up the airtime? Before you know it, it’s “I’m sorry professor, we’re all out of time” and that’s just bad for my blood pressure…



The best part about abandoning cable is that I now have music on constantly.

Interestingly, The Suit form Metal Box just came on.

…it is your nature.

BTW: Minutemen


… whose sole function in the passenger seat seems to be to prevent more than 1.3 seconds of any particular radio station from lingering in the air.

See, that’s the role I fulfill when I just can’t take it anymore. Why not play CDs like civilized persons, you may wonder? Good question. When I asked last time the response, like every time before it, was something along the lines of what if breaking news occurs and he isn’t the very first person on earth to hear it because he’s listening to “Abbey Road” for the trillion-billionth time.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The punker says, “No, that’s trendy.”

LOLz. I think I get it now.



I am totally hearting you right now, in a platonic meeting-of-the-minds Internetty way.


Oy, ckc, I have a fully grown adult soon-to-be-a-grandmother friend who does the same thing – her control issues, plus attention-deficit issues, equals conversations in the back seat about exactly where between here & the UP is the best place to hide the body.

As it turned out, constant unstinting mockery cured her. Snark is a USEFUL skill.


She doesn’t seem to realize that I’d rather talk to her than listen to fragments of dj’s and ads in the hopes of finding an acceptable song (=the holy grail). (Or maybe she does!)


(PS snark doesn’t work with children… they consider it training)


Nothing surprises me after hearing a Donovan song in a Froot Loops ad.


The clash were the opposite of punk.


Anyone who likes the clash (*barf*) has really, neither any political
or musical taste, whatsoever.


The Clash rocked. London Calling is one of the best albums, ever. And I don’t have to post as “Anonymous” to say it.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The clash were the opposite of punk.

I think Pat Boone was the opposite of punk.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Even when he had a picture of himself taken with his dick in a cardboard box.


Vivaldi is the opposite of punk


the Joyce of assholery

That’s one-a them-there gay sex manuals, ain’t it?

That is an incisive question. When we simmer down S,N! to a redolent reduction aren’t we really just a Teh Buttocks-Sex manual with a creamy dollop of black humor?


aren’t we really just a Teh Buttocks-Sex manual

well, I feel left out!

with a creamy dollop of black humor?

oh, that’s better!


Knup is the opposite of punk.


Let’s face it – by definition, everything else is the opposite of punk.


“At least it’s sports, not Rush or some such”

There’s a whole lot of overlap in the Venn diagram describing those two audiences.


Fun with synonyms.

But what about your great dream of creating a permanent Republican governing majority in Washington?

I never said permanent. Durable.

Whatever floats your boat, Karl.


“It’s not about Great Britain, it’s about great butter!”

You know? That’s just fucking lame.


Actually, Pat Boone is the opposite of metal.

The problem with yappy little dogs is genetic. Their’s, and their owner’s. Being dogs, they will bark for attention. Being jerks, people get little dogs because they are cute and can be stuck in a closet if they are annoying. Which just makes them yap more, but it’s not their fault. They began their evolutionary journey as lap dogs of whatever ruling class there was, with all the good and bad that implies.

Which is why I like big dogs. Big dogs are designed to be smart and not annoying, because there’s no shutting them in a closet. Now in a third floor apartment, I am currently dogless, but have three kitties who are pretty quiet, unless it is one minute past canned food mealtime. (They do give me a minute.)


Honest now.

Did you ever notice a difference between one brand of butter and another?

I mean sure, margarine’ll fuck up a recipe faster than brussels sprouts would, but butter?

Pretty much the same…



(They do give me a minute.)

Those are the most magnaimous cats I’ve ever heard of and that is said without any sarcasm.


“At least it’s sports, not Rush or some such”

There’s a whole lot of overlap in the Venn diagram describing those two audiences.

Yes. Well. There is this difference: If it was RW h8io there would be none of this talk of “my guy.” It would be “that asshole” and he would not be “here” he would be “wherever the fuck he is”.

I’m sure the audiences overlap, but the spew is sufficiently different, at least what I’ve heard, to keep it from tiggering my PTSD.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

That Rove interview is the living embodiment of FAIL.

He must be a bit nervous about ending up in jail.


Did you ever notice a difference between one brand of butter and another

Oh hell yes. I’m used to pretty much the only unsalted available being Land-o-Lakes, and it’s okay, but I tell you what, this Challenge butter I get around here is the nazz. It keeps a good long while, too.

Weird, innit? Leave MI, in the heart of dairy country, and go to TX to get good butter. I see that Challenge is based in CA, whatever that means in the way of distribution.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I never said permanent. Durable.

And you were wrong about that too, Karl!



Those are the most magnaimous cats I’ve ever heard of and that is said without any sarcasm.

They actually let me sleep late for two hours this morning, though I had to request it (ahem) four times.

But then James Bond made me feel guilty by dragging one of my shirts out of the hamper and dragging it into the bedroom to sleep on. It was one of the best “I have been abandoned!” moves I’ve ever seen, and he is, of course, a master player.


Anonymous said,
November 17, 2008 at 0:51

The clash were the opposite of punk.

Anyone who likes the clash (*barf*) has really, neither any political
or musical taste, whatsoever.

Pardon me, but you have grey poop on.


Anyone who likes the clash (*barf*) has really, neither any political or musical taste, whatsoever.

Ice packs can be a much more discreet form of relief for vasocongestion, you know.


Anyone who likes the clash (*barf*) has really, neither any political or musical taste, whatsoever.



..it’s a shame that the “Dick-in-a Box” didn’t catch on


..it’s a shame that the “Dick-in-a Box” didn’t catch on

What, like a walk-in private investigator?


…don’t ask me – I’m just a “concept” person


Bring back the codpiece!


I forbid another fish reference outbreak!

(so there!!!)


I forbid another fish reference outbreak!

We have been schooled.


Hey Rugged, I’m coming to get you! Me and my hordes of fellow pelicans are preparing to storm your basement. We shall take no prisoners. Be prepared! Bwahahaha!

Nick the Australian

The Sex Pistols were a manufactured band anyway. Their very existence was “selling out”. It doesn’t matter at all if John Lydon decides to appear in a commercial.


All this talk of blood and iron
Is the cause of all my shaking

Just keep quiet, no room for doubt

I expected a bloggy reference to that one for the duration of the war(maybe substituting “oil” for “iron”), and was never gratified. Alas, life’s burden is a heavy one.


Is the RSS comments feed dead?


Never mind, I kicked Trillian and it’s back.


Hey there stoopid punk bitches:

I was going to make some snide remark about punk music but I really don’t have to, do I? Johnny Rotten did my job for me as well as it can possibly be done.

I can just hear the new punk anthem, “Its better to sell out than to fade away.”

My my. That must be some hella good butter!

monkey knife fight

You ever get the feeling that you’ve been cheated?

Actually, ol’ Johnny boy has been teh suck since that awful “Happy?” album.

dim-witted badger

fucking pelicans


Still recall all the purist-alt-rawk types knotting their collective psychic panties back around 1990 when William S. Burroughs & Lou Reed did the Honda Scooters ads … those poor little mohawk-jockeys made it sound like Armageddon had just befallen them. I LOL’ed.

If you think it through, it’s an asinine pursuit, that Purity Crusade – unless you intend to grow your own food & knit your own clothes, while living in a hand-made loghouse like an atheist version of the Amish – innit?

It has been clear to me for many years that it would be best for all concerned if I had no direct responsibility for any living things.

Ditto. Sigh.

The only noise here is my own jackalish laughter at all the sweet sweet snark on this site. If laughter is truly the best medicine, then “Sadly, No!” is my Mayo Clinic. Being a twisted little puppy, some of my heartiest lulz are reserved for items that were never intended to inspire them … because we’re all magical little snowflakes, & mine just happens to be 11-sided.

A small yappy dog STILL announces my approach to its domain on my way home from work – after more than five bloody years! At least it’s consistent.

Hasselhoff* is the opposite of punk.

* WARNING: Image NSFPMH (Not Safe For Personal Mental Health).


And furthermore you stoopid punk bitchiz:

The desperate but feeble attempt to spin Johnny’s perfidy as some kind of reverse cool? Uh, yeah…riiiiiiggghhht, dude. I’m buying that. Yeah, I’m buying that. I can’t pay you today, but I got several million on the way from Nigeria any day, bro.

BTW: I’m not just a blues douche. I’m a blues/rock/reggae/bluegrass/country/soul/jazz/folk douche — not merely a blues douche. Its not that I’m closed-minded. Its just that I hate punk. You know — on account of how hard it blows.

Buh-bye stoopid punk bitchez


BTW: I’m not just a blues douche. I’m a blues/rock/reggae/bluegrass/country/soul/jazz/folk douche


Oh, and did I mention:



Trilateral Chairman

I mean sure, margarine’ll fuck up a recipe faster than brussels sprouts would, but butter? Pretty much the same…

My wife SWEARS that Ralphs (supermarket brand) butter screws up her baking. There are a few other brands she hates, and I always have to ask her what they are before I go to the store. Fortunately, we usually just stock up on Land-O-Lakes when it’s on super-duper sale.

Those are the most magnaimous cats I’ve ever heard of and that is said without any sarcasm.

I’ve never heard of such a thing. Ours will let us sleep (to a point), but they punish us more and more the longer we take to get up. If I get up late and my wife’s away, I end up wading through yowling cats for two hours straight.

I also enjoyed jas’ take on NPR. I do EXACTLY the same thing. Until they let the caller talk, I usually enjoy the discussion.

I do too. Every time I think that the commentators on TV/radio are a bunch of vapid morons, I remember the NPR callers and realize that our talking heads aren’tso bad after all. My wife trained me to change the station as soon as I hear “And you can join the conversation…,” ’cause she got tired of me swearing at the radio while driving.


The minute punk became commercial and profitable, it died. It’s been dead for at least 20 years now, so let Johnny Rotten earn his paycheck selling butter. It’s less disgusting than if he had been selling Mercedes (or some other type of luxury goods).


Hasselhoff* is the opposite of punk.

* WARNING: Image NSFPMH (Not Safe For Personal Mental Health).

Also: I hate you Jim. I think I just became asexual.


From the exiledonline article I linked to above:


“the Clash’s unforgivable neutralization of Punk nihilism into hippie/academic leftist orthodoxy. As frontman for this safe, castrated version of punk, “Strummer” provided the future commuters of the Home Counties with a rebellion they could wear with ignorant pride before their disapproving long-haired elder siblings. The Clash were a profoundly reactionary, English-nationalist band. Thanks to their stealth TUC/redbrick uni orthodoxy, Punk lost its anti-British edge while waxing “militant” over faraway injustices. It is no accident that the Skinhead fascists loved the Clash and hated the Pistols. Strummer sang standard Oi, with a single molecular tweak in the lyrics. Instead of outright National Front fascism, he offered critiques of all that was not dear to England: Nicaragua, cowboys, Cadillacs; in short, the same envious America-sniping he absorbed at his imperial parents’ cocktail parties—not the product of true, Catholic morality but simple bitterness at being replaced as the world’s leading vampire-nation. And not once, ever, did he mention certain other matters. A is for Amritsar, B is for Belfast…but neither of those letters surfaced in the Clash alphabet.

Compare this coward (strummer) with the voice he plagiarized. In the first song of their first LP, the Pistols managed to mention the IRA, MPLA, and UDA—every acronym that could give middle Britain a salutary thrombosis. Not once, in all their ever dwindling albums, did the Clash mention Ireland, touchstone of the embryonic English conscience. The Pistols had begun the great task of creating that so-far unforged conscience. The Clash were the perfect countermeasure. ”

Read teh above as many times as necessary (I’m presuming it’ll take a while for the castrated music loving clash “fans”) before it begins to sink in…

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Read teh above as many times as necessary…

I made it to about zero point two times.


I hate you Jim. I think I just became asexual.

Now, now – remember what Raptor Jesus said.

“Love the linker, hate the link.”


Who wrote the exile piece, anon?


I mean, I’m real fond of Mark, but I’m not going to reverently quote him as some sort of be-all, end-all authority on music, sex, drugs or weapons.

Seems to me that you’ve selected a quote from an opinion piece and decided it proves some kind of point. Well, sorry, it proves that one guy has an opinion and an outlet.

But you can claim Ames’ opinion as your own if you wish.

You just have to realize, if I disagree with you, you’re pretty much wrong, because opinions are like assholes. Everybody’s got one, and they all stink…



Butter is one of the most innocent joys there is.


Judging by this thread, teh bitterz are not confined to Texas Darlin’.


The minute punk became commercial and profitable, it died.

That’s really stupid. How on Earth is a band supposed to survive if they do not sell records and have people pay to come see them perform?

According to your theory, a band “sells out” and “dies” if it:

a) Sells any copies of its music, ever.
b) If anyone comes to see the band perform, ever.

Can you be our business manager?


(They do give me a minute.)

Those are the most magnaimous cats I’ve ever heard of and that is said without any sarcasm.

There is no cat, anywhere, that has anything on mine when it comes to magnanimity.

She has never, ever woken me up to feed her or let her out in the morning. Ever. She often sleeps in for several hours after I get up. She has never, ever kept me up. She has on a few occasions woken me in the middle of a bad thunderstorm because she was under the bed, howling in fear – but that’s not peevishness, that’s fear. I stick her under the covers and she does fine. She will come and get me when she wants out or wants food, but she’s very patient even then. The only time she’s impatient is when she wants in the house – then, she’ll claw the screen until I come let her in. And, if you can believe it, when I first took her in, for the first few days I couldn’t get her to go out – I think she was afraid I wouldn’t let her back in. Finally, the morning of day three, I thought, “this cat has GOT to pee at some point; where has she been doing it?” (I had been cat-free and therefore litter-box free for several months.) So I started looking through the house – and found that she had gotten up on the bed in the guest room, centered herself perfectly over an empty plastic shopping bag that was on the bed, and peed in it. And did not get a drop on the bedspread. Since then, to this day, she has never peed on a rug, the floor, or anywhere in the house – she goes out to do her business and uses a litterbox when I’m out of town or bring it in because we have bad weather.

All of this, and she brings me dead rodents on an average of one every week or two.

Now mister, THAT’S a great cat.


are you sure she’s not a dog?


The Clash suck.

Listen to it again. It’s fucking atrocious, meaningless garbage.

The Pistols rule punk like the Beatles rule music in general.

Still the first, still the best.


Actually punk was stillborn but the stoopid punk bitchiz took it home and worshipped it like Rick Santorum with the family fetus.

Punk blows now, punk blew then. Punk will ALWAYS blow.

Yes, punk will always blow for the very simple reason that it is bad music. It was fashionable and trendy among a certain set. And punk indeed had a lot going for it — unfortunately it just didn’t have anything musical going for it.


Wow. The Fool is stupid like the Troof, but for music.

Have they ever been spotted trolling the same thread…?

Seriously, people who hate punk are scared of it, just like people who hate all revolutionary music like gangsta rap and modern hip-hop are terrified of what changes it has wrought and may bring to the future.

We fear and mock what we don’t understand.


I fear punk the same way I fear being bored to death.


Come on Fooooooooooolie
Don’t fear the punker
Foooooooooooolie take my hand
Don’t fear the punker

Oh, right. A pencil-necked douche like yourself must be reflexively afraid of TEH OHTER and the thought of individual expression in sound and violence like at the Sunday matinee at CBGB’s, the 6-hour Gorilla Biscuits/Forward Step marathon show at Unisound in ’90 or the Bouncing Souls at City Gardens making you POGOPOGOPOGO.

Shitting your pants and crying in the fetal position would have been the sum total of your participation at any of these venues.

Please do the rest of us a favor and shit you pants and cry in private. Thank you.


Acomsymp: No you’re barking up the wrong tree with the fear angle. I used to live in Austin, TX with members of 3 different punks bands. Two of my housemates had a band with Jeff Pinkus from The Butthole Surfers. I spent many a night at a punk bar called Emo’s.

Been there. Done that. I’ve seen a ton of live music of every genre. And of all the music I have seen, in my judgment punk is by far the worst shite of all.


BTW, Foooooooooooolie is actually right on one thing: punk music is not very good.

It’s not about the music. It’s about freedom, screaming your lungs out and kicking the shit out of people while getting the shit kicked out of you.

Provincial pansy wusstards like Fooooooooooolie will never understand, and that’s fine.

Slipping on blood is always a problem with Foooooooooools about…


“[The Fool] is actually right on one thing: punk music is not very good. It’s not about the music.



Emo’s? Austin, Texas? THE BUTTHOLE SURFERS? Please.

No wonder you’re so fucked up on the subject.

Emo’s is a tragic noumenal reflection of the true punk phenomena.

Punk is East Coast, plain and simple. Philly, Trenton, New Brunswick, NYC.

All else is ersatz Texas bullshit, apparently…


The Ramones re-animated Rock and Roll and trained it to fuck The Fool’s mom. In her butt.


Punk is the musical equivalent of throwing bricks through storefronts, smashing televisions, and torching cars.

There’s value in that – particularly when it provides a needed outlet to stand in for actually throwing bricks through storefronts, smashing televisions, and torching cars. I still have plenty of days when I break out the Sex Pistols, Iggy Pop, and the Dead Kennedys. I may be old, but I still have a healthy appreciation for deliquency – as long as the brick isn’t being thrown through my window.


I think GoatBoy just won the thread.


“There’s value in that – particularly when it provides a needed outlet to stand in for actually throwing bricks through storefronts, smashing televisions, and torching cars. I still have plenty of days when I break out the Sex Pistols, Iggy Pop, and the Dead Kennedys. I may be old, but I still have a healthy appreciation for deliquency – as long as the brick isn’t being thrown through my window.”

Fuckin’ A, milady. Fuckin’ A.


comsympinko: I’ve also lived in NY, S.F. and D.C.

Oh and BTW dude, bands sometimes go on tour and you can see East Coast bands even when youre not on the East coast!

Goat Boy: but then Rock and Roll pulled out and gagged Goatboy’s throat with a little ass-to-mouth action. Goatboy reportedly swallowed.


I don’t understand the construction “X is just crap”.

You’re setting yourself up as the final judge for something that is entirely subjective.

If you say “I don’t like X” then I can take you seriously.

But if you say, essentially, “I am the only one who can say what is good and what is crap and I pronounce X crap” then you’re an idiot, and I don’t have to take anything you say seriously.

So fuck off….



“Oh and BTW dude, bands sometimes go on tour and you can see East Coast bands even when youre not on the East coast!”

No shit, Sherlock. You still clearly learned nothing from your limited endeavor at (chuckle) Emo’s or from the other places you’ve lived.

If you can’t understand the need for the primal scream that is hardcore thrash punk then your life has been significantly more charmed than mine. Kudos.


“But if you say, essentially, “I am the only one who can say what is good and what is crap and I pronounce X crap” then you’re an idiot, and I don’t have to take anything you say seriously.

So fuck off….”

What mikey said.


mikey: I don’t think its entirely subjective.

And before you go on the usual rant about how there is no such thing as truth, answer this question for me: does your claim also apply to your own claims about truth and music?


Dude: Oh I understand the need for the primal scream — trust me. I’ve just found better ways of satisfying it than meathead punk music.


“And before you go on the usual rant about how there is no such thing as truth, answer this question for me: does your claim also apply to your own claims about truth and music?”

I think that’s just the point. There is no such thing as truth in music, only taste. Whatever your pleasure.

Telling someone their taste (in anything) sucks is like telling them that their religion sucks.

So be prepared for a frontal assault against your provincial asshattery.



Primal scream: you mean like Jimi Hendrix playing Voodoo Chile? Like Jim Morrison singing The End or When The Music’s Over? You mean like Jerry Garcia screaming out the last verse of Morning Dew after an amazing 20 minute psychedelic jam? Like Gregg Allman being tied to the Whipping Post? Etc. Etc.?

The punks didn’t invent the musical primal scream. They just dumbed it down and made it violent and boring.


does your claim also apply to your own claims about truth and music?

Oh, most certainly. But you see, I’m not an arrogant prick who’s afraid to engage in a reasonable discussion about the relative merits of various types of rock n roll.

I like a bunch of stuff, and I DON’T like a bunch of stuff. It’s just music.

Tell me, assface, do you have these same arrogant delusions of certainty about art also?

“Degas was shit, those horses were just primitive icons with no real interpretive value”?

Dood, if you think there’s ANYBODY in your life who doesn’t think you’re an insufferable prick, you are hopelessly delusional.

So get the fuck out of my world, asshat…



mikey: look in the mirror bro. You seem to have some pretty strong opinions about musical taste for someone who eschews strong opinions about musical taste.



Fooooooooooolie just called me a Meathead. Here’s where I lose my shit entirely.

I am a doctor and a surgeon. No bullshit Ph.D. or D.F.A. I cut people’s eyes open and fix them.

I have four college degrees, including my MD.

I do significant research for the JAAO and JAMA from the institute I founded.

I have forgotten more about this world than you could know in a thousand lifetimes.

Meathead. Fuck you and the ignorance you rode in on.


You know what I’ve found?

Most people who say they “love music” really don’t. They listen to one type of music, the only type they can appreciate, and according to them, every other type sucks.

That’s not “loving music”. And for the record: when you slam on people for liking something you don’t personally appreciate, what you’re basically doing is admitting that you are narrow-minded in comparison to the person you’re slamming. So there’s that, too.


It’s also really interesting how all of Foooooooooolie’s examples of good music are drug-drenched psychedelia, from the Butthole Surfers to the Allmans.

Is ther anything wrong with this? Not at all.

I just think it’s incredibly informative as to where Foooooooooooolie is coming from….


Earl King, Professor Longhair, The Meters and Dr. John playing “Big Chief”. Now, shaddup.


cpmsymp: I’m not impressed. I’m also not surprised at running into yet another arrogant doctor who is overimpressed with himself.

FYI: I have 3 degrees and I’m in the 99th percentile on intelligence tests. I find the M.D. degree particularly unimpressive. It means you memorized well for a few chemistry classes as an undergrad and then spent just a few more years in school before starting what is basically an apprenticeship. Doctor’s are glorified organic mechanics. So kiss my ass.


Jennifer: I listen to many kinds of music.


cosmypinko eye doctor – so tell me about the permanent contacts that are surgically inserted into the eye. I am intrigued by that idea. Lasix scares me more than this procedure because it’s irreversible and if not done right, can’t be corrected, and also because it’s fairly new and in many cases still doesn’t end the need for corrective lenses. These permanent contacts on the other hand…that’s akin to cataract surgery, which is a well-established procedure of many years. What’s your take on it?


FYI: I have 3 degrees and I’m in the 99th percentile on intelligence tests.

Well aren’t you just amazing, Marilyn vos Savant.


What Matt said


N.C. – that was in reaction to comsymp above.


Damn, the fool has me beat by one percentile!

Excuse me while I go throw myself from the roof…


N.C. – that was in reaction to comsymp above.

Well aren’t you just amazing, Marilyn vos Savant.


“FYI: I have 3 degrees and I’m in the 99th percentile on intelligence tests. I find the M.D. degree particularly unimpressive. It means you memorized well for a few chemistry classes as an undergrad and then spent just a few more years in school before starting what is basically an apprenticeship. Doctor’s are glorified organic mechanics. So kiss my ass.”

If you’re so smart why didn’t you become an organic mechanic instead of a lab rat who can’t even face the sweet light of day?

Oh yeah, the fact that you’re a certifiable asshole and that chickenshit about blood thing that makes you afraid of punk in the first place.

See, surgeons need bedside manner and a strong stomach. I’m convinced that neither is in your past or future.

My bad.


@comsymp: your posts are becoming less and less coherent and less and less reality-based. WTF are you babbling about?


What Matt said

I was talkin’ to you, too, dude. Also, Bobby “Blue” Bland.


WTF are you babbling about?

Surely, Ms. vos Savant, you can use your ninety-ninth percentile intellect to figure it out!


Hey dickhead.

Do you have italian leather boots? Huh?

How bout a big cool motorcycle? Got one o’those? Do ya?

How HOT is your girlfriend? Hotter than Angelina Jolie? Wow.

Do you carry a really cool switchblade in your italian leather boots?

How about your pistol? Do you have a depleted uranium 4″ .357?

Shit, asshole, you are PA-Thetic.

Go away…




“cosmypinko eye doctor – so tell me about the permanent contacts that are surgically inserted into the eye. I am intrigued by that idea. Lasix scares me more than this procedure because it’s irreversible and if not done right, can’t be corrected, and also because it’s fairly new and in many cases still doesn’t end the need for corrective lenses. These permanent contacts on the other hand…that’s akin to cataract surgery, which is a well-established procedure of many years. What’s your take on it?”

There are several different procedures that allow for the correction of moderate visual problems.

What you are referring to is called Intacs, and is a corneal implant designed primarily for patients that are not candidates for the LASIK or LASEK procedures due to extreme astigmatism, although these are becoming less and less common due to the continued advances in refractive laser surgery.

Very atypically for ophthalmology I advise most of my patients to avoid any refractive surgery as it is unnecessary and complications, though extremely uncommon, WILL occur, and the odds to me personally are too slim to subject your entire visual apparatus to destruction.

I wear spectacles to this day and know of no other solution to such a complex problem to be so simple and elegant.


mikey: yeah you said all that before. No I’m not a biker. And I’m not a liar. And, as a matter of fact, my wife is extremely hot.

Matt: I’m with you on all those tunes bro but FYI the stoopid punk bitchiz who luv to hate me around here hate the blues.


“@comsymp: your posts are becoming less and less coherent and less and less reality-based. WTF are you babbling about?”

There wasn’t a single incoherent thing about my previous post.

Chickenshits with bad personalites make shitty surgeons. Ask anyone except the periodic circle jerk you hang out with.

Chemists. They make friends with lab equipment because regular people hate them so much.

I ought to know. My crazy douchebag ultra right-wing father-in-law has his Ph.D. in organometallic chemistry and a master’s in toxicology.

You both seem to have a lot in common.


The fact is, white people took black people’s music and made it better. Just like they do with everything else.


The previous post was not made by me and is obviously stupid.


I wear spectacles to this day and know of no other solution to such a complex problem to be so simple and elegant.

Yeah but…I hate them! I’ve had prescription lenses since age 9 and have never worn them except when absolutely necessary, which has kept my eyesight from deteriorating as much as otherwise…but now with these over-40 eyes, I can’t read and watch TV at the same time…have to take the glasses off to read, put them back on to see the TV. It sucks! And yes, I do have a fairly significant astigmatism. I think my issue is that, due to my life-long avoidance of prescription lenses, I just know I won’t be able to adjust to a bifocal. On the plus side, I can still get along fine with reading without any correction.

Thanks for the info, though. Your recommendations line up exactly with my own hesitations – eyes are pretty important. Which is why I’ve never considered Lasik.


@compsymp: who told you I was a chemist? I’m a political strategist who studied political theory in grad school.

Perhaps “incoherent” was the wrong word. I think “delusional” is more apt in this case.


I haven’t seen anyone hatin’ on the blues. I have seen people making fun of your goofy ass, though. Big difference.

Also, it makes me sad there’s no live Z.Z. Hill on YouTube, and I feel I’m owed an explination. But on the other hand, Little Milton, though I must say, I don’t know if I’d wanna play for anyone that made me dress like everyone else in the band. I find uniforms creepy.


matt: there’s a history to this debate. Trust me – for example, they called me a “blues douche” upthread and many of them hate blues.


Who hates the blues? I’m a blues fiend. When I worked at the used record store, I used to score lots of rare old blues LPs. Lightnin’ Hopkins? Heard of him? ZuZu Bollin? Then there’s the modern, but still obscure, white-boy bluesmen like Gerry Groom. Any of this ring a bell?

But you’re still a douche if you don’t like punk, too.


jennifer: you need to get out more girlfriend. Lots of punks hate the blues, including many of the stoopid punk bitchiz who comment here.

And yes I’ve heard of Lightnin Hopkins, although I haven’t heard of the other 2 you named.


“It means you memorized well for a few chemistry classes as an undergrad and then spent just a few more years in school before starting what is basically an apprenticeship. Doctor’s are glorified organic mechanics. So kiss my ass.”

Doctors (no apostrophe for the Foooooooooooolie illiterate) don’t generally study chemistry in undergrad. My science degree was a BS in Genetic Engineering. My other undergrad BA was in Medieval English.

Chemistry is entirely useless to any physician, let alone a surgeon. You don’t have to know why it works (although you should), you just need to know that it does.

Again, I do agree that I just learned to fix an organic machine as opposed to a mechanical one.

I just need you to explain in detail why they are the same.

Oh, wait. I’ll save you the time and effort. Because if a mechanic makes a mistake, it can be corrected with little long-term damage to the machine..

A surgeon, not so much.

Again I ask, if it was nothing but a simple exercise in extra chemical study and a minor apprenticeship, why didn’t you sign up?

You seem far to intelligent to have sacrificed a career in medicine to play around with a Pyrex Mousetrap set…

…oh, wait. No you don’t. I wouldn’t let you within light years of my research lab.


“@compsymp: who told you I was a chemist? I’m a political strategist who studied political theory in grad school.”

Sorry. My mistake.


I thought I was dealing with someone who actually went to college to learn somethin real.

My bad again…


comsymp: I don’t know about where you went to school but where I went undergrad pre-meds had to take Organic Chemistry.

Are you sure you’re a doctor? Do you have Italian leather boots?


No italian leather boots.

Ketones are awesome for UTIs. All organic molecules contain C, H, O and sometimes N and S. COOH is attached to every amino acid. OH is attached to every alcohol. That’s all I remember after two worthless semesters. After all, it was a fucking undergrad prereq.

Yeah, I took the fucking bastard useless courses.

Reinforcing my point that chemistry is useless for surgeons, not one of those facts has had shit to do with any of my ECCEs ICCEs , ALTs, PIs, LASIKs, LASEKs, wavefront refractive surgeries or any of the foreign bodies I’ve removed or traumatic injuries I’ve closed.

A genetic engineering major anywhere real requires two semesters of orgo.

It’s just not the major course of study, you abysmally stupid, completely out of you depth poly sci major.


As I noted before, there are lots of idiots who claim to “love music” when what they really mean is they appreciate one genre. So it’s not unlikely that there are some punks that hate the blues. Just as there are some blues lovers (such as yourself) who hate punk. Both types are lamers.

I think my favorite all round bluesman is Buddy Guy. But the best all time blues tune, for my money, is the original recording of John Lee Hooker’s “Boogie Chillun”.


I had to work tonight and thus missed the opportunity to enjoy the clever stylings of the new troll.

Poor me.

I miss Bruce.


Blooz roolz.

Some of us have broader minds than just that, Foooooooooooolie.

Also, where’s Foooooooooooolie’s rebuttal to the fact that he hasn’t mentioned a single musical example whose catalogue isn’t drowned in drugs? Not to mention this in combination with a fetish for organic chemistry (it ain’t capitalized, Foooooooooolie)?

I think I’ll start to call it Druuuuuuuugggggggie.


You’re not nearly as smart as you think Dr. Dickhead. The point about the chemistry courses is that you critiqued my crack about chemistry by saying doctors don’t generally study chemistry undergrad when the truth is it is one of the few subjects they are REQUIRED to study.

I wish I knew who you were so that if I ever needed eye surgery I would know who to avoid like the plague.



I hope my earlier reply was helpful. Please contact the site administrator for my email address should you require further information. Good luck with your problem. Cheers!


Jennifer: my favs are Howling Wolf, Mississippi John Hurt and Sonny Boy Williamson among many others.

Dr. Dickhead: I listen to many many genres of music not all of which are drug-inspired. But I have no problem with drugs. What, are you afraid of them? It’s like Bill Maher said: “Heroin may be bad for you but it sure as hell didn’t hurt my record collection.”


cosmypinko – oh, that’s ok. Really all I was asking was, is the permanent contact procedure safer and does it produce a generally better outcome than Lasik. But I was expecting the “don’t have surgery if you don’t have to” response, which is, I know, the best advice.


I think the emphasis was on the “douche” part of the insult. I don’t give a flip who hates the blues and who hates punk and who has a visceral loathing for post-’90s polka. Take it from a guy who used to get paid to be an opinionated asshole about music: if you feel the need to get pissed off because someone won’t dig something you dig in the musical area, you are doing it wrong.

And it’s a damn shame there’s no live Clarence Carter on YouTube, but we heel the wound with plenty of Conway Twitty.

I saw Conway Twitty once in Tupelo, me and about 700 ladies, ranging in age from, oh, mid 30s to the early 50s. Myself, I was 16 or so and still grappling with the whole concept of girls being very, very cool. I had no idea that women well into what I considered (at the time) their golden years could still be driven into a screamin’ frenzy by a singer with “it”, and friends and neighbors, for a certain segement of Southern ladies who are of, shall we say, a certain age, Conway Twitty flat does it. I was scared, y’all.

Still, I vowed to myself if I ever find a woman that ain’t my mother’s age that gets all gooey over something like this, I’d marry that girl.


Poor Fooooooooooooooolie doesn’t understand the term “PREREQ,” short for “PREREQUISITE.”

As in, “Although the study by surgeons of all chemistry, particularly organic chemistry, is beyond insane and inherently antithetical to modern surgical practice, two semesters of both physical chemistry and organic chemistry are PREREQUISITE to acceptance into medical school.”

You are a poly sci major. What you know about medicine and medical education could fill a quark. Put your head back in the hole in the sand you crawled out from and shut up.


“Dr. Dickhead: I listen to many many genres of music not all of which are drug-inspired. But I have no problem with drugs. What, are you afraid of them? It’s like Bill Maher said: “Heroin may be bad for you but it sure as hell didn’t hurt my record collection.”

You really have to ask me that? Earlier, I said I wasn’t at all afraid of drugs but I generally think they’re a bad idea.

I keep forgetting you can’t read. Poly Sci.



You ain’t making much sense doc. First you denied that doctors study chemistry undergard. Now you;re quoting ytourself from a post that you posted AFTER you were busted for saying dictors don’t study chemistry undergrad.

I advise you to take off those Italian boots, take 2 Valiums, and call a real doctor in the morning.


You’re making even less sense now. You;re wondering why I’m asking you if you’re afraid of drugs. Well, obviously its because you’ve been attacking me for (allegedly) only listening to drug-inspired music like that was some kind of big no-no. Get it? Or is that too complicated for you?


You are clearly incapable of understanding the English language.

All doctors TAKE physical and organic chemistry classes. Again, these are called PREREQs, which are PREREQUISITE to acceptance into medical school.

However, most prospective doctors do not STUDY chemistry, i.e. they do not major in chemistry but in more useful subjects like, oh, I don’t know, biology, anatomy, physiology and genetic inheritance.

As for your drug comment, I’m surprised you would find a physician counseling against drug use surprising, but I’m dealing with a Fooooooooooool and you can only do so much with the audience I’m given.

Stupid Foooooooooooolies can’t be reasoned with…


The Fool is the stupidest troll I’ve ever encountered here.

Sadly, a remarkable achievement.


hmmmm. I guess I just didn’t realize that you can take a course without studying it.

But your defense fails miserably anyway because my original crack went like this, ‘“It means you memorized well for a few chemistry classes as an undergrad and then spent just a few more years in school before starting what is basically an apprenticeship. Doctor’s are glorified organic mechanics. So kiss my ass.”

Notice that I said “a few chemistry classes”. Its quite clear that you are the one with the reading problem.


BTW: 3 of the 5 or so people I knew well growing up who became doctors are big time drug abusers so it is kind of surprising to me to listen to your anti-drug biological Luddism.


Knock it off you two! You’ve taken a perfectly good Sunday open thread (whatever that is) & ruined it w/ your bickering. I hope you’re happy, ’cause we’re never taking you two anywhere again.


WrodPeers ated my last missive.

Taking a class is far different than a major course of study. Although the study by surgeons of all chemistry, particularly organic chemistry, is beyond insane and inherently antithetical to modern surgical practice, two semesters of both physical chemistry and organic chemistry are PREREQUISITE to acceptance into medical school. Major study tends to be reserved for life science disciplines,

If you had gone to college you might know that taking a course is far different than a major study of that discipline.

I seriously doubt your “Poly Sci” bona fides.

I also seriously doubt your experience with drug-using physicians.

I also also seroiusly doubt your “Emo’s Experience,”

Because it’s clear you learned not one fucking thing from any of those experiences.

And no one is THAT stupid and ignorant. ‘Cept the self-identified stylings of Fooooooooooolie.


“Knock it off you two! You’ve taken a perfectly good Sunday open thread (whatever that is) & ruined it w/ your bickering. I hope you’re happy, ’cause we’re never taking you two anywhere again.”

Who made you Pope of this dump?

If the siteowners tell commenters to fuck off they’re censors and idiots.

Just. Like. You.

Which is why the site owners never choose to censor, because this is an open forum.

You’re entitled to your opinion, M. Bouffant, but I will fight to the death to make my voice heard above your treasonous shout for silence.



@comsymp: god you’re stupid. You’re still going on about “a major course of study” immediately after I just reposted my original quote demonstrating that I said “a few courses”. Yet you’re still going on about “major course of study” as if I had ever said that.

Your reading skills blow, doc


“hmmmm. I guess I just didn’t realize that you can take a course without studying it.”

Parse that for a moment.

Let us delve into meaning.

class (n)–It can be the group of students which attends a specific lesson at a university, school or other educational institution.”

Oops, I guess our semantics don’t go this far.

lesson (n)–is a structured period of time where learning is intended to occur.[citation needed] It involves one or more students (also called pupils or learners in some circumstances) being taught by a teacher or instructor.

Foooooooooooooolie needs disambiguation…

course (n)–In U.S. education, a course is a unit of teaching that typically lasts one academic term, is led by one or more instructors (teachers or professors), has a fixed roster of students, and gives each student a grade and academic credit.

The original meaning—a course of instruction, the unit of instruction embodied by a course—is also used, so textbooks may be entitled, e.g., A Course in Modern Physics.

And here wo go to course…

course (n)–Courses are made up of individual sessions, typically on a fixed weekly schedule.Study skills are strategies and methods of purposeful learning, usually centered around reading and writing. Effective study skills are considered essential for students to acquire good grades in school, and are useful in general to improve learning throughout one’s life, in support of career and other interests

Fooooooooooooolie may just be the stupidest human alive…


See how study and course are mutually inclusive?

Of course (ha!) you don’t. You’re Fooooooooooolie.


“comsymp: god you’re stupid. You’re still going on about “a major course of study” immediately after I just reposted my original quote demonstrating that I said “a few courses”. Yet you’re still going on about “major course of study” as if I had ever said that.”

You never went to college, let alone achieved a “graduate study.”

You don’t know a fucking thing about higher education.


“It’s not about Great Britain, it’s about great butter!”

I mean it. That is just really fucking lame!


I don’t know if it has already been posted but looks like Barack Hussein X has wiped out African Press International


Let’s see what Obama does when Chief Korir appears with the Mombasa Imam with Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate in one hand and Michelle’s tape in the other . We expect that he will be joined by Larry Johnson with the whitey tape , Berg with proof of Indonesian citizenship of Obama , Ace with Obama’s girlfriend , Savage with proof that O strangled his grandmother , Cashill with a copy of Obama’s book in Ayer’s handwriting , Mooser with a video of Obama plotting the overthrow of US of A with Ayers , Erick Erickson with photos of Obama’s underage gay affair and Larry Sinclair with an eyewitness of Obama’s cocaine fuelled gay sex with him .
So there .


Sad, ya’ll lettin’ the moron distract from good music talk.

And this hits me just as hard as this. It’s all good.


Creed sucks.


Why Torture Is Wrong, Ursula K. LeGuin Edition:

“With the clamoring of bells, a summer festival begins in Omelas. The city is surrounded by mountains on one side and a bay on the other side. The air is crisp and clean and everything is beautiful. Music drifts through the city and the bells periodically ring with joy. The streets, boats and houses are littered with decorations. Groups of dignified, quiet processions and rowdy, partying processions parade toward the north side of the city. Boys and girls are getting their unbridled horses ready for a big race. The horses seem as excited as the people do because of the impending excitement.

After a description of the town, the narrator begins to speak in first person. The people of Omelas are full of joy but they are not simple people. They have no king, keep no slaves and are plainly not barbarians. The narrator admits to not knowing their laws and rules as she does not know many things about the city.

However, the narrator insists that although the people are happy, they are complex. She comments that sophisticated folks tend to think those who are happy are stupid. The narrator apologizes for not being able to better describe the lives of these people who are not wretched.

The narrator invites the reader to imagine his own version of what the city must be like. She thinks that although the city would not have an abundance of technology, it would have the necessities, such as washers and dryers. The train station is the loveliest building, and it is the first sight visitors see. The city also boasts a beautiful farmers’ market. The city also has drugs—a drug called drooz–and beer. The citizens have a sense of victory, but there are no clergymen and no soldiers. The narrator fears that, although she is trying to paint an accurate picture of the city, the reader will think Omelas to be goody-goody. She asks the reader to throw in an orgy, but not the type of orgy that originates in a temple, but rather one where people please each other, and the children born of the orgy are celebrated.

At the meadow on the north side of town, there is the smell of sweet food, and the children run around sticky. A young child sits playing the flute, and many people stop to admire him. As he ends his song, the trumpets’ sound officially begins the festival. The narrator then asks the reader whether he believes the joy and the festival, and she offers to describe one more thing.

In a cellar across town, there is a dingy room where the door is locked and there is no window. There are dirty mops leaning against a wall, and the room is no bigger than a broom closet or discarded tool room. In the room, sits a naked, feeble-minded child who sits in his own excrement. The child is afraid of the mops, and no one ever rescues the child. Occasionally someone comes and kicks the child or comes to stare in horror. The people never say anything, but the child remembers its mother.

Sometimes the child yells, “I will be good. Please let me out. I will be good,” but no one ever answers his calls. Everyone in the town knows the child is there, because everyone is told about the child when they are only children, between eight and ten years old. Only some of the people truly grasp the child’s purpose.

The people who come to look at the child are always shocked and sickened—something they did not know they had in them. After a while, the people rationalize that even if the child were rescued, it would not have a full life. They cannot imagine sacrificing the happiness of the thousands for the potential happiness of one. They think that it is because of the child that they have such lovely architecture, beautiful music, a kindness toward children, and profundity of science. Every so often, one of the young people or occasionally an adult goes to see the child and never comes back. They leave town in the night and seem to know where they are going.”

…but the child remembers its mother…

That guy in the hood with the wires attached remembers his mother.

Those guys in the naked human pyramid remember their mothers.

Before he died, that guy with the pretty girl giving the “thumbs up” to his frozen corpse remembered his mother.

…but the child remembers its mother…

I’m quite sure the perpetrators of these atrocities did not remember, which is why they did what they did.

There are no fires hot enough.


i miss the old sadly no, when people didn’t feed the trolls so much


Butter is one of the most innocent joys there is


“i miss the old sadly no, when people didn’t feed the trolls so much”

Get bent.

I’ve been commenting here for years and have seen plenty of troll feed thrown to the troglodytes. Saul, Ruppert, Troofie, Fooooooooolie….

It’s just that when one of them pushes the right button all hell breaks loose.

Anyone who claims to be a “political strategist” with “grad school” experience yet doesn’t know that the term “major course of study” is long for “major” and is a music critic completely ignorant of music yet still has the cajones to call someone a meathead needs to be taken behind the woodshed and beaten until they run away like Sir Robin Foooooooooooolie.

Mission accomplished.


So what’d I miss?

Oh. That guy. Never mind.

BTW Fool, it was me that called you Mister BluesDouche, and it had nothing to do with me liking or not liking blues. It had to do with you crapping on and on about blues like some teenager who discovered it two days ago and thinks he’s the only person in the world who knows what it ‘means’.


Punk is too often Rock’n’Roll, like The Clash. I mean, come on; Should I Stay or Should I Go? That could have been Free, Grand Funk Railroad or Foghat, or somesuch. It’s same old, same old. And the same goes for the motherfucking Ramones. Just straight old Rock’n’ Roll, which isn’t Punk at all.

The Pistols, early Damned and Crass, maybe the Subhumans in the UK. Minor Threat and Gang Green on the US East Coast, The Dead Kennedys, Black Flag and D.O.A on the Pacific Coast. That was Punk. Meanwhile The Clash were playing Train in Vain and getting played on Top 40 stations. Please.

Punk was about having an anything goes attitude and being hard and fast. The “anything goes” got stripped pretty quickly, but lived on in Post Punk (which really is one of the most criminally overlooked genres in terms of innovation and impact on popular music).

And if ever there was a false dichotomy, it’s the one of Prog against Punk. Both were meant as rebellions against the Rock status quo (and, indeed Status Quo), but quickly got bogged down in their own rules. Nonetheless, it isn’t really Punk if is adheres to Rock orthodoxy in harmony and melody like The Clash did for most of their career. London Calling is a great song, but it’s a Rock song through and through.

You could argue that The Sex Pistols were also generally a Rock band, and Steve Jones was indubitably a rocker, but it was Lydon’s vocals – both in style and in the melodies he used – that made them different. It wasn’t yet another pentatonic cadence over EAG, and thank gawd for that. Innovation and rebellion is about more than doing what’s been done a thousand times a little louder and a little harder.


And this hits me just as hard as this.

That’s because they are essentially the same, as per above.


Teaflax — I would actually argue that “straight old Rock’n’ Roll” is more Punk than most of the crap that gets passed off as punk now. If I’m remembering right, Punk was more about the “anything goes” than the “hard and fast”. I mean, that didn’t hurt, but Punk was more about being able to lay down a track in a single take, warts and all, and get it out there without a million-dollar (literally) producer, a 40 piece orchestra, a 48-track soundboard, and twelve layers of overdubs, all accomplished over nine months in a private studio.

Maybe this is sacrilegious, but as an old punk, I’ll say that most of the early stuff the Ramones, Pistols, Clash, Damned, etc. put out, were straight rock and roll, and that was, ummm…. central to the point.

Punks And Gobbers, Oh My

You’re not nearly as smart as you think Dr. Dickhead.

Surprised no one caught this yet; Cosmo comes close…

I’ve been commenting here for years and have seen plenty of troll feed thrown to the troglodytes. Saul, Ruppert, Troofie, Fooooooooolie….

It’s just that when one of them pushes the right button all hell breaks loose.

… but falls just short of stating it outright; Troofie and Fool ARE in fact the same person, hence the obsessive-compulsive need to reference, yes, DrDick again.

And as another fellow veteran of the desperate troll war for attention, if as I suspect that The Truth/Saul/Fool et all are indeed the same sad individual that has been trolling left wing blogs for well over half a decade now, what you’ve had here has been the manic stage of his illness, full of excited joy at just how smart he thinks he’s seeming because he’s been able to quickly google up information to claim cred on today’s subject; but now he realizes he’s lost control of the thread, and been reduced to incoherent screaming at others because he truly didn’t understand what he’d googled, he’ll disappear for half a day or so…. Then he’ll come back as “The Truth”, which he doesn’t think has been compromised yet, or some other aggressive identity instead. And then he’ll just sit posing as some sort of Socratic genius, always questioning you but never his own sense of self worth, until he can build that self-worth back up again… It’s his protective, passive-aggressive identity, and once he thinks he’s strong enough with hate for you all again, then he’ll risk pretending to be Fool or a new directly engaged entity once more.

And under a different proxy of course, so he can try and claim it’s not me again, no really… I’m someone new Because this is a guy who has dedicated his entire life to becoming different people online, and no longer really knows who cares who actually is, because no one believes him no matter what he does tomorrow, and there’s nothing in yesterday that he feels attached to or proud of anymore.

But he still won’t know anything about Punk Rock, university education, or anything else. He just knows you hate it, he hates you, and if he stays focused, he’s just about smart enough to google up other people who don’t like what you like, or have done what you have done, and can cobble together the appearance and simulation of rational thought about a subject. He just can’t generate it himself any more.


This open thread thing is great. We should have more of them.


>>>Before he died, that guy with the pretty girl giving the “thumbs up” to his frozen corpse remembered his mother.

About the ‘thumbs up girl’. I was pretty sure I’d read something that argued that she was trying to be a whistleblower, and that the photograph of her giving the thumbs up was the end of a sequence of photos depicting the injuries the gentleman had received, and which led to his death. Anyway, I’m not sure if the link below is the original story I read, but it seems to give that spin on what happened. This woman’s post-army ambition was to be a police photograph. With a dishonourable discharge there was no way that was going to happen.

Now if she was a participant in the horror, then fine, slap it up her. But what if she wasn’t? What if she tried to do the right thing, and made one misstep that allowed the Bush regime to shaft her?



About the girl who gave the ‘thumbs up sign’ over the man’s corpse. I’m pretty sure I read that she was actually trying to blow the whistle on what was going on at Abu Ghraib. I’m not sure if the link below was the original thing I read, but it does give that sort of angle on her story.

If she was one of the perpetrators, fine, consign her to the outer darkness. But what if she wasn’t? What if she was trying to blow the whistle, and got shafted by the Bushites? IIRC her ambition was to be a police photographer – not something she could do with her dishonourable discharge and lack of GI bill money.


This is the second bloody time I’ve tried to post this, btw.


“full of excited joy at just how smart he thinks he’s seeming because he’s been able to quickly google up information”

That’s a pretty apt description of Dr. Dickhead, not me.

Hate to burst your bubble and crush your tin foil hat Punks and Gobbers but I’m The Fool, not The Truth or Saul or anyone else.

And BTW, I’m not a troll. I came on this blog to sincerely express my heartfelt belief that punk sux ass. Its not that I’m trolling. Its that I sincerely despise the big pile of musical dog shit known as punk.

Just cause you don’t like it doesn’t make me a troll, you arrogant prick.

Anyway stoopid punk bitchez, to get back OnT: punk has Johnny Rotten and classic rock has Lennon/McCartney and Richards/Jagger. Its not hard to figure out which is better. Even though truth is, like, subjective and all and even though we’re all, like, open minded and everything here and even though we’re all so, so hip and impressively eclectic in our tastes, its pretty clear that we can rank these two things and classic rock comes out on top.

Just watch Johnny Rotten prove my point, little stoopid punk bitches.

I can’t believe its not good music!


@Marsupial: This was my favorite comment above:

Primal scream: you mean like Jimi Hendrix playing Voodoo Chile? Like Jim Morrison singing The End or When The Music’s Over? You mean like Jerry Garcia screaming out the last verse of Morning Dew after an amazing 20 minute psychedelic jam? Like Gregg Allman being tied to the Whipping Post? Etc. Etc.? The punks didn’t invent the musical primal scream. They just dumbed it down and made it violent and boring.

That’s what I call great music. And I don’t care how many orchestras they used or how much time they spent in the studio or whether or not they played in arenas. As long as they make music that gets out the rock and roll primal scream that beautifully, I say do whatever it takes.

That, of course, includes learning how to play your instruments and sing.


The Fool seems to think the debate here is “die-hard punk fans (which he seems to think is everyone on the site but him) versus The Fool TRUE MUSIC 4EVA’ BITCHEZZZZZ”, when it’s actually “people who don’t like sophomoric, obnoxious wankers (which is everyone on the site but him) versus The Sophomoric, Obnoxious Wanker”. Music is, in a way, irrelevant to the argument.


And Gobbers: just out of curiosity, what is it you think I had to Google for?

That comment makes me grin because it is unintentionally a real compliment that you think something I wrote was so impressive that I must have looked it up. Thanks, bro. ‘ppreciate it


well kiki you can throw around the ad hominenms like “sophomoric” but if you go back and read the previous threads that inspired my anti-punk evangelism here at Sadly, No you’ll see that I routinely made very musically and philosophically sophisticated arguments (at least for a blog) while my detractors fell back on mostly name calling and the unsupported assumption that aesthetics is purely non-cognitive — an assumption which they take as so self-evident they don’t even realize that the position which they all take as self-evidently true is not.

Its very ironic that they assume the truth of musical non-cognitivism while simultaneously insisting that nothing can be true, blissfully unaware that their position is self-contradictory.


Iggy, who had much worse habits of self-destruction than Rotten (i.e. a real life punk) let one of his song be used for a frickin’ cruise line.

First, let me say that I actually like cruises and Royal Caribbean does a damn fine job with them. But I have to laugh every time I see one of their “Lust for Life” ads, because either they are entirely clueless that the song is about heroin, or one of their marketing/ad agency people is pretty subversive.

For me, the most jarring ad sellout was when I saw the AARP ad that used the Buzzcocks’ “Everybody’s Happy Nowadays.” But really, I don’t mind this sort of thing for a couple of reasons: (1) The bands I like should get paid for the great music they make; and (2) more people should hear that great music, even if it’s a muzak-ified version of it. You never know who’s going to hear it and where they’ll go from there. (Same reason I think Dev2.0 is a fine idea, and I wish Disney was pushing them harder.)

According to your theory, a band “sells out” and “dies” if it:

a) Sells any copies of its music, ever.
b) If anyone comes to see the band perform, ever.

And if you’re slow on the uptake, I’ll lay it out:
hipsterism is a religion to which you got to be devout.
Must be seen as in between unpopular and hated
or else get excommunicated.

— “Indier Than Thou,” MC Frontalot


And BTW, I’m not a troll. I came on this blog to sincerely express my heartfelt belief that punk sux ass. Its not that I’m trolling. Its that I sincerely despise the big pile of musical dog shit known as punk.

Translation: And BTW, I’m not a troll. I came on this blog to say shit that I knew or should have known would not advance discussion in any sort of rational manner, but would instead engender angry responses. Today it was punk rock vs. the music I like, but it could have been Mac vs. PC, Xbox vs. Playstation, Kirk vs. Picard, or any other stupid subjective-preference shit I wanted to start a pointless, meaningless argument about. Oh wait, I guess I am a troll after all.


@ Dan Someone:

your unargued assumption about subjective preference is exactly what I’m disputing and your blithe restatement of precisely what is at issue is Sadly, Typical of the stoopid punk bitch (lack of) “arguments” I see here evey time I comment.


Ewww. What happened in here?

Well, this thread is ruined. May we have a new one please?


Sadly, Typical of the stoopid punk bitch (lack of) “arguments” I see here evey time I comment.

Well, that should be a clue. “Arguments” over matters of taste are bullshit.

Maybe you missed the manifold “arguments” we’ve had here over brussels sprouts. It seems that some folks like them, while others think they smell, and taste, like ass. And at the end of the day, the people who like them didn’t stop eating them while the people who hate them didn’t start.

That’s the level of the “argument” you’ve been having here.


I’m with owlbear1. That ad copy was lame. It’s always a laugh to see what John Lydon’s up to these days, but I liked him better when he was hawking Piss lemonade and Anarkee-ora.


i miss the old sadly no, when people didn’t feed the trolls so much

So do I.

In the past when a social movement succeeded at a long-desired goal, things kind of got a little depressing and boring for a while. During the first wave of the women’s movement, after suffrage was achieved, the aftermath was called “The Doldrums.”

I think that what we got here, now that our long national Rethuglican nightmare is just about finally over, is an old-fashioned case of Teh Doldrums.


I routinely made very musically and philosophically sophisticated arguments

Yes, all the best philosophical arguments come with “you stoopid punk bitchez” at the end. For was it not Plato who said “Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion has no hold on the mind, eat it stoopid bitchez PUNK SUX”?

Seriously, how do you type something like that and not think, “Wow, I really am a total asshole”?


jennifer: try to think it through, sweetie. When you say that “”Arguments” over matters of taste are bullshit” you are, in fact, making an argument over matters of taste.

Get it?


kiki: I know the stoopid punk bitches thing gets your panties all in a bunch, just like when Michael Jordan would trash talk his opponents while scoring 40 points. But like it or not, he (and I) scored the points.


Get it?

Oh yes, I not only “get it”, I’m going to go torch all my Sex Pistols and Dead Kennedys LPs and discs, because in your opinion, they suck, and now I’ll never be able to enjoy listening to them again.

Get the fuck over yourself already.


Yeah, Jennifer! And if you like hold one mirror up to another mirror then it like reflects back into infinity forever and stuff! “Sweetie”! So I win forever, everybody else shut up!


Yeah! Michael Jordan is like me, only not as awesome and stuff!! I score philosophical musical points, whatever the fuck that is! Michael Jordan only makes a kazillion dollars a year, whereas I have an IQ of 99 percentile or whatever! BITZCHESSS!


By all means, keep using it. It really adds to your credibility as a great musical and philosophical thinker, and is probably the reason why people take your opinion so seriously.


I don’t hear any arguments, stoopid punk bitches. I thought you were all so much bigger than mere name calling…I mean isn’t that supposedly your beef with The Fool?


Barrel * Fish * Gun

I grow weary of you stoopid punk bitchez. Ta-ta!

But don’t worry! I’ll be back the next time someone posts some dog crap billed as haute cuisine.


Hey, that’s not the Fool at 16:25. I’M the Fool! Isn’t there some Internet rule against letting someone steal your screen name, Gavin? I’m going to sue.


It’s an open thread. It can be whatever we want it to be.

Let’s change the direction. I think I’ll see what’s up out in the blogosphere. I’m supposed to be working on an administrative law worksheet, but I’d rather screw around here for a while. As an aside, I can’t wait for this friggin’ semester to be over.

Liberals a Rung Below Dogs, Socially Speaking Prelutsky Brings the Assholery

Liberals, they’ll inform me, make fine neighbors and positively first-rate relatives. I patiently explain that they’re preaching to the choir. I know first-hand that liberals can be all of those things, and more.

My only problem with liberals is that they’re hypocrites and they can’t help lying. . . . So, while I acknowledge that liberals can be as loyal and steadfast as cocker spaniels, I have found it is nearly impossible to paper-train them

Too bad Burt didn’t learn any rudimentary writing skills. No wonder he’s so peeved about public education


I’m going to sue.

If only I was a Yale law student or something…


When you say that “”Arguments” over matters of taste are bullshit” you are, in fact, making an argument over matters of taste.

Oh, look. The Fool has almost achieved sentience.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> (lyrics from – “Indier Than Thou,” MC Frontalot)

The idea of becoming popular and losing your cred is as old as the hills.

Yet another principle about authenticity is that you’re the Real Deal if you become popular but don’t change your core creativity or M.O. A concrete example is the Ramones touring pretty much the same barebones way in 1995 as they did in 1977 (these are the two times that I saw them live).

But to complicate things, “not changing” is an antithetical idea to the concept of artistic growth.

Artists of any stripe understand this and are able to overcome the dichotomy.

No conclusion here, except for the age-old Rule Of The InterTOOBZ that anybody (hint hint) who brags about his IQ on an anonymous chatboard has, at best, half of the advertised number.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> But like it or not, he (and I) scored the points

Oh oh. Another indicator (along with “Dr Dick”) that The Fool and The Truth are the same fool.

Aren’t those two cards from the Tarot Deck? Does this mean we will be sitting thru 52 (or whatever number of cards there is) more set of idiotic troll IDs?


Poor, demoralized Pastor Swank has not produced a new load since November 9. Perhaps he should eat some prunes or take some Correctol. His last load is worth stirring with a stick, though, as he starts out with epic fail:


B. Hussein is out to mesh all religions as one, just as his mother believed. Forget America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. Out. Done. Disappear.

. . .

Therefore, B. Hussein knows that to invoke prayers or praise to the Judeo-Christian heritage deity is anti-Allah. It is totally contrary to the Koran stipulations that infidels must be slain while Islam World Rule takes hold. Therefore, he cannot provide even “And God bless America” statement for that is entirely hypocritical in the eyes of the Muslims who know him to be Muslim.

Grant? Pastor Swank? What’s this at the end of President Obama’s November 4 acceptance speech?

Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America.

and at the end of Obama’s convention speech?

Let us keep that promise – that American promise – and in the words of Scripture hold firmly, without wavering, to the hope that we confess.

Thank you, God Bless you, and God Bless the United States of America.

While all wingnuts are full of fail, some are more full of fail than others.

As an atheist, I could do with a little less of this god-blessing god-thanking, but it’s a small price to pay for this: Say it with me, Pastor Swank: President B. Hussein.

And could you place a few of your tears in this vial for me, Pastor, so that I might sprinkle them on my beautiful, lush schadenfreude plants? It’s a great tonic!


your unargued assumption about subjective preference is exactly what I’m disputing

Oh, then by all means, The Fool, please present your logical proof that PUNK SUX and whatever you listen to is objectively superior.


Out. Done. Disappear.

I think I see a catchphrase in the making.


Someone waaaay up above asked if butters were different: YES. Different butters can have very different percentages of butterfat and water, which can drastically affect how baked goods turn out.


i miss the old sadly no, when people didn’t feed the trolls so much

Me too also. I remeber those long gone days when the only threads with more than 200 comments were the annieangel-infested ones.

Isn’t ‘selling out’ a completely antiquated term, now that it’s the only way for musicians to make any serious money?


Creed still sucks


Out. Done. Disappear.

I think I see a catchphrase in the making

I think there’s something positively Shakespearean about “Out. Done. Disappear.” It’s as though William S. had a brother who was kinda – as me granny used to say – tetched in the head.


Candy: Wouldn’t you know, the local right-wing talk radio morning guy read that Prelutsky piece over the air this morning. He thought it would be good for call-in conversation. My favorite part is when Prelutsky diagnoses liberals as suffering a chemical imbalance.


And since it is Monday and we are still in Open Thread, let me just say William Kristol makes me laugh.


Wouldn’t you know, the local right-wing talk radio morning guy read that Prelutsky piece over the air

Wow. I’ll bet it sounded even dumber out loud.


There was even a sense of liberation in the air. For the last 14 years, there has been either a Republican Congress or a Republican White House, or sometimes both. Now the Republican governors are free of those heavy taps on the shoulder from their “betters” in Washington. So for these governors, this seems a moment of opportunity, in which their policies, their examples and their successes can help shape the future of the G.O.P.

Yeah, yeah, we know Billy, Democrats controlling both Congress and the White House is GOOD NEWS FOR REPUBLICANS!!1!


Erik W: I think of “selling out” not as an artist becoming commercially successful but as, say, when a musical artist allows his or her song to be used to sell a product. For ex., when the Beatles’ “Revolution” was used in a Nike commercial for crissake. I thought I’d have a stroke. ‘course I think that was Michael Jackson’s doing so that’s something else altogether.


Creed still sucks

Yes the do.


Bloody Bill:

There’s nothing conservative about letting free markets degenerate into something close to Karl Marx’s vision of an atomizing, irresponsible and self-devouring capitalism.

If conservatives do some difficult re-thinking in the field of political economy, they can come back. If they don’t — well, there were a lot of admirable conservative thinkers and writers, professors and novelists, from 1933 to 1980. But conservatives didn’t govern.

That is funny!


They drove a dump truck fulla money up to my house! I’m not made of stone!


This is like what happens when the kindergarten teacher doesn’t show up for class.


This is like what happens when the kindergarten teacher doesn’t show up for class.

I dig it! Anarchy!


Note: there are several false flag posts purporting to be The Fool but they’re all fairly obvious since I’m a non-racist liberal Democrat. There is only one The Fool, stupid punk bitches and he didn’t used to be anyone else.

One last comment re a commonplace straw man argument that is often made against me:

@Dan Someone:

Well I don’t have an a priori logical proof but I can and have offered important considerations in favor of my hypothesis.

You are making the common mistake of confusing the question of whether or not there is truth with the separate question of how you go about establishing how certain a given truth claim is (which on the best theories is a matter of degree not kind).

This will be way over your head, my stoopid punk bitch friend, but, you see, the question of the nature of truth itself is a semantic question while the question of how certain a given assertedly true statement is is an epistemological question. You need to stay clear on that distinction.

When you say that something is true, you are not saying that much really. You’re definitely not necessarily saying that it is incorrigibly true. The standard Tarski truth schema is simply that “Snow is white” is true iff* snow is white. Its a mere disquotational idea.

So bottom line for stoopid punk bitches. Just because I assert that something is true doesn’t mean that I am saying that it is 100% certain that it is true. But it does mean that there is a truth of the matter if only we can figure it out. And to do that we have to begin to provide reasons one way or the other.

And you don’t get to simply assert that it is apodictically true that what The Fool says is not true on the grounds that nothing can be true except for what some stoopid punk bitch says.

*Note to philosophical newbies: iff = if and only if


Not a happy day at the farm of servers.


Candy: Me too. Let’s give The Fool a wedgie then lock him in the supplies closet.


I listen to Otis Redding, Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Devo, Bob Marley, Minutemen and Wire. Therefore I ar teh punk bitchezz!

I can has category erorr?


And to do that we have to begin to provide reasons one way or the other.

So begin, for the thousandth time, ya putz.

Or better yet, STFU.


Someone waaaay up above asked if butters were different: YES. Different butters can have very different percentages of butterfat and water, which can drastically affect how baked goods turn out.

Subjectively. Anyone who says the butter I like isn’t the best butter is obviously without taste.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> It’s as though William S. had a brother who was kinda – as me granny used to say – tetched in the head.

Oh yeah, Burroughs used a lot of heroin and lived in Morocco and his brother was screwed up too … oh, wait.

Never mind.


Subjectively. Anyone who says the butter I like isn’t the best butter is obviously without taste.

Why you little… Why I oughta…



David Frum has left the National Review. The NR is in chaos. Good times, good times.


And so it begins, for starters:

Punk music is;

1) overly simplisitic in a bad way — often just repetitive barre chord banging that is rythmically uninteresting. It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.

2) often played by people who are technically unskilled and therefore cannot do what the technically skilled can do. I’m not a worshipper of technical skill but there certainly is something to be said for it when used tastefully.

3) The singing is often very bad

4) The lyrics, compared to the best of classic rock, are often trite and boring

5) The music is often melodically challenged

6) its more performance art than it is musical art

Now I make a few exceptions. I like the Clash and the Ramones for example. But beyond that it seems like really slim pickin’s to me — based on the reasons stated above


Candy: Me too. Let’s give The Fool a wedgie then lock him in the supplies closet

Sounds like a plan. Let’s blast Misfits outside the door while we’re at it. I’ll bet he hates industrial too. How about some Ministry or Skinny Puppy?


I apologize to everyone. Really, I was just being rhetorical.



Yes, rhetorical indeed. Can you back up what you say or is your repertoire limited to the ad hominem and the snarky?


its more performance art than it is musical art

Umm, yeah, because music isn’t a performance art.


A more humble philosophical genius wouldn’t contradict himself so much.


I prefer the Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry Guinness Stout TV advert:


@ noen

performance art in the sense of avant garde theater. Of course music is an art that is performed.



C’mon stoopid punk bitches. Youre almost there.

Ok Huey, you’ve at least started to make an argument — and I applaud you for that. What exactly is the contradiction to which you refer?


Can you back up what you say

Huh? What did I say? I’ve offered no opinions about music.

or is your repertoire limited to the ad hominem and the snarky?

For you, yup, that’s about it.


@henry, that is, not huey



I see. ‘nuf said. You got nothing, stoopid punk beeeayeahtchhhhhhh


music is an art that is performed

Often in a theater. Do you have a point? All art is a matter of personal taste. There is no genre of musical or artistic expression that is inherently better than any other. It’s just a matter of personal likes or dislikes. That’s all, nothing more. No deep significance to it, which as I understand is the whole point of punk. It’s designed to poke idiots like you in the eye. Thanks for playing.


I can’t imagine how anyone could possibly confuse The Fool with The Truth.


“All art is a matter of personal taste”

Ok noen. Now can you back that up or are we simply supposed to assume your assertion is true because the great noen has proclaimed it?

Who’s the close-minded bitch now?


I think I’ll take Mr. Rotten’s butter philosophy and apply it to musical taste.

I will gladly put Mozart, the Go-Gos, Devo, Human League, Steve Earle and Cab Calloway simultaneously on my MP3 player and listen to it with pleasure.

I will listen to what I damn well like and if you don’t appreciate it you can sit on it and rotate.



I’m more of a slant-6.


I was a punk before you were a punk.



But Pere, you do have some music that you like better than other music, right? Now think about it. Is the reason for your preference entirely non-cognitive and random? Or does it have something to do with the way it is done?

Here is a good exercise for stoopid punk bitchezzes: look back on the music you liked when you were 12. Do you still assess all of it as highly now as you did then? Do you assess it differently now for no good reason at all or did you undergo some kind of a learning process?

Get it?


must. not. feed. troll.

Certain bits of unintentional irony make it terribly difficult.

I may just need to set up that pie script after all. This one is just tiresome. Third-grade level attention-whoring doesn’t look good on anyone.


I like a song with catchy lyrics and a nice melody:



you got anything other than ad hominem snark or are you just seeking attention?


Now can you back that up or are we simply supposed to assume your assertion is true because the great noen has proclaimed it?

Why yes, you should accept everything I say without question.

Art is personal expression. It is one’s response to the world. As such there is no objective means of placing one form of expression over and above another. Of course, genres develop traditions that tend to get in the way of creativity. Punk is about breaking those stultifying modes of expression and creating new ones. It is continually trying to reinvent itself. Which is both it’s strength and weakness.


@noen: Go on. “Art is personal expression.” Ok, we can agree on that. But how do you justify your radical subjectivism? Or do you think we should all just accept that it is true because you said it?


Anyway, my stoopid punk bitch friends. I’m just a gadfly, trying to break you out of your philosophical complacency, trying to get you to break out of your stultifying tradition of music aesthetics and consider the alternatives.

I’m sorry if I had to be rude on the way but its the only way to get through to you. The subjective assumption is deeply ingrained in our culture and needs to be examined more carefully.


Looks like The Fool is a “high art, low art” sort of chap. Next he’ll be afferting the primafie of hiftorical paintinges over potterie, ‘flower drawingf’ and other sundry applyed artf.


how do you justify your radical subjectivism?

Personal expression IS subjective. How can it be anything else?



Punk is about breaking those stultifying modes of expression and creating new ones. It is continually trying to reinvent itself. Which is both it’s strength and weakness.

Punk was about breaking those stultifying modes of expression and creating new ones….30 years ago!

Today Punk has actually become a stultifying mode of expression that should have died it’s natural death by the end of the 1980’s.


The subjective assumption is deeply ingrained in our culture and needs to be examined more carefully.

Oh dear, I believe this Fool is an objectivist. You chose your name well Fool.


Ok Ringo, I’m not into music as much as many people seem to be.


I will gladly put Mozart, the Go-Gos, Devo, Human League, Steve Earle and Cab Calloway simultaneously on my MP3 player and listen to it with pleasure.

That’s a lot like my play list.

Strange Fruit




Carolina Drama

Preview seems to be non-functional, so I may have screwed up some of these.

The collective hive-mind non-examining echo chamber


Somebody give us a new thread.


Today Punk has actually become a stultifying mode of expression that should have died it’s natural death by the end of the 1980’s.

Double apostrophe abuse. Marie, is that you?


(BTW, replace the phrase ‘stoopid punk bitchez’ with the word ‘liberals’ in Fool’s posts and see if the writing style reminds you of anyone…)


noen: It’s good to see you grappling with these issues but your thinking is very confused. For instance when you say, in response to my challenge to justify your radical subjectivism, “Personal expression IS subjective.” That is true but if you think your are answering my question by saying that then you are guilty of the genetic fallacy.

You also tip your hand when you exclaim, “Oh dear, I believe this Fool is an objectivist.” You seem to be simply unable to even consider the idea that radical subjectivism is not self-evidently true. When challenged to support your position, all you seem to be able to do is to restate it and stare in disbelief at the sight of someone who doesn’t share your assumptions. I accept no articles of faith.

You also reveal a little ignorance when you make fun of my name. Think, noen, think! Why would someone call themselves a fool? Might it be ironic? Think, noen, think! Ever read any Shakespeare?

Keep grappling, bro.


Sure ’nuff, I screwed up the Scarlatti link:



The subjective assumption is deeply ingrained in our culture and needs to be examined more carefully.

You know what would be a good way do do that? By fucking examining it already, laying out a case, asking others’ thoughts, &c., not by announcing some dislike as if it were based on universal truth sans any sort of evidence or reasoning and that everyone who disagrees is a “stupid punk bitch” who only argues ad hominem.

The Fool on the Truth

Ah, my stoopid punk bitchezz droogs, you flail and stammer and cower at my pronouncement, and yet not a one of you can answer my simple polite inquiries. That just proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that liberals are not music, punk rock is hypocrites, and anyone who supports the Jena Six is a racist racist racist. I’m just here to broaden your horizons, point out your hypocrisy, and fellate my own enormous ego.

Oh, and Bill Ayers.


Why is everyone knocking me?

I have my uses.


ad hominem said,
November 17, 2008 at 19:56

Why is everyone knocking me?

I have my uses.

How else would we know which male products to buy?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Let’s do a little time travel thought exercise. Here is The Fool in 1964.

————————— begin time travel —————————————-
And so it begins, for starters:

Rock music is;

1) overly simplisitic in a bad way — often just repetitive barre chord banging that is rythmically uninteresting. It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.

2) often played by people who are technically unskilled and therefore cannot do what the technically skilled can do. I’m not a worshipper of technical skill but there certainly is something to be said for it when used tastefully.

3) The singing is often very bad

4) The lyrics, compared to the best of classic jazz and swing, are often trite and boring

5) The music is often melodically challenged

6) its more performance art than it is musical art

Now I make a few exceptions. I like the Pat Boone and the The Limelighters for example. But beyond that it seems like really slim pickin’s to me — based on the reasons stated above
————————— end of time travel —————————————-


I’m a Zen Euterpean.

If you as why I like song “A” but not song “B’, I say “KWATZ!” and hit you with a stick.


that’s “ask why”. bleah.


I’m thoroughly stultified. I now have to go delve into chapter 17A and the wonders of the Iowa Administrative Code – adjudication. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I may need a little nappie first.


if you think your are answering my question by saying that then you are guilty of the genetic fallacy.

No, I know that the sentence “Personal expression IS subjective.” is true by examining the words.

You seem to be simply unable to even consider the idea that radical subjectivism is not self-evidently true.

I’m not a radical subjectivist, whatever it is you mean by that. There is of course an objective reality. When it comes to art however there is no basis for elevating one form of expression over another. Within individual art forms some people are better at technique than others but that’s not what I’m talking about. Is that where your confusion is?

Keep grappling, bro.

I’m a gal and not your “bro”.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Let’s do a little time travel thought exercise. Here is The Fool in 1914.

————————— begin time travel —————————————-
And so it begins, for starters:

Modern music is;

1) overly simplisitic in a bad way — often just repetitive chord banging that is rythmically uninteresting. It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got one of the usual time signatures.

2) often played by people who are technically unskilled and therefore cannot do what the technically skilled can do. I’m not a worshipper of technical skill but there certainly is something to be said for it when used tastefully.

3) The playing is often very bad

4) The compositions, compared to the best of Baroque and Classical, are often trite and boring

5) The music is often melodically challenged

6) its more performance art than it is musical art

Now I make a few exceptions. I like the Tschaikosky and Sibelius for example. But beyond that it seems like really slim pickin’s to me — based on the reasons stated above
————————— end of time travel —————————————-


Dear god we’re arguing aesthetics with a troll that thinks it’s Socrates and a Shakespearean fool all rolled into one. Gaaahhh!! Fresh thread please!



Ok, Lippy. I think we can extract an argument from your post. A bad one but an argument none the less! The argument, at bottom, is that The Fool is stuck on what he already knows and thinks new music is bad.

Problem: this argument fails in the face of the facts. I grew up listening to 70’s top 40 but since then I have learned to love many, many other genres including rock, jazz, blues, bluegrass, soul, reggae, folk, country, funk, (even disco a little bit) etc. etc.

There is only genre that I think is pretty uniformly shite: punk.

Back to the drawing board, Lippy!


apparently “troll” = someone who won’t accept noen’s articles of faith.

Have I not made good faith arguments? How does that make me a troll?


@noen: my point about the genetic fallacy is subtler then you comprehend. Think, noen, think!


Oh Lord, it’s referring to itself in the third person.

I nominate ‘The FAIL’ as its new ad-hominem nickname.


The Fool is stuck on what he already knows and thinks new music is bad.

No, the fool thinks he/she/it is interesting when he/she/it is not.

Have I not made good faith arguments? How does that make me a troll?

You have presented no argument at all. Which is exactly what trolls do.


“You have presented no argument at all. Which is exactly what trolls do.”

hey noen: you don’t have to agree with me but that is plainly an out-and-out lie. Who’s trolling now?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> The argument, at bottom, is that The Fool is stuck on what he already knows and thinks new music is bad

Take a reading comprehension and/or logic class.

I was – obviously – pointing out that your “objective” standards about how “bad” punk is could be applied to any music in any era.

IOW, your “objective” standards are just as loose and floppy as Mooseburgers’ reply to “what newspapers do you read”.

Yeesh. You’re an easy one to slap around.


“Oh Lord, it’s referring to itself in the third person.”

Sorry, perhaps you would prefer the first person plural?


Well, what have we here?

Looks like somebody’s got the mad on when it comes to that “Violence-Oriented Punk Rock Music that just reinforces all of those bad feelings” (obligatory Quincy-Punk quote) … oh what “fun”!

Punk music is;

1) overly simplisitic in a bad way — often just repetitive barre chord banging that is rythmically uninteresting. It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.

2) often played by people who are technically unskilled and therefore cannot do what the technically skilled can do. I’m not a worshipper of technical skill but there certainly is something to be said for it when used tastefully.

3) The singing is often very bad

4) The lyrics, compared to the best of classic rock, are often trite and boring

5) The music is often melodically challenged

6) its more performance art than it is musical art

Needs much less “often” – & much more real intellect.

I could recommend many “punk” albums to straighten you out, but I think the one I’ve selected is most aptly named to suit your post …


1)Don good set of headphones attached to good stereo, turned WAAAAY up
2)Listen to “WRONG” by Nomeansno – start to finish
3)Notice how beautifully it pwns every single “point” you tried to make here
4)Next time, for your own sake, just STFU & sulk

But how do you justify your radical subjectivism? Or do you think we should all just accept that it is true because you said it?


Put it back in your pants, sunshine – trust me, nobody here is going to give you a cookie, no matter HOW long you keep waving it around.


You Can’t Put Lipstick On A Repig said,

November 17, 2008 at 20:07 (kill)

ZOMBIE STRAVINSKY KICKS YOUR ASS! What’s left of it after zombie Schoeberg’s through with you, anyway.


Schoenberg, even.



Q: What’s Beethoven doing right now?

A: Decomposing.

The Goddamn Batman Is Anarchy

Old news, Dad–er, Brad. Just like Rollins doing commercials–what, no one remembers the Gap ad? Sheesh.


@jim: couldn’t find Wrong but I listened to “Old” and “The Hawk That Killed The Punk” and their attempt to do “Manic Depression” (the first 3 songs on their MySpace page).

Sounds like generic punk to me. Lots of screaming and not-even-trying-to-be good singing and — I hate to break it to you bro — repetitive chord slamming.

re Manic Depression: are they playing that simplistic arrangement because they want to be ironic or because they have to be ironic because they can’t even begin to reproduce Jimi’s chops?

Just askin’

Overall Rating: D+ (i.e. better than average for punk)


repetitive chord slamming

Nothing wrong with that. It should be a familiar motion to you.


Lots of screaming and repetitive slamming.

Or just another lonely night for the fool.


Johnny Rotten selling out.

In related news, the sun rose this morning, a dog bit a man, and billions of people took a dump.

Sheesh….the whole point behind the Pistols was that they were lampooning us by selling out!


@noen: my, my look how nasty the little punk bitch gets when someone doesn’t agree with her!

Hey baby: I’m more into pickin’ than chord slamming. And you know what that means: I got my fingering down real tight. C’mon over here sugarplum and get a faceful of what’s coming out my soundhole.


Oh good lord, is The Fool trying to talk about “punk”?

Son, I was listening to punk when you were banging on your lil Playskool xylophone. Shut the fuck up, mmmmmmmmK?


I’m more into pickin’ than chord slamming

Start with your nose, asshat.


WTF? It’s still Sunday? I did not know the great powers at S,N! could decree a never-ending Sunday. Woohoo!


I know! Teh Fail is actually Creed!

Okay, everybody follow along now.


The Clash kick the Sex Pistols ass, every time.

Not to belittle the Pistols, they just were nowhere near the musical force that the Clash continues to be up to this day.

And what kind of stinky-assed troll is the Fool? I only read on of its posts, and I’m already tired of it.

Why do I get a whiff of the Troof?



Tiresome troll is tiresome.


That youtube video is pretty funny.


I know! Teh Fail is actually Creed!



Man, having strong opinions about stuff is, like, so gauche Like, gag me with a spoon.

I can’t really bring myself to care deeply either way about the whole “is punk the purest expression of the primal urge or is it for PUNX-A$$ BEETCHEEZIZZLEZZZ” thing. Sid Vicious died while my mom was still in high school and The Clash broke up before my first birthday. As far as I’m concerned on a personal level, you might as well be having a flamewar over who you think was the best Rococo flautist.


I would argue that the Clash has much more influence than a Rococo flautist.

I think the Fool just happens to be a flautist. ask him.


Yeah, I know punk is influential and such, but it just seems so detached and academic: it wasn’t my music, so I don’t have any real gut feelings about it.

The Fool on the Truth

Despite the fact that I have learned to love many, many genres of music, I remain fanatically obsessed with the one which I do not.


He said “flautist,” not “flatulent-est,” Clash>Pistols. HA-ha!


1) overly simplisitic in a bad way — often just repetitive chord banging that is rythmically uninteresting. It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got one of the usual time signatures.

2) often played by people who are technically unskilled and therefore cannot do what the technically skilled can do. I’m not a worshipper of technical skill but there certainly is something to be said for it when used tastefully.

3) The playing is often very bad

4) The compositions, compared to the best of Baroque and Classical, are often trite and boring

5) The music is often melodically challenged

6) its more performance art than it is musical art

Therefore “Wild Thing” sucks.


As well as Louie Louie.


Therefore “Wild Thing” sucks.

No, but it deserves abuse for promoting Denise Richards’s career.


Therefore “Wild Thing” sucks.

Not to mention Jonathan Richman’s “Roadrunner”.


Not to mention every song Robert Johnson ever played.


Therefore “Wild Thing” sucks.

Or, in the unintentional irony that I alluded to above, The Blues.


Why does the page perform so inconsistently ?
Why polish a rant ?
Has any one considered the impatient cranky old farts ?
Thank you


I keep getting a connection fail so haven’t read all the comments so sorry if this is redundant, but punk rock had to happen. The sex pistols were a natural progression from the NY Dolls, who were also managed by Malcolm Mclaren, badly of course, but that’s not the point.

Just think about what life would be like today without the UK Pistols, east coast Ramones and west coast Germs. Punk rock was short-lived but it was happening everywhere at once so it couldn’t be denied. And more important, punk rock gave birth to so much of what we now take for granted, that was not permitted and could not have come about without it. Punks weren’t telling their parents to fuck off, they were standing up to their own record labels, critics, radio, the entire priestly caste that surrounded the music industry. D I Y Punk rock blurred the line between performer and fan, and that made everyone capable; like Patti said “Hey you. Come here. Get up. This is the era where EVERYONE creates. Recognize my face!” That’s its legacy, punk rock gave you and me the democratization of the arts in our lifetime.


You know what else sucks?



I lived in Kharkov for a month before the Union broke apart.

Ah, memories…


but have three kitties who are pretty quiet, unless it is one minute past canned food mealtime. (They do give me a minute.)

My kitty sits on my head and revs up the purr motor 2 1/2 hours PRIOR to canned food time. Usually about 4:30 in the morning.

Little bastard.


I lived in Kharkov for a month before the Union broke apart.

Sounds nifty. Aren’t the salt mines near there?


It was pretty bleak. I’m sure there must’ve been some kind of mines in close proximity,


I get it, this thread is a roach motel for The Fool.


I met a Russian couple from Kharkiv who were giving what appears to be the region’s standard tourist speeches: “world’s 4th biggest underground cavern is in salt mines at blah blah”. Similarly a cousin of mine would point at some wrecked behemoth of a building and say “used to be second largest sugar refinery in world”.


Can we just have a new thread, already?


That’s its legacy, punk rock gave you and me the democratization of the arts in our lifetime.

Of course this ignores folk and other democratic and participatory forms of art, but I think the idea of artists as special and set apart was certainly wide-spread, and has been since Schopenhauer at least. I don’t know that punk stripped away the worshipful attitude we have for Art any more than rock and roll did before it, though.


I would argue that the Clash has much more influence than a Rococo flautist.

That’s ROCKY Rococo to you, son.


Yeah, I know punk is influential and such, but it just seems so detached and academic: it wasn’t my music, so I don’t have any real gut feelings about it.

Hey! You get punk music! Kewl!


Big tank battle in Kharkov back in 1942.


You know what else sucks?


Except for Winona’s Beaver. He swallowed.


That’s ROCKY Rococo to you, son.

Put down that pickle!


OMG, can The Fool and all the retards who actually engaged him be banned for life and sent to reeducation camps or just, I don’t know, have their orifices sowed shut and their fingers chopped off so they can never communicate again?

Please? I’ll pay for their airfare.

I totally lost my chance to talk about how well behaved and adorable my cats are because of those fuckers.


It’s never too late to talk about cats. Especially if you post pictures.


I don’t understand the construction “X is just crap”.

But I liked X. John Doe kicked ass.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

I thought this thread was supposed to be about butter.


Put down that pickle!

I’ll sell it to you for five thousand dollars!


I cut people’s eyes open and fix them.

By far my favorite sentence all day.


No, I only have half a key. I had to split it with the sound guy.

Thanks Rocky.


“Butter is one of the most innocent joys there is.”

Tell us about it.


I Y Punk rock blurred the line between performer and fan, and that made everyone capable”

If only it were so easy. Actually it blurred the line between performer and fan but only by bringing the quality of the music down. Democracy is great in politics and its great to encourage everyone to try to be artists and encourage participation but in the end you can’t just let every wanker who wants to jump around on stage up on stage or else you get, well, the kind of dog crap that punk music gave us.

This is really just a dumb misapplication of the idea of democracy. Do you think if we just let everyone be airline pilots that this will make everyone capable? Is all airline flying the same? I’d bet a lot that you don’t want to get on a plane with a DIY pilot.

I’m all for home musicmaking and jamming with your friends and open mike night etc. But sometimes you just want to hear the really good shit.


Excellent. While, you liberals are busy devouring each other over something as trivial as music (of which if I must say, heavy metal is the best) then I will make the first intelligent arguement of this thread.

You may think you have succeeded in “changing” America to a “progressive” society with the election of B. Hussein Obama, however all you managed to do was steal an election based upon Obama fooling an uninformed electorate into believing he’s a moderate, instead of a socialist, which anyone who did a bit of independent research on Obama would have figured out.

To top that all of, John McCain, though a patriot and a good decent man, was no conservative. Therefore, the conservative base was less than eager about supporting his candidacy. Lets face it, the people who ultimately decide the elections, are not liberals, nor are they conservatives, they’re moderates. While conservatives outnumber liberals in this country by about 3 to 1, the majority of the American electorate are moderates.

Moderates, as a whole, tend to be much less interested in politics then either liberals or conservatives, and therefore are far less knowledgable about politics, and as a result, alot easier to manipulate. Moderates can come in alot of categories. For example, a man who is socially conservative on issues like abortion and gay marriage, but liberal on economic issues, can fairly be called a moderate. The same could be said about a woman who is conservative on economic issues, but liberal on social issues.

These moderates, who have very little interest in politics, and don’t really start paying attention until right before the election, talked to their liberal friends and asked them about Obama. They were told that Obama is the greatest, and that he’ll change things for the better and make America great in the eyes of the world. Those same moderates went to their conservative friends and asked them about John McCain. They were told that he isn’t all that great, but would still be alot better than Obama.

So, in other words, most of the knowledge these moderates got about the presidential candidates and they election came from second hand sources. They saw much enthusiasm on the part of liberals, who almost to a man had great hopes for Obama and were extremely enthusiastic about their support for him. From conservatives on the other hand, they saw dissapointment that they once again had to vote for the lesser of two evils. Most support McCain recieved from conservatives (myself included) was lukewarm. So these moderates, knowing very little about politics, concluded that Barack Obama must be the better man for the job because of the enthusiasm of his supporters, while knowing very little or even nothing about were he stands on the issues themselves!

That is why, in 2012, Republicans must nominate an articulate conservative of principle, one who will excite the conservative base. A man like Bobby Jindal, who stands firm on his beliefs and will not compromise his conservative principles in order to be classified by the media as one of the “good” Republicans.

Most moderates, when they hear the conservative message articulated, will realize that conservatism is overall closer to their own values and beliefs than liberalism, and will vote accordingly. John McCain attracted very little enthusiasim from his base, therefore he lost. Bobby Jindal will attract alot of enthusiasim from the conservative base therefore he’ll win. Barack Obama side by side with true conservatism during the debates, won’t stand a chance. He will go down in history, as a unmemorable, one term President.


No wonder she wasn’t able to make the payments!


DIY Punk music = affirmative musical action for musical tards


Do you think if we just let everyone be airline pilots that this will make everyone capable? Is all airline flying the same? I’d bet a lot that you don’t want to get on a plane with a DIY pilot.

But Burning Airlines Give you so Much More.


I thought this thread was supposed to be about butter.

I prefer bitters, punk ass butter-bitches.


Excellent. While, you liberals are busy devouring each other over something as trivial as music (of which if I must say, heavy metal is the best) then I will make the first intelligent arguement of my life.

Fixed your post.

Well, this ought to be a switch. Whatcha gonna tell us? That you made poopies under the stairs?


Rugged: you are so wrong in so many ways. LOL — good effort though. Keep telling yourself that and you Republican extremists will have your ass handed to you again in 2010.


That is why, in 2012, Republicans must nominate an articulate conservative of principle, one who will excite the conservative base. A man like Bobby Jindal

A Negro?


Well, if it’s going to be a dual-purpose music/kittehs thread, here we have Ian Anderson on kitten care.


And BTW Rugged, heavy metal comes in a close second to punk for worst musical genre. Metalheads are meatheads too, like the punks, the only difference being they know how to play their guitars real fast. Unfotunately they have no idea what to play so they spew out thousands of cliched notes. And don’t even get me started on the lyrics.



I had to click thru to see it for myself.

I’m sorry I doubted you.


You fools have no idea what proper music is. This newfangled “jazz” that is being played in speakeasies and whorehouses has none of the structure or beauty of good classical compositions and is therefore trash.

It is simplistic and repetitive. This “improvisation,” where individuals depart from the score and play their own ideas off the top of their head, is foolish and doomed to failure.

And the lyrics? Minnie the Moocher, indeed. Why would one put words to music, outside that filthy “folk” music enjoyed by the hoi polloi.

Jazz. Hmph.


Reinforcing my point that chemistry is useless for surgeons, not one of those facts has had shit to do with any of my ECCEs ICCEs , ALTs, PIs, LASIKs, LASEKs, wavefront refractive surgeries or any of the foreign bodies I’ve removed or traumatic injuries I’ve closed.

Foreign bodies? Do tell.


Look at that! It heard the word “power” and responded, just like we do!


You were told that it would make you go blind.


Toss it some lotion. Let’s see what it does.



Would I lie to you?


Heavy Metal is to music what professional wrestling is to sports.


I neither know, nor care, anything about musical theory or the playing of the instruments. The only thing I know about music, is that I like listening to it. And my favorite type of music to listen to is heavy metal. Some of my favorite bands by the way are Godsmack, Sciether, and Staind. Nothing quite beats driving down the highway in my Chevy 3500 blasting Godsmack. Its quite awesome to say the least.


Heavy Metal is to music what professional wrestling is to sports.

I suppose that explains the prevalence of spandex.



I dunno. Have we slept together?


New thread.

Yeah, but it’s actually got a purpose. I didn’t want to sully it with spillover from this disaster.


Lord Bashingwhore:

Nice try but you don’t really believe what you’re saying and the parallel is very shallow.

Jazz is hardly repetitive, some would say its not repetitive enough. Lyrics add a whole ‘nother dimension that clearly adds great value to popular music over classical music. And the bottom line is: it don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing. The whorehouses were swingin’ while everyone in the opera house sat on their hands.

So you’ll have to come up with a better “argument” than that. I stand not convicted.


The Fool Says:

November 18th, 2008 at 0:08


Do you know the old saying about it being better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than open it and prove everyone right?

This is one time you really should have listened….


I dunno. Have we slept together?

Hmmm, not sure. I’m awful with names but I never forget the top of someone’s head.


Listen, The Fool. Nothing is quite as impressive, as pulliing into a parking lot in a pickup truck blasting heavy metal music. Especially when their are good looking ladies around to be impressed by what a tough man you are. I love that feeling.


The badger- and pelican-less Rugged really doesn’t bring the goods, does it?


Shallow is what this thread is all about.

I stand not convicted.

Heh. Not yet, anyway.



Why? Do you like classical music better than jazz?

Its sacrilege I say! There are reasonable people on both sides of the question!


I’m awful with names but I never forget the top of someone’s head.

Which one?


No, Fool, I like all forms of the terpsichordean art (look it up).

It’s just that, ohhhhhhhh, I dunno…I think you’ve been punked, is all.


So, while I acknowledge that liberals can be as loyal and steadfast as cocker spaniels, I have found it is nearly impossible to paper-train them

If he’s looking for volunteers to come piss on his rug, I’m all in.


That rug really tied the room together, man!


That rug really tied the room together, man!

It needs more cowshit, tho.


Many composers included places for improvisation in the score, in fact cadenzas were rarely written out until the last century or so. Bach was said to be a master improviser. Also, though some might claim otherwise, some classical music even has lyrics, operas audiences could be quite rowdy(fans of certain singers booed rivals off the stage more than once), and classical performances have even started riots.


Yeah, tig, that kind of music has always attracted the wrong element…


Yeah, tig, that kind of music has always attracted the wrong element…

Why, I was at a chamber concerto and LOUD CLAPPING broke out!!!!!


Why, I was at a chamber concerto and LOUD CLAPPING broke out!!!!!

Well I certainly hope the flute player broke a foot off up somebody’s ass!

Quaker in a Basement

What’s next? Mick telling me “how white my shirts can be”?

Lord Crashingbore

“Well I certainly hope the flute player broke a foot off up somebody’s ass!”

And then the viola player smashed his instrument and they all walked to the edge of the stage and spit on the audience.

It was capital!


Quaker, the Stones already did that gig for Microsoft. If there is such a thing as selling out, there it would be….


Quaker, the Stones already did that gig for Microsoft. If there is such a thing as selling out, there it would be….

Weren’t they the innovators in sponsored touring? Hazy memories on that.


What’s next? Mick telling me “how white my shirts can be”?

We’re in the realm of baking needs, so it’d have to be for brown sugar.


I think he says he buys it so he can emphasize the first syllable of the brand name of that butter.


Here is a good exercise for stoopid punk bitchezzes: look back on the music you liked when you were 12. Do you still assess all of it as highly now as you did then? Do you assess it differently now for no good reason at all or did you undergo some kind of a learning process?

Yes, I realized that Emerson, Lake & Palmer weren’t as good as I thought they were after all.

I end up missing all the Fool flamewars lately. Oh well…


How PoMo. Selling out is the new artistic integrity!

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

C is the most cliched note.


Seeing this ad on real tv (not YouTube) is when I realized moving to Ireland was totally the right thing to do. Of course I’m still loyal to Kerrygold, myself. Mostly because it tends to be the only real butter available in stores here, but it also tastes good (or at least, it tastes the way butter should).


Do you have any idea how surreal it is to be ahead of America on something?


Well, I finally watched that commercial. Pretty dull. He should have been hating all other butters.


Over 500 comments, and not one person points out that PiL member Brian Brain’s first solo album was titled “Time Flies When You’re Having Toast”?


>“Time Flies When You’re Having Toast”?

And here I always remember it as Tim Files as You Were Hating the Most.


[…] A few months ago, apropos of something else, I was flooded with tweets by total strangers who are still absolutely LIVID about this. […]


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