Shorter Thomas Sowell
Posted on November 11th, 2008 by Tintin
- Intelleckshuals is stoopid. Just becuz I haz PhD an git payed by the
HoohahHoover Institushun for doin nuthin but inteleckshualizin, don’t mean I is an intellechual, but if it duz, I is teh only smart intelexual.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Becayse Sowell actually has maps, and can find the Iraq, and such as…
Ya gotta love it when Tommy boy takes on “high IQ groupthink” from the vantage point of the NRO. All that fancy book-larnin’ doesn’t seem to have helped Tommy, or Vicky Hanson all that much.
it turned out that about six million people had died in that famine — about the same number as the people killed in Hitler’s Holocaust.
Speaking of ignorance.
Ladies and gentlemen, “our greatest living philosopher,” or thus quoth David Mamet.
Not that this despicable tool deserves any of my time, but…
O RLY? I had always known that Silent Cal could read in Latin and Greek. Doesn’t mask a government philosophy bordering on malfeasance, but there you go.
One race is inherently better than the other?
Nice projection, Tom. Shall we dig up some of the ol’ “Random Thoughts” archives to see this in action? I do recall a certain you entertaining the notion of a freaking military coup.
Yes if not for those ivory towered eggheads who ran America First, country bumpkin FDR might have been able to stop Hitler in 1939.
What ever happened to the “South ParK” Republicans? I haven’t seen any polling data on how they voted.
That’s because it was a bullshit media narrative cooked up from pop trends and vapid talking heads needing to sound hip.
“Ignorance has consequences.”
Yep – like buying the stale canard about only deluded “intellectuals” misjudging Hitler’s potential for wreaking devastation on Europe & the world, ignoring the role of the us-whiteys-gotta-stick-together branch of isolationism or that of the German-American Bund … or like being stuck writing neocon pulp at the NRO.
Needs that “keep reading this article” injunction after every paragraph.
When I hear contempt being aimed at intellectualism, I reach for my IQ.
It’s a shame we’re not smart enough like Dr. Sowell to advocate the use of helicopter snipers during high-speed car chases. Cuz that’s smert AND totes awesum.
What ever happened to the “South ParK” Republicans?
I posit substantial overlap with Ron Paulbots, aka the Young Glibertarians. They’re too cool to “vote”. Besides, they’re busy eating Cheesy Poofs.
Ah, I remember when South Park was cool and edgy…about TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO. Mostly their political episodes aren’t really satire, they’re just “Liberals? LOLWUT?” They had an anti-WGA episode during the strike, for fuck’s sake.
They had an anti-WGA episode during the strike, for fuck’s sake.
The WGA is Communists, dammit! Also, Manbearpig!
Ayn Rand : Stalinist Russia :: Parker and Stone : Boulder, Colorado
Getting over it. You’re doing it wrong.
What is this man’s point–that you’re supposed to conceal your learning? He’s doing an admirable job if that’s really his strategy. Just another day at the Hoover Institute–the fellowship of the wrong.
Yeah. I need lectures from U.S. Republicans on who failed to warn about the rise of Hitler and European fascism.
Good god, at the Republican convention this f***ing year, Mike Huckabee got to the podium yelling about how Barack Gay Black Bill Ayers Obama went to Yurrup and brought him back some a them danged YUR-PEEN I-DEERS!!!! BOOOOOO!!!!
Then in the next paragraph, the right wingers will claim to be the only ones capable of defending the history of Western thought from Islamic attack.
Until the next paragraph, when they talk about how all them faggot Yurpeens got ideers and sh*t.
“It would be no feat to fill a big book with all the things on which intellectuals were grossly mistaken, just in the 20th century — far more so than ordinary people.”
It would be no feat to fill a big library with all the things on which intellectuals were spectacularly correct, just in the 20th century—far more so than ordinary people.
And then we could have taxes and build these libraries where the ordinary people could go.
Wait — is there also supposed to be a big book about all the things on which unintellectual dumb-a**es got wrong? Like, say, going along with all those regimes that tha intelekshuls done wroted about?
But that would be a contradiction — why have books for unintellectuals?
Why not fill comic books with all the things that anti-intellectual f***tards got wrong in the 20th century, based on oral history testimony, since obviously the dumb f***ers didn’t write it down?
We could title it “All Tha Things That Dumb People Got Rong In The 20-Eth Centuricle”.
Sowell: Sarah Palin is smart and purty. Condie Rice frightens my peniz.
In the 1930s, it was the intellectuals who pooh-poohed the dangers from the rise of Hitler and urged Western disarmament.
Hey, I thought it was the intellectuals in the 30’s who were responsible for defending Soviet Russia and the rise of Stalinism.
Three words, Mr. Sowell: Spanish. Civil. War.
Cripes, doesn’t this guy have a kidney to sell on eBay or something?
That != wingnuttery.
And then we could have taxes and build these libraries where the ordinary people could go...and burn all the books!
Dr. Sowell is a man of unmatched, rare brilliance, able to deftly show just how wrong liberals are in just a few words.
In the 1930s, it was the intellectuals who pooh-poohed the dangers from the rise of Hitler and urged Western disarmament.
Was Lindbergh an intellectual? Gerald Nye? Sure there were intellectual isolationists; there were intellectual interventionists, too. In fact, in every debate on every issue you will find intellectuals publicly arguing both sides because THAT’S WHAT THEY DO, for Christ’s sake.
S,N! readers are people of unmatched, rare brilliance, able to deftly show just how wrong Sowell are in just a few words.
Fixed your post.
I feel so unintellectual right now. Sowell ate my brain.
It would be no feat to fill a big book with all the things on which intellectuals were grossly mistaken, just in the 20th century — far more so than ordinary people.
Well, sure, if for no other reason than for most of the 1900s, the majority of “ordinary people” weren’t able to leave a public trail of opinion and hypotheses behind to fall flat under the gaze of history, particularly during the time periods Sowell seems most fond of referencing here.
Simple logistics don’t disappear just ’cause one cherrypicked from the vault of history instead of current events.
Also: are we still holding up literacy of Greek and Latin as a hallmark of book-learnin’ these days, or is that just an unfortunate mental holdover from Sowell dipping into the early-to-mid 20th century to make his point?
Ordinary people are stupid. Even ordinary people know that.
More fodder for yesterday’s religion discussion.
Priest ’smashes chair’ over Italian restaurant owner’s head as nuns kick him in the stomach.
Damn, that was stupid. Do you think Sowell writes all this crap in five minutes every morning and spends the rest of the day playing golf and laughing his head off at stupid white conservatives?
‘Cause that would be funnier than thinking he’s this stupid.
I guess that’s why those writers from the New Yorker were making sardonic comments about both Hitler and Mussolini in the early ’30s – they weren’t intellectuals. Nice to have that cleared up.
are we still holding up literacy of Greek and Latin as a hallmark of book-learnin’ these days, or is that just an unfortunate mental holdover from Sowell dipping into the early-to-mid 20th century to make his point?
My grandfather, a life-long farmer in rural Alabama, could read Greek and Latin, and he was not unusual: both were taught as a matter of course* in earlier days.
*unintended, I promise.
[anti-WGA strike] != wingnuttery.
Well, it’s one thing to acknowledge that the strike was a Very Bad Thing for many non-writers in the industry. But parroting the AMPTP crap about why writers shouldn’t share in any profits from internet distribution as they do with TeeVee broadcasts is just plain shitty. And that’s what the South Park episode did by mocking the notion that internet distribution can earn money, when of course it already does. Wingnuttery or not, I don’t think it was any less dishonest than their global warming “skepticism.”
Mark: “Ordinary people are stupid. Even ordinary people know that.”
This should be on a snorg tee shirt.
Ordinary people are stupid.
I dunno. I thought Donald Sutherland were pretty good.
The Three Stooges did a short in the thirties with Moe as Hitler and Curly as Mussolini . Chaplin did “The Great Dictator”. They were said to be trying to raise public consciousness of antisemitism in Europe. No doubt their target audience was intelexuals.
You see? You see? Your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!
To each his own. I viewed the episode as a critique of WGA leadership, period. And a critique of the WGA’s own inability to properly express what a fair share of internet distribution money constituted.
Their views on global warming are indefensible, and they love them some strawmen, but I’ve never found Parker/Stone to be the wingnuts some make them out to be. Look at last week’s episode- if anything, the biggest dumbasses were McCain supporters, and the lesson was that an Obama administration will be fine. That didn’t stop some people from bitching about gullible Randy Marsh being shown as an Obama supporter (ignoring the fact that the boss he told off and beat up was also an Obama supporter).
Isn’t intellectualizing about intellectuals being intellectual?
Oh goodness, look, a black hole has opened near Sowell’s brain and is sucking him into the singluarity of his thinking…
Do you think Sowell writes all this crap in five minutes every morning and spends the rest of the day playing golf and laughing his head off at stupid white conservatives?
No, I think in between he opens the checks in the mail THEN goes to play golf and laugh at white conservatives.
By the way, didn’t some very smart intellectuals review the data from the CIA and FBI and determine that Osama bin Laden was preparing to strike in the United States, say, around 6 August?
Has a memo gone around the NRO office about targetting “high IQ groupthink”? The other day Jonah was convincing himself that the nigh-universal consensus among university student groups to endorse Obama, revealed the conformity among tertiary-educated minds.
It is easier to imagine Sowell arguing this way (“If intelligent well-educated observers all agree on one view, while I hold the opposite view, then they have tied themselves up in groupthink”) if you imagine him speaking in the voice of Homer Simpson.
didn’t some very smart intellectuals review the data from the CIA and FBI
Thank god the smart people didn’t pay no attention to those eggheads.
the nigh-universal consensus among university student groups to endorse Obama, revealed the conformity among tertiary-educated minds.
I though Limbaugh proved that that effect was because Obama’s neuromatomic language hypnosis worked better the smarter you were.
Re: “…I reach for my IQ.” jim wins the thread.
You pointy-headed intellectuals don’t live in The Heartland where wealthy cow ranchers/dental floss farmers like me are entreprenuers who don’t want our wealth redistributed in Social Security and Medicaid. You see, our limited brain power doesn’t allow us to see that we’ll likely pull more out of the system than we put in…HALP! I failed my 5th grade math class!
Re: “…I reach for my IQ.” jim wins the thread.
Conformity being the entire thing where we were more or less split 60-40 between Obama and Clinton supporters and agreed to set aside our differences to keep Wingnuttia from running our country into the fucking ground, right?
Conformity being that deal where we didn’t immediately start duck-speaking on ACORN and the Weather Underground and redistributing Sam the Skinhead’s imaginary money and every fucking right-wing talking point except snail darters and swamp rabbits, right?
Conformity being the entire thing where the only time I ever heard an intellectually coherent argument in McCain’s favor was on a fucking college campus, right? That entire thing where the intelligensia is capable of forming opinions not primarily based on ‘well, the Party says so, so…’ – there’s conformity.
And thanks mucho on behalf of my parents, who respectively came close to flunking a series of low-end colleges and never got to go, for painting them as salt-of-the-earth thoughtless maroons with no use for all that conformist book-larnin’. Allow me to give my thanks on behalf of my brother, who has decided to go through life with whatever education he can get himself and who was chosen for a set of debates in his high school on the basis of having been the first person to see through the McCain media horse-shit, for telling him how wonderful it is that he doesn’t have a critical thought in his head.
Fuck you, Doctor Sowell. Don’t you have post-holes to dig, you patronizing stumblefuck?
the nigh-universal consensus among university student groups to endorse Obama
Umm, that was my shortenising of some idle thoughts from J. Goldberg esq. (as reported by Word-o’-Crap last week), and should not be confused with Sowell’s own distinctive way of making a fool of himself.
Conformity being the entire thing where the only time I ever heard an intellectually coherent argument in McCain’s favor was on a fucking college campus, right?
Impressive, those college people – I never heard one. I can’t decide if this means I should spend more time on college campuses or less.
Mind you, never from the College Republicans. They’re usually a malicious species of frat-boy, which is why they’ve been taking over the Party for the last generation. I like to think of Karl Rove being what would happen if Fatbot were human and evil.
Mind you, never from the College Republicans.
Thanks for the clarification – though I have to admit it didn’t even cross my mind that it might be from those punks. I figured it must be some intelectuofascist playing Devil’s Advocate or something.
I like to think of Karl Rove being what would happen if Fatbot were human and evil.
Safavian and Rudy are too busy being in jail.
That’s probably true.
Re: “…I reach for my IQ.” jim wins the thread.
Re: “…I reach for my IQ.” jim wins the thread.
Though possibly best just to wear it all the time.
They’re usually a malicious species of frat-boy, which is why they’ve been taking over the Party for the last generation.
History fully vindicates the late William F. Buckley’s view that he would rather be ruled by people represented by the first 100 names in the Boston phone book than by the faculty of Harvard.
It’s not a big college town.
History fully vindicates the late William F. Buckley’s view that he would rather be ruled by people represented by the first 100 names in the Boston phone book than by the faculty of Harvard.
It was a deep dark fantasy of mine to round up 100 professors at Harvard and have them legally change their name to “Aardvark”…
I have to wonder why SadlyNo would choose to ridicule Thomas Sowell by writing in Ebonics.
Surely if a conservative were to do the same thing while mocking Barack Obama (or any other black person) all of you here would rightly lable it racist.
Does the Left now consider it fair game to employ racial stereo-types when attacking black conservatives?
Sadly pathetic.
‘Ebonics’ is the name of a dialect, not just a nigger-loving way of saying ‘stupid’.
Not that you’d know that.
Ringo is obviously not aware of all internet traditions.
alec said,
‘Ebonics’ is the name of a dialect, not just a nigger-loving way of saying ’stupid’.
So then it wouldn’t be racist if, say, Rush Limbaugh were to mock President Obama using Ebonics?
I don’t understand your point.
I have to wonder why SadlyNo would choose to ridicule Thomas Sowell by writing in LOLcat.
“I have to wonder why SadlyNo would choose to ridicule Thomas Sowell by writing in Ebonics.”
First, learn what Ebonics is (hint: this isn’t it).
Second, Sowell’s melanin content isn’t what’s being mocked; it’s his anti-intellectualism. But then, you’d have to have an over-room-temperature IQ to recognize that, so Ringo, you’re excused.
That’s because you’re being deliberately obtuse. Sowell is engaging in some of the more egregious sophistry I’ve seen in quite some time – he’s got a fucking PhD, this is the primary reason he has a job in opinion writing, and he’s using that platform to praise the virtues of the Precious Idiotic Little People.
A black person saying stupid things is not automatically ‘ebonics’, your hilariously dated pretenses aside. The hilarious joke is not that Sowell is black; it is that he is a fucking professor pretending for political reasons that the Real Americans are touchingly ignorant maroons. He’s not just being a condescending jagoff, he’s openly fucking contradicting himself.
OneMan said,
First, learn what Ebonics is (hint: this isn’t it).
Second, Sowell’s melanin content isn’t what’s being mocked; it’s his anti-intellectualism.
Sadly no.
The sentence never would have been written the way that it is if Sowell was not a black man. It is clearly an attempt at racial humor.
And it’s shameful.
I…haven’t read the thread yet, and I’m sure Sowell deserves all the fucking abuse you can heap on his head, and yet…
Yet, I remember the conversation I had with my white-privilege-denying boss, where he insisted, in response to my suggestion that if he wanted to increase the diversity of our effort, he think about the race of the members of our possible partner organizations and whether he should make an extra effort to include the POC orgs and gain their trust and get their input: “I don’t even think about that stuff” … and I said, “Well, [redacted], that’s because you have the white privilege that ALLOWS YOU TO NOT THINK ABOUT THAT.”
I’m sure you know colorblind is insufficient.
And you know, in my opinion there’s just a certain amount of slack you have to cut Sowell in a couple of ways, and one of them is not Aunt Jemimahing him all over the place with fake dialect.
I’m sure I’m wrong for some reason but you know what? I don’t remember seeing such over-the-top direct putdown of intellect on S,N! very often. As I said, maybe Sowell deserves it, but really… why not Cal Thomas??
I have to wonder why SadlyNo would choose to ridicule Thomas Sowell by writing in Ebonics.
That doesn’t even slightly resemble Ebonics. It’s pretty much just typical stupid-Internet-user speak.
Arguably, your immediate association of stupid-speak with Ebonics makes you racist, but you’re a troll so I don’t know why I’m getting into this.
Really. Because there’s a cottage industry in ebonics-related humor on the left, yes? Because when it came to mocking Colin Powell the left called him a degenerate porch-monkey and the right focused mainly on his comically awful name, right?
And the above is, evidently, how ebonics works: because black people aren’t smart enough to write real English. Do you know the first fucking thing about AAVE, or are you just here to prance around getting the vapors when we scandalously abolitionist traitors are forced to admit that black people aren’t really human?
Stephen said,
That doesn’t even slightly resemble Ebonics. It’s pretty much just typical stupid-Internet-user speak.
Yeah, sure it is.
You’re welcome!
alec said,
Do you know the first fucking thing about AAVE, or are you just here to prance around getting the vapors when we scandalously abolitionist traitors are forced to admit that black people aren’t really human?
Good grief.
You’re a freakin’ nut.
OK, Fainty McClutchpearl, you got us…we’re all actually super-seekrit members of KKK and we’ve just been waiting for Sowell to write something so we could use our best fake Ebonics on his black ass. Man, I just hate to be outed like that.
Except…Hmmm. I don’t remember you coming around to defend Barack Obama (that’s “Mr. President-Elect” to you, sonny) when his race was being dragged all through the right-blogosphere.
…you’re a fucking hypocrite?
Ringo- Spare us your feigned outrage.
Gringo: You’d actually have a point if you were correct that the dialect being spoofed in the post were black jive-assery, but it’s not; it’s fucktard dumbassery. Because the post is spoofing the words of an “intellectual” who is pooh-poohing intellectuals. So see? You have no point. Therefore, fuck off.
Concern troll is concerned.
Jackhammer Champ: And I like to wear the glasses when I’m not jackhammering because they make me look intellectual.
Woman: Excuse me, are you an intellectual?
Jackhammer Champ: Why, yes I am.
Woman: That’s great, because I have some questions? About Nietzsche?
Heffer: Maybe I should get some glasses for myself.
Rocko: Why, are you having trouble with your eyesight?
Heffer: No, I’m having trouble not knowing who Nietzsche is.
Ringo- Spare us your feigned outrage.
Hey, hey, ho, ho
It’s an internet tradition that Ringo don’t know
Hey, hey, ho, ho
It’s an internet tradition that Ringo don’t know
That certainly explains Palin, though if we follow that logic through, shouldn’t it have been someone from Alabama the Republicans picked instead of Alaska?
Y’know, if this Ringo asshat came to your door with bad BO, big dandruff, snot crusted on his upper lip and a big stain on the front of his faded and ill-fitting Corderoys and started calling you a racist, you wouldn’t talk to him.
Of COURSE you wouldn’t.
But here, he gets, what, special dispensation?
But here, he gets, what, special dispensation?
Hey, we’re back to our Church talk of last night!
Hey, how about a fucking courtesy flush?
Look, I just have to say something: Can we stop with the constant catism that the Internet is full of? Not all cats are stupid and lazy. Not all like having their pictures taken on Saturday. And no, when they do that, it’s not automatically “cute.”
What His Grace said. I mean, would you automatically assume that every large pinniped you encountered was the proud owner of a bucket, or else was the bereft victim of a bucket abduction? I think not.
And no, when they do that, it’s not automatically “cute.”
… I sure wish I could do “that”!
Since I’ve had to see that picture of Sowell all day today:
Retreat? Hell, we just got here!
I’m all out of snark.
Holy shit! The no chops punk rock posers are closet racists! Who knew? Come to think of it, I guess the whole skinhead thing should have tipped me off. I just figured in the age of Obama, a generally lefty website would be one of the last places you’d find peddling racist humor.
Jeebus guys, why not just photoshop in a watermelon and a bucket of fried chicken while you’re at it?
P.S. Oh, its me alright, bitches.
From Sowell: “In the 1930s, it was the intellectuals who pooh-poohed the dangers from the rise of Hitler and urged Western disarmament.”
Like, say, Henry Ford?
“Intellectuals” generally meaning “rich people” in this context.
So, you know, FUCK YOU, Thomas Sowell.
I have hated that man since I was about 12. I am old, but still, I am consistent.
This example of hideous leftist depravity against Dr. Sowell is akin to the sexist drubbing you Obots gave dear gentle Hillary in the Democratic primaries, thus crystallizing us “bitter” Reagan Democrats into the force that swept McCain to a landslide victory.
So, I’m guessing that this is Sowell’s way of reconciling the conservative idea that a classical education is important with the conservative idea that being college educated makes you dumb.
Whatever lets him sleep at night, I guess.
Ah, libs, instead of bringing “Teh Funney” you have instead provided us with a bumper crop of 100% pure hypocrisy and pure leftist hate! It is to laugh, how easily your little game is revealed.
SecurityMom and MidwestMom, would the two of you like to chime in on this stirring controversy?
…instead of bringing “Teh Funney”
oh, go back to your Stooges videos (nyuk, nyuk, nyuk)
and I think your “us” is a pretty small group (perhaps a singularity)
All day long we slave over hot keyboards, and all you Trolls do is complain. Why don’t you ever bring the funny? You take and take, and never once bring it. Well screw it, I’m leaving you for your boss, who’s nicer than you and a better lover. Also, your mother called and she does hate you.
…yes, “Truth”, since you seem to think that funny is part of the S, N! experience, say something funny. Don’t be shy, we know it’s your first time.
The conservative approval of classical education is because traditionally, that kind of education was only available to the wealthy. Making bad puns in latin like grammar school boys do, is a code for “if you don’t get the joke, I’m richer and better than you”
Now modern tertiary education.. that is available to every pleb clever enough to pass an exam, and stupid enough to sign a student loan form. How shocking. It will turn America’s established class system on its head if this is allowed to continue! You can’t keep them voting against their own self interest if they start “learning things” all willy nilly!
That’s not Ebonics. Ebonics actually has grammatical rules, and spelling conventions.
If these trolls knew anything, like maybe reading a book, and increasing their knowledge base, by intellectualizing themselves, they might have found a better basis for complaint.
As it is, that paragraph is provably not Ebonics. It is insulting. Heh indeed.
a pretty small group (perhaps a singularity)
Mental image of the Truth as a naked singularity.
Do not want.
Do not want breakdown of the space-time metric… or logic & proportion falling sloppy dead… but particularly do not want the nakedness.
I think the trolls are broken.
I have to wonder why SadlyNo would choose to ridicule Thomas Sowell by writing in Ebonics.
I think sumwum iz not aware of all Internetz tradishuns. kthx
The Truth said,
November 12, 2008 at 1:36
Adolf Hitler’s skeletal remains called and said thanks, but he (it?) has a date already and besides he has to wash what’s left of his hair that night, wax the cat, and trim the Chia™ pet. And if you’d read the fine print on that restraining order his lawyer sent you he’d really appreciate it.
I think the trolls are broken.
They need a $700,000,000,000 bailout, then they’ll be flush.
“I think the trolls are broken.”
If not, we will break them.
The most reasonable interpretation of the article itself, if I had read it without knowing who Sowell is or what the Hoover is about, is “intellectuals are often wrong”.
Which, well, DUH. I remember reading that about half of the papers published in peer-reviewed biology journals are wrong in some way. The figure must be even higher for history and political science, if only because it’s so hard to determine something is true.
Anyway, what worries me is that Bill Kristol might write a column in which he advocates not listening to columnists, because my brain might seize up if I read that.
Ah libs, I’m just a fake troll, it is to laugh, arugala scary black pastor Michelle it is to laugh is to laugh is to laugh is to laugh.
That is how we troll.
I think the trolls are broken.
“Him sad! Brain broken!”
History fully vindicates the late William F. Buckley’s view that he would rather be ruled by people represented by the first 100 names in the Boston phone book than by the faculty of Harvard.
Harvard does suck. It is axiomatic.
…about half of the papers published in peer-reviewed biology journals are wrong in some way
of course, and intellectuals (…oh, it’s so easy to say that with a sneer!) are usually the ones to point out where they’re wrong.
Sowell is a waste of skin.
…I’m just a fake troll, it is to laugh, arugala scary black pastor Michelle it is to laugh is to laugh is to laugh is to laugh.
…and yet, still not funny.
They need a $700,000,000,000 bailout, then they’ll be flush.
Why, I’ll flush them for a mere fraction of that amount!
Fake and still not funny, so what’s the point? Seriously, I’m asking.
The fact is, liberals are loosers. You actually lost last week. We will take back USA after the illegitimite win of B. Hussein Osama bin Biden.
The fact is, Sarah Palin would have been and awesome VP and she was cute.
Making bad puns in latin
Atequila, atequilae, atequili, atequilam, atequilo…
…I’m sorry, someone asked if I would decline a tequila.
Euripides, Eumenides, emm effers!
Stanford’s alumni magazine also had a letter to the editor decrying this supposed political/intellectual conformity (I think referred to as “lack of diversity”) on campus. The example cited was, I believe, that more than 80% of students said they thought that there was global warming caused by humans. And also that evolution was real, or at least the most plausible and useful explanation for the origin of species.
I began writing a response, suggesting a sort of “affirmative action” program for conservatives (including, ID “scholars”), whose viewpoints, unable to compete in the intellectual marketplace, could be given representation for the sake of diversity (and irrespective of quality).
But then I realized there already is one, and fine people like Victor Davis Thucydides Hansonopoulos, Thomas Sowell, Edwin Meese, Laura Ingraham, John Podhoretz, and Dinesh D’Souza are gainfully employed by it to ensure that our fine nation never runs out of fail.
However, I just read a D’Souza essay in which he argues, I think successfully, that Lincoln was actually really great, and in fact the best President in US history. So you have to give credit for that, I guess.
Doesn’t the Hoover Institute have any factcheckers?
…in which he argues, I think successfully, …So you have to give credit for that, I guess.
What are you, some kind of damned intellectual?
What changed D’Souse’s mid was the discovery of a picture of Abraham Lincoln in a leopard print stovepipe hat. (insert Dylan song here)
In another shocking example of doctrinal lock-step, a Judeo-intellectual bias against geocentrism prevailed — even in the supposedly ‘religious’ theology department!!
…a picture of Abraham Lincoln in a leopard print stovepipe hat
taking an aspirin, presumably.
Doesn’t the Hoover Institute have any factcheckers?
Yes they do. And they’re remarkably efficient.
So, what…The Truth’s bag from now on is to tell us how unfunny we are? That’s the schtick my TruthBot has to emulate? Fuck that.
I would mention the mighty falling, but that assumes mighty in the first place.
Lincoln would make a terrible Republican. He bent over backwards to avoid war in spite of our opponent being pretty manifestly evil, he probably exercised greater degrees of clemency to non-ideological deserters, defecters, and malingerers than any commander-in-chief in modern history (his ‘restless leg’ cases, he called them – the man was a small god of mercy, and his last act as President was the staying or pardoning of several such cases) and that clemency extended to the defeated – even in cases like Davis, who would always be an excellent argument for the death penalty.
He was a small God of mercy, maybe the closest any American statesman has ever been to legitimately benevolent – and pop culture remembers him for his moustache and no doubt D’Souza had little reason but that fucking Iraq-Civil War analogy to tug his pud for.
Even Fremont would have been a better President than Bush, and he was a pederast.
Damn right: we’ve all had to put up with its bullshit ever since 2002, and yet they haven’t let a single factual claim slip so far. Even your Coulters or Limbaughs will occasionally stumble into basic laws of nature correctly by depraved accident.
…pop culture remembers him for his moustache
[psst – above the lip…moustache; below the lip…beard]
I’m not sure who this “Fainty McClutchpearl” person is, but I couldn’t even read this article, because the accompanying picture suggested someone (pardon my frankness) visiting the rest-room, an act which should not be depicted so graphically.
In any case, whatever it is that you did was apparently bad enough to offend someone who habitually calls civil-rights leaders “sc*mb*gs” and distorts events to fit the narrative that, erm, persons of color are violent thugs. It must therefore have been terribly, terribly rude, and as Reginald has yet to fetch my snuff-box (which was badly in need of re-gilding) I shan’t even attempt to read it.
…and why is he so happy about an MP drowning (or perhaps drowsy)?
What the heck was Sowell’s column even about? I got that he was bitter and ignorant, but was that it?
[psst – above the lip…moustache; below the lip…beard]
We do not talk about Lincoln’s beard in these parts, because it always results in unseemly ribaldry about Mary Todd Lincoln.
It’s all moustaches to me, baby.
It’s all moustaches to me, baby.
well.. I’ll have to rethink my “look”
(f’ing tags!)
He’s a voyeur who crops up occasionally when we’re being shamefully radically naughty; thus my general tendency to follow any direct response to his bullshit with inane demonstrationisms.
There are a few hundred of them stalking the Internet, posting images of shameful libruls outing themselves as homo-extremists and projecting a sort of pained, disturbed normalcy and calm – never mind that the vast majority cannot give enough of a shit to actively support their own side’s demonstrations, let alone eagerly tail the opposition’s, let alone goddamn show up at them with a camera and baggy trousers.
It’s like being tailed by Larry Flynt, only he lacks the basic personal decency, only really cares about one specific fetish, and locks his doors when he sees a black child on the sidewalk.
The fact is, the liberals, as usual, are the real rasists.
The fact is, cock.
Speaking of mustaches, this is one of the greatest blog ideas ever.
…too much work – the point of a mustache is to save (a little bit of) work!
Gary, you finally got it! (the 2nd time)
Alec, that last one could be a lovely ‘shorter’.
Instead of conducting detailed forensic linguistic exegeses asserting that the racist humor you used is not precisely ebonics, maybe what you boys ought to do is just man up and apologize for your racial insensitivity. You come off sounding exactly like that Republican county chair out in California who swore up and down that the watermelons and fried chicken parts etc on her Obama mailout weren’t intended to have any racial connotations.
I don’t know the precise definition of ebonics but when you mockingly put words in the mouth of a black man that sound like a precise echo of Steppin’ Fetchit you’ve simply stepped over the line. A lot of white people suffer from unconscious racism that sometimes comes out unintentionally. We all understand that.
Just apologize and, well, move on.
I know you are but what am I?
Whoops, I broke the thread.
Just apologize and, well, move on.
I’m sorry you’re such a fetid cesspool of suck.
You can leave now.
…not funny (or interesting).
How about we make fun of Michael Barone?
did Sowell stop to consider that Buckley’s comment about the Harvard faculty may have had less to do with anti-intellectualism than with the fact that he was an ardent Yalie?
‘I don’t know the precise definition of ebonics’ is an interesting false concession, in light of how much research could be done on it online if you actually gave a shit about it one way or the other instead of simply dredging it up because it satisfied the racist monkey on your back fifteen years ago when it was an actual issue.
And are you fucking kidding? Step’n’Fetchit has nothing to do with Internetese. He was a talented clown, a master of mallingering laziness and endowed with some of the best comedic economy in American history, and the vicious prejudices of the time left him with no option but to do evil with it.
It might just be the fact that I’m the real racist here talking, but when I hear someone mocking a fucking PhD for praising undereducation the first thing that comes to mind is not random blackface performers.
Just to clarify for the sake of the trolls: ‘I be’ is the characteristic marker of mock-Ebonics (and is an actual feature of AAVE); ‘I is’ is more characteristic of lolcats (and is not an actual feature of AAVE).
I like how whenever you guys try and get clever without specific Party marching orders, I completely fuck your shit up. Better luck next time!
I like how whenever you guys try and get clever without specific Party marching orders, I completely fuck your shit up. Better luck next time!
A winner is you!
I think the trolls are broken.
It’s because their McCain Trolling Points are as worthless as Confederate dollars. Nor does the similarity end there!
Fake and still not funny, so what’s the point? Seriously, I’m asking.
None that I can see. I read and might respond to a parody troll (capital RIM as opposed to RiM) but real trolls and bad fakes are pointless.
Well, now that I say that, I have in the past engaged in primal scream therapy on line by venting the day’s frustration on a troll. But it’s easier and better for my sanity to just yell into a pillow: the pillow is both more intelligent an adversary and more sympathetic to me than a troll.
and I think your ?us? is a pretty small group (perhaps a singularity)
“Tonto, we’re surrounded by Indians!”
the pillow is both more intelligent an adversary and more sympathetic to me than a troll.
It smells better, too.
It’s because their McCain Trolling Points are as worthless as Confederate dollars. Nor does the similarity end there!
I read “pants” for “points” at first, but McCain Trolling Pants would be AWESOME.
McCain Trolling Pants would be AWESOME.
They would, for a fact!
I imagine something like a spiky pseudo-military camouflage-colored Union suit, with an easy-open poop flap.
…trolling pants
“Tonto, we’re surrounded by Indians!”
What do you mean by “we” kemosabe.
don’t know the precise definition of ebonics but when you mockingly put words in the mouth of a black man that sound like a precise echo of Steppin’ Fetchit you’ve simply stepped over the line.
Yew meen laik how we use da zack same aksent foah CornneckTICkut Yankay?
It smells better, too.
I’ve always imagined trolls as smelling like the corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanum.
I’ve always imagined trolls as smelling like the corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanum.
Probably not a bad guess. But I am joyfully able to say I’ve never smelled either.
For troll smell, I imagine B.O. and Cheetopoop. Maybe with a trace of Axe.
Or its little brother, Amorphophallus minimum. ‘Cause you know, really.
…a trace of Axe.
…and Febreze (an act of desperation)
…and Febreze (an act of desperation)
On Mom’s part, no doubt.
And tigrismus: LOLz!
I had the joy of Amorphophallus titanummania a couple of years ago. Stood in line for 30 minutes to catch a whiff, nearly puked. Had to shower repeatedly to get the smell out of my hair.
Having never voted R, I look on it as a vicarious experience.
Stood in line for 30 minutes to catch a whiff, nearly puked.
You know, even though I always thought that’s how I’d react to smelling a corpse-flower, and even though you’ve now told me it catches people that way, I’d probably still stand in line to smell one now. It’s one of those things I want to do, or at least be able to say I did.
I understand completely. It smelled worse than the dead people I’ve smelled.
PUMAS smell like chicken salad, Celine Dion perfume, and vinegar.
This is a fundamental part of human nature. When someone says “Oh God, this smells horrible and in fact may be the worst smell ever, here, take a whiff” you must at the very least have a strong impulse to do so.
PUMAS smell like chicken salad, Celine Dion perfume, and vinegar.
What does Celine Dion perfume smell like?
What does Celine Dion perfume smell like?
Another thing I’ve never smelled, but I’ll hazard a guess that it’s overly sweet and cloying. Dunno why I think that.
The fact is, photos of black men on the toilet is offensive, therefore you be hypocrites.
Trolls are like fainting goats–amusing for a little while but predictable.
I dropped my brother on his head as a child.
Via Wonkette, an excellent trolling opportunity has presented itself. Tell the RNC chairman what changes the party needs, like giving away a pair of Trucknutz to every red blooded American!
…are you sure that wasn’t you, Gary?
Fainting goats are always funny. Always.
What does Celine Dion perfume smell like?
It’s one of those “if you have to ask, you’ll never understand” type of situations.
It’s one of those “if you have to ask, you’ll never understand” type of situations.
C’est la vie.
Yes! to fainting goats. (and all other manner of humorous livestock!)
Via Wonkette, an excellent trolling opportunity has presented itself.
Hotlaska is making sense!
Hotlaska is making sense!
Wow, that site really is a showcase of just how very, very far the Republicans have to go in understanding what the ‘net is really like.
Even in my early-1990s Usenet days I could have told you that something like that would be infested with pranksters overnight.
Truck Nutz rule ,
Paultards drool,
and Republicans just jump up and down and whine.
It’s not easy to jump up and down and whine – try it sometime
I can’t it makes myTruck Nutz clack together in a very unsettling way.
When someone says “Oh God, this smells horrible and in fact may be the worst smell ever, here, take a whiff” you must at the very least have a strong impulse to do so.
Oddly enough, this doesn’t work for other sensory modalities. If I say “this tastes horrible and in fact may be the worst tastes ever, here, take a drop”, the response is generally along the lines of “Feck off, Smut, I’ve heard about your homemade cactus liqueur.”
Similarly if I say “this sounds horrible and in fact may be the worst sounds ever”, people start going on about Celine Dion before I even finish the sentence.
Yes! to fainting goats. (and all other manner of humorous livestock!)
How do you feel about bulemic Abyssinians?
Truck Nutz suckz,
Ron Paul rocks,
And Libertarians all have huge cocks.
Too tired to see if anyone else renamed this guy– had to be done.
Oddly enough, this doesn’t work for other sensory modalities.
Smut, you ever said to somebody “Hey, look at this disgusting thing”? Works every time. For instance, one of my college buddies used to dare people to simultaneously watch this Japanese scat porn and eat a chocolate/vanilla swirl pudding cup. He won almost every time, but despite knowing how awful it was going to be most people couldn’t turn away.
Taste is probably the odd one out because it’s the entry point for really nasty stuff into the body.
I pretty regularly listen to things that are horrible. And then the meeting’s over.
Smut, you ever said to somebody “Hey, look at this disgusting thing”?
I believe that to be one of my main functions in the S,N! ecology.
Hey Thom, that’s not funny.
You rang?
The Fool said,
November 12, 2008 at 1:21
Are you a parody troll? No one could be so ignorant.
Similarly if I say “this sounds horrible and in fact may be the worst sounds ever”, people start going on about Celine Dion before I even finish the sentence.
I dunno – these kids today have this “listening ironically” thing they do with music. I don’t remember it existing in the eighties, before my musical tastes fossilized. Must have something to do with the MP3 format, or something.
“I don’t know the precise definition of ebonics’ is an interesting false concession, in light of how much research could be done on it online”
The point is if you have to have a Ph.D. in linguistics and embark on a scholarly research program just to distinguish your joke from bona fide racism perhaps you have stepped a little too close to the line — if not over it.
I just think its sad that in the same week when our country has finally taken a big step toward exorcising the racist demon within, that some people feel compelled to indulge in childish racist humor.
Keep your skinhead humor to yourself, you no chops little punk poser bitches.
Oh, wait, that’s it. Punk rock caused “listening ironically” to exist.
Hey fool,
I’m listening to “Golden Shower of Hits” by the Circle Jerks on loop just for you, buddy! Flower power, man.
“Keep your skinhead humor to yourself, you no chops little punk poser bitches.”
Whatever, assclown. Your attempt at fake outrage is pathetic.
It doesn’t take a doctorate (or even a doctorbate) to recognize that “I is teh only smart intelexual” is LOLcat. Which itself sounds, I’ve always thought, kind of like Ali G.
Hey some people find racism outrageous, and some people don’t. I guess we know which group you belong to huh? Punk bitch!
says the commenter on someone else’s blog.
Anyway, my friends and I did a lot of ironic listening in the 90s, with a lot of lounge collections and Elvis and Frank Sinatra and whatnot. I wound up actually liking some of it, which only makes sense because some of it was really good music. Particularly Esquivel.
So, yeah, when you’re pretending to be outraged about racism, it’s more convincing if you aren’t misogynist while you’re doing it. Other than that, better trolls please.
“Keep your skinhead humor to yourself…”
…click on that link, damn you!! You’ll do as I say, or else!!!
So are you defending racism Doc? Skinhead punk beeayeahtch!
I’m lonely and looking for a juicy cock to suck. Any takers?
Frank Sinatra and whatnot. I wound up actually liking some of it, which only makes sense because some of it was really good
I’ll listen to anything that Frankie sings, as long as the arrangement is by Nelson Riddle. That was a fucking genius music combo indeed.
Also Ella Fitzgerald’s recordings on Verve. Oh, yeah!
I’ve always wanted to open a diner serving good quality comfort food, named “Frank and Ella’s.” The only music I’d play would be powered by the biggest iPod loaded with everything they ever did. I’d be open 24 hours, all year ’round, except for being closed from 10pm Christmas Eve to midnight Christmas night.
Also not being a homophobe (with “punk bitch” and “punk beeayeahtch”, which actually makes me think you’re just messing around) would help you be taken more seriously. I’ve seen other posts you’ve made in the past and you don’t usually show up like Truthy or “rabbi” “saul” to play concern troll, so what’s up, anyway?
Someone told me “I used to think I was a Frank Sinatra fan, but it turns out I’m a Nelson Riddle fan”.
The Fool said,
November 12, 2008 at 1:21
You’ve been commenting on this post for the past six hours. I bet you’re a real winner. Do you get paid for your fake outrage?
Come on. Frank Sinatra could really sing.
The fake “Fool” post before this one is fake — and whoever it is is adding homophobia to the racism that already plagues this site.
“In the 1930s, it was the intellectuals who pooh-poohed the dangers from the rise of Hitler and urged Western disarmament.”
Well, at least “Topsy” Sowell understands that Prescott Bush was a heavyweight intellectual who obviously passed on the genes to Baby Caligula. When is this idiot going to be consigned to the Sarah Palin garbage heap?
Fun fact: Elvis as an empty signifier is an empty signifier. His existence as an American icon has been so trod and re-trod that there is no longer anything meaningful in presenting him ironically.
Pomo will inevitably eat itself, and what happens next is Elvis.
Me, I like electro. I guess Nirvana and the Sex Pistols lost me when they became Hoobastank and My Chemical Romance.
And because I haven’t completely infuriated everyone yet, allow me to finish with this: the Dalai Lama is the Pope without the hat hair and Target knows what you think about them – that’s their whole business model.
Also, Santa Claus is a Zionist lie.
“Do you get paid for your fake outrage?”
No watching the hilarity of you and Doc and other tards huffing and puffing about my tongue-in-cheek posts is payment enough.
Stoopid punk bitchezzz
Oh yeah, I’m not saying Frank wasn’t a fantastic singer, but the style of the arrangements was what I really enjoy about most of their work.
Also, let’s round it out for Foolio’s sake: Pim Fortuyn invited his fate by blaspheming Islam with his effeminate appreciation of the Beetles.
Say what you will about Phil Spector, but Death Of a Ladies’ Man is one of musical history’s greatest meetings of the minds. It’s killer stuff.
Really knocks ’em dead, I mean. Music to kill your wife to. Wait, fuck!
Oh yeah, I’m not saying Frank wasn’t a fantastic singer, but the style of the arrangements was what I really enjoy about most of their work.
You’ve got to give Billy May some credit too. IMO May was more fun, not to knock Riddle…
I liked Nirvana before, when they were the Pixies. And thanks for bringing up Hoobastank (I don’t like to use the word “suck” but they were quite possibly the suckiest bunch of sucks who ever sucked). That horrible pitch-corrected generic voice, gah. But it’s more like Hoobastank is derived from Creed, which was a ripoff of Pearl Jam, who were more of a Neil Young kind of group.
Fucking Hoobastank. Gah!
Note that Nevermind comes 14 years after the Sex Pistols record.
BTW: I like the music of bands like theDoors and the Dead and Pink Floyd completely non-ironically.
People who “like” music “ironically” don’t really care about music. They mainly like to show how open minded and eclectic they are or else they really like the crap they pretend to listen to ironically but which they actually really enjoy under the cover of fake irony.
Stoopid punk bitchesssss
Agreed. Motherfuck him and John Wayne.
My favorite quality of the whole genus is the increasingly obligatory affecting a weird Eastern Washington accent for no particular reason. Kind of like Sarah Palin, only there was a good decade where it was all it took to earn yourself a blowjob.
Pearl Jam, who were more of a Neil Young kind of group.
Derived from Mother Love Bone, who were contrived rock and roll shit. There is an extent to which Pearl Jam are better than their roots, but I refuse to investigate further.
Before they sold out and stopped intoning Barrett’s beautifully deep tone poems, you mean.
Also, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about: the only music worth listening to is that which accepts it is not worth taking seriously. I would be very satisfied if we could replace the national anthem with “Ghost Ride It”.
I dunno: ‘John Wayne’ seems like a one-ply empty signifier to me. You know, the way lucha libre is: people think of it as macho without actually caring about what would establish either as macho in the first place.
Then there’s the especially challenging cases like Ronald Reagan, where there’s a cottage industry set up empty-signifying something deep and unsettling.
Pearl Jam is a Neil Young kind of group?
I like both of them but they sound nothing alike at all. Maybe you should actually listen to some Neil Young before pontificating.
You’ve obviously read somewhere that Neil Young is the only classic rocker acceptable to punks. But that’s only because he played some distorted guitar, not because Pearl Jam has their roots in Neil Young in any audible way.
I’m with you on that, except for the Doors. As a callow youth I loved them (talked with friends about the profundity of the lyrics, saw the movie opening night) but later I felt that the lyrics were mostly nonsense and the music was boring. Now I kind of feel that most of their songs have good moments, but every single one has some moment that sounds awful and makes me embarrassed to like it.
Pink Floyd (before they became Pink Floyd Mark Two or whatever) has, to me, aged much better. I loved Dark Side of the Moon when I was in high school, hearing it while zonked out on cold medicine (legitimately, mind you — I was horribly ill). I organized a trip to take the German exchange students to Hayden Planetarium and we caught Laser Floyd, which was a huge disappointment because we all forgot to get high. But I still love that album.
Iz LOLspeak tiem!
“Before they sold out and stopped intoning Barrett’s beautifully deep tone poems, you mean.”
No. I like Syd Barrett but Pink Floyd’s best albums are Dark Side of the Moon, Animals, and Welcome To The Machine.
And Meddle
Yeah actually I kind of grew up listening to Neil Young too (my cousin was a huge fan of him).
Okay now I get that you’re trolling. I didn’t get it before, or maybe I just didn’t find it that funny.
Good night, stoopid punk bitchiz.
I have always regarded the Doors as intrinsically suspicious, and further listening and research only confirmed this. I don’t like offering my time to self-indulgent dead white boys.
DSOTM is pretty great, but for my money the Waters years are what’s worth paying attention to and that’s only the start of it. I used to like The Wall a lot, but – honest to God – The Final Cut is a lot better. Mick Jagger faded into history; Maggie Thatcher will be with us forever.
Also, stop ruining ‘punk bitch’ for everyone. It’s the best insult the negro-montiors haven’t driven into the fucking ground.
Nah, y’all think WAY too much.
If it sounds good, if it makes you FEEL it, if it rocks you, crank it up.
I mean, anything more than that seems like fatal analysis…
I mean, anything more than that seems like fatal analysis…
I listen to everything on shuffle now and don’t pay attention to the titles unless I’m somehow struck. The divorce of music from context helps get around your own prejudices.
Recently someone I employ asked what Steely Dan’s real name is. She listens on her iPod and only hears music, not poses or history.
OK, if anybody still feels like playing with it, I entered a suggestion at OK, it wasn’t really a suggestion, it was the first five paragraphs or so of HP Lovecraft’s Nyarlethotep. I figure it if gets a lot of votes, it will really freak out the fundies. So, if y’all are still motivated, go over there, search for “Nyarlethotep”, and vote on it. But don’t forget to also vote for “Truck Nutz for all!” (currently leading by over 1000 votes), and maybe “be more gay”. Also
I used up my votes on Truck Nutz, Be More Gay, Ninjas and something else.
Can’t you make a bunch of disposable hotmail accounts or whatever? INFINITE VOTES, or at least until you get tired of it.
Only if they’re camo/yellow-ribbon Truck Nutz.
Anything else would be socialism.
Can’t you make a bunch of disposable hotmail accounts or whatever?
I am prevented by laziness.
Led Zeppelin, Ramones, Grateful Dead, Devo, The Clash.
All good for me, and I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense to anyone else.
And oh yeah, the Talking Heads.
Truck Nutz, eh?
I am proud of this country. For the first time in my life!
I will second that “The Final Cut” became tied with “Animals” for my favourite Pink Floyd album after a few years.
I try, honestly, to listen to new stuff and search out the good. I want to try to avoid the early-onset-geezerism that presented itself when I looked at my music collection and saw mostly a few handfuls of bands from when I was in highschool and tonnes of music from decades earlier. The search is rarely an overwhelming success.
Damn them! They removed the Truck Nutz thread! Has the Republican party sunk so low as to disavow vehicular testiculartude?
They took away my Nyarlethotep thread too, but that was never going anywhere.
Cowards! Cowards I say!
Can’t you make a bunch of disposable hotmail accounts or whatever?
Doesn’t this violate the spirit of trolling?
Directly from
“Continue to move further to the right. Government should tell us how to live our lives — it should mandate what substances we use, who we can marry, and whether or not we have control over our own bodies. White people should control the government, too — none of this “Black House” business.
Christianity is the only right religion, and should be. Evangelicals should take a bigger role in our party, and our divine Christian religion should dominate our platforms. We must live by the bible, and if we want to save our nation we must guide our fellow Americans to the light of Christ.
We should continue our crusades against the vile muslims, and this should be one of our major platforms as well. Statistically, a terrorist could kill you at any second — this is frightening to me. We must detain all muslim-looking individuals and islamic practicing individuals in order to insure that we aren’t caught off guard by a terrorist attack.
I believe this will revitalize our GOP, and bring us closer to a nation favored by God.”
Now, how can you not vote for that?
Plus a chrome eagle head for your trailer hitch.
Also the eagle is shedding a single cubic zicronium tear
Oh yeah the “continue to move further to the right” thing is BRILLIANT. I think also their 2012 pres nom should be a born-again fundagelical “ex” gay dude.
Who utters the line “save the drama for Obama”.
Apropos of nothing, a friend just called and mentioned this from Best of Craigslist:
Oh, I have to quote the first couple paras from the original. Either it’s pure comedy gold or something far sadder.
What, no love for Ultravox? I want to have ‘Slip Away’ playing when I’m dying. Unfortunately, death-bed scenes are generally cluttered up with extraneous people flapping around and dealing with their own issues, so I don’t expect to have much say in the matter. No-one asked me what music I would like playing when I was born either. Life is full of disappointments.
BTW, thanks for the Pink Floyd and other recommendations. I’m a big fan of Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall somewhat less so, and I added the others to my Zune Pass, so I’d like to listen through them with your respective comments in mind and see which ones I like better.
I also agree w/ doctorb and alec about The Doors being somewhat pretentious and uneven, quality-wise.
I’m amazed to find two other people who share this opinion. The Final Cut seems to be widely despised, but I’ve always loved it. As for Roger Waters solo, Pros & Cons of Hitchhiking is excellent (comparable to TFC, but with a personal/human agenda rather than a political one), Radio KAOS is pretty bad, and Amused To Death is good. I have no opinion on his opera.
I also have a thing for Rick Wright’s solo albums, but that’s very very different.
I’ve always gotten the sense, from Sowell’s fans, that Sowell teaches economics as if they function in the real world exactly like they do in an ECON 101 textbook. It’s a lot like saying technology functions exactly like a PHYS 101 textbook, with its frictionless surfaces, point-source masses and 100%-elastic collisions.
But it does fit a simple worldview where bankers never steal, Republicans can govern, and the Lord’s shepherds don’t screw the flock.
Oh, as long as we’re wildly off-topic, here are some new and some older-but-obscure recommendations that everyone will probably hate:
Tegan and Sara – The Con
Kaki King – Dreaming of Revenge
K’s Choice – Cocoon Crash
Bruce Cockburn – Dancing in the Dragon’s Jaws
Aviette – Until We Hear From Dave
David Poe – The Late Album
Greg Graffin – Cold as the Clay
Derek Trucks Band – Songlines
Venus in Flames – Shadowlands
Woodface – Comet
And just for fun:
Choking Victim – No Gods, No Managers
I have to third (or where ever we are) for The Final Cut, which I love as much as I love all the Floyd; considerable.
I you miss Sid, don’t worry; according to the band, at least as an influence, he never left.
We are all vulnerable to loving the bands of our teens; we’re experiencing storm surges of emotion, we are then attracted to music as a way of controlling and channeling it, and from there on the amigdyla rules us.
I read “pants” for “points” at first, but McCain Trolling Pants would be AWESOME.
Live at the Fillmore: McCain Trolling Pants w/lugnutz
next week at the 9:30 club
Amigdyla Rulz is the best band name ever.
Also, Pink Floyd has an unmatched ability to make Fundies froth and rage. I don’t know why.
But they do.
And I love them all the more for it.
Also, Pink Floyd has an unmatched ability to make Fundies froth and rage. I don’t know why.
1. “Bullshit” clearly enunciated in “Money.”
2. Lack of respect for authority figures in “The Wall.” Particularly the Anus/Judge.
Holy Cats! The wingnutosphere just got wackier. Some banned LGFers have started LGF II. Their tagline is “Countering the Negativity at LGF”, which they are doing by calling for bombing Iran, wishing for Obama’s funeral to be quite soon and plenty of defense of Robert Spencer and Vlaams Belang. I’m expecting Charles Johnson to freak out in short order. Muhahahahahaha!
Some banned LGFers have started LGF II.
Whee! LGF Trotskyites!
Is it too much to hope Charles Johnson will end up stabbed in the bathtub by one of them?
Pere–I just hope he posts on them. This blogging soap opera is pure gold for us. The Vlaams Belang “controversy” has been raging again and now a new blog added to the mix? It’s Christmas already!
As for Charles, they seem more keen on Obama being stabbed in the bathtub, but I’ll look forward to more homicidal posts on their site….LOL.
I just wanted to see it again. I’m torn between TFC and Animals.
ittdgy – get ye to Ratdog – they did Bertha, Friend and closed with Ripple this past weekend. I’d forgotten how much I liked the live stuff. Turns out it’s enough to stand in line after the show to get the recording.
Vlaams Belang
So who is he, other than someone whose name sounds like a cannon round bouncing off tank armor?
I’m no intellectual by any means. But I’ve been around farms for enough of my life to be able to recognize a “man” made of straw designed to frighten stupid animals and distinguish it from a real argument. I can also recognize the stench of pig shit from a long way off.
Turn off all lights in the room and kneel down on the bed so you are directly in the light of the TV.
Then we’ll do it doggie-style so we can both watch X-Files.
Some banned LGFers have started LGF II.
I figured the wingnut community would, in its post-defeat scramble to the even loonier Right, be beset by defections and throwings to the wolves and such. I didn’t expect the process to so closely resemble distillation.
I have always regarded the Doors as intrinsically suspicious, and further listening and research only confirmed this.
Interesting. I remember hearing “Light my Fire” for the first time when I was five years old, and some quality of Jim Morrison’s voice made me believe that the singer must look like the Frankenstein monster.
So in a way, I’ve always been a bit leery of the Doors too.
Somebody beat me to mentioning Esquivel? DAMMIT.
Seriously, though, there has been ironic music as long as there have been winking composers to write it and smirking listeners to enjoy it. I have a soft spot in my tiny, otherwise stony heart for catches, in which the various voices “catch” each other at different points in the lyrics, leading to new and usually naughty phrases. One man, on writing a book on rounds, catches and canons, wrote that he and his fellow researchers “had to wade through seas of filth to extract a few drops of sweet perfume for the adornment of our volume.” Heh.
> Trolls are like fainting goats–amusing for a little while but predictable.
I think they’re more like goatse, but that’s just because of their predilection for down-n-dirty airport bathroom sex.
> Interesting. I remember hearing “Light my Fire” for the first time when I was five years old, and some quality of Jim Morrison’s voice made me believe that the singer must look like the Frankenstein monster.
Reminds me of my biggest Fail as a kid.
The first vinyl LP I ever got was “Best Of The Doors” when it was a single LP (dates me a bit).
It had the songs in the wrong order on the vinyl vs. the label.
I returned it because it was bad. I must’ve been 12 or something.
OT, but listening to all the news about bailouts today…
I’m going to declare myself a bank (like American Express just did) so I can get some of that juicy bailout money.
The bailout syndrome is just a gigantic game of musical chairs – similar to republican deficit spending – you just hope you die (or the Mayan 2012 is real) before your taxes get hiked to 99.9% to pay off all that debt.
Vlaams Belang are the former Vlaams Blok.
Hope this helps!
Just kidding. They’re a rightwing party in Belgium, representing the aggrieved Flemish (Dutch, more or less) far right. They hate globalization and dark people, but they really hate the Walloons (French, more or less), who they think are freeloading off hardworking, successful Flems, in much the same way that the Lega Nord and National Alliance, both neo-fascist parties in Italy piss and moan about lazy Romans, Neapolitans and Sicilians. They play to other old Flemish grudges, like the requirement until about 15 years ago that all court proceedings be held in French (which the Walloons speak but the Flemish not so much).
Vlaams Belang used to be Vlaams Blok, which were banned for being, well, fascist.
The new party uses the same initials as the old, so the mouth-breathers can remember easily, while it suits the tidy sensibilties of small business owners. The leader of the old and new parties is the same, Flip Dewinter, who alas is not a suicidally drunk chickenhawk like the late Joerg Haider, of Austria, so he’ll be around awhile. He managed to unite all of europe’s far-right parties in the European Parliament, which is no mean feat, as they also hate all foreigners.
The moar you know…
The fact is, ‘teh’ is not internet speak, it is gutter negro slang. Why, many’s the time I’ve heard the blacks in my local area say ‘What’s teh 4-1-1?’ or ‘I gots teh hook-up, yo’ as I eavesdrop on them from the bushes that I hide behind whenever I see them coming.
Intellectualizing and pontificating about rock is about as interesting, and useful, as trying to grate American cheese. Therefore I shall now make the following pronouncements:
* The Doors were pretentious and among the lesser-talented rock groups of the 60s, but “LA Woman” is still one of the best road-trip songs ever.
* “Echoes” may be the only Pink Floyd recording you need.
*The Beatles rule forever as the greatest pop group of forever and ever.
*Elvis was the fucking KING, you precious children. The KING. Before he went into the Army and then got fat and stuff.
Now, for the luva Christ, Sadlies: New Thread Please!
PS — That wasn’t Teh Fool. It’s pretty bad when we are down to arguing with a parody of a pompous-ass nitwit troll from months ago.
Oh, and ‘hte’ is Mexican.
Intellectualizing and pontificating about rock is about as interesting, and useful, as trying to grate American cheese.
I agree. Let’s start a new thread where we dance about architecture.
I agree. Let’s start a new thread where we dance about architecture.
Anything but rock music analysis, discussions of postmodernism, or playing dueling imbeciles with fake trolls.
Did NO ONE mention Umagumma??????
Oh good grief! Small Furry Creatures? Hullo?
No song in the entire planet, Revolution #9 included, makes me shiver more than listening to SFC in the dark…
Let’s start a new thread where we dance about architecture.
Rond de jambs! Grand bâtiment!
Dennis Prager has a good column at Townhall. It turns out Obama’s election is bad news for the Democrats and their allies and good news for the Republicans and their allies.
Oh, denial! Is there nothing you can’t do?
This is certainly true for most people; my partner can’t get over Van Halen and AC/DC. It’s not at all true for me. I could go the rest of my life and never listen to anything I liked from the 60s, 70s or 80s. Oddly enough, I now like stuff from those days that I positively loathed back then; The Doors, Janis Joplin, Stones,punk, and early 80s British rock, to name a few. I was thirty before my favorite rock period happened, and Seattle bands from the 90s is still what rocks my boat, although lately I’ve been listening more to my 16 year old son’s stuff, like Milosh, Modest Mouse, the Shins, etc., when I listen to anything other than classical He, in turn, likes the music I played while he was growing up, which he didn’t care for one way or another then: Alice in Chains, Garbage, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Hole. Funny how that works.
My mom never wanted to hear music she loved in her youth either. She always thought it was depressing. I feel the same way. Maybe it’s genetic.
Mostly I listen to classical now, and usually only on the radio in my car. I like traditional Irish music and mellow jazz. Must be getting old. I used to sleep, eat, and breathe loud rock music, now I’m all just kinda bored by it. One thing hasn’t changed, though. I hate and have always hated pseudo-intellectual rock critics. If I cared what other people think about what I like, I’d torture myself with Rolling Stone’s reviews. To each their own when it comes to music, literature, and art. It’s all purely subjective beyond a certain minimal level of competency. Just because I think something sucks doesn’t mean it sucks.
I have no idea why I felt the need to blather on about this. I’m going back to bed. Not nearly enough sleep.
I only like grunge polka music these days.
Ironic, isn’t it?
Liars’ Drum’s Not Dead is the album of the ’00s, with Deerhoof’s The Runners Four a close second.
I lean toward Mikey’s position: there’s no accounting for taste. The beauty of getting older is that my musical taste is broadening; having a kid deep into the music program at his school has made me a more intelligent listener. I’ve even taken up an instrument myself to continue my edumacation after he leaves the roost.
My rules for listenable music: it has to swing, it needs to make you want to tap your toe, if there’s singing the lyric needs to be intelligent. Finally, any or all of the previous rules may be void in some cases.
Works for me…
Rond de jambs! Grand bâtiment!
Grand jette sur le jetty!
I only like grunge polka music these days.
Jimmy Sturrm and Drang?
A hairless dog in the White House? That would be un-American Don’t do it, President-elect Obama, don’t do it! Don’t cave to the hair-free canine Peruvian lobby.
For the muthafuckin’ WIN:
(wipes tear from eye, still giggling)
Xecklothxayyquou Hussein Gilchrist said,
November 12, 2008 at 16:48
Some banned LGFers have started LGF II.
I figured the wingnut community would, in its post-defeat scramble to the even loonier Right, be beset by defections and throwings to the wolves and such. I didn’t expect the process to so closely resemble distillation.
I recall the first “listening ironically” music I ever picked up to be the Portsmouth Sinfonia. An interesting idea, actually, composed entirely of non-musicians or musicians completely new to the instrument they were selected to play.
As you can imagine, hearing them was…. interesting. They tried to play it well, and occasionally you’d have the briefest moment of something clicking in the piece before it fell out again.
Hearing the 1812 overture w/cannons by them was a treat to my young ears.
I still giggle at the London Ukulele Orchestra doing a cover of Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights, but I’m kind of a dork like that.
What, no love for Ultravox?
This means nothing to me.
If Sadly,No! is sitting there with writer’s block for a new topic, I have one:
API is STILL releasing the Michelle Obama tape!
I figure it will show up as an infomercial as part of the Time Library of Classic Blues.
My Pal Foot Foot. I can sing every word of every Shaggs song, although playing them “well” eludes me.
First time I saw Fluffy was a cold December night, shivering in the darkness by the roadside.
the London Ukulele Orchestra doing a cover of Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights
Ooooh! Kewl!
J– that Prager joint is fantastic.
A little of the “they managed to elect a black man, so nobody can call me racist ever again” followed by the mental ju-jitsu that is “now’s our chance to show them how a respectful minority party behaves.”
You know, I suspect the Republican party will behave so well as a minority, in comparison to the scandalous way the Dems have behaved, that they should earn that position permanently.
First time I saw Fluffy was a cold December night, shivering in the darkness by the roadside.
That’s great.
But is anyone still biting on the API troll-hook? Besides the commenters on the site, I mean. Amusingly, even the skeptical ones seem to accept that “Mr. Korir” exists.
They should wrap it up with a “PUNKED!!!” message and call it a day already.
Well, I e-mailed Mrs. Kim di Toit with an offer to help her out in her financial travails and she promptly wrote back to me! And gave me her phone #! Which I promptly erased, somehow. Damn! Oh well.
Anyway, she knows we are sourmates because I objected to Obama calling himself a “mutt”. Speak for yourself, says I! I am the result of a thousand years of hi-toned miscegenation which can be easily told by my patrician insteps. No pound-puppy me!
Buzz: Sarah Palin gets pro wrestling offer
Will no one rid us of this troublesome twit?
Sarah Palin gets pro wrestling offer
Look out! The Latte-Sipping Elitist has a chair!
My siblings and I had Rhino Records’ World’s Worst Records when we were kids, with “Fluffy” and “I Like” and “Kinko the Kid-Loving Clown.” I had no idea there was video of Balsam performing it live. Thank you, YouTube!
For troll smell, I imagine B.O. and Cheetopoop. Maybe with a trace of Axe.
Funyuns and failure.
Axe is desperation in a can.
Sweet Lordy, those API commenters are a heapin’ helpin’ of awesome:
“To those of you who think Korir and Sullivan are the same. Look at the letters again.
Double dash and hyphen.
That is not something that one person could continually remember to keep straight. Sullivan uses the double dash excessively, when the hyphen is used twice, maybe three times in Korir’s responses.
So: Obama hiding the fact that he’s the lovechild of Karl Marx, Osama bin Laden and Satan and that he was born on Mars and is best friends with Doctor Doom – self-evidently true, as any fool can see!
Somebody *gasp* consistently remembering to use double hyphens for one identity and single hyphens for another – preposterous! Not even Machiavelli himself could orchestrate such a dastardly deception!
Red Sovine:
> the London Ukulele Orchestra doing a cover of Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights
Before irony, there was the Nice doing orchestral work, Deep Purple doing orchestral work, Zappa and his orchestral work, and then ELP (supergroup incl nice guy Palmer).
What was ELP other than the most gigantic culmination of an era.
I even got to see them live when they toured with the 100 piece orchestra.
An argument can be made that Musical Irony was born on that tour.
Two words: Tonya Harding
Korir thinks he’s got a few on the hook.
I uncovered something, but the post was blocked. Korir claims to have started something called the “Rainbow Foundation” in Norway.
When I put that in Google, the first thing that comes up is the Rainbow Foundation here in America. Not one to let a good chance slip away (hey, maybe the guy’s legit, right?) I clicked on the link.
The homepage,, is a warning to donors that another Rainbow Foundation has been illegally using its name to solicit donations.
I swear, I wish I could be there when all those PUMAs and FReepers get their asses handed to them…
> Two words: Tonya Harding
Boy Howdy! When does the secret Mooseburger sex tape get released?
Moody Blues. Days Of Future Passed
If that wasn’t ironic, it made ELP’s pretentions seem like self-referential humour.
I can sing every word of every Shaggs song, although playing them “well” eludes me.
The drum parts is WAY hard. That’s why I stick to Foghat’s “Slow Ride”.
Sarah Palin gets pro wrestling offer
Look out! The Latte-Sipping Elitist has a chair!
Actually, if you think about it, this is a good fit for her. She’s got the Joe Six Pack thing going, and TNA’s demographic is definitely right there.
Of course, she’d never live it down, but it’s nice to see she has a life after politics.
Besides, how many of us haven’t wanted to take a two-by-four to someone in a meeting?
And thanks for bringing up Hoobastank
Why don’t you just give a nice paper cut and lemon juice on it?
DoctorB, you just summed up the last 12 years of modern music for me.
*pour* lemon juice on it.
> If that wasn’t ironic, it made ELP’s pretentions seem like self-referential humour.
Thanks for reminding me of the Moodies. Can’t forget Genesis’s orchestral stuff too.
But I maintain it is still ELP that are the true comedians in the ironic musical sense, since all those earlier efforts were Serious (note the capital S).
Although ELP was still being serious, you had to laugh when you saw Palmer’s 1,245 piece drum kit rising in a fog-machine fog behind 100+ classical musicians.
I agree. Let’s start a new thread where we dance about architecture.
Oddly enough, only yesterday I sent in my application to the Arts Council for funding to stage a ballet based on Hypnerotomachia Poliphili.
A hairless dog in the White House?
None of my business, but I rather hope that the Obamas will call their dog ‘Jihad’. Then the news media will be able to announce that “President Calls Jihad!” and all will be well with the world.
I even got to see them live when they toured with the 100 piece orchestra.
An argument can be made that Musical Irony was born on that tour.
You poor cartoon-deprived person.
> *pour* lemon juice on it.
You don’t need verbs anymore. This is the ironic Internet age. Every term can become an adverb, or a full verb.
Think of the verb form of “Palin”.
Well, then you’d have to consider King Crimson and maybe Gentle Giant, but I’m not sure the irony was intentional there.
“Jihad bites FAUX Nooze White House Reporter”
An argument can be made that Musical Irony was born on that tour.
You poor cartoon-deprived person.
As much as I love Spike Jones, I think we have to limit ourselves to the rock era.
Sarah Palin won’t go away until the douchebaggers at MSNBC and Faux quit obsessing over her. Seriously. I mean, someone might think Tweety was a sexist shithead or something the way he carries on and on night after night. Ditto for Keith Ubermann. What a bunch of dix.
> You poor cartoon-deprived person.
Are you referring to Lancelot Link, the Banana Splits, or HR Pufinstuf?
I guess Bugs was also being ironic.
But I was only talking about rock music. Cage already did the ironic thing to Modern Music, and the Dadists had ironic version of early jazz, and there is probably stuff much earlier, too.
Maybe there a specialty in archeology to search for signs of irony in the Bronze Age.
Maybe there a specialty in archeology to search for signs of irony in the Bronze Age
Okay, now you’re just being cute.
Hello stoopid punk bitchezzes:
Most of you are wrong about the Doors. They’re first 5 albums were all great. Don’t ask me, ask the millions of people who bought them and who are all smarter than a bunch of stoopid punk bitches.
When The Music’s Over, Soft Parade, The End etc. Epic songs with awesome vocals and interesting music that goes well beyong stoopid punk chord banging.
Oh, its me alright. The non-ironic, non-parody Fool, schooling the stoopid punk bitchiz once again. Ten years from now none of you will have listened to a punk record in 10 years. hahahahahaha
Don’t ask me, ask the millions of people who bought them
What high standards you have. By that logic, you must think Garth Brooks is objectively the greatest musician of all time.
I didn’t expect the process to so closely resemble distillation.
It is tempting to link to diagrams of Pelican alembics, but I do not want to frighten RiM.
But I was only talking about rock music.
Well EVERY prog album is rich in irony whether the creators knew it or not. Apart from that a lot of San Francisco bands got into the irony earlier though they couldn’t afford the ELP bombast.
> Well, then you’d have to consider King Crimson and maybe Gentle Giant, but I’m not sure the irony was intentional there.
Yes, more proto-orchestra rock.
(The previous sentence reminds me of a joke…
A teenager was doing a project on 70’s rock groups, and asked his dad to name two of them.
“Yes!”, the father said.
“Who?”, he asked.
“There you go,”, the father replied)
In that vein, one of the early definitely self-ironic bands was Hatfield And The North.
> Okay, now you’re just being cute.
No, maybe the entire Bronze thing was just an ironic rejoinder to all those would-be elitists of the Copper Age.
‘Think of the verb form of “Palin”.’
Palin: v. To become dimly aware that nothing you can make up will satisfactorily answer the question.
“As he watched his running mate palin on live TV, he could see his chances of winning the election fade.”
> Well EVERY prog album is rich in irony
I think Tomorrow meets every test needed to be considered prog-rock, but without an ounce of irony.
For an intro to prog-rock, look for Youtube video rUeaHWesaQc
Of course, THE most self-ironic band was Sonic Youth (they still get around on the punk dinner theater circuit). They played intentionally crappy music while striking artistic poses and affecting impenetrable depth. But in a musical twist on Sokal’s Transgressing The Boundaries prank, millions of naive kids bought the practical joke hook line and sinker, believing they were getting in on the ground floor of a new transformative hermeneutics of music. After the wildly unexpected success of the prank proved to be surprisingly durable, the band members, none of whom ever developed anything more than rudimentary instrumental ability and certainly having nothing better to do, decided just to go with it churning out album after album of sonic puke which the kids eagerly bought up, desperately wanting to be the first on their block to praise the brilliant design of the emperor’s new wardrobe.
All with a wink and a nod of course, but to this day one of the finest exemplars of postmodern irony and self-parody ever performed.
Bronze-age rejoinder
Let’s have no more of it
Recently someone I employ asked what Steely Dan’s real name is.
Um, that would be Erect Penis, wouldn’t it?
Of course, THE most self-ironic band was Sonic Youth (they still get around on the punk dinner theater circuit). They played intentionally crappy music while striking artistic poses and affecting impenetrable depth.
The key to understanding Sonic Youth is that they’re really hippies.
No, I’ve “partied” with them before and they weren’t hippies. Just typical punk posers but without the typical punk’s saving grace of a devotion to decadent hedonism. I found them quite lame.
Buzz: Sarah Palin gets pro wrestling offer
There is a joke to be had there about the Romney brothers and Tagg-teaming, but I am leaving it as an exercise for the reader.
Incidentally, Wikipedia informs me that
which seems somehow a propos to Palin-McCain 08.
The key to understanding Sonic Youth is B-flat.
No, I’ve “partied” with them before and they weren’t hippies.
Me too and they are. Baby boomers all.
Before irony, there was the Nice doing orchestral work, Deep Purple doing orchestral work, Zappa and his orchestral work, and then ELP (supergroup incl nice guy Palmer).
Procol Harum.
Ten years from now none of you will have listened to a punk record in 10 years
Does that mean I have to take my Dickies songs off my iPod? I’d hate to make a liar out of a dick.
Uh Bubba, baby boomer does not equal hippie.
I’m a Deadhead. I know hippies. I’ve partied with hippies. And believe me, Sonic Youth are not hippies.
In that vein, one of the early definitely self-ironic bands was Hatfield And The North.
Aw, hell, if you’re going there, Little Richard.
Molly Ivors over at Whiskey Fire is addressing your exact point about the obsession over Palin.
And believe me, Sonic Youth are not hippies.
The evidence is on their records.
Ten years from now none of you will have listened to a punk record in 10 years
Well, damn, there goes my plans to listen to the Ramones tomorrow.
oh you’ll still have some punk songs on your 10,000 song lo-fi mp3 player — primarily so you can look cool when your listing your random 10 selections on some blog frequented by stoopid punk bitchiz. But 10 years from now, you will not have intentionally listened to a non-random punk song in ten years.
I however, Ten Years From Now, will stilll be listening to classic rock, including Ten Years After doing “Going Home”.
Ten years from now none of you will have listened to a punk record in 10 years
At this point, a quality troll would go on to say “…and I shall be there to gloat.”
At this point, a quality troll would go on to say “…and I shall be there to gloat.”
I will prove to you that things were better when I was a kid and GET OFFA MY LAWN!
As the aging, long haired product of the sixties, both protester and protested, shot at and tear gassed, tiedied and leather clad, hitchhiker and biker, I’d ask to be considered THE number one SME on hippies at Sadly, No!
Thank You.
Um, Gavin? Brad? Mr. Leonard? Seb? Helloooo!!
Wake up. You can get out of bed now. Obama won…
You don’t need verbs anymore. This is the ironic Internet age. Every term can become an adverb, or a full verb.
Kinda like Fisk?
I’m a Deadhead.
And with 4 meager syllables, you let the whole world know that it can ignore any further argument you make regarding musical tastes.
Ten years from now none of you will have listened to a punk record in 10 years
Dood, if you think I’m ever gonna go on a road trip without Offspring’s “Bad Habit” available, you’re just crazy.
That and Eve 6’s “Open Road Song”, but that’s not punk…
actor: I don’t know dick about the Dickeys but as far as I’m concerned if it ain’t Dickey Betts, it ain’t dick.
Unless, of course, its you.
So what’s the word on this Fool, is he real?
Personally, my opinion is that if there were any lulz in The Fool, they were used up the last time he was here. Seriously, talk about a one-trick pony; an insecure baby-boomer sellout is hardly worth messing with.
Let me know when he starts complaining about the fuching ferrets.
Plz plz plz plz plz plz PPPPPPLLLLLLZZZZZZ du sumthin bout this kthxbai:
“On the question of whether Ms. Palin will run in 2012, she answered, ‘This is what I always do. I’m like, O.K., God, if there is an open door for me somewhere, this is what I always pray, I’m like, don’t let me miss the open door. Show me where the open door is. Even if it’s cracked up a little bit, maybe I’ll plow right on through that and maybe prematurely plow through it, but don’t let me miss an open door. And if there is an open door in ’12 or four years later, and if it is something that is going to be good for my family, for my state, for my nation, an opportunity for me, then I’ll plow through that door.'”
Plw babi plw!
All your music are belong to Charlie Parker
Pity: and with 30 odd syllables you let the whole world know that Jerry Garcia had more musical talent in his left nut than is exhibited in your entire record, er mp3, collection.
Aw, hell, if you’re going there, Little Richard.
Or Esquerita.
So what’s the word on this Fool, is he real?
Partially. Also, he owns a Jell-O tree.
At this point, a quality troll would go on to say “…and I shall be there to gloat.”
I will prove to you that things were better when I was a kid and GET OFFA MY LAWN!
Because Shut Up, that’s why!
I don’t know dick
You could have stopped right there.
Counting 4 syllables to indict a thought = teh funny/2
Counting 30 odd syllables to indict that indictment = riposte failure
Making fun of all of it with pseudo math = pure wizardry
No backsies!
” I shall be there to gloat.”
Actually, I won’t be anywhere near you stoopid punk bitchiz. I’ll be playing in a blues bar somewhere with an audience that genuinely listens to and enjoys the music in addition to the scene. There won’t be any punk bars, so you’ll be typing your random 10 mp3 sleections on a blog somewhere.
You don’t need verbs anymore. This is the ironic Internet age. Every term can become an adverb, or a full verb.
But 10 years from now, you will not have intentionally listened to a non-random punk song in ten years.
I’ll have to mention that to Patty Smith when I see her tomorrow.
Or Esquerita.
> And with 4 meager syllables, you let the whole world know that it can ignore any further argument you make regarding musical tastes.
Agree 100%.
Although I did know one girl who was equally into the Dead and the Velvets…
but she was, seriously and most unjokingly, clinically insane.
I’ll be playing in a blues bar somewhere
So it’s a nostalgia act, like Sha Na Na.
Kinda like Fisk?
Or Dirty Sanchez.
I’m more of a Dead Kennedys kind of guy, although they can be pretty hit and miss.
Of course, they defiled themselves in opposition to that penultimate hippie icon of peace, free love, and open-mindedness Ronald Reagan.
But no one’s perfect – except, I guess, devoted Tory appropriator Paul McCartney.
Would that be pan-diatonic, modal, chromatic… What kind?
Standard 12 bar would be my guess.
Tritone: talk about the failure calling the riposte black..or something
I’ll be playing in a blues bar somewhere
So it’s a nostalgia act, like Sha Na Na.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
I must be too young and not enough of a musical partisan to find anything funny about The Fool.
I must be too young and not enough of a musical partisan to find anything funny about The Fool.
This iteration is fairly dull, but talking about music is nice.
> There won’t be any punk bars, so you’ll be typing your random 10 mp3 sleections on a blog somewhere.
This is the Fail of all Fails.
There will ALWAYS be punk bars. Just start at Ave A and head east, young man.
Also, I can’t even fucking imagine someone who listens to Devo and hears ‘hipster irony’. They were a brutal, relentless mirror shoved in the face of an increasingly pious and self-absorbed America; I don’t know what kind of human being you are if your reaction to Kent State is to become a jam band.
And the thought of so fully missing the fucking point – it’s like being struck blind in the Louvre. It’s conceptually devastating, enough to make onlookers weep.
Just start at Ave A and head east, young man.
And when you get to Williamsburg, turn north to Greenpoint.
> I’ll have to mention that to Patty Smith when I see her tomorrow.
My buddy kept screaming out “fuckin’ beautiful Patti” when I saw her the first time in 1978.
But he was drunk and wasn’t being ironic.
Although maybe he was 50% drunk and 50% ironic.
Simba: you forgot “dull-witted”
Although maybe he was 50% drunk and 50% ironic.
I’ve had that drink often, a Gin and Ironic.
> And when you get to Williamsburg, turn north to Greenpoint.
What about the Dumbo-ing down of America?
Heh heh heh.
Hmm. So if blues is necessarily nostalgia, what exactly will they be playing East of Avenue A? All the NEW punk music? LOLOLOL
I knew you had to be local.
So if blues is necessarily nostalgia, what exactly will they be playing East of Avenue A? All the NEW punk music?
Actually….um, yea.
But you probably wouldn’t be that cool.
Hmph, Punk Music. Cats that can’t play but want to make music anyway. Fun for about 1 minute.
This iteration is fairly dull, but talking about music is nice.
For me it’s like sports threads only less annoying. I have always had two rather wingnut like characteristics—my tastes in music and food have always been dull and bland. The latter is probably due to Asperger’s (or so I’m told), the former…I have no idea. So I just lurk on music threads for the most part. It can be fascinating stuff, don’t get me wrong, I just don’t have anything to offer.
Take the punk ironic sensibility and put it to real music (mostly) and you get Steely Dan.
tritone: stop making sense, dammit
Please feed the WrodPrees. It eated my last two punk posts.
Grew up punk in Philly and Jersey. I will listen to punk 10 years from now.
I am afraid to go further lest the beast still hunger for 80s punk nostalgia posts.
Fuck you, WrodPrees. Fuck. You.
Simba, I’d lay odds that someone here will like your musical tastes or at least comprehend it, and no one here will make fun of it except for the troll, so long as you don’t troll about it.
Seriously, I say that as a man who still has his Barry Manilow albums.
actor: I guess you’re right. As long as there is a dude who hasn’t learned how to play his guitar but really, really, really wants to pose on stage, there will ALWAYS be punk music.
“Seriously, I say that as a man who still has his Barry Manilow albums.”
“nuff said. This thread is officially closed.
Take the punk ironic sensibility and put it to real music (mostly) and you get Steely Dan.
Not surprising. Walter Becker went to school near the East Village.
So it’s a nostalgia act, like Sha Na Na.
Trying to recapture a little of the glory of…
As long as there is a dude who hasn’t learned how to play his guitar but really, really, really wants to pose on stage, there will ALWAYS be punk music.
Right, cuz many blues guitarists are like paint-by-numbers musicians.
I heard a tenor man playing in Philly not long ago. Free jazz. After about half an hour of self indulgent wheedling (seriously, Parker said if you solo more than a couple choruses, you’re just practicing, the only exception to this is ‘Trane) I stood up on my barstool and yelled “you gonna play the head any time soon?”. They asked me to leave. I did not demur.
Like all things, music should be considered in context.
I did not “get” Elvis until I considered what was mainstreaming on radio of his time, the mid-fifties.
Put “How Much is that Doggie in the Window” up against “Hound Dog” and you will get a better idea of what a comet in the sky he was at the time.
Just like it’s difficult to understand how much animus was directed against hair brushing a man’s collar unless one has lived through the times when it was a Big Deal.
> Seriously, I say that as a man who still has his Barry Manilow albums.
Nothing wrong, or even ironic about him. He never said he was anything more than a vapid pop singer.
The political equivalent (to bring us back to land, perhaps) would be Mooseburger saying “I’m just a hillbilly who f/l-ucked herself into fame and was adored by republicans because they like the idea of beating off to the picture of a political official (and loved the idea of their masturbation idol finally not being male)”.
Manilow is instructive, if for nothing else than a key modulation on the last chorus. Like friggin’ clockwork. I mean Billy Squire was like “Now that’s a formula”
Manilow is what he set out to be, this generation’s Liberace and God bless him for it. I can respect that.
Simba, I’d lay odds that someone here will like your musical tastes or at least comprehend it, and no one here will make fun of it except for the troll, so long as you don’t troll about it.
Hold on there: it’s fun to run things down. I share, with John McCain, a love of ABBA. If there is fun to be had with this by all means have it.
Bubba, that’s making fun of ABBA, not the fact that you like them.
But if you insist….sheesh, many sequins in your sheets?
Everyone likes something that others think is crap. I dig the Singers Unlimited and Lambert, Hendricks and Ross. In the first instance, if you like harmonic texture (or more importantly, if you can hear it, ’cause I don’t think everyone can) then they are sublime. In the second, well Jon Hendricks is something to behold (or behear?) when he solos.
Y’all make music hard. All’s y’all needs is a steel guitar, a harmonica, a banjo and a guy whose wife left him.
Country and Western:
Punk music ain’t hard bro. All you need is an electric guitar, an amp turned up on 11, a tubescreamer, and a braindamaged heroin addict who can’t afford a dime bag.
All’s y’all needs is a steel guitar, a harmonica, a banjo and a guy whose wife left him.
Or one guy with an out-of-tune guitar who’s never had a girlfriend.
Name some names, The Fool. Give us some contemporary blues musicians we should know about and listen to. Besides you.
I figured the wingnut community would, in its post-defeat scramble to the even loonier Right, be beset by defections and throwings to the wolves and such. I didn’t expect the process to so closely resemble distillation.
They did, they went to Gates of Vienna and to Atlas Shrugs at first, creating some genuinely fascistic and unintentional hilarity for us. This is just icing on the cake.
Hey now, no bad-mouthing us old punks now. I still think the worst best worst song ever in terms of rock is this ballad from The Scorpions. WTF is he wailing on about anyway?
I like “Still Loving You.” Maybe it’s the sentimental attachment discussed up-thread, although in this case it’s not the music of my teen years but that of my hand-held radio elementary school years. ACDC was my favorite band when I was in the second grade, for example.
I like “Still Loving You.”
I love power ballads in general. It’s a peak experience of sentimentality lyrically and musically. When they’re love ballads sung by people whose only ambition is to fuck groupies they get just a little bit funnier.
I don’t know what it is about ABBA but I love them too, as does every female I know. And now, one male.
I like ABBA and pretty much all the modern Scandinavian melodic pop groups it’s spawned since, like Peter Bjorn and John and The Shout Out Louds. I’m a sucker for well-arranged pop like that.
I know of one male I should say.
Also, that seems to be the real Fool, Simba B., at least the pedantic insufferable pseudo-snobby one who spells correctly. I suspect there’s a Fool parody afoot also. What’s funny is when The Fool starts talking about his really important job in DC, how much he can bench-press and how he’s going to kick everyone’s ass. First he has to make sure everyone knows how much he loathes punk.
I love power ballads in general. It’s a peak experience of sentimentality lyrically and musically. When they’re love ballads sung by people whose only ambition is to fuck groupies they get just a little bit funnier.
Yes, I find this contrast or internal tension entertaining, amusing, and forgivable.
The Fool’s bluesterbation is pretty meaningless to me. I don’t especially like punk or blues in general, so he might as well be arguing the merits of the 1967 Astros versus fried plantains as far as I’m concerned.
I’ll just sit over here in Pitchfork-land and listen to my painfully twee pop for precocious young men.
A pretty good power-ballad overview. It’s surprising it wasn’t all one band.
Y’know, I hate to mention it, but fried plantains are pretty good…
Actually, I won’t be anywhere near you stoopid punk bitchiz. I’ll be playing in a blues bar somewhere
This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let’s not bicker and argue over who has more of a life.
Platanos! Of course they’re good, Mikey!
Wow, you guys like Still Loving You? It’s fun to make up alternate lyrics to, that’s what we used to do. “If you go again, on the wing of a star…”
Mz, yep, Agnetha’s voice still has me in thrall. Wow, probably one of the first bands I remember hearing as a tot.
“Manilow is what he set out to be, this generation’s Liberace and God bless him for it. I can respect that.”
Sure. Long as I don’t have to listen to it. But then, I grew up when you couldn’t avoid him on the freakin’ radio, too so I’ve had my time in purgatory.
(Oh noes, he started a sentence with ‘But’!)
Cinderella would have done an awesome Mandy.
It’s fun to make up alternate lyrics to, that’s what we used to do.
You can do that with most any of the Scorpions’ songs. What the hell is he saying in “Dynamite” or “Blackout”? Who knows? Who cares!
I really like Cinderella’s “Nobody’s Fool.”
A Song for Europe is one of the ideal power ballads to me: ridiculous but knowingly so.
Mitch Mitchell has died.
Or one guy with an out-of-tune guitar who’s never had a girlfriend.
Here I was expecting a Dr. BLT link!
Mitch Mitchell has died.
A moment of manic walloping noise in tribute. Maybe the first drummer to make me pay attention to drums.
wow, for a minute I thought you said “Mitch Miller”, which left me thinking, now THAT’S ironic.
For half a second I thought it was “Mitch McConnell,” which wouldn’t have been ironic, but would have been something else.
A Song for Europe is one of the ideal power ballads to me
That is like an open invitation for someone to link to Teh Final Countdown.
The fact is, by mentioning Europe (in the context of music), you pretty much automatically get The Final Countdown stuck in everyone’s head.
I call Fake Gary on doctorb.
And the 1967 Astros were like all subsequent iterations of the Astros. Pretty good but they did not make the playoffs.
You Secularist deviants might also want to view this post, and the comments, at One News Now.
Are those different comments, or all one long comment?
Thomas Sowell’s article was excellent. It was better than Cats. I’m going to read it again and again.
Great article by Thomas Sowell, truly excellent. It was better than Cats. I’m going to read it again and again.
Excellence once again from Dr. Sowell, whose article was better than Cats. I will read it again and again.
All glory to the Hypnochoad!
The fact is, shut up.
Hey, I haven’t read the entire thread but I’m willing to bet that no one’s noticed another major intellectual figure now affiliated with the Hooverites: Daniel Pipes. That’s right, he’s a “Distinguished Fellow,” whatever that means. Apparently, Hoover doesn’t have enough lying, scumbag neocons in their midst w/o adding the Jewish Prince of Darkness. He’ll undoubtedly be teaching a course on those lying, murdering, conniving Muslims and how they want to overthrow our Republic & replace it with Shaaria law.
What a shame Danny won’t be Minister of Peace and Religious Tolerance in a McCain administration. I almost voted for him in order to make this possible.
What I find hilarious is people unwilling to recognize the significant difference between giving and intellectual opinion in your field and forging an economic policy dictated by a few intellectuals of often dubious media hyped credentials.
Thomas Sowell is an intellectual, but he is not leading a book burning, he is calling for the end of tyranny of the few intellectuals over the individual. The individual which is intimately acquainted with their own needs and own trade or profession will be a far better ruler of self than a bureaucrat miles away. This was the mentality of the Revolutionary War.
Thomas Sowell is not anti learning, he is against a few people plotting out the economic and cultural futures of the many.
Essentially, the Republican Democracy outlined by our constitution has been dismembered by pols and faux intellectuals that have prescribed big government bureaocracies to either the common cold or to made up ailments, the result being an undeniable disease of statism that has seriously thrown us into dept and is responsible for the “need” for a $700billion bailout package and other “change.”
So enough with the immature paraphrasing and caricatures, or mocking Sowell for engaging in intelligent discourse through an anti statist publication, it makes you all look like complete fools.
Sowell has been and will continue to be one of the great fathers of modern conservatism, the most successful (in terms of real positive policy making) in the last century. God bless him!
Sowell has been and will continue to be one of the great fathers of modern conservatism
That’s why it’s a shit-heap of retards and reprobates.
Hey i am a big fan of Steely Dan, but Mr Walter Becker has a new album called Circus Money, What a great album it is, just had to share that with all the Steely Dan Fans.