It’s all in the family
Pop quiz hot shots: See any familiar names here?
Salem Chalabi, a Baghdad-based legal adviser to the Iraqi Governing Council, said he and others involved in preparing rules for the tribunals want to keep the trials narrowly focused “on the crimes in question.”
What about here?
One of the architects of the tribunal, Salem Chalabi, said political leaders and legal specialists had already begun discussing the best prosecutorial strategy to employ. Chalabi said there was growing agreement that Saddam should be charged with perhaps only a dozen specific atrocities in an effort to keep a trial from bogging down.
Chalabi. Cha-la-bi. Where have we heard that name before? Ah yes, now we know:
Little is known about how it was drafted aside from the Justice Department lawyers’ role and that Salem Chalabi, nephew of Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmad Chalabi, was one of its principal architects. [Emphasis added]
So, how many Chalabis do you need to take over a country?
As many as Wolfie wants to install…