What the…?

Um, can someone with a My Yahoo account quietly look and see what site might have linked here?

Seb’s due back, and it’s going to be like one of those ’80s teen-movie parties, where the parents go away and come home to find the furniture trashed and a pizza revolving on the turntable….


Comments: 24


Gavin, is this a crack in the egg?


Egg? I’m not sure I understand.


I have a My Yahoo account, but I have no idea what you’re asking for. Could you please provide a bit more information?


Well, I keep looking at the stats expecting them to go back to normal, but they’re rising into this giant spike again, and I can’t tell where it’s coming from.

If you look at the ‘stats’ thing below the links on the right, there are all these My Yahoo referrals…


I’m willing to bet anything it’s the goddamn Illuminati. They know the threat we pose to their enlightened NWO.


I was too lazy to go look up an actual quote from that Tom Cruise movie where his parents leave town and he gets busted because there’s a little crack in the glass egg … I think …


It could be me. You can import your Favorites (Bookmarks for you Netscape/Firefox users) into your My Yahoo page, which I’ve done. Makes it easier to access stuff from work without having to keep anything incriminating on my PC.


Well, it’s not just a single person on My Yahoo, it’s sort of like this snake popping out of peanut-brittle can….


Oh yeah, the glass egg…. What is the title of that movie? FlipYrWhig made a Say Anything reference before, and it was like, the most perfect thing…


I can’t remember .. it was “The Last Temptation Of Joel”, or something like that. It had a psycho babysitter in it, and no Molly Ringwald. OK, I left work early and am tipsy already.


Well, no Molly Ringwald — who’d remember that title?


Risky Business?


Risky Business.


Those yahoo ones, you cannot tell just from what is given on sitemeter. It’s listed on someone’s profile, so most likely they are going into a chatroom (my guess it’s a female) and guys are checking out her profile and clicking the links. That is my guess based on personal experience with yahoo chatrooms.


I think your problem is Cruel.com which linked to the vegetarian pizza recipe. Since you can get Cruel as an RSS feed, my guess is that your spike is from people who have added Cruel’s feed to their My Yahoo accounts.


That makes sense.

It’s certainly not a problem per se, except for trolls parachuting in and gang wars erupting in comments and things. It’s been what you could call an action-packed week.


You could, if you like understating…


It’s certainly not a problem per se, except for trolls parachuting in and gang wars erupting in comments and things. It’s been what you could call an action-packed week.

John Cole linked to one of our more inspired exchanges:



Wow, I’m being talked about on Sadly, No! in my absence. I’ve arrived, just like Amber Pawlik and Grant Swank!


Risky Busi–damn!


Sadly, No! is apparently available as a feed directly from My Yahoo. If I go to “add content”, and search, you come up as an addable feed.



You’re kidding, right?


Risky Business


Nope, it’s there all right, though I had to use the search bar on the add content page to find it, so I’d guess the traffic from there is made up of feed reads.


(comments are closed)