The Conservative Crackup: Special Wingnut Unit
Slate currently has a dialogue involving Tucker Carlson, Ross Douthat and assorted ponderous bores, wherein this crack GOP salvage crew discuss lessons to be learned from conservatism’s crushing defeat to B. Hussein Obama. Fine, for what it’s worth, but I thought I’d pose the question, ‘Whither conservatives now?’ to a more representative sample of the Republican Party’s ‘big tent’:
The Conservative Crackup, Pt. 2
What should the Republican Party do now?By D. Aristophanes, Pamela Geller, Emperor Misha I, LC JackBoot IC/A-OBR Debbie Schlussel, Dafydd ab Hugh, Warrior and J. Grant Swank
From: D. Aristophanes
To: Pamela Geller, Emperor Misha I, LC JackBoot IC/A-OBR, Debbie Schlussel, Dafydd ab Hugh, Warrior, J. Grant Swank
Subject: What Would a Wingnut Jesus Do?
Posted Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008, at 9:04 AM ET
A majority of Americans have categorically rejected Bush Era nastiness in favor of Barack Obama’s appeal to our better angels. Question: How can the Republican Party rescue its brand and how can conservatives become politically relevant again?
From: Pamela Geller
To: D. Aristophanes, Emperor Misha I, LC JackBoot IC/A-OBR, Debbie Schlussel, Dafydd ab Hugh, Warrior, J. Grant Swank
Subject: Eating Our Own
Posted Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008, at 9:37 AM ET
I am working on a strategy, a plan to move forward and do two things.
First, take back the party and institute real reform. We will not accept moving to the left to ‘get along’. We will no allow a compromise of our ideals of small government, low taxes, big defense. We will not tolerate appeasers, RINOS, traitors. We will target races. We will target leadership. We will target races in the Northeast and upper Mid-West were there is no Republican presence.
WE WILL TAKE BACK OUR PARTY. We will support Sarah Palin and unlike the Republican party, SUPPORT ALAN WEST and men like Ed Lynch. Never again with the media pick the Republican candidate as they did with McCain.
We will throw out the dead wood. Their day is done. They are dead to the party. The old queens are dead. Long Live the GOP.
Second, we will build a new media network. I don’t care if the lamestream media is completely in the tank for the Democrats. So, what else is new (hello, uh Watergate)?The whining and groaning is not interesting to me. I don’t care. It is what it is. WE have to build an efficient delivery system for OUR MEDIA. We have to create an effective to reach the folks that are under a constant attack with leftwing propaganda bashing. In a recent poll, respondents were queried where they got their news, for the first time the internet (28%) beat cable, TV, newspapers ( 27%, 26%). That is our future.
Big media is dead. They threw themselves under the bus to pull the Mansourian candidate over the line. Never again.This is the beginning of what I intend to do the next for years.
Who is with me? Who will help? Who wants to be a part of OUR FUTURE?
From: Emperor Misha I
To: D. Aristophanes, Pamela Geller, LC JackBoot IC/A-OBR, Debbie Schlussel, Dafydd ab Hugh, Warrior, J. Grant Swank
Subject: Hung Over?
Posted Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008, at 11:13 AM ET
So now that we’re all done hyperventilating, where do we go from here?
Well, remember how we all talked about in the past how if that sumbitch commie, terrorist-sympathizing usurper really managed to pull it off and buy/cheat/steal his way to the White House, we’d all buck up, assess the situation on the ground and transition into the decidedly disloyal opposition?
It’s not an ‘if’ anymore. Welcome to the jungle. You’re now behind enemy lines with all odds against you, everyone is a potential enemy and you’re facing a long, uphill, seemingly hopeless battle. Welcome to dissent in a socialist country. It’s a fucked up mission, but it’s winnable. More importantly, we can’t NOT win it, because we’re just not wired that way. Defeat is not an option. Death might be, but defeat isn’t. Because that would be worse.
Feeling cheered up yet? I didn’t think so either, because you shouldn’t be. It sucks. Embrace it. It ain’t gonna change unless you make it so. Now you know how I and people like myself used to feel, which is something I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy, much less my friends. But we’re still around, and so will you be, if you buck up and bring it.
So let’s quickly summarize the extent of The Suck, shall we? We’re now looking at the reign of an illegitimate usurper who has made a joke of the election process in this country. He has feloniously gathered hundreds of millions in illegal contributions, he has used his arm, the so-called ‘press’ to do his business by refusing to do the people’s business which is to vet people and ask questions, he has used uniformed thugs to intimidate voters at polling stations, he has used corrupt organizations and willing accomplices in state governments to illegally register ineligible people (quite a few of them dead and/or imaginary) to vote, and those are just some of his crimes against our Republic.
So where does that leave us?
Well, there are a LOT of us. We may be scattered, we’ll have to work on that, but there are a lot of us. We’re also quite committed to the ideals upon which our Republic was founded, to the point where we really don’t give a shit whether we survive, we care only about what our ancestors fought and died for, and long may it live.
We know our neighborhoods, we’re intimately familiar with every nook and cranny of them. We know our enemy and we know how to identify him if he tries to hide. And, most of all, we know that we’re right. Because we have the truth on our side.
Assessment of the enemy? We know that he controls the media, so don’t ever trust a word coming out of them. Never talk to a journalist and never listen to one either. They’re the enemy. We know that he controls the school system, because we were idiots enough to let them take it over. Work with your children and teach them well. De-programming is a bitch, but you have to do it. They’ll be continuing to do what they’ve done for decades while we were complacently letting them, which is ‘getting them when they’re young’. And we know, but we already knew that, that government is NOT your friend. It’ll get even worse now, but just keep that in mind. They’re the enemy. They long ago betrayed their oath to our sacred Constitution, and they’re not to be trusted. In any way.
And here is the good news: At the top of that hierarchy, they have a neophyte empty suit now. A clown who, while capable of reciting every word that Bill Ayers ever wrote from memory, has absolutely zero experience in how to run a country. Or a hot dog stand, for that matter. Unlike his ideological forefathers, the National Socialists and Soviet Communists, he doesn’t have a solid machinery and the experience already in place to run it. He’ll fuck up so bad every day that it’ll almost be too easy to skewer his ignorant ass. That dumbass fuckhead is in so far over his head that it’s not even funny.
It’s going to be nasty, but it’s going to be short. If we all buckle up and get ready to fight that usurper, Reichsführer Hussein, every step of the way. Now get up and fight, dammit. Against tyranny and for liberty and justice. I will never take a knee to a tyrant and cheat.
I would rather die.
From: LC JackBoot IC/A-OBR
To: D. Aristophanes, Pamela Geller, Emperor Misha I, Debbie Schlussel, Dafydd ab Hugh, Warrior, J. Grant Swank
Subject: OK, Shitheads You Got What You Wanted
Posted Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008, at 12:27 PM ET
Fortunately the Emperor has already made his statement on this site, and in accordance with his style he did it with eloquence and panache. That allows me to play the role of ‘bad cop’ much more suited to my personal preferences.
To my former fellow citizens, you pansy-ass, welfare-loving, sit-on-your-ass and wait for the gubmint to send you a few alms in a check, you got what you wanted and a hearty fuck-you very much from the rest of us, simply trying to get by on our own, sans any help from limp-dicks in D.C.
You made your choice and guess what ass-hats? You now get to share the misery with the rest of us, that is until REAL Americans and adults take the country back.
You refused to pay attention or if you did, you bought the socialist, nanny-state line of utter bullshit that if you vote for the Magic Negro™ he would make life a bowl of chocolate ice cream with cherries on top for everyone. You’re in for a big surprise and decidely NOT what you expect.
Of course now that the Race Card is well and truly destroyed, with a hafrican picking out color schemes for the Oval Office, the left is still playing the race card, if you voted for the Annointed One, and you’re not of the same skin color you were voting for the lack of melanin, not the other side. So, on that issue the Official Line is fuck y’all, you’re still racists and didn’t really vote for a black man into the WH. Feel better now? Is your white guilt assuaged? Think again, because they aren’t about to let you off the hook on that one, dumbasses.
What we all can thank you for is that you did vote for misery for all. Think we’re bluffing, let us know in say, oh about 12 months from now, or less. When the jihadists cast their absentee ballots for Hussein, and we experience the FIRST (and not the last attack) here on American soil or unemployment climbs to 15% or more and you’re paying $5/gallon+ at the gas station, you can take comfort that you took part in it. Spreading misery after all, is part and parcel of Socialist doctrine, unless you’re one of the Chosen. (Try reading Robert A. Heinlein’s masterpiece: Farnham’s Freehold and you’ll get that one).
When Pax America is no longer the world’s only superpower and we have the credibility of say, Andorra on the world stage, you’ll feel you had a part in it right?
When our military is disarmed and all wearing Blue-Helmets commanded by the Jamjaweed General of the Week, you can thank yourselves for re-entering the World Community and feel ohh so much better about yourself.
Go ahead, laugh your asses of at We The People that tried to make you see the light, toss whatever slurs, slanders and what have you at us, but we still stand steadfast in keeping America the Last Great Hope for the World.
Have your fun, hell have more than your share of fun, but mark THESE words, a day of reckoning will come and you’d best be on the right side of that one. I know you don’t believe in Christianity as it’s an outdated, primitive culture, but if that’s the case it can’t hurt you to read the Book of Revelations now can it? Try it on for size and exercise your tiny, infantile, hold-your-hand out for handouts brains to grasp what it says and ponder the implications.
Enjoy your day in the Sun, cavorting with purple dinosaurs, hope, change and singing kumbayah, while it lasts and trust us, it won’t be all that long.
Just in case you didn’t read it correctly the first time (I know reading isn’t your strong suit) Fuck you all very much, now bring it on, it’s only the first quarter and you got the first down. Have a ball until the ferryman demands payment.
From: Debbie Schlussel
To: D. Aristophanes, Pamela Geller, Emperor Misha I, LC JackBoot IC/A-OBR, Dafydd ab Hugh, Warrior, J. Grant Swank
Subject: To Clarify: The Jews Did Not Elect Obama; 63 Milln-Plus Americans Did; Many Jews Lament Obama Win
Posted Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008, at 2:56 PM ET
I want to be clear about something: Don’t blame the Obama win on America’s Jews. While exit polls claim that 78% of Jews voted for Obama–and I think that’s low, and probably some Jews lied to the exit pollsters–22% did not. We voted for McCain.
As American Jews, we make up only 5.2 million of the 300 million residents of America. As such, we are less than 2% of the country. And though we have a higher percentage of voter turnout than any other ethnic group, we are not the ones who elected Obama. 63,042,806 Americans voted for Obama, and Jews made up a tiny fraction of that. Since Obama got almost 8 million more votes than McCain, even if every Jew in America (and not all of us are over 18 and eligible to vote), it still wouldn’t have put him over the top.
We do not control elections or their outcomes, much less anything else. As someone who is not wealthy by any stretch, I am still waiting for my supposed share of the international banking system, Hollywood, and the liberal media.
From: Dafydd ab Hugh
To: D. Aristophanes, Pamela Geller, Emperor Misha I, LC JackBoot IC/A-OBR, Debbie Schlussel, Warrior, J. Grant Swank
Subject: Post-Mortem for the First Post-Partisan Partisan Election
Posted Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008, at 4:17 PM ET
I cannot tell you how grateful I am to the California electorate, which rejected the vile, slimy no-on-8 campaign… culminating in that despicable video assault that depicted the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints — by name! — invading the house of some poor lesbian couple, trashing the place, and tearing their marriage certificate in half, while laughing at the pain they’re causing.
What religious bigots. What bastards. I revel in the pain felt by the anti-religion, anti-democracy, and anti-marriage activists, even as I feel the pain of ordinary same-sex couples, a pain I ascribe almost entirely to the moral depravity of everyone who applauds judicial imperialism ‘for our own good.’
So take heart, mateys; it was a bad election, but it probably won’t be catastrophic. Don’t throw yourselves into the Komodo dragon pit — at least not just yet.
From: Warrior
To: Dafydd ab Hugh
Subject: Are You Fat?
Posted Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008, at 7:11 PM ET
Are you fat? Are you, like that grotesque blob in my last post (‘love is blind and blubbery…’) wanting true love but haven’t seen your sex parts since you were an infant?
Well, I’ve some bad news and some good news.
That’s right, fatboy, the government has its sights set on taking away another freedom- your freedom to feed your face ass self whatever you may like. Frankly, although I’m a guy big on having the government get the hell out of our lives, I happen to be quite alright about fat people losing this freedom of theirs. If you can’t keep yourself out of the Dunkin Donuts and other lard-laden junk food joints, then you should have to wear a tracking harness (the ankle bracelets skinny, unfed prisoners use won’t fit) and when you make a move to keep acting the pig you are, law enforcement steps in and muzzles you.
Freedom comes with responsibility and anyone who lets their mouth expand their weight to this kind of blasphemous, ungodly heft obviously doesn’t get how the two work with one another. So in the interest of the self-disciplined humans of the human race, your freedom to further abuse your responsibility must be taken away. After all, you are endangering the rest of us. You are potentially killing off mankind. How’s that? Well, as this article somewhat tries to point out, putting forward the idea that obesity must be fought in the same ludicrous manner idiots are suggesting we combat climate change. What they really mean is that the flatulence of fat people contributes more to global warming than either cows or industrial capitalists (i.e., those who will subsidize the universal health care plan we will inevitably have because of those who don’t take responsibility for their own health to begin with).
From: J. Grant Swank
To: D. Aristophanes, Pamela Geller, Emperor Misha I, LC JackBoot IC/A-OBR, Debbie Schlussel, Dafydd ab Hugh, Warrior
Subject: ACD Discontinues Publication of J. Grant Swank’s columns
Posted Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008, at 9:27 PM ET
American Conservative Daily has officially ceased the publication of columns by Mr. Swank. I wish to apologize to our readers for the way that some of his posts degraded and became so far away from what we had originally hoped they would. I of course take full responsibility for Mr. Swank’s columns appearing on this site since I was the one that made the decision to syndicate him originally.
The fact is however that for every reasonable post by Mr. Swank, there were three that were completely out of character with what we want to promote, that degenerated into insanity and we did not want to be put in a position where either myself or the staff are going to have to defend those that were unreasonable.
Call it the GOP’s big pup tent.
And little Rich Lowery wants to sink someone with his flesh
torpedocrayon.It is nice to see that Mishass is still around.
Fuck me these people are loonies.
Fuck you all very much, now bring it on, it’s only the first quarter and you got the first down. Have a ball until the ferryman demands payment.
Ferryman on the field! That’s fucking interference!
“We will no allow a compromise of our ideals of small government, low taxes, big defense.”
All of your ideals are belong to us!
I was fearing that the schadenfreude wouldn’t last very long.
I was wrong.
Since you’re on the list for this insanity, D, wouldn’t a good response to most of these rants be a simple “but what if your assumptions are wrong and none of the things you are predicting come to pass?”
Then again, don’t tip them off – there’s no need to point them in the right direction, much better to let them continue insisting that they lost because they’re the only ones who love Amurka and the only ones in possession of the one true faith.
A. Hussein Juggs: ‘We will target races.’
Pretty sure you will, Pammy.
Wow, what a bunch of drama queens. They sound like a bunch of weepy, bleeding heart Liberal fags. Man up already!
“At the top of that hierarchy, they have a neophyte empty suit now. A clown who, while capable of reciting every word that Bill Ayers ever wrote from memory, has absolutely zero experience in how to run a country. Or a hot dog stand, for that matter. Unlike his ideological forefathers, the National Socialists and Soviet Communists, he doesn’t have a solid machinery and the experience already in place to run it. He’ll fuck up so bad every day that it’ll almost be too easy to skewer his ignorant ass. That dumbass fuckhead is in so far over his head that it’s not even funny.”
Wow, that’s some powerful projection, even for a deadender. I’m kind of impressed..
“It’s going to be nasty, but it’s going to be short. If we all buckle up and get ready to fight that usurper, Reichsführer Hussein, every step of the way. Now get up and fight, dammit. Against tyranny and for liberty and justice. I will never take a knee to a tyrant and cheat.”
You go ahead and do that. Never forget the Wolverines!
The complete lack of self-awareness on display here is….awesome.
“We will no allow a compromise of our ideals of small government, low taxes, big defense.”
You don’t hear much from the Scots wingnuts in these parts.
Is this stuff for real? I mean, really?
What religious bigots. What bastards. I revel in the pain felt by the anti-religion, anti-democracy, and anti-marriage activists, even as I feel the pain of ordinary same-sex couples, a pain I ascribe almost entirely to the moral depravity of everyone who applauds judicial imperialism ‘for our own good.’
And the pain is… exquisite! [licks fingers]
Linkies in the subject lines of the ’emails’ work. It’s all real.
Both my avast! antivirus software and XPL’s LinkScanner Lite report that the last link, to the Swank-related post on, point to a page that contains active malware.
Sorry about that … don’t click on the Swank link, folks.
Wow, New Yorkers came out two nights ago and filled Times Square waving American flags and singing the Star Spangled Banner. No one organized them to do this, they just did it.
The reaction from the idiotic right is to become seditious? Really?
Tucker Rhymes is still employed?
Swank link has been switched to Google cached text-only version. Safe to click.
That made me click on the non-Swank link:
Paragraphs one and two seem strangely contradictory.
Thanks, D. A., and thanks for the quick response.
One thing’s becoming clear: the righties are gonna cling to Prop 8 like a floating turd: it’s the one mean-spirited victory they managed to eke out this time. When all else fails, they can always attack teh ghey, right?
Jim Manzi says:
“The popular will.” Ok, so Jim, I’m guessing from context that you believe that the “important” issues of the day are about abortion and gay marriage. So what do you think about the citizens of South Dakota rejecting the attempt to outlaw abortions? It appears that citizens are more concerned with “protecting” marriage from “Teh Gays” in Carolina.
Heh, heh you won that one (deny gays their rights) only with help from the African-Americans who came to the polls to vote for Obama. Do you think they never understood that demonizing gays is a lot like demonizing African-Americans? I think they will! Yes, they can!!
So, did anyone else start hearing Klaus Kinski at the end of “Aguirre, the Wrath of God” while reading Pam Geller’s screed?
I have some random thoughts I’d like to share with you liberals. Why you might ask? Well, because I think they have alot of relevence to the current political climate here in America.
I see alot of similarites between early 20th Great Britain and 21st century America. In the early 20th century (roughly 1900-1945) the British Empire was the most powerful nation on earth. It ruled one fourth of the world’s population, at its height almost one billion people. The mighty Royal Navy ruled the seas, ready to by force defeat any challenge to its supremacy and to its Mighty Empire. At this time Great Britain was still a mostly conservative society, Judeo-Christian culture was the foundation for its laws and norms, most people still went to Church on Sunday, the majority of people still believed that Great Britain in particular and Western Civilization in general, had the greatest culture in the history of the world, and that any culture not based on the Bible and Judeo-Christian tradition were inferior. The majority of people also, perhaps most importantly supported the British military and its Empire, which with its tradtitions of private property rights, individual liberty and Judeo-Chrisian morality, brought a higher standard of living in all of the lands under its rule.
The Conservative Party (also known as the Tories back then) held the majority of seats in the Parliment, and most Britons supported them and their values of Faith, Flag and Family. However, there was a compartivley small but increasingly vocal socialist opposition. This socialist oppostion which formed itself into the Labour Party, despised the Christianity and Judeo-Christian culture which formed the foundation of British society, they despised the British military and the Empire it protected, they sought appeasement as the way to deal with Great Britain’s enemies, and they despised the British tradtion of private property rights, individual liberty and free market capitalism (which made Great Britain the most prosperous nation since ancient Rome) and sought to replace it with the nannystate and to regulate every aspect of the lives of the British citizenry, by at first severly regulating and then taking away the right to bear arms which Britons had enjoyed for centuries, by limiting free speech and most importantly of all, doing away with the Judeo-Christian culture and replacing it with secularism and mulitculturalism.
On the eve of World War II, Great Britain was still the most powerful nation on earth, possesing a Navy the likes of which the world had never seen. And yet it had been eroded, it was decaying from the inside out, by the socialists who sought to destroy British society and the British Empire. Then Winston Churchill came to the rescue, he was a firey Conservative MP who had previously served many decades ago as a British solider in India, were he helped crush a rebellion. With Churchill’s Conservative Leadership, Great Britain found the will and the courage to use its awesome military might to help defeat Nazi Germany, in the most destructive conflict the world had ever seen.
But we all know what happened after the war was over. The same socialist who sought to appease Hitler, had stabbed Churchill in the back, and took the once Great British Empire down that dark and lonely road towards socialism, from which Great Britain has never fully recovered. First one by one, the socialists gave up the Empire, allowing the many lands under its rule indepedence (which in the case of Africa greatly reduced their standard of living and destroyed their once compartively wealthy economies), then they implemented regulation after regulation, socialist reform after socialist reform. And finally and perhaps worst of all, they destroyed the very foundation of British society, its Judeo-Christian culture. It has now reached a point in Great Britain where school children are no longer taught to have pride in their exceptional British history. They are no longer taught to respect and admire the Great Heros of their past such as William the Conqueror, Richard the Lion Heart, Edmund Burke and Winston Churchill. They are taught that other cultures are just as good as or even better than Judeo-Christian Western Civilization. It has reached a point were even the mere mention of British Patriotism has one deemed a racist an intolerant. Muslim immigration has reached unprecedented levels, and because of the collapse of Great Britain’s Judeo-Christian culture, native Britons are currently having a birth rate which is below replacement levels. School children are taught that God doesn’t exist and that homosexuality is a morally exceptable lifestyle. They are taught that the Great Heros of their past were nothing more that scoundrels, villians and tyrants.
America is currently where Great Britain was in the early 20th century, lets hope that our nation never progresses to were formerly Great Britain is now.
BTW, is there any way that typography can get a restraining order against Pam?
America is currently where Great Britain was in the early 20th century, lets hope that our nation never progresses to were formerly Great Britain is now.
Yes, it would be a real shame if the average standard of living here was to go up to the level of Great Britain’s (theirs is higher than ours is now, you know), or if we didn’t have to worry about being bankrupted by illness.
It seems there are advantages to the citizenry when half of all spending does not go into a war machine. Who would have guessed?
Seldom have I witnessed such heroism.
And is there any way that Pompous Racial Chauvanism and Rugged in Montana can get gay married?
America is currently where Great Britain was in the early 20th century, lets hope that our nation never progresses to were formerly Great Britain is now.
And you welch on bets and you are are a horse’s ass. You owe me $300 bucks.
Get up and fight? They can’t even get up to change the TV channel. Or reach that remote…
Shorter RiM (if there is such a thing):
Easy for Europe when they live under our nuclear umbrella, Jennifer. Not so easy when they won’t have us to count on and have to mount their own defenses.
I remember when this site was about funny stuff (like Amber Pawlik and her stupid recipes) but looks like it’s just a hard left political site now. Oh well; good luck to you all. You’ll be needing it.
A clown who, while capable of reciting every word that Bill Ayers ever wrote from memory, has absolutely zero experience in how to run a country. Or a hot dog stand, for that matter.
Completely kicking their asses must have been easier than running a hot dog stand.
Don’t worry. Dear Leader Obama’s Five Year Plan calls for massive increases in comedic output.
And say hello to Bruce.
I remember when this site was about funny stuff (like Amber Pawlik and her stupid recipes) but looks like it’s just a hard left political site now. Oh well; good luck to you all. You’ll be needing it.
See you in the reeducation camps. I’ve got an advance job re-educating you in the the joys of the dicatorship of the proletariat.
And is there any way that Pompous Racial Chauvanism and Rugged in Montana can get gay married?
RIMjob’s saving his tender chocolate pucker for the pelicans.
Man, RiM has about as much of a grasp on the early 20th Century history of Great Britain as The Pantload has on the political and intellectual history of fascism. Yee haw, as Slim Pickens would say.
What about a short response to every RiM post in future –
” Pay up you welch . “
“…we can’t NOT win it, because we’re just not wired that way. Defeat is not an option. Death might be, but defeat isn’t…We’re also quite committed to the ideals upon which our Republic was founded, to the point where we really don’t give a shit whether we survive…”
Oh , the brave Knights of Keyboards and Mice !
Fortunately the Emperor has already made his statement on this site, and in accordance with his style he did it with eloquence and panache. That allows me to play the role of ‘bad cop’ much more suited to my personal preferences.
Wait, it gets worse?
Wow, it really did get worse.
It’s all real.
I seriously thought this was fictional. Holy shit.
Is Misha always like that? I mean, I know he’s always sorta like that…but all that pseudo-Red Dawn shit about “we know the neighborhoods…de-programming’s a bitch”…that’s him on 11, right? He’s extra-crazy because of the election…right?
The last time I dared to venture over to Misha’s blog, it was apparently the day when a few neo-Nazis were arrested for having guns in their car in a possible attempt to threaten Obama at the Democratic National Convention. Except Misha was all: Those evil, fascist policemen are taking away the rights of those law-abiding gun owners! I’m starting to think that this Misha character isn’t just your typical Internet Tough Guy, as his invective seems a bit above the usual “ode to a charcoal grill”, but maybe I’m wrong.
Misha is and always has been a borderline psycho. That’s why his shit attracts flies who are real psychos, like the erstwhile Lord Spatula.
Get up and fight? They can’t even get up to change the TV channel. Or reach that remote…
Well, since the only concrete action that Emperor Misha suggests is to not talk to reporters, it looks like their battle can be fought without leaving the couch.
What about a short response to every RiM post in future –
” Pay up you welch . “
I never made no bet, that was someone else! And another thing, don’t go checking the IP address of the “bet” Rugged and crosschecking it with the “I don’t bet” Rugged, cause that wouldn’t be fair.
Is that a badger behind you?
Yes, England’s and France’s nuclear arsenal including nuclear cruise missiles and long range missiles suddenly don’t exist.
Christ, these people are as ignorant as Sarah Palin.
From the thread:
“If the Tree of Liberty needs be ‘watered’ by my blood, I give it freely to preserve that which is vital to our freedom!!
But, the sumbitches will have to MAKE me bleed!!! And I’m fully prepared to ‘water’ the tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants!!!”
Please, don’t ever let me go over there again. I was barely coping with Pammynuts.
Ummm, do these people know how ridiculous they sound?
I’m imagining a group of 12 year olds sitting by computers typing on some online game forum wondering why their game group “CooLEST DuD3Z Evah!!1!!” lost some game and how the other guys must have cheated, as that is the only way they could have been beaten.
And even that sounds more rational and realistic then what I read from the wingers.
I assume someone here is collecting and organizing all these posts on some harddisk section, to be used after few years in the “remember the predictions you made….” style.
Though I have to say, this would be great time to earn money by offering to sell “solid proof of election fraud” to the wingers under false name. How much are they willing to pay?
Yeah. Welcome to the Jungle? Seriously? Really? Your fever dreams want to go where Wesley Sinpes dares to tread. Hope you like ice skating uphill motherfuckers!
Wow, that started a good belly laugh, but about half-way through I was starting to think it satire, and when I realized it wasn’t — well it could have been funnier at that point.
Ah, who am I kidding? I love it, ever bit of it.
I DRINK YOUR TEARS WINGNUTTIA. I am succoured and nourished by your lachrymation, and your red dawn scenarios and sedition are the sweetest of the butthurt-eyefruit.
“nuclear umbrella”? Britain has plenty of nukes thank you very much. Nothing says “deterrent” like a nuke-toting submarine that might be ANYWHERE.
William the conquer.. Hilarious. My paternal line came over with William, but It would be a complete faux pas to mention the fact in more traditionally minded company.
But none the less, a fairly good recital of “standard right wing American talking points about Britain” which of course looks a lot like a little boy giving his dad some lip.
See, I thought that this was the tell. No real blogger could be stupid enough to actually believe in the Commie-Nazis.
And then I saw the links.
Stormy said,
November 7, 2008 at 8:34
Easy for Europe when they live under our nuclear umbrella, Jennifer. Not so easy when they won’t have us to count on and have to mount their own defenses.
Here in Oz, Stormy Summers is a famous, shall we say, Madam, has been for coupla decades. Sounds like she’s a lot more astute than this poor fool.
Oh, and Be-rugged in Montana – the fact that the English spent all their wealth, financial and human, fighting the war that was in their own neighbourhood probably has a lot more to do with their subsequent history than your silly fantasies. Just in case you didn’t know, the Second World War happened in Europe, mostly, with a brief season in the Pacific. Ergo lots of bits of Europe had the bejeezus bombed out of them
They didn’t like it much. Nor would you. That may be why no-one else shares your peculiar passion for slaughtering complete strangers in their own homes: once it’s happened to you, it feels different, somehow.
I know you don’t believe in Christianity as it’s an outdated, primitive culture, but if that’s the case it can’t hurt you to read the Book of Revelations now can it?
For recreational use only. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Do not combine with ergot bread or brown acid.
The more people working on fixing the Republican party the more of a clusterfuck it’s likely to be. So, everyone join in.
Alison: I was surprised to see that Rugged could tear himself away from “Gears of War” long enough to write that post,
No more Pastor Swank?! Oh NOES!!!!!!111!!!
don’t click on the Swank link, folks.
Great, NOW you tell me.
BTW, if no one else has mentioned it: All of these sites should be reported to Homeland Security and the Secret Service and all those type of people. They all sound like traitors to me. Why do they hate America, et cetera?
Oh good lord just pay me no attention this a.m. I’m off for coffee and trying to catch up.
Spreading misery after all, is part and parcel of Socialist doctrine, unless you’re one of the Chosen. (Try reading Robert A. Heinlein’s masterpiece: Farnham’s Freehold and you’ll get that one).
Unlike his ideological forefathers, the National Socialists and Soviet Communists, he doesn’t have a solid machinery and the experience already in place to run it. He’ll fuck up so bad every day that it’ll almost be too easy to skewer his ignorant ass. That dumbass fuckhead is in so far over his head that it’s not even funny.
We will support Sarah Palin and unlike the Republican party, SUPPORT ALAN WEST and men like Ed Lynch. Never again with the media pick the Republican candidate as they did with McCain.
It’s all real? Really real?
*snif* Christmas came early this year! God bless us all, every one!
Don’t throw yourselves into the Komodo dragon pit — at least not just yet.
Oh, no, those Komodo dragons aren’t the vicious type.
They’re really big puppy-like Komodos, who just LOOOOVE people and love getting skritched behind their vestigial ears. So go ahead and toss yourselves in and have a ball, folks!
Man, watching these people over the next two months might just kill me as they decline even further into Stormfront and militia nonsense.
Also, you right-wing toads couldn’t find a single honest fact about Obama in the course of the ENTIRE CAMPAIGN to hit him with. So what makes you think you’re going to find a single shred of meat to bite on over the next four years?
Oh, right, projection. Since the left was practically buried under all the amazing horseshit the Republicans did over the past eight years, you think you’re on easy street.
Fuck you all very much, now bring it on, it’s only the first quarter and you got the first down. Have a ball until the ferryman demands payment.
DON’T pay the Ferryman!
Well, not until he gets you to the other side, at least.
This was great stuff. Can’t believe you had the stomach to wallow through that much muck and mire, D.
I must agree with MzNicky. How could they bag the mighty Swankster?
I leave him with this respectful haiku:
Whither Pastor Swank?
Who will save the womb infants?
Homo nups for all.
I do hope this revolution will be televised.
fReichtard communes. The mind boggles.
It’s Revelation, you heathen dipshit.
Christ, these people make me laugh. They’re too feeble to flip the back of the Bible but they’re going to wage eternal war against the Lieberuls.
Yes, he can be identified by the knuckle and boot prints he leaves all over your ass.
Some of these people are going to get hurt and I can’t bring myself to care.
But we all know what happened after the war was over. The same socialist who sought to appease Hitler,,,
Go read a biography of Neville Chamberlain and come back and try again. Hell, even wikipedia will do. The moral force of your entire argument is based on a flat-out falsehood.
“…we can’t NOT win it, because we’re just not wired that way. Defeat is not an option. Death might be … We’re also quite committed to the ideals upon which our Republic was founded, to the point where we really don’t give a shit whether we survive…”
Works for me. Better luck in your next life.
Major Woody: That was downright beautiful. [sniff]
I feel like I’ve seen a number of rightards referring to it with the addition of an “s” lately. If they can’t get their own reference material right, I guess they can pretty much cram it with regard to that or anything else.
Whoop! Whoop! Violation of Arky’s Law* detected! Whoop! Whoop!
*As wingnuts get excited the probability they’ll start praising RAH approaches 1, thereby proving that the wingers in question are sad little tossers who would have a 0% survival rate in the world they envision.
Emperor Mischa needs his fingers smashed and his voicebox amputated.
We know our enemy and we know how to identify him if he tries to hide.
I have to say, this was the funniest one-liner out of the whole mess of insanity.
Hey, douchebag – the “enemy” is hiding behind the Obama sign in his front yard, the Obama sticker on his car, and the Obama T-shirt on his person. Glad to be able to give an assist in helping you compile your list of the “enemy’s” identifying markers.
Pam gives a hooter.
[runs away]
Who is with me? Who will help? Who wants to be a part of OUR FUTURE?
Sometimes the “Seinfeld” quotes at the top are just too goddamn perfect:
But I am wearing the ribbon. He is wearing the ribbon. We are all wearing the ribbon! So why aren’t you going to wear the ribbon!?
[…] fodder for a far more insidious, and I daresay dangerous, brand of fabulism. Courtesy of Sadly, No! comes a review of various right-wing nutjobs reacting to Obama’s victory on Tuesday. One in particular […]
I’ve wanted to turn this around for years:
Why are Conservatives so angry?
I loves me some Heinlein, and even I’ll admit that Farnham’s Freehold was FAR from a “masterpiece”. But then again, it’s got rugged individualists blowing shit up with household cleaners and women dying in childbirth, so I guess it’s a wingnut masterpiece in the same vein as Red Dawn.
Re Pam –
Definitely get rid of all the old queens from your party …
And I, for one, support the nomination of Adam West.
Why are Conservatives so angry?
Hey, you try walking around the mall when you’re totally full of shit and see how you like it!
Misha in comments on his blog:
You have nothing to fear from me as long as you honor the truth that is our Constitution. As long as you abide by that, without compromise, without “reasonable” modifications, you have absolutely nothing to fear from me.
I will not ruffle a hair upon the head of anybody who honors that document to which I have sworn a holy oath.
But if you try, in the slightest way, to betray that document, our Constitution, I don’t give a shit about your “rationale.”
I will kill you if I have to. I will destroy you, and I will not hesitate for a second. Because my oath is for life.
All hilarity aside, this dude is either about to go McVeigh, or, if as we all suspect he is just a load of hot air, possibly about to reap a New Christian Identity whirlwind that could leave him the worse for wear when his more action-oriented whackjob fans discover he’s not willing to put his money where his mouth is.
He was awful during the Bush years, he’s already 10x worse on Day One of the Obama era … and I wouldn’t be surprised if he pays a serious price for his rabble-rousing sooner rather than later, courtesy of the cretins he’s chosen to lead.
A relatively left-wing black man is elected President and they think they’re living in the second half of Threads.
It always amuses when the author of a post that begins OK, Shitheads and ends with Fuck you all very much with lots of fuck y’all pansy-ass limp-dicks in between is too chicken to put the “o” in G-d lest his delicate jackbooted readers or the deity himself take offense.
I will kill you if I have to. I will destroy you, and I will not hesitate for a second. Because my oath is for life.
Methinks someone’s watched his copy of Red Dawn one too many times.
It would almost be worth bothering to register at each of these sites just to be able to post:
“Calm down, Mary”
in the comments.
The Conservative Party (also known as the Tories back then)
What a strange place the world was back then.
Wow. Fuctardedness on parade. It doesn’t get any better than that.
‘You have nothing to fear from me as long as you honor the truth that is our Constitution. As long as you abide by that, without compromise, without “reasonable” modifications, you have absolutely nothing to fear from me.
I will not ruffle a hair upon the head of anybody who honors that document to which I have sworn a holy oath.
But if you try, in the slightest way, to betray that document, our Constitution, I don’t give a shit about your “rationale.”’
Shh! Nobody tell him about the War Powers Act. Or habeas corpus. Or eight years’ worth of signing statements. He might get mean mad and will. kill. us. all.
I’m really enjoying this post-Bush America. Now when are we painting the White House black again?
Pam gives a hooter.
[runs away]
She’s got her knockers, but I like her.
“I will never take a knee to a tyrant and cheat.”
He’d have been the first to rat out the Jews hiding in his neighbor’s basement.
So let’s quickly summarize the extent of The Suck, shall we? We’re now looking at the reign of an illegitimate usurper who has made a joke of the election process in this country. He has feloniously gathered hundreds of millions in illegal contributions, he has used his arm, the so-called ‘press’ to do his business by refusing to do the people’s business which is to vet people and ask questions, he has used uniformed thugs to intimidate voters at polling stations, he has used corrupt organizations and willing accomplices in state governments to illegally register ineligible people (quite a few of them dead and/or imaginary) to vote, and those are just some of his crimes against our Republic.
Wow. Teh stupid in this one paragraph alone could light the globe for eons.
Plus: help me out on this one – when I read this, I couldn’t help but think of a certain illegally installed drunken cokeheaded deserter, Republican’t projection, and a lack of reality based mental evaluation capabilities in our resident bat$hit insane Republican’t Putsch fellator.
1. Did this mental midget hit the trifecta here?
2. Do you know of anyone who could function in society while believing this crap?
3. When do the constant death threats, fantasies about killing sprees, and libel from this clown become serious enough that the authorities will be checking in to the intimate personal details of the rabid puppy?
DoublePlus:props to Xenos and Dagoril for working obcure musical references into their comments. SadlyNaut comments are the best!
“…we can’t NOT win it, because we’re just not wired that way.”
You know, I just looked at the election totals again, and it looks to me like you can, in fact, not-win, and do it with gusto. In fact, you DO look totally wired for not-winning. Perhaps its time for you to embrace the horror.
And I, for one, support the nomination of Adam West.
I second that motion. And I think the GOP should definitely pursue this for 2012.
“Oh, you’ve got Mr. Hope and Change, we’ve got the goddamn BATMAN!”
“…we can’t NOT win it, because we’re just not wired that way.”
I would enjoy seeing the results of a poker game between heavily-armed belligerents who cannot lose.
“I would rather die.”
Pills, shotgun, perhaps immolation? -Misha? I’d gladly PayPal you a gas card.
I’m sort of surprised that Daffy the Huge didn’t suggest that the Republicans form an alliance with the Klingons against the D’Obamaminion, maybe even get Garak the Tailor to perform a little skulduggery to get the Romulans on board.
Have you not yet offered Pastor Swank a platform at this publication?
This socialist oppostion which formed itself into the Labour Party, despised the Christianity and Judeo-Christian culture which formed the foundation of British society, they despised the British military and the Empire it protected, they sought appeasement as the way to deal with Great Britain’s enemies, and they despised the British tradtion of private property rights, individual liberty and free market capitalism (which made Great Britain the most prosperous nation since ancient Rome) and sought to replace it with the nannystate and to regulate every aspect of the lives of the British citizenry, by at first severly regulating and then taking away the right to bear arms which Britons had enjoyed for centuries, by limiting free speech and most importantly of all, doing away with the Judeo-Christian culture and replacing it with secularism and mulitculturalism.
Take it from me folks, this is all a pack of lies. Firstly, the BLP did not ‘despise Christianity’. Not for nothing was it said that it ‘owed more to Methodism than to Marx’. Secondly, the BLP was not (alas) an anti-imperialist party. After the 1945, Ernest Bevin infamously said ‘we are sticking by the Empire’, (Ernie was Foreign Secretary, equivalent of your Secretary of State). In any case the British Empire was a criminal organisation that presided over the theft, robbery, mass famine and mass murder of millions in Asia and Africa, and elsewhere. Thirdly, the policy of appeasement was pursued by Neville Chamberlain’s Tories; during the 1930s Labour was divided between those who wanted rearmament and those who hoped to avoid war, but it was certainly not a party of appeasers as the Tories were. Fourthly, restrictions on gun ownership were introduced in 1914 at the start of the first world war, long before Labour displaced the Liberal Party. Fifthly, I know of no case where the BLP can be said to have limited free speech; it was certainly a Labour government which, in the 1960s, ended censorship of the British theatre. Sixthly, the policies of secularism and multiculturalism which prevail in Britain today can be criticised (the Independent Working Class Association has an interesting critique of multi-culturalism as a force which divides communities vertically, and hinders working class struggle), but no one (bar the fascist BNP) wants to return to the period when Britain was a mono-ethnic, mono-cultural society where you couldn’t get a decent coffee anywhere.
With only a very few fixes, this diatribe now applies correctly to the outgoing Disaster-in-Chief. Plus I corrected the punctuation cuz I cannot help mahself.
Bangers and mash and fried toast, anyone?
Ahh, how I’ve missed the jackbooted thug days of Waco and Ruby Ridge.
You know, there have been wonderful advances in drug theropy lately. I would suggest these authors invstigate clozapine or aripiprazole before they do themselves some serious, albeit hialrious, harm.
“I seriously thought this was fictional. Holy shit.”
Me, too. But then, it’s their dream come true. They thrive on feeling persecuted and they love to (pretend to) be defiant. The next four years will
be the Spanish Civil War for wingnutz. With Pam as La Pasionaria.
They’ve never been happier.
You know –
what the HELL does “Mansourian candidate” MEAN, anyway?
what the HELL does “Mansourian candidate” MEAN, anyway?
It’s worse than you think.
Misha’s sworn an oath to the Constitution? I thought he wasn’t even American – bargain-basement Swede or some such.
[…] Gak over til Sadly No! og grin. Og græd. Som sagt, held og lykke til GOP med at vinde et valg på den baggrund. Eller, hvis CNN er mere rigtigt, så prøv her. […]
This is fiction, right?
Wait — the fact that I can’t tell, does that say something?
Is this real? I mean, some of this is Grade-A Crazy. And I don’t mean the standard-crazy that can be well hidden and carefully disproved if researched, I meant the kind of batshit-crazy that even a layperson recognizes as wrong.
“Second, we will build a new media network. I don’t care if the lamestream media is completely in the tank for the Democrats. So, what else is new (hello, uh Watergate)?The whining and groaning is not interesting to me. I don’t care. It is what it is. WE have to build an efficient delivery system for OUR MEDIA.”
So Rush, Hannity, and O’Reilly aren’t enough for you???
“We believe that the Senator believes he is a Christian, although he is at best a highly liberal Christian who has bought into a bastardized form of Christianity in which it is actually ok to covet the belongings of others and use the government to acquire/steal them. He apparently hold this belief, of course, despite the clear commandments of God against such actions.”
How about the New Testament story where the couple didn’t sell everything they owned and give it to the church and lied about it. The Holy Spirit struck them dead. The actual NT church functioned as communes. Somehow now they’ve become died in the wool capitalists. I missed that transition in the Good Book somewhere…
That Misha guy is off the chain!
What children. babies crying because they didn’t get their way.
Scary, scary children.
The tree of liberty must be watered with the Mountain Dew of patriots from time to time.
I would rather die.
Do the world a favor and knock yourself out, you waste of skin.
And I’m with Tom, to say “usurper really managed to pull it off and buy/cheat/steal his way to the White House…. a neophyte empty suit now. A clown who … has absolutely zero experience in how to run a country. Or a hot dog stand, for that matter…. He’ll fuck up so bad every day that it’ll almost be too easy to skewer his ignorant ass. That dumbass fuckhead is in so far over his head that it’s not even funny” after fellating the ignorant coke-head placed in office by judicial coup is such strong projection we can see it on the moon.
Elections have consequences, mother fuckers, try winning one next time.
I’ll assume, by all the stuff i’ve seen on Teh Intarwebs that the ReichsmordCheeto is in full effect
I don’t know why old Batman shows where the Riddler, the Joker, the Penguin and Catwoman all get together to plot are coming to mind.
Have you not yet offered Pastor Swank a platform at this publication?
This would be Beyond Awesome.
I dunno about that. Looks like he’s got a pretty good handle on things so far.
1. The healing begins
2. How could they tell.
I’m … completely bewildered. After all of the schlock I’ve been reading since Wednesday morning, if you’d have held a gun to my head and asked me if I thought this was satire, I would’ve said “Without a doubt! Now point that Gaia-damned thing somewhere else!”
And… it’s not satire? I can’t decide if I’m thrilled at the demise of the Borg collective, or frightened of what they’ll think of to act on next.
Shorter Wingnutosphere:
Scary, scary children.
Children of the Damned.
[quote]The more people working on fixing the Republican party the more of a clusterfuck it’s likely to be. So, everyone join in [/quote]
Redstate & assorted others have banded together the younger Republicans to rebuild the GOP. Those interested in signing up, go here. Hey, they asked for help in “planning the future.”
See, I thought that this was the tell. No real blogger could be stupid enough to actually believe in the Commie-Nazis.
Oh, but they do. I was kind of taken aback by it at first, but they honestly, wholeheartedly believe that commies and Nazis are, to use Mark Noonan’s pet phrase, “of a kind.” They further believe that when we scoff at them for forwarding such a stupid idea, it’s proof that we have been “brainwashed by the public schools, aka LIEbrul indoctrination centers.”
Rugged in Montana is correct about the similarities between early 20th c. Britain and early 21st c. America.
Except what went wrong was that not only were the so-called “moral” Tories morally bankrupt (like many elements of today’s GOP) but also the Tories and their empire literally bankrupted Britain. It was the Tories’ fault that Britain is no longer as Great as Rugged would like.
And doesn’t the GOP sound similar?
And btw:
they sought appeasement as the way to deal with Great Britain’s enemies
Who were “they” again? IIRC, Chamberlain was a Tory not a Labourite. At the very least one party had their pants on fire about the Nazi threat and the other party was lousy with Nazi sympathizers. Again the parallels to American politics today — contra what the GOP would have you believe about national security (I guess 9/11 changed everything for them), pre-9/11 one party had their pants on fire regarding terrorism and the other party was cozying up to those who sell us oil, terrorist connections or no …
Here’s what’s at the core of Republican rage: They’ve never gotten over the Nixon impeachment. Sure, they got a little bit back with the specious attempted impeachment of Clinton, but it’s just not enough and they’re not going to quit until they have an identical “victory.”
Sam Thornton: Nixon wasn’t impeached, he resigned.
“I don’t care if the lamestream media is completely in the tank for the Democrats. So, what else is new (hello, uh Watergate)?”
Wait, wtf is she saying here? That Watergate was engineered by the press? That Nixon was hounded out of office for no reason? That Woodward and Bernstein made it all up?
How fucking divorced from reality do you have to be to believe that?
Very, very divorced.
K-Fed and Brittney divorced.
Kidman and Cruise divorced.
Henry the VIII and all of his beheaded wives divorced.
T. Hussein: Henry VIII beheaded only (!) two of his six wives.
My, aren’t I the little history buff today.
“Here’s what’s at the core of Republican rage: They’ve never gotten over the Nixon impeachment. Sure, they got a little bit back with the specious attempted impeachment of Clinton, but it’s just not enough and they’re not going to quit until they have an identical “victory.”
Uh, Nixon wasn’t impeached, and Clinton was.
Nixon resigned rather than face the impeachment that was coming his way; Clinton was acquitted.
Dude, it also has our new Negro overlords who run about castrating white guys and stealing their women.
Somehow, I don’t think picking Farnham’s Freehold over any of his other works was entirely a coincidence.
“Oh, you’ve got Mr. Hope and Change, we’ve got the goddamn BATMAN!”
“My, aren’t I the little history buff today.”
MzN: you do history nekkid?
Well isn’t that progressive?
Congratulations, D. Aristophenes.
I think you’ve successfully completed the first Turing Test of Poe’s Law.
grendelkhan beat me to it. I’ve always been a Heinlein fan and still am, except that I’ve basically written off Fuckhead’s Freehold and Time Enough for Incest and his other late-stage bloviations. You think any of these jerks actually ever read any of RAH’s other books, like Citizen of the Galaxy — the ones that support democratic ideals and intelligence, and AREN’T a lot of right-wing crapola? Of course not.
Despite the scurrilous rumours that you read in the gutter press, I just want to say that my own relationship with Reality is entirely amicable. We have been seeing a couples counsellor and we are working through our difficulties.
I’m gonna let y’unz in on a little secret:
Rugged in Montana is actually Tiny Penis in New Jersey (in a basement, no less).
As deranged as Misha is, the commenters make him/her/it look stable by comparison:
Behind enemy lines, but still on my feet.
I may, in the coming months, send the Wife and Kids to Oklahoma (which appears to be the Reddest state, at least so far) to free me to wage the guerilla campaign from here.
Why do I get this sick feeling that there will be a lot of basement/garage/workshed amputations on the part of a lot of wingnuts trying to cook up homemade bombs?
On a lighter note, President-Elect Obama probably has enough money left over to corner the Cheetos market. We’ll see how long these wingnuts last without their salty orange ambrosia.
but also the Tories and their empire literally bankrupted Britain.
Well, at one point they tried to pay off their war debts by raising taxes in the colonies. Didn’t really work out for them.
These people are off the hook. Fighting guerilla wars? Don’t care if they die? Do they have any idea how much they resemble suicide bombers?
My favorite though is definitely Schlussel’s piece. She’s a Jew who seems to have suddenly realized that she’s been siding with a bunch of fascists who have now gone crazy, have no respect for law, hate minorities, are armed, and are looking for someone to blame.
Poor dear.
As deranged as Misha is, the commenters make him/her/it look stable by comparison:
Part of me wants to say, you bastard, Bastard! Why’d you make me read the comments?
The other part of me wants to say, you magnificent bastard, Bastard! Those comments are pure comedy gold!
Holy shit. Anybody studying paranoid derangement would do well to read that thread–it’s more fruitful than any lab study.
Wow. Just WOW! The wingers have discovered for the first time, for some of them, that they and their grotersque ideology were not just repudiated, not just beaten, they were trounced, outmanuevered, and outrun by a stellar campaign, a top grade ticket team, and and by the sheer stupidity of their own people, not just beltway Republicans but by the very wingers around them. The circular firing squad commences fire.
They want to elevate Palin. The Flying Spagetti Monster doesn’t love me enough for that! Elevate Palin, that crook, that diva clothes horse? GO FOR IT NUTTERS! GO FOR IT! Gingrich/Palin ’12
I hope the wingers charge pell-mell to the right. GET TO THE RIGHT! THEY CAN’T GET FAR ENOUGH TO THE RIGHT FAST ENOUGH! When they think they are right wing enough, push farther to the right.
It’s going to be a good 8 years. Atonement for Bush and his stupidity and his excesses should keep wingers at each others throats for at least the next two Presidential cycles, and maybe 12 years, possibly more if the FSM is happy with Obama.
To: Emperor Misha I (3rd item)
Offer accepted.
Do you know why the Republicans lost? They didn’t let Sarah be Sarah. They’ll be ready for it in 2012, though–they’ll tog her out like a movie star, encourage her to speak in tongues from the podium, and allow her to convince the populace that Vladimir Putin secretly wants to be the King of Africa. And she’ll win and we’ll be the ones going “wee, wee, wee all the way home” like this pack of ugly, defeated, historically ignorant lugnuts.
horrible it stincks so dam bad suck dick or pussy
[…] Sadly No! was gracious enough to provide the links to the lulz that the wingnuts are generating. […]