I Will Not Say This Again

Guys- I’m not normally self-righteous (like I said, I don’t have a lotta standards), but when you disagree with someone, there is no need to get personal. Comments like this are a case in point:

Well, that means she’s either really really horribly old, a slut, or a major cock tease. All in all a thoroughly unattractive individual, and as she is unattractive, I do not wish to know her.

When you take an argument and turn it into an attack on someone’s personal life (about which you know nothing, I might add), you are basically conceding that you cannot argue with them on an intellectual level. And yes, I know that “the other person did it too,” but that’s no excuse: when you react emotionally and attack someone personally, you’ve lost the argument (OK, so it’s OK to joke about Ben Shaprio’s creepy obsession with porn, but he’s writing a whole goddamn book about it).

Just because someone’s opinions are wingnutty, that doesn’t necessarily make them a terrible person. My grandmother was one of the biggest wingnuts around (she voted for Pat Buchanan ferchrissake), but she was still a terrific grandma.

OK, all done now. And to the person who made the above comment- I’m not mad at you, but please think before you post.

CLARIFICATION: I’ve got no problem with being nasty, or even name-calling every now and then. My problem was that the whole damn thread had degenerated into nothing but “You’re an ass-fuck!” “You’re a cum guzzling ass-fuck monster twat!”

And let’s face it, folks, there’s only room for one cum-guzzling ass-fuck monster twat on this blog, and his name is Seb.


Comments: 59


Think before I post? Damn, that’s gonna slow me down!


Hi Sondra! Please Read:

My sincerest apologies go out to Ms. Sondra K. She is the very definition of ladyhood, and I should have kept my grubby, uncouth, crude, and crass little typing fingers far, far away from the keyboard thus securing the dignity of said fair lady. I am a boorish nitwit not fit to even read her fascist rhetoric…I mean patriotic meditations, let alone comment on it/them/whatever.

By impugning her ladyhood I only publicly proved my un-gentlemanliness (not a real word, but you get my point).


Fuck you, asshole. And thank you, Brad.


Hey, mister BIG MAAAAN, “Wha?” I sent you an e-mail, and lo and behold, it came back. So, you’re not just hiding behind an e-mail address, you’re hiding behind a fake e-mail address. Does your mommy know about your secret life??


Brad, I’d e-mail you personally to thank you again for at least trying to be a voice of sanity in this craziness, but I can’t find a contact link.



As for you, Wha?, here’s the e-mail I sent to your fake address:

Hey, asshole. Like I said at your favorite little site, it’s easy to
hide behind an e-mail address and make disgusting, insulting comments.
I’ll bet you’re a little dork who’s never even had sex with a woman.
Not a real woman like Sondra, anyway. She would chew you up and spit
you you out like the little piece of trash you are. Speaking of whores,
how’s your mother?



Sondra is quite couth… and, due to your chivalry, I will pay attention to the next Ms. Crow song I hear… and lastly, I agree that Brad is offering an olive branch worth considering… better not be a pit in there, eh??


Thanks, Tom.


Okay. You know what? I WAS making fun of her! Please. Someone in this day and age stating they have had many “gentlemen callers”?! I riffed on her. I did it, and no…I won’t say I am sorry. I will say: She(and CraigC) should relax. I’m a nobody. Who gives a fuck what I say or what I think? Jeebus H. Keerist.


Oh. One more thing…do I get “cruel post” of the day for that one?



Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 16:42:01 -0700
To: Women in Black-LA
Subject: [WIB-LA] [Fwd: MON. 6/13: Rachel Corrie?s Parents & Family Who Lived in Gaza Home She Died to Protect]

PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY: [No problem! ?ed.]

Unprecedented U.S. Tour Comes to LA FOR JUST ADDED EVENT Monday, June 13!

Rachel Corrie?s Parents Will Be Joined by the Palestinian Family Who Lived in the Gaza Home She Died to Protect

Khaled and Samah Nasrallah?s First U.S. Visit Gives Americans Rare Glimpse into Life in Palestine

Ground-Breaking on the Rebuilding of Nasrallah?s Home Just Weeks Away, As Israeli Troops are Scheduled to Prepare to Leave Area

WHEN: Monday, June 13 at 7 PM

WHERE: Venice Methodist Church, 1020 Victoria, Venice (East of Linclon, 1 block North of Venice Blvd.)

DONATION: $10.00 (no one turned away for lack of funds)

WHAT: Local community groups and across the US are working together to help a Palestinian family rebuild their home and hundreds more ? in the name of Rachel Corrie, 23, who was killed two years ago as she faced down an Israeli bulldozer to keep it from knocking down a home in Gaza.

On their first vist to U.S., Khaled and Samah Nasrallah, members of the Palestinian family who lived in that home, will join Cindy and Craig Corrie, Rachel?s parents, on a U.S. speaking tour with a stop in Los Angeles on Monday, June 13.

The 7-state tour takes them through California, Oregon, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa and Rachel?s home state of Washington, to put a spotlight on the human stories behind community efforts to rebuild the Nasrallah?s home and 3400 other homes demolished in Gaza.


Cindy and Craig Corrie

Since their daughter?s death, Cindy and Craig Corrie, have become nationally known figures, and continues to seek justice and accountability for their daughters killing through diplomatic channels and direct appeals to the U.S. Congress, the Departments of State and Justice, and the Israeli Government.

In March 2005, they also initiated lawsuits against the State of Israel, the Israel Defense Forces and Caterpillar, Inc. Subsequently, they have been joined by Palestinian plaintiffs in the suit against Caterpillar, Inc.

When Rachel was killed, Cindy left her life as a musician and community activist, and Craig, his executive position in the life insurance industry, to devote their time to seeking a just peace in Palestine and Israel. They have two other grown children and one grandchild.

Khaled and Samah Nasrallah

After Rachel was killed, the Nasrallahs and their children continued to live in their home for seven months, despite the demolition of all 2200 surrounding homes in their Gaza neighborhood of Rafah.

The Nasrallahs had hoped their home would be spared because they had done nothing to harm anyone. Khaled Nasrallah is an accountant who works for the Palestine Airlines (which flies out of Egypt). His wife Samah will soon take her qualifying exams to become a teacher. They have three daughters and are traveling with their toddler, Sama.

Donna Baranski-Walker

The Executive Director of the Palo Alto-based, Rebuilding Alliance Donna gained her insight of middle-east peacemaking in 1996 when she visited teachers and principals with her proposal to create a region-wide education development network in Palestine, Jordan, and Israel.


The Rebuilding Alliance (www.RebuildingAlliance.org), a grassroots, human rights action group, lends support to Palestinian families as they rebuild their homes and schools during continuing occupation and siege..

The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice (www.RachelCorrieFoundation.org) is established to continue the work that Rachel began and hoped to accomplish, and to carry out that work with her vision, spirit, and creative energy in mind.


Post that crap somewhere else.


Brad, really…Relax. My dad owned a trucking company when I was a kid, and inked-up lot lizards like Sondra were a dime-a-dozen. Treating them like a lady makes as much sense as curtsying before you hand over the sawbuck to a Tiajuana whore. It’s a nice gesture, but entirely lost on the recipient.


GOD, I wish I knew where you live. Fucking moron.


Piece of shit.


GOD, I wish I knew where you live.

Los Angeles, Craigie.

Fucking moron.

Ah, I bow before the weight of your ineluctable ratiocination.

Piece of shit.

Well, with such parfit knights, such well-spoken gentilhommes defending her honor, clearly Sondra must be the most rarified of gentlewomanly skanks.


What the fuck would you know about a Tijuana whore, asshole? The only sex you’ve ever had is with your hand.


What the fuck would you know about a Tijuana whore, asshole?

Clearly not as much as you, Craigie. I bow to your superior experience with paid-for sex. Or does Sondra honor your Frequent Buyer points?


Los Angeles? Thanks for the specificity. Care to leave your address, “Mr. Thinks He’s An Intellectual, But Is Really Just a Moron”?


Way to pull something out of context to make it seem different. God, I wish I could get my hands on your skinny little liberal ass. Fucking asswipe.


"GOD, I wish I knew where you live. Fucking moron."
Ah, hell! I’ll tell you where he lives! I’ll sell
tickets! I’ll take bets on who gets his ass kicked.
I’ll give you a hint. His name doesn’t start with the letter ‘C’


"Way to pull something out of context to make it seem different. God,
I wish I could get my hands on your skinny little liberal ass. Fucking asswipe."
This from a man who won’t even allow a link to his email through his comments.


And you know what? This is stupid. This is incredibly stupid. I don’t know this Sondra person, nor do I care to. I’m done. Her “defender” has done her more damage than I could ever hope to. God. I’ve wasted too much time on this already.

I am sorry, Brad. This went far, far, too far. You will hear no more abusive invective from me. I am really sorry.


You’re kidding, right? Why in hell would I leave myself open to you fucking moonbats? If any one of you little dickheads wants to get jiggy with it, we can arrange that. Anyone in NOCAL??


Mary is right. Before today I hadn’t a clue who Sondar was (and as far as I’m concerned, she’s still nobody). But I regret feeding the trolls who slithered over here from her site. My apologies, Brad.


My heart is broken, maryc. Suddenly, you feel bad. I’m sure it’s that squishy liberal heart of yours that suddenly realized how full of shit you all are. In fact, I really feel bad myself. All this time I thought that it was those evil Republicans and conservatives who were cold, heartless, and vicious. Funny thing, it turns out it’s those loving, open, liberals who are the nasty ones. Who’d a thunk it?


Craig C., please don’t act like an angry, cursing troll who threatens people.

It was quite unusual for Brad to call foul on a discussion here, and while I didn’t see the message that prompted him to do that, I suspect it looked very much like the ones you’re posting.

I have moderator privileges over my posts and their comment areas, and not over Brad’s, so I’m just as much a guest in this thread as anyone else. But if I have to get on the bat phone and call Brad to break up a mean quarrel where people are being threatened, he’s liable to be pissed.

Just saying.


Obviously you didn’t see the messages that prompted that, because they were from you guys. Good night, moonbats.


The thing is, Craig, I’ve never said I was kind and wonderful. As a matter of fact, I’ve been a great supporter of the idea that Democrats have to get down and dirty and mean, just as the Republicans do.

There’s a big difference between me and someone like you: I know when to be the peacemaker..I know when to turn the other cheek. Consider my cheek turned. And when you slap it again, consider me the better Christian.

J. Edgar Allen Poe

Hey! It’s nobody’s fault but mine for having the temerity to point out in a snarky but completely acceptable way that Ms. Sondra(but it’s a Rune! Dammit!)K inked herself up with a peace symbol, a socialist, pagan, devil worshipping peace symbol at that. And that she was completely clueless about it. She got nailed by her own ignorance and not only that, she’s got the proof of it branded on her for life. Oh, the irony! Justice is the art of the poet. Instead of getting all angry about it, laugh yer asses off, it’s funny. And who knows, maybe the ink will laugh off, too.


I was going to make a comment about how much of a tool you’d have to be not to realize that “gwb@gop.usa” is a fake address, but I’ll refrain in the interest of maintaining the peace.


It was quite unusual for Brad to call foul on a discussion here, and while I didn’t see the message that prompted him to do that, I suspect it looked very much like the ones you’re posting.

Yes it is.


Uh. I was attempting to say “I *heart* maryc.” Dang ol’ HTML.


wait? something’s wrong with being a come-guzzling assfuck monster twat. dammit.


wait? something’s wrong with being a come-guzzling assfuck monster twat. dammit.

No, but this blog’s only big enough for one of ’em, and Seb got here first 😉


My favorite little site?!?

Did you post an obscenity-laden invective against me at G0P.USA?!? Oh Craig, your entertainment value just skyrocketted!!


I just wanted to let everyone know that I also am a cum guzzling ass fucking monster twat, and I am grateful for this site — one of the few out there – that allows me to be one in the comments section. This is one of the very few sites that never fails to bring me a smile…both the posters and the commenters pointing out that no matter how crazy things are getting in this country, there are like minded people who point out and comment on the nuttiness. It seems like such a small thing but it has a significant impact nonetheless. I am grateful for that — so thanks. Just my 2 Cents.


Is someone picking on come-guzzling assfuck monster twats again?

You know you’re not supposed to call them that! They’re come-guzzling-assfuck-monster twat-Americans.

(Or, if you prefer, members of the come-guzzling assfuck monster twat community.)

Jeez, fellas.


Guys- I’m not normally self-righteous (like I said, I don’t have a lotta standards), but when you disagree with someone, there is no need to get personal. Comments like this are a case in point:

I’ll say you don’t have many standards.

“Comments like this are a case in point.”

How dare you not recognize subject/verb/object disagreement here? And you call yourself a blogger?

Did you pen this line as well? “I can’t spell bloogger, but now I are one.”

Please amend to

“A comment like this one is a case in point”


“comments like this one are a case in point”

you come-guzzling assfuck monster twat.

See you sunday, dear?



So I guess “Grammar” doesn’t know that Sunday is capitalized.


Grammar – I see no disagreement there: collecively the comments make up a single case, therefore they are ‘a’ case in point.

For anyone: WTF is a moonbat? Is that supposed to be an insult? Since it came from Craig C, I guess it was, but I don’t get it. Somebody want to let me in on the joke?


Pedant- “Moonbat” is the left-wing equivalent of “wingnut.”

There are people who could be aptly described as “moonbats,” but I don’t think any of them post at S,N! (unless we have people from International ANSWER than I don’t know about).


Brad – I had pretty much figured that out, but what I mean is what is it supposed to mean? I know what a wingnut is in real life – one of those litte nuts with wings that make it easier to turn. And it is easy to see how ‘right-wing nut’is handily shortened to ‘wingnut,’ resulting in an apt description that is reinforced in the mind by the existence of a concrete object that bears the same name. (and is also small, insignificant and kind of silly-looking)

I assume moonbat is supposed to be a bat from the moon, but we know that there aren’t any bats on the moon. (What would one even look like? I am trying to imagine one, but all I am coming up with is a bat with a space helmet.) So is it supposed to be an insult, or what? If you call Sondra K or Pastor Swank or whoever a wingnut, you are essentially accurate – they are in fact, right-wing nuts. But if someone like Craig C calls you a moonbat, what are they really saying? It doesn’t even make sense as a metaphor.
Sorry about the long post, but I’ve seen that supposed insult tossed around recently on this blog, and I just wanted to point out that it doesn’t make any sense.


It’s regularly used by Michelle Malkin. The fact that it doesn’t make sense shouldn’t be surprising 😉


It is a human whose cerebral cortex has turned to silly putty causing him or her to mentally slide down the evolutionary ladder to the level of a winged rat who is influenced by the moon and wants to suck your blood. Also affectionately known as a “Democrat”.

I see. Well, that’s nastier than I thought it was. “Wingnut” is just short for “right wing nut.” And it isn’t used (not by me at least) to define all conservatives and/or Republicans.

I reserve “wingnut” for the John Birch-style paranoia of WorldNetDaily, the Free Republic, Pat Robertson, Michelle Malkin and Alan Keyes (among, sadly, many others… but you get the gist of what I’m saying).


Also, this is pretty obnoxious:

(or in the case of San Francisco, simply allowed to “mate” in a manner that will not allow them to reproduce).

Moonbats include all gay people, apparently. Give me a choice between them and Neal “I Had Sex with Animals” Horsley, and I’ll take the gay folks, thanks very much.


Thanks, Craig, but that sounded to me like that guy was strainin’ to do some explainin.’ I guess it is only natural that conservative idiots would base their insults on 2000 year old mysogynistic medical theories and the false science that bats are rats with wings or evil monsters. It really is par for the course for Michelle Malkin to overuse an epithet that not only isn’t accurate or humorous, but actually makes her look dumb for using it. And here I thought there was no way to make Michelle look any dumber


And here I thought there was no way to make Michelle look any dumber

I’m sure you could, if you took the time to read her books. The Townhall columns are painful enough for me, though.



If you thought the comments were getting crazed here, you should check out the donnybrook over at Sadly, No….


“(or in the case of San Francisco, simply allowed to “mate” in a manner that will not allow them to reproduce).”

Yeah, all sex must lead to reproduction. For example, infertile people should not be allowed to have sex. Nor should women who have entered menopause. That’s the logical extension of what you’re saying, after all . . .


If you go over to Creek Running North (http://www.faultline.org/place/pinolecreek/)
(excellent blog), you’ll see a moonbat icon up in the left corner. And if you click on said icon, you can read his take on the subject.


“Yeah, all sex must lead to reproduction. For example, infertile people should not be allowed to have sex. Nor should women who have entered menopause. That’s the logical extension of what you’re saying, after all . . .”

You think they aren’t leading up to that?


Want to go on a bike ride?

The other day John Cole thought he found a pretty good comment thread. Well, that’s been topped. Digamma describes it best (þ Catallarchy.net): Greatest flamewar ever A guy starts out looking for some female companionship, and 19 posts later ends…


“…false science that bats are rats with wings…”

They aren’t?


What is Wrong With Instapundit

In the comments to this thread, a reader asks: Ok, I seriously don’t understand the hate for Instapundit. Like many blogs out there, I don’t agree with everything said on it, but by and large it is one of the…


What is Wrong With Instapundit

In the comments to this thread, a reader asks: Ok, I seriously don’t understand the hate for Instapundit. Like many blogs out there, I don’t agree with everything said on it, but by and large it is one of the…


What is Wrong With Instapundit

In the comments to this thread, a reader asks: Ok, I seriously don’t understand the hate for Instapundit. Like many blogs out there, I don’t agree with everything said on it, but by and large it is one of the…


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