Going John Galt

Above: Wingnuts soon to be interned in Hope Camps

While I’m here wedging the server open through sheer stubbornness and attention span, I should like to say that if this is another of those tedious DDOS attacks, the truth will not be supressed.


Comments: 91


Sweeeeet. We really are witnessing peak wingnut, aren’t we?


Does that woman on the left actually have her finger on the trigger?

One more demographic factor working against the Republicans. Too many are future Darwin Award winners.

Basic gun safety: keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot.

Twinky Winky Pony Palin

We won’t know until Techdude has pronounced on the matter, Jennifer.


Why won’t sweet Mr. Korir release th tape already? DO IT BEFORE THE ELECTION TO SAVE AMERICA!!!!


Well, we keep thinking we’ve seen peak wingnut and they just keep surprising me. I can’t even keep up with it all.

I’m starting to think the Obama birth conspiracy nuts are going to be the new 9/11 truthers.


I for one welcome our Kenyan/Indonesian Overlords.


Granny: May be you can name it the Black House when you have been sworn in my grandson.

Obama: Where was I really born Granny?

Ah, nothing warms the cockles of the wingnut heart more completely, nor tickles the wingnut’s funnybone with more aplomb, than a chance not only to mock someone’s recently deceased grandmother but also toss a little racism in as a cherry on top of a marvelously yummy sh*t sundae.

Turd Blossom Palin

Why won’t sweet Mr. Korir release th tape already? DO IT BEFORE THE ELECTION TO SAVE AMERICA!!!!

The tape is tied up in legal limbo in Nigeria, but you can help to free it, via this PayPal account.


Well, actually, that piss poor attempt at comedy is joking about Obama’s Kenyan Na Na, not the recently deceased dearest.

But, a commenter over there is questioning if Obama’s grandmother really did die. No, seriously.


I has discovered hte real No Quarter

Money quote: He had 14 wives, wore candles in his beard, and drank Rum mixed with his gunpowder

No, not osama… the other guy…


It’s getting embaressing how the API is still casting the same hook out there. Are the wingnuts still linking to this bullshit?

Future API Headlines to Look For:

Michelle Obama Tape Deal in Works with Animal Planet.

ESPN4 Offers Deal for Michelle Obama Tape. In Discussion.

Deal with Telemundo for Michelle Obama Tape Falls Through.

Michelle Obama Tape en route to States. But Wait, Where’s My Plane Ticket? Oh no, I Left It in my OTHER Pants!

Me?! I Thought YOU Had the Michelle Obama Tape!! Well I Don’t Have It! Uh-ohhhhh…


Wow. Here is a lesson in how to look pathetic and laughable with a gun in your hand. Even if these dorks were actually pointing their guns at me I’d have a hard time not laughing.


Remember the good old days, when Nigerian scams were transmitted to everyone, showing them a non existing carrot like some dethroned kings 100 000 000 USD bank account and asking peoples banking data so the money could be moved into safety on their account?

It used to be that only stupid and greedy people took the bait, and lost their money.Looks like the process has evolved a bit, but target audience is still the same.

I’m curious as when does the tape move to next step, sale to highest bidder? And who is that going to be?


Anyone want to take bets on how long API can string the wingnuts along with this same line of bullshit?

I bet they keep it up until Christmas. After that, maybe Malkin lets it drop every now and again but otherwise we never hear about it.


LD: It’s possible that this is some sort of long con, though I wonder how much money they expect to get from these bozos. These guys usually drop out when they get to the part where they have to pony up the actual money.

spinnin' the hits

Ha! Libs! Big announcement tomorrow by McCain Campaign! Somebody just dumped 100,000 at intrade! Obama’s toast! Ha! It’s all over now! Libs!


Wingnuts soon to be interned in Hope Camps

I think first they need to be interned in a fat camp.


Jay, at least 3 of them have their fingers on the triggers. I shudder to think of where that guy at the back has his finger, although judging by the look on the face of Mr Fronty, it’s somewhere that a finger shouldn’ta oughtn’ta go.


I have contacts among several of the major news channels, these are respectable people, we can get the tape to the world without Fox.
Please call me.


You know, it’d be interesting to submit the API site to someone like 419eater.com and see what they turn up.

Alternatively, I wonder if I could scambait them myself…


I think first they need to be interned in a fat camp.

Why when they are already THE BIGGEST LOSERS. har har har.


They got guns AND they’re in front of the liquor cabinet. Sweet.


Did Troofy ever come back? He said he was gonna be here to laugh at us…


Hmm, I’ve seen those poses before….

Oh Yeah!

Twinky Winky Pony Palin


Oh dear god, they’re still banging on about the birth certificate:


Meanwhile, insane insanity Pam INSANE Atlas has gone even more insanerity:


Really, this is all too much fun.


The fact is this country is doomed.

Also, Cigarskunk.


That cheeseburger walrus wingnut in the front is holding a Lee Enfield rifle. It always gets me down to see such fine weaponry in the hands of cretins.


Hey, isn’t the tubby mook in the front row the one and only Kim “We’re Raising a Nation of Pussies” Du Toit, and the corpulent goof in the back row in the white shirt Misha “The Unhinged Nazi Idiot Rottweiler”?

Jesus H. Christ, if this is the master race, humanity is doomed.

While increasing the caliber of their weaponry, they might want to also lower the carbs in thier diets, the fat slobs.


How sad does a person have to be to pose for a photograph brandishing a weapon? I thought only 16yrold wannabe gangsters did that.

When most people pose for a photograph with a group of friends, they comb their hair, straighten their collar, or decide what humorous gesture they are going to make..

What kind of plonker thinks.. “Oh, a photo? Better get the guns out then!”


While increasing the caliber of their weaponry, they might want to also lower the carbs in thier diets, the fat slobs.

Well, that’s what a steady diet of hate, Cheetos, and resentment will bring on.

This is the first time I’ve been able to access comments at all, so I salute the Butter Knife of Freedom!

Seems we are witnessing Denial that is as big as that river in Egypt.


Guns are not enough. The women will have to grow goatees.


Obama: If you call Korir Granny be careful. He tapes people. Right now we cannot sleep. He taped Michelle telling him about where I am born, adoption and even Iran and oh God– the other thing I said about people who are loyal to the American flag…. We do not sleep these days, he might air the tape, you know.

I love how the Michelle Obama tape has evolved from a conversation where she accuses everyone of being racist toward her husband to an admission that Barack Obama is really a Kenyan. You’d think they might notice that teensy little discrepancy instead of taking it as validation of their world view.

While the guy may be just making tons of money off page hits from the deluded, part of me almost thinks this could be a dirty trick to make wingnuts exhaust themselves salivating over this non-story.


Hey! That guy at the back isn’t holding a gun! Oh mah Gawd … Whoop! Whoop! Liberal Detected! SHOOT HIM!!

Uh … I didn’t mean all at once.


I just love the way Pammy whines and whines about the awful hateful comments of those evil dhimmi libruls against her, then allows something like this:

Fuck America if she decided to elect a nigger scumbag like that Hussein Obama.
Iam so sorry i felt bad for Sept 11
i wish terrorists slaughter all of the American people next time.
now America lost the people who really loved here by such an act

But I guess it’s okay if you’re a Republican…


Well it’s about time this site came back up.

I can’t wait to tell you all about my Obama conversion!

I sat down in the situation room this morning for my daily constitution when, much to my suprise, a rainbow shot out of my butt.

It smelled of jasmine, lavender, and freshly cut flowers.

After I finished (no cleanup!) I walked outside and three baby bunny rabbits hopped up and sat in my lap while I scratched their furry little ears. One of them presented me with a small pot of gold bullion which I attempted to give to the homeless man on the corner, but strangely he was not there this morning.

Thanks, Barack!


I’d like to hear mikey’s expert analysis of the “weapon proficiency” on display in this picture…to me it looks like it captured the moment just before the camera flash spooked Kim DuTwat into accidentally blowing the lady on the end’s head off, creating a chain reaction of pants-peeing and spraying bullets into the ceiling by the rest of the keyboard kommandoes.


This just in: Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews leave MSNBC, state they are no longer necessary, mission accomplished!

And Nancy Pelosi’s starting to look kinda hot…

Thanks, Barack!


These people look like they could be members of one of the more spectacular subspecies of wingnut, Wingnuttius illegalwestbanksettlementus.

Jib, thank you for appreciating the beauty that is the Enfield rifle.


New rule: HE must be referred to as “President B. Hussein Obama.” No “Prez Barry” or any thing else. “President B. Hussein Obama” or nothing. Just to keep the whackowhingers on edge.


Gah! This photo is a sham and these people are not god fearing conservatives but liberal losers! Look on the cabinet, up high. A FRENCH PRESS COFFEE MAKER!!!! Oh, the humanity.


Freeper QotD: “This is Gods will!?”


Freeper QotD #2: “Maybe there is no God.”


From the coments thread below:

Malkin and Red State are teaming up on an “accountability project” that they are calling…wait for it…Operation Leper!

Oooooh, shiny thing!

Hey, I bet it’ll be just the same great success that Malkin’s “I Am John Doe” thing was.

Remember that? No?

Don’t worry, nobody else does, either.


1) Kim Jong-Il renounces nuclear weapons.
2) Osama bin Laden is killed by a Predator drone.
3) Iran experiences a revolution and implements secular democracy.
4) Hezbollah mysteriously disappears.
5) Palestinians all convert to Judaism. That problem is solved.
6) UN suddenly becomes a competent organization and even givens the American government a refund!

…and that is just in Obama’s first 100 hours!


Can we put the first Hope Camp in Kentucky? They really pissed me off by giving McCain the lead for the first couple of hours.


I’m sorry, but this is just too goddamn good to leave deadthreaded:

Sporkey said,

November 6, 2008 at 14:35

You know what? I can’t stand them anymore. Really, I can’t.

Obama wins more votes than Bush in 04, but he doesn’t have a mandate? Obama didn’t steal an election through the supreme court. And people donated money to Obama, even in these economically perilous times. But he’s an illegal president?

Fuck you, wingnuts. Fuck you and your goddamn delusional philosophy. Fuck you and your goddamn wars. You want a war? Hey, RedState, why don’t you just set up a paypal account and have your mouthbreathing suckers donate to it. Start a fucking war on your own goddamn dime, assholes, without involving the rest of America or the government that we elected. Hey, maybe you can get the right-leaning Libertarians in on this? Free Market? Hell yeah! On your own dime, motherfuckers, and leave the rest of us alone. You can always ask Olly North how do it, but don’t involve our fucking government.

And if you really like third world countries so much, go fucking live in one. Get the fuck out. Stay the fuck out. Don’t make our America one, to your liking. Don’t stand in the way of progress. Do you think that if you do, you’re like the brave man who stood in front of the tanks in Tienanmen Square? Nowhere near it, assholes. You aren’t brave or even creative. You’re cheerleaders for robber barons. You’re the guys in the fucking tank.

I want my country to be great again – to harness the creativity and innovation that we were once known for. Why the fuck aren’t we the leaders in alternative energy? Where’s my fucking space car, bastards? Because of you and your stagnant minds and fear of change, we don’t have any of these things. I want to be able to tell my nephews and nieces about our old antiquated ideas on energy – “it used to run on liquified dinosours, you know”.

And you know what? I’ve been a taxpayer since I was working at 16. I deserve a tax cut, too. If you don’t want to pay taxes to the government, then leave. We won’t miss you. You’re a fucking welfare leech, and you should just leave so that the rest of us hardworking Americans who pay our taxes can get the best services for what we put into the system. I pay taxes so that my unemployed and disabled friends have a safety net without relying on their parents or me for financial support, or worse yet, that they don’t end up on the fucking streets. I pay taxes for firemen to come to my house and put out fires.

So fuck you wingnuts. Fuck You.

I am very interested in your ideas, Mr. Sporkey, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. In the meantime, you win the Intertubes.

Doctor Missus Marita

How sad does a person have to be to pose for a photograph brandishing a weapon? I thought only 16yrold wannabe gangsters did that.

Oh, come on. That’s not entirely true.


Those folks look like my cousins’ families in Kansas. And they wonder why I always leave them off the Thanksgiving guest list.


That picture’s really cute and funny. I’m sure these wingnuts would find a picture of several people of color, or an Arabic family in traditional garb, holding weapons in their living room a harmless joke, too.
I particularly like the bayonet on that assault rifle. Every suburbanite should keep something like that around to hunt deer.


Hey, Goober, we never said Obama would do all the things you’re sarcastically listing, you did. We just figured he could do better than your guy, which won’t be hard.


attention span

Where can I buy one of those?


Hey Goober, you’re not by chance stockpiling drums of fertilizer and diesel fuel in your garage, or going to live readings of The Turner Diaries with your buddies in the Wingnut Militia, are you?

Juuuust checkin’, big guy.


Hey, goober.

Rainbows shooting out of one’s butt is a characteristic effect of Toledo (OH) Blotter. I’d ask you to share with the rest of the class, but you’d probably think that was, y’know, socialest.

Be kinda hard for the US to give the US a refund since, last I knew, we were about a decade behind paying our dues. Not that it would be a huge sum anyway since the entire annual UN budget is about what we spend in two weeks in Iraq.


The goatee really is the official facial hair of wingnuttia, isn’t it?


Hope Camps

Don’t mince words mother, it’s fat camp a May 4 farm!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

> New rule: HE must be referred to as “President B. Hussein Obama.” No “Prez Barry” or any thing else. “President B. Hussein Obama” or nothing. Just to keep the whackowhingers on edge.

For amusement, I will be referring to our next president as “President Hussein Malcolm X” whenever I talk to whackjobs/nutjobs/wingnuts in the future.


Pic caption:

Somewhere in Suburban Texas (PJM) – After waiting many tense hours on election night for Teh Negroz Looting and Pillaging that never came, Group Commander Kim Du Toit, hopped up on Mountain Dew, Viagra, and Skoal Bandits, ordered his “Wolverines” to open fire on the neighbor’s liberal socialist black cat, Mr. Whiskers, thus commencing The First Battle of Maple Lane. Unfortunately, the cat escaped unharmed, but Sergeant Misha Rottweiler had to be rushed to the emergency room after spraining his ankle playing Wii “Army Rangers.”

Supreme Wingnut Commander Glenn Harlan Reynolds awared the entire unit a Bronze Star for their valor that night. “I’m speechless. What heroes. Heh.”

“Such bravery we’ve not seen in a generation,” lauded a giddy and drunken Ann Althouse, Commandant of the Wingnut Military Academy, spilling her glass of inferior Chilean merlot on her new uniform.

Charles Johnson, Deputy Director of Wingnut Intelligence, is still convinced the colored people were rioting somewhere. “Well, you know Director Drudge has been under a lot of pressure lately, so mistakes were made. But we know there were two uniformed and heavily armed negroes in Philadelphia at the voting place near 13th and Fairmont denying white people the right to vote. So that proves the negroes had evil intent all over. Every damn one of them. They’re all eeeeeeevil! Abso-diddle-ootly.”

Captain Du Toit is pleased his troops were blooded in this first of many battles to come, but remains skeptical they are ready for a wider war with the jackbooted liberal fascist negro oppressors just yet.

“War is a tricky business, my friends,” he warns with a somber expression, “and readiness is just as much a state of mind as it is a reflection of good training. But I am damn proud of my Wolverines. They showed real fighting spirit.”

Rumor has it Stephen Den Beste is writing a 70,000-word epic poem commemorating the First Battle of Maple Lane.

We at Pajamas Media HQ want to thank these brave foot soldiers, the Mighty Wolverines, for their service to the cause. An Army of Davids indeed!



Why am I looking at the DuTwats and the Idiot-terran holding their fake penis’?

You really warn folks about that picture before they have had their coffee.


Make of this what you will: With the exception of Texas, the citizens of every state that went for McCain receive more money from the federal government than they pay in taxes. Spread the wealth, Baby!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Gah! This photo is a sham and these people are not god fearing conservatives but liberal losers! Look on the cabinet, up high. A FRENCH PRESS COFFEE MAKER!!!! Oh, the humanity.

Well in their defense (and in the quest for extra pedant points), 1. Bodum is actually a danish company and 2. appreciation of good coffee is non-partisan.


3: It is called a Caffatiere you pleb!


alternate pic cap:

“…and that’s when the fucking started.”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

3: It is called a Caffatiere cafetière à piston you pleb béotien!

Fixed Fixée!


I just love the way Pammy whines and whines about the awful hateful comments of those evil dhimmi libruls against her, then allows something like this:

Fuck America if she decided to elect a nigger scumbag like that Hussein Obama.
Iam so sorry i felt bad for Sept 11
i wish terrorists slaughter all of the American people next time.
now America lost the people who really loved here by such an act

But I guess it’s okay if you’re a Republican…

That troll calls itself “An Egyptian”. What’s an Egyptian doing using the n-word?



What’s an Egyptian doing using the n-word?

The Nubians are in the South and in my very limited experience are not well thought of.

Gun Nut (non loser)

What…no AKs?

no AR-15s?

no H&Ks?

No Styer AUGs?!?!??!!

What a bunch of loser gun nuts.


Oh, those API links rock my world. The first mention of the tapes had Michelle saying Obama was born in Hawaii and that some whites are racist, and Korir was afraid to release them because he might place himself in legal peril; now magically Obama isn’t a citizen and news chief Korir feels creating fake conversations out of whole cloth is not only not libelous but is also a valid operation for a supposed professional news organization. And the commenters seem not to have noticed any shift!


i don’t see those flag pins. obviously freedom haters.


Are you sure that’s not a screen capture from Resident Evil?


What…no AKs?

no AR-15s?

no H&Ks?

No Styer AUGs?!?!??!!

that one with the bayonet looks like an HK 94 or maybe an FN/FAL but you’re right, in general that’s pretty lame stuff. Not even a stainless mini 14.


“…part of me almost thinks this could be a dirty trick to make wingnuts exhaust themselves salivating over this non-story.”

Ya think?


It’d be the coolest thing ever if we found out that Chief Editor Korir was actually a paid Obama operative.


Those people have a French press!!! They will be thrown out the party toot sweet!


Dragon-King Wangchuck wins 10 pedant points.

But the real question is.. Is that KENYAN coffee in that cafetière à piston?


I’d still sleep with the guy in the back middle.


If you intend to look formidible, you need to be brandishing some AUTOMATIC weapons, not ancient shit like Lee Enfields … yeah yeah, it’s a good enough rifle – & in this day & age, it’s a guarantee of earning a free toe-tag when the other guy’s got a submachinegun, unless you can see him but he can’t see you … oh, & I’m guessing that having a big goofy grin also isn’t a major asset.

“We’ll defend liberty, even at the cost of our own blood – LOL!”

“Such bravery we’ve not seen in a generation,” lauded a giddy and drunken Ann Althouse, Commandant of the Wingnut Military Academy, spilling her glass of inferior Chilean merlot on her new uniform.

Actually, Teh Box-Wine Countess Of Wisconsin did a very good thing on Tuesday … & her commenters have been predictably bilious ever since.

I still think she’s a pseudo-intellectual gasbag who’s probably wrong most of the time, but I have to give credit where credit is due. The woman figured out which candidate was the best & cast her vote accordingly. She also praised both the style & the substance of Obama’s acceptance speech … & that’s not a very wingnutty thing to do.

I’m pretty sure her invitation to Camp Galt is NOT in the mail.


3: It is called a cafetière à piston you béotien!
“Boeotian” is the new ‘Philistine”.


that one with the bayonet looks like an HK 94 or maybe an FN/FAL…

I think it looks like an SKS.
I would have expected wingnut heros such as these to buy american when choosing thier penis simulators.


I particularly like the bayonet on that assault rifle.
In the absence of any guns here at Maison D’Etre, I have fitted un bayonet to la cafetière.

Gun Nut (non loser)

It’s an SKS, probably chinese made as well…

Buy a Yugo SKS ya CHEAP FUCKS!


Do any of the people in that photo really need to hunt? They’ve obviously never missed a meal, and I’m counting brunch and lupper.


Yay! The site is finally back up. I had a sneaking suspicion that there were DDOS attacks underway, since the plangent wingnut cries of defeat were sure to turn into childish vengeance. I too, toast our new Muslim Overlords with a glass of wingnut tears…



… so… lonely…


Chief Editor Korir stated in his tribe, you have to fight lions and hyena’s to be able to marry! Which begs the question.

Are the women in his tribe really, really, really amazingly hot?

Or is he full of crap?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

A steady diet of arugula in the Hope Camps will lessen the greasy sheen of their jowls.

No Cheetos in Secular Purgatory!

Xecklothxayyquou Hussein Gilchrist

How sad does a person have to be to pose for a photograph brandishing a weapon? I thought only 16yrold wannabe gangsters did that.
Oh, come on. That’s not entirely true.

And there’s always this.


If you intend to look formidible, you need to be brandishing some AUTOMATIC weapons, not ancient shit like Lee Enfields

Sorry to object here, but Enfields are solid guns and Class III permits can be a pain in the ass to get. Especially if you have a waistline like theirs.

Now, trying to look badass while brandishing a .22 Ruger? That is what /k/ would LOL at.


Those aren’t Enfields. The guy in front has a Moisin-Nagant, and the woman to his left is holding what looks like an SKS.

Both are commie guns. What’s the matter with a Remington Model 700?


Those aren’t Enfields.

The front guy’s is. Look at the iron sights and the shape of the clip. Compare and contrast.

Both are commie guns. What’s the matter with a Remington Model 700?

Too expensive.

Which always sorta boggles me. I can understand why people would get pissy about gun-grabbing if their guns cost four digits apiece. When their toys are Soviet surplus that runs $300 for a crate of five? Not so much.


Now, now, it’s pretty obvious that none of those shooting irons can actually be fired. Do you see any holes in the walls? Any gaps in the plaster? Are any of these yucks bleeding? Can you detect any missing or crippled limbs? They’re clearly non-firing replicas, suitable for roughhousing or cornholing. I expect that when the cameras are off, they use them to play Barbie and Ken with.


(comments are closed)