There just aren’t enough hours in a day
Posted on June 9th, 2005 by Gavin M.
So I finally typed in into my browser and checked out just what they were doing to create this raucus with emails and guestbook sigs flooding my inbox and site. Ha! Apparently after months of me not really writing anything; they were bored and started attacking my recipes. Brilliant.
Brad, do you want this one? I’m sort of having a laughing problem — I can’t open Firefox without ending up on the floor wheezing……….
I have enough of a headache after writing Swank-Ku… I really don’t want to think about Amber’s green-poo-inducing pizza…
I think by “raucus” she might mean “fracas.” But not sure . . .
I’m betting on “ruckus.”
This is my favorite part:
“Look, I can’t even post recipes without them attacking it!”
Well then stop posting crappy recipes!
And then she goes on this weird disgusting rant equating Michael Jackson’s perversions with homosexuality??
Earth to Amber: MJ is not a homosexual. MJ is a[n alleged] pedophile. Homosexual men do not prey on young boys. Pedophiles do. Most pedophiles are actually heterosexual. Get your head out of the 1950s.
MJ is a[n alleged] pedophile. Homosexual men do not prey on young boys.
I’m sure some do. Paraphilia and sexual orientation don’t always have a high corellation, but you can find people on both sides of the gay/straight line.
Most pedophiles are actually heterosexual.
That’s because most pedophiles are opprotunistic–they prey on their own children. Jackson is a[n alleged] predatory pedophile, luring children to his estate so that he can have sex with them.
I don’t know the statistics on predatory pedophiles and sexual orientation, and I wouldn’t be surprised if heterosexuals are still more likely to be in the group, but I’d wager that there’s not as wide a gap.
Amber’s recipes aren’t recipes, per se. They’re assembly instructions.
I suspect the statistcs on hetero/homosexual molestation are even more skewed than reported. My limited, unscientific survey of co-workers indicates that a 20-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy constitutes pedophilia while a 20+year-old man and a 12-year-old girl is just at the edge of normal. (Henry “Doolittle Lynn and Loretta)
PS: Amber’s instructions are so poorly written that they beg for mockery. What is a “thing” of cookie dough? A tube, or a packet, and while we’re at it which variety? Chocolate chip? Sugar cookie? Brand name or generic? It makes a big difference.
I just finished reading her whole “essay” or whatever. is to regular-grade comedy as crystal meth is to coffee. That is pantswettingly funny.
One wonders what she expected when she posted an entire page of recipes that all involve great heaping mounds of cream cheese and miracle whip and massive lashings of powdered ranch dressing mix and giant sacks of frozen hash browns, all lovingly nestled under a deep, soft blanket of cheese? As I’ve said elsewhere, her recipes aren’t cooking. They’re bukkake.
Wouldn’t Jackson be more of a pederast?
So, she wrote about Brad’s blog…does this mean she’s stalking you?
I say again:
Amber’s recipies = “Regrettable Food” cosplay.
in her article on charting fertility cycles she states (paraphrasing) It’s not because of the right wing that most women don’t know about this method of birth control, it’s because of the left. Then she goes on to link to Planned Friggin’ Parenthood as the best online resource for ovulation charting.
Apparently the liberal birth control and abortion advocates are so afraid of people having this knowledge that they put it on the website of their highest-profile organization. Tricky, tricky liberals!
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