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While looking at stats to watch all the traffic being sucked out of poor Sondra K.’s blog, we noticed that rarest of things: a Google query that doesn’t mention ‘teens,’ ‘spanking,’ or people’s body parts.

http://www.google.com/search?what does an ornithologist study

Birds! (He crowed.)

It’s kind of funny to think of someone doing a search for ‘what does an ornithhologist study,’ and two minutes later the site he’s on gleefully posts ‘Birds!’ in response — but the querier never sees it because he’s back clicking through Google.

Well, we’re totally here when you need us.

Ok, wait: How are stats at Sondra K.’s wingnut blog? (looking) Yow.

Detail Referring URL
1 http://www.sadlyno.com/
2 http://www.sadlyno.com/
3 http://www.sadlyno.com/
4 unknown
5 http://www.sadlyno.com/

Looks like we haven’t sucked it quite dry yet. That lemon’s got some squeezing left in it.


Comments: 6


He he. I keep getting hits from people looking for Vespas, Laura Bush’s haircut, Condoleeza Rice’s Boyfriend and pictures of Pinky and the Brain. I’m glad you guys get more highbrow visitors . . .




There was a search string today for ‘Laura Bush haircut’…

Maybe it’s a euphemism for something. But what?


Anybody else notice that while liberals visit conservative blogs mostly for new mockumentary material, conservatives seem to visit liberal blogs in search of intelligent conversation?Can’t really blame them, either. Just read some of the comments on SondraK’s blog and ask yourself if you’d want to converse with any of these people. The answer, of course, is . . . (wait for it) . . . Sadly, No!


“He he. I keep getting hits from people looking for Vespas, Laura Bush’s haircut, Condoleeza Rice’s Boyfriend and pictures of Pinky and the Brain. I’m glad you guys get more highbrow visitors . . . ”

whadda we look like? A bunch elitists.


If elitists means I’m not the dumbest fucker in the room, then, I’m an elitists .
attributed to someone at a private board.


that’s funny..

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