Get Ready for More Manufactured Right-Wing Outrage!
Because I hate myself, I decided to read Michelle Malkin’s latest column. This one’s got all the Malkin trademarks: absurd hyperbole, nasty invective and bogus claims. Basically, Michelle is claming that the World Trade Center Memorial that’s under construction in New York is a “Blame America Monument.”
We all know how stupid this is, but it’s something we should pay attention to, because I guarantee Michelle’s column will spark a blaze of manufactured right-wing OUTRAGE!!!!! on FOX News (which will inevitably spill over to CNN and MSNBC). In fact, I can hear O’Reilly right now: “Why are you tax dollars paying for a monument that blames America for September 11th? Michelle Malkin’s here give us the details.”
So, take a deep breath and make sure you don’t have any sharp objects nearby, because we’re about to… *shudder*… read Michelle’s column:
Most Americans have not been paying attention to the bureaucratic wrangling and political jockeying that has plagued the construction of the World Trade Center Memorial at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan. But it’s not just New Yorkers and developers and 9/11 families who should care.
A good portion of the project is federally subsidized. All of us have not only a financial stake, but also a moral stake, in protecting the honor of the victims? and the dignity of our country.
Absolutely. And that’s why I’m glad they rejected Michelle’s proposed exhibit, “Defending Liberty by Rounding Up Brown People.”
A Blame America Monument is not what we need or deserve. But it looks like one is already in the works.
In a startling op-ed printed in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, Debra Burlingame exposed the “Great Ground Zero Heist.” Burlingame is on the board of directors of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation and the sister of Charles F. “Chic” Burlingame III, pilot of American Airlines fight 77, which terrorists crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11.
So Debra Burlingame, whose brother was killed on September 11th, doesn’t like the monument. But Freedom Center Vice-Chairwoman Paula Grant-Berry, who lost her husband on 9/11, has a different opinion:
Paula Grant Berry, the widow of a Sept. 11 victim and the vice chairwoman of the Freedom Center, said the terrorist attacks would be a springboard for the center’s meditations on freedom in the United States and abroad. “It will look at 9/11 in the way 9/11 affected the world,” she said.
But of course, the only 9/11 victims whose opinions matter are those who agree with Michelle.
She reports that the World Trade Center memorial will encompass a “cultural complex” whose primary tenant will be something called the “International Freedom Center.”
“Cultural?” “International?” Those sounds like faggy liberal words to me! What do other cultures know about freedom? Nothing! No culture is free unless the USA Freedom Shlong makes them free!!
According to an IFC fact sheet, the project “will be an integral part of humanity’s response to September 11.” An educational and cultural center will host exhibits, lectures, debates, and films “that will nurture a global conversation on freedom in our world today.” Tellingly though, as Burlingame notes, early plans for the center that included a large mural of an Iraqi voter were scratched in favor of a photograph of Martin Luther King and Lyndon Johnson when the designs went public.
Oh no! Not Martin Luther King! What the hell does he have to do with freedom?
But seriously, there are two reasons not to include the mural of the Iraqi voter:
1.) We still have no idea what’s going to happen in Iraq, and the whole situation could very well blow up in our face.
2.) Despite what Michelle tells you, the Iraq war isn’t exactly popular. The IFC planners were probably trying to avoid the controversy surrounding this divisive war (a strategy that obviously failed).
The center’s “civic engagement network” will connect visitors to “service” opportunities. Translation: Left-wing activist recruitment center. As the fact sheet notes, “leading NGOs (non governmental organizations) will be offered outposts at the Center to reach out to its visitors.”
On its face, the project may seem fairly unobjectionable enough (putting aside how far afield it all seems from the task of remembering the victims and heroes of 9/11) until, that is, you take a closer look at the chief movers and shakers behind the project.
Tom Bernstein, a deep-pocketed Hollywood financier and real estate mogul, is the primary driver behind the IFC. Bernstein’s longtime friendship and business partnership with Yale classmate George W. Bush gives cover to his radical activism as president of Human Rights First.
Because we all know that human rights and freedom just don’t mix.
The group opposed Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez over the administration’s preventive detention policies and has joined with the ACLU in mau-mauing the Pentagon over alleged prisoner abuse.
My God! A human rights group opposed Alberto Gonzales, the man who helped undermine American support for the Geneva Conventions! What were they thinking?
Among the many supposedly respectable scholars consulted on the project is Eric Foner. He’s the unhinged Columbia University professor who reacted to 9/11 by griping: “I’m not sure which is more frightening: the horror that engulfed New York City or the apocalyptic rhetoric emanating daily from the White House.” The IFC’s list of scholars and advisors also includes left-leaning elites such as Henry Louis Gates at Harvard University; Stephen B. Heintz, IFC secretary and president of the Rockefeller Bros. Fund; Walter Isaacson, CEO of the Aspen Institute; and Michael Posner, Executive Director of Human Rights First.
Burlingame also reports that Anthony Romero, ACLU executive director, “is pushing IFC organizers for exhibits that showcase how civil liberties in this country have been curtailed since September 11.” Then there’s billionaire Bush-basher George Soros, who Burlingame reports is an early funder and supporter of the IFC and whose spirit infuses this grievance-mongering enterprise.
And everyone who hates President Bush also hates freedom, and has no right to build a tribute to the World Trade Center.
Incidentally, has Michelle provided one example of how the 9/11 Memorial is a “Blame America Monument?” So far, her only evidence is that many of the people on the IFC Board of Directors are pro-human rights and/or liberal professors.
Do we really want Ground Zero to be the playground of anti-war financiers, moral equivalence peddlers, and Guantanamo Bay alarmists? As Burlingame told me yesterday, “Ground Zero belongs to all the American people. If Ground Zero is lost, whether through negligence or malfeasance, it will be a loss that is felt for generations to come.”
Richard Tofel, IFC president, is minimizing dissenters. In a statement, he told me that “we understand that a few do not” agree with the project’s stated mission of promoting the “cause of freedom.” The question is not whether most Americans support a monument to freedom, but whether they will stand by while saboteurs convert it into The Ultimate Guilt Complex.
Well, that’s the end of the column, and Michelle didn’t provide one goddamn example of how the WTC Memorial is a “Blame America Monument.”
Since Michelle apparently flunked Freshman English and never learned to back up her arguments with evidence, let’s look at Deborah Burlingame’s editorial in the Wall Street Journal for answers:
The organizers of its principal tenant, the International Freedom Center (IFC), have stated that they intend to take us on “a journey through the history of freedom”–but do not be fooled into thinking that their idea of freedom is the same as that of those Marines. To the IFC’s organizers, it is not only history’s triumphs that illuminate, but also its failures. The public will have come to see 9/11 but will be given a high-tech, multimedia tutorial about man’s inhumanity to man, from Native American genocide to the lynchings and cross-burnings of the Jim Crow South, from the Third Reich’s Final Solution to the Soviet gulags and beyond. This is a history all should know and learn, but dispensing it over the ashes of Ground Zero is like creating a Museum of Tolerance over the sunken graves of the USS Arizona.
Holy shit, we have a specific complaint!
Here’s the thing: I can see why Burlingame wants the 9/11 memorial to be more about, well, 9/11. But I also think it’s good for us to be reminded of some of the crappy things our species has done over the last few thousand years. And if you’re going to have a “journey through the history of freedom,” you’re going to have to deal with a lot of ugly crap, because human history is pretty goddamn ugly. Freedom only triumphs by overcoming oppression.
And despite what Ms. Internment USA tells you, American history is not free of said ugly crap. The fight for freedom didn’t end with the Founding Fathers- it included the struggle to abolish slavery, and the fights for women’s suffrage, labor rights and civil rights.
Later in her piece, Burlingame makes a complaint that, if accurate, I agree with:
The public will be confused at first, and then feel hoodwinked and betrayed. Where, they will ask, do we go to see the September 11 Memorial? The World Trade Center Memorial Foundation will have erected a building whose only connection to September 11 is a strained, intellectual one. While the IFC is getting 300,000 square feet of space to teach us how to think about liberty, the actual Memorial Center on the opposite corner of the site will get a meager 50,000 square feet to exhibit its 9/11 artifacts, all out of sight and underground. Most of the cherished objects which were salvaged from Ground Zero in those first traumatic months will never return to the site. There is simply no room.
If this is true, she’s right: while the “tribute to freedom” is wonderful, the 9/11 memorial should be first and foremost about 9/11. But since I haven’t seen the specific plans for the memorial, I can’t say whether Burlingame is right or wrong.
But as always, I can definitively say that Michelle Malkin is full of shit.
UPDATE: Our friends at the Cotillion are already on the case!
Sondra K eloquently sums up the stupidity: “Fuck you, Hillary!”
Funny, I don’t think either Michelle or the WSJ op-ed mentioned Hillary… oh well, I guess we can blame her for kicks anyway.
UPDATE II: And the circle kept a-jerkin’ all night long!
Powerline: “Burlingame explains how, through the efforts of American leftists, the World Trade Center memorial is set to become a didactic lecture on the meaning of liberty in a post-9/11 world that will include a healthy dose of America bashing.”
Sisu: “Contemptuous of everyday Americans’ ability to decide what’s best for themselves — and afraid to admit what they’re really up to — fire-and-brimstone lay preachers of the anti-American left are working furiously behind the scenes to rob Ground Zero of its genus loci (spirit of the place).”
Little Green Footballs: “Now radical leftists have hijacked the Ground Zero Memorial at the World Trade Center, to install a self-hating lecture on America?s sins and human rights failings.”
It’s only a matter of time before this is picked up by Hannity…
moral equivalence peddlers? I dunno what they are charging, but I can get Michelle a much better deal on moral equivalence.
Also, I think it is time we start pointing out what “Hollywood” really means to Michelle and her ilk. Why not just write ‘slimy deep-pocketed Jew financier Tom Bernstein’ and stop beating around the bush?
the actual Memorial Center on the opposite corner of the site will get a meager 50,000 square feet to exhibit its 9/11 artifacts, all out of sight and underground.
This person must be from Jersey or maybe Connecticut.
50,000 square feet is HUGE in NYC, especially downtown. You know what Trump could do with 50,000 square feet?? And so what if it is underground; there are some amazing things under NYC that people flock to all the time. There’s this one museum that is ENTIRELY underground and I go to it many times a year.
But I tell you, they better do something. I hate riding the PATH through “the hole.” It just makes me sad and angry and frustrated and scared.
9/11 artifacts? Twisted chunks of steel coated with asbestos? No thanks. There’s plenty of garbage dumps on Staten Island where you can already view that stuff.
So Debra Burlingame, whose husband was killed on September 11
I think the piece says it was her brother, not her husband.
“The group opposed Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez over the administration’s preventive detention policies…”
yikes. Is it just me that finds the phrase “preventive detention policies” just a little bit Orwellian? And her complaint is that anybody who opposes such “preventive detention” is “anti-American” and “anti-freedom”?
holy cow. This woman is beyond help.
the project may seem fairly unobjectionable enough
“Fairly unobjectionable enough?” That seems a tad bit redundant to me.
…early plans for the center that included a large mural of an Iraqi voter were scratched…
Excuse me, but Iraqis voting has exactly what to do with 9/11???
Is it just me that finds the phrase “preventive detention policies” just a little bit Orwellian?
Not only that, but the very idea is about as anti-American as you can possibly get.
You are right. Have fixed. Thanks 🙂
These would radical leftists like George Pataki, Michael Bloomberg, and 9/11 families, I presume?
Let’s take a look at the staff of the IFC:
President Richard Tofel, who according to Malkin is “suprsessing dissent”, used to work for noted pinko commie-rag the Wall Street Journal. He also worked at Dow Jones, which is basically the NY headquarters of the International Socialist Organization.
Co-founder and CEO Tom Bernstein was a part owner of the Texas Rangers along with noted “blame-america-first”-er George W. Bush.
The Vice Chair of the Board is Paula Grant Berry, who, unlike Michelle Malkin, lost her husband in the WTC attacks – which probably means she hates America.
Memeber of the Board of Directors, Daniel Tishman, gave $25,000 to a PAC setup by NY Govenor George Pataki, well known for his promotion of liberation theology and free love.
Dave, Al Qaeda is fighting in Iraq (Al-Qaeda in Iraq ring a fricken bell?????????????????????) and blowing them up on a daily basis, tried to thwart the elections.
Where you been.
And Brad, Hillary is the Senator there. She has pull, yannow, they work for the welfare and benefit of their state. She has lots of power, no?
What is your problem with it simply being a memorial to the carnage that happened? That’s not eeeeeeven a partisan issue?????
And no, you won’t get my traffic this time either. Now stop being a spoiled brat left out of the party. You’re like a gnat anymore. Or that kid in school that acts like an idiot simply for attention from the pretty girls but never got it. Stop it, you look silly.
And Brad, Hillary is the Senator there. She has pull, yannow, they work for the welfare and benefit of their state. She has lots of power, no?
So why not say “FUCK YOU, BLOOMBERG AND PATAKI,” since they’re, respectively, the mayor of NYC and the governor of New York.
And no, you won’t get my traffic this time either. Now stop being a spoiled brat left out of the party.
I don’t need it, as I’ll demonstrate in a coupla minutes…
And WTF does Martin Luther King or FREEEEEEEEEEeedom have to do with September 11th?
And Freedom Center Vice-Chairwoman Paula Grant-Berry has an agenda that came previous to her grievous loss. As did Michael Berg. Grain of salt on top of the fact that she’s one of MILLIONS affected by the evnts of that day.
Stop linking to my blog… you sully. Yuk.
Oy vey.
What gets me about the conservatives that get all up in the business of 9/11 victims and their families is that they probably wouldn’t even have liked them as people if they ever met them. I mean, cripes, the people in those towers were New-Fucking-Yorkers. Village-Voice-reading, Ethiopian-takeout-eating, Democrat-voting New-Fucking-Yorkers, the kinds of people that Michelle Malkin and Sondra point at and call “Unamerican.” The kind of people Michael Brooks says live in a fantasy world. And yet, the conservatives all rally around 9/11 like it was a personal attack against everything they stand for.
And WTF does Martin Luther King or FREEEEEEEEEEeedom have to do with September 11th?
Well, I thought President Bush said 9/11 was an attack on our freedom, but whatever.
Forget all this; I’m still stunned that Michelle (and wasn’t at least one of her parents an immigrant, I think I remember reading?) went to OBERLIN.
You’re not quoting George Bush….and MLK was talking about a certain group’s freeeeeeeeeeeedoms, not mine.
and I have never in my entire life called anyone UnAmerican.
9/11 was an attack on our country and everyone in it. Why must you all stereo-type and divide. It was an attack on everything we as Americans stand for. Those 9 barbarians and those who assisted them didn’t descriminate. Either are we. We’re fighting for the memories of everyone involved. That would be you, me, Ms. Paula Grant *hyphen* Berry et all. Who are the dividers here??????
As I said, this isn’t even a partisan issue, why are you making it one?
Stop it, your lack of congruent points are rather biased, generalizing and ignorant. Especially when you put words in people’s mouths. And so what if Hannity gets “on” this? We all should be outraged.
You may be the easiest person in the world to debunk. I’ll have to link to you more often. Check it:
“On September the 11th, enemies of freedom committed an act of war against our country. Americans have known wars — but for the past 136 years, they have been wars on foreign soil, except for one Sunday in 1941. Americans have known the casualties of war — but not at the center of a great city on a peaceful morning. Americans have known surprise attacks — but never before on thousands of civilians. All of this was brought upon us in a single day — and night fell on a different world, a world where freedom itself is under attack.”
-George W. Bush, September 20, 2001
Is it just me that finds the phrase “preventive detention policies” just a little bit Orwellian?
Perhaps that’s because preventive detention is, you know, a huge honkin’ civil rights violation.
How braindead do you have to be to say something like this:
Dave, Al Qaeda is fighting in Iraq (Al-Qaeda in Iraq ring a fricken bell?????????????????????) and blowing them up on a daily basis, tried to thwart the elections.
Where you been.
When Al Qaeda wasn’t a presence at all in Iraq (Saddam being secular and all) until the US invaded Iraq almost two years AFTER 9/11?
And WTF does Martin Luther King or FREEEEEEEEEEeedom have to do with September 11th?
Missy, I believe His Highness the Chimperor hisself said that FREEEEEEEEEEeedom was on the march in Iraw.
As I said, this isn’t even a partisan issue, why are you making it one?
Uhm, I was responding to Michelle, who was herself making it a “partisan issue.”
Um, Iraq, not Iraw.
I don’t who first mentioned Hillary Clinton, (I think it was SondraK, which would be ironic, since she called someone else here “ignorant.”)
Anyone who knows anything about NYC or NY State politics knows that Bloomberg and Pataki have reserved for themselves the power to veto everything related to Ground Zero. (Mostly Pataki.)
If you don’t like a monument, memorial, or building, down there, your “outrage” should directed at the Office of the Governor.
Seems to me that the 9-11 Memorial might oughta be …oh, about 9-11?
MLK, and LBJ are certainly important in US history — irrelevant to 9-11, but important. Not to mention that, under sharia, MLK would have been one of the first to go. Like Malkin and all other colored people/people of color.
“When Al Qaeda wasn’t a presence at all in Iraq (Saddam being secular and all) until the US invaded Iraq almost two years AFTER 9/11?”
Please, pay some small attention, zazu. Saddam was courting alQ for years before 9-11 — though he was spurned by the religious zealots and UbL because of his secularity. And because he was considered sort of a dork/ jihaddi-wannabe. He had murals painted of *himself* in front of the flaming WTC.
Salam Pak, al Zarkawi…..
Um, Iraq, not Iraw.
Don’t worry, the Republicans don’t know the difference either.
Please, pay some small attention, zazu.
It’s zuzu. Please, pay some small attention.
Anyone who knows anything about NYC or NY State politics knows that Bloomberg and Pataki have reserved for themselves the power to veto everything related to Ground Zero. (Mostly Pataki.)
Except they’ve been dragging their feet on the redevelopment trying to fellate Woody Johnson (ew, that sounds ickier than I intended) and the Jets. Shelly Silver just handed them their heads on the stadium because they’ve done diddly squat on Ground Zero.
Personally – I think the 9.11 memorial should be about 9.11, and only 9.11. I wish this wouldn’t become yet another partisan issue. It really shouldn’t be. 9.11 happened to all of us. All this finger pointing and partisanship is exhausting.
Saddam was courting alQ for years before 9-11 — though he was spurned by the religious zealots and UbL because of his secularity.
and this is supposed to disprove the assertion that al qaeda wasn’t present in iraq until after the invasion? man, maybe these conservatives are as dumb as everybody keeps saying
Personally – I think the 9.11 memorial should be about 9.11, and only 9.11. I wish this wouldn’t become yet another partisan issue. It really shouldn’t be. 9.11 happened to all of us. All this finger pointing and partisanship is exhausting.
I generally agree, but I don’t think there’s anything patently offensive (from what I’ve read) about what the IFC is planning.
I see no harm in showing a “history of freedom,” including the struggles of Jews in Nazi Germany, black people in Apartheid South Africa, or Soviet dissidents. In fact, I think it’s a damn fine tribute.
Brad R. –
I respect your opinion, but mine differs. I’m fine with having a museum that represents all of the inhumanities this world has experienced, but I’d prefer that it be somewhere else – not part of the 9-11 memorial.
Again, it’s just my preference.
I respect your opinion, but mine differs. I’m fine with having a museum that represents all of the inhumanities this world has experienced, but I’d prefer that it be somewhere else – not part of the 9-11 memorial.
Monica- that’s fair enough. My objection was that Michelle was calling the museum’s directors “anti-American” and accused them of building a “blame American monument,” which is clearly not the case.
You’ll notice that when Burlingame made actual points, I responded non-snarkily. My problem with Michelle is that she just calls people names, and the only proper way to respond is by, well, making fun of her.
W.E. Todd–
I agree that sharia is not exactly something I would want to live under but since when does it discriminate against “people of color” , I mean do we now exist in some sort of whacky timewarp where all bad ideas evr can be attributed to Islam? I’m just saying considering the region of the world in which was developed, I have a hard time believing that Sharia codified racial discrimination. Now, I have a feeling you’re going to bring the Sudan in here to justify your statement, please allow me to spare you the time in pointing out that not every action taken in the name of a religion is justifed even within the religion in question (ex: female genital mutilation is often attributed to Islam, but a closer examination would reveal that this is most likely a prexisting culutral rather an reliously imposed atrocity, to use a non-Islamic example arguing that sharia justifies racial genocide in the sudan is similar to arguing that Catholicism justifed similar genocide in South and Central America).
Didn’t Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell blame America for the 9/11 attacks?
you forgot to add Alan Keyes to the list.
?Now, you think it?s a coincidence that on September 11th, 2001, we were struck by terrorists an evil that has at its heart the disregard of innocent human life?? Keyes said in a May 7 speech in Provo, Utah. ?We who have for several decades killed not thousands but scores of millions of our own children, in disregard of the principle of innocent human life?I don?t think that?s a coincidence, I think that?s a shot across the bow. I think that?s a way of Providence telling us, ?I love you all; I?d like to give you a chance. Wake up! Would you please wake up?? ?
mau-mauing? Really, I don’t need to look any further into this with Michelle throwing that kind of hyperbole around. Are human rights organisations actually hacking up the pentagon with machetes? I think not and i have jusr discredited anyone who might even remotely be said to hold positions anyway similar to Michelle’s.
early plans for the center that included a large mural of an Iraqi voter were scratched
One last time:
Iraqis had NOTHING to do with 911.
Nothing at all.
What are you, Michelle, fuckin’ deaf?
A monument? I have already seen a “monument” to 9/11. Like the way Walt Whitman saw a monument to John C. Calhoun.
I see a “monument” everyday to a frightened land, ruined lives, murder and torture, and a vapid lying president who’s glib pronouciamentos have killed so many.
But, alas, how a simple granite memorial, like a spire reaching to heaven inscribed with the names of the fallen would be so beautiful.
But, it isn’t political enough! NO! The wretched and war lie loving “conservatives” want “The Big Show!” You see, such a show glosses over the failures of the neo-con policies…..It isn’t the Liberals who wanted the Iraq fiasco, it was the conservatives who when told what to support conformed like good little frighened people do.
Well, we don’t need another big show, just a memorial to the fallen.
How empty such a memorial must seem to the conservative. No meme to be touted, no talking points to push. Just a simple granite spire to the fallen, and ONLY the fallen!
Sorry to be so pedantic, but that twat Sisu seems to resemble the Bush. To misstate a word or phrase and then give its definition is such, what, “wallyandry?” “Prattishness?” Feckin’ Arrogance? Perhaps the latter. With ElBush it was “disassemble — that means not tell the truth” wheras with Sisu it is “genus loci (spirit of the place).” “Genus” is a taxonomic term just above species. “Genius” is a spirit. Arggghh. Feckin’ wallys.
I’d like to point out that the International Freedom Center is NOT the 9/11 Memorial. Malkin does complain that the actual memorial will be underground, which implies that she knows full well the IFC is something different.
I’m guessing it will be underground because they’re going to want to include part of the retaining wall.
Kinda tricky for conservatives to be bashing Tom Bernstein as a “Hollywood Financier”, considering that one of the partners in his film-financing group (Silver Screen Partners) was George W Bush.
Debra Burlington’s complaint about the “50,000 square feet” devoted to 9/11 is simply misleading. “50,000 square feet” represents only a part of the ENTIRE memorial complex — specifically, the part which will house artifacts of 9/11 (a smashed fire truck, twisted metal, and thousands of personal effects discovered in the wreckage.
The “memorial” itself — which she doesn’t mention — includes two large reflecting pools, a tree-lined open-air plaza, walls inscribed with the names of victims, a reserch library, a lecture hall, a musoleum containing remains of unidentified victims, spaces for candle-lighting and so on.
Please, people, explore this site and here and see what the entire complex will look like. Then you can truly appreciate the depth and deception of the Malkin whining and distortion.
While at those websites, you might also want to take a gander at the hundreds of people and organizations involved in various administrative and advisory capacities for the development of Ground Zero. They include some liberals, some conservatives (i.e., one of the four members on the board of the IFC is VP of Dow Jones & Company, and a grand poobah at the Wall Street Journal), hundreds of people of no discernable political persuasion, victims’ family members, etc.
Honestly, Michelle Malkin is such a twit. My question is : Where do these neo-fascists come from? I t boggles the mind how these people twist
everything to promote their own sick agenda. And please Michelle—even now still promoting the lies of the shrub regime: Iraq,Saddam had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. You are not allowed to your own facts , only your own criminal agenda!
You know Sondra, freedom is a powerful word, but I’m not really sure why it needs 8 e’s.
And what exactly do you mean when you call Brad “sully”?
You know Sondra, freedom is a powerful word, but I’m not really sure why it needs 8 e’s.
That’s how Mel Gibson spells it. Didn’t you see Braveheart?
ow. that hurt.
If city planning were up to Sondraks our whole country would be a shitpile of mini-malls, fast food joints, gun shops and churches.
Wait, that explains 90% of Ohio.
And Bakersfield, CA.
From what I’ve read, stem cells may be able to be used to grow brain cells. Michelle should be first on the list, should this turn out to be true.
what a shit stain you are!
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