Decision ’08 Liveblogging: America Says “Hey, Look Over There!”

Good evening, Sadlynauts!  Mister Leonard Pierce here, liveblogging from the heart of the biggest red state.  Since my joint’s not in play, I can enjoy drinking all night without worrying about my fellow man, and put off suicide until tomorrow when I wake up and learn that America has remembered that Barack Obama is a negro.  I’m enjoying a super-dry Boodles martini, which goes very well with the Dwight Yoakum chicken fingers I made for dinner, and watching Joe Scarborough pre-emptively gloat on MSNBC, the unemployed man’s CNN.  A caller has just said that he would feel more comfortable voting for Obama in eight more years, when he will, presumably, be less black.  While we’re still in the early goings, some questions remain unanswered:  which dire rightblogger predictions for the evil deeds carried out by the hopefully-not-yet-theoretical Obama administration has been the most hysterical and ridiculous?  How does Gary Ruppert feel about having lost Maryland and Pennsylvania, which may now no longer be counted as part of the heartland?  And what, exactly, does Scarborough’s comment that “Obama hasn’t won a red state yet” mean, in light of the rather obvious fact that if he had done so, it would be a blue state?  I await your answers while I get some ice.

EDIT:  Heading to Gavin’s party.  Join me, won’t you?


Comments: 172


I tell you one thing, one way or the other, CPAC is going to be off the fucking CHIZNAIN this year.


Scarborough is a turd.

That should answer at least one of your questions.


Ann “Spicy” Curry: amongst those voters in North Carolina saying race was a factor in their decision, 69% voted for John McCain. Parse THAT!


Dirty rotten atheist commie Kay Hagen has beaten Liddy Dole. Oh, the children. Who will teach them about Jesus now?


Which wingnut prediction is the most hysterical? How to choose, there are so many. Perhaps we need a retrospective?


Alabama goes to McCain. Shocking.

Some McCain spokesman: “John McCain is the only Republican who could possibly find himself in the position he’s in tonight.” You mean losing?

The Goddamn Batman Will Drag Your Ass To The Voting Booth If He Has To

Dwight Yoakum’s chicken will never play the piano again, thanks to you.


Virginia: “a state in transition”. Did you know that some people there don’t have Southern accents? GASP!


Boodles. Exceptional choice.


Boodles is astringently delicious. These Mexican olives make me feel very international.


Michael Smerconish: Sarah Palin did NOTHING for the ticket, NOTHING! “Before this election, how much more larger could the Republican margin in the Philadelphia suburbs be?”

The answer is none. None more white.


For whatever reason, this post made me laugh my ass off. Thank you.


I must’ve missed that segment with Scarborough, because when I saw him just a little while ago he was delivering one of the most savage smackdowns of his own party I’ve every heard.


Nimrod Gently said,

November 5, 2008 at 3:15



Liddy lost her ass! Liddy lost her ass!



Mark Steyn is about to have a full-blown sexual crises, I think. The thought of Palin has set his libido to warp speed.

By the way, using NRO’s own state-of-the-art technology, this post wasn’t written by me but by a blow-up doll with a fake beard propped up at the desk in the corner.

In the event of a Democratic victory, the Obama family back in Kenya will be marking the occasion by sacrificing and eating a large-testicled goat called John*:…(*In the event of a McCain victory, we’ll be doing the same to Christopher Buckley.)

(*I don’t know what Palin going “completely rouge” means but I like the sound of it.)


I think it’s the sharia law I am most looking forward to. Either that or the Marxist/Leninism, I can’t decide.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Sarah Palin did NOTHING for the ticket, NOTHING!

I don’t know about that – she torpedoed it, and that ain’t nothing.

I think she deserves our thanks.


Congrats Sadly Noes! Heez got this!

I wouldn’t have made it through the last 18 years (felt like that, anyway) without all the funny y’all have delivered. In the upcoming glorious days of gloating over our wingnut pant-shitters, I will try to be as funny and meet the high standards of hilarity you’ve set. I usually fail in this area in comparison to you guys and gals, but I will try harder. My mom thinks I am hilarious, btw. Just saying.

Thanks again and congrats all.


HAHA! CNN has 2 more Dem. Senators…ahhhh, this is looking good.

Yeah, Steyn is going to end up with some situational Tourette’s tonight, eh?


Make that 3. Shaheen, Hagen, Udall. +3!


Ah, fuck. McConnell keeps his job. Admittedly, it looks like by only 2 points, but damn.

Johnny Coelacanth

Say, where do you suppose Truth and Druggy in Montana are? They both said they would be here, “all night,” to gloat and rub our faces in McCain’s glorious victory. Gosh. I sure hope they’re OK.


ABC sez +4 Senate Dems.


When is Hannity on Fox tonight? I want to see the shit hit the pants.


justme said,

November 5, 2008 at 4:13

Ah, fuck. McConnell keeps his job. Admittedly, it looks like by only 2 points, but damn.

Too bad. He could always sneak off with Huckleberry and leave teh dragonlady behind.

P.S. Yes that link to the Yahoo massage bored is yours, truly. Although the formatting’s been effed up over the years.


For whatever reason The fact is, this post made me laugh my ass off. Thank you.


…strike not work [grumble, grumble]…


I’m drinking singles and formatting doubles.


Ha ha ha.

The Chitown party footage showed someone with a “Yes We DID” t-shirt. Lol.


Hey, oh, where’d you go Ohio?

To us, bitches!!!


ABC calls Ohio for Obama!!!!!!11111!!!!!!


Dragon-King Wangchuck

Hey everybody, just got home from having dinner. Pad Woon Son and Orange Beef – very very tasty. So, anything happen while I was eating?


I’m taking all the credit for Oh Hi Oh!, people. Without me, ACORN, and my gazillionity thousand votes, never woulda happened.



Here’s a good place to watch Franken:

0% reporting.


Oh sweet merciful Ohio, that’s it. I’m blubbering like a baby. I love you guys.


god I love all of you.


At Michelle’s house, they’re turning on the Mothership…

“Fox has essentially called the election for Obama, here at 6:26pm on the West Coast. Gee. Thanks, Fox, for suppressing voter turnout here in California where we have extremely important ballot measures to decide.
I hate Fox.”

Wow. Best night ever!!!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
November 5, 2008 at 4:26

Partay is upstairs, peeps.

Hi. I climbed up the fire escape.


Seems we’re having dueling partays.

Which one has the Blantons?


Wingnuttia eats itself!


We all need to go out and get gay married, pronto!

Are there any chicas out there free tonight?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Hi. I climbed up the fire escape.

I followed the dog home. Can you keep me?


The other post has drunk-proprietor-updating…


Brooklyn NY is Obama Country! Big parties all over.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Dana Bash reporting from hte McCain Victory Partay!!!! says that they aren’t doing any updates. In hte JiSM3 bunker, only folks without wireless think PA and OH are still in play.


Hiya Jillian the freewheeling and female flawedplan checkin in with my peeps. I’m usually the quiet one but am feeling downright promiscuous blogosphere- wise tonight, you betcha. ((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))
Oh god we’re going to Kigali for reaction in the Congo, brb.


The horns and fireworks have begun in Chicago.

Good times!!!!


Oh, has The Truth conceded yet? How about Gary? Coach?


There’s your dream assignment: The McCain Victory Party.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

There’s your dream assignment: The McCain Victory Party.

Yeah, no doubt. Bring a book.

Or let your liberal media ‘tude show – dance around yelling “Eat it, chumpwagons!”


Marco, what do I have to concede? — The Truth

Gee, I dunno????

(Sweet HeyZeus!)

Dragon-King Wangchuck

There’s your dream assignment: The McCain Victory Party.

I’d take it. The opportunity to dump laxatives into Michael Scherer’s drink would be reason enough – but being there as all those die hard conservatives have their hearts torn asunder is irresistable. The tears are so bitter, but so sweet…


I was told there would be hash brownies.


Very sporadic drinker – but am now wreaking havok on a half-sack of Shaftebury Coastal Cream Ale, one of those fancy-schmancy Canuck elitist* beers … MSNBC has it at … (looks)… 200 to 90, but with reporting levels like 7%, I’m still waiting & wishing for the best for my southern neighbours.

Throw in California & Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, North Carolina, Colorado … & it’s the REAL EndTimes for the GOP.

Wackiest wingnut prophecy? That’s a real race of thoroughbreds in the Bugfuck Derby, but I thought Obama banning the Bible was a pretty neat example of someone’s raging Thorazine deficit in action, myself.

* Super-secret code-word meaning “yummy”


So is this the start of the Al Franken Decade?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I was told there would be hash brownies.

There are, but the only hash we could find is the canned corned beef stuff.


As a transplanted now-North Carolinian, I’m ecstatic to finally be represented in the Senate by someone who doesn’t completely suck. I hope Jesse Helms is looking up in disbelief.

If anyone wants a good laugh, check out Fox News. You’ve never seen so many glum sour pusses.


Houston, Texas has only counted about 10% of the vote, but we are going from completely Republican to Democratic–so far. It’s absolutely incredible.

Poor “Truth.” I guess you’ll have to change your name to Truthiness.

Johnny Coelacanth

Hey, Truth, how’s your ass holding up? Is it sore yet from the reaming you’re taking? Jesus is here with me and he says to tell you “Fuck you.”


I would love to be a fly on the wall at Pammycakes’ tonight.


We’d have been better off if Carter got re-elected in 1980.

Listen now!


Sounds like McCain and Palin will be up soon.


South Dakota abortion and contraception bans have failed.

Johnny Coelacanth

I’m drunk on beer and Schadenfreude which I’m mainlining straight from No Quarter and Freak Repugnant. Favorite No Quarter comment thus far:

NO FRIGGING WAY EVER. He will NEVER be MY President and none of my friends. If it happens and God didn’t protect us from him, fine. Tomorrow I start plans to leave the country with my family and my money. I move to another country and from there I help my friends here keep on the Feds and the courts to get him impeached ASAP. He’s STILL the same scumbag and azzhole CRIMINAL no matter whether the fraud and the fix take this election. I will devote every breath I have to getting rid of him, Pelosi, Reid and all the CRIMINALS destroying this country. PERIOD. He will NEVER be my PRESIDENT. Never.

Yeah, sucks to be you, dunnit? And there are too many Freepertrash nuggets to quote here, but I have greatly enjoyed watching their delusional bravado (McCain’s going to win, the MSM are lying for Obama!) turn into crushed despair and defeat (“I am still holding out hope that somehow McCain/Palin wins California”). -Chortle-


So when do we start ululating???

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

South Dakota abortion and contraception bans have failed.


Now come on and FAIL prop H8!!!!!!!!


Let us welcome Senator Himes.

Rugged in Montana

May God have mercy on us if Obama wins.


Nah, this is just Jimmy Carter’s second term.

I’m happy for Jimmy Carter that he gets a chance at three terms.


Give it up, Rugged. The routine has gotten way too stale.


Oh, Rugged in Montana. It’s ok that you are gay. Really, it’s ok.


Yep, that sucking sound you hear is Kansas. Don’t blame me, I did my best.


this is just Jimmy Carter’s second term.

Yeah, who among us can ever forget Cartermania?
Or that catchy Carter slogan … uhh … er.

Creds for showing up – but dude, seriously, can you turn down the stupid-button, just for this one time? Carter didn’t come in during the windout of a total made-in-USA global economic clusterfuck, nor did he have TWO wars to deal with on Day One.

Taking on THIS job, at THIS time – Obama must have solid titanium-Kevlar-composite cojones.


Can’t McCain end this now so all the kids here in Grant Park can go home at a reasonable hour?

Think of the children.



See, Rugged? It’s going to be all right.


Listen now!
Favourite Phil Manzanera album.


So when does this “Bradley effect” I’ve heard so much about kick in?


And let me just say, “Our long National nightmare is over”.


Wow, the comments at No Quarter are nuttier than Ace, Malkin, Atlas, or any other wingnuts.


this is just Jimmy Carter’s second term.


Ahem, sorry. Seriously, though, maybe we’ll get the alternative energy thing right this time.


Steve Gilliard. We gotta drink a toast to Steve. In our darkest hour in 2004, when thoughts of Canada tempted us, he said “stay and fight” Look what has happened. Steve, this swig of champagne is for you.

Fuck the fucking Yankees.


Wow, the comments at No Quarter are nuttier than Ace, Malkin, Atlas, or any other wingnuts.

I expected nothing less. Those are the really ugly underside. The ones who agree with Obama but just hate teh Black.

I hope somebody’s collecting all their IP addresses over there.

For later…

Johnny Coelacanth

Hey Truth, shouldn’t you be shouting about how McCain is going to win this thing? Shouldn’t we be crying tears of shock and disappointment oh, say, RIGHT FUCKING NOW? Ha ha! What a schmuck you are; what a great day for America.


I’m filling up on ice cream before visiting the whingenut comments. I don’t want to OD on the yummy tears.

Johnny Coelacanth

Hear here! To Steve Gilliard and Jen. “We Fight Back.” If there was a Heaven, Steve would be smiling on us now.


Manzanera / 801.
I can reach across the aisle.


207 Obama. +California’s 55 leaves 8

8 motherfuckin’ electoral votes, and Fla, NC, CO, and more yet to be called.



I hope somebody’s collecting all their IP addresses over there.

For later…

Easy now, they will think you are planning to put them in death camps.

But seriously, the watermelon and assassination comments over there are being posted, unfiltered.


Fuck it. I was going to wait until McSame concedes, but I popped teh spumante early.
Dole lost and O is a shoe in.



This revolution is televised. Thank the Lord.


When oh when will they call Florida? 80% has reported in with Barry holding a 200K lead.


looks like Obama takes Florida. Wow, what is happening to Real America????

And Franken is closing in on Coleman. I think I heard Bill O’Reilly’s Spanx bust from my Chicago home.


My first, well second glass is going to Howard Dean and the 50 state strategy. You know I grew up in a small Dakota town. Very red place. Every little bit that is done in small town USA helps people know they are not alone. This has got to be a good thing.



My inner cynic is so confused. I can’t find a target for my pessimism! Oh yeah. McConnell won (though I honestly respect his right to stay in the closet and think that was a definite out-of-bounds tactic).

Dragon-King Wangchuck


I regret to inform you that Al Franken is no longer closing the lead on Norm Coleman.

He’s +10K with 17% reporting.


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

hey repubbbs —– deal with it!!!


Wow, according to Teh Troof Jimmy Carter has preemptively screwed up Obama’s presidency. Impressive.

On the other hand, my hat is off to you sir for showing up to take your lumps. didn’t think you had it in you.


He’s +10K with 17% reporting.

Tee-hee. But I swear I just read + 4 with 17%. Either way = good times.

Lying Liars really got a lot of people to examine the ass-jackery that is the right wing of this country. Hell, he even turned Howard Stern blue.

He will be a great Senator for Minnesota and cheers to them if the numbers – whatever they may be – hold up.

Johnny Coelacanth

“JC, sorry, the ugliness within you doesn’t translate to a single drop of misery for me. ”

No, but the stupidity within you translates to a metric assload of Schadenfreude for me, you witless fucking troll.

In other news, Confederate Yankee is almost… human? “Congratulations seem to be in order for Barack Obama. Seemingly delivered straight, with no attending snark. Weird.


Sorry. Mandates only work with Republicans. Remember Dole’s “Fuck Bill Clinton, I got 40% of the vote and I’m going to use that as an excuse to make him completely ineffective” speech? Where Bush Jr’s 50.1% means a vastly overwhelming approval for everything he will do n the future?


McCain expected to concede at 8 PT/11 ET
by kos
Tue Nov 04, 2008 at 07:51:28 PM PST

Word is that reporters have been called out to the lawn in anticipation of McCain’s concession.


MSNBC holding the call for Virginia and Florida for 11:00pm / 23:00


ABC calls it!!!!


MSNBC calls it for Obama !!!!!



CNN’s calling it! I have goosebumps for once with politics that aren’t caused by fear of Wingnuts!


It’s OVER!!!!



CNN calls it. FOX calls it. The BBC has called it.


My first drink since the superbowl. Cheers, folks.

ecstatically delirious stryxbot

Word is that reporters have been called out to the lawn in anticipation of McCain’s concession.Word is that reporters have been called out to the lawn in anticipation of McCain’s concession.Word is that reporters have been called out to the lawn in anticipation of McCain’s concession.Word is that reporters have been called out to the lawn in anticipation of McCain’s concession.Word is that reporters have been called out to the lawn in anticipation of McCain’s concession.Word is that reporters have been called out to the lawn in anticipation of McCain’s concession.Word is that reporters have been called out to the lawn in anticipation of McCain’s concession.Word is that reporters have been called out to the lawn in anticipation of McCain’s concession.


I bless President Barack Hussein Obama.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The BBC has called it.

Holy shit – I was looking at their page when they called CA, OR, and WA, sending Obama over the top. Damn, that was cool.

Eat it, chumpwagons!


It feels like New Year’s fucking Eve!


Seriously, I’m teary eyed right now. Plus


Question: is it still a “riot” if you only write about how everyone is going to riot on the internet?



The BBC predicts 297 electoral votes for Obama


Oh Yes we did! Yes we did!


Florida is called. It’s OBAMA.

Imagine – both Ohio and Florida. This is sweeeeeeet.


Congratulations are in order.

Looks like you just got yourselves a SMART president, for the first time this century.

Way to go, eh?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Looks like you just got yourselves a SMART president, for the first time this century.

Be fair, Clinton was president for the first few weeks of it.

He was foolish, but definitely smart.


Tears. Joy. Fucking A.





Much love, y’all.

Johnny Coelacanth

Doesn’t Rugged in Montana owe somebody $300 now?


President Barack Hussein Obama!


Adios Sarah, sorry to Tina Fey about that. I can’t believe this, absolutely phenomenal.

Florida is called. It’s OBAMA.

Imagine – both Ohio and Florida. This is sweeeeeeet.

Fuck yeah! Yes We DID!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Wow. This isn’t going to sink in for awhile.

What a fucking awesome day. I started a new job which will have benefits and stuff for the first time in six years, and now this.

Change! w00t!

Love to all except the trollz.


Oh, fuck me.

I’m watching Grant Park on C-Span.



Terrorist fist jabs all around!

Jesus, looking at the EV figures, “landslide” doesn’t cover it. I know the polls had him out in front everywhere, but still, HUGE win.

One might even say EPIC WIN. (NSFW, but noone’s gonna fire you for it with a brother in the White House. Not for a day, anyway.)


Colorado has been called for Obama.

Ditto Iowa

306 confirmed electoral votes. Not a mandate. But 300 and fucking 6 and counting!


Imagine – both Ohio and Florida. This is sweeeeeeet.

This is great news. For John McCain!!


Palin / Jindal ’12 !!!!


Shorter The Corner: Waaaaaaaaaaaaah! Mommy, America is being mean to me!


So how’s that “Permanent Republican Majority” working out Mr. Rove?


Can we please get some footage of the desperation and despair in the Arizona McSame camp MSM.

Thanks in advance



Man, listen to the boos and shouts at the McCain rally.


McCain is doing well, and is magnanimous in defeat, much better than his supporters.


Tigrismus, yea he had me up until just now with the Sara Palin BS.



Be fair, Clinton was president for the first few weeks of it.

He was foolish, but definitely smart.

Ah, that he most surely was … but now it’s MY turn to don the Pedant Hat, to remind you that this century began on January 1, 2001.

Now party hearty, Sadlies. It’s a good time for it – this is a lovely jewel of hope. You can do a lot with that, later, if you choose to … but right now, let the good times roll.


Truth, you are criticizing your commander in chief during a time of war.



Man, must suck to be a racist peckerwood tonight, huh. Reckon it’s easy to get tears out of one’s Klan robe?


No kidding, but I guess he can’t gracefully cut her loose. I hope she does as well in the future as she deserves. Sheesh, his supporters are awful.


The Truth said,

November 5, 2008 at 6:24

Canadian Jim, Obama came out of one of the most corrupt political organizations in the country. Your naiveity is touching but this country needs condolences, not congratulations.

Obama is not a rethuglican. You ought to change your name to The Lie.


Oh—and Truth? Your new president has all of Bush’s illegally stolen power. A black man is the most powerful person on the planet, and there is no limit to his power.

Kinda stupid to let Bush do that, wasn’t it?


Seriously, that was the best concession speech I’ve ever heard from a Republican. I kind of feel sorry for John Sidney McCain. Of course, if he had chosen a non-fucktard running mate, it might be deeper….


Obama came out of one of the most corrupt political organizations in the country. Your naiveity is touching but this country needs condolences, not congratulations.

Came out of it with a mighty squeaky-clean rep, didn’t he? Clinton likely had a better team trying to sink him than McCain, & she came up bone-dry.

You DO have a point with the condolences. Yes indeed, I agree that some condolences are also in order – after living under the jackboot of a regime that wiretapped your phones & monitored your e-mails, condoned torture, & decided it was okay to detain you on SUSPICION for up to a year, without a lawyer, yeah, there’s a good case for sympathy there.

Naivete? Get thee to a mirror.


suck my balls Troofie. I don’t comment much here but this is our moment…fuck off. Come back tomorrow.

Tequila shots seem somehow not enough for this much celebrating but it will have to do

Much love to all the Sadly Naughts!

Yes We Did!!

Hellz Yeah..The Prez…Mr Barack Obama.

Like the sound of dat.


Mr. Truth, this one is for you. Fuck it you to Mr. Rugged. spread the love



Mrs. OneMan pointed out that that was the old McCain at the concession speech. That was the guy you could respect even if you didn’t agree with him.

Too bad (for him) he painted himself into the right-hand corner by the way he ran.


it’s unfortunate that prop 8 is looking likely to pass. fuckin’ homophobes.


Is 338 a mandate? It should be…


My point, exactly, OneMan. But thank those old-school Young Republicans (now graying). If the real John McCain had come out, we wouldn’t be looking at a landslide, and maybe not even a victory.

I want The Truth!

Marco, what do I have to concede?

Um, the presidential election? You know, the one you consistently and obnoxiously assured us, over and over, that McCain would win?

A black man is going to be in the White House and you can’t do a damned thing about it. I hope you strangle on the bile that this fact raises.

Xecklothxayyquou Hussein Gilchrist

but now it’s MY turn to don the Pedant Hat, to remind you that this century began on January 1, 2001.

Um, yes. Bush was inaugurated on Jan 20, 2001.


Barack Hussein Obama will be the 44th President of the United States.

President Obama – damn straight that looks good.

Way to go, Yanks … your odds just went up!

The challenge now is to get from “Yes We Can” to “Yes We Will” – & “Yes We Do” – but I’m inclined to think that if you put the fucking hammer down, HARD, you can pull it off. You put a man on the moon. Easy, no – but very rewarding.

You can be proud of the turnout as well as the result. It’s nice to see that you can do what needs to be done when it really counts. You’ve got good reason to be proud tonight.
This is what democracy is about – vox populi, baby!


Congrats to the folks down South!

The money is going to be hard – but you can take the improved world relations for granted starting today.

Xecklothxayyquou Hussein Gilchrist

Way to go, Yanks … your odds just went up!

Thank you!

Though check your math with the Pedant Hat and all.


Trust me on the P-Hat … I don’t put it on lightly, being such a heavy sucker & all … centuries go from 01 to 00, inclusive. Everyone wants the century to turn over on the zero, & it sure SEEMS like that’s how it should tally – but it ain’t necessarily so.

“Sadly,No!” – not just snarky, it’s educational too!

Holy fook am I schnozzled … did I mention that I usually eschew teh booze? Hot damn, I still got a beer or two to go, too! W00t!


Xecklothxayyquou Hussein Gilchrist

Everyone wants the century to turn over on the zero, & it sure SEEMS like that’s how it should tally – but it ain’t necessarily so.

Well, not me.

My claim was that Clinton was President for the first few weeks of the century.

The century started, as you pointed out, on Jan 1, 2001.

Bush was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2001. That is a few weeks after Jan 1, 2001. Roughly. The election was in Nov. 2000, and down here we inaugurate presidents after the elections.

Clinton was president until Bush was inaugurated.

Therefore, Clinton was president for the first few weeks of the century.

But let us not argue, it is a happy occasion!



Good job. A dick head to the end. Anyone who heard Obama’s speech and wasn’t moved is a complete imbecile. (And thinks, in their imbecility, that they’re the realists. How wrong we can be…)


The bar I’m currently drinking in has 14 taps. Only 2 of which I recognize. I intend to sample every one before leaving. 6 so far. And I wasn’t sober when I got here.

I fully expected an Obama victory tonight. I did not expect my emotional response. I’m afraid I may have embarassed myself by crying during his acceptance speech; I take some solace in knowing I wasn’t the only one here doing so. Been canvassing since this morning with some old ladies from northern CA who came over to help out and for the first time in too many years, I now live in a BLUE STATE, Nevada.

Thank you, volunteers.

Ok, the next tap is cider, so I won’t be posting any more tonight. God, I just love you all. Thanks for this.


Oh the time will come up
When the winds will stop
And the breeze will cease to be breathin’.
Like the stillness in the wind
‘Fore the hurricane begins,
The hour when the ship comes in.

Oh the seas will split
And the ship will hit
And the sands on the shoreline will be shaking.
Then the tide will sound
And the wind will pound
And the morning will be breaking.

Oh the fishes will laugh
As they swim out of the path
And the seagulls they’ll be smiling.
And the rocks on the sand
Will proudly stand,
The hour that the ship comes in.

And the words that are used
For to get the ship confused
Will not be understood as they’re spoken.
For the chains of the sea
Will have busted in the night
And will be buried at the bottom of the ocean.

A song will lift
As the mainsail shifts
And the boat drifts on to the shoreline.
And the sun will respect
Every face on the deck,
The hour that the ship comes in.

Then the sands will roll
Out a carpet of gold
For your weary toes to be a-touchin’.
And the ship’s wise men
Will remind you once again
That the whole wide world is watchin’.

Oh the foes will rise
With the sleep still in their eyes
And they’ll jerk from their beds and think they’re dreamin’.
But they’ll pinch themselves and squeal
And know that it’s for real,
The hour when the ship comes in.

Then they’ll raise their hands,
Sayin’ we’ll meet all your demands,
But we’ll shout from the bow your days are numbered.
And like Pharaoh’s tribe,
They’ll be drownded in the tide,
And like Goliath, they’ll be conquered.


I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

I want The Truth!

Oh man, this is going to be Hte Funny.

Suck it, Troothie. Drown in your own bile. A black man is going to be president and there’s NOTHING you can do about it. BWAAAAAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!!!!!!!


We are all John Doe
John Galt
Joe the Plumber
Ozymandias now.


Face it twooth – time to ante up with that $300 – oh, that’s right, like all pepublicans, you make grand statements, then lie about it, then deny they ever happened.

The teh toobz smacks your porn ‘stache off.



BTW – Also took time to call several racist colleagues, to remind them that:

Black is the new PRESIDENT

I think they got a little choked up…


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