Didn’t See That Coming (From Miles Away On A Jesus Dolphin)

Allahpundit is shocked that Peggy Noonan – Peggy Noonan! – is voting Republican. Why, next you’ll be telling us that David Frum came home to John McCain!

If Jonah Goldberg eats a jelly donut, the troika of ‘surprises’ will be complete.

UPDATE: Ed Morrissey predicts – wait for it – a squeaker for McCain-Palin. Surprise!

Gary Ruppert sends in his election prediction:

Above: It might not even be this close.

Brad adds: I thought this election was basically over when St. BBQ decided to suspend his campaign and generally act like a big goof on the national stage. But now I’m worried for the first time in weeks. Why? Because of this:

Rove predicts Obama landslide

John McCain and his aides are still banking on a come-from-behind victory Tuesday, but the GOP’s most famous political strategist has already called the race for Barack Obama.

Karl Rove, the man widely credited with engineering President Bush’s two successful White House bids, is predicting the Illinois senator will take the White House in an Electoral College landslide, winning 338 votes to John McCain’s 200. That would be the largest Electoral College victory since 1996, when Bill Clinton defeated Bob Dole in a 379-159 rout.

If Rove is using his own math to calculate these totals, then Obama could be in big trouble.


Comments: 121


Now if they only made a limited edition jelly cheeto that was sold only on Election Day, we could stop those fuckers from voting wholesale.


All true, “classic” conservatives will vote for Obama, even though he is genetically inferior to the rest of us.


Last time I heard the word “Troika” I was curb stomping some locust who were oblivious to the zeitgeist of the gears of war.


I wonder if Peggy will be attending McCain’s victory party which apparently is taking place in a Ground Round-style banquet hall. Medieval Times, maybe?

I don’t know. Hard to tell from the tele this early.


BTW, Cap’n Ed is a traitor. Clearly, it’s going to be a McCain landslide.


The Portrait of Dorian Frum.

Gary Ruppert Number Two

All true, “classic” conservatives will vote for Obama, even though he is genetically inferior to the rest of us.

The fact is, that was good.


What is a Jesus Dolphin and where can it be found?


I just voted for McCain.

Nobody gives a shit.

Doctor Missus Marita

I just voted in Cambridge. I have to say, I’ve been at that polling location for years now, and I’ve never seen turnout like that. In 2004 I was able to walk straight up to the check-in table and vote. Every election I’ve voted in there I was able to walk straight up to the check-in table and vote. Today we had at least half-hour wait.

Anecdotal, but encouraging. If the number of young people I saw there are any indication, Question 2 may squeak through in Mass.


I just voted for McCain.

This day is full of heart-stopping surprises, innit?


Ed Morrissey predicts – wait for it – a squeaker for McCain-Palin.

I dunno.

I see her more as a moaner and him as a gagger…

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Republicans with *real* faith in McCain-Palin vote for Obama. After all, by your words, real America outnumbers unreal Americans by such numbers that a person could vote for Obama and still see McCain win in a landslide.

Why don’t you parody trolls have such clear faith in your candidate to vote the other way, just to prove how easily outnumbered Obama voters are?

What, are you chicken or something? Bwak bwak.


I voted this morning.

I’ve never been prouder to be American.


Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for:

I, Buskertype, will make my official 2008 election prediction.
I know you’ve been holding your breath for this one.

Obama wins popular vote by 8% (53-45-2)

Obama get’s 364 electoral Votes by pulling an upset in GA, while losing in NC and IN. (he also wins OH, VA, FL, NM, NV, CO)

WbgVa goes to McCain by 3%.

Conservatives everywhere shit and go blind.


I think this is a good time for this.

In fact, it may be a good day to post it to the main page.


Is Megan McArdle one of the ostensibly oh-so-objective and undecided voters? I can’t imagine which way her vote is going to go.


Question 2 may squeak through in Mass.

That would be like a sprinkle of cinnamon on my triple latte.

Only much better.


“I just voted for McCain. The line bus was pretty short.”

Freaks And Goobers, Oh My

Actually, I give a shit, and am glad The Truth is here, at least until he acts exactly as we expect him too later… indeed, it’s rather reassuring to see the quality of the average McCain voter, namely;

1.) The inability to coherently form a sentence that even agrees with it’s own premise; “after the morning rush…. pretty solid all morning” So did it quieten down, or did it remain constant? Who can tell!

2.) The lack of elegant or even accurate information on what he supposedly did; “judges” Really? You were in a court room? Do you mean “ushers” or “electoral registrars” or…?

3.) Complete spoon-fingered abuse of the rules of grammar, “It’s going to be a long, wild, day, liberals.” Can you get any more, or any more inappropriate commas into a sentence? Have a go Truth, I’ll bet you can!

It’s frankly a source of wonder that he even managed to find his way to the correct location, and probably ended up voting for entirely the wrong person once he was alone in the voting booth… it wouldn’t surprise me if he wrote in one of his obsessive bette-noirs here at Sadly No!, with a blunt wax crayon, instead of John McCain.

Yup, it’s going to be a long, entertaining and considerably great day for Liberals indeed… McCain wins where now again did you say, Truth? 😉


Is Megan McArdle one of the ostensibly oh-so-objective and undecided voters? I can’t imagine which way her vote is going to go.

And as she votes, so votes Althouse and Reynolds.


I was looking for a way to make the stealth Muslim’s electoral vote count go negative, but the Thugocracy prevented me.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Obama get’s 364 electoral Votes by pulling an upset in GA

WTF? Everybody’s piling on the Georgia bandwagon – I guess we’re all Georgians now.

Is Megan McArdle one of the ostensibly oh-so-objective and undecided voters?

Actually McArdle belongs to that form of life lower than “undecideds”, she’s a fucking shitbag lowlife asshat.


Meggles isn’t voting because she forgot to get her registration transferred when she moved to DC.


Too many cooks spoil the broth and the result is that the post above has exploded like a space rocket.


FivethirtyGREAT.com gives McCain a 1.9 percent chance at winning now.


“Conservatives everywhere shit and go blind.”

That’s already begun. I’ve been watching Fox this morning. Megyn Kelly reported that Democrats had Republican poll watchers tossed out of a Philly polling place although the previous segment’s live report from the scene showed nothing of the sort. I love it when they betray their own reporting.

Shit meet pants.


Gary forgot to count the new state of Iraq’s 5 billion 281 million 477 thousand and 27 electoral votes.


bahaha, that red map made my morning.

poor wingnuts. All the newspapers here have a big pic of Obama on the front page, not McCain. Whatever can it mean.


Ann Althouse ‘crystallized’ a month ago & was totally voting for Obama.

Until some blogger somewhere pissed her off last night.


Anecdotal as hell, but my brother and his wife waited an hour and 40 minutes at their precinct in Baltimore this morning. They said it was a good wait though because everyone was in such dang good spirits.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I just lurve hte Ruppert map. It kinda looks like this one.

This is a post about relative change, not absolutes. Obama is likely to do better than John Kerry in every single state, even Kentucky and West Virginia that shellacked him so in the primaries.


McArdle forgot to register? That’s plausible. Not like this election has received much coverage or anything. Ass.


Freaks And Goobers, Oh My:
well of *course* “TehTooth” didn’t have to wait long. He was in the *special* line for repuglitards. The regular line into the polling place is much, much longer, and those unwashed masses of Demos have to use that.

No, TheTooth used the “special” line, just a minute wait and he was in his own little private voting booth. Pulled the GOP lever, waited until the water rushed his “vote” down the inter-tubes to “GOP election central” where it would be “registered”, and DONE.


From some stupid personal blog at a newspaper:

Proof – Obama Can’t Made Important Decisions – Will Embarass America


Shit meet pants.

Is there any civil defense info posted so people can take protective measures against the inevitable wingnut head-explosion critical chain reaction?


I dunno, I just have a feeling about Georgia. I’m expecting mega-black turnout and mini-‘thuglican turnout due to general depression and denial. Also Georgia ranks 11th in teh Gayness according to 538, and is the home of many great rappers. All of these things went into my highly scientific model.


Megan is busy preparing mayonnaise on white bread sandwiches and weak tea for tonight’s forgot-to-vote party at her apartment.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Clearly, Megan was too preoccupied with being the Objectivist Christmas Elf. Only another two months to go for shopping to give her what she wants, and then sneer at others for accepting gifts instead of being self-reliant.


Jiminy Crickets, now McArdle is telling everyone that it’s their civic duty to vote even if it’s inconvenient. But it doesn’t matter that she didnt’ vote because, “Now if he’s even more of a cluster**** than I expect, I’ll have to admit I was wrong.”

She also says she identifies with black voters because an old bat once made a slighting remark about the Irish.

(The last time I heard the word “Troika” I was watching Buffy Season 6.)


My main prediction: When Obama wins and the economy gets better, all the wingnuts currently saying that Obama will ruin the economy will say that presidents don’t have any effect on the economy.


Is there any civil defense info posted so people can take protective measures against the inevitable wingnut head-explosion critical chain reaction?

I don’t think the collective explosive power is all that high, really. But the smell is going to be hideo-riffic.

But one of Obama’s first socialist programs could be an alphabet-soup agency that shovels all the fearpoop from wingnuts into the new poop-fired electric generators.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Megan is busy preparing mayonnaise on white bread sandwiches and weak tea for tonight’s forgot-to-vote party at her apartment.

Megan is an astounding wizard at making weak tea.


No lines when I voted at 7:45 AM here in Des Moines but a damn good crowd. I’ve never seen that many people there at that hour of the morning. I asked a poll worker if things had gone smoothly so far and he said yeah, but it was really hectic at 7 when they opened the doors.

Think about that. Hectic at 7 AM. When the polls opened. That means lots of people people stopped on their way to work, eager to vote. (Polls in Iowa don’t close until 9:00 PM.) I saw a woman with two small children walking several blocks away from the polling site, didn’t think anything of it, figured they were walking to the school bus or something. As I was coming out after voting, there she was, walking in the door with her kids. If I’d had any idea she was heading there, I would have stopped and given her a ride.

They’re allowing same day registration at the polls in Iowa this year. It will be interesting to see how many folks avail themselves of it.


they vote in the garage at my house. the line is epic right now. though we are in what would seem to be the epicenter of liberalism (hancock park in Los Angeles) there is a certain genteel old school republican that lives around here, and they are all the people who work the polls downstairs.

however, their ain’t shit they can do about the 150 people in line who are all NO ON 8 (which to be fair to these republicans they probably are too) and O-BA-MA.

jill is printing a giant image of mccain that sits in the front of our house (cleverly 100 feet from the garage). the image is the splash page of her website right now: http://www.manipulator.com.

please steal and use accordingly.


In another shocker on a day of firsts, the Pantload has declared his reluctance to go into the weeds.

Trilateral Chairman

My main prediction: When Obama wins and the economy gets better, all the wingnuts currently saying that Obama will ruin the economy will say that presidents don’t have any effect on the economy.

And even if they DO have an effect, it’s a delayed one, so the recovery can no doubt be attributed to the great policies of Bush and Paulson–policies so wondrously effective that even Obama couldn’t ruin them, etc., etc.


WTF? Everybody’s piling on the Georgia bandwagon – I guess we’re all Georgians now.

Everyone’s piling on the GA bandwagon because of early turnout. It’s been huge here in metro Atlanta, with waits for the past two weeks upwards of 5 hours or so. I stood in one of those lines, and I can attest…the majority of people waiting to vote weren’t going to be voting for McCain.

Obama probably has the lead in Georgia…right now. Everywhere else in the state, save small pockets in Athens/Savannah, will vote McCain.


Megan complains about the fatness of the poor while making dishes that contain over a pound of butter and cheese.

I could write a book. She’d go Jonh Gault but that would mean leaving her sycophants behind.


Note to CNN: When you’ve got a lot of time to spare, it’s best if your anchors don’t just start rambling about how Sarah Palin has helped the McCain ticket.


…all the wingnuts currently saying that Obama will ruin the economy will say that presidents don’t have any effect on the economy.

Yup. And when world peace breaks out they’ll say it was the inevitable realignment of impersonal forces. You see, they are all historical materialists now.

So when they complain, what are they going to do? Call Barry a Trot?


Oh, just wanted to add: McAddled should be fired due to the epic fail of that post alone. Nevermind her entire portfolio of worthless dreck. Forgot to register. For fuck’s sake.


Well, there’s something to be said for voter apathy… when it’s triggered by wingnuts facing certain, rousing, and humiliating defeat.

Both 2000 and 2004 were squeakers. If, as I fervently hope, 2008 will be different, it will be more than a talking point.

It will be a repudiation.


robert green Says:

November 4th, 2008 at 18:09

He looks like Zacherle!


Megan complains about the fatness of the poor while making dishes that contain over a pound of butter and cheese.

Oh come now, Susan! Megan Antoinette is merely upgrading the saying “Let them eat fat!”


Is that a map of the Real America that Palin keeps talking about? How come it looks nothing like reality?


And even if they DO have an effect, it’s a delayed one, so the recovery can no doubt be attributed to the great policies of Bush and Paulson–policies so wondrously effective that even Obama couldn’t ruin them, etc., etc.

Took the words right out of my mouth. That was why Saint Ronnie was responsible for the Clinton boom years, correct?


That was why Saint Ronnie was responsible for the Clinton boom years, correct?

Right, but not Bush the Elder’s recession, which clearly was Jimmy Carter’s legacy…


Is that a map of the Real America that Palin keeps talking about?

Oddly, it reminded me of the screen from an old computer Risk game I used to play.


Three minutes in and out in South Baltimore (at 10:20am), but 800 had already voted, a record they said. No McCain signs outside the school, only Obama. Wonder what that meant?


Right, but not Bush the Elder’s recession, which clearly was Jimmy Carter’s legacy…

Man, wasn’t that Carter a piece of work? He was able to screw up the Bush 41 years with a recession and also magically screwed up the economy while he was still in office. Practically unheard of. Unless, of course, the economic problems during the Carter years were LBJ’s legacy . . .


attributed to the great policies of Bush and Paulson

Who were, of course, cleaning up the mess left by Clinton Jimmy Carter.


Three minutes in and out in South Baltimore (at 10:20am), but 800 had already voted, a record they said.

My poor brother . . . not only did he have to wait over 90 minutes for his own vote in Baltimore, but he’s just spent another 90 minutes standing in line for the second time with Mayor Dixon (his boss) before she votes.


Forgot to register. For fuck’s sake.

Megs got inspired from watching HGTV and decided to add a weasel room.


No McCain signs outside the school, only Obama. Wonder what that meant?

Clearly great news for McCain. It’s like this: he’s a maverick, right? And the original Maverick was a guy who said any unbranded cow was his, right? Therefore, the present-day Maverick “owns” any voting sentiment that isn’t labeled as belonging to someone else. So anyplace there isn’t a McCain sign is actually a show of support for McCain.




Trumped by actor212 and dan b.


Man, wasn’t that Carter a piece of work? He was able to screw up the Bush 41 years with a recession and also magically screwed up the economy while he was still in office.

Not to mention that he was actually held responsible for this current credit nightmare! 30 years later!

Somehow, he managed not to screw up the Reagan years…well, TOO much…I seem to recall a bit of a meltdown sometime in 1987, plus there was an awful lot of concern over that whole junk bond financing shit…and no growth in real income…and a tax code skewed heavily towards the rich, so much so that in 1986, Reagan himself had to backtrack…I could go on…

Trilateral Chairman

Candy said: Oh, just wanted to add: McAddled should be fired due to the epic fail of that post alone. Nevermind her entire portfolio of worthless dreck. Forgot to register. For fuck’s sake.

I know. I just don’t get it. How do these people hold down jobs when they’re so manifestly incompetent? I mean, this is Goldbergian-level stupidity here, and McArdle doesn’t even have the excuse of nepotism, as far as I know. Is she incapable of shame?

It took me maybe 10 minutes here in Boston, but I went at 9:30. The poll workers said that they could FINALLY see the end of the line from where they were sitting. I don’t think they posted numbers anywhere, though.

Oh, and I didn’t get an “I Voted!” sticker. I wanted a sticker, dang it. What kind of democracy IS this, anyway?


Ladies and gents, pray for us: my family and my fiancee and I are voting in Nevada.

We’re gonna be fuckin’ swamped.


Somehow, he managed not to screw up the Reagan years…well, TOO much

The powers of Saint Ronnie are beyond our mortal comprehension.


I know. I just don’t get it. How do these people hold down jobs when they’re so manifestly incompetent? I mean, this is Goldbergian-level stupidity here, and McArdle doesn’t even have the excuse of nepotism, as far as I know. Is she incapable of shame?

Oh, well then, you’ll love this. Rosenthal (NY Times) said that two “writers” he really admires are…Meagan McArdle and Byron York.

Wish I could remember where I saw this so I could link it.


I went out for my morning run and chose a route that would take me past my neighborhood’s polling place. This was at 7 in the AM. There was already a line going out the door.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Alright you smug lib-tards, I now have proof of vote fraud. What do you have to say that you latte-sipping elitist-socialists?


Oh, and I live in Concord, CA, in the East Bay area.


Bush will go down in history as the president who inspired people to vote.


There’s more Nader/Gonzalez signs in my neighborhood than McCain/Palin signs. Those numbers combined are dwarfed by the number of Obama & Obama/Biden signs. Oh, and lots of No on 8 signs, but not a single Yes on 8 sign. Before anyone says it, I live in a nice old first-ring suburb near a hospital, which is fairly white. Lots of medical students rent around here.


Ok, here’s the link for Rosenthal’s McArdle love.


I know. I just don’t get it. How do these people hold down jobs when they’re so manifestly incompetent? I mean, this is Goldbergian-level stupidity here, and McArdle doesn’t even have the excuse of nepotism, as far as I know. Is she incapable of shame?

What fuckin’ baffles me is that she’s in her goddamn 30s. Her 30s! At that point in their lives my mother had brought three children through two years in the Third World and the hard life of a perpetual student and my father had been certified as both an electrical engineer and a damn doctor.

Little miss Albino Drow’s a ridiculous fuckup. It’s unimagiable. When I think about her, I think about the stumblebums my own age; it’s unimaginable she managed to fuckin’ survive until 2008, let alone get published by the fucking Atlantic.

Hey, guys, if I smash my head into a brick wall a few times and commit myself to completely misunderstanding the fundamental concept of liberty, democracy, and the American Way, can I get a blogger’s sinecure? I’ve got a blog and I resent hippies and everything!


Alright you smug lib-tards, I now have proof of vote fraud. What do you have to say that you latte-sipping elitist-socialists?

Heh. I totally told a guy in my office that I was gonna turn him in to the RNC because he let his 9-year-old pull the lever for Obama. Dude even took pictures of it. The whole voting fraud conspiracy is doomed. DOOMED!


The powers of Saint Ronnie are beyond our mortal comprehension.

All Hell St Ronnie!


I now have proof of vote fraud.


Let’s have a do-over. Better yet, let Dick Cheney choose the president.


What do you have to say that you latte-sipping elitist-socialists?


Trilateral Chairman

What fuckin’ baffles me is that she’s in her goddamn 30s. Her 30s! At that point in their lives my mother had brought three children through two years in the Third World and the hard life of a perpetual student and my father had been certified as both an electrical engineer and a damn doctor.

Let’s see. By age 30, my grandfather had made it through World War II and was back home repairing buses in NYC. My dad had started his own firm and was spending a lot of time doing that, meaning that it fell to my mom to be up at all hours of the night caring for my sister and me. Ain’t what your family was doing, but it’s a hell of a lot more than Megan has done.

Hell, *I’m* in my 30s. I’m a scientist. If I spent my days consistently proving that I didn’t know or care what the fuck I was talking about, I’d be out on my ass. My students would ridicule me. My colleagues would treat me with contempt. If I dared to give a talk at a conference, they’d pointedly walk out of the room. Fuck, I’ve been fighting with the same few paragraphs of a paper all morning, trying to get it into proper shape for submission so that people actually get what we’re trying to say. Even if I get it just right, we’ll STILL get a lot of criticism, and we’ll have to respond to it if we want to get the paper published. Meanwhile, clowns like McArdle can publish whatever they want without fear of failure. I just don’t get it.


Hey, Robert Green – I used one of your wife’s photo’s in this piece.

I figured she’d be OK with it. Those pics were awesome, but the punkin’ was even better.


Meanwhile, clowns like McArdle can publish whatever they want without fear of failure. I just don’t get it.

The soft bigotry of low expectations has a nice ring to it: we get used in the humanities to dealing with a climate in which there’s very little way to judge what people say and do and even less reward to be gained thereby.

If I were McArdle’s editor, I’d fire her over forgetting to register to vote. It’s one thing to be wrong all the time, but it’s quite another to be lazy. People take that we have no standards for accuracy to mean that we ought to have no standards for a basic craftsman’s diligence; I find it difficult to respect anyone who talks about politics for a living who can’t voice a strong opinion about a family court justice race two elections ago. Whether or not that opinion is right simply dictates whether I’m inclined to agree with them – the important thing is that they’ve done the hard work necessary to have one.


Is there any civil defense info posted so people can take protective measures against the inevitable wingnut head-explosion critical chain reaction?

Tarp and poncho time, baby. It’ll be like a Gallagher show, but funny.


Tarp and poncho time, baby. It’ll be like a Gallagher show, but funny.


Dragon-King Wangchuck

More evidence of electoral shenanigans. Why is it that poll watchers are being asked to leave extremely crowded polling stations? Because the Demon-crat party is using undead zombies to stuff the ballot boxes with ACORNs. It’s true, John Bolton knows everything.


I just don’t get it.

Further bafflement and irony:

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation actually presented McArdle in a guest commentator slot on CrossCountryCheckup two Sundays ago as some sort of expert in American affairs!

Liberal Canucks are brought up to love and respect the CBC. I nearly drove into a ditch.


now I’m worried for the first time in weeks. Why? Because of this:

I wouldn’t worry too much, Brad. His prediction leaves space for Rove to be wrong while Obama still wins. Like, a 400-138 blowout for the Magical Unity Pony.


K-Lo’s flipping out that there are black folks at the polls. She reports Black Panthers everywhere.

Hell, maybe she means the cat. Who can tell with her?


Megan McHarbl wins the Extra-Special-Olympics of election-day poltical blogging!

“I forgot to register, but you should still give a shit what I have to say, because, uhh, well, just because.”

Pretty easy to see exactly how she landed that Atlantic gig … unfortunately, there are no breath-mints strong enough to take away the smell afterwards. As to how she KEEPS said gig … I’m guessing incriminating photos of the owner.

If I get her drift (always an iffy proposition) she’s already influenced this election by her mere desire to vote for a particular candidate. Oddly, my own desire to have been born into a filthy-rich family has yet to retroactively alter my geneology.

Eesh … does she have a metal plate in her head that’s made of 50% mercury or what?


She is also continuing the Fetus Watch. Expect her to throw herself in front of Planned Parenthood with a dozen boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnut offering to eat herself to death if they don’t turn over the Single Celled-Americans at once.


Nate Silver’s final numbers- Obama a 98.9% favorite.


Nate Silver’s final numbers- Obama a 98.9% favorite.

Isn’t that pie chart beautiful? I screen-grabbed it because I’m geekily sentimental like that.


Who did Amy Alkon vote for?


Who did Amy Alkon vote for?

Trapped in her own shitmoat. Fire Dept. needed to call a sewage vac truck. Must take shower and change clothes.

Oh! Too late. Polls closed. Sorry, Ann.


I just voted for McCain.

Can we call you an America-hater and a terrorist and a traitor and tell you to “move to Canada if you don’t like it” when you start whining endlessly about how much you don’t like Obama? Or do the Republicans have an exclusive patent on McCarthyite behaviour?


a squeaker for McCain-Palin.
I agree that pollsters are probably under-counting the gerbil vote.


The Truth Says:

November 4th, 2008 at 21:18
Hoosier, my liberal droog, this night is going to surprise you.

Yea. It won’t be nearly as close as we thought.

Damn, I love this day so much, I want to have sex with it!


but there is no reason to think this country is going to be delivered into the hands of people that openly hate it.

That’s “the majority” to you. Also, “the winners,” “the victors,” “the top bananas,” the “Big Kahunas,” “the party that now occupies the White House, Congress, and maybe will control the Supreme Court.” Plus, according to you idiots, the media. And unversities. And now the Blacks know that theis country is their too. They are equal to you and everyone else–and they don’t have to blow W.F. Buckley’s mummified corpse to do it like your self-hating elite are so eager to do.


Fuck, I’ve been fighting with the same few paragraphs of a paper all morning, trying to get it into proper shape for submission so that people actually get what we’re trying to say.
Try Teh Truth’s strategy — respond to the critical reviewers by explaining that what they think is a flawed argument is simply a parable, and they have only embarrassed themselves by missing the point.


David Frum’s Top 10 reasons to vote for McCain:

10) He vigourously supported a strategy to fix the uncessary war he vigourously supported. For that alone, he deserves your vote.

9) Cutting taxes for the rich and increasingly spending massively are pretty much the only things we have left in the ol’ “fiscal conservative” toolbox, so um, yeah, McCain’s a good fiscal conservative. Sure.

8) His healthcare plan will save ordinary Americans from effective healthcare.

7) Barack Obama is a socialist.

6) Having one party in control of all branches of government is a bad idea when that party isn’t the Republicans.

5) McCain knows not to defer to traitorous generals who treasonously opposed the Glorious Surge Doctrine. While in the Navy McCain hated his superiors so much that when they said “Please stop crashing our planes” he told them to fuck off and continued to fly into the ground just like he always had.

4) Barack Obama is a baby-eating liberal fucking Muslim socialist. Hello?

3) An old white man beating a black man will be good for American democracy.

2) I have found a issue upon which McCain did not compromise, therefore vote for him.

1) Plus, plus, I just heard this, but did you know McCain was a POW?


That’s “the majority” to you. Also, “the winners,” “the victors,” “the top bananas,” the “Big Kahunas,” “the party that now occupies the White House, Congress, and maybe will control the Supreme Court.” Plus, according to you idiots, the media. And unversities. And now the Blacks know that theis country is their too.

Wait! Are you suggesting that America will now be run…by the people????


They’ll ruin everything!


there is no reason to think this country is going to be delivered into the hands of people that openly hate it.

Yes, thank goodness the Palins will lose.


And remember, in every debate I’ve had with you liberals on this site, I’ve been the one on the blind side.

Fixed yer post.


My state also believes Obama is Muslim. If it amuses you to count the idiot vote, knock yourself out.

Ah, Susan, don’t pretend that anyone is confusing the electorate with the people they vote for.

You mean every little boy and girl in America can’t potentially grow up to be president? What are you, a commie?

How doth the less-than-might fall. One minute you’re planning your victory party, the next minute you’re pretending that fooling Texans is an achievement.


I’m feeling fine. Kristol went on TV and said McCain would win.


Thank you for using “troika” instead of the increasingly tired “trifecta.”


Thank you for using “troika” instead of the increasingly tired “trifecta.”

I predict triptych will replace troika in Feb. 2009.


tripartite will make a late run for the crown, but be pipped at the post by triumverate.


mrs. skippy and i only waited about 15 minutes to vote; it beat the hour and half wait she encounted earlier this morning (so she left and we came back).

interestingly enough, we met the brother of the lead singer of morningwood standing right behind us in line. he’s an actor and stand up comedian, and we spent the time discussing show biz and music biz and democracy.

everyone in line was excited about voting.

The Reality-Based Dave

“And even if they DO have an effect, it’s a delayed one, so the recovery can no doubt be attributed to the great policies of Bush and Paulson–policies so wondrously effective that even Obama couldn’t ruin them, etc., etc.”

A co-worker is a die-hard republican. I had a chart showing the GNP, inflation & jobless from 1945 to the present. Every Dem pres (except Carter & inflation) had an increase in the GNP, decrease in inflation, & decrease in the jobless. Most republican presidents had the opposite. The coworker said it was because of the 4yr economic lag-time. For every dem pres.
Denial? Nope. More like willfull blindness…



linky? I have a friend who could stand to see that chart.

*goes off to see teh Great Gazoogle*


Spooky… looks like it will actually be 338 to 200.

Isn’t it about time Karl Rove was burned at the stake?


Obama is the greatest!!


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