Today’s Polls, 11/3: Morning Edition

Shorter Mark Noonan:

IBD-TIPP Still Has it a 2 Point Race

  • This poll has the least liberal bias.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

Shorter Dan Riehl:

Obama Opts For The Prevent D

  • The Obama campaign is unraveling.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

Shorter Gateway Pundit:


  • WOW!!! According to this one poll, if every single undecided voter is a white racist who won’t vote for a black person, we can almost achieve a stalemate!!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

Shorter Ace of Spades HQ:

You Want Something to Believe In?
—Jack M.

  • This poll has the least liberal bias.

Final Polls in Key States; It’s Too Close to Call
—Gabriel Malor

  • Um, undecided voters, white people, uh, hey, looking good here.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

Shorter Glenn Reynolds:


‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 30


Rather than the “Prevent D”, the wingnutosphere has chosen the “CLAP LOUDER!” offense. Cm’on, cheerleaders, we can win it!

Sorry, Danno, but if we’re going to use a football metaphor, I prefer this one:

(Guess who the guys in the red jackets represent…)


Irish bookies: 1/10 Obama, 11/2 McCain.

(Or, if you prefer the American mode of handicap betting, the EV spread is 160.)

Clearly the professional odds-makers in Ireland have a liberal bias.

Incontinentia Buttocks

I do hope that there will be some sort of live audio monitoring of the wingnutosphere on Tuesday night so we can hear their heads esploding in real time.


oh, i want tears. I want one of these people to lose so bad that they just all out BAWL on national TV. Liz Dole is a good guess, though I’m prepared to rule out neither mccain nor palin.

I’m up to Wolcott-like levels of Schadenfreude here. I want these people to be finished in the public arena. I want those who have followed them to have to spend a long, long time in the wilderness eating acorns and getting chased by people who think they’re mangy bears.


If I were George Soros, I’d be wondering whether it’d be worth it to pay a pollster to put numbers out tomorrow showing McCain ahead nationally by 5.


That’s funny, because if I were George Soros I would be about to go to sleep on a big pile of money, surrounded by many beautiful women.

Nim, ham hock of liberty

Can’t wait for the shrieking about fraud and a stolen election.



This just occurred to me (and take that with a bucket of salt, cause I just got up and I ain’t had my early-afternoon coffee yet): Obama camp worries about Democratic complacency – y’know, people see the polls, believe the battle is already won and so won’t bother to show up to wait in line for God knows how long. But what about Republican defeatism? Those folks see the same polls, believe the battle is already lost, big time, and so won’t bother to show up to wait in line for God knows how long. Especially considering their guy is someone they don’t want to vote for in the first place.


Atrios’s trolls have been going head-splodey all week. By this barometer, I’m calling it for O’bama.


Dude, I just don’t want to wake up on Wednesday in a country where Queen Jadis is one heartbeat away from running the show.


[Clutches flask in shaking hands]


So, we’ve signed up to count votes in our precinct starting at 8pm tomorrow night. No TV, radio or Internet allowed in the counting room.

So, if McCain wins nationally, or bin Laden blows up Disneyworld or a huge asteroid splashes down in the Pacific or the Martians land or Bush/Cheney confess all their crimes, etc., would someone please leave me a note?


You only needed one disclaimer.


The Letsjustmakeshitup poll irrefutably shows that McCain is headed for a historic 812 gazillion percent victory that will vindicate wingnuts everywhere!

But it has some flaws in its methodology.


BREAKING: Dan Riehl is calling Tennessee for McCain!


Thank God for that IBD-TIPP poll getting their hopes up one final time. It’s just too bad that its reputation will be irrevocably damaged after tomorrow as being the furthest from the actual results. I was kind of hoping Zogby and Drudge would tout some similar fantasy today, but Zogby is at least thinking about his future career.

This morning’s Rasmussen: O 52%, M 46 %. Those numbers have stayed rock steady for 39 straight days. Think they’re gonna suddenly change drastically in the next 24 hours?


though I’m prepared to rule out neither mccain nor palin.

I have a feeling Palin’s going to be riding the “it was rigged/miscounted” thing for the next couple months. The woman has never heard of dignity.


I don’t know that Zogby is so bad. I think he got burned last time and is now doing something a bit timid. He’s using last election’s turnouts to pick his sample weightings, so his polls really mean “Who would win the election if the turnout was exactly like 2004?” rather than “Who will will the election?” It’s still an interesting question he’s trying to answer, but it isn’t the most interesting.

Also, long live Queen Palin! May her reign be short and merciful and mercifully shorter than one day.


The whining about fraud in the wake of this election is going to be unbearable, except filtered through the lens of Teh Sadly.


I have a feeling Palin’s going to be riding the “it was rigged/miscounted” thing for the next couple months.

I have a feeling Palin’s going to scamper back up to Alaska and not be heard from again for a long long time, if ever. Despite her recent opportunistic “rogue” attempts to try to disassociate herself from the sinking ship McLame, she’ll get a large part of the blame, as she should. And then Wednesday morning, as the ReThug Party licks its wounds and swivels its reptilian head around, squinting through dead slitted eyes for a tasty scapegoat, it’ll be able to bear that bleating wheedling faux-Midwestern nasal voice of hers only once more before finally devouring her whole. Oh well.


Oh, Palin will definitely be back. But she’s much stronger as a symbol than as anything that actually exists, so she’ll head back to Alaska, smooth over those corruption and abuse-of-power charges, and concentrate on making herself seem like a capable manager again. Then she’ll gear up to run in 2012 on the original “reform” plus new “white grievance” platform: it’ll be all, “_They’ve_ had their chance, and what do _you_ have to show for it?”

The coming Romney vs. Huckabee vs. Palin slugfest will be a sight to behold. It’ll be all about whose underwear is most magical.


The second most entertaining thing over the next year or so will be to watch the struggle for the ideological soul of the republican party.

If they tack hard to starboard, Sarah’s got a nice future leading a marginalized, exclusionary party to (perhaps repeated) defeats.

If they try to move towards the realist/center to find a way to embrace more than 27% of the voting population, they’ll know right away that she offers nothing, and the search will be on for somebody sane.



Perhaps I fail to underestimate this culture’s scarcely-latent misogyny more than you guys do. When I look at Sarah Palin I see Katherine Harris. (Remember her?)


I don’t know. I hope that Palin continues as a figure that leads the rightwing nutjobs, dividing the “base” from the regular folks and ensuring lots of pain for Republicans in upcoming elections, but part of me knows that she could storm back onto the stage as a hero of sorts, with all of her faults “old news”. And that’s frightening.


Y’know, you could almost smell this trope coming when in 2004, the exit polls had Kerry winning until Ron Blackwell decided to get involved…


Perhaps I fail to underestimate this culture’s scarcely-latent misogyny more than you guys do. When I look at Sarah Palin I see Katherine Harris. (Remember her?)

Harris had nicer tits.


And we were spared having to learn too much about Harris’ political beliefs.


Perhaps I fail to underestimate this culture’s scarcely-latent misogyny

Harris had nicer tits.

I rest my case.


Love-note left on Dan Riehl’s digital pillow:

This race is nowhere near close, nor has it been for about two months now.

Pretty comical to see GOP fanboys waving the same one or two polls that call it close enough to give them hope. Even Karl Rove has called this for Obama, & decisively so. McCain’s finishing up the ugliest, lousiest campaign in Americans’ living memory – his selection of Palin was pure political seppuku: at this point, Dukakais riding on top of that battle-tank looks like JFK next to him.

The Republicans have turned themselves into a joke, with nobody to blame but themselves – there’s been no sabotage, no treason, no conspiracies … just orgy after orgy of full-bore stupid, with the lid off & the throttle down.

You had power for 20 of the last 30 years – & America is on its knees as a result.

Time’s up.

Posted by: jim | Monday, November 03, 2008 at 12:52 PM

Of course, poor thing, he may not realize that this is in fact the KINDER, GENTLER version of Reality 101 – an airing of the unexpurgated edition might potentially land me in some legal hot-water as it applies to such entities as Riehl, so in this case I opt to keep it to myself.


I eagerly await McCain’s performance in talking his supporters down from whatever crazy shit they they decide to get into after the election.


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