Do-It-Yourself Intellectual Bankruptcy Kit
Posted on November 2nd, 2008 by Gavin M.
Shorter Robert Stacy “88” McCain:
Above: Karaoke Night at the League of the South
- Self-preening repetition of received epithet, unconcealed twisting of words, baseless accusation of disdain for armed forces. Update: Gay!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Man, they are now pouncing even on writers who point out Obama’s -mistakes-.
“How dare you secind guess our Dear Leader? Even if I hate his indonesian guts? You Bush-haters make me _sick_!”
Alternate shorter:
Real Americans support the military, just like we support [Local Sports Franchise].
But . . . but . . . Bobby Stacy Mackie is a bon vivant and a raconteur!
The first and so far only comment on McCain’s post comes from none other than the Pro-Victory Professor.
With all the intellectual bankruptcy going on, is there going to be an intellectual bailout?
So, they’ll all immediately stop criticizing Obama and salute him whenever he appears on teevee, just like they did with Clinton, when he was officially their Commander in Chief? Right?
Wait…is he really…? *consults teh Great Gazoogle*
Bah, my gaydar has always been complete shit.
[Updated a bit.]
Actually, is ‘In the Ghetto’ the right song to link to? I can’t judge whether it’s funny, since to me, anything involving Skrewdriver is infinitely funny all the time.
The intellectual bail-outs occurred years ago. The whereabouts of the intellects are currently unknown. Some say that they parachuted safely to land, were captured by Reality, and are now held captive as bargaining chips.
Ah. I had missed the Skrewdriver link. Nice. Very nice.
That “our commander-in-chief” came from Republicans attempting to shut up Bush’s critics. Questioning “our” commander-in-chief during a time of war is treasonous!
“he (Greenwald) cares about getting the Republicans out of office so as to advance the gay agenda.”
Yes, same for this gay. We like efficient government, sane foreign policy and are sticklers for fair regulations and laws. I know, it’s so crazy. Part of our perverse lifestyle Republicans just cannot understand.
Yes, same for this gay. We like efficient government, sane foreign policy and are sticklers for fair regulations and laws. I know, it’s so crazy. Part of our perverse lifestyle Republicans just cannot understand.
Damn! That is what I want. Does this mean that I am secretly gay even though I have thought I was straight for more than 50 years and all my gay friends have told me I am so not gay? I am so confused.
Oh, yes, please emphasize that your side wants to get out of the health care and education business. That’s a real winning argument with the American people, and it deserves to be shouted from the rooftops.
I didn’t realize Robert Stacey McCain was gay! He writes that he “attended the Democrats’ LGBT Caucus in Denver, and still [has] the letter to the caucus in which Obama called [them] ‘crucial’ to his success”! He even kept Commander-in-Chief-to-be-Barry-X’s letter to the caucus as a memento! That’s sweet.
Even Larry Craig (R-KMSP) has no interest in fucking you. You’re too old for Mark Foley (R-Inhiding), too pale for Bob Allen (R-ParkToilet) and too fugly for Ted sHaggard.
No, shut up. I don’t care if a guy once looked at you in the locker room. Shut up about the gay agenda. Everyone knows that the gay agenda is your lame code for “Guys trying to touch my pee-pee” and we’re all laughing at you because the only contact anyone wants with your pee-pee involves a steel toed Doc Marten. Kindly stop making an idiot of yourself and go back to wanking off to Gilmore Girls re-runs.
Hate to be the one to break it to you lefties, but Obama is not going to win this election. The polls in red states like Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana and Missouri showing Obama in the lead, are fakes. The leftwingers in charge of those polls have no idea how discredited the media and polling in general is going to be when everything is all set and done, and McCain is elected President.
We also have some good news in the Senate, it looks like Republican challenger John Kennedy has a good chance of unseating leftwinger Mary Landrieu in Louisiana, which McCain will most likely win by 60%.
I’m still crossing my fingers, hoping that Jim Gilmore will beat Mark Warner for the open Senate seat in Virginia. Virginia is still a solidly conservative state, despite the fact that left-leaning voters from the D.C. area have been moving in there in droves in recent years, turning Virginia more blue than it ever has been before. The native Virginians are still very much conservative and Republican, and overwhelmingly support McCain for President. However, the beltway boys moving in there as of late have made Virginia more of a battleground state than it otherwise would have been. Hopefully this trend will stop, or conservatives who currently live in blue states beyond redemption will move to Virginia to turn the state back solidly into the GOP camp.
Wait… Greenwald is… [I can barely say it]… gay???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!! guhh—aaaaa—aaaaay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gay??????
This changes everything.
I’m voting for McCain, joining Randall Terry’s Project Rescue, and inviting Phyllis Schlafly over to my house for dinn…
Wait… his son is what?????!!!! [please visualize spit-take here] Her son is… what???????!!!!!
This changes everything.
Some good news from California.
“The polls in red states like Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana and Missouri showing Obama in the lead, are fakes.”
Ah the Adam Savage method of debate – “I reject your reality and substitute my own!”
Mason-Dixon and Zogby, which have had the most pro-McCain bias this entire election cycle, are now both forecasting a McCain loss. The NRSC and the NRCC are both running their last-minute ads on a theory that McCain will not win on Tuesday.
Are they all faking?
With all the intellectual bankruptcy going on, is there going to be an intellectual bailout?
All the wingnuggets took out second, sub-prime mortgages on their intellects in order to finance bulk purchases of Cheetos at Sam’s Club years ago.
Some good news from California.
“Good news” for whom? Splain, pliss, rugged-boy?
The leftwingers in charge of those polls have no idea how discredited the media and polling in general is going to be when everything is all set and done
If you’d stop discrediting English you’d have a language with which to express that.
Good news for those of us who support more restrictions on abortion.
He must only read every other word if he couldn’t understand that Greenwald piece. It wasn’t even closely argued, just a direct reference to the exact language of the constitution. You have to give Greenwald credit for having a consistent agenda in the face of changing political winds. I’d say his position is the opposite of the intellectual bankruptcy on the right.
But I would like to hear the Ole Perfessor explain while the president shouldn’t have unlimited power again. The last one made me smile. I’m waiting to hear about how wiretapping is so bad from the right. I’ll be so awesome. I have a special bottle of wine set aside to go with the schadenfreude.
Pfffffffffffttt…..Soda, meet computer monitor!
Keep ’em coming, Rugged.
There is only one hope for the possibility of an even demurely ‘progressive’ administration from Obama: a HUGE margin of victory. 10-plus points in the popular vote is the minimum that would needed to do ANYTHING positive in a progressive direction. The more the merrier. I’d hope for something like FDR in ’32; better if it were FDR ’36. But I’d settle for 12-14 points…That’s what it’ll take to swing the “public” opinion…
Hate to be the one to break it to you lefties, but Obama is not going to win this election. The polls in red states like Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana and Missouri showing Obama in the lead, are fakes.
Oh, yeah? Well I have solid evidence that there’s not even really a candidate named Barack Obama, it’s all been one big fake-out from the liberal media. Fake! Fake! Fake! You libs have been soooooooo punked. There’s actually only one candidate running, and his name is John McCain. No one else is even on the ballots, libtards! So of course he’s going to win Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana and Missouri (and he might even take Nevada)!
Good news for those of us who support more restrictions on abortion.
“us”??? who’s “us,” rugged boy. All you fellas up on brokeback mountain?
I’m personally pro-abortion: On demand, safe, legal, no questions asked. A policy like that might have spared us you, which has a LOT to recommend it…
Ah the Adam Savage method of debate – “I reject your reality and substitute my own!”
We were watching Mythbusters on DVD last night. My own favourite line is “Fueled by a heady mix of ignorance and enthusiasm”, which is now tattooed on my right arm.
Abortion murders an innocent human life. Therefore it is wrong.
I might be willing to compromise on abortion if the morning after pill and regular birth control pills were made available over-the-counter.
How about if two unmarried people don’t want children, they don’t have sex? Thats all the birth control you need.
Innocent, schminnocent.
The (your?) “bible” says no one is born without sin.
If you take that position, abortion just gets the “babies” saved by “Jesus” sooner and preserves their innocence, since they avoid being ‘born’ this way… how is that bad?
I’m so against abortion that I’m waiting to have sex until I meet a woman who is genetically capable of having a baby for every single sperm I release during intercourse so that not a single one of my sperm dies. Oh, we have very large litters of children!
I am now 48 years old, unmarried, and have never masturbated– not even once!– despite that vile temptress who enters my home bi-annually: the JC Penny catalog’s women’s underwear section. I refrain from sexual release despite the fact that I am already doomed to hell, as I had a wet dream once when I was twelve and am thus already guilty of genocide.
Jeebus, you wingnuts are think. Because they want to have sex. Duh.
I posted this on this clown’s site:
“If you’re talking about “our coach”, you’re talking about football. Greenwald’s point would seem to be that people are using the phrase “commander-in-chief” outside of a military context…There’s also a difference between identifying with the military and establishing militarism as a predominant theme of the country’s nature.”
He screens his posts, so it probably won’t show up. That’s probably why there’s only one comment on his post, because it’s hard to find someone to agree with his nonsense.
The history of everyone, everywhere, everywhen, argues counter to your claim.
I think you liberals misread me, I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF CRIMINALIZING PREMARITAL SEX! I am a social conservative of alot of issues, however I am also a libertarian on some issues as well. My only arguement is this, if two unmarried people decide that they must have sex, and the woman gets pregnant, they must deal with the consequences of their decision, and either keep the baby or give it up for adoption. Abortion is murder and should not be legal.
How about if two unmarried people don’t want children, they don’t have sex? Thats all the birth control you need.
Alternatively, maybe, unmarried people should exclusively have gay sex. That’d work sa well.
As he says:
“Any stick will do to hit a mad dog,”
I know the feeling.
Americaneocon said…
I don’t even waste time on Greenwald anymore. The man’s a crank.
Apparently, Dr. Douglas has no mirrors in his house.
Let’s leave the fReichtard’s sex lives out of this.
Why the fuck is whether birth control is freely available any of Rugged in Montanta’s or anyone else’s business?
I at least understand the “abortion is teh murder” argument, though I don’t necessarily agree. But if you’re such a libertarian, why do you care what other people do if it doesn’t kill a fetus? You’re not so very different from the shadow people who want to take your guns away.
Wow, a conservative hypocrite. An endangered species, that.
Rugged is as serious as (a clown having) a heart attack.
But can he beat the Spy magazine record of the legendary Anthony Haden-Guest?
best line is this:
A commenter suggests Glenn Greenwald is a “libertarian,” a suggestion that is freaking nuts. Greenwald is a gay radical who (like kindred spirit Andrew Sullivan) seized upon the Bush administration’s war policies as a pretext, more than a reason, to denounce Bush.
yes. Bush’s awesome war policies. it takes the audacity of gay radicals to criticize such awesomeness.
Hate to break it to you: supporting the state’s prerogative to suppress abortion is kind of the ne plus ultra of actual libertarianism. If you like the state enough to invite it to make moral decisions for free citizens you’re not a libertarian, you’re a statist – plain and simple.
And freaking out about birth control? I’m sorry, if you actually cared about reducing the level of abortion the Every Sperm Is Sacred routine wouldn’t fly.
Damn it, now what are the Republicans going to use to respond to Obama’s State of the Union addresses?
All the wingnuggets took out second, sub-prime mortgages on their intellects in order to finance bulk purchases of Cheetos at Sam’s Club years ago.
Boy, you just canNOT feel bad for those bankers, talk about your ridiculous overvaluations.
How about if two unmarried people don’t want children, they don’t have sex? Thats all the birth control you need.
And if two married people don’t want kids?
kindred spirit Andrew Sullivan… seized upon the Bush administration’s war policies as a pretext, more than a reason, to denounce Bush.
Is he related to that other Andrew Sullivan who blogs for the Atlantic, for whom war policies like invading Iraq were the the only reason to support Bush’s administration?
And if two married people don’t want kids?
I suspect that’s next on the hit list after gay marriage – require loyalty-oath-like commitments to having a quiverful if you want to get married.
Personally, I recommend his-n-hers surgical sterilization.
I don’t read the comments here that often. Did Gary Ruppert change his name to Rugged in Montana? And does Rugged mean he wears a toupee?
“Abortion is murder and should not be legal.”
So of course you are against the death penalty as it is state sanctioned murder just as abortion and should not be legal in the United States?
Abortion would only be cool if right wingers could tell if their baby was gay or not.
You get it! Someone finally gets it! There’s no need to outlaw abortion! Men just need to quit having sex with women whom they know to be willing to consider the option of abortions!
Men! Just stop having sex with women who accept the option of abortion as a reasonable reaction to an unwanted pregnancy. If you don’t know her well enough to know her stand on an unplanned pregnancy, WTF are you doing entrusting her with your sperm!??
Smiling Mort pre-empts me with:
“But . . . but . . . Bobby Stacy Mackie is a bon vivant and a raconteur!”
To which I was going to add, “…NOW who’s a Frenchified fag?”
(Even Pammy’s endorsement blurb on McC’s site is incoherent.)