Developing, Aroo-Aroo, Etc.
Posted on November 1st, 2008 by Gavin M.
The Doctor Missus writes:
Attention Sadlies: I need volunteers to help with Cambridge-based GOTV efforts tomorrow and Sunday (not, y’know, focused on Cambridge voters, but rather our less reliably blue friends to the north). You need a laptop with wireless capability, but the upside is that you don’t have to call people or knock on doors. Anyone who can help, leave a comment, and I’ll get you the relevant details.
Above: “Y’know, uh, uh, I command you to obey.”*
* Under most circumstances, Barack Obama does not control his followers through hypnosis.
Oooh! Oooh! I’ll be there!!!
I am very sleepy…
Marita, is there anything a Canadian who lives within artillery range of the Vermont border can do?
Besides put on a plaid skirt and shake pompoms.
I’m presently enjoying some between-season leisure time.
Hmm… I’m not sure bombarding Vermont is the answer. They’re like the blue-iest of all the blue states that were ever blue.
You could ship us down some poutine to keep us going when we’re tired and hungry…
Umm… I guess my best guess would be that they could use canvassers in the far north regions of New Hampshire, but I don’t really know. My involvement with the campaign is mostly poking data into computers…
What is it that you will want done? I might not be doing anything Sunday… Does it require going anywhere far (like Somerville)?
It’s all just data entry, Mauro, interpreting the handwritings and circlings of the phonebankers and putting them in the database (which has a really simple interface). It’s a Central Square sort of thing.
Is california safe?
I find myself wondering how hypnotism works in Canada.
“You will now obey my polite requests…”
For the record, I own no cannons. I meant being on the receiving end.
That was just some kind of metaphorical device to indicate that we wonder at times about the crazy spilling over the border if the USA ever goes full-on wingnut. More than that, most of us just want our neighbor returned to sanity. The planet really needs it.
Alas, poutine doesn’t travel well.
Is california safe?
In what sense, Mikey?
I’m sure the anti-Proposition 8 people would love your help…
I find myself wondering how hypnotism works in Canada.
How do you get 100 Canadians out of a swimming pool?
Say “Everyone out of the swimming pool.”
Some back bacon and soft boiled eggs should motivate the citizenry, eh?
You didn’t say the magic word, RB.
You didn’t say the magic word, RB.
I really prefer not to think about RB and safe words at the same time.
Umm… I guess my best guess would be that they could use canvassers in the far north regions of New Hampshire,
NTodd, who hails from Vermont, has been working New Hampshire. His blog has quite a bit of info.
I really prefer not to think about RB and safe words at the same time.
My safe word is “ouch” so I remain unfulfilled.
“the upside is that you don’t have to call people or knock on doors”
Well of course not! That’s because it’s in the bag, people.
Obama’s gonna win by a country mile.
Start measuring for the drapes, ‘Chelle. It’s a sure thing. Absolutely, positively NOTHING is going to prevent Obama from assuming Teh Preznitcy.
It’s all over but the cryin’.
Just ignore Zogby’s latest.
Given that this is a thread to recruit campaign volunteers, that may be the most gratuitous straw man I’ve ever seen, goober. Congratulations.
If you stare at the hypnosis wheel for about 15 seconds and then look at Obama, his head will appear to shrink.
Far out.
Geez, goober, that was dim, even for you.
Dr. Mrs. — props to you for your efforts. No promises, but I’m going to try my damned cussed blamed blastedness to put together a California ballot conversation Saturday, so’s all can weigh in on the assorted ballot measures with smart insight and get us all moving in the right direction.
Dunno, what Masshole-istan or Oregone look like that way, but join in if the phone bank/data entry stuff isn’t all-consuming.
PS: Yes 2, No 8 … that’s how far I got so far.
OK. Thanks for the advice.
Hoosier X – what’s Indiana looking like from where you’re sitting? Is it going to come through for Barry X?
Umm… I guess my best guess would be that they could use canvassers in the far north regions of New Hampshire,
NTodd, who hails from Vermont, has been working New Hampshire. His blog has quite a bit of info.
Righteous Bubba
Oh, Jeebus, if you’re reduced to quoting NTodd you’re beyond screwed. 🙂
Sadlies: I never comment here — you folks are so funny you intimidate the crap outta me — but I thank you for making this call for volunteers.
I’m in Floriduh (the most horrifying state in the Union for a Dem voter) and we have absolutely developed a cult of worship around our out-of-state vols. This election is about individual people doing whatever they can, and we can’t get enough help.
Do whatever Doctor Missus says and have your place in the pantheon of Good Peoples permanently established.
Thank you, dog bless you, and Merry Son of Malcom Xmas.
What is Barack Obama’s position on controlling his followers through HipGnosis?
Just ignore Zogby’s latest.
How can I ignore the man who called it for John Kerry in 2004? On national television.
I can be there and I have a laptop w/ wireless an’ such. It’s Sunday, right?
I think we Democrats can totally drop our efforts to get out the vote and all that stuff. If you read the document conveniently linked to at
An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches
you will find the following information:
“The polls are misleading because some of Obama’s commands are designed to be triggered only in the voting booth on November 4th.”
So Obama’s apparent lead in the polls is trivial compared to the votes he will get when the hypnosis kicks in. He’s probably really leading by 50% everywhere, when you count the hypnotized voters block. Anybody who ever listened to him speak, in person or on TV, when they get their ballot they will be compelled to vote for him. And what was the audience for the Democratic Convention and the debates? Huge! Democrats, relax! Obama has taken care of everything!
Here’s how it works.
“Why does he pause between ”President” and “of the United States”? Because when you are in the voting booth holding the pen as he has anchored, and all these commands are coming back, when you read the actual ballot, it reads, “President”, and then on the next line below, “of the United States,” and as you read the ballot in the voting booth, you will subconsciously pause for a split second as your eyes skip because you read from one line to the next. By pausing when he gives you the command, it will more perfectly match the situation in which you must act according to that command, to make the subconscious link more effective. That is how clever and strategic and precise Obama’s hypnosis techniques are. This is how the unconscious mind works. Everything he is doing, the thumb and forefinger “holding the pencil” hand gestures, the pointing, the pauses, the hand gesture where he appears to be writing with a pen (in his democratic speech), the metaphors (anchors like “turn the page”, are all preparing you, anchoring you for recall of all his hypnotic commands recalled by you yourself holding the pen and the ballot card that day on November fourth when you are in the voting booth.”
I WAS surprised to learn this about hypnosis:
“The reason you cry from reading sad book simply by reading ink on paper is because of the mind’s interaction with that information, which is also a hypnotic process.”
So novelists are also hypnotists. And THAT is why the fundies worry about their kids reading J.K. Rowling novels about Harry Potter. And why they worry about many other things, of course.
Anyway. My particular problem with the hypnosis scenario has to do with the complete lack of voting “booths” these days. We get a computer screen or we fill out a paper ballot in a little station with a physical barrier that at least preserves the privacy of our choices. How does the hypnosis work if there’s no “pencil?” What if it’s a touch screen?
Never mind. Obama has already handled this problem. Democrats, relax and concentrate on self-fulfillment.
I don’t live in Indiana any more, but what I’m hearing from my friends who still live there – mostly people in rural areas – is very encouraging. Very few McCain signs or bumper stickers, lots of unexpected Obama voters. One of my friends has a very racist wife – she’s very progressive on almost every other issue, gay rights, evolution, universal health care, – but last week, I heard her say “Is that (Hoosier X) on the phone? Tell him I’m voting for the n***er. Even if he really is a terrorist, I think the n***er would be a better president.” She had been planning on voting Libertarian but she changed her mind because of Sarah Palin and her deep deep distrust of fundamentalist Christians.
Thank you, Sarah Palin!
So, is this something that can be done from your own home via the magic of the internet? ‘Cause if so, I’ll put in an hour or three. Otherwise, I’m afraid I’m just a BIT too far away…
Central Square, eh? I happen to live in Central Square. Where should I go and when? I can’t promise I’ll be there, but I’ll try. (:
My particular problem with the hypnosis scenario has to do with the complete lack of voting “booths” these days. We get a computer screen or we fill out a paper ballot in a little station with a physical barrier that at least preserves the privacy of our choices. How does the hypnosis work if there’s no “pencil?” What if it’s a touch screen?
Indeedle. If he really wanted to hypnomatize people in this way, he’d make repeated, increasingly frustrated finger jabs at the podium, followed by exasperated “What the fuck? I didn’t vote for that guy!” gestures.
Why does that man’s lollipop move so?
Dr Missus Marita said “Given that this is a thread to recruit campaign volunteers, that may be the most gratuitous straw man I’ve ever seen, goober. “
Straw man? It was pertinent to the point, which was “Why recruit volunteers when the election is all but over?”
It’s over, over, O-VER.
IOW, sit back, relax, eat, drink, and enjoy the fruits of your labors. There’s no was teh wingnutz can “steal” anything. All the bases are covered.
Congrats in advance.
Only sad republicans believe in hypnosis, lefties are way smarALL GLORY TO HYPNOBAMA
I can go tomorrow, computer and all. Where and when?
Dr. Missus: Good luck and good on ya. Down here in the ingloriously red border state we’re phone-banking on Mon. to undecideds in NC, a state that actually has enough collective sense to go for Obama. At least that way we’ll be doing something.
Well, I’m goin to the election protection training tomorrow morning at harvard so I can get up to NH election day. I can do something with my JD, at least.
If you need people tomorrow afternoon, email me at dansomone at yahoo dot com
man that is some of the saddest reverse-psychology I have ever seen
Email me with details! I’ll try to come by!
That was just some kind of metaphorical device to indicate that we wonder at times about the crazy spilling over the border if the USA ever goes full-on wingnut.
I’ve been in a state of shock ever since I found out Strongsville, Ohio (home of the YouTube Palin Mob video) is only a 5-hour drive from Toronto.
…It’s a lot closer than we think.
Good luck on Tuesday, my American friends and…don’t make us come down there again.
You guys are all fantastic! I think I’ve gotten details (via Gavin) to all of you who can help here, but if you haven’t received an e-mail, please leave another comment and I’ll get back to you.
Thanks to everyone, wherever in the country you’re helping out. Keep it up – only a few days left!
Hi- I’m free part of tomorrow. Let me know the info and I’ll come help if I can!
Shoot me an email if “tomorrow and Sunday” = “Monday [afternoon/evening] ,too”.