I knew it. That much sassiness had to be the product of a hidden, biracial, bireligion, bispecies love affair. He was lonely and at a metaphysical crossroads. She was out on parole. They found each other and were never the same. Nine months later, a baby was born.
The “Aroo” is from Futurama’s Nixon, right? Please say yes.
I had a friend in college who used to say “Aroo your shaggy ass.” I always thought (dunno why) that it was something from Firesign Theatre. Mr. Google indicates I was wrong, or at least that I wasn’t right.
Remember, the fundie preachers in Kenya warned us that the witches in Obama’s family are casting “lazy 8” spells on McCain/Palin and their followers to make them look confused and stupid.
Quit stealin’ my lines, Mr. Cynicism…I pointed out the Futurama/Nixon connection daaaaays (well, one) ago.
“And once I’m swept into office, I’ll sell our children’s organs to zoos
for meat, and go into people’s houses and wreck up the place!” — Nixon’s Head (not the alterno-band from the mid-80’s college music scene, the real head…from the Future!)
I wonder if John “I AM TEH WARLSUS” Bolton helped with the research for this scoop.
Oh, and if Pammy isn’t overloading your chortle circuits – just remember that she has comments turned on at her site…
Anyone who reads this can only say, God what are the democrats doing to this nation?
That’s due to the massive brain hemorraging that reading her post causes.
If Stanley Ann was in Washington, would that lend credence to a Canadian Birth, as discussed on this site. This is an old rumor but thought I you might want to see it.
Wheeee!!! I see your Malcolm X Love Child and raise you Rob’s No Bull Zone.
… the pictures, with barrack obama, jr., then malcom x, and then barrack obama, sr. on the right hand side.
goodness, the lips and mouth of malcom x and obama, and the jaw lines, almost capable of superimposition and remaining the same. obama, jr. looks nothing like obama, sr., … , but he sure as hell looks a whole lot like malcom x.
i think maybe this the monster blog post of 2008.
those pictures. what tales do they tell? what is on that birth certificate?
I totally agree. The Monster Blog Post of 2008 it is.
I’m just wondering. If Hussein X was Malcolm’s alien love child, and moms was in WA at the time of birth, doesn’t that kind of shoot down the whole “not a natural born citizen” thing?
I know you think it’s real funny to use badgers and pelicans in your little DEMONcrap satire, but both are serious problems in The Heartland and not a laughing matter. You aragula-latte sipping city-folk have probably never seen the skies blackened with massive flocks of rabid pelicans, screaming their horrible bloodthirsty call of death, as they swoop down and carry away small children and beloved pets to a horrible end. You’ve also never seen a herd of badgers, sometimes numbering in the millions, stampede through a town with such force and violence as to leave it as a wasteland of bones and splinters, all in under a minute’s time, a terrifying sight to behold. They aren’t called “the piraña of the prairie” for nothing.
I hope you’ll keep this in mind the next time you’re tempted to use your cuddly looking pictograms of these murderous beasts in your attempts at humor. I should also point out that I’ve checked with your precious black messiah’s campain and they say he has no policy initiatives regarding either pelicans OR badgers. McCain’s campain, on the other hand, sent me detailed and specific plans for the eradication of these two animal groups, partly based on the elimination of the Endangered Species List, which is communist based, and probably socialist too.
If Hussein X was Malcolm’s alien love child, and moms was in WA at the time of birth, doesn’t that kind of shoot down the whole “not a natural born citizen” thing?
In order to advance the fraud, Stanley Ann Dunham would’ve had to flown to Kenya to give birth on the presence of Barack Husein Obama, Sr. Obviously.
More Pammy. Apparently Pam has figured out the perfect pre-emptive defense to the fact that JiSM3 helped Rashid Khalidi into half a million dollars. There’s actually two people – Dr. Rashid and Mr. Khalidi, like in that R. L. Stevenson book. Anyways, it shows the depths to which wingnuts will drill for Obama Tape. Further proof that we must break our addiction to Obama Tape and start developing alternative Batshit Crazy. The Malcolm X Love Child Theory must be counted as a phenomenal step forward in breaking our dependance on Obama Tape – that is until someone suggests the existence of a Malcolm X – Ann Dunham sex tape.
I’m just wondering. If Hussein X was Malcolm’s alien love child, and moms was in WA at the time of birth, doesn’t that kind of shoot down the whole “not a natural born citizen” thing?
What really amuses me is that she can’t believe that Obama’s mom could’ve boarded a plane and traveled 2500 miles to Hawaii yet it makes perfect sense to her that his mom boarded a plane and traveled 10,000 miles to Kenya. Anything to make it fit the requirements of Pammy’s universe.
Pammycakes is very astute. While the rest of the LIEberal enemedia was talking about haircuts, clothing budgets and the economic meltdown, she was able to connect the dots in the most awesomest scandal evah!!11!
I’d like her to draw a connection between the following:
JFK’s Assassination
Joe Perry’s rise to stardom
Richard Brautigan’s Poem: “Home Again Home Again Like a Turtle To His Balcony”
If those radicals were so smart that they could pull off a 50 year plot to install B. Hussein Obama as president, I’d have to say I want them to rule my world.
“In order to advance the fraud, Stanley Ann Dunham would’ve had to flown to Kenya to give birth on the presence of Barack Husein Obama, Sr. Obviously.”
That’s Stanley “Ann” Dunham. (Apparently they think she’s faking her middle name. Hmmmmm. Wonder why. Could it be because it’s really Stanley Adara Dunham? Which could only mean . . . no.)
You’ve also never seen a herd of badgers, sometimes numbering in the millions, stampede through a town with such force and violence as to leave it as a wasteland of bones and splinters, all in under a minute’s time, a terrifying sight to behold. They aren’t called “the piraña of the prairie” for nothing.
I dunno, but I do hear there are herds of vicious wallabies in Australia knocking people over.
so let me see if i have this straight. george bush’s grandfather was a nazi sympathizer? and he funded the nazi party through his bank? and this bank…was a sperm bank? and that sperm bank…a bank that is in the panama canal Zone, which is NOT EVEN NECESSARILY ON US SOIL (breaking: it is, according to the New York Times, which means of course it isn’t and if you listen to this audio clip HERE you will hear the opposite of what i am saying you are linking to because that is how anyone who doesn’t click through would hear what i found on this link at freerepublic), is found in the same place where, in 1936, john mccain’s mother was living? since his father was a rear-admiral in the navy, he couldn’t himself have been in panama, a fact i base on THIS and also this (and see HERE and also THERE and perhaps EVERYWHERE), a country that isn’t even the PANAMA CANAL ZONE where his mother was, a country that based on my research and that of my readers, including bob fuckwit PHD LLD QEFUCKINGD whose expertise happens to be in newfoundlanders, a perfect person to explain the canal zone KERNING (see OVER THERE and THIS THING and WOW LOOK AT THOSE TITS) has proven to the satisfaction of both me AND myself (ed’s note: and I) had no men at all…
well, it seems clear from THIS PHOTOGRAPH OF AN ELEPHANT and also THIS GRAINY IMAGE OF MONGOOSE SHITTING A BRICK that mccain’s mom was at the sperm bank on that fateful day in 1936, a day that happens to be 9 MONTHS TO THE DAY before John sidney mccain was born, it seems clear (as i just said and am again saying) that mccain’s mom went to the sperm bank, took a turkey baster and grabbed two thimblefuls of 50% Hitler and 50% Prescott Bush sperm and shoved it in HERE (see also: THAT, and here TWAT) and conceived the very man now running for president.
Stanley’s a man, baybee!!. Agent Powers is onto Barack Stanley Evil X Obama and when he exposes this bombshell on election eve, you LIEbralTards will be crying in your mojo!
If those radicals were so smart that they could pull off a 50 year plot to install B. Hussein Obama as president, I’d have to say I want them to rule my world.
You know, this is a good point.
On the one hand, we had a clown car of a party taht gave us an administration that couldn’t even take a warning a month ahead of the game, lost two terror suspects even tho they were in the fucking PHONE BOOK, and let the World Trade Center be brought down by a pair of fucking commercial jets, and on the other, we have a party filled with such wisdom and careful planning that they genetically engineered the first black Muslim stealth candidate 50 years out…
Actually, John McCain’s birth was a result of anal sex (they didn’t call his father a “rear admiral” for nothing), meaning that he can’t be a naturalized American citizen. This fact is being surpressed by the LA Times and the Pennysaver, as part of a plot to turn our country into “New Kenya”, a plan hatched by witch-hunter, Pastor Muthee.
Actually if you carefully check the kerning on the original Constitution it reads:
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States; nor any individual named B. Hussein shall be eligible to the Office of President, with the exception of B. Hussein Quincy Adams, who’s okay for a Muslim.
I’m concerned about the supply of badgers, pelicans and flaming skulls. Will there be enough for the coming 4 years? Because srsly, this shit is just getting started. Wait until Obama Hussein X is sworn in holding the Qur’an.
The fear exuded by far-right wingnuts is a balm to my soul. It doesn’t matter that none of their fears are founded. The fact that they live in terror of an Obama presidency makes me happy.
I followed that link, by the way, which is another thing for which you will not be forgiven. Is it just me, or is Atlas Juggs reaching Time Cube levels of crazy? Change the fonts around, and you don’t have far to go.
Does this mean that I finally get my wish for the Secret Service to be kitted out like the Black Panthers ?
I want Barry X’s Secret Service guys to dress like Nation of Islam dudes. You know, they should all be about 6′ 5 with the bow ties and nerd glasses and grim frowns and all. At least for the inaugural festivities. Then all the Rethugs would flee DC in fear. O happy happy day!
I see Orange Tom and I have the same taste in B. Hussein X Secret Service attire. I also see now that he posted his before I did. I will now read the entire thread in its entire entirety.
I hear there’s a videotape out there that as soon as you’re through playing it, your phone rings and it’s the ghost of Malcolm X. And, then, a week later, you turn into Barack Obama.
I suspect the good Wizbang also has no problem believing that he can alchemically produce Krugerrands from his belly button lint. I doubt that belief has bought him a house as yet.
Tim: You’re right. The berets are hot. The machine-gun-slung-over-the-shoulder and big o’ ‘fros and dark glasses also give me a delicious frisson of nostalgia. The most important question, though, is: Which would be more likely to detonate any remaining unexploded wingnut heads? Eyes on the prize and all.
All that proves is that Obama looks inarguably like his grandfather, who, obviously, must have also been his father, who was also Malcolm X.
Malcolm X famously wore glasses and when he whipped them off, like Clark Kent into Superman, he became Obama’s grandfather, who was also his father (Obama’s father, that is, not Malcolm X’s father, though he could also have been Malcolm X’s father, who was also Malcolm X).
So that picture in no way contradicts my extremely well thought-out exposure of Obama’s secret parentage. Anyone else want to challenge me?
MzNicky I think I’ve found a solution; The cabinet (the entire cabinet) does the Nation of Islam thing and the Secret Service does the Panther thing. White or black, male or female, it’s a damn dress code people !
Also OT… the Great Gazoogle informs me that so far, no-one has accused Sarah Palin of “measuring the crepe for the funeral”. So I want to go on record now and claim priority.
My mental image of the decor csmhez Pam “Connect-the-Dots” Atlas looks like this.
Hey! Just discovered a bunch o’ them dot-like critters on the stems of my kalanchoe. Squished ’em wif mah fingers. Tey wuz ickeh. An’ whuteves I abzorbed tru mah skin’s made mah typin’ go funneh.
It’s easy to ridicule now, but Ms. Atlas’s page is a preview of what the nuttosphere is going to look like for the next four to eight years.
And they’ve got plenty of followers, fed by this junkfood journalism, who are already getting hateful, stupid and violent enough to act on their conspiracy theories.
As a nation, the US has to take active steps to avoid becoming like the third world, where public opinion is driven by rancorous idiocy JUST LIKE THIS, inconvenient things like facts and evidence be damned.
This crap is the product of three generations of piss-poor public education and the vilification of literacy and logic. And if I were a hatestupid conspiracy theorist, I’d conclude it was intentional.
Now excuse me while I go seek shelter among my intellectual elite friends, drink elite microbrews, and play some WiiL33t gamez, and pretend for at least a few hours that half of the country doesn’t exist.
The cabinet (the entire cabinet) does the Nation of Islam thing and the Secret Service does the Panther thing.
Obama’s proposed cabinet:
Secretary of State: Bernadine Dohrn (Weather Underground)
Secretary of the Treasury: Alberto Franceschini (Red Brigade)
Secretary of Defense: William Ayers (Weather Underground)
Attorney General: Fusako Shigenobu (Japanese Red Army)
Secretary of the Interior: Carlos the Jackal (PFLP)
Secretary of Agriculture: Bertrand Sassoye (Communist Combatant Cells)
Secretary of Commerce: Cristoforo Piancone (Red Brigade)
Secretary of Labor: Mick Jones (The Clash)
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Félix Guattari (French Philosopher)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Affairs: Suge Knight (Death Row Records)
Secretary of Transportation: Abimael Guzmán (Shining Path)
Secretary of Energy Todd Palin (AIP)
Secretary of Education: Oprah (Televison Personality)
As you can see, most of these are fairly diminutive individuals that do not meet the physical requirements for a Nation of Islam bodyguard. Suge Knight would be suitable as would Oprah when she falls off of the diet wagon. Todd Palin would have to bulk up a bit but Bertrand Sassoye is just over 5′ tall, hardly an imposing figure.
MzNicky I think I’ve found a solution; The cabinet (the entire cabinet) does the Nation of Islam thing and the Secret Service does the Panther thing. White or black, male or female, it’s a damn dress code people !
Rugged in Montana, there are two vacancies on your list: Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security. Ted Kaczynski for the former opening and Eric Rudolph for the latter are both available and, after Obama is sworn in using his Qu’ran, can travel to D.C. together from Colorado.
Personally, I’d be all for Mr. Rudolph’s inclusion in the cabinet as he is a conservative elder statesman that could give some semblance of balance to the other choices and show bipartisanship. David Duke would be another excellent choice.
The ridiculous right wing panic over a potential Obama presidency reminds me of some of the over the top Y2K pants-pissing we heard 10 years ago. If Obama becomes president, ATMs will quit functioning and planes will fall out of the sky! All because our stupid forefathers didn’t program the Constitution correctly, leaving in the “black president” bug!
Why did pammie leave out the part about Barack being a conscious agent of the international communist conspiracy?
Those of us on the Right consider that point a “given” that everybody, including you DEMONcraps, should understand. I mean, come on, the guy’s Sec of Commerce is gonna be Cristoforo Piancone! I don’t even know if that constitutionally legal!
Ann Dunham, in an effort to legitimize her mixed race baby, would have sought out one of the only black men on the island to convince him to use his name. And so Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was likely pressed into service as father and husband in name only. Barack Sr. had no moral objections because to gain recognition in the Kenyan community, one needed to be polygamous.
The Homeland Security top post would go to the winner of a battle royale between Abimael Guzmán, Carlos the Jackal, and Suge Knight. Winner gets two cabinet positions.
MzNicky I think I’ve found a solution; The cabinet (the entire cabinet) does the Nation of Islam thing and the Secret Service does the Panther thing. White or black, male or female, it’s a damn dress code people !
And if nobody’s pointed it out yet: the SECRET MULATTO SHAME narrative aside, by all evidence Malcolm X regarded interracial sex as treasonous and seemed to personally find white people vaguely aesthetically disgusting.
The idea of him fathering a child by a white woman is beyond absurd. The time-scale involved is partiucularly daunting: at the time of his ostensible conception, (a) Malcolm X was a major civil-rights figure but a minor political figure, making his real need to cover up a miscegenated baby pretty minor, and (b) as of December 1960 when Barack would have been conceived, he was on a diplomatic junket during which he was literally half a planet away from Mrs. Obama.
Pardon, stupid novice mistake: Durham never took Obama’s name and they married in Feb 2 1961, at which point she would have been at least two months pregnant. I don’t think anyone has made any serious effort to dispute this.
Obama will be in downtown Des Moines tomorrow. I’d love to go but with all that’s going on I doubt I’ll make it.
Candy: Please tell me what you’ve got going on that could possibly be more IMPORTANT than attending a moment in history. Slough it off girl and GO. A good friend of mine got to attend an Obama rally in Raleigh, NC a couple of weeks ago and sent me a gloating e-mail via her cell phone about it (that bitch!!). I feel so good about what’s getting ready to happen, albeit with the dread and trepidation any Boomer with an ounce of sense would feel at this moment in time, that I’d give, well, something of great value to be able to be in the same vicinity as Barry X. right now. Go for it, is all I can say.
Obama will be in downtown Des Moines tomorrow. I’d love to go but with all that’s going on I doubt I’ll make it.
Candy: Please tell me what you’ve got going on that could possibly be more IMPORTANT than attending a moment in history. Slough it off girl and GO. A good friend of mine got to attend an Obama rally in Raleigh, NC a couple of weeks ago and sent me a gloating e-mail via her cell phone about it (that bitch!!). I feel so good about what’s getting ready to happen, albeit with the dread and trepidation any Boomer with an ounce of sense would feel at this moment in time, that I’d give, well, something of great value to be able to be in the same vicinity as Barry X. right now. Go for it, is all I can say.
I got really lucky – got to see him speak to a fairly small crowd in a relatively intimate venue (remember, this is relative: it would be respectable for McCain even now) during the pre-primary season. He came across as honest, he laid out the national service plan and dealt with an audience of college students specifically about the issues facing them without flinching from more serious or dull topics, joked around and represented the South Side and generally had a great time. Sam (fiancee) got to ask him a question about compromising his moral principles on civil rights to fit the demands of the campaign, and he gave an honest and forthright answer: specified what those principles were (unions yes, marriage no) and refused to. One of his people thought it was some kind of gotcha, but my Sam isn’t a skinhead plant and was personally satisfied with the answer even if they disagreed.
He displayed a lot of personal integrity and human warmth. I think he’s overrated as a speaker – he’s not as light on his feet as a lot of other people in the campaign, Clinton and Biden included – but he’s a basically good man, and we got one of the last opportunities for the general public to see him up close and personal. It’s the sort of thing you tell your grandkids about.
Of course, never mind that I’ve half-planned changing the names around so the kid we plan on having winds up stuck with Lyndon Hussein Clinton – the strategy there being to give trolls an instant coronary – but hey, that’s how history is.
I don’t hate furries… It’s just… just…. I just don’t understand…
If you’re raised by a culture that obsessively fetishizes innocence and pushes sex, chances are pretty good you’re gonna come out of it fucking babies or animals – at best symbolically, at worst literally.
While there’s something lo-fi to good old-fashioned creepy-old-lech sexuality, on the balance if I had to deal with someone who fetishized one Disney character I’d be more basically inclined to accept Gadget than Hannah Montana.
Hmmm. Malcom X had six daughters by his wife. That’s quite a run. And since, biologically. the male determines the sex of the child, that means Barack Obama is actually a woman.
Those sneaky radical conspiracists. I suppose they are waiting to spring this on us after the inauguration.
You know, if you extract just seven little words from that interminable synapsplosion, you have the perfect summary of everything Crazy Pammy has ever written:
The leaders of a containment facility for the mentally marginalized, that is populated by those universally known as ‘stupid Europeans’,[2] now waddle mindlessly into an economic swamp. This study in politics resembles something like the British horror freak show like 28 Weeks Later,[3] a preview of where England is steering. This flick trumpets a future place where some mind-destroying disease [in this case the Rage virus ] has infected the elected officials [MPs] and they exchange blows in the pubs over the privilege to be the very first to have their brains eaten by vampires to the tune of Yellow Submarine as they roll ‘in the mud blood and beer.’[4] These mindless jerk-offs–er—ah– Members of Parliament–are now groveling for respect in the London tubes and pleading for more Sharia Law for spiritual guidance while bonding in a festive quest for a proper but sound thrashing from the Islamo-Fascists who now make policy in England. They now retire to the Isle of Dogs [5], the place where, along with the zombies from the EcoNazism[6] movement, they celebrate economic suicide. [There is some (optional) background on this virus below.]
if I had to deal with someone who fetishized one Disney character I’d be more basically inclined to accept Gadget than Hannah Montana.
Imagine how this hurts my feelings.
I think the wingnuts have it all wrong. They’re starting in the wrong place. Due to insufficient kerning capacities, they can’t determine if Obama was born in:
a) Hawaii (as one commenter at Pammy’s pad says “He can’t prove he was born there” even if they don’t know where …)
b) Kenya (well, he is black …)
c) Washington (peshaw)
d) Canada (uh, because, yeah … if he was born in WA, then he could ostensibly be a legit prez and since we already know he couldn’t be legit .. because uh … yeah)
There is clearly an insular circularity to their reasoning. But I humbly submit the notion that this circularity is not because the evidence clearly demonstrates Obama was born in Hawaii to Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. No sir, their mistake is not merely empirical.
They are not fully grasping the totality of the Obama conspiracy. It is far more extensive than even Pam’s schizoid mind can imagine.
Why else can’t we prove where he was born? The fucking obvious answer is that he wasn’t. The full consequences of this are not immediately clear. My early speculations (it would be irresponsible not to …):
1) It could be that BHO doesn’t even exist. This is the ontological theory.
2) He could be a result of Muslimtastic parthenogenesis and is a biological copy of Malcolm X. This is the cloning theory.
3) He could be a reincarnation of Mohammed sent to destroy Christians and establish a global caliphate. This is the anti-Christ incarnate theory.
4) He could be a chimeric blending of Malcolm X and Bill Ayers. This is the symbiogenesis theory.
People, this is only the beginning. The possibilities are infinite due to the undertermination of theory by evidence.
I hear there’s a videotape out there that as soon as you’re through playing it, your phone rings and it’s the ghost of Malcolm X. And, then, a week later, you turn into Barack Obama.
Can we build a successful national campaign around a cursed videotape?
Those do not look to me like authentic heartland gnomes. Something about their clothes and their mien speaks of an effete, elitist, urbanised life-style. In short, they are metro-gnomes.
Rugged in Montana, there are two vacancies on your list: Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security.
My sources tell me that the Obama staff people are in intensive negotiations with Richard Reid for the Homeland Security position but that he’s being difficult and holding out for nutty things like “a shoe allowance” (WTF??).
The Veterans Affairs position will likely go to John Murtha.
Gadget was a character on the Disney TV show about Chip ‘n’ Dale. I’d Google for images, but I’m afraid of what I might find in a world where Rule 34 exists.
Clearly, Pammy is in a manic phase right now. And, you know it’s too bad this is all the product of Pammy’s alcohol corroded, deluded mind. Because if Malcolm X really was Obama’s father – that would rock!
I think the McCain campaign has Pammy warming up in the bullpen…..she’s fleshing out this story for the weekend rollout. Pammy’s story will be the closer for the Straight Talker and this bombshell will push them over the edge.
Or maybe we’re witnessing the 1st nervous breakdown in real blogging time.
Come to think of it, if Obama wins, I’m investing in a straight jacket company. Could be a real growth market opportunity in the making…..
“Mercer Island High School was a hotbed of radical indoctrination with ties to the Communist Party”
…and I stopped reading there. As a native Seatellite, I can tell you that Mercer Island is the richest, whitest, starchiest neighborhood in Seattle. I can’t even imagine what it was like in the 1950s.
When Hussein X takes power. I think Pam Geller will have to go off to a serious re-education camp. After a suitable period of adjustment there will be an opening for her in the Office of Information. There she can produce movies such as “I was a right wing crazy person” and “When your brain runs screaming”.
I think that she might get a new entry in the Gnomenclature.
Is it me or is Pam Atlas a neocon version/vision of Mae Brussell? All wackydoodle and bringin’ the crazy!
I hope Barry makes George Habash Sec. of Interior. That should just about make the nut.
johnny walker blue, on me.
Consumed with gratitude.
Is it true that Pammy was ejected from the Bene Gesserit on account of spice abuse, which is why she is now spilling the beans about the Kwisatz Haderach breeding program, out of bitterness?
All respect to Klaus Nomi, but it is indisputable fact that Showgirls is indeed the better movie ever made. All serious film critics who have reviewed the film have reached this conclusion.
Pam is clearly a Liebrul troll who is trying to distract us from the TRUTH. Why else would she fail to include the most damning evidence – Teh BUttocks!
Of course there is no coincidence that one of the main towns in Alaska is called…NOME!!!!
You don’t fool us, Mrs Palin-gnome. (Secret love child of The Pope and Debby Reynolds)
( Not that there’s anything wrong with that)
Wait. Let me get this straight. Obama’s mum pretended he was born in Hawaii to falsely cast doubt on his American citizenship just in case he ever ran for president but GET THIS, he was really born in Seattle, so our whole thing about he’s not really a citizen is totally bullshit?
Carpool Tunnel Syndrome! That’s wonderful! Can you get it by proxy, like Munchausen’s? Cause I only get syndromes by proxy, it’s safer that way. Always interpose a firewall between you and a syndrome.
Gnomosexual! I love this place. All those gnomes at the North Pool, getting Carpool tunnel syndrome working for Santy. Have a piece fruit?
I just want to point out that the side-by-side comparison of Mr. Obama and Mr. X relies on horizontal flipping of one of the pictures:
Same pose, sort of, same microphone placement, both wearing a tie! OMG! That’s the real Malcolm X, actually — except for one thing: he’s been flipped horizontally to make him look more like the picture of a young Obama. You can tell because the writing behind him and to your left is reversed. It should say “A Revolutionary Voice” and under that “Beatrice Gormley”. It’s from a book cover.
What this means, basically, is that THE KERNING IS WRONG, and Pam Geller must RESIGN IN DISGRACE FOREVER.
[…] This post is by D. Aristophanes, and originally appeared at Sadly, No! It is with some pride that we have observed the recent rise of Pamela Geller to respectable, mainstream status— after all, Sadly, No! has been covering the erstwhile Pam Atlas since at least early 2006 (and our commenters were clued in to her even earlier). Why, it seems like just yesterday that Pam was palling around with Neo-Nazis at seedy gatherings on the ass-end of the European political fringe1, fighting an eliminationist civil war over the dwindling crumbs of post-Katrina stupid, and revealing to a skeptical world that Barack Obama just may be — just might be — Malcolm X’s love child. […]
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Aw! He has his father’s…. skin?
It ALL makes sense now!
Hey! Where’s the link?
The “Aroo” is from Futurama’s Nixon, right? Please say yes.
You need a link? Isn’t it just obvious? I mean, they’re both black.
OOohh, I get it.
That does it!!!
Maw, go get the shotgun! Where’s my white top hat and tails?
I knew it. That much sassiness had to be the product of a hidden, biracial, bireligion, bispecies love affair. He was lonely and at a metaphysical crossroads. She was out on parole. They found each other and were never the same. Nine months later, a baby was born.
Are the badgers and the pelican to scare away Rugged?
Or to attract Gary?
I think we’ll discover his REAL real father was…. THE TINGLER!
What about us, Gary? Mickey hasn’t been to busy to visit and we’re lonely.
(Must also credit Ezra Klein, of course.)
Has been, sorry. Got distracted by the thought of goat-on-Mickey there.
So who is his secret twin sister?
Pammy Pammy Pammy Pammy Pammy Pammy Pammy Pammy Pammy Pammy Pammy Pammy wingnut wiiiingnut
Hoooosein, hooosein, oh, hooooseiiiin…
The “Aroo” is from Futurama’s Nixon, right? Please say yes.
I had a friend in college who used to say “Aroo your shaggy ass.” I always thought (dunno why) that it was something from Firesign Theatre. Mr. Google indicates I was wrong, or at least that I wasn’t right.
True story. Dull, but true.
Hey! Where’s the link?
It says ***<red>DEVELOPING</red>*** right there, under the fucking pelican.
Remember, the fundie preachers in Kenya warned us that the witches in Obama’s family are casting “lazy 8” spells on McCain/Palin and their followers to make them look confused and stupid.
It seems to be working beyond even the witches’ wildest dreams.
Go witches!!!
Barack Obama Malcolm X’s secret love child?
Nope sorry Pam, even that doesn’t disqualify him for the job.
The flaming skull makes my day !
So Pam Geller is genuinely, clinically, insane. That is a shock.
by any means necessary
[Added link…]
As I noted in the previous thread, Pammy’s got the wrong scary black radical. Obama’s dad is really Louis Farrakhan.
We’re all Malcolm X’s children now.
What!? We have no access to colors here in the threads?
Cancel my subscription.
Quit stealin’ my lines, Mr. Cynicism…I pointed out the Futurama/Nixon connection daaaaays (well, one) ago.
“And once I’m swept into office, I’ll sell our children’s organs to zoos
for meat, and go into people’s houses and wreck up the place!” — Nixon’s Head (not the alterno-band from the mid-80’s college music scene, the real head…from the Future!)
No reason this needs to be either/or.
P.S. “I don’t got to show you any stinking badgers!”
I wonder if John “I AM TEH WARLSUS” Bolton helped with the research for this scoop.
Oh, and if Pammy isn’t overloading your chortle circuits – just remember that she has comments turned on at her site…
That’s due to the massive brain hemorraging that reading her post causes.
Wheeee!!! I see your Malcolm X Love Child and raise you Rob’s No Bull Zone.
I totally agree. The Monster Blog Post of 2008 it is.
Pam needs a padded room.
Apparently AOL doesn’t do spek chell.
Malcolm X? Is Malcolm X secretly Bat Boy?
How about a sammich? Come on, you know you want to.
I’m just wondering. If Hussein X was Malcolm’s alien love child, and moms was in WA at the time of birth, doesn’t that kind of shoot down the whole “not a natural born citizen” thing?
Just sayin’.
I know you think it’s real funny to use badgers and pelicans in your little DEMONcrap satire, but both are serious problems in The Heartland and not a laughing matter. You aragula-latte sipping city-folk have probably never seen the skies blackened with massive flocks of rabid pelicans, screaming their horrible bloodthirsty call of death, as they swoop down and carry away small children and beloved pets to a horrible end. You’ve also never seen a herd of badgers, sometimes numbering in the millions, stampede through a town with such force and violence as to leave it as a wasteland of bones and splinters, all in under a minute’s time, a terrifying sight to behold. They aren’t called “the piraña of the prairie” for nothing.
I hope you’ll keep this in mind the next time you’re tempted to use your cuddly looking pictograms of these murderous beasts in your attempts at humor. I should also point out that I’ve checked with your precious black messiah’s campain and they say he has no policy initiatives regarding either pelicans OR badgers. McCain’s campain, on the other hand, sent me detailed and specific plans for the eradication of these two animal groups, partly based on the elimination of the Endangered Species List, which is communist based, and probably socialist too.
If Hussein X was Malcolm’s alien love child, and moms was in WA at the time of birth, doesn’t that kind of shoot down the whole “not a natural born citizen” thing?
In order to advance the fraud, Stanley Ann Dunham would’ve had to flown to Kenya to give birth on the presence of Barack Husein Obama, Sr. Obviously.
Oh my.
So the Muslim witch following a mad Christian is a terrorist? Well, no real surprise there: that’s one mixed-up kid.
More Pammy. Apparently Pam has figured out the perfect pre-emptive defense to the fact that JiSM3 helped Rashid Khalidi into half a million dollars. There’s actually two people – Dr. Rashid and Mr. Khalidi, like in that R. L. Stevenson book. Anyways, it shows the depths to which wingnuts will drill for Obama Tape. Further proof that we must break our addiction to Obama Tape and start developing alternative Batshit Crazy. The Malcolm X Love Child Theory must be counted as a phenomenal step forward in breaking our dependance on Obama Tape – that is until someone suggests the existence of a Malcolm X – Ann Dunham sex tape.
I’m just wondering. If Hussein X was Malcolm’s alien love child, and moms was in WA at the time of birth, doesn’t that kind of shoot down the whole “not a natural born citizen” thing?
What really amuses me is that she can’t believe that Obama’s mom could’ve boarded a plane and traveled 2500 miles to Hawaii yet it makes perfect sense to her that his mom boarded a plane and traveled 10,000 miles to Kenya. Anything to make it fit the requirements of Pammy’s universe.
Pammycakes is very astute. While the rest of the LIEberal enemedia was talking about haircuts, clothing budgets and the economic meltdown, she was able to connect the dots in the most awesomest scandal evah!!11!
I’d like her to draw a connection between the following:
JFK’s Assassination
Joe Perry’s rise to stardom
Richard Brautigan’s Poem: “Home Again Home Again Like a Turtle To His Balcony”
and go!
If those radicals were so smart that they could pull off a 50 year plot to install B. Hussein Obama as president, I’d have to say I want them to rule my world.
We’re all Nation of Islam now?
I can haz bow tie?
Bonus Nixon’s Head in Futurama: “I remember my body… flabby… pasty… rrrrriddled with phlebitis… a good Republican body!”
“In order to advance the fraud, Stanley Ann Dunham would’ve had to flown to Kenya to give birth on the presence of Barack Husein Obama, Sr. Obviously.”
That’s Stanley “Ann” Dunham. (Apparently they think she’s faking her middle name. Hmmmmm. Wonder why. Could it be because it’s really Stanley Adara Dunham? Which could only mean . . . no.)
You’ve also never seen a herd of badgers, sometimes numbering in the millions, stampede through a town with such force and violence as to leave it as a wasteland of bones and splinters, all in under a minute’s time, a terrifying sight to behold. They aren’t called “the piraña of the prairie” for nothing.
I dunno, but I do hear there are herds of vicious wallabies in Australia knocking people over.
He’s no fun, he fell right over.
He’s no fun, he fell right over.
You said that on the other side of the record, I think.
so let me see if i have this straight. george bush’s grandfather was a nazi sympathizer? and he funded the nazi party through his bank? and this bank…was a sperm bank? and that sperm bank…a bank that is in the panama canal Zone, which is NOT EVEN NECESSARILY ON US SOIL (breaking: it is, according to the New York Times, which means of course it isn’t and if you listen to this audio clip HERE you will hear the opposite of what i am saying you are linking to because that is how anyone who doesn’t click through would hear what i found on this link at freerepublic), is found in the same place where, in 1936, john mccain’s mother was living? since his father was a rear-admiral in the navy, he couldn’t himself have been in panama, a fact i base on THIS and also this (and see HERE and also THERE and perhaps EVERYWHERE), a country that isn’t even the PANAMA CANAL ZONE where his mother was, a country that based on my research and that of my readers, including bob fuckwit PHD LLD QEFUCKINGD whose expertise happens to be in newfoundlanders, a perfect person to explain the canal zone KERNING (see OVER THERE and THIS THING and WOW LOOK AT THOSE TITS) has proven to the satisfaction of both me AND myself (ed’s note: and I) had no men at all…
well, it seems clear from THIS PHOTOGRAPH OF AN ELEPHANT and also THIS GRAINY IMAGE OF MONGOOSE SHITTING A BRICK that mccain’s mom was at the sperm bank on that fateful day in 1936, a day that happens to be 9 MONTHS TO THE DAY before John sidney mccain was born, it seems clear (as i just said and am again saying) that mccain’s mom went to the sperm bank, took a turkey baster and grabbed two thimblefuls of 50% Hitler and 50% Prescott Bush sperm and shoved it in HERE (see also: THAT, and here TWAT) and conceived the very man now running for president.
But the Wikipedia dates don’t match, Motherfuckers!!!!!!
Fuck African Press International. Pammy has the dirt!!!
Stanley’s a man, baybee!!. Agent Powers is onto Barack Stanley Evil X Obama and when he exposes this bombshell on election eve, you LIEbralTards will be crying in your mojo!
Most Hilarious Pam ever…
Drunk on radical ideology…”
Pam + Plausibility = Never fucking met each other.
.mu to tha .nu to tha mothafokkin .ru — game OVER.
doing my happy dance now…
If those radicals were so smart that they could pull off a 50 year plot to install B. Hussein Obama as president, I’d have to say I want them to rule my world.
You know, this is a good point.
On the one hand, we had a clown car of a party taht gave us an administration that couldn’t even take a warning a month ahead of the game, lost two terror suspects even tho they were in the fucking PHONE BOOK, and let the World Trade Center be brought down by a pair of fucking commercial jets, and on the other, we have a party filled with such wisdom and careful planning that they genetically engineered the first black Muslim stealth candidate 50 years out…
I for one welcome our new Mooslin overlords…
Incredibly, I find myself waiting for Michell Malkin to step in and calm these loonies down. Michelle Malkin!?!
I feel like the whole world has been transformed into an M.C. Escher print.
I thought you made that up! You might as well retire because truth is funnier than fiction.
Actually, John McCain’s birth was a result of anal sex (they didn’t call his father a “rear admiral” for nothing), meaning that he can’t be a naturalized American citizen. This fact is being surpressed by the LA Times and the Pennysaver, as part of a plot to turn our country into “New Kenya”, a plan hatched by witch-hunter, Pastor Muthee.
Pam + Plausibility = Never fucking met each other.
That’s not true. She got drunk with plausibility one night, got pregnant, and so he packed a suitcase and got as far away from her as possible.
Actually if you carefully check the kerning on the original Constitution it reads:
You said that on the other side of the record, I think.
I’m sorry, what?
I was busy pulling my cues out of the cellophane before they scorched.
Does this mean that I finally get my wish for the Secret Service to be kitted out like the Black Panthers ?
’cause I still want that !
Oh Pammie Pammie, please have my baby and I promise you he will grow up to be the Preznit also.
Does this mean that I finally get my wish for the Secret Service to be kitted out like the Black Panthers ?
Can I use this as an excuse to repost this?
Because I’m a horrible person, that’s why.
I’m concerned about the supply of badgers, pelicans and flaming skulls. Will there be enough for the coming 4 years? Because srsly, this shit is just getting started. Wait until Obama Hussein X is sworn in holding the Qur’an.
I was busy pulling my cues out of the cellophane before they scorched.
Put your finger on the script like this.
Truth be told, if I were him, I’d be sorely tempted to do that just to watch the heads explode. Probably good that I’m not him.
Ya gotta admit it would be funny. The reaction would make this Pammypost look like something off of cuteoverload.
What, no dancing hamsters?
Time to go dry the mukluks by the fire.
rugged in montana, that was just fucking brilliant.
My mental image of the decor csmhez Pam “Connect-the-Dots” Atlas looks like this.
MORE SUGAR!!! *crash*
How can Barack Obama be Malcolm X’s child, when we all know that he is the child of Satan?
Does this mean that I finally get my wish for the Secret Service to be kitted out like the Black Panthers ?
Nope. They’re gonna go all Nation of Islam on us, with Obama giving speeches flanked by huge, nattily dressed guys wearing funny hats.
That will be SO AWESOME!
My money is on Darth Vader as the baby-daddy. Either him or that guy from “Blackula”.
This has gotta be the funniest comments section I have ever seen.
The man who played Malcolm X in Spike Lee’s film is named Denzel Washington.
Obama is a Senator, and the Senate is in Washington.
Pam rests her case.
The fear exuded by far-right wingnuts is a balm to my soul. It doesn’t matter that none of their fears are founded. The fact that they live in terror of an Obama presidency makes me happy.
I followed that link, by the way, which is another thing for which you will not be forgiven. Is it just me, or is Atlas Juggs reaching Time Cube levels of crazy? Change the fonts around, and you don’t have far to go.
Quick, Flotsam! The needle!
Does this mean that I finally get my wish for the Secret Service to be kitted out like the Black Panthers ?
I want Barry X’s Secret Service guys to dress like Nation of Islam dudes. You know, they should all be about 6′ 5 with the bow ties and nerd glasses and grim frowns and all. At least for the inaugural festivities. Then all the Rethugs would flee DC in fear. O happy happy day!
I’m voting for Barack Obama, because he’s Not Insane.
Does this mean that Pammycakes has officially, to borrow a phrase, facejacked the shitmoat*?
*fts is hte new jumped the shark.
I see Orange Tom and I have the same taste in B. Hussein X Secret Service attire. I also see now that he posted his before I did. I will now read the entire thread in its entire entirety.
I’m voting for Barack Obama, because he’s Not Insane.
That’s nice dear. Now finish your clam cakes before they get damp, ’cause your mother needs to leave for her bridge club.
This land has lots of mountains
This land has lots of mud
This land has lots of everything
For me and Elmer Fudd
This land has lots of houses
This land has lots of mouses
And pussycats to eat them
When the sun goes down!
That’s shoes for industry for you, Charlie.
Wizbang has a theory now that Obama supporters are being paid:
“I have no problem believing that they’re pay people to make him look inevitable.”
I hear there’s a videotape out there that as soon as you’re through playing it, your phone rings and it’s the ghost of Malcolm X. And, then, a week later, you turn into Barack Obama.
I can see why she doesn’t have a comments section. Can you imagine the carnage?
I suspect the good Wizbang also has no problem believing that he can alchemically produce Krugerrands from his belly button lint. I doubt that belief has bought him a house as yet.
Oh God, oh God, oh God. You CANNOT make this shit up.
Keep scrolling.
Meanwhile, here’s yer REALLY uncanny resemblance.
Meanwhile, here’s yer REALLY uncanny resemblance.
No offense, but I prefer Thers’ apoplectic troll to the pelicans and badgers. It’s sort of a metaphor for the entire right wing.
The pants-dropping guy is good, though.
I can honestly say that the mental meltdowns on the Right caused by Barry’s impending victory have made my life just that much richer.
Is this what they mean by “spreading the wealth around”?
I could go Nation of Islam attire w/ you guys but think about those berets one more time.
Andre: Yes. Yes it is. My cup just about runneth over.
Meanwhile, here’s yer REALLY uncanny resemblance.
OT, but revivalist christians literally worshipping a golden calf in the hope of improving the world economy.
Wonkette is silent as to whether, if their prayers fail, they will try sacrificing to Mammon.
Tim: You’re right. The berets are hot. The machine-gun-slung-over-the-shoulder and big o’ ‘fros and dark glasses also give me a delicious frisson of nostalgia. The most important question, though, is: Which would be more likely to detonate any remaining unexploded wingnut heads? Eyes on the prize and all.
Meanwhile, here’s yer REALLY uncanny resemblance.
All that proves is that Obama looks inarguably like his grandfather, who, obviously, must have also been his father, who was also Malcolm X.
Malcolm X famously wore glasses and when he whipped them off, like Clark Kent into Superman, he became Obama’s grandfather, who was also his father (Obama’s father, that is, not Malcolm X’s father, though he could also have been Malcolm X’s father, who was also Malcolm X).
So that picture in no way contradicts my extremely well thought-out exposure of Obama’s secret parentage. Anyone else want to challenge me?
MzNicky I think I’ve found a solution; The cabinet (the entire cabinet) does the Nation of Islam thing and the Secret Service does the Panther thing. White or black, male or female, it’s a damn dress code people !
Also OT… the Great Gazoogle informs me that so far, no-one has accused Sarah Palin of “measuring the crepe for the funeral”. So I want to go on record now and claim priority.
Think Progress has story on Lindsey Graham joking about torture at a rally today.
Boy, what a class act. I’m so proud of South Carolina right now.
Shoes for industry!
Shoes for industry!
You wouldn’t happen to know where a returning deceased war veteran could get that free mule they promised us, would you?
“measuring the crepe for the funeral”.
apricot or lemon crepes?
Obama now has a 14 pt. lead over McCain here in Iowa.
88% Dems & 12% of Republicans voting Obama.
Only 5% of Dems voting for McCain.
Um . . . bwahahaha
Obama will be in downtown Des Moines tomorrow. I’d love to go but with all that’s going on I doubt I’ll make it.
My mental image of the decor csmhez Pam “Connect-the-Dots” Atlas looks like this.
Hey! Just discovered a bunch o’ them dot-like critters on the stems of my kalanchoe. Squished ’em wif mah fingers. Tey wuz ickeh. An’ whuteves I abzorbed tru mah skin’s made mah typin’ go funneh.
[FUCK! I need a beer!]
“measuring the crepe for the funeral”
The creep’s about 5’6″.
Zulu Base, Zulu Base, Shitmoat has been facejacked, I repeat, Shitmoat has been facejacked, please advise, over.
It’s easy to ridicule now, but Ms. Atlas’s page is a preview of what the nuttosphere is going to look like for the next four to eight years.
And they’ve got plenty of followers, fed by this junkfood journalism, who are already getting hateful, stupid and violent enough to act on their conspiracy theories.
As a nation, the US has to take active steps to avoid becoming like the third world, where public opinion is driven by rancorous idiocy JUST LIKE THIS, inconvenient things like facts and evidence be damned.
This crap is the product of three generations of piss-poor public education and the vilification of literacy and logic. And if I were a hatestupid conspiracy theorist, I’d conclude it was intentional.
Now excuse me while I go seek shelter among my intellectual elite friends, drink elite microbrews, and play some WiiL33t gamez, and pretend for at least a few hours that half of the country doesn’t exist.
The cabinet (the entire cabinet) does the Nation of Islam thing and the Secret Service does the Panther thing.
Obama’s proposed cabinet:
Secretary of State: Bernadine Dohrn (Weather Underground)
Secretary of the Treasury: Alberto Franceschini (Red Brigade)
Secretary of Defense: William Ayers (Weather Underground)
Attorney General: Fusako Shigenobu (Japanese Red Army)
Secretary of the Interior: Carlos the Jackal (PFLP)
Secretary of Agriculture: Bertrand Sassoye (Communist Combatant Cells)
Secretary of Commerce: Cristoforo Piancone (Red Brigade)
Secretary of Labor: Mick Jones (The Clash)
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Félix Guattari (French Philosopher)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Affairs: Suge Knight (Death Row Records)
Secretary of Transportation: Abimael Guzmán (Shining Path)
Secretary of Energy Todd Palin (AIP)
Secretary of Education: Oprah (Televison Personality)
As you can see, most of these are fairly diminutive individuals that do not meet the physical requirements for a Nation of Islam bodyguard. Suge Knight would be suitable as would Oprah when she falls off of the diet wagon. Todd Palin would have to bulk up a bit but Bertrand Sassoye is just over 5′ tall, hardly an imposing figure.
I, also have no problem, their waiting for the OBAMA, the next socialsms AMERICa KING, to make the inevitable being.
Not when PERFECT human, make ready lead new PRESIDENT
I, also have no problem, their waiting for the OBAMA, the next socialsms AMERICa KING, to make the inevitable being.
Pastor Grant? Is that you?
MzNicky I think I’ve found a solution; The cabinet (the entire cabinet) does the Nation of Islam thing and the Secret Service does the Panther thing. White or black, male or female, it’s a damn dress code people !
Sounds good, as long as the Secret Service guys start busting out dance moves at random intervals, like those guys who used to back up Public Enemy.
The cabinet (the entire cabinet)
Cabinets? In my day we made do with buckets with lids on them.
“I have no problem believing that they’re pay people to make him look inevitable.”
I once paid someone to make me look ineluctable, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt of badgers fornicating.
Rugged in Montana, there are two vacancies on your list: Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security. Ted Kaczynski for the former opening and Eric Rudolph for the latter are both available and, after Obama is sworn in using his Qu’ran, can travel to D.C. together from Colorado.
justme: Ewwwwwwww! I couldn’t see it last time. Now I’m a little curious, but dreading taking a peek…. thanks?
Personally, I’d be all for Mr. Rudolph’s inclusion in the cabinet as he is a conservative elder statesman that could give some semblance of balance to the other choices and show bipartisanship. David Duke would be another excellent choice.
I, also have no problem, their waiting for the OBAMA, the next socialsms AMERICa KING, to make the inevitable being.
This is poetry.
Sorry, pooetry.
OK, read some comments, these whackos need to be surveilled by the FBI for sure. Sounds about ready to boil over. Freakish beyond belief.
Someone else is paying people to make me look uninvitable. There is no other explanation.
Badger porn!.
Why did pammie leave out the part about Barack being a conscious agent of the international communist conspiracy? Doe this mean the reds have won?
The ridiculous right wing panic over a potential Obama presidency reminds me of some of the over the top Y2K pants-pissing we heard 10 years ago. If Obama becomes president, ATMs will quit functioning and planes will fall out of the sky! All because our stupid forefathers didn’t program the Constitution correctly, leaving in the “black president” bug!
Rugged – you forgot Louis Farrakhan to head the Dept. of Kill Whitey.
I am not so bold to claim that I am aware of all internet traditions, so I have to ask, though it may be known to others:
Animated GIF dude dropping trou and holding his willie? WTF??! And Why haven’t I seen it before!!!!???!!!pen1s!!!
Barack Obama Malcolm X’s secret love child?
Nope sorry Pam, even that doesn’t disqualify him for the job.
Actually, doesn’t it remove all doubt? Malcolm was a US citizen.
Doodle doo, just wandering through and…
OHO! What’s this?
Well, I think I’m going to check me out some of —
Why did pammie leave out the part about Barack being a conscious agent of the international communist conspiracy?
Those of us on the Right consider that point a “given” that everybody, including you DEMONcraps, should understand. I mean, come on, the guy’s Sec of Commerce is gonna be Cristoforo Piancone! I don’t even know if that constitutionally legal!
Further inquiry reveals that there is, in fact, an artist within the Furry community who specialises in scenes of anthropomorphic badger bondage.
I have seen too much. Wipe away my eyes. Too much.
Wipe away my eyes.
The Homeland Security top post would go to the winner of a battle royale between Abimael Guzmán, Carlos the Jackal, and Suge Knight. Winner gets two cabinet positions.
one of the only black men on the island
What island? Hawaii? You’re kidding, right?
Aaaah! The gator is back! Run for it!
MzNicky I think I’ve found a solution; The cabinet (the entire cabinet) does the Nation of Islam thing and the Secret Service does the Panther thing. White or black, male or female, it’s a damn dress code people !
Tim (The Other One): Oh fuck yeah! Perfectamundo.
On the subject of SECRET MALCOLM X SHAME, this surreally unerotic third-rate softcore Playboy knockoff accuses Hugh Hefner of being X in disguise.
Don’t ask me, I dunno either.
And if nobody’s pointed it out yet: the SECRET MULATTO SHAME narrative aside, by all evidence Malcolm X regarded interracial sex as treasonous and seemed to personally find white people vaguely aesthetically disgusting.
The idea of him fathering a child by a white woman is beyond absurd. The time-scale involved is partiucularly daunting: at the time of his ostensible conception, (a) Malcolm X was a major civil-rights figure but a minor political figure, making his real need to cover up a miscegenated baby pretty minor, and (b) as of December 1960 when Barack would have been conceived, he was on a diplomatic junket during which he was literally half a planet away from Mrs. Obama.
Sorry, that isn’t my favorite quote anymore. This is:
If Obama is Barack’s HUSSEIN’s real father, WHY CAN’T BARRY BOY SPEAK KENYANESE???!!!
I was willing to be ineffable for free.
In – effing – effable, in fact….
Pardon, stupid novice mistake: Durham never took Obama’s name and they married in Feb 2 1961, at which point she would have been at least two months pregnant. I don’t think anyone has made any serious effort to dispute this.
Obama will be in downtown Des Moines tomorrow. I’d love to go but with all that’s going on I doubt I’ll make it.
Candy: Please tell me what you’ve got going on that could possibly be more IMPORTANT than attending a moment in history. Slough it off girl and GO. A good friend of mine got to attend an Obama rally in Raleigh, NC a couple of weeks ago and sent me a gloating e-mail via her cell phone about it (that bitch!!). I feel so good about what’s getting ready to happen, albeit with the dread and trepidation any Boomer with an ounce of sense would feel at this moment in time, that I’d give, well, something of great value to be able to be in the same vicinity as Barry X. right now. Go for it, is all I can say.
Further inquiry reveals that there is, in fact, an artist within the Furry community who specialises in scenes of anthropomorphic badger bondage.
I don’t hate furries… It’s just… just…. I just don’t understand…
I got really lucky – got to see him speak to a fairly small crowd in a relatively intimate venue (remember, this is relative: it would be respectable for McCain even now) during the pre-primary season. He came across as honest, he laid out the national service plan and dealt with an audience of college students specifically about the issues facing them without flinching from more serious or dull topics, joked around and represented the South Side and generally had a great time. Sam (fiancee) got to ask him a question about compromising his moral principles on civil rights to fit the demands of the campaign, and he gave an honest and forthright answer: specified what those principles were (unions yes, marriage no) and refused to. One of his people thought it was some kind of gotcha, but my Sam isn’t a skinhead plant and was personally satisfied with the answer even if they disagreed.
He displayed a lot of personal integrity and human warmth. I think he’s overrated as a speaker – he’s not as light on his feet as a lot of other people in the campaign, Clinton and Biden included – but he’s a basically good man, and we got one of the last opportunities for the general public to see him up close and personal. It’s the sort of thing you tell your grandkids about.
Of course, never mind that I’ve half-planned changing the names around so the kid we plan on having winds up stuck with Lyndon Hussein Clinton – the strategy there being to give trolls an instant coronary – but hey, that’s how history is.
What bughunter said at 0:13.
This has gotta be the funniest comments section I have ever seen
Without a doubt. I have LOLed through it many times.
If you’re raised by a culture that obsessively fetishizes innocence and pushes sex, chances are pretty good you’re gonna come out of it fucking babies or animals – at best symbolically, at worst literally.
While there’s something lo-fi to good old-fashioned creepy-old-lech sexuality, on the balance if I had to deal with someone who fetishized one Disney character I’d be more basically inclined to accept Gadget than Hannah Montana.
Hmmm. Malcom X had six daughters by his wife. That’s quite a run. And since, biologically. the male determines the sex of the child, that means Barack Obama is actually a woman.
Those sneaky radical conspiracists. I suppose they are waiting to spring this on us after the inauguration.
So, was Barack Obama born in Washington instead of Hawaii? OH MY GOD!!!
My eyes, they toil no more.
Holy SHIT. Good thing my monitor’s coffee-proof.
Best article intro graphics EVER. I mean EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
g said,
October 31, 2008 at 1:16
one of the only black men on the island
What island? Hawaii? You’re kidding, right
Actually I think Pammy has Gilligan’s Island confused with the Hawaiian Islands.
I think Pammy has Gilligan’s Island confused with a lot more than that.
I can scarcely credit it:
The jumping elves are worth appropriating.
Hey sadlies, check this out:
i don’t think I can post images here? Anyways it’s a gif. that usericon is making the rounds in my circles – just not the confurvatives. 🙂
Aww, it’s kyooooooooot.
You know, if you extract just seven little words from that interminable synapsplosion, you have the perfect summary of everything Crazy Pammy has ever written:
Can anyone tell me who this smarmy motherfucker is referring to?
Bring on Chuck (secretary of ) D, Flava and the SS1W’s!
That is some fine crazy too.
Can anyone tell me who this smarmy motherfucker is referring to?
Hiz momma?
if I had to deal with someone who fetishized one Disney character I’d be more basically inclined to accept Gadget than Hannah Montana.
Imagine how this hurts my feelings.
Joe the S1W?
I think the wingnuts have it all wrong. They’re starting in the wrong place. Due to insufficient kerning capacities, they can’t determine if Obama was born in:
a) Hawaii (as one commenter at Pammy’s pad says “He can’t prove he was born there” even if they don’t know where …)
b) Kenya (well, he is black …)
c) Washington (peshaw)
d) Canada (uh, because, yeah … if he was born in WA, then he could ostensibly be a legit prez and since we already know he couldn’t be legit .. because uh … yeah)
There is clearly an insular circularity to their reasoning. But I humbly submit the notion that this circularity is not because the evidence clearly demonstrates Obama was born in Hawaii to Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. No sir, their mistake is not merely empirical.
They are not fully grasping the totality of the Obama conspiracy. It is far more extensive than even Pam’s schizoid mind can imagine.
Why else can’t we prove where he was born? The fucking obvious answer is that he wasn’t. The full consequences of this are not immediately clear. My early speculations (it would be irresponsible not to …):
1) It could be that BHO doesn’t even exist. This is the ontological theory.
2) He could be a result of Muslimtastic parthenogenesis and is a biological copy of Malcolm X. This is the cloning theory.
3) He could be a reincarnation of Mohammed sent to destroy Christians and establish a global caliphate. This is the anti-Christ incarnate theory.
4) He could be a chimeric blending of Malcolm X and Bill Ayers. This is the symbiogenesis theory.
People, this is only the beginning. The possibilities are infinite due to the undertermination of theory by evidence.
“He can’t prove he was born there”
Well, except for the whole birth certificate thing. Unless…. OMG, the entire state of Hawaii is in on the plot!
I hear there’s a videotape out there that as soon as you’re through playing it, your phone rings and it’s the ghost of Malcolm X. And, then, a week later, you turn into Barack Obama.
Can we build a successful national campaign around a cursed videotape?
OMG, the entire state of Hawaii is in on the plot!
You have to admit there’s something suspicious about a people who eat that much SPAM™.
The jumping elves are worth appropriating.
Those are gnomes, man.
Hey! Anyone seen “The Truth” around lately?
Gnome way!
Hey! Anyone seen “The Truth” around lately?
He’s not with the McCain campaign!
Ka-ching! I’ll be here all week! Twelve drink minimum!
Gnome man is an island.
’cause your mother needs to leave for her bridge club.
Isn’t that bridge to nowhere built yet?
Pammycakes just made Countdown.
Obama’s real father? Keith Olbermann.
Someone needs to take away the alimony cheque. Clearly this woman is BORED.
Those do not look to me like authentic heartland gnomes. Something about their clothes and their mien speaks of an effete, elitist, urbanised life-style. In short, they are metro-gnomes.
Jesus, 5 minutes and Pam’s post is STILL loading in my browser. This entry is longer than a jumbo roll of toilet paper.
Thers has elves
(Not Elvis)
Have we just ret-conned Obama entirely white now? (Newest wingnut talking point: “Obama race no longer historic!”)
“In short, they are metro-gnomes.”
Jesus wept………..
I apologise if an ill-judged comment has made anyone gnome-sick.
The urge to pun is encoded in the human gegnome.
…on the balance if I had to deal with someone who fetishized one Disney character I’d be more basically inclined to accept Gadget than Hannah Montana.
Did you mean Gidget? Or Inspector Gadget?
Thers has elves
Do we need to argue over these finer questions of gnomenclature?
Solid Gold.
Please, Gnome-ore.
Please, Gnome-ore.
Someone’s looking for brownie points.
Rugged in Montana, there are two vacancies on your list: Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security.
My sources tell me that the Obama staff people are in intensive negotiations with Richard Reid for the Homeland Security position but that he’s being difficult and holding out for nutty things like “a shoe allowance” (WTF??).
The Veterans Affairs position will likely go to John Murtha.
Veteran Affairs: mikey.
Homeland Security: HTML Mencken.
Fetch me Sarah Palin—
Cuz if you wanna know if it’s a Gnome, Alaska.
I am too ashamed of these puns to write them under my real name. I’d rather use a gnome-de-plume.
The bestest movie evar!
Did you mean Gidget? Or Inspector Gadget?
Gadget was a character on the Disney TV show about Chip ‘n’ Dale. I’d Google for images, but I’m afraid of what I might find in a world where Rule 34 exists.
The bestest movie evar!
Gnomebody can deny that.
if I had to deal with someone who fetishized one Disney character I’d be more basically inclined to accept Gadget than Hannah Montana.
I don’t even gnome!
There is only one Nomi. Yours is the wrong one. FAIL
Clearly, Pammy is in a manic phase right now. And, you know it’s too bad this is all the product of Pammy’s alcohol corroded, deluded mind. Because if Malcolm X really was Obama’s father – that would rock!
You don’t Nomi! You don’t Nomi!
By the way, do you know Gnomemar Garciaparra?
There is only one Nomi.
I prefer Elfis.
Smut Clyde–you had me at the first gnome….hahaha you made my night
I think the McCain campaign has Pammy warming up in the bullpen…..she’s fleshing out this story for the weekend rollout. Pammy’s story will be the closer for the Straight Talker and this bombshell will push them over the edge.
Or maybe we’re witnessing the 1st nervous breakdown in real blogging time.
Come to think of it, if Obama wins, I’m investing in a straight jacket company. Could be a real growth market opportunity in the making…..
Pam doesn’t realize that she’s stumbled onto the real story — J.R. “Bob” Dobbs was black!
I left the ashram because I knew there had to be more to the story after getting to gnome eyes elf.
“Mercer Island High School was a hotbed of radical indoctrination with ties to the Communist Party”
…and I stopped reading there. As a native Seatellite, I can tell you that Mercer Island is the richest, whitest, starchiest neighborhood in Seattle. I can’t even imagine what it was like in the 1950s.
hey thunder
that’s not even the best movie with a nomi.
this is:
klaus nomi, bitches!
klaus nomi, bitches!
What a visionary, way ahead of his time. May he rest in peace.
Bob tried to update Wikipedia and his updates got deleted within minutes.
Oh my GAAAAAAAAAWWWWWD!!! The Obamonazi’s aren’t even being subtle about it anymore!!!!!!!!!1!!
That’s just priceless.
No boobie pictures in Pammie’s post. I’m going to stop visiting her website unless she starts posting more boobie pictures and hoochie dances.
What a visionary, way ahead of his time. May he rest in peace.
Maybe not so much ahead of his time as completely outside of all time. RIP, indeed.
Joe the Plumber stands up John McCain
Never mind because “you’re all Joe the Plumber so stand up…I thank you.”
Rednecks for Obama
Now, I do believe that lady is probably dangerous to herself.
Robert Green, I believe you owe one Smut Clyde a beverage of his choice (and no doubt, that could be expensive!):
As for moi, more Showgirlz!
When Hussein X takes power. I think Pam Geller will have to go off to a serious re-education camp. After a suitable period of adjustment there will be an opening for her in the Office of Information. There she can produce movies such as “I was a right wing crazy person” and “When your brain runs screaming”.
I think that she might get a new entry in the Gnomenclature.
Barry Hussein X is John McCain’s illegitimate black baby.
Is it me or is Pam Atlas a neocon version/vision of Mae Brussell? All wackydoodle and bringin’ the crazy!
I hope Barry makes George Habash Sec. of Interior. That should just about make the nut.
goddamn it.
johnny walker blue, on me.
Read this and vomit.
The GOP truly is the party of sociopaths.
Meanspirited crude little monsters, every one of them.
I believe Rugged in Montana is gnome on the range.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
johnny walker blue, on me.
Consumed with gratitude.
Is it true that Pammy was ejected from the Bene Gesserit on account of spice abuse, which is why she is now spilling the beans about the Kwisatz Haderach breeding program, out of bitterness?
All respect to Klaus Nomi, but it is indisputable fact that Showgirls is indeed the better movie ever made. All serious film critics who have reviewed the film have reached this conclusion.
Well, after Showgirls, Joe Esterhaz did find Jesus.
So it’s quite powerful.
I’m very impressed that no-one has said anything about the gnomosexual agenda. Great self-control, all of you.
How can Barack Obama be Malcolm X’s child, when we all know that he is the child of Satan?
I think you just answered your own question.
OMGWTF?! How could Sarah Palin have given birth to Trig Palin in Alaska when just the day before she was in Texas leaking amniotic fluid?
I’m just too happy that there are real reporters out there. Sheesh….what a breaking story!
There were some rumors that Joker is my real dad, and I just said, whatever, I’ve still got better toys than he does.
I’m very impressed that no-one has said anything about the gnomosexual agenda.
Gnome is where the hard is.
[…] Christ, Barack Obama is not the Messiah. Not the Son of God, he’s the Son of Malcolm X. Or he’s part of some Vast Pepsi […]
I’d like to nominate Manny Lartello for fake troll rookie of the year.
Pam is clearly a Liebrul troll who is trying to distract us from the TRUTH. Why else would she fail to include the most damning evidence – Teh BUttocks!
You should stick those little guys on a stove..
Gnome, Gnome on the range…..
Please, gnome ass.
Of course there is no coincidence that one of the main towns in Alaska is called…NOME!!!!
You don’t fool us, Mrs Palin-gnome. (Secret love child of The Pope and Debby Reynolds)
( Not that there’s anything wrong with that)
Uch, the trouble I’ve seen.
Wait. Let me get this straight. Obama’s mum pretended he was born in Hawaii to falsely cast doubt on his American citizenship just in case he ever ran for president but GET THIS, he was really born in Seattle, so our whole thing about he’s not really a citizen is totally bullshit?
Erm what?
Those people?
Are insane.
Carpool Tunnel Syndrome! That’s wonderful! Can you get it by proxy, like Munchausen’s? Cause I only get syndromes by proxy, it’s safer that way. Always interpose a firewall between you and a syndrome.
Gnomosexual! I love this place. All those gnomes at the North Pool, getting Carpool tunnel syndrome working for Santy. Have a piece fruit?
[…] Juggs brought the crazy to Boca Raton today. Her mission: To counter Sarah Silverman’s ‘Great Schlep’ and […]
Wait, what the fuck?
I just want to point out that the side-by-side comparison of Mr. Obama and Mr. X relies on horizontal flipping of one of the pictures:
Same pose, sort of, same microphone placement, both wearing a tie! OMG! That’s the real Malcolm X, actually — except for one thing: he’s been flipped horizontally to make him look more like the picture of a young Obama. You can tell because the writing behind him and to your left is reversed. It should say “A Revolutionary Voice” and under that “Beatrice Gormley”. It’s from a book cover.
What this means, basically, is that THE KERNING IS WRONG, and Pam Geller must RESIGN IN DISGRACE FOREVER.
Boy oh boy can I be an internet thug? I bet you get a spiffy uniform.
If the Pulitzer committee doesn’t institute a Pulitzer Prize for investigative blogging and award it to her, there is no justice in the world.
[…] This post is by D. Aristophanes, and originally appeared at Sadly, No! It is with some pride that we have observed the recent rise of Pamela Geller to respectable, mainstream status— after all, Sadly, No! has been covering the erstwhile Pam Atlas since at least early 2006 (and our commenters were clued in to her even earlier). Why, it seems like just yesterday that Pam was palling around with Neo-Nazis at seedy gatherings on the ass-end of the European political fringe1, fighting an eliminationist civil war over the dwindling crumbs of post-Katrina stupid, and revealing to a skeptical world that Barack Obama just may be — just might be — Malcolm X’s love child. […]
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