From Case File: No, Wait For It

Michelle Malkin presses the lever to receive a pellet of food:

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
By Michelle Malkin  •  October 30, 2008 10:26 AM


Obama suppporter Charles Ogletree, Harvard professor, says that even if you vote for Obama, you’re still a raaaaaaaaaaaacist!

Ogletree is rumored to be Obama’s pick for Assistant AG in charge of civil rights.

We’re Screwed ‘08!

And that link goes to… No no, wait for it.

You’re Still A Racist, Obama Advisor Says
Posted by Hans Bader

Even if you vote for Obama, you’re still probably a racist, according to Harvard law professor Charles Ogletree, in his remarks at a recent panel discussion at my alma mater. Ogletree, Obama’s top advisor on race issues, explains that since Obama is “biracial,” his election won’t prove that racism has receded.   White America won’t vote for blacks, Ogletree argues, and Obama’s election is possible only because he’s partly white.  The ABA Journal predicts that Ogletree, who has long advocated race-based reparationswill be the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Civil Rights Division during the Obama administration.

Legal commentator Walter Olson notes that Ogletree has attracted controversy over his association with Al Sharpton and history of plagiarism.

And those links go to… No no, wait for it.

Free Republic
Top Obama adviser says Obama is “biracial,” so his election by white America won’t prove racism over
Posted on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 4:11:53 PM by Harvard Alum

News flash: Obama is “biracial,” according to his top adviser on race issues, Harvard law professor Charles Ogletree, during an Oct. 25 panel discussion at Harvard on race and the 2008 election:

Ogletree’s point is that because of pervasive racism which he expects will last decades, white America won’t vote for blacks and other minority candidates. The expected heavy white vote for Obama doesn’t disprove this thesis, Ogletree says, because Obama’s not black; he’s “biracial.” So it looks like, according to Ogletree (and Obama?) that white America will have to do lots more for blacks after electing Obama to atone for past sins; it will get little if any credit for electing Obama.

If it wasn’t already obvious, it’s pretty clear which campaign is playing the race card: Obama’s campaign keeps bringing up issues of race; McCain’s campaign has not initiated any such discussion.

Note that Ogletree can’t be dismissed as some fringe Obama kook like Jeremiah Wright. Ogletree’s a tenured professor at Harvard Law School. According to the ABA Journal, Ogletree (who was a mentor during law school to both Barack and Michelle Obama) has a very good chance of being appointed as the top Department of Justice official in charge of civil rights enforcement in any Obama Administration:

Wondering whether this snippet was perhaps taken out of context? There’s a full audio of the entire Harvard panel discussion here:

Okay, okay, wait, wait, the punchline? Wait, wait, wait…

Here are the actual brief sound clips in which Ogletree is supposed to be saying that you’re a racist even if you vote for Obama.

[laugh track]

No no, wait.

[laugh track]

Malkin took something that some guy said about a post he saw at Free Republic, and reported it as a fact.

[laugh track]

No no, wait. Wait.

[dwindling laughter, occasional applause, a sneeze]

Now they’re copying it from Malkin.

[groans, hoots, Fat Albert wah-wah sound, throwing of popcorn and Styrofoam cups, cut to clip of Iron Eyes Cody in Indian headdress holding up signs, “Ugh!” and “How?” Clip of Artie Johnson in Nazi garb saying “verrry interrrestink,” various other things, end scene of Blazing Saddles sped up to soundtrack of ‘Yakety Sax,’ etc. Guy in veal costume shakes fist, “Oh yeah, big fella? You just try me!” Stock footage of early airplanes falling off ramps, breaking in half, etc., ending with the one that has the giant diesel-powered umbrella on top, going plunketa-plunketa and making the plane hop up and down in place.]


Comments: 90


it’s the wingnut 69 !


Hello? lo? lo? lo?

Is this an echo chamber? ber? ber? ber?


Or maybe a Wingnut Mobius!


That’s a Mexican stand-off for you.

Eric (an halibut)

You know, I’d laugh, but I’m too fuckin’ tired of these people.

I’ll just stand here with my hands on my hips and glare at them until they go away.


Michelle is also pissed at The GAP for selling “voter fraud” buttons designed by John Waters, homo director.

Somewhere Rachel Ray is crying over her large with cream & sugar.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

What crazzzy world do these wingnuts inhabit? Not only are they getting into a frothy rage over totally made-up shit, having real rage-gasms over fake issues – the rage they’re pushing doesn’t even follow.

Consider a parallel universe where some crazy law prof did actually say that America is still racist, even if it elects a black president (because Invisible Pink Unicorn knows, there’s mountains of evidence disproving any sort of discrimination against blacks </eyeroll>). No, wait – let’s say he very specifically narrows it down and said “Michelle Malkin and the mouthbreathing Freepi, the hate filled pooh-flinging pantsless howler monkeys of the batshit-crazy-o-sphere are raaaaaacists.” How does this prove that all liberals are overly-sensitive hyperbolic fascists who accuse everybody of racism? Geez, it’s like Troofy and his “Kamau Kambon made an eliminationist speech at a very poorly attended conference and since nobody lynched him then and there this proves that Barack Obama is Hitler”. I mean, WTF?!


Just heard The Pigman whine that Obama’s ad last night treated Americans like children. Where the fuck has HE been for the last eight years?

Oh, the post up there? Well, if he’s not black then why are Michelle and the Freepers kvetching, then? Wouldn’t him being not-black invalidate all their paranoid fantasies about Obama, inspired no doubt by Rev. Wright, declaring open season on Whitey?


The fact is, shut up.


Michelle Malkin presses the lever to receive a pellet of food:

I really like that line.

Nim, ham hock of liberty

I am waiting with baited breath for your thoughts on Pammycakes’ discovery that Obama is actually the love child of Malcolm X.

Click the link if ya don’t believe me


Pere Ubu said,

October 30, 2008 at 19:26

Just heard The Pigman whine that Obama’s ad last night treated Americans like children. Where the fuck has HE been for the last eight years?

The Pigman? Is that O’Reilly? Limbaugh? Heck, there’s a very large selection of pigmen burping and feeding at the rethuglican trough.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Speaking of “No, Wait For It”, what up woth Chief Editor Korir?

While we struggle to have the Michelle Obama tape, the McCain camp is struggling to have another tape that has information relevant to the campaign. The taped conversation has Mr obama when he was dining with friends considered radicals and supporters of terrorism.

We’re getting Obama Tape coalescence, we must be approaching Peak Obama Tape. We must diversify our Fictional Tape needs and achieve Fictional Tape Independance – FSM knows that these Norwegian-Kenyans are proving to be erratic in their supply. I propose a research program into developing possible alternate Fictional Tape supplies. For example, Biden Tape powered smears or possibly off-shore Pelosi Tape revelations. Also in the meantime, as a transitional step – we should start drilling Larry Johnson.


Somebody never played “Operator” when they were in school.


It’s the wing-nut singularity! Run for your lives!


It’s the wing-nut singularity! Run for your lives!

Relax, there’s plenty of tape to keep things from flying apart.


Obama suppporter Charles Ogletree, Harvard professor, says that even if you vote for Obama, you’re still a raaaaaaaaaaaacist!

Okay, that conclusion is pulled out of her ass, but so what anyway? SHE WROTE A BOOK DEFENDING THE IMPRISONMENT OF A RACE. Own it, racist.


[updated a bit, with an extra sound clip link]


Here are the actual brief sound clips they’ve been referring to.

Those clips are fake. Chief Editor Korir has the real tape.


“Pigman” = Limbaugh.

My boss is listening to it, unfortunately.


Okay, that conclusion is pulled out of her ass

I should rephrase that as she was cheerfully pulling things from the asses of others.


Ah, Gary, Gary, Gary.
I’m drinking my coffee this morning with a big dollop of schadenfreude, and mmm mmm it does taste so good! MMM!
Even the trolliest trolls have nothing left in their toy boxes to fling except ALL CAPS DUMB STOOPID DUMB! And such nuggets as Gary’s ‘Shut up!’ as snot runs down his upper lip, rolls off his Member’s Only jacket onto the playground blacktop. Aww.
Should we take bets now as to how the post-election angst will manifest itself within the troll kingdom? Will it be a) complete radio silence as they collectively huddle in a ball in the corner, waiting for the end times, or b) commence yowling about how the entire economic, Iraq, social meltdown, etc. etc. is ALL O. HUSSEIN’S FAULT, SO NAH NAH NAH.
I vote for a fairly even split, initially, then full on NYAH NYAH mode thereafter. It would be unreasonable to expect the species to go cold turkey on that mountain dew and cheeto diet, after all. Gary, go get yourself a tissue and have a good cry now. Go ahead, we’ll all be here for you when you’re done!


Pere Ubu said,

October 30, 2008 at 19:40

“Pigman” = Limbaugh.

My boss is listening to it, unfortunately.

My condolences.

Remember, it’s only going to make November 4th that much sweeter.

Smiling Mortician

Click the link if ya don’t believe me

Goddammit. It’s like a big swollen smelly mass of vicious dumbfuckery reached right out of my computer and slimed me.

And the worst thing, Nim, is that I did believe you and I clicked anyway. Will I never learn?


What, what, oh WHAT can Michelle do to convince you she’s not racist? She’s tried constantly shrieking “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST” in a sarcastic voice when discussing absolutely any subject – what else is there?

Apart from, y’know, not being a huge racist and saying racist things all the time.


This isn’t just the echo chamber, it’s the combination of a feedback loop with “garbage in, garbage out”. The result is evidently a giant pile of poo.

There’s probably a good math paper in there waiting to be published.

Rosie the Plummer

“I am waiting with baited breath for your thoughts on Pammycakes’ discovery that Obama is actually the love child of Malcolm X.”

Oh. Mygod. They actually have pictures up showing that he looks more like Malcolm X than Barack Sr. It is one of the most tortured arguments that I have ever read. Not one single nugget of fact. Just utter flights of imagination. They’ve almost outdone themselves on this one.


Sorry about the updating. I wanted to make sure the description of the sound clips was totally accurate, and I might be overcompensating now. But better that than to overstate, etc.

The clips are very ordinary and nothing like they describe, although the Free Republic description is the least zany (for one thing, the author seems actually to have listened to the clips).


A bunch of the previous thread’s comments are about Pammycakes’ “theory”.


Also, I have a guess how the API thing will end. You see last episode, the Obama minions were out for Koirr’s tape. This time they’re desperate. So Koirr will blog about a veiled threat from an American he meets on the streets of Stockholm. Then he’ll say he’s going to skip town with the tape a wait for things to quiet down. Flip to next post: he’s at an internet cafe somewhere on Gotland. He tells a harrowing tale of being possible trailed, but he thinks he lost the guy. However, he’s met a really helpful Swede who listened to his tale and is going to help him get to Copenhagen so he can fly to Canada. Stick in some language about the Swede’s accent being a little funny, just a touch of suspicion … then no more posts.

Whatda think?


Oh, no no no, silly liberals. You see, you can’t just dismiss Ogletree as a marginalized radical kook. He’s a super-professor at Haahvaard. He mentored the guy who graduated first in his class and who became the first black editor of the Law Review. Which means he’s an elitist, race-baiting, black separatist radical kook, who should be marginalized.


McCain stood up by Joe the Plumber

Now he’s gone rogue! Call him Joe the Rogue Plumber.


Michael G. said,

October 30, 2008 at 20:06
So Koirr will blog about a veiled threat from an American he meets on the streets of Stockholm. Then he’ll say he’s going to skip town with the tape a wait for things to quiet down. Flip to next post: he’s at an internet cafe somewhere on Gotland. He tells a harrowing tale of being possible trailed, but he thinks he lost the guy. However, he’s met a really helpful Swede who listened to his tale and is going to help him get to Copenhagen so he can fly to Canada. Stick in some language about the Swede’s accent being a little funny, just a touch of suspicion … then no more posts.

You missed the part where he has a distributor for the tape, but must meet them directly and has no cash to pay for the airfare, hotel, rental car etc. If the good suckers believers would just click on ythe PayPal link to the left, The Truth© will be revealed in time to save the US from Barack Hussein Atheo-Muslim Commie Obama X the 3rd


the fact that FOX News denies any involvement in the API tape is central to Ace’s point.


My black little heart lights up with joy whenever these race-baiting slurs come up (and between this and the absurd theory about Malcolm X, it’s been a great week) – one of the issues the Republicans have had the most flawless and undisturbed echo-chamber effect on has been race.

Thanks to Reagan and Bush, we’re racially about where the country would have been otherwise in 1980: reparations might be a non-starter but it’s not instant political poison, and the Bradley Effect (mostly a holdover from the Solid South) is kaput.

But because the major actors in the Republican echo chamber long ago started delving into racist pabulum that polite society could not openly tolerate (even if it wasn’t, as it should have been, grounds for removal for polite society), leading to a dialogue exclusively among and between Republicans.

The Army, which cannot by its nature afford to fall into the typical echo-chamber behavior dominating conservative-leaning organizations, is typical of what a Republican position on race would be if Republicans were anything worth respecting: a meritocratic semi-elitism which completely spurns the idea of inferior or superior peoples by organizational necessity.

If America at large is generally around 1980 in terms of civil rights, the Army is around 1968 in terms of civil rights generally and 1988 in terms of race relations specifically, and the Republican debate is between 1808 and 1860. They have no idea why the public recoils in disgust when they talk at any length about race.

BLACK HUSAYN OSAMA probably lost them this race more than any other single issue under their control, and these people are just hammering the nails into their own coffin.

A dim-witted badger

Fucking pelicans.


Oh, man, that Pammycakes post is a thing of wonder. As a 5th (6th?) tier blogger, I must admire how much work must’ve gone into that post.

It has a familiar feel…Where have I seen something like that before?


Here comes Malkin, watch her work
It’s the wingnut circle-jerk.

Till Eulenspiegel


Great link. I read all of it a few years ago while writing a paper on Japanese internment for a college class.

One of the simplest points they make is that Malkin researched and wrote the book over the course of several months, even though there’s so much relevant primary source material on the topic, actual scholars will spend years with it to gain a real understanding. As a result, they’re able to point out not a few major factual errors which undermine pretty much everything Malkin wrote.


As a result, they’re able to point out not a few major factual errors which undermine pretty much everything Malkin wrote.

Right. Premises, purposes, research, facts and conclusions all demolished. It’s amazing that anyone could stock it in good conscience.


Winner in the category of OMGWTFBBQ today…

Atlas Squicks

I’m not even a quarter of the way in and my jaw is gathering gravel. Wow. Pammykins has really outdone herself this time. As I said, I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet, but apparently, B. Hussein X is Malcolm X’s alien love child.

No, really.


Hey, balldroppers!

What in the name of Jumpin’ Jebus H Kee-rist on a pogostick are you guys wasting time on Mickey Malkin for?

Pammycakes is claiming that Barack Obama is in reality, none other than Malcom X Jr.!!!!!

I mean, c’mon! Crazy like this is too good to waste!!!!



Note to self. Read whole thread before posting link from everyone’s favorite shrieking idiot.


Michelle racist media tape.
Birth certificate.
Ayers (again).
Joe the Plumber.
Illegal donations.
Martial Law.
Diaarm America.
Ashley Todd.
Death to Israel.
Palin in effigy.
Khalidi Tape.
Malcolm X.

It’s October 30th.

I can haz real october surprise now?


Nim, Ham Hock of Liberty:

I went there. Is that woman completely unhinged? She’s so much worse now than ever. Here’s where I totally threw in the towel:

“Barack Hussein Obama Jr Malcolm X Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Barack Hussein Obama Sr., Tom Mboya, and Philip Ochieng, all share common physical features of the Kenyan Luo tribe: Modest stature under six feet, round faces, small chins, wide set eyes, slanted back foreheads, and retracted hairlines…none of these features are shared by Malcolm X and Barack Hussein Obama Jr.”


Sorry to be O/T…. it’s Nim, Ham Hock’s fault and I am easily distracted.

Oh and Malkin’s a pavlovian dupe!


Every time I try to read Crazy Pammy’s web site, my browser crashes. Every. Time.




Pammy asks why Ann started classes six weeks after the start of the fall semester, but then the same e-mail she’s glomming on notes that 9/26 was the first day of instruction. Wouldn’t that mean classes started on 9/26? How does she calculate that Ann started 6 weeks late?

I can’t even manage other questions at this point. I’m stopping there. Wading deeper into that level of crazy is scary. Especially if you look at the comments. People actually buy into this>


You guys are just unfair. I can’t go to those sites during the weekday.


“Barack Hussein Obama Jr Malcolm X Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Barack Hussein Obama Sr., Tom Mboya, and Philip Ochieng, all share common physical features of the Kenyan Luo tribe: Modest stature under six feet, round faces, small chins, wide set eyes, slanted back foreheads, and retracted hairlines…none of these features are shared by Malcolm X and Barack Hussein Obama Jr.”

What, is she doing 19th century racial phrenology?


Also mining Hans Bader’s ass for an excuse to play at race baiter today, the Korner’s Ed Whelan.

But what a scurrilous thing for me to say when earlier today he made it impossible for us lefties to accuse him of engaging in such shameful behavior, no doubt before he was aware of the opportunity that this Ogletree thing would later present, by telling us how much he abstractly loves the idea of America electing a black president:

If Barack Obama is elected next Tuesday, his election will be seen as a striking symbol of yet further progress towards respecting the American ideal that “all Men are created equal.” Insofar as our fellow citizens who have endured, and continue to endure, discrimination and other indignities because of the color of their skin would take special joy in that symbolic achievement, I would extend them my genuine congratulations and find some consolation in their joy.

Such a magnanimous conservative and the florid style is how you can tell he’s sincere so it’s a shame that he now has to say:

It turns out that I’m wrong to think that Obama’s election would have even symbolic benefit.

Look what your innocuous comments forced Ed Whelan to do, Charles Ogletree. And just in case you still think Ed Whelan might be a racist, he quoted “the ever-wise” Thomas Sowell in his initial race post. Ha! Stupid lieberals are foiled again!


T. Hussein,

That’s not a bad example, but it’s rather…amateurish compared to Pammy or this. The one you posted is actually legible and readable!


I’m still trying (god help me) to get my head around teh Malkin’s argurment.

“White America won’t vote for blacks, Ogletree argues, and Obama’s election is possible only because he’s partly white.”

Well, sheeyoot, I thought the only reason we liberals were going to vote for him was our crippling liberal racial guilt.

And there’s that Powell thing – Colin couldn’t realize Obama wasn’t actually a brutha?

I’m comfoosed.


none of these features are shared by Malcolm X and Barack Hussein Obama Jr.

Neither of them were in Helsinki in March of 1972. Case closed.


What, is she doing 19th century racial phrenology?

Pammy’s trying to prove that Obama Sr. isn’t enough of a buck to have sired Junior.


I’m trying to get through Pammy’s leviathan screed, but I can take only bits at a time. Head must unspin every few dozen revolutions.

Am I the only one who thinks it a bit odd that she’s apparently basing the whole epic post on U of W starting its Autumn term at the beginning of August?

I really can’t tell if the crazy outweighs the stupid, or the other way ’round.


This isn’t just the echo chamber, it’s the combination of a feedback loop with “garbage in, garbage out”. The result is evidently a giant pile of poo.
Anyone who has owned cats and dogs, and seen the eagerness of the latter to recycle the fecal output of the former, is familiar with the effect.


Sound on those clips is wimpy – but the guy’s point that there aren’t any black GOP Congresscritters is telling indeed, as is the indication that some people are voting for Obama in this election because he IS black, while others are voting for him because (according to them) he’s NOT. Sounds like the “biracial” tag’s got some legs there.

So they misrepresent what the man said & use it to reinforce a degrading stereotype of people concerned about racism – a long-term societal ill with known & proven lethal potential – as a bunch of delusional emo losers. Oh hey, well would ya look at that – Ogletree just HAPPENS to be black … who’d a thunk it?

Um, doesn’t this actually reinforce the point that these dingdongs are racist as hell?

Yeah, what was I thinking? That whole “Malcolm X is Obama’s REAL Daddy” thing just shoots my idea down in flames.


I posted a link to the Atlas Pam over at Pandagon in a thread the Real Pam (Spaulding) put up about the crazywingerideas, and commenter daisy provided a link to a photo of Obama’s mother and her parents.

Tell me the man in the nice suit doesn’t look familiar.


The result is evidently a giant pile of poo.

So far my efforts to find the appropriate still from 120 Days Of Sodom and label the link ‘Wingnut Blogger’s Pre-election Banquet’ have been fruitless.

Nim, ham hock of liberty

“Barack Hussein Obama Jr Malcolm X Barack Hussein Obama Sr. Barack Hussein Obama Sr., Tom Mboya, and Philip Ochieng, all share common physical features of the Kenyan Luo tribe: Modest stature under six feet, round faces, small chins, wide set eyes, slanted back foreheads, and retracted hairlines…none of these features are shared by Malcolm X and Barack Hussein Obama Jr.”

Pam Atlas ….shrieking harpy and PhD ethno-phenotypologist.
She’d make a good dog show judge.


The fact is, I aint apologizin to no car.


So a freeper has, at least, opened the door to the concept that some whites feel a need to atone for its racist injuries to black Americans. And his objection is about the AMOUNT of atonement necessary?

Hmmm, I suppose one can see some progress from involuntary brainstem reactions toward actual thought, between reptilian and mammal on the evolutionary chain.

But Malkin? A racist? A lousy journalist? Sacre bleu!

That’s as ludicrous as the Pope formerly belonging to a Nazi organization. Or of a black man as president of the real America.


you’re still a raaaaaaaaaaaacist!

“I’d like to buy a vowel…”


Michelle Malkin presses the lever to receive a pellet of food:

“After implantation of the electrode, the subject rapidly learned to press the lever and would press it up to 7000 times per hour, repeating the behavior for hours if allowed, ignoring thirst and hunger.”

So far my efforts to find the appropriate still from 120 Days Of Sodom… have been fruitless.
How can I express my gratitude?


The Pam thing… It’s like, where do you start with something like that? It threatens to define crazy upward.


Holy fucking shit. That Pammycakes post is AMAZING.

It’s like the Triple Lindy of wingnuttery over there.

It’s timecube-esque in it’s breathtaking insanity and stupidity.

Words simply fail me.


What, is she doing 19th century racial phrenology?
A photoshop of Pam in front of her skull collection is in order.



I give up.


I don’t know who’s doing the Pam post, but I can’t sit here and let the clock keep ticking without engaging the sirens….

[disappears under stairs]


Henry Lewis:

Ding-Ding-Ding-Ding! The Judges give a 10 across the board.



Tell me the man in the nice suit doesn’t look familiar.


No word yet on who his barber’s wife’s cousin’s green grocer’s sister is yet…


No, no, Pammy! It’s not Malcolm X, it’s Louis Farrakhan! He’s Obama’s real dad. And his real mom is Jane Fonda! I know it’s true because I read it in a blog!


I listened to the clip, and Ogletree says he fears this is the case, not than he knows it is. He also mentions he finds the fact that there are no black Republicans in congress as troublesome; would those howling disagree? His main concern in the clip seems to be that blacks are still seen as “other” in this country and that even now we can’t seem to have an honest, open conversation about race and privilege. Frankly, Malkin et al only provide evidence that he is correct.


Speaking of “No, Wait For It”

Maybe we can alternate this game with one called, “Wait! Wait! Don’t Tell Me.”

And maybe another called, simply, “What the Fuck?”


HFS, that last paragraph brought tears to my eyes!! I have to refrain from laughing out loud cuz i’m at work in my cube, and it’s downright bloody painful. Thanks!!


“It’s the Wingnut Singularity – run for your lives!”

Best. Comment. Ever.



OT, but pretty damn chock-full o’ schadenfreude:

Another Obama endorsement, from a rather unusual source.

Guess they’re just another bunch of crypto-socialists, eh?


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
Obama suppporter Charles Ogletree, Harvard professor, says that even if you vote for Obama, you’re still a raaaaaaaaaaaacist!

Every time I meet that line of reasoning, it’s been the lead-up to the conclusion that “It’s OK to be racist… since you can’t help being racist… we can revel in our racism now, and it’s all the fault of Those People who forced us to be racist, hur hur!”

Rugged in Montana

I want to remind you LIEbrals that Obama’s plans for his cabinet have been leaked to conservative websites, and the list shows exactly where he plans to lead us, if he were to be elected, which he isn’t gonna be:

Secretary of State: Bernadine Dohrn (Weather Underground)
Secretary of the Treasury: Alberto Franceschini (Red Brigade)
Secretary of Defense: William Ayers (Weather Underground)
Attorney General: Fusako Shigenobu (Japanese Red Army)
Secretary of the Interior: Carlos the Jackal (PFLP)
Secretary of Agriculture: Bertrand Sassoye (Communist Combatant Cells)
Secretary of Commerce: Cristoforo Piancone (Red Brigade)
Secretary of Labor: Mick Jones (The Clash)
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Félix Guattari (French Philosopher)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Affairs: Suge Knight (Death Row Records)
Secretary of Transportation: Abimael Guzmán (Shining Path)
Secretary of Energy Todd Palin (AIP)
Secretary of Education: Oprah (Televison Personality)


Oooh, I’d vote for Obama just to see Mick Jones in the Cabinet!


Stick in some language about the Swede’s accent being a little funny, just a touch of suspicion … then no more posts. Whatda think?

I think that would prove that Korir = Lemony Snicket.


Secretary of Housing and Urban Affairs: Suge Knight

That is awesome.


Secretary of Housing and Urban Affairs: Suge Knight

Just don’t appoint Puffy to something


Rush Limbaugh picked up the Ogletree baton and ran with it today as well.

Turbine Yukon Palin, Pale Master

Now he’s gone rogue! Call him Joe the Rogue Plumber.

He’s looking to take a few levels in the prestige class, “Right Wing Shill,” but he needs to take a lot more skill points in “Bluff” because he keeps EPIC FAILing his checks.



They know nothing.

B. Hussein Obama is the love child of Paul Robeson, Simone de Beauvoir AND Sayyid Qutb.



ending with the one that has the giant diesel-powered umbrella on top, going plunketa-plunketa ….

That’s ta-pocketa pocketa pocketa, Walter, er, Gavin. Otherwise a sterling post.


(comments are closed)