Hindy Hears A Who
Here’s John “Butt Scud” Hinderaker of the lately redesigned (i.e. aesthetically disimproved) Powerline:

scare away the moon-swallowing serpent.”
The Race Is Getting Closer
October 29, 2008
Posted by John at 8:37 AMBarack Obama’s national lead over John McCain is down to two points in Gallup’s “traditional” turnout poll, and this morning Rasmussen Reports has Obama’s lead dwindling to three points. The Rasmussen result is especially significant, I think. Rasmussen uses a more or less constant set of assumptions that could turn out to be wrong, but that provide a solid basis for following trends. In other words, Obama’s lead may or may not be three points, but I think we can rely on Rasmussen for the proposition that McCain is closing the gap.
The history of this campaign has been one…
Let us interrupt here. Actually, Barack Obama’s national lead over John McCain has swelled to a mammoth 15 points in the national poll that is currently the most predictive and relevant, according to the shifting criteria of relevancy that orbit our massive sense of entitlement. Also consulted was our total conviction that reality can be argued away by yelling at it with arguments.
Indeed, new, verifiably real realities can be fiat-luxed into existence by acting for all the world as though they had always been true, as all reasonable people agree, such that what is left to us is simply to sort out the details.
Since this is John “Colo-Rectal Sidewinder” Hinderaker, there is also poison-penmanship here of a characteristically dense-packed, self-pleasuring variety, thinly camouflaged (as by custom) as sober, no-nonsense analysis from a conservative-leaning Midwestern lawyer. It is what one might call ‘push punditry.’
Seriously now. Try to imagine achieving a word-to-calumny ratio as efficient as Hinderaker’s. Watch as he gets Obama on the downstroke, and again on the upstroke, and then down again, and so forth. There’s a sort of mastery on display here:
Perhaps [Barack Obama] will try to address concerns that have arisen about his redistributionist philosophy and radical associations. In my view, he’d be better served not to do so. Denying that he is a socialist will have a Nixonian, “I am not a crook” air. Obama’s one real gift, apart from his fundraising prowess, is his ability to project an air of reasonableness and moderation no matter what he is saying. He will be better served if he relies on that skill rather taking on directly the accusations of radicalism that have started to get traction.
There is, of course, irony in Obama’s unprecedented infomercial. No Presidential candidate has ever had so vast a war chest as to be able to afford such an expenditure. We now know that Obama’s fundraising rests, at least in part, on the candidate’s decision to enable criminal fraud in the campaign’s fundraising. How much of his appearance tonight will be paid for by illegal donations that have been facilitated and encouraged by his campaign, we probably will never know.
Truly, Hindy had better watch it or he won’t be invited on any more blogger junkets to the White House.
No Presidential candidate has ever had so vast a war chest as to be able to afford such an expenditure.
*cough*Ross Perot*cough*
Indeed, new, totally real realities can be fiat-luxed into existence by acting for all the world as though they had always been true, as all reasonable people agree.
Quantum mechanics, dude.
Man, it has to suck to be a conservative pundit this year. You have to turn things like “massively popular with grassroots support” and “thinks maybe we should help each other out so we don’t all end up in Mad Max” into bad things.
what one might call ‘push punditry
And Hinderaker pushes it real good.
Heh indeed.
He will forever be ”Blogger of the Year”.
A true master
So assrocket still gets the reich-wing blast-faxes. How nice for him.
But oh-noes! Teh booger-troof was right!
Democrat Barack Obama has opened up a 12-point lead over Republican John McCain in the battleground state of Pennsylvania, a statewide poll to be released today shows.
As the presidential campaign enters its final days, Obama leads 51 percent to 39 percent in a state that McCain said he must win, according to a Franklin & Marshall College Poll conducted between Oct. 21 and Sunday for the Tribune-Review, WTAE-TV and other news outlets.
Obama’s margin widened from a 7-point advantage the Democrat held in a late September survey by the same pollsters.
Apple should ask for their laptop back. Their slogan was never “Think stupid”
Upstroke, downstroke, upstroke, downstroke, uh, uh,……. POW!
Let’s go with Hiny’s polls. It will only drive more to the polls making McCain’s loss more embarrassing than it looks like it’s going to be.
Like watching the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency embarrassing. .
McCain is both Sisyphus and Sisyphus’ big rock!
Also, J— the Pedant recalls the second paragraph of the chapter on Fortune in Machiavelli’s The Prince (only because he happened to have read it last night).
Ken Lowery said,
October 29, 2008 at 19:20
Man, it has to suck to be a conservative pundit this year. You have to turn things like “massively popular with grassroots support” and “thinks maybe we should help each other out so we don’t all end up in Mad Max” into bad things.
Yeah. And the sudden Alan Greenspan revelation of ‘you know what, Ayn Rand was one stupid bitch,’ has got to hurt a lot too. I mean, think about it. You work for a perfect world, in which dudes with lots of money objectively have money because they’re awesome, turn into a world in which dudes with lots of money have money because their dads had lots of money. Then, daddy married some local high-school beauty queen whose parents REALLY loved the Bible, and the heir to the throne ends up being a sub-idiot, with a lot of money and political connections. God Bless America. Goodnight.
P.S. This is what I meant by getting the blast-fax
Update: on cue, the McCain campaign distributes a memo making the argument that Barack Obama has maxed out his support — at a level lower than most polls are projecting.
Sssh! Don’t wake the news cycle.
Watching wingers make complete and total idiot fools of themselves is fun.
The next President of the United States of America: Barack Hussein Obama.
Cmon, c,mon, c’mon………you can say it.
That’s right…………it’ll be alright. Right wing meditation stations will be available on all street corners in all the major cities starting Nov. 5th.
I quite like that “Butt Scud” is an actual product.
I have to admit, I’d prefer to believe Hinderakers chosen polls and not, for instance, those who’ve already voted, because despite being 19% ahead amongst votes cast so far, as all good Republicans know, votes cast don’t count if we say they don’t.
Personally, I’m taking the week off work next week, so I can see the good news roll in, and then spend the rest of it wildly celebrating across my country with my fellow Liberals… maybe I’ll even find the time when sober to remember if Truth really did come back and wasn’t just projecting his own all consuming rage and weaknesses in the presence of differing voices onto others. But ultimately, Barack by a landslide, so who cares what the dinosaurs will be saying… naked liberal orgies folks! Woo hoo!
Dammit! Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…we want them to be deluded right up until Obama pulls in electoral vote number 355!
I quite like that “Butt Scud” is an actual product.
I’m not going to ask how you knew that. See this peripalepticsosis ain’t so hard. Butt back
sideto the Raker of Hinds…Same pie hole one week earlier
So narrowing the lead means Obama’s lead has actually doubled in ASSRAAM’s cherry-picked poll numbers.
Oh, absolutely. Oh yeah, it’s not just Hindy either, but a number of them — they’ll post press release items even before they hit the news sites, sometimes copying or barely altering entire blocks of text..
A lot of the conservative bloggers have been pushing the line that the race is really, really close.
They don’t believe it; they fully understand McCain will concede in plenty of time to take advantage of the Early Bird Special at Stuckey’s on election night.
But there’s a method to their madness. They hope to create the perception that because the EmEssEm called it for Obama so early, what was a really, really close race discouraged gazillions of conservatives from voting in flyover country and out west.
Could Mr. Assrocket possibly be WRONG?
Cast your mind back… back to the days when the Big Three networks ruled the airwaves and Spiro Agnew hated them:
Then go further back… to the last days of the 1968 campaign between Nixon and Humphrey… and how both candidates ran two-hour long “telethons” on the major networks in the last days of the campaign!
And then even further back… to 1964, when Lyndon Johnson bought a half-hour informational commercial (the word “informercial” had yet to be coined) as a follow up to his infamous “Daisy” ad, with it’s flowers and little girl and big bombs.
The details are here:
I guess there’s some unfair advantage I have, in that I’m old and decrepit enough to actually remember these things, and I knew to go look the details up in actual books, instead of relying on pixels.
Mr. Assrocket continues his legacy of FAIL!
The Butt Scud.
Ok, I know it’s already been brought up, but how could he possibly have forgotten Ross Perot’s endless infomercials?
NYT 10/10/08 (Also the very first thing the Great Gazoogle returned on Ross Perot Commercial):
The Stoopid! IT BURNS!
No Presidential candidate has ever had so vast a war chest as to be able to afford such an expenditure.
I guess the idea that you might want a guy who could pull that off as president in difficult economic times didn’t occur to him.
P.S.- If you’re interested, that article is the second result returned under “half-hour commercial,” and Nixon’s 2-hour buy in 1968 equates to about 2.5 million dollars in 2008. Doesn’t sound quite “vast” to me.
Obama’s campaign has a lot more money than McPOW’s campaign (even before the shopping spree) = That’s miiiiighty suspicious boy. You get all that money dealin’ drugs?
The history of this campaign has been one of McCain climbing the hill, only to roll back down on account of events in the news, most critically the financial crisis.
This seems to be a recurring theme in compaints from the right blogosphere:
“Obama makes his own luck; McCain makes his own excuses; it’s not fair.”
Okay, I have a new theory.
The Republicans are trying to throw the election. Think about it. They nominated the 72-year-old crackpot and the god-botherer. Every attack they try somehow circles around to crack them over the head. The sitting president sends mixed signals about the bailout, sometimes directly contradicting his own czars and as a result, the markets take a roller-coaster ride, declining overall to multi-year lows. Meanwhile, the wars, generally percieved as Obama’s weak point, are relatively quiet.
They’re throwing a lot of personal attacks out at Obama, setting the stage to undermine him over the next 4 years while the economy struggles and the wars grind to their conclusion.
So far, the supporting evidence is all verifiable fact, just look in your newspaper.
I’m guessing the right-wing think tanks are preparing to welcome ex-administration apparatchiks and crank up the white papers and noise machine. Radio and TV “personalities” will be carefully briefed.
The goal: a comeback in 2012. They’re going to spend the next 4 years pissing in the pool while the Obama administration (god I love how that sounds in my head) tries to right the ship of state. Look for an incredible brouhaha over the inevitable tax increases (because we cannot continue to go further into hock to China) and whatever health insurance plan Obama comes up with. Expect delay and obstructionism in Congress. Country first my shiny metal ass.
Here’s what they still don’t get: Obama is competent. He knows how to organize support. He has tremendous goodwill around the country and the world. They just can’t believe a nigra could possibly defeat their brilliant plan.
I can’t wait to watch (and help) him run circles around these jerks.
Wow. I’ve known high school kids, failing in all subjects, who have been better at character assassination than this scump.
Serious question: Do these wankers think they’re warning everyone about an evil dictator, or are they just bitter because nobody’s asked them to dance at A night?
PS Where’s Ruppert these days?
Is CloacaCannon practicing his DJ skills in that photo? If his skills on the 1’s and 2’s are anywhere near his punditing skills, that’s something I gotta hear.
About as convincing as Matt Sludge posting that Nickelodeon Kids’ Poll a day or two ago.
That’s right, wingnuts – keep right on frantically rearranging those deck-chairs … your Titanic Party will somehow get back to port just fine.
A fairly recent haircut and a multi-hundred-dollar suit doesn’t make what you say important, Hinderaker, regardless of the “values” yer daddy instillied in you.