Shorter Gateway Pundit

Above: Outlier

McCain-Palin Closing In… Obama’s Lead Shrinks to 2.8 Points

  • If we bang harder on these pots and pans, it will scare away the sun-eating serpent.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

Note: This odd 2.8 result, unrepresented in any other poll, has since gone back up to +4% Obama. If we were really boring we’d be all like, “Will Gateway Pundit report the change?!?!? Waiting, waiting, tick-tock,” etc. But ho-hum.

The poll, in any case, was released by Investors Business Daily, a publication with a far-right editorial slant. Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight evaluated the IBD/Tipp polls here, and gave them cautious approval. But then two days later, the cuckoo popped out of the hatch.

It’s also worth mentioning this odd piece of business from August, which is now featured prominently at TippOnline under the header, “Are We Ready for Socialism?”


Comments: 63


I used to wonder how supposedly “scientific” polls could be so different from each other, until I actually took a poll phone call. The woman asked a few reasonable-sounding questions and then said something like “do you believe that taxpayers should be forced to pay for [whatever]” and when I answered “yes” she asked me again, like I didn’t get it, and I said something like “well you know it’s not like you get to attach a note to your tax return saying ‘don’t use my taxes for the following projects'” and she was ARGUING with me about it because I had the WRONG ANSWER.

Presumably after she gave up on that she was all “well I’ll just mark his response down as no”.


Yeah, I would have noted how full of shit the IBD poll is, and how pathetic it is that wingnuts have now considered it the one poll of record, and how doubly pathetic that is now that the one winger poll of choice now has Obama up 4….but yeah, you covered it.


Gateway Shithead (you think maybe we should point out to him that “pundit” is a word from the Islamofascisty part of the world?) got a shout out today on the Glenn Beck show – Blechh was yammering about the Rashid Khalidi thing with some mouthbreathing guest and he mentioned G.P. as a source. I’m sure he’s just a happy lil’ sociopath today.

What’s going to happen to these assclowns when President Obama doesn’t announce the Glorious People’s Revolution on January 21st?


That sun-eating serpent cares the piss out of me. I didn’t know the part about banging pots and pans. I feel a little safer now.

I’ve said this before in different circumstances. I run a blog that has nothing to do with politics but reviews the news from a wide range of sources. Overall, day in, day out, if you want the wrong answer, go to a financial publication or web site. They’re most often the most inaccurate.

And that includes weather forecasters.


is Obama down from his 98.6 lead? OMGodz, how terrified he must be.

There won’t be enough celebratory room on all the streets of ‘Merica on election day for the Obama supporters.

Some good news for the wingers: Cheetos won’t be sold out.


What’s going to happen to these assclowns when President Obama doesn’t announce the Glorious People’s Revolution on January 21st?

Duh! He wouldn’t just come out and say it. He’d use some crafty Islahomofascist code words like “Peace” (Kill Whitey), “Proud” (Kill Whitey), “Challenges,” (Kill Whitey) “America[ns]” (KILL KILL KILL WHITEY!) and so on.

Seriously, if Obama wins the whingebuttosphere will spend the first half of his administration analyzing his nomination speech.


Adding some back-up data to the GP reporting is this comment:

Have you noticed the breakdown at the bottom where they asked if those polled display the flag or not?

Oh yeah? Which flag?!?! WHICH FLAG!!?!??!?!?!??!!!?!


Reminds of the time my Dad got into a little fender-bender at a stop sign in DC. The cop asked him where he worked, and my Dad said: “I work for the Navy.” Whereupon the wingnut lady he hit screamed, “WHO’s NAVY?”

After an awkward moment of silence, the cop let my dad go.


Shorter Gateway Shithead: “If the polls asked whether the American people would rather vote for a terrorist or a war hero, McCain would be winning.”


Let them hang their hats on bullshit polls. Is there any greater agony than thinking your team just might have a chance, only to watch the other side take a knee in the final seconds?

The national trackers will tighten further over the next few days, which will in no way affect the state-by-state results, which continue to improve steadily for Obama.


IBD is just a bunch of whores who dream of being able to buy the amount of coke that Cokehead Larry™ can.


Snark aside, this is a very touching post at 538. This is what its all about, folks.


Seriously, if Obama wins the whingebuttosphere will spend the first half of his administration analyzing his nomination speech.

Well, fuckin’ A is all I got to say to that. It’ll be like one of those cards with “How do you amuse an idiot for hours? Turn over for the answer” on both sides.

At least it’ll keep ’em off the streets.


Hey libbies, I’ve heard enough outta YOU time to shut up now, American cant afford the classwar and Marxism Osama stands for, I’m supporting McCain and Pailin and so are most of us, the polls don’t matter they are baised and the media is in the tank for the Black Communist.


You better have Coach Urban Meyer’s fishsticks ready when he gets home, SecurityMom.

Otherwise, he can’t make the spread.


It’s OK, SecuredMom – Bush has done been fergivin teh Libbys

oops, wrong libby. which only re-inforces my point.

I think YOU TIME shut up now.


I certainly hope “SecurityMom” doesn’t homeschool her kids in English Composition.



Up Tipp! Feck Cork!


“SecurityMom”’s bullshit doesn’t usually look like that.

I recognize it from getting blasted drunk at night and reading a comment in a thread in the morning and realizing I wrote it. Tough time to be a wingnut moron. Have another one, SecurityMom.


At least it’ll keep ‘em off the streets.

Tip: If Obama wins, invest in companies that make components for computer keyboards and mice.

And corn. They’ll be consuming mass quantities of corn-based products at fReichtard Central if Obama wins.

Oh! I almost forgot cotton. There will be a sudden spike in sales of underwear.

I guess if McPalin wins they’ll burn through a lot of socks, but let’s not think about that.

Rugged in Montana

I’d like to do the Christianist thing by inviting all of you DEMONcraps to drop by my place for pemmican tapas! Sort of a rugged, pre-election celebration of Mr. President McKain being elected as berserker-ruler of the glorious USA of America. My treat!

(Please take your shoes off before entering my basement lair and step dainty around the tripwires).


At first I thought you meant pelican. But still, yay, thanks!


America is in the tank for the Black Communist. Yeah baby!

Rugged in Montana

You niave liberals can believe all of your biased polls for all I care. As I mentioned earlier on a previous thread, the leftwing pollsters are oversampling democrats and blacks to make it appear that Obummer is actually in the lead.

I knew right off the bat that the polls were biased. I mean, come on now? How in the hell is Obummer polling so well in solid red states such as Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Indiana, Virginia and North Carolina? The answer is, he isn’t! When the polls showed that he was either in the lead or close to tying McCain in those most conservative of states, I knew there was something fishy going on.

I mean, come on now? The people in those states are overwhelmingly Christian and registered Republicans, they are pro-life, pro-family, gun owning, patriotic folks who will not under any circumstances vote for a socialist like Obama.

You liberals can bitch, whine, moan, complain and niavely believe any biased poll you want, but the fact of the matter is, a socialist like Obama will not win in any of those states. I’m not even going to call Obama a marxist anymore. With all of his utopian talk about hope and change, he sounds to me like a utopian socialist, which if you remember your political science class, is further left than marxism.

Your guy isn’t fit to be elected dog catcher. Suck on it chumps. The truth hurts.

Rugged in Montana

Will somebody please enforce the rules against namestealing, and ban the leftist imposter at 5:25? Thank you.

Rugged in Montana

You should see a change in the site soon.


…he sounds to me like a utopian socialist, which if you remember your political science class, is further left than marxism.

At least it’s not as far left as an orgasmic socialist.

All about delusions

Common delusions:

Delusion of controlNihilistic delusionDelusional jealousy Delusion of guilt or sin Delusion of mind being readDelusion of referenceErotomaniaGrandiose delusionPersecutory delusionsSomatic delusionDelusion that rules against name-stealing exist

Rugged in Montana

Rugged in Montana,

Please stop stealing Rugged in Montana’s name.
This is your first warning.

Rugged in Montana


When Obama wins, celebrations will occur around the world. It’ll be like the Berlin Wall coming down all over again.


When Obama wins, celebrations will occur around the world. It’ll be like the Berlin Wall coming down all over again.

I got my ticket to Grant Park and Obama on election night today. That’s going to be like the fireworks going off at the end of Return of the Jedi after the death star and the emperor got blown up.

Rugged in Montana

I’m working on deleting the spurious Rugged in Montana posts. Please keep refreshing and you should see the offending posts disappear.

Rugged in Montana

Lesley, you poor, niave skull full of mush. The Utopian Socialist is not going to win this election. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but America is not Europe.

America is still predominately a conservative country, where individual freedom and tradition are still very much valued by the vast majority of people. Utopian socialism just isn’t gonna fly here. It is the most leftwing of all political ideologies, and is even to far to left for most Europeans, never mind Americans.

That is exactly what Barack Obama is, a utopian socialist. His talk about hope and change are really just a kinder, gentler way of masking his true beliefs. The American people will never buy into utopian socialism, so Obama has to find a way to make it appear palatable if he hopes to win this election.


Instead of this, America will be receiving this.


As far as polls, popular opinion, liberals, moderate conservatives and the world at large is concerned, Obama is the next President of the United States.

The End.

Discounted Pity Cheetos will be available for the unfortunate few who allowed their brains to be programmed by Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly.

Rugged in Montana

Lesley, you pathetic, anti-American piece of garbage. You are exactly what is wrong with American young people today. You actually care what people in other parts of the world think, rather than whats good for us as Americans.

You make me sick, you pantywaist queer. Did our Founding Fathers care what the rest of the world thought when they cast off the shackles of British tyranny? Did James K. Polk care what the rest of the world thought when he carried out God’s divine will of Manifest Destiny? Did Abraham Lincoln care what the rest of the world thought when he freed the slaves?

The answer to all of those questions is a resounding NO! And yet you are either hopelessly niave, or a linguine spined coward. Who gives a mullah’s behind what the rest of the world thinks? We are in this thing for ourselves. This is the United States of America. And any policy our Commander in Chief makes is the business of the American people only. The rest of the world can fall into sea for all I and all patriotic Americans care.


Where’s the real Rugged?


Does anyone know where Obama is getting the money (supposedly $2 million) for this triumphialist rally on the lakefront?

Water flouridation royalties.


that should be “are concerned” but I am so high on the imminent victory of a black President who also has a brain and an overwhelmingly NOT REPUBLICAN majority and the end of Bush FOREVER, my fingers are a little quick on the draw.

plus two beers.


oh dear, some of that might not have sounded the way I intended.

Rugged in Montana

“nostromo said,

October 29, 2008 at 6:12

Where’s the real Rugged?”

I am the real Rugged. I posted here under this name, before one of you liberals decided to be teh funny, and do a parody of me.

Now I’m back, and ready to put you niave liberals in your place.


Where’s the real Rugged?

I believe it must be him because the real rugged’s in my killfile and I can’t see any of truthy or rugged’s comments.


And I’m always surprised at the number of Chicagoans on this site. Et tu, Ed M? Does anyone know where Obama is getting the money (supposedly $2 million) for this triumphialist rally on the lakefront?

I ponied up $75. I’m considering that money, really, really, well spent right now. I’ll take this over a concert in Grant Park any day and I’ve spent more.


For clarity, I didn’t pay $75 for the ticket, I got mad three times and donated $25 for whatever reason.


after eight years of hell, $25 is money well spent.


My $25 felt like the best money I spent every time.

I sort of shorted Obama. I sent more money to something with the ridiculous name of “Tinklenberg” in MN without thinking much about it because I happened to have more in checking when I got pissy. Obama has his money anyway.

A fruit fly in Paris

Tried Cheetos yesterday for the first time in a very long time because the blogs are always making fun of them and I happened to buzz past the snack aisle and there they were. Real tasty actually.

I kid you not!


I had a flirtation with the jalapeno Cheetos, that died because there is just no way to worth with original art and cheeto fingers. I went back to my elitist Gargento’s.


I miss the fun trolls.


At first I thought you meant pelican. But still, yay, thanks!

Nah, ya can’t eat pelican, Doc. They’re all rabid and you need one of those blowfish disassemblers to de-rabify them, and then the meat’s like badminton netting.

And hey, will the obnoxious Rugged in Montana who’s here, there and everywhere today stop stealing my name? You’re clearly a Leftist agitator attempting to sully the reputaions of those of us in The Heartland, so cut it out before you end up in the new McKain death camps that are coming for your type.


Cheetos are a tasty snack and if we let them become of wingnuttia alone, then the terrorists have won. Mountain Dew Code Red, they can have, though. That stuff’s nasty.

Buggered in Montana

You naive liberals, when McCain wins me and SecurityMom are going to bang on top of a pile of purged voter registrations.


If we bang harder on these pots and pans, it will scare away the sun-eating serpent.

Yeah, but what do you do about that giant pig that eats the Moon every four weeks?


“Yeah, but what do you do about that giant pig that eats the Moon every four weeks?”

Ah, that’s where the ritual application of lipstick comes in.


“Does anyone know where Obama is getting the money (supposedly $2 million) for this triumphialist rally on the lakefront?”The Troof

Weather Underground bake sale, of course. Duh!!!

God, Troof. Hugh Hewitt would be so disappointed in you.


Who needs pelicans when you have herons


Lesley said,
October 29, 2008 at 5:48

When Obama wins, celebrations will occur around the world. It’ll be like the Berlin Wall coming down all over again.

With bells on, Lesley! It might just mean the rest of the world has a chance of avoiding armageddon, which wouldn’t be the case if the Republicans carried on

Apropos of that last sentence, I can never see the word ‘armageddon’ without thinking of Spike Milligan’s novel Puckoon, because a character caught in mid-shag runs off trouserless into the night shouting “Armageddon!”, which someone hearing it takes to mean “Ah’m a geddin’ out of here!”

Okay, it’s funnier in Milligan.


Only my fear of appearing tiresomely pedantic stops me from speculating whether the “Ah’m a geddin’ out of here!” anecdote comes, in fact, from one of Milligan’s volumes of war memoirs.
No, I tell a lie. I am also deterred by my fear of Just Alison’s knowledge of numerous martial arts.


I thought the real Rugged sloped off, never to return, after it was repeatedly pointed out that he had the gayest nick in winger history.

Perhaps it’s a cry for help.


If you were really boring, you’d follow up with an Ace of Spades update… oh, never mind.


Shorter Shorter Gateway Pundit: “Math is hard! Let’s go shopping!”


Does anyone know where Obama is getting the money (supposedly $2 million) for this triumphialist rally on the lakefront?

I heard your mama was blowing Florida for McCain…

The Goddamn Batman Is Rugged In Montana And Everywhere Else

How in the hell is Obummer polling so well in solid red states such as Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Indiana, Virginia and North Carolina?

They woke up?


I just noticed yet another “outlier” in that IBD/Tipp poll, which seems a mite, er, idiosyncratic.

That poll has the Midwest voters adding up to 101%.
Math is HARD!


(comments are closed)