Profiles In Liberalism
Posted on October 27th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Shorter Greta Van Susteren:
Above: Fox News ‘high profile liberal hire’
- LOLOLOL!!!! The DIFFERANCE between my OFFICAL FOX NEWS BLOG!!!! and a user post at FREE REPUBLIC is litteraly NEGLIGABLE!!!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
[Hanx! Goober]
[Cf. Jonah Goldberg, among many such observers.]
Rats, I thought it said ‘Profiles in Lesbianism.’
I thought it said Profiteroles in Cous-cous.
Palestra…isn’t that that food additive that causes anal leakage?
the DIFFERANCE between my OFFICIAL FOX NEWS BLOG!!! and a user post at FREE REPUBLIC is litteraly NEGLIGABLE…!!!
You misspelled OFFICAL.
Opps, your right.
She forgot the “Arooo!!! Arooo!!!!”
Sweet fucking jumping jeebus, I’d fire greta “extreme makeover” von susteren for just publishing anything that is that stupid, poorly written and formatted, whatever the content was. Or maybe she was just trying to reach out to her audience?
Satire; the satirized. The ontological blurring is palpable.
I do like her:
“WHERE IS THE MEDIA OUTRAGE? It is not enough to report this – this treatment of Govenor Palin has to stop.”
Why oh Why won’t the em ess em cover this poutrage?? Why!???
Oh wait…
Sweet fucking jumping jeebus, I’d fire greta “extreme makeover” von susteren for just publishing anything that is that stupid, poorly written and formatted, whatever the content was. Or maybe she was just trying to reach out to her audience?
The current top post moves the GretaWire firmly into Chief Editor Korir territory: “Someone sent us a press release. Let’s reproduce it in full.”
Countdown to Michelle Malkin disclosing the lawyer’s home address and school-aged children’s schedules in 3…2…1…
She forgot the “Arooo!!! Arooo!!!!”
Plus, the police light needs to spin. And there needs to be a lot more than one.
The comments alone make that post a sub-Freeper experience.
How do you covertly intimidate someone?
As a result of their journalism, votes already cast for President have had to be withdrawn.
She offers no proof, though – no link, no cite, no nothing.
and then there is this…a blogger on the Daily Kos I am told…investigating the student journalists???
An amateur investigating non-professionals??? That’s Michelle Malkin’s job, damn it!!
Greta seems to have taken leave of her faculties. That page looks like the old Hal Turner site.
When I was a kid, everyone was afraid of, like, Jim Jones suicide cults, and deprogramming was all the rage. I don’t know if there are any deprogrammers still plying their trade but if there are, for the love of God get one over to Greta’s residence post haste.
The comments alone make that post a sub-Freeper experience.
Are you kidding me?(???? for verisimilitude) I’ve fallen hard for several, but “they have the Ordacidy to call me racists” Rich is my absolute favorite. *SWOON!*
In the olden days before Gweta went over to the dark side, she and I used to exchange emails regularly, and she was quite reasonable.
But the reality vacuum over there can suck the brains of anyone…
She offers no proof, though – no link, no cite, no nothing.
News-Googling “vote from home” turns up a WTTE link which says “Charges of voter registration fraud involving more than a dozen people living in a Central Ohio home has been settled just days before the election. The Franklin County Prosecutor and the group “Vote from Home” have announced a settlement.
The two sides cut a deal, agreeing the five ballots that were cast will not be counted – and no one will be prosecuted.”
Five ballots. Fraudtastic!
Don’t enturbulate Greta.
Xenu could be watching, ready to strike!
WTTE—central Ohio’s FOX affiliate.
Also owned by the same people who own the local ABC affiliate, WSYX—Sinclair Broadcasting.
Their newscast was always in third place behind WCMH-4 (NBC) and the locally-owned WBNS-10 (CBS).
If I say I’m going to read what Greta writes and listen to what she says in hopes that she’ll be fair and impartial, am I being intimidating, or just hopelessly naive?
I have no doubt that President Obama will attempt to destroy free media in this country. We see it when his campaign blacklists news stations for asking non-softballs to Joe Biden. We see it when his supporters express their desire to shut down Fox News. We see it when his campaign intimidates the media.
Much like his idol Adolf Hitler, Obama has brainwashed young people and is using them to reach their parents. If Obama is elected, expect the people who opposed him to be punished. After all, they have logs of millions of McCain supporters and they will use the government against them.
The fact is that Obama is going to ruin America and run us into the ground.
Also, McCain supporters all over the nation have been attacked and mutilated by insane Obama supporters.
Careful, she’ll wriggle her nose and turn you into frogs.
Racist? Us? We’re not racist. as you can plainly see.
WARNING: link is to – don’t click it unless you don’t mind giving her the traffic. Also don’t read any of the comments unless you have an iron stomach.
I find it difficult to take Grete Von Susteren seriously. After all, there are no animated badgers in that headline.
oe the Plumber dares to question Wise Master Obama, and is investigated, excoriated, and mocked
Once again, Troofily Turd, falsl victim to the post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy. He was mocked not because he questioned Obama but because he’s a whiny assed titty baby stoopid fucking idiot. As is troofie.
WTTE—central Ohio’s FOX affiliate.
Maybe so, but the AP says the same thing. So as of now FIVE WHOLE VOTES were withdrawn, by people who weren’t trying to commit voter fraud but admitted they didn’t understand the residency requirement. They were going to be in Ohio for several months, including the day of the election, and thought they could vote in Ohio. A Columbia Dispatch article notes that McCain campaign workers have made the same mistake. Attacking Democrats for “vote fraud” when your own campaign staff are doing the exact same thing? Now that’s Ordacidy we can believe in!
What is wrong with the commenters at that site? Is being under 75 in IQ now a requirement to post there?
The suck, it was strong, but somehow my browser left, possibly some sort of suck slingshot effect
Yaaaayyy! Got muh farst hayat tiyup frum Sadlee Noes!!
Stop investigating “Joe” the “Plumber” who “wants to buy” a business that will net him “$250,000 a year.”
It’s too bad, she was pretty awesome on Space Ghost.
You forgot to mention the red font. Not many people take the time to scream in red anymore. Not like the old days.
That, and McCain made him the centerpiece of his debate performance. Without that, nobody would have noticed poor old Joe.
there are no animated badgers in that headline.
The badgers in the headline are dead!?
More entries for the Obama Death-List!
Voting fraud at people’s homes? This is how you do it.
The badgers in the headline are dead!? More entries for the Obama Death-List!
I thought I saw them in my comptrolling class!
… she and I used to exchange emails regularly, …
Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?
Is “Arooo!!!” from Richard Nixon on Futurama? He seems to say that a lot (and randomly) and I’ve always wondered why.
And jeebus, can Troof and Rary get more hypocritical? Yeah, shitbags, steel yourselves in your bunkers. When I get Digital HD in February, I’m going to enjoy President Obama’s jackbooted thugs torching your “compound” in full HD! While you’re on fire, Troofy, reflect on the the fact that for 8 years, liberals wanted to curtail Executive Power to allow equal protection for ALL while your reThugs and W. wanted to wipe your ass with our most sacred document because you were too frequently shitting your pants in Fear Of A Brown Planet.
When you’re done smoking, we’ll get to work bringing Obama to heel by the Rule Of Law, ‘mkay?
I hope everyone at this
Mickey Mouse outfitrelatively small blog will notice that this is not the first timethis has happened.So it’s basically just par for the course. As is this.
Hey, this is cool. GRETA discloses the secret to FoxNews success: Repetition and the “herd mentality”
Holy moly! That Van Sustereneningbergenlitzer is an HTML ninjorz.
Not only screaming in <red> but also <bold> and <underline> and even <bold red font with black underline>. The only thing keeping it from Jeff K levels of 1337 h4xxorz are midi files and the fact that she only uses two font sizes.
…eflect on the the fact that for 8 years, liberals wanted to curtail Executive Power to allow equal protection for ALL…
Actually, the Democrat Party Congress elected in 2006 forced Bush to have his legal counsel write secret-from-everybody-including-themselves opinions giving him Supreme Executive Power in 2002.
I thought everybody knew that.
You know, just because the thing you saw wasn’t there doesn’t mean there wasn’t something there that you didn’t see.
Bigby: “Aroo!” is, I believe, just supposed to be a klaxon or alarm; the canonical spelling derived from the sound of air raid sirens (I think) is “aarugha”.
It’s likely unrelated to Nixon’s “aroo” on Futurama, which is both just a noise that sounds funny as part of a Nixon impression (like the jowl-slapping sound) and probably a reference to Scooby Doo’s similar expression of surprise.
Wowzers! Check out the open thread. 1940 comments in five hours! WTF?!
Which sounds suspiciously like “arugula”. Are air raid sirens elitist?
there are literally billions* of reasons why greta is right and you are wrong.
* reasons=thetans.
Next week, Barack Obama will be our President-elect, and the racist, extremely small man who posts under the alias “The Truth” will still be a haughty little braggart who is desperate for attention. Any kind of attention at all.
I’m sure this will serve him well in his life outside of the Internet.
> ( link)
I checked that out, since the comments at Greta’s fiasco column was so entertaining. Came across this gem:
“You know, I spent 3 days in Gettysburg last year touring the battlefield there. I didnt see a single black person for three days and wondered why they wouldnt live there after so many white people died to free them.”
I noted it because my wife & I just did one of those Gettsyburg tours.
Then the sheer stupidity of the post’s “logic” struck me, and I did an involuntary LOL.
BTW, another post there:
“And the black community will be the first to complain when the crap hits the fan. Because the next white pres will have to take drastic measures to correct the mess.”
Looks like teh authorities finally caught up to Twoofie:
Wowzers! Check out the open thread. 1940 comments in five hours! WTF?!
It’s those cool little symbols posted in each open thread. They draw them like a lit bulb attracts bugs.
Okay, so I went over to Greta’s site and I came back knowing less about the supposed issue than when I left here. If we bracket for a moment all the problems with Fox’s “journalism”, I think there would be a fairly universal agreement that the purpose of a news site is to provide information, even if it is politically slanted. There is literally zero information there, not even link to somewhere that would explain the story. What the fuck?
Has someone been cleaning out his bookmarks?
I like how even in your crippled man-child fantasy-land you can no longer imagine decent hard-working Americans voting for a man whose economic plan is to tax their health benefits and shout about the 60s. And Obama’s Hitlerian perfidy is always just over the horizon waiting to bust wide open.
It might have eluded you why you’re so often an object of sport here, but let me make it clear – worshipping authority figures like a creepy mixture of Old Testament Jesus and Uncircumcised Daddy is a purely right-wing phenomenon, and no matter how hard you project the closest you’ve even come is sneering at the starry-eyed optimism of teenagers.
You’re officially less skeptical about the world than the target demographic of Hot Topic; every post you make here has been a long, concerted boast about how pathetic and desperate you are. You laugh at us because we think we’re too good for your delicate shit au fours.
It has to be pretty unpleasant being so useless you can’t even get yer jollies trolling, huh? Fuck off, Oprah.
Alternative shorter Greta Van Sustenance:
Let’s move Greta into Leyte Gulf or Hiroshima. You know – because a lot of people died to free her there.
Oh, black people. They think they have a right to complain about being poor if they don’t live out their lives as human curios for the amusement of Civil War enthusiasts. Aren’t they adorable?
I really love the complete unfamiliarity – even on the kind of casual level you’d expect out of someone living in a large city – with black people as human beings. They’re whiners, they’re radicals, they’re Muslims, they’re ungrateful for being emancipated in 1864, which was the only time it counted ever. You’d honestly expect Greta to, on seeing some guy with dreadlocks passing by, stick up her hand and go ‘How, dark-face.’
Mind you, this guy would have to actually be white. Talking to an actual black would be dangerous.
How does one covertly intimidate?
And I’m waiting in no bunker. I’m laying low – it’s the best strategy when absolutes of any stripe control things.
laying low in Castle AAAAAAARGH, possibly surrounded by a shit moat.
What incident?
Much like his idol Adolf Hitler, Obama ….
Funniest trollquote ever.
I’m always amazed that the same people who are always saying “those uppity blacks just need to get over it” are usually the same people writing letters to the editor proclaiming, “ZOMG!!!! Hte clerk at Wal-Mart told me ‘Happy Holidays’ instead of ‘Merry CHRISTmas’. I’m SICK and TIRED of this persecution! BOYCOTT!!!!ELEVEN!”
> You are thrilled to see anyone questioning Liberal Dogma being absolutely torn apart
Actually, “Joe” tore himself apart by lying about his situation.
It is exactly the same as if I (a male) ran up to McPOW at a campaign appearance, told him I was actually female and had an abortion because my life was endangered by the fetus, and then asked him why he sneered at the phrase “life of the mother”.
Forget it. You won’t get it.
Just practice saying “President Obama”. You’ll need to start now to be ready by Jan 20.
How does one covertly intimidate?
One lies low in a covert, while warning one’s opponents of one’s intentions to scrutinise their activities and expose their double standards and generally bore them witless.
Have you ever been on a university campus? Do you have any opinions that are based on reality instead of on tired conservative talking points that have no basis in said reality?
Turn off Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and get out of the house every once in a while.
You might learn something and save yourself some of the well-deserved ridicule you get from honest, decent people.
laying low = Mom’s basement?
Is that really the Fixed News page?
Speaking of voter fraud, whatever happened to that case involving Ann Coulter where she knowingly lied about her residence to vote in another district?
Last I heard she fucked some guy in the FBI who then made unsolicited calls to the local authorities telling them to stop the investigation.
Right, not like the perfect shining city on a hill (radioactive?) that it is now.
And as for Greta’s red font, I just thought my eyes were bleeding…
I’m so relieved to find out that the point of this was the gibberish. I just quit smoking and thought that the withdrawals were causing me to fail to comprehend writing. I’m fucking serious.
The fact is that Obama is going to ruin America and run us into the ground.
Too late. Been there, done that. heh-heh-heh.
Jesus Christ, she reminds me of Michael Jackson. Before and after pix, side by side…’d never even know it was her!
from … er, slave owners. Many of whom happened to have more-or-less-whitish skin, or so I’m told (I don’t see color, but I accept it for the sake of argument).
Er, sowing the wind, that is. And then you REAP the whirlwind. In the old days you’d then save around a tenth of the whirlwind to plant again, but these new Roundup-ready wind seeds have those terminator genes. Anyway you get the point.
oh troofie, my dear, you are an ass. i bet you’re the same kind of ass who brushes off wire-tapping, the 100 mile constitution-free-zone, well – the entire patriot act – with a “I’ve got nothing to hide from the government”. yet, with the mind of an ass, you somehow gathered enough brain cells together to conclude liberals are anti-free speech. explain to me how voicing an opinion; that most mccain supporters are racist and/or xenophobic and/or islamophobic is the same as anti-free speech? just because the vast majority of palin/mccain zombies aren’t capable of defending their political opinions, so that they either yell “commie” or “muslim”, or they shut up all together when confronted by 2 or more liberals, THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT ANTI-FREE SPEECH. please. i WANT a wingnut to try to explain to me why they believe the ludicrous crap they do. so many on the right are easily intimidated by the i.q. of so many on the left – but, that DOES NOT equal anti-free speech.
but, i must thank you for one of the best laughs i’ve had in weeks. liberals being anti-free speech! lol! you’re just so precious, aren’t you troofie?
ol’ twoofie reminds me of a tiresome troll I used to be bothered with 4 years ago. He claimed to be based in Ohio (and whois information corroborated that). Wasn’t Ohio the place where we saw a lot of polling shenanigans in ought-four? He seemed to be pretty convinced of victory, as if he knew something. your new troll sounds so much like him, in all his obtuse and repetitive glory, it’s uncanny.
For G. van S., every day is a red-letter-day.
Holy smokes! That site is, uh … unique … actually sort of WAY TOO unique. The “threat” sounds more like a standard flame of the kind you’d expect to get from the target of your hit-piece the next day – & the “intimidation” may well be a legitimate question as to one of the “reporters” being less than fair-&-square with their own vote. The only thing that saves it all from pure hardcore fail is the abundance of HTML razzmatazz – damn, that is one BUSY page for the eyes.
No shit – two or three more of those & she can sign up for a cameo in a David Lynch movie … it’s both jocular & creepy as hell. I did NOT recognize her, other than by name. Ulp.
Meanwhile, under the bridge … Herr Trout is convinced that “Joe” The “Plumber” getting pwned for being a lying devious bastard constitutes an “incident” & is quaking in fear at the possibility of having some of his missing human rights restored by that scary evil crypto-Muslim America-hater Obama.
Cry me a river, you sad little emo twit. If you’re still around in another month or two (fat chance), most of the responses to your drivel will be of the “LOL” variety – not that seeing you rub your paws together like Hitler in his bunker in spring of ’45, about to unleash the imaginary “Mother Of All Secret Weapons” isn’t lulzworthy enough already. At least HE was baked 24/7 on massive doses of cocaine & speed – what’s YOUR excuse?
it is greta VAN susteren not VON dumb idiot VAN is Dutch and VON is German… And Dutch owns German