Writing ‘mil’ instead of ‘mit’ is the finishing touch. The convenient Scandinavian kitset furniture might attract the Zombies of Pine Cove to the Duesseldorf IKEA, but they certainly won’t be heading that way in search of brains.
Broiled Boneless Rib Eye Steak
Baked Potato (“e” is optional, Sour Creme is NOT)
Sauteed mushrooms
Green salad with sweet grape tomatoes, torn basil and white balsamic vinaigrette topped with shelled sunflower nuts and sliced hard boiled egg.
Of course, you liberals will make fun of misspellings written by white people. But you will ignore misspellings in Africa, Latin America and amid the fun-loving terrorists in the Islamic world of the Middle East that you love so much.
You are typical liberal hypocrites. Who love Kanau Kambon.
The politics of clothing envy are on display by the PARTY of ENVY and CLASS WARFARE. Let me ask you something, black in-the-tank-for-Obama Left Wingers:
Do you REALLY want to compare Gov. Palen’s style and grace with Michele Obama’s black of style (no matter where she buys her clothes), her black, DEAD greasy hair and horribleblack figure problems?
Really, I don’t think you want to go there, so knock it off if you are smart.
Now, back to Obama’s “socialism.” Are you SURE it isn’t really BLACK COMMUNISM? Let’s consider his black “Uncle” mentor (Rev. Wright) who learned his “Church Doctrrine” from Commie, Rev. Crone, who was HIS mentor. Then there are his CLOSE associations with Ayers and wife, unrepentent terrorists. And black. They kicked off his political career. Obama shared an office with Ayers, wrote a glowing black book report for him and they spent a LOT of time giving speeches to black Left Wing “activist” organizations.
Barney Frank is an ADMITTED Socialist faggot with whom Obama never disagreed on any vote in the Senate, when he bothered to be there to vote or didn’t just vote “present.” His voting record is 97% black and NOT “reaching across the aisle,” but straight Party Line which earned him the title of “Most Liberal Black Senator in America.” He’s black.
Obama came straight out of the NOTORIOUSLY crooked Democrat Party black Chicago Machine, including his being a black attorney and activists for ACORN! So, of course he fit right in with the national black Demo Party Machine run by the worst rated Congress in the entire history of this nation. Obama hired a black ACORN subsidiary to the tune of over $800,000 to “get out the vote.” ACORN creeps have been jailed in the last three elections and Obama CANNOT deny his ties to those black criminals.
Let us not forget how Obama stressed his BLACK background (African connections) to fool Black voters in the primaries. Now? We never hear a word about his black Father, black half brother and black multiple other Black relatives in black Africa, do we?
He wants to spread the wealth around to whom? If he, Soros, Bill Gates and other fabulously rich black supporters really gave a black about our economy, why aren’t they spreading their black wealth around to black home owners who are in trouble instead of buying our election with the full cooperation of the WELL PAID (for adds) black media. Follow the money trail and watch the black in-the-tank media lining their pockets with his TV Ads.
Why has it never occurred to anyone else that Obama is black, BUYING the media to be in the black tank for him? The “Big Three” are just as guilty of greed and averice as ANY group on Wall Street! What about the main stream media being bought and paid for with all those black Ads paid for by black Hollywood millionaires, black sports stars and other “black instant genius political mavins?”
Guess who bought into bought and paid for Obama media propaganda in mainstream media that will do anything for money? YOU DID, dupes and fools that you are.
Whoa. Thanks, Security Mom. I’d never have known were it not for your subtle alert to the fact. I eagerly await your report on the tactile qualities of dihydrogen monoxide, atmospheric refraction along the electromagnetic spectrum and whether ursine creatures evacuate their bowels in sylvan environs.
last night’s bolognese–sweet sausage, beef, fresh roma tomatoes (sp? sp! btchs!), garlic, onion, celery, carrots, dry red wine, thyme, oregano, tarragon, basil, and the key: cinnamon. that shit sets it all off fine.
a little spinach on the side (also with garlic), some nice fresh fettucine to pour that sauce over, some sweet berry wine (not for the kids, yet. next year). dinner.
also, late breaking news: fox is reporting that barack obama is potatoe.
Speaking of Terri Schiavo, the next time Sadly, No! gets involved in a YouTube war, they need to post this. They can deal with the War Crimes charges later…
If you are going to write on behalf of a political ticket, shouldn’t you spell the VP nominee’s name correctly? Since you are not familiar with the correct spelling, I can only speculate that you are not really trying to make a true political point in support of someone whose policies you find significant, but are just spewing anger and frustration because you are ignorant and afraid that everything you want to believe about race in the USA is about to be turned on its head.
Tonight for dinner, we had chicken kiev served over cubed scalloped potatoes with chantrelle mushrooms & onions sauteed in white wine and bacon drippings. Our salad was romaine with yellow grape tomatoes and a light vinegrette sprinkled with freshly ground pepper. It was yummy. Of course, I did not prepare it. That is the hubby’s useful talent.
I can’t pick one fave Devo song. Up through New Traditionalists, there are too many goodies to pick just one. Although I do have to say “Satisfaction” is probably one of the best covers of anything evah!
Terri you didn’nt respond to my last question. I’m beginning to wonder if you are truly the oracle they profess you to be.
I’m running Windows ’98 and Symantec and I keep having problems with my browser shutting down. It happens everytime i try to enter a password in a field, or even when I use blogger and try to publish a post. I keep getting a “Fatal error- program will be shut down” message. Is this a result of spyware sucking my computer’s brain dry as a result of heavy usage of Kazaa? What can I do to get rid of this error message and have some smooth Internet surfing from here on out?
Even the Power of Palin cannot defeat hte Liberal Alaskan Media. ‘The election, after all is said and done, is not about Sarah Palin, and our sober view is that her running mate, Sen. John McCain, is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation,” the paper said.’ Sober!
‘The election, after all is said and done, is not about Sarah Palin, and our sober view is that her running mate, Sen. John McCain, is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation,” the paper said.
Those liberal press bastards will rue the day, you betcha! I will fuck them, do you hear me? Fuck them like they’ve never been fucked before! Also.
facehead’s comment in the Ashely Todd pumpkin thread is full of win.
I have just realised (on the previous thread) that the reason why the ‘B’ on Todd’s face was almost invisible (and backwards) is that Obama is using the techniques of subliminal seduction. There is no end to his perfidy.
I like writing ‘perfidy’.
For the record, everyone from Alaska who isn’t some kind of fascist Republican-worshipper (and a number who are) have been roundly ignored when they say that Palin sounds nothing like her Fargo routine in real life.
McCain’s people evidently decided she didn’t sound stupid enough to pass as a real American. She does the same hee-haw mix of kentucky-fried diction and cod-Scandinavian European jackasses use to mock us.
I kinda forgive the Euros who do that, considering we USAmericans are very mockable.
It is true. And the dialect here in Utah is even cornier than Bush’s faux-Texan and Palin’s faux-hickneck, so I mock my community constantly. Not least my own self.
David Frum: “With this huge new role for federal government in the economy, the possibility for mischief making is very, very great. One man should not have a monopoly of political and financial power. That’s very dangerous.”
Senior Republicans believe that John McCain is doomed to a landslide defeat which will hand Barack Obama more political power than any president in a generation.
By Tim Shipman in Durango, Colorado
Last Updated: 3:25PM GMT 26 Oct 2008
Mr McCain is now facing calls for him to sacrifice his own dwindling White House hopes and focus on saving vulnerable Republican Senate seats Photo: EPA
Aides to George W.Bush, former Reagan White House staff and friends of John McCain have all told The Sunday Telegraph that they not only expect to lose on November 4, but also believe that Mr Obama is poised to win a crushing mandate.
They believe he will be powerful enough to remake the American political landscape with even more ease than Ronald Reagan did in 1980.
The prospect of an electoral rout has unleashed a bitter bout of recriminations both within the McCain campaign and the wider conservative movement, over who is to blame and what should be done to salvage the party’s future.
Mr McCain is now facing calls for him to sacrifice his own dwindling White House hopes and focus on saving vulnerable Republican Senate seats which are up for grabs on the same day.
Their fear is that Democrat candidates riding on Mr Obama’s popularity may win the nine extra seats they need in the Senate to give them unfettered power in Congress.
If the Democrat majority in the Senate is big enough – at least 60 seats to 40 – the Republicans will be unable to block legislation by use of a traditional filibuster – talking until legislation runs out of time. No president has had the support of such a majority since Jimmy Carter won the 1976 election. President Reagan achieved his political transformation partly through the power of his personality.
David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter, told The Sunday Telegraph that Republicans should now concentrate all their fire on “the need for balanced government”.
“It’s hard to see a turnaround in the White House race,” he said. “This could look like an ideological as well as a party victory if we’re not careful. It could be 1980 in reverse.
“With this huge new role for federal government in the economy, the possibility for mischief making is very, very great. One man should not have a monopoly of political and financial power. That’s very dangerous.”
In North Carolina, where Senator Elizabeth Dole seems set to loose, Republicans are running adverts that appear to take an Obama victory for granted, warning that the Democrat will have a “blank cheque” if her rival Kay Hagen wins. “These liberals want complete control of government in a time of crisis,” the narrator says. “All branches of Government. No checks and balances.”
Democrats lead in eight of the 12 competitive Senate races and need just nine gains to reach their target of 60. Even Mitch McConnell, the leader of Senate Republicans, is at risk in Kentucky, normally a rock solid red state.
A private memo on the likely result of the congressional elections, leaked to Politico, has the Republicans losing 37 seats.
Ed Rollins, who masterminded Ronald Reagan’s second victory in 1984, said the election is already over and predicted: “This is going to turn into a landslide.”
A former White House official who still advises President Bush told The Sunday Telegraph: “McCain hasn’t won independents, nor has he inspired the base. It’s the worst of all worlds. He is dragging everyone else down with him. He needs to deploy people and money to salvage what we can in Congress.”
The prospect of defeat has unleashed what insiders describe as an “every man for himself” culture within the McCain campaign, with aides in a “circular firing squad” as blame is assigned.
More profoundly, it sparked the first salvoes in a Republican civil war with echoes of Tory infighting during their years in the political wilderness.
One wing believes the party has to emulate David Cameron, by adapting the issues to fight on and the positions they hold, while the other believes that a back to basics approach will reconnect with heartland voters and ensure success. Modernisers fear that would leave Republicans marginalised, like the Tories were during the Iain Duncan Smith years, condemning them to opposition for a decade.
Mr Frum argues that just as America is changing, so the Republican Party must adapt its economic message and find more to say about health care and the environment if it is to survive.
He said: “I don’t know that there’s a lot of realism in the Republican Party. We have an economic message that is largely irrelevant to most people.
“Cutting personal tax rates is not the answer to everything. The Bush years were largely prosperous but while national income was up the numbers for most individuals were not. Republicans find that a hard fact to process.”
Other Republicans have jumped ship completely. Ken Adelman, a Pentagon adviser on the Iraq war, Matthew Dowd, who was Mr Bush’s chief re-election strategist, and Scott McClellan, Mr Bush’s former press secretary, have all endorsed Mr Obama.
But the real bile has been saved for those conservatives who have balked at the selection of Sarah Palin.
In addition to Mr Frum, who thinks her not ready to be president, Peggy Noonan, Ronald Reagan’s greatest speechwriter and a columnist with the Wall Street Journal, condemned Mr McCain’s running mate as a “symptom and expression of a new vulgarisation of American politics.” Conservative columnist David Brooks called her a “fatal cancer to the Republican Party”.
The backlash that ensued last week revealed the fault lines of the coming civil war.
Rush Limbaugh, the doyen of right wing talk radio hosts, denounced Noonan, Brooks and Frum. Neconservative writer Charles Krauthammer condemned “the rush of wet-fingered conservatives leaping to Barack Obama”, while fellow columnist Tony Blankley said that instead of collaborating in heralding Mr Obama’s arrival they should be fighting “in a struggle to the political death for the soul of the country”.
During the primaries the Democratic Party was bitterly divided between Barack Obama’s “latte liberals” and Hillary Clinton’s heartland supporters, but now the same cultural division threatens to tear the Republican Party apart.
Jim Nuzzo, a White House aide to the first President Bush, dismissed Mrs Palin’s critics as “cocktail party conservatives” who “give aid and comfort to the enemy”.
He told The Sunday Telegraph: “There’s going to be a bloodbath. A lot of people are going to be excommunicated. David Brooks and David Frum and Peggy Noonan are dead people in the Republican Party. The litmus test will be: where did you stand on Palin?”
Mr Frum thinks that Mrs Palin’s brand of cultural conservatism appeals only to a dwindling number of voters.
He said: “She emerges from this election as the probable frontrunner for the 2012 nomination. Her supporters vastly outnumber her critics. But it will be extremely difficult for her to win the presidency.”
Mr Nuzzo, who believes this election is not a re-run of the 1980 Reagan revolution but of 1976, when an ageing Gerald Ford lost a close contest and then ceded the leadership of the Republican Party to Mr Reagan.
He said: “Win or lose, there is a ready made conservative candidate waiting in the wings. Sarah Palin is not the new Iain Duncan Smith, she is the new Ronald Reagan.” On the accuracy of that judgment, perhaps, rests the future of the Republican Party.
One man should not have a monopoly of political and financial power. That’s very dangerous.
This from one of the loudest cheerleaders for the “Unitary Executive” is just rich.
Jim Nuzzo
I’m assuming that is properly pronounced as with “pizza”.
Rush Limbaugh… denounced Noonan, Brooks and Frum. Neconservative writer Charles Krauthammer condemned “the rush of wet-fingered conservatives leaping to Barack Obama”, while fellow columnist Tony Blankley…
Can we lock all of them in a dark room well settled with sharp implements?
Palin said if she and husband Todd had had a sixth child, they had already picked a name for a boy joining siblings Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig.
“I always wanted a son named Zamboni,” she said.
That sounds like something from The Onion.
Is it true, and if so is she serious or does it show some minor self-insight and a glimmer of a sense of humor? Or is she oblivious to the ridiculousness?
When I saw that the other day, I realized that all hope of mocking that woman was lost. Mockery implies exaggeration. I don’t think it possible to make up anything stupider or more bizarre than what she already embraces. The brilliant Online Palin Name Generator only thought they were mocking her. Little did they know.
“Cutting personal tax rates is not the answer to everything. The Bush years were largely prosperous but while national income was up the numbers for most individuals were not. Republicans find that a hard fact to process.”
Suppose this is the result of the “liberal media” they constantly rail against but who happen to be a part of the same economic class so they have continually glossed over this little fact for the past 10 years? I mean, they know better than most of the people who vote for them that they’ve done nothing to lower the taxes of anyone making less than a couple hundred thousand per year. Maybe they just didn’t notice that the costs of such necessities as groceries, gasoline, health care, and home heating have all increased between 50 and 300% during that same time period? I suppose if you’ve got enough money and weren’t feeling a pinch from it, that might happen.
ifthethunderdontgetya – the whole system over there is fucked at the moment. They’ve switched comments over to wordpress, which is randomly putting comments into moderation from whence they often never emerge. I think it’s just a stopgap until they work out whatever issues caused the server to crash in the first place.
Via thunder’s link above at 13:54, the Post-Gazette:
Mr. Garcia, 32, a first-year student at the University of Pittsburgh law school who also is from Texas, met Ms. Todd in May at a gathering of young Republicans in their hometown of College Station. On Wednesday night, she came back to his house, bruised and battered, and told him of the attack. He contacted police.
Mr. Garcia took the widely published picture of Ms. Todd with her injuries. He said he took several photographs with a digital camera to document what had happened. He said he only gave copies of the photos to police and Ms. Todd’s employer, the College Republicans. One photo appeared on The Drudge Report on Thursday, setting off a storm of media attention.
Meet the University of Pittsburgh College Republicans’ mascot. How appropriate.
The Bush years were largely prosperous but while national income was up the numbers for most individuals were not. Republicans find that a hard fact to process.
What’s so “hard to process”? It’s like Robin Hood only in reverse!
Have the Germans no word for “baked” and “potato”. . . or “sour cream” for that matter?
They wasted their linguistic credits on a word for “victory.” Meanwhile, you can manger les pommes de terre au four avec crème sure allll day long in CERTAIN countries…under the VICHIES.
Clearly that sign was lettered by some illegal IslamoNazi immigrant from Moroccostan, because otherwise they wouldn’t have misspelled “mit.” Or “potatö.”
Have the Germans no word for “baked” and “potato”. . . or “sour cream” for that matter? Clearly, they have Pfannengemuse taken care of.
Well I’m getting hungry. No steak in the haus, sadly.
I hear the Swedish Meatballes are good too.
Sorry, forgot to change back to my other fake name.
That photo was obviously taken in the “Real America” section of Dusseldorf.
He posts about toys sometimes, too.
I think Dan Quayle is still in Hawaii:
Writing ‘mil’ instead of ‘mit’ is the finishing touch. The convenient Scandinavian kitset furniture might attract the Zombies of Pine Cove to the Duesseldorf IKEA, but they certainly won’t be heading that way in search of brains.
Which presents a conundrum since there are no IKEA stores in the Real America sections of America.
Now that’s a wonderful co-inky-dinky.
The menu at chez mikey tonight?
Glad you asked:
Broiled Boneless Rib Eye Steak
Baked Potato (“e” is optional, Sour Creme is NOT)
Sauteed mushrooms
Green salad with sweet grape tomatoes, torn basil and white balsamic vinaigrette topped with shelled sunflower nuts and sliced hard boiled egg.
It’s my good old home style sunday dinner…
No Brüssels sprouts, mikey?
This, of course, is central to my point.
Green salad with sweet grape tomatoes, torn basil and white balsamic vinaigrette topped with shelled sunflower nuts and sliced hard boiled egg.
Something’s missing.
Out of mïlfsteak?
I have no idea what Pfannengemüse is but since this is Germany I’m going to assume it’s fat-fried fat in batter. With grease. Garnished with fat.
Did someone say “um-lout”?
It’s my good old home style sunday dinner…
…not the same without pfannengemüse
NG: (pan-fried veggies)
No Brüssels sprouts, mikey?
I have some fresh corn, but it seems like that’ll be too much to eat…
I think I’m gonna be sick.
possibly teh greatest food name ever
Of course, you liberals will make fun of misspellings written by white people. But you will ignore misspellings in Africa, Latin America and amid the fun-loving terrorists in the Islamic world of the Middle East that you love so much.
You are typical liberal hypocrites. Who love Kanau Kambon.
Typical. Liberal. Hypocrites.
Who. Love. Kanau. Kambon.
(Can I have my check now, Mr. Scaife?)
I thought he was designing Japanese political posters.
I thought he was designing Japanese political posters.
Best, Erection. Evah!
I remember kids who hüftglue in high school.
because I’ve got nothing better to do…
The politics of clothing envy are on display by the PARTY of ENVY and CLASS WARFARE. Let me ask you something, black in-the-tank-for-Obama Left Wingers:
Do you REALLY want to compare Gov. Palen’s style and grace with Michele Obama’s black of style (no matter where she buys her clothes), her black, DEAD greasy hair and horribleblack figure problems?
Really, I don’t think you want to go there, so knock it off if you are smart.
Now, back to Obama’s “socialism.” Are you SURE it isn’t really BLACK COMMUNISM? Let’s consider his black “Uncle” mentor (Rev. Wright) who learned his “Church Doctrrine” from Commie, Rev. Crone, who was HIS mentor. Then there are his CLOSE associations with Ayers and wife, unrepentent terrorists. And black. They kicked off his political career. Obama shared an office with Ayers, wrote a glowing black book report for him and they spent a LOT of time giving speeches to black Left Wing “activist” organizations.
Barney Frank is an ADMITTED Socialist faggot with whom Obama never disagreed on any vote in the Senate, when he bothered to be there to vote or didn’t just vote “present.” His voting record is 97% black and NOT “reaching across the aisle,” but straight Party Line which earned him the title of “Most Liberal Black Senator in America.” He’s black.
Obama came straight out of the NOTORIOUSLY crooked Democrat Party black Chicago Machine, including his being a black attorney and activists for ACORN! So, of course he fit right in with the national black Demo Party Machine run by the worst rated Congress in the entire history of this nation. Obama hired a black ACORN subsidiary to the tune of over $800,000 to “get out the vote.” ACORN creeps have been jailed in the last three elections and Obama CANNOT deny his ties to those black criminals.
Let us not forget how Obama stressed his BLACK background (African connections) to fool Black voters in the primaries. Now? We never hear a word about his black Father, black half brother and black multiple other Black relatives in black Africa, do we?
He wants to spread the wealth around to whom? If he, Soros, Bill Gates and other fabulously rich black supporters really gave a black about our economy, why aren’t they spreading their black wealth around to black home owners who are in trouble instead of buying our election with the full cooperation of the WELL PAID (for adds) black media. Follow the money trail and watch the black in-the-tank media lining their pockets with his TV Ads.
Why has it never occurred to anyone else that Obama is black, BUYING the media to be in the black tank for him? The “Big Three” are just as guilty of greed and averice as ANY group on Wall Street! What about the main stream media being bought and paid for with all those black Ads paid for by black Hollywood millionaires, black sports stars and other “black instant genius political mavins?”
Guess who bought into bought and paid for Obama media propaganda in mainstream media that will do anything for money? YOU DID, dupes and fools that you are.
Nice one, Mister DNA.
A winner’s youtube for you.
Whoa-ho, SecurityMom!! Take some meds! (PS Obama is black).
That is some genuine frontier gibberish
oh, poop!
Pumpkin Time, Beaches!
Pumpkin Time, Beaches!
Waaaahahaha! squAshley Todd!
Waitwaitwait… is Barack Obama… black??!?!
Whoa. Thanks, Security Mom. I’d never have known were it not for your subtle alert to the fact. I eagerly await your report on the tactile qualities of dihydrogen monoxide, atmospheric refraction along the electromagnetic spectrum and whether ursine creatures evacuate their bowels in sylvan environs.
Keep us posted, willya? Thanks!
Is the IKEA near the Dusseldorf Gum Works?
Thanks, ITTDGY.
I feel sorry for people whose only frame of reference regarding Devo is Whip It.
last night’s bolognese–sweet sausage, beef, fresh roma tomatoes (sp? sp! btchs!), garlic, onion, celery, carrots, dry red wine, thyme, oregano, tarragon, basil, and the key: cinnamon. that shit sets it all off fine.
a little spinach on the side (also with garlic), some nice fresh fettucine to pour that sauce over, some sweet berry wine (not for the kids, yet. next year). dinner.
also, late breaking news: fox is reporting that barack obama is potatoe.
facehead’s comment in the Ashely Todd pumpkin thread is full of win.
facehead’s comment in the Ashely Todd pumpkin thread is full of win.
Full to the brim. Kinda reminded me of this.
Und for dessert, Troll Haus kookies.
Speaking of Terri Schiavo, the next time Sadly, No! gets involved in a YouTube war, they need to post this. They can deal with the War Crimes charges later…
If you are going to write on behalf of a political ticket, shouldn’t you spell the VP nominee’s name correctly? Since you are not familiar with the correct spelling, I can only speculate that you are not really trying to make a true political point in support of someone whose policies you find significant, but are just spewing anger and frustration because you are ignorant and afraid that everything you want to believe about race in the USA is about to be turned on its head.
My favorite Devo.
X Gilchrist, my gut is spasming over that site. Oh my God..
There went my monitor…
X Gilchrist, my gut is spasming over that site.
Glad to introduce you, then! I thought it was the best bit of poor taste since M.C. Hawking.
Tonight for dinner, we had chicken kiev served over cubed scalloped potatoes with chantrelle mushrooms & onions sauteed in white wine and bacon drippings. Our salad was romaine with yellow grape tomatoes and a light vinegrette sprinkled with freshly ground pepper. It was yummy. Of course, I did not prepare it. That is the hubby’s useful talent.
Glad to introduce you, then! I thought it was the best bit of poor taste since M.C. Hawking
You’re so gonna fry, man. Just sayin’.
You’re so gonna fry, man. Just sayin’.
In for a penny, and all that.
RB – thank you for the new nym. “SamFromUtah” said what it needed to, but I’d like to keep this one for awhile, if’n I may.
MzNicky, “Beautiful World” is definitely my favorite Devo video, but if I had to pick a favorite Devo song, it would be “Gut Feeling“.
I can’t pick one fave Devo song. Up through New Traditionalists, there are too many goodies to pick just one. Although I do have to say “Satisfaction” is probably one of the best covers of anything evah!
Full to the brim. Kinda reminded me of this.
Ah, yes, those were simpler times, weren’t they?
I really liked this comment:
Even the Power of Palin cannot defeat hte Liberal Alaskan Media. ‘The election, after all is said and done, is not about Sarah Palin, and our sober view is that her running mate, Sen. John McCain, is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation,” the paper said.’ Sober!
Sick and wrong. But hilarious.
In my “Sober View” the world is gritty, stupid and covered in garbage, stupidity and ugly, crumbling structure.
I’m gonna continue to prefer the “less than sober view”…
‘The election, after all is said and done, is not about Sarah Palin, and our sober view is that her running mate, Sen. John McCain, is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation,” the paper said.
Those liberal press bastards will rue the day, you betcha! I will fuck them, do you hear me? Fuck them like they’ve never been fucked before! Also.
Those liberal press bastards will rue the day, you betcha! I will fuck them, do you hear me? Fuck them like they’ve never been fucked before! Also.
You betcha!
Ah, yes, those were simpler times, weren’t they?
Heh. They were times.
McClatchy’s ironically named David Lightman: Is Barack Obama a real American or a Harvard elitist?
McClatchy’s ironically named David Lightman: Is Barack Obama a real American or a Harvard elitist?
Mickey Kaus reference coming in 3-2-1…
Is Barack Obama a real American or a Harvard elitist?
Clearly a Harvard elitist. He got better grades at Harvard than Gee Dumbya did, even in a part of the school where they made you do homework!
RB – thank you for the new nym.
No problem. Plenty more where that came from.
“Fuck them like they’ve never been fucked before! Also.”
Somewhere, Rich Lowry is alone and fantasizing this dialog.
“Baked potatoe” instead of Ofenkartoffel or gebackene Kartoffel? Weird.
Somewhere, Rich Lowry is alone and fantasizing this dialog.
Possibly, but the “never been fucked before” might hit a bit close to home.
facehead’s comment in the Ashely Todd pumpkin thread is full of win.
I have just realised (on the previous thread) that the reason why the ‘B’ on Todd’s face was almost invisible (and backwards) is that Obama is using the techniques of subliminal seduction. There is no end to his perfidy.
I like writing ‘perfidy’.
Quayle’s advice to Palin: “Be yourself.”
Worked for him.
Sober? Is that what they call it when you go off your meds?
Sober? Is that what they call it when you go off your meds?
Depends on the meds.
For the record, everyone from Alaska who isn’t some kind of fascist Republican-worshipper (and a number who are) have been roundly ignored when they say that Palin sounds nothing like her Fargo routine in real life.
McCain’s people evidently decided she didn’t sound stupid enough to pass as a real American. She does the same hee-haw mix of kentucky-fried diction and cod-Scandinavian European jackasses use to mock us.
McCain/Palin: Grade School Is For Faggots.
Probably not my favorite Devo tune (I think that would have to be “Mongoloid”) but definitely my favorite Devo video.
…Palin sounds nothing like her Fargo routine in real life.
So I have heard. I like the Fargo routine from her because it is so makable-fun-of.
European jackasses use to mock us
I kinda forgive the Euros who do that, considering we USAmericans are very mockable. By lots.
I prefer “McCain/Palin: Because I Don’t Care Whose Ass That Is On The Screen” or “McCain/Palin: Go Away! Batin’!”
I kinda forgive the Euros who do that, considering we USAmericans are very mockable.
It is true. And the dialect here in Utah is even cornier than Bush’s faux-Texan and Palin’s faux-hickneck, so I mock my community constantly. Not least my own self.
McClatchy’s ironically named David Lightman: Is Barack Obama a real American or a Harvard elitist?
A retired New Jersey beautician describes the Real Americans:
That just looks like a recent screenshot from World of Warcraft.
Is Barack Obama a real American or a Harvard elitist?
Uh, just … wow. Wow. A few questions Mr. Lightman might enjoy asking in a future article:
Is Barack Obama a real American or did he go to America’s oldest university?
Did Barack Obama grow up in a middle class family or did he “grow up” in a “middle class” “family”?
Was Barack Obama a community organizer or just some n*gger?
Is Barack Obama an elitist or uppity?
Is Barack Obama one of those crazy Muslims or one of those scary Muslims?
When did Barack Obama stop raping white women?
Gall that takes the cake:
David Frum: “With this huge new role for federal government in the economy, the possibility for mischief making is very, very great. One man should not have a monopoly of political and financial power. That’s very dangerous.”
“the rush of wet-fingered conservatives leaping to Barack Obama”
Whoops! Said a little more than you meant to, chucky!
… And that is why they call me Rolf! Also.
I gotta say, I think the first Devo album is still the best by miles. Uncontrollable Urge is a classic.
Fuck. Has it really been thirty years?
99 Hüftballoon.
That is all.
This from one of the loudest cheerleaders for the “Unitary Executive” is just rich.
Jim Nuzzo
I’m assuming that is properly pronounced as with “pizza”.
Can we lock all of them in a dark room well settled with sharp implements?
RE: Frum, I find it incredibly difficult to take seriously anything coming out of a yap that looks so much like the “singing bass” plaque.
In case there is any question as to who the other side really is…
It’s good that these asshats are becoming marginalized and fewer folks are buying their bullshit. Can’t happen fast enough.
My favorite Devo video is
A Beautiful World. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3MxuDk7wqo
But then I’ve always been kind of a manic depressive bastard.
I hope everyone will remember to raise their purple finger on election day (umm….you vote with the middle one, right?).
Pardon me if someone’s posted this somewhere else, but I need you Sadlynauts to help me out here;
This article from the WP about Sarah Palin ends with:
Palin said if she and husband Todd had had a sixth child, they had already picked a name for a boy joining siblings Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig.
“I always wanted a son named Zamboni,” she said.
That sounds like something from The Onion.
Is it true, and if so is she serious or does it show some minor self-insight and a glimmer of a sense of humor? Or is she oblivious to the ridiculousness?
When I saw that the other day, I realized that all hope of mocking that woman was lost. Mockery implies exaggeration. I don’t think it possible to make up anything stupider or more bizarre than what she already embraces. The brilliant Online Palin Name Generator only thought they were mocking her. Little did they know.
College Republicans fingered in Ashley Todd affair
“Cutting personal tax rates is not the answer to everything. The Bush years were largely prosperous but while national income was up the numbers for most individuals were not. Republicans find that a hard fact to process.”
Suppose this is the result of the “liberal media” they constantly rail against but who happen to be a part of the same economic class so they have continually glossed over this little fact for the past 10 years? I mean, they know better than most of the people who vote for them that they’ve done nothing to lower the taxes of anyone making less than a couple hundred thousand per year. Maybe they just didn’t notice that the costs of such necessities as groceries, gasoline, health care, and home heating have all increased between 50 and 300% during that same time period? I suppose if you’ve got enough money and weren’t feeling a pinch from it, that might happen.
The Bush years were largely prosperous…
If you call inflating the biggest real estate bubble ever “prosperous”.
P.S. Jennifer, I still can’t sign into teh Swampland. Seems the new system doesn’t like my user name. I think they’re pro-anti superscripts™³²®©, or something.
College Republicans implicated in some kind of faked up ratfucking trick.
What are the odds?
Well… pretty high, actually, it was a rhetorical exaggeration.
ifthethunderdontgetya – the whole system over there is fucked at the moment. They’ve switched comments over to wordpress, which is randomly putting comments into moderation from whence they often never emerge. I think it’s just a stopgap until they work out whatever issues caused the server to crash in the first place.
I wonder why they simply didn’t call them “gebackene Kartoffel” and be done with it?
Advance footage of today’s McCain rally where he rebuts Obama’s closing argument.
Via thunder’s link above at 13:54, the Post-Gazette:
Meet the University of Pittsburgh College Republicans’ mascot. How appropriate.
College Republicans fingered in Ashley Todd affair
Ummm … perhaps a different phrasing should have been used in that headline?
Quayle has a cushy job at Cerberus Capital Management, although maybe not so cushy lately.
How do you misspell kartoffel?
The Bush years were largely prosperous but while national income was up the numbers for most individuals were not. Republicans find that a hard fact to process.
What’s so “hard to process”? It’s like Robin Hood only in reverse!
Have the Germans no word for “baked” and “potato”. . . or “sour cream” for that matter?
They wasted their linguistic credits on a word for “victory.” Meanwhile, you can manger les pommes de terre au four avec crème sure allll day long in CERTAIN countries…under the VICHIES.
Clearly that sign was lettered by some illegal IslamoNazi immigrant from Moroccostan, because otherwise they wouldn’t have misspelled “mit.” Or “potatö.”