Michelle Totally Wins!

Can she say she told us so?

She totally can! Because the Ashley Todd story is so not about the nastiness of news-cycle culture. It’s not about the depths to which our political climate has sunk. It’s not about the lengths to which a young and pathetic person would clumsily fuck a political rat for local consumption, only to see her dumb stunt implode in embarrassment and shame for all the world to see.

It’s about Michelle Malkin being RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT in this latest 24-hour hyper-cycle of political news. Which, incidentally, is probably the most risky for an individual in Ashley Todd’s position to do something even rasher and dumber to herself as the Michelle Malkins of the world gloat at her expense.

Gavin adds: See, that’s a coincidence, because Ace thinks it’s all about him being wrong.

Assuming this is true — which I do — she really screwed us nicely. She put people like me in a difficult spot as I was forced to defend her on the small chance she was on the level.


Comments: 120


Ashley Todd is too big to fail!!!!!


I’ve covered hate crimes hoaxes long enough to know one when I smell one.

Those of you who trashed me in comments might want to think twice before doubting my instincts next time.

And those of you on the left who are now so interested in debunking despicable hate crimes might show a little more skepticism yourselves next time when similar narratives hit the news pages involving politically correct hoaxers who share your politics.

That is so precious! Just like Rowan Atkinson beaming proudly about the fly he just killed with a priceless Ming vase.


And those of you on the left who are now so interested in debunking despicable hate crimes might show a little more skepticism yourselves next time when similar narratives hit the news pages involving politically correct hoaxers who share your politics.

Remember, when it happens to a white straight it’s a despicable hate crime, and when it happens to a dusky queer it’s an Orwellian thought crime.

The latter are (obviously) fakes by default, but the former – which have been borne out in court again and a-heh-huh-hmm – are too morally complex to determine the veracity of unless you have the razor-sharp investigative skills of Michelle “IT’S COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE” Malkin.

Remember, fellow Americans: the next time you see some chick run up to you yelling about horrible darkies wearing mascara bags and a fresh-scratched mirror-letter, ask for Party registration and call Herrin Gestapofuhrer at once.


Give Michelle a break.

How often is she right about anything?

I say, “You were right about this one, Michelle! Good for you!”


Ashley Todd is too big to fail!!!!!

Hey, don’t you alienate the fatties. McCain’s got an ass like a broad-gauge freight engine and we’re the majority, bub.


I say, “You were right about this one, Michelle! Good for you!”

Ah, but the poor loon actually seems to think this validates her delusions of competence.


I once slept with a girl named Michelle. She had a few qualities which I knew I could have her as a girlfriend. For instance in any conversation, she would raise the same point over and over until she got approval from someone she considered above herself. It was great for oral sex.


Malkin was just hedging her bets. The story had been broken without her, all the “damning information” was out there already. She thinks: “I need a way to distinguish myself. If the idiotic story actually is proven, I can simply join the parade and double down on the crazy (” I had my doubts BUT…”). And if it’s bogus I can…”

Um, has she broken out her pom-poms yet?


Not to dull her victory lap, but it’s not like spotting this one coming is really a great strength of feet. McCain staffer getting attacked by scary black man(s), and has “B”, I guess aggressively crayoned, on her face?
Other great moments in rapier-esque perception skills:

In other news: McCain is still going to get creamed on election day. Panicked GOP operatives everywhere urge Real Americans to stock up on watermelons and fry oil now, to use as currency in the coming Afro-American dystopia.


“I’ve covered hate crimes hoaxes long enough to know one when I smell one.”

But real hate crimes, who gives a fuck?


The fact is, whether this was a hoax or not, there are liberals and blacks who want to do these things to real Americans, attack and beat senseless and vandalyze these who do not agree with them. Its the way of the left. There were liberals who smugly thought “she deserved it”. Liberals who would have thought rapping a conservative would have been funny as long as her attacker was an aggreived minority of the proper PC kind, and that includes gay.

t. Winslow Howell

Final lesson: Trust your instincts. Use your brains. Stop jumping every time Drudge hypes something in Armageddon-sized font.

Cuz Drudge is a homo.


Final lesson?! Why does everything have to have a lesson? This is worse than Carroll’s “Everything’s-got-a-moral,-if-only-you-can-find-it” Duchess. We’re here for the lols, not for a didactic learning moment.


This from the woman who hedged her bets with: “Maybe the computer flipped the B,” or “Maybe her head was upside down in relation to the attacker”?

It would be more accurate to say the real story came out before she could do a swan dive into OMG SKAREE BLACK PEOPLE!!


“Liberals who would have thought rapping a conservative would have been funny as long as her attacker was an aggreived minority of the proper PC kind, and that includes gay.”

Sorry but getting raped by gay rappers is fucking hilarious.


Brain-damaged children with no health insurance are the REAL hate crime perps in this country.


Main Entry: mal-kin-o-mania
Pronunciation: \?mal-kin-?-?m?-n?-?, -ny?\
Function: noun
Etymology: Teh Intertubez
Date: 2008

1 : a mania for absurdly grandiose and self-important wingnut polemics
2 : a delusional wingnut mental disorder that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur


I say, “You were right about this one, Michelle! Good for you!”

Along with an animal cracker, a pat on the head and a “now go brush your teeth and put your jamjams on…”


How many “hate crimes hoaxes” have there ever even been? The wingnuts sure seem to imagine them happening with regularity. Kind of like flag-burning.


Lord is she nauseating. Here’s my theory,fwiw:

Unresolved. High. School. Issues.

No healthy human being is that freaking angry and vindictive.


How many “hate crimes hoaxes” have there ever even been?

That’s when a fReichtard hears about a hate crime and thinks “O noes, someone stole the Baby Jesus out of a manger!” and then they find out it was just some gay guy who got the shit beaten out of him by skinheads or some hoax like that.


I think you’re seeing this wrong. Malkin’s having to come out and suggest that this episode was hoaxed — like most everyone I know thought instantly (Susan Smith) — is evidence of the collapse of the ultra-right movement.

Before, it didn’t matter whether the incident was true or hoaxed. They would scream about it for a couple of weeks, and the media would just do their he said / she said fake balance routine, giving equal time & emphasis to flat out contradicted lies by the right wing and 100% documented truth by the non-rightists.

Now, they are weak, and on the run. Coverage of this incident from the get-go was cautious, and once exposed was tossed for what it was.

Imagine the same exact incident occurring when Bush Jr. was at his 90% approval levels and Malkin was calling for un-Americans to be rounded up. Malkin wouldn’t have cared whether or not the incident was true then. Now, they are weak, and on the run.


At least a broken clock is right twice a day. Malkin can’t even match that level of reliability.


The thing that creeps me out about all this is the number of “Ashleys” in circulation in civilized society. Anyone who’s spent time at a university or been involved in political organizations knows the type-fervent, self-aggrandizing, never quite as bright or as talented as they think they are, uses the success (or otherwise) of their chosen party as a substitute for self-esteem, either dismisses criticism out of hand or sees it as further proof they’re right, etc.

It’s not just fringe and minority political organizations that attract this type, but generally the bigger, more “respectable” organizations have enough other members to render the no-hopers irrelevant and invisible most of the time. There’ll be the odd brain explosion-type outburst at org meetings and so on, but nothing that can’t be cringed away.

There’ll always be a place for them in the “Young X” wings (after all, you need to be a bit of a dork to think that a bureaucratic political organization is “sexy”) but it looks like this time one of the inmates jumped the fence.




Shorter Michelle Malkin: As the conservative movement collapses on itself, please change your home page from the Drudge Report to michellemalkin.com. And remember, we’re still the victims.


Speaking of victims, check out Dr. Melissa Clouthier’s post on the Todd incident, trackbacked at Malkin’s post. Scary scenarios foreseen once McCain wins (yes, McCain), but then, never mind!


Imagine if this hoax hadn’t been debunked before the end of the weekday news cycle. Given the tenor of the McCain campaign and its supporters over the last few weeks, there’s a good chance we’d be seeing some hate crime reprisals–of the non-fake variety–against Obama supporters.

You’re whistling past the graveyard, Michelle.


Hey, Michelle. I picked Green Bay over Indy and Oakland over the Jets last weekend.

You picked “Ashley Todd is a hoax.” Which is more like picking the Titans over the Chiefs. IOW, big fookin’ dealio.


Stopped clock. Right twice a day.


Michelle should investigate who funded jihadist Ashley Todd’s operation. Are there any others in Todd’s terrorist cell ready to become martyrs for the cause?


hehe. She’s more reliable than drudge. Awesome.


I’ve covered instigated hate crimes hoaxes long enough to know one a hoax when I smell one.

Fixed it for ya, Michelle.


Final lesson:

She’s got Word auto-replacing “solution”.


The thing that creeps me out about all this is the number of “Ashleys” in circulation in civilized society. Anyone who’s spent time at a university or been involved in political organizations knows the type-fervent, self-aggrandizing, never quite as bright or as talented as they think they are, uses the success (or otherwise) of their chosen party as a substitute for self-esteem, either dismisses criticism out of hand or sees it as further proof they’re right, etc.

You mean, like Sarah Palin?


The thing that creeps me out about all this is the number of “Ashleys” in circulation in civilized society. Anyone who’s spent time at a university or been involved in political organizations knows the type-fervent, self-aggrandizing, never quite as bright or as talented as they think they are, uses the success (or otherwise) of their chosen party as a substitute for self-esteem, either dismisses criticism out of hand or sees it as further proof they’re right, etc.

In this case, I’m strongly inclined to believe she’s got some kind of emergent Borderline Personality Disorder.

It basically involves a complete failure of basic empathy for other human beings – in fact, a fairly comprehensive failure to recognize that they exist/are human – something resembling pathological lying with significant differences in self-deception and level of artifice, and a number of consistent, weird personality features.

People with it tend to make the lives of those around them Hell, all the more so if they’re dependent on them – children of BPD sufferers in particular tend to wind up as fucked-up as you can get without suffering a physical condition.

There’s a depressing upshot, though: it’s almost fully treatable with medication – it’s probably the most pure, biochemically consistent personality disorders – but for some reason it’s fairly common for sufferers to either try and talk their way out of it or actively sabotage the treatment.

I’ve known enough pathological liars that her behavior seems more consistent with the popular image of them than with how they actually act – the elaborate charade is much more elaborate than the kind of impulse fabrication you’d normally see and they are only as good at deceiving others as they are at deceiving themselves – if it were a case of simple pathological lying she wouldn’t ever ‘come down’ to a more reasonable version of events. People around her might get her to accept that the way she remembers it is wrong, but her coming to an alternate version with that kind of consistency indicates that she’s just lying. (And the fact that her friends tried to intervene shows that it can’t have been a pure whim as she tries to claim.)

Neither does it look particularly like a normal hoax; it does legitimately seem to have happened with some spontaneity. But it seems depressingly like the poor young woman has a serious condition which she may never actually get help for, and has, unfortunately, camouflaged it sufficiently well as a socially acceptable set of personality traits (or even a more widely-understood personality disorder).

This is speculation. IANAP. But the woman probably needs help a lot more than she needs the intra-right haranguing she’s probably getting now.


Hi Jennifer, is that you I used to see posting at the former Time-Swamp blog?



ifthethundeddontgetya – yeah, over there I’m “JennOfArk”.


You are a sad and pathetic people, full of hatred and unresolved issues.

Quiet, booger, the adults are talking.

You keep yourself busy staring into your mirror.


Actually there is a whole class of fake noose hangings that took place at college campuses, staged by… well, you know.

Really? Could you post a link to that? Because it’s something I’ve never heard of. Maybe it’s something that happened 40 years ago – I know you wingers are only truly comfortable with fighting over stuff that was settled long ago. In any case, proof, please.


Ashley needs your prayers, it’s true
But save a few for Petey, too
He only did what he had to do
And now he ain’t so bold


BTW, ifthethunder, the Swamp has been re-filled. There’s no new content posted yet, but they’re back up.


This actually happened, didn’t it. I thought I was imagining “Joe the Plummer” coverage, but now this? This cannot be happening. A bit of Yeats comes to mind at the moment.

At any rate, I already voted here, so none of this shit can really affect the thousands in my state or others with early voting. Hahahahahahahahahaha!! OBAMA 08!!


So, now the right wing is reduced to alleging that they bravely face death by risking that left winger / ethnic types will fake right wing / racist offenses thus causing the darkies to beat up white people and take their jobs?

Ha ha. Ha. Enjoy your years out of power, douchebags.


J– one of my favorite songs. Viva Townes.


Jennifer said,

October 25, 2008 at 16:33

BTW, ifthethunder, the Swamp has been re-filled. There’s no new content posted yet, but they’re back up.

Somebody wake K.T. up!


Yes, viva Townes. It’s probably sacrilege to mess with his song like that.


Bwa Ha Ha-dee Ha!1!

As Americans strive to recover from the devastating fraud perpetrated by Ashley Todd, a new unconfirmed report is about to explode.

It is being whispered about that Ashley Todd is, in fact, an Obama operative and ACORN director whose job it was to create a major distraction for a few days to cover up important news concerning Obama’s fraudulent birth certificate.



Naaaah, he’d appreciate it being remembered. But thanks, I got off my butt and got the guitar out again after seeing that. Love to play that one;)


Assuming this is true — which I do — she really screwed us nicely. She put people like me in a difficult spot as I was forced to defend her on the small chance she was on the level.

If only Obama had agreed to those Town Hall meetings with McCain!


See, that’s a coincidence, because Ace thinks it’s all about him being wrong.

Wingnuts don’t really do the whole “dignity” thing, do they?

Trilateral Chairman

There’s a depressing upshot, though: it’s almost fully treatable with medication – it’s probably the most pure, biochemically consistent personality disorders – but for some reason it’s fairly common for sufferers to either try and talk their way out of it or actively sabotage the treatment.

Wait, really? Last I heard, BPD was pretty refractory–you could try to get at it with a cocktail of antipsychotics, antidepressants, and the like, but it was hard to eliminate entirely. (Not just because of non-compliance, which is definitely an issue.)

None of that changes the fact that BPD people can be difficult to handle, and sometimes scary as all hell.


It is being whispered about that Ashley Todd is, in fact, an Obama operative and ACORN director…

This is an absolutely awesomely powerful research method which was practiced by many of the housewives in my neighborhood as I was growing up. This research method produced many insights which otherwise could not have been known, particularly about which hussies were looking at whose husbands.


Shorter wingnugget-o-sphere: Worrying about fake hate crimes is more important than preventing real ones.

Post-modern version: There are no real hate crimes, only fake ones.



Here I was wondering how long it would take to get to the “well, even if it wasn’t real, it could have been” point, and vai-lola, here comes Stalkin’ Malkin to confirm my cynicism.

She delivers stupid like Domino’s delivers pizza – thirty minutes or less, and who gives a damn who’s hurt in the process.


She put people like me in a difficult spot as I was forced to defend her on the small chance she was on the level.

Poor Ace, still sticking with Larry Craig because of that small chance.

Dragon-King Wangchuck


I was wondering what happened to Swampland. After finally registering, I managed to get two or three comments in before they completely disappeared (like Scherer did). Anyways, they’re back up again now, and Tumulty’s linked the new Obama ad. By Klono’s plutonium pimples, the difference in tone between the two campaigns is stark. I mean compare this to JiSM3’s bunch of pantless howler monkeys screaming “Ayers, Wright, Rezko, Muslim Muslim Muslim, BLACK!”.

To all the PUMAs and jackasses that said Obama had “no substance”, that he was an “empty suit” I have this to say to you: Fuck you, and the big bag of dicks you rode in on.


You are a sad and pathetic people, full of hatred and unresolved issues.

Right on, daddy-o. And we’re having loads of sad and pathetic fun.

Whoever said that this is the best election ever was right. Every day brings a new episode of high-grade wingnut lunacy, as if the entire American right wing has been gobbling bad acid. This is entertainment at its finest.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Further OT,

What is it about people named Joe, that when they connect with the McCain campaign, turns them into douchebags extraordinaire?


She put people like me in a difficult spot as I was forced to defend her

Yes, the terrible thing that Ashley Todd did was to made Ace jump to conclusions without knowing the facts.


There’s a depressing upshot, though: it’s almost fully treatable with medication – it’s probably the most pure, biochemically consistent personality disorders – but for some reason it’s fairly common for sufferers to either try and talk their way out of it or actively sabotage the treatment.

Full disclosure, I’m not a mental health professional or even a licensed internet psychobabbler. The application is completed but it just sits there on my computer. I can’t seem to get around to emailing it and I don’t have any explanation for this but I’ll do it later today I swear. I am though, a member in good standing of the League of Insufferable Pedants and since this completely contradicted what I’ve heard, I did some research.

Treatments for BPD have improved in recent years. Group and individual psychotherapy are at least partially effective for many patients. Within the past 15 years, a new psychosocial treatment termed dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was developed specifically to treat BPD, and this technique has looked promising in treatment studies. Pharmacological treatments are often prescribed based on specific target symptoms shown by the individual patient. Antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers may be helpful for depressed and/or labile mood. Antipsychotic drugs may also be used when there are distortions in thinking.

So says the NIMH anyway and other reputable seeming sites confirm that medication alone is not going to be of much use in treating BPD.


You are a sad and pathetic people, full of hatred and unresolved issues.

so why are you hanging around here so much?


Hey folks, ya gotta admit, nobody knows more about the ins & outs of hate-crimes – OR about perpetrating disgusting hoaxes – than Malkin.

Michelle is a WINNAR!
Your Iron Cross is in the mail, Michelle.


Quick! Call 9/11! John McCain has gone crazy and is destroying his campaign!


2nd link should’ve gone here


Ah, Troof is back. Hope he brought back that report on Democratic voter fraud in Wisconsin he was talking about but never produced. I mean, he can reach back to the 80s for Tawana Brawley, he should be able to go back 4 years.

Right Troof, or did a black guy steal that report from you and carve FAIL into your cheek?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Quick! Call 9/11!

You know, a 911 call to complain about traffic is pretty fucking over the top, but I can sorta understand it. You’re sitting there, steamed, waiting for hours for a “closed” bridge while tons of cars stream past you going the other way. Teah, that’s a situation where I can see someone responding in a not rational method.

But fucking calling back to complain about being told off for misusing the 911 service? Beyond. The. Fucking. Pale.


I’m pretty sure I know what happened.

A large angry knife-wielding black man saw the McCain sticker on Scherer’s car, and scratched a backwards “B” into the intertoob machinery here at the swamp to teach them a lesson.

Posted by JennOfArk | October 25, 2008 10:36 AM

Heh heh heh.

pronounced throatwarblermangrove

yoo hoo, michele and ace;
A large black man carved 25% off my 401(k).

pronounced throatwarblermangrove

yoo hoo, michele and ace;
A large black man, who qualified for a conventional mortage, crashed the international financial system by being steered into a subprime mortgage by a completely scrupulous mortgage broker.

Sub-urpin' Hackey Mam

A large, really muscular black man forced me to buy an SUV and live 40 miles away from my downtown job. He carved a backwards D for dumbass into the side of my Suburban.

Formerly Strong Union

A couple of decades ago, a big black legislator passed a Right to Work law and made me accept a 401K plan instead of an established pension. He then carved F in one butt cheek and U in the other and said he’d call me.

I’m still waiting by the phone.


So says the NIMH anyway and other reputable seeming sites confirm that medication alone is not going to be of much use in treating BPD.

Yeah, I think I was off there. It’s certainly a prerequisite to treatment, but as psychiatry goes medicine comes close to a magic bullet in dealing efficiently with the single biggest obstacle to functioning with other human beings.

Until you accomplish that, on the flip side, replacing their marbles is gonna be impossible.


Quick! Call 9/11! John McCain has gone crazy and is destroying his campaign!

To be fair, there have been enormous black guys in said campaign from the word go.

Smiling Mortician

waiting for hours for a “closed” bridge while tons of cars stream past you going the other way

Except it wasn’t hours. It was 15 minutes. So, yeah. Joe’s a douche and a half on both counts.


Also, in re: BPD again – my understanding is that there’s a tendency for BPD sufferers to select for manipulability in personal and intimate contacts – this makes pure counseling / therapy difficult unless they’ve been committed (and IIRC it doesn’t manifest in minors).

My fiancee went through marathon recrimination sessions masquerading as group therapy, with several trained professionals being used as external tools to berate her over ridiculously petty ‘offenses’. It’s kind of unsettling what people learn to accept as normal; she didn’t understand how fucking weird it was for her mother to do shit like force her to call everyone they knew and tell them about whatever she had just disappointed her mother with.

Creepy, nasty shit. It’s like living under Ayn Rand’s roof.


I don’t get why McCain sat in that prison for five-and-a-half years when he could have called 9/11.


So the list of “hate crimes hoaxes” boils down to Brawley, 1987; the Duke lacrosse case; and an alleged epidemic of fake-noose-hangings used as pretexts by angry Negroes. I think flag-burnings actually do happen more often than “hate-crimes hoaxes” after all.


Anyone else going to be in Grant Park for election night?


Obviously there have also been “hate crimes hoaxes” in the form of spurious accusations against black people, like Susan Smith, 1994, and Charles Stuart, 1989.


Final lesson: Trust your instincts. Use your brains. Stop jumping every time Drudge hypes something in Armageddon-sized font.

Michelle role-modelling jumping techniques.


Ashley Todd could totally kick the malkin thing’s ass…



Unbefuckinglievable. Except it’s completely believable. Dan “Excess Human Baggage” Riehl reiterates “Obama will snuff his grandmother.”


so why are you hanging around here so much?

Sometimes he gets tired of pretending that his lipstick-and-Cheeto-smeared hand is Sarah Palin’s mouth, and tries to find a substitute that will sustain his limp, half-hearted erection for just a little longer.


Unbefuckinglievable. Except it’s completely believable. Dan “Excess Human Baggage” Riehl reiterates “Obama will snuff his grandmother.”

It took me a little while to parse this, and call it generational but at first I thought it involved Obama directing some kind of horrifying geriatric interracial snuff flick. L’Audacio Negrissimo! HER DAUGHTER’S PASSION – HER FINAL SHAME!

At first, I was disgusted. Then I figured: why not run on it? They’ve still got Georgia left to lose, after all.

Trilateral Chairman

Dragon-King Wangchuck said: You know, a 911 call to complain about traffic is pretty fucking over the top, but I can sorta understand it. You’re sitting there, steamed, waiting for hours for a “closed” bridge while tons of cars stream past you going the other way. Teah, that’s a situation where I can see someone responding in a not rational method.

Heh. I can totally see my father coming close to doing something like that. The duration of his patience has to be measured in milliseconds (well, now that he’s getting older, we’re down to microseconds). He probably wouldn’t’ve called the cops, because he used to WORK with cops, but I can easily imagine him bellowing his way through directory assistance to try and reach…I don’t know…the highway authority or whoever.

But fucking calling back to complain about being told off for misusing the 911 service? Beyond. The. Fucking. Pale.

Best part is that they apparently chewed him out yet again. Now that’s a 911 operator with brass ones.

Gawd, I hate people who abuse emergency services. I frankly think that they should be locked in a jail cell for a night or two while a reading of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” is played nonstop and at high volume.


On the plus side, Ace got screwed.


Yes, it’s important to remember that while this was not all about Ace being wrong, ACE WAS STILL WRONG WRONG WRONG.


Hey, will Capital One make one of those Race Cards for me?


Also, in re: BPD again – my understanding is that there’s a tendency for BPD sufferers to select for manipulability in personal and intimate contacts

[cough cough] Jesse Malkin [cough]


[cough cough] Jesse Malkin [cough]

My inner looksist is shrieking.


she really screwed us nicely.

I didn’t realize that she had that kind of relationship with Ace and his friends…

Trilateral Chairman

Of course she is. It makes sense, really. There’s no real cost to her if she starts defying McCain: he’s finished after this election (assuming he doesn’t win), and the Republicans never liked him anyway, so Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment (about not speaking ill of other conservatives) doesn’t apply. Hell, it might actually help her–the Republicans love candidates who are spiteful, petulant, self-centered, and ignorant, so they’ll take her defiance as a positive sign.

She’ll be back. Trust me–she’ll be back.


Which Republican candidate did Tawana Brawley blame for the attack on her? It was a while ago. I don’t recall right off hand.


He cites an Ann Coulter article as his sole piece of evidence. Awesome.


Which Republican candidate did Tawana Brawley blame for the attack on her? It was a while ago. I don’t recall right off hand.

Like all right-thinking people, I blamed Pierre “Pete” DuPont.


And which Democratic campaign was actively pushing the “Tawana Brawley was beaten up by the GOP” narrative? You got an Ann Coulter link for that?


And which Democrat called his or her war veteran opponent “Al-Qaida’s Tokyo Rose”?

Just curious. I keep hearing both sides are just as bad, but the evidence of my own eyes and ears doesn’t support that.

Maybe I should read more Ann Coulter?


I was wondering along similar lines to Hoosier X. The usual trolls have been seeing a political angle in the Tawana Brawley case and presenting it as evidence that liberals own the copyright on inventing hate crimes against themselves. They conflate “Black female, fabricating a crime committed by racist white males” with “A Democrat (or progressive) fabricating a crime committed by Republicans (or conservatives)”.

It seems odd for a troll to make this implicit assumption that black women (or any other minority) are representatives of the Democratic party, and that white racists are necessarily representatives of the Republican party. Not that I’m arguing against that framing (though it’s surely an over-simplification), but I’d expect to hear it coming from a different direction.


Probably too late for this thought, but it occurred to me yesterday when goober was yowling about the Right having its own Tawana Brawley that, well, it was sorta redundant because the only time one hears that whole incident mentioned is when some jackass wants to brush away some instance of white racism by bringing up the whole to-do. Therefore, the Right already has a Tawana Brawley. Also, it occurrs to me that when folks bring up black-on-white racism or faux racist incidents and says how it proves “liberal hypocracy”, they’re basically owning up to racism being a core of conservative thought.

It also occurred to me that before Barak and Michelle Obama came upon the scene, the only black folk these sort of white folk new of outside the entertainment fields were Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Tawana Brawley. Finally, racist peckerwoods got new black people to be scared of.

Smiling Mortician

Um. Is that really Jesse Malkin? I’ve never seen him before. Really? That’s Michelle’s spouse? Because I don’t get it. I mean, I don’t wanna get it, but still. I don’t get it. Where’s the upside?

Wait. No. Never mind. I really don’t want to know.


Right Troof, or did a black guy steal that report from you and carve FAIL into your cheek?

I’m pretty sure his parents carved FAIL into his DNA… along with a suspiciously similar set of recessive genes from both mom and dad, if ya know what I mean. And I think you do.



FlipYrWhig said,

So the list of “hate crimes hoaxes” boils down to Brawley, 1987; the Duke lacrosse case; and an alleged epidemic of fake-noose-hangings used as pretexts by angry Negroes. I think flag-burnings actually do happen more often than “hate-crimes hoaxes” after all.

Who could forget Morton Downey and his backward swastika?


Now how does that get you liberals off the hook from supporting every false cry wolf,

You got anything that even remotely resembles evidence that “liberals” across the board supported Tawan Brawley and etc.?

I mean, we got McCain’s campaign supporting Ashley Todd’s very lame story.

And you got … what? Anything except a talking point you repeat over and over?


Gosh, seems someone just can’t keep from beating that tired old drum to a pulp, can they?

The Truth Says:
October 26th, 2008 at 1:37

Hmm – sort of looks like somebody didn’t answer my little question earlier.

The “liberal” hoaxes lead to ruined reputations &/or wrongfully accused people going to court. The GOP/neocon hoaxes lead to ruined economies, cities in flames & overflowing morgues. Yeah, they’re both wrong – but it’s obvious even to a bright child which ones are truly noteworthy.

So you can just STFU when it comes to using a term like “hypocrite” as an insult – you lose. Again. As usual.


Hoosier X, I’d say Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and that whole legion of con men and race baiters is on your side of the political divide.

You’d say that. Wouldn’t make it true. But that wouldn’t stop you from saying it.

Tell you what. If any of those guys ever ends up as my party’s candidate for president, I won’t vote for them for their roles in such incidents.

Now about the McCain campaign and its role in the Todd incident …


As for your interpretation of the Jena incident, do you get any of your information from news sources that aren’t approved by the National Review?


Hey! I thought I represented the Democratic Party!

What did I do, Truth? It used to be so beautiful!


Here is what the facts are at Jena.

So what?


Do you always answer the question you want to answer instead of the one that was asked?

I mean, I understand why you do that. What choice do you have, really?

If all I had in my arsenal were red herrings and false equivalencies and other logical fallacies, I’d do the same thing.

(Well, actually, I’d probably reconsider my “ideology” – which, come to think of it, was what I did when I was 16 and I realized how lame Reagan and conservativism were. And conservatism is sooooo much worse now.)


The insanity level on Ace’s front page is really something to behold. It’s really quite hard to read it to the end.

On a brighter note, Ace now practices editing the comments he doesn’t like to turn them into childish insults. It’s like Titanic: Blog Edition over there.


If all I had in my arsenal were red herrings
Hey, don’t knock red herrings. In the novel that I’m (sporadically) writing for my daughter, a civil war is raging between the Dadaist and Surrealist militias, where the latter have the tactical advantage due to their possession of Fish Tanks.


Look, Troof, I said I understand your reliance on logical fallacies and transparent sophistry.

We’re friends here.

You don’t have to keep explaining yourself.

We love you for who you are, not for the honest, decent person you could be.


And if I offended you, I apologize. I’ll try to be more politically correct next time. I know how politically correct conservatives can be – when it suits them.


That’s what happened, the difference being that prominent conservative commentators doubted Todd while the liberals were all onboard the Brawley sham.

Link added for context.

Which liberals were all on board?


Which liberals were all on board?

All of them!

Can’t you interpret a simple talking point?


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