Action Alert: Wave Of Anti-College-Republican Assaults Rages On

First they came for Justin Zatkoff, and we did nothing because we were too busy laughing at Justin Zatkoff.

Then they came for Francisco Nava, and we said nothing because we were still too busy laughing at Justin Zatkoff.

This time we shall not falter in the defense of our College Republican brethren and sistern.

So shame, shame, shame on you, Ace of Spades, for doubting this poor Young Republican Field Organizer’s story of. . .um, well, also yeah, the ‘B’ is backwards, like it was written in a mirror almost.

Ooh, shame on you! We’ll so get back to you on this one, Ace, you creep!


Why that McCain volunteer’s “mutilation” story smells awfully weird
By Michelle Malkin • October 23, 2008 06:43 PM

Michelle Malkin, at long last, madam, have you left no sense of decency?


Comments: 157


Gavin, you and I are on the exact same wavelength on this one.

Now I feel like I should try and add something more interesting to my post.

just the guy who does the thing

9pm? In front of a bank? In, as Ace (the name and logo never stops being funny…all it’s missing is some flames) points out via a commenter, a “really high-traffic area”? And somehow the attacker managed to single out her car?

The mugging is plausible. The assault seems highly dubious.


I think about slamming my eye into a doorknob, and then I have to stop thinking about it.

Sack up, Ace! What would Leonidas say about such faggy wimpery?

Empiricism is where it’s at now. You won’t know if you can give yourself a black eye unless you try, and try, and try, and post video of the attempts.


Just thinking about it, I’m pondering the high chances of crushing my eyeball in attempting to fake such a bruise. I think about slamming my eye into a doorknob, and then I have to stop thinking about it.

Can’t. Stop. Laughing.


“booger is going to be pissed.”

Far from it. If it’s fake, then I guess it was inevitable the right would have their own version of Tawana Brawley.

OTOH, it’s interesting to note that no one on this site has condemned what happened, just pointed in the opposite direction and said, “Look – puppies!”, thereby giving tacit approval.

Doctor Missus Marita

And the geniuses got going early in Ace’s comments. Here’s “moronizer”

I love all my diverse brothers and sisters out there, but if these fuckers want to start a race war, I’m not going to be collateral damage, that’s for damn sure.

Charming. Even better though, is “unseen”

B for bitch or for barack? Was she white was the person that did it black? This could very easily be a race war starting. In PA you do not want a race war. White out number blacks by 9 to 1. I pray for the lady. there is not fucking reason for something like this. they need to find the SOB that did this and hang him in public. after branding his face with a big F for fucking piece of shit.


From the timestamp of the post and the comment, it took this asshat less than 15 minutes to decide on a lynchin’. Yep, no racism here.

Principal Blackman

I have re-enacted this mugging in my sandbox using my G.I. Joes (Mugger = Destro, mugee = Lady Jaye), and I have determined that it could not have happened.


OTOH, it’s interesting to note that no one on this site has condemned what happened, just pointed in the opposite direction and said, “Look – puppies!”, thereby giving tacit approval.

Um, absence of whatsit is not effulgence of abcesses. Or something.


I have re-enacted this mugging in my sandbox



Doctor Missus Marita said

Yeah, because libtards at Kos and DU and HuffPo nevah, EVAH, make violent, death-wishing comments about conservatives.


I don’t speak for Sadly, No! or its readers, but let me go on record as being firmly in the anti-mugging/anti-carving-letters-numbers- symbols-etc-on-people’s-faces camp.

That said, I am withholding judgment on the veracity of this story until I find out about the victim’s kitchen counters.


If she had faked it, and made it come out ‘backwards’……..why would she even be going public with it in the first place?? She’d obviously have made sure of these sorts of things first if she was going to attempt a fraud.

No, I think this is real.

from an Ace commenter. The fact that the B is backwarads only proves it ISN’T a hoax!!!


the ‘B’ is backwards, like it was written in a mirror almost.
Or the B could be turned through 180°, because the assailant was hanging upside-down from the wall like Spiderman!
It is too early to be ruling out any possibilities.


I am withholding judgment on the veracity of this story

“Fake but true”, maybe? Could be.

I don’t recall many lefties “withholding judgment on the veracity of” any anti-Palin story.

Funny, that.

Doctor Missus Marita

Oh goober/booger/Saul/Chris St. James/Josh St. Lawrence,

I would call your attention to the fact that this is not Kos, DU or HuffPo. Is that really the best you can do?

Please try harder, or switch back to your cryptozoologist persona.

Principal Blackman

Oh, goody. Blogs for Bush Victory is all over this, earning up-front bonus points for claiming it is “Naziism 2.0.”

Teh Black Muslim commiez = Teh Notzies! Oh noes!


If she had faked it, and made it come out ‘backwards’……..why would she even be going public with it in the first place?? She’d obviously have made sure of these sorts of things first if she was going to attempt a fraud.

The mistake here is assuming that we are dealing with normal (not insane) people.


What’s the over/under on “the simple fact that we believe this story to be true only shows what a despicable human being B Hussein Obama is” argument being used if the story turns out to be false?


I don’t recall many lefties “withholding judgment on the veracity of” any anti-Palin story.

That’s because Confirmation Bias runs deep in ideologues of all stripes.


Any chance of a bullshit free version of this story?

A backwards B isn’t the kind of symbol someone would use to express support for Obama is it? Besides, that mark wasn’t made by anything sharp. The black eye doesn’t really look like a proper one either. No swelling, and it is actually black, rather than the red/purple mess that you normally get.

On the other hand, if it was faked, you would expect her to report that the mugger actually said something specific about mcain/obama, rather than just “becoming angry”.

The story as reported is a little far fetched, but so is the idea of it being cut from whole cloth. I suspect a mugging actually happened, and the backwards B mark was a tag or gang sign of some kind, and the woman made up the stuff about the bumper sticker to take advantage of the situation. I mean, a republican gets mugged by a black man and doesn’t embellish the story? Seems unlikely.

Principal Blackman

What’s the over/under on “the simple fact that we believe this story to be true only shows what a despicable human being B Hussein Obama is” argument being used if the story turns out to be false?

Probably about the same as the “OK, so it turned to be untrue, but you libs were so mean to her when you should’ve assumed it was true! You are facists!” line being trotted out.

An Undecided Voter

I don’t speak for Sadly, No! or its readers, but let me go on record as being firmly in the anti-mugging/anti-carving-letters-numbers- symbols-etc-on-people’s-faces camp.

Much as I and my fellow undecideds are still valiantly struggling to choose between McCain and Obama, let me go on record here and say that we’re also completely on the fence as to whether we’re pro- or anti- mugging, and whether we’re pro- or anti- carving letters (or anything else) into people’s faces.


I don’t recall many lefties “withholding judgment on the veracity of” any anti-Palin story.

I distinctly recall warning people off the “Palin is a goddamned dumbass” story.


I would call your attention to the fact that this is not Kos, DU or HuffPo. Is that really the best you can do?

Not by a long sight. The viciousness here at S,N! is partially disguised by snark, but it’s no less disgusting.

Please try harder, or switch back to your cryptozoologist persona.

Sorry, no sockpuppetry here.

Gotta go. Auburn takes the field in an hour and there are preparations to be made.





goober, I remember a lot of people not wanting to take the Palin-faked-her-pregnancy thing at face value. Also, I remember a lot of skepticism on a number of those early Palin stories and rumours here at Sadly,No.

It’s your side that is never critical of a rumor: c.f., Obama is a Muslim, fake birth certificate, best buddies with terrorists, blah blah ad nauseum.

The Reality-Based Dave

“What’s the over/under on “the simple fact that we believe this story to be true only shows what a despicable human being B Hussein Obama is” argument being used if the story turns out to be false?”

Let’s ask Annie Alty:
Just because what I think I saw didn’t really happen, that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t possibly happen. Somewhere. In the future. In this universe.

Freaks And Goobers, Oh My

OTOH, it’s interesting to note that no one on this site has condemned what happened, just pointed in the opposite direction and said, “Look – puppies!”, thereby giving tacit approval.

They’ve not done it Goober because firstly, common humanity can be correctly assumed on the Left, unlike with sociopaths such as yourself who only cares about human suffering when it can be warped to fit your own narcissistic agenda. Indeed, the Right quite happily sings for the bombing of innocent civilians if they think it will lead to some sort of personal sense of happiness… where as most people here on Sadly, No! understand instinctively in their own hearts that violent assault is almost always wrong.

And secondly, they’ve not condemned it because they simply aren’t as foolish as you desperately need others to be in order to get even this petty and disgraceful triumph you are seeking today; You don’t even have a clue if this event is real or not… She was cut by a mugger on the street? Do you even know what knife blade cuts look like? I’ll give you a clue; they don’t look like that. When the blood has finished flowing and scabbed, they tend to be very sharp red lines, which heal over into often white puffy streaks. Here’s a freshly cut arm for you to compare;

And here’s a healed arm of a self abuser;

Notice NOW that they look nothing like the “B” on the cheek of that lady over at Ace? And here’s something else that makes it suspicious… do you have any idea how HARD it is to cut with a knife in a curve? Especially with an unwilling participant?

Now I don’t know what exactly caused that injury in reality, most likely a heated metal B prised off a sign somewhere, which when held against the cheek would appear mirrored… it looks more like a mild-heat rash to me. But without getting to look at it directly in person, and see how the healing process came out (especially in the skin in the area around the B… heat would tend to damage surrounding tissue too) I couldn’t say for sure. What it’s most certainly not is a knife cut from a unwilling mugging.

But you desperately want us all here to act as dumb as you and go “oh, aren’t some democrats bad! look what they (we!) did to that poor girl!” just so you can score a cheap political point. Because you don’t care about a girl who, in all probability, is suffering from a serious case of self harming. You don’t care if some one who gets lynched because they are suspected of this “mugging”. You don’t care about anything real… you just want to shore up your own pathetic ego by associating yourself with the actions, and political fortunes of someone else. And you seriously seem to think people will indulge you in this by debasing their own intellects to your level…?

Pathetic, really. Hence why people are simply just laughing at you instead. You know nothing, care for even less, and are just an outright joke.


Hey Goober:

Ya’ll suck.


What kind of knife makes a marks like fingernails?

What, he mugged her with a butter knife?

And the mugger robbed her at a ‘high-traffic site’, turned to run off, came back, delicately carved a backwards b in her cheek, and then took off.

Right. Most muggers risk getting caught to make a political statement.

I’m 100% sure this is bullshit.


The viciousness here at S,N! is partially disguised by snark, but it’s no less disgusting.

SNer # 1: Hey, you’re getting your viciousness in my snark!

SNer # 2: No, your snark is in my viciousness!

SNer # 3: Hey, relax fellas! Try this rich chocolate-y snark wrapped around a delicious creamy center of viciousness. It’s two great tastes that taste great together!

Everyone: Yum!


Hey Goober:

Ya’ll suck.

You’ll get no argument here. Were it not for our defense we’d be 2 – 5.


Freaks And Goobers, Oh My …

All that for nothing. I have already acknowledged that it may be a “Tawana Brawley” situation.

And don’t lecture me about “scoring political points with a tragedy”. Coming from the “Heckuva job, Brownie”-Left it just comes across as comically stupid.

BTW, I couldn’t care less what people here think about me. After all, I’m a troll.


JF Sebastian:

That’s pretty funny.



How many surveillance cameras are around ATM machines? What is the chance that one did not catch this ‘crime’?

Call me callous. I call Bullshit.

And goober?

ur dum.


BTW, I couldn’t care less what people here think about me. After all, I’m a troll.

Then could you, pretty please with chocolate on top and peanut butter in the middle, go away!


Do you even know what knife blade cuts look like? I’ll give you a clue; they don’t look like that.

Yup. The “B” looked to me like what the fuckhead jock seniors used to do to annoying or unlucky freshmen at my high school – they’d rub a copy of the school’s logo onto their face with a pencil eraser. It would look pretty much like that “B”.


do you have any idea how HARD it is to cut with a knife in a curve?
Real muggers use the Runic alphabet.
Or Ogham.

Freaks And Goobers, Oh My

“Heckuva Job Brownie” is a quote from… George W. Bush. You really know nothing, don’t you?

And as I said, some of us genuinely are intelligent, unlike you. Oh, and also have a very quick typing rate. I gave you the time and effort you deserved; which due to my own talents, and your corresponding lack of them, might have seemed a lot to you. But really, truly it was a very little thing indeed for a very, and self confessed now worthless little man.

Still, keep on lashing out uncaringly at people you profess to hate, and then getting frustrated when they spot an obvious case of projection and aren’t bothered in the slightest by it. Perhaps one day it’ll work out for you. But not on November 5th… the American public aren’t buying it this time for some reason, are they Goober?


Lewis Carroll warned about the Vicious Snark decades ago

Turbine Yukon Palin

I don’t recall many lefties “withholding judgment on the veracity of” any anti-Palin story

Now who’s pointing to puppies? You puppy-pointer, you! Fie! The pointer puppies are poignantly pointed-at by a pointy-headed poindexter! Put that in your pointillist poinsetta-punctuated Panama, and take your pointed pointing and push off, pal. Pointedly.


Angry, militant Obama supporters:



You can cut a curve with a knife quite easily.. If it is properly sharp. But there is NO way that mark was made with anything sharp, or even pointed. A sharp knife makes a thin split which bleeds a lot but shows no damage to the surrounding tissue. A blunt knife tends to rip out a strip of skin in irregular chunks, and cause some reddening of the surrounding area.

Whatever made that mark did NOT pierce the skin at all.

The official story now gives 40 mins between the attack happening, and the police being called. Not really cause for suspicion by itself, but plenty of time to have come up with the idea and scratched a B on her face with whatever she had to hand. Maybe car keys or something?

The weakest part of this theory is the fact that Malkin also considers it likely.



Auburn sucks, and so do you. Enjoy the Music Shitty Bowl…that is, if you even get there.


Meanwhile, it was a horrific polling day for John McCain today. McCain is crashing and burning in the Midwest and Virginia is looking like a lost cause. Pennsylvania remains in double digits.

There’s a very good chance that this thing will be an epic ass-whooping and the Republicans will be totally humiliated. It’s pretty safe to say we’ll be entering a new, golden age of Wingnuttia on November 5.

By the way, this was a priceless line from goober:

Yeah, because libtards at Kos and DU and HuffPo nevah, EVAH, make violent, death-wishing comments about conservatives.

So now the scary black guy ATM mugger who carves perfectly round, very shallow circles is also a reader of Daily Kos and HuffPo. This really is the best election ever.


Oooh! Troll Jeopardy! My favorite!

For $100…

OTOH, it’s interesting to note that no one on this site has condemned what happened, just pointed in the opposite direction and said, “Look – puppies!”, thereby giving tacit approval.

What is “concern trolling”?

Yeah, because libtards at Kos and DU and HuffPo nevah, EVAH, make violent, death-wishing comments about conservatives.

What is “false analogy”?

I don’t recall many lefties “withholding judgment on the veracity of” any anti-Palin story.

What is “an amnesiac who can’t recall the National Inquirer’s stories about infidelity or who Trig’s mother actually is”?

The viciousness here at S,N! is partially disguised by snark, but it’s no less disgusting.

What is False Equivalency?

I’d make a joke about the daily double, but goober will be back to provide more material after the commercial break.


First, as a Pittsburgher, I know the exact corner where she says she was mugged. It’s not a “bad” neighborhood although a mugging after dark at an ATM is certainly possible as they can pretty much happen anywhere in a city neighborhood. (Although I do wonder what she was doing in the city of Pittsburgh– it’s pretty solidly pro-Obama.)

Second, the backwards “B” really doesn’t look like a knife had much to do with it– as pointed out above that only works if it were a butterknife. Also, from what I’ve seen she refused medical attention when the police and EMT arrived. Who does that after being assaulted with a knife?

Finally, maybe it takes a woman to recognize what running/streaking mascara looks like, but that really doesn’t look like a shiner to me. It’s not swollen and it lacks redness. I think she likely cried after the mugging, as I most certainly might do if I were mugged at knifepoint.

The whole thing seems really fishy. Not impossible, just somewhat improbable. Also, if that actually happened to me and someone wrote an “M” on my face I’d be PISSED. So pissed that I’d tell my story to every newsperson that would listen.


IF it is true I think it more the case of an upset Red Sox fan taking it out on anyone from the Keystone State.


The B could be backwards because she took the picture herself in a mirror? Maybe?

Anyway…even if this story is abso….lutely true, its still is completely without relevance unless Barak CLICK CLICK Shaka Zulu X did the carving of the white meat himself.


Incidentally, thank you hosts.


Sadly, No! versus booger
I leave it to you to decide whom is which.

I think this encounter might be more appropriate, ITTDGY.


Okay, so why didn’t the attacker carve an “O” into her face? Much easier and it looks right from every angle, and in the mirror!

Just wondering.


OTOH, it’s interesting to note that no one on this site has condemned what happened,

Indeed. Because, when I learn about a random person becoming the victim of a random violent crime in a city I don’t live in, the first thing I do is log on to a political snark website to soundly condemn it.


The B could be backwards because she took the picture herself in a mirror? Maybe?

Possible, but it’s a pretty straight-on shot and there’s no camera in the picture.


OTOH, it’s interesting to note that no one on this site has condemned what happened,

Incidentally, can the record show that this is my All Time Favorite concern troll tactic?

the idea that because I didn’t personally go on record where The Troll could know, it means I tacitly condone Something Bad someone somewhere has done.



Smut Clyde said,

October 24, 2008 at 1:21

Sadly, No! versus booger
I leave it to you to decide whom is which.
I think this encounter might be more appropriate, ITTDGY.

Ha, I read that one while I was at work. Hard, at work.

Anyways, let’s go for the trifecta!


I don’t recall many lefties “withholding judgment on the veracity of” any anti-Palin story.

Funny, that.

Funny how they all turned out to be true, as well.


ITTDGY, I’m not convinced that the spider in the ‘trifecta’ link is actually eating the bird. It could just be marking its face with political slogans.


The weakest part of this theory is the fact that Malkin also considers it likely.

One point of clarification: The post Gavin links to is Captain Ed’s. Malkin is suspicious.


I was assaulted by two female brewery workers in Milwaukee and one of them carved a large “L” on my face.


He’s an Auburn fan.

That explains a lot.


and one of them carved a large “L” on my face.
An elephant was in the corner of the room, pointing and laughing.


Wait a moment.. Why would a mugger take her money, let her run off, then follow her to her car and beat her up a bit? The only plausible motivation for that is to steal the car, but apparently it was not stolen. Maybe the Mcain bumper sticker reduced its value so much the mugger didn’t bother?

“The Tribune reported that Todd, who isn’t familiar with the area, drove to a friend’s house and together the pair located the Citizens Bank ATM at Liberty and Pearl where the attack happened and called police.”

An odd thing to do if you are attacked in the street. Surely you would find the nearest person and ask them to call the police immediately? But it is what you would do if you decided to take advantage of a mugging and politicise the story a little.


I still don’t understand why its a “B”.


Sistern. Cistern. I get it. So College Republican women are, shall we say… catchments?


The B could be backwards because she took the picture herself in a mirror? Maybe?

Possible, but it’s a pretty straight-on shot and there’s no camera in the picture.

Also, if she was on the ground or kneeling and her attacker held her head between his knees and carved a “B” on her face, it would come out upside-down, thus looking backwards. It’s a possibility, but it looks like she held pretty still while that “B” was being carved.

Another thing… her black eyes look more like they were caused from a blow to the head than from a punch to the eye. I fell off enough skateboards as a youngster to have the same type of black eyes.

And finally, is it possible that the “B” stands for Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin?


“The B could be backwards because she took the picture herself in a mirror? Maybe?”

With an invisible camera!


And finally, is it possible that the “B” stands for Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin?

You are on to something. BOB BARR.


I still don’t understand why its a “B”.

The perp was a member of the Elucidated Brethren Of The Ebon Night.


Sistern. Cistern
B. Kliban would like his joke back.


It was Bob Barker!

Jeez. So this is what happens when the “we-are-all-victims-of-liberals” Republicans (Morrissey) meet the “we don’t believe violence against women occurs” Republicans (Ace), hunh?

Good riddance to all of them. Maybe we can have a governable country for once in the past twenty years.


OTOH, it’s interesting to note that no one on this site has condemned what happened,

Fine, I’ll feed the Troll. I condemn what happened. It was sad and terrible and nobody, no mater what political stripe, should be a victim of violence. Like anyone care what I have to say.

I await your condemning of the vandalism of cars at Obama rallies, and the calls for Obama’s death at McCain rallies.


“Bob Barr” makes sense.. After all, a mugger is quite likely to be a libertarian! Muggers and the Libertarian party share the same ideals on economics and law enforcement!


You are on to something. BOB BARR

I would hope a Barr supporter would at least carve a B on each butt cheek, thus getting his initials and his first name in one fell swoop.


Gang members would write rival gangs’ symbol or the first letter of their name backwards. Watch your back, Bob Barr! The Boston Tea Party is out to get you! Or maybe it’s the other way around: Watch you back, Boston Tea Party! Bob Barr is out to get you!


Surely you would find the nearest person and ask them to call the police immediately?
Only if you are a liberal and you believe that every random passer-by is somehow responsible for your problems.


It doesn’t even seem much like a B. It looks like she got hit with a belt buckle.


Speaking of not passing the Smell Test, from the Malkin link:

If I’m wrong, I’ll apologize.


F’in Librul said,
October 24, 2008 at 1:45

It was Bob Barker!

she didn’t get her pets spayed or neutered


It doesn’t even seem much like a B. It looks like she got hit with a belt buckle.

It’s Joe the Plumber’s ass.


Also, as it is reported, she was mugged before 9 but didn’t call the police until 9:30. Why? After being mugged I would have run for safety– into a local business where there are people– if I had a cell phone I would have called 911 immediately, not headed back to my car by myself! But after she was assaulted and beat up she waited for half an hour to call the police?

Sorry, but the picture really doesn’t look like a knife “carve” as much as someone scraped a backwards “B” into her cheek with a fingernail. If she had said the mugger did it with his fingernail I’d believe it– but it’s just NOT a knife cut.

Principal Blackman

I just had to share this GIF from Blogs for Bush Victory because it is fucking awesome(ly stupid).


I say the whole thing was a setup and she wasn’t even mugged.

She twittered the whole thing. First she sends these two twitters:

8:23 Stubbornly searching for a bank of america to avoid ATM fees.
8:45 Pretty sure I’m on the wrong side of pittsburgh

Then the mugging allegedly happens at 9:00, and she calls the police at 9:30 then there’s two more twitters:

11:52 Oh the blog I will be making soon… Its been a rough night

2:55 PM today: Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers- I’m phonebanking so let’s all work together and get John McCain elected

Pretty convenient that she mentions looking for an ATM and being on the wrong side of Pittsburgh right before she gets allegedly mugged and mutilated. This looks like a pretty amateurish ratfuck attempt.


Maybe she ran afoul of an enraged Boston Red Sox fan?


I think that she is covering for her boyfriend, Bubba, who beat her and….

O crap, I just read g‘s comment. Mine sucks. g wins.


Ugh. It’s not a “bad” neighborhood, it’s Pittsburgh’s “Little Italy.” (The neighborhood is a mostly white, mostly working class neighborhood, actually.) Although I’m not sure what a McCain staffer was doing in the city of Pittsburgh at all, it’s serious Obama country.


When I was a lad, I was posted in a place that had a regular occurrence of knife attacks. I ended up seeing (and dealing with) an awful number of wounds of all degrees of injury. From my experience, it would be nigh on to impossible to inflict so little damage with a knife blade (the skin isn’t even broken, let alone sliced). Faked, for whatever sick reason.


Skin writing aka Dermatographic urticaria.

Just sayin’


The story comes from — wait for it! — Richard Mellon Scaife’s wingnut Pittsburgh daily, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

The attack, of course, “happened outside the view of the bank’s surveillance cameras.” The woman is from College Station, Texas.

The city’s non-wingnut paper, the fine Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, has a far less hysterical article, with this interesting bit from the police:

“This is what she’s telling police,” police spokeswoman Diane Richard said. “We can’t substantiate it at this time.”



The woman is from College Station, Texas.

Having relatives who attended Texas A&M, I’m what many would call an Aggie sympathizer. Nevertheless, the above quote explains a lot.


8:23 Stubbornly searching for a bank of america to avoid ATM fees.
8:45 Pretty sure I’m on the wrong side of pittsburgh

8:47 Getting tons of dirty looks b/c of my McCain bumpersticker. Am I safe here?

8:55 OT: So happy I have such an unblemished complexion and no under-eye circles

8:59 *whistles innocently*


Shorter entire conservative blogosphere: Victimology in search of a victim.


Why I’m not buying it – I was at a light-rail station when a guy got mugged and he ran off the train to escape the knife-wielding mugger and his friends. I was practically the only person at the station. He was wild with rage and almost totally incoherent (so much so that I wondered if he was sane), but the first thing he asked me to do after he calmed down enough was to call 911 and get the cops to the station, which I did immediately. It appears she did none of these things, and even left the scene of the attack. While we can act irrational in extreme situations, her story adds up like a calculator with a dead battery. Get beat up, want cop NOW. That’s how real people act.


A commenter at wizbang said (paraphrasing) “so what if the wounds are self inflicted it doesn’t mean she’s a liar.”


I look forward to Goober’s comments tomorrow, complaining that vengeful liberals are hounding the poor girl and exacerbating her problems by publicising her case.


Smut Clyde, you must watch this video.

This is a) Best election evuh!, or b) Even better than that.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Okay, you guys are still totally missing the point (kinda like how I missed the appropriate thread to make this comment):

The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. The man was wearing dark colored jeans, a black undershirt and black shoes.

It wasn’t an Obama supporter – it was Obama! After all, how many dark skin black men are 6? 4?? I can only think of the one.

How else could he possibly have raised $150 million in September alone? Random robberies. This totally explains why so many of his ‘donations’ are under $100.


Shorter Freaks and Goobers:

“Grblfarg! Boogity boogity blurch! Toaster mayonnaise englesnort!!

Yes, I’m slow at typing. Yes, I know the quote was from Bush. My point is that the quote “Heckuva job, Brownie” was adopted by the left TO SCORE POLITICAL POINTS WITH A TRAGEDY. The fact that the nuance escaped your notice shows what a small thinker you really are.

I am currently enjoying Auburn’s 17-10 halftime lead over the bitter, clingy, gun-toting Mountaineer hillbillies. You pop-psycholgical musings and ad hominems don’t bother me in the least.

I will not go away, and I will be here Nov 5th, as promised, win or lose.



I look forward to Goober’s comments tomorrow

Why wait, SmutClyde? See above:

” If it’s fake, then I guess it was inevitable the right would have their own version of Tawana Brawley.”

I said that earlier in the thread. I acknowledged it may be a setup, and she may be playing us like fiddles.

I went into snarky hysterics as a parody of you guys whenever a winger says, “BOO!”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Consider also that the backwards B. Why is it backwards? She inflicted the wound on herself while looking in the mirror? I laugh at that theory. Show me one College Republican that could injure themselves in such a way. Not to be misogynist – but those panty waisted trust fund kiddies are pussies.

No – the real reason for the backwards-isized B is beacuse it was inflicted by someone left-handed. Someone like – dun dun DUN – Barack Obama.


Maybe she ran afoul of an enraged Boston Red Sox fan?

Naw, the ‘B’ is totally the wrong font.


you must watch this video.

Janitor of tyranny
Testify my vanity
Mortalize my memory
Deceive the Devil’s deed

Tolerate my jealousy
Recognize the desperate need

Janitor of lunacy
Identify my destiny
Revive the living dream
Forgive their begging scream

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Naw, the ‘B’ is totally the wrong font.

I demand that Ashley Todd submit her cheek so that we can have our experts check the kerning.


Unfortunately my voice is not as good as Nico’s.

Smiling Mortician

This is a) Best election evuh!, or b) Even better than that.



Anyone know if Limbaugh’s announced the start of an Operation Kamikaze lately?

Self-abuse, since it breaks the primary instinctive need to protect the body, is indicative of both truly morbid levels of desperation & an estrangement from reality. I’m just sayin’.

OTOH, it’s interesting to note that no one on this site has condemned what happened,

I presume others’ condemnation is implicit – because progressive-type folks seem not to get off on violence, self-inflicted or otherwise. Some are even hardcore pacifists. Right-wing-types, not so much.

Either way, what happened was loathsome.
I condemn it – & you. Suck it.


My theory at the moment is that the impressionable young lady had a couple of pimples, and listened too seriously to all those exhortations to “connect the dots”.


I am currently enjoying Auburn’s 17-10 halftime lead over the bitter, clingy, gun-toting Mountaineer hillbillies.

You let Arkansas come back and beat you. Arkansas.


Ohio is trending away from McCain fast. Virginia is already gone. Iowa and New Mexico have been in the bank for some time now. All of the Kerry states are safe. Obama is still up double digits in Pennsylvania.

Florida is getting away from them. Missouri is trending Obama. Nevada and Colorado are both looking like they’re going to go blue. Now Indiana is seriously in play. McCain’s in trouble in North Carolina, and Montana is no foregone conclusion.

Best. Election. Ever.


The box so cunning and free!
Who makes the sign of the B!


This is a) Best election evuh!, or b) Even better than that.



Ok, so who’s going to make their Halloween costume a mascara blackened eye and a backwards B on thier cheek with a sign around their neck reading “Gots beat up by angry janitor”?


One point of clarification: The post Gavin links to is Captain Ed’s. Malkin is suspicious.

Wait… wait… so SadlyNo! and Michelle Malkin are in agreement about this?? I need to go outside and see if the heavens are being rolled up like a scroll and Jesus descending with a shout.


Do you remember when these same asshats were winning?


Do you remember when these same asshats were winning?

I’m hoping that soon I’ll be able to say “Do you remember when these asshats had the presidency?”


You let Arkansas come back and beat you. Arkansas.

And now, WVU.

But don’t get too cocky, Ken. Remember what happened the last time Bama was #2 and played Auburn?
Because let’s face it: Tubby probably has to beat Bama to keep his job. He’ll be pulling out all the stops.


Oh, yeah:

Backwards B? Not So Much

Ace is now doubting the doubters.


I wouldn’t blame the Auburn offense too much; it’s tremendously difficult to read the playbook when it’s covered with all those red marks:


I look forward to Goober’s comments tomorrow, complaining that vengeful liberals are hounding the poor girl and exacerbating her problems by publicising her case.

Would this be after the comment that laments how the EMESEM is ignoring it, while publicizing totally untrue stories of shouts of “kill him” at McCain/Palin rallies?


My point is that the quote “Heckuva job, Brownie” was adopted by the left TO SCORE POLITICAL POINTS WITH A TRAGEDY

Actually, the quote “Heckuva job, Brownie,” would not have been adopted by anyone had not George Bush been totally fucking clueless about how dismally inadequate his political appointees were performing their jobs.

The effects of Hurricane Katrina was a tragedy. The incompetency of Brownie was an object lesson on the moral bankruptcy of the Bush administration.


If she had faked it, and made it come out ‘backwards’……..why would she even be going public with it in the first place?? She’d obviously have made sure of these sorts of things first if she was going to attempt a fraud.

I dunno– ask Tawana Brawley (whose scrawled-on-body messages were upside down, leading police to wonder if she wrote them looking down at her own torso) or Morton Downey Jr. (whose “Neo-Nazi attack” resulted in a backwards swastika).


People need to either get beat in a fight or watch boxing, apparently. That’s not how black eyes work. That’s not even how bruising works. You don’t go straight to black circles, you get a big swollen eye that is a lurid shade of purple and red and that you can’t open all the way, and days later you get to the black undereye crescent (CRESCENT-secret Islamist). You get punched in the eye, it don’t work for a couple days.

Johnny Hussein Coelacanth

Ohio is trending away from McCain fast. Virginia is already gone. Iowa and New Mexico have been in the bank for some time now. All of the Kerry states are safe. Obama is still up double digits in Pennsylvania.

Florida is getting away from them. Missouri is trending Obama. Nevada and Colorado are both looking like they’re going to go blue. Now Indiana is seriously in play. McCain’s in trouble in North Carolina, and Montana is no foregone conclusion.

Best. Election. Ever.

Indeed, which is why I just donated money to the Obama campaign, again (like they need it now). I wish I could donate more. I wish I could donate everything I had. I wish I could appropriate goober’s property and donate it to the Obama campaign who would then divvy it up between illegal gay Marxist immigrant ACORN Weathermen and Planned Parent opium den free clinic sex education teen orgy abortion indoctrination camps. Ah well, that will have to wait until after inauguration day.


It’s not a backwards “B” anyway.

It’s the “Hello Kitty” Rune…


Ace is now doubting the doubters.

I believe the original link was closer to the stopped clock school than the expert witness school.

Ace’s reasons for doubting the veracity of the assault were relatively sound (and I’d add a number of them to it, including (a) how remarkably difficult it is outside of Hollywood to carve a complete letter onto someone, let alone their damn face, without their consent; and (b) how unusual it is for robbery to involve anything other than robbery.

The idea that it would be difficult to simulate a black eye without risking harming yourself is silly. It’s trivial to simulate, because a black eye is a bruise like any other; even assuming there’s no makeup puffery involved (there’s a reason it’s a major stage shortcut for ‘fight injury’ – it’s a really easy injury to simulate), there are all kinds of ways to rupture vessels without breaking the skin or seriously contusing the flesh.

Between that and the MSM HOOGA BOOGA reasoning (pro tip: pretending to be at war with the MSM while awarding points internally on their willingness to propagate your talking points is a little ridiculous, but that’s not unique to Ace), he’s basically living up to form by being a shitheel and denying reality for Hte Cause.

The assault as described is ludicrous and improbable, and asking us to denounce it makes about as much sense as a strident demand that we denounce a plan to assassinate the King of Candyland. But rest assured we’re not actually looking to murder anyone for Gloppy, sir.


People need to either get beat in a fight or watch boxing, apparently. That’s not how black eyes work. That’s not even how bruising works. You don’t go straight to black circles, you get a big swollen eye that is a lurid shade of purple and red and that you can’t open all the way, and days later you get to the black undereye crescent (CRESCENT-secret Islamist). You get punched in the eye, it don’t work for a couple days.

Yup. They didn’t just dream up ‘cut me, Mick!’ The superficial scratch inflicted in the picture would have healed up to nothing long before a black eye developed that much: I’ve got a bruise on my arm from a mechanical pinch on Sunday that’s only just become as dark as that, and a nasty scratch from a couple days ago- one that drew blood – is almost invisible.

Even if the surreal, fantasiacal sequence described by this woman took place, there’s serious theatrics at work. My guess is that there was either a political altercation or a mugging with a chance epiphet and she felt compelled by the sudden surge of paranoid vindication that Oppressed Hegemons revel in to dramatize the horrible, horrible persecution by some random guy.


ps: You wanna give yourself a black eye, and this is just off the top of my head: apply suction to the lid (even a low-powered vacuum cleaner would probably work without endangering your retinas, a snakebite kit would probably work as well, and – though God knows the kind of person who would try this thing probably doesn’t have any willing accomplices – there are weirder things GOPniks have been caught doing than sucking on each other’s eyes) or apply heat for a little while and rub like there’s something in your eye – that sensation is actually self-sustaining – and before long there’ll be just enough rouging and swelling to produce a nasty shiner without the serious impairment or blood sequestering that would make a normal fight-induced contusion more long-lived and crippling.


Planned Parent opium den free clinic sex education teen orgy abortion indoctrination camps

I find your ideas fascinating and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


so SadlyNo! and Michelle Malkin are in agreement about this?
Even a blind squirrel will sometimes choke on a nut during a paroxysm of histrionic rage.


If you try to “carve” a B on your own face the natural instinct is to carve a reverse B . She might have used a mirror but it wasn’t necessary . Also didn’t the police say that they noticed the mark on the right side of her face ? So the photo is NOT flipped .


Ok, so who’s going to make their Halloween costume a mascara blackened eye and a backwards B on thier cheek with a sign around their neck reading “Gots beat up by angry janitor”?

I’m thinking I should scratch Sarah Palin’s initials into my back.

Johnny Hussein Coelacanth

“I find your ideas fascinating and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.”

We canceled our newsletter, as we forgot to apportion funds for the Islamic Indonesian Hawaiin Kenyan Jihad. They all need birth certificates most rickytick.


“It’s not a “bad” neighborhood, it’s Pittsburgh’s “Little Italy.””

Hey! The “B”? It’s Vinnie Boombatz!

“You know my Doctor, Doctor Vinnie Boombatz… I called and told him I had a bad case of diarrhea. – He put me on hold!


Some doctor, some doctor. I told him I wanted a second opinion – he said, “you’re ugly, too!”


the scarlett B?
the sign of the barrack?

my money is on a stigmata like occurrence signaling this woman as a living manifestation of bob marley, the all-knowing and all-loving god



You’ll notice the absence of an ‘O’ on the other cheek.

This begs the question: was the victim really a Christian?




I saw the Angry Janitors when they still had their first drummer.


Oh, you people. Don’t you know that Obama, using the mystical MIND CONTROL powers available to all socialists/communist/messiah/fascists(liberal) can MAKE YOU DO WHAT HE WANTS.

Larry Johnson (alias melvin at dkos) has been trying to WARN you, but NO ONE can fight the MIND POWERS that Obam.. Obansk.. OBASCNfv



I’m astonished that no one has looked at the typography on this one. LOOK AT THE KERNNIG ON THAT ‘B.’ It will tell you everything.

Otherwise, I’m really struck by the way there’s no swelling, and the eyeball itself looks just hunkey-dorey. Whenever I’ve caught a shiner, my eyelids have swollen perceptibly, and the eye itself has been all bruised and bloody. Just sayin.


Breaking News from The Daily 4th Gradian:

Barack Obama’s initials are B.O.!!!1

*dissolves into delerious titters*


Gavin, please, the negro in question was clearly dyslexic! How else do you explain that, in an Italian neighborhood of Pittsburgh in broad daylight, he mugs a white woman on a busy street!

Clearly, he must have, in his dyslexia, seen himself in a deserted alley in a black neighborhood carving a frontwards “B” in her honky flesh!


Can I haz poutrage?

“A Pittsburgh police commander says a volunteer for the McCain campaign who reported being robbed and attacked near a bank ATM in Bloomfield has confessed to making up the story. Police say charges will be filed. More details to follow.”


Now the story is just sad. The woman has a serious disturbance. That she blamed her self-inflicted wounds on Democrats doesn’t even bother me. No more than the crazy person who blames the buzzing in her ears on malicious evil aliens. Everyone knows the aliens are wonderful and benign no matter what she believes.


This is why Sarah Palin’s makeup artist costs so friggin’ much.

He’s putting in overtime doing face-painting for the campaign’s enthusiastic volunteers.

Seriously, folks — this pathetic volunteer — Ashley Farkwit — AND the Pennsylvania Republican Party — attempted to START A RACE WAR over this.

NEVER FORGET that, whether you’re Republican or Democratic.


my money is on a stigmata like occurrence signaling this woman as a living manifestation of bob marley, the all-knowing and all-loving god

So why is there only a B and no BM on her face?
No, wait, that didn’t come out right.
Uh, neither did that…


The post cited a source close to Zatkoff who said he may have been attacked by members of … a gay rights group.



Oh Lawdy,

The Concern Trolls are in a tizzy.

This po’ fat child (no, she is an adult, accountable for her actions) is mentally ill and I feel so fucking sorry for her fat ugly deranged ass, she needs help, please sumbody giver her some help! (now aint that a wild eyed libral concern troll train of thought).

Oh, that is rich.

The tart is a criminal.
The tart is a social deviant.
The tart is a vetted McCain Campaign Worker.
The tart is a poster child of the McInsane Campaign,
and The tart has been a highly touted talking point of the McInsane Campaign,
and The tart is a fine metaphor for de whole McInsane Campaign.

Ya’ll keep mixing your apples and oranges and see what kind of spoiled rotten fruit juice ya’ll come up with.

And keep projecting that she needs help.
Because the help she needs is incarceration for her her crimes.

Wackenhunt agents are standing by, ready to help!


HAH HA HA Ha Ha ha hahahahahahahaha! This is SO good!

I’m LOVIN’ this! Watching the right wing alternately take up the indignant White Purity Sullied banner and then have to drop it like a hot potato! It’s a LAUGH RIOT.

Makes my day!

OBAMA/BIDEN 08 for the change we need!


(comments are closed)