Diary of a Yoostabee*
He went to a town in which plenty of blingnuts live and thrive, and all Roger L. Simon got was this lousy self-pity (not to mention geenormous persecution complex):
It’s no surprise that Moses Whine’s fellow Yoostabee Michael (‘The J. Stands For Jackass’) Totten has already breathlessly blurbed it in comments, thanking Simon for writing it. Yes, yes, Simon is to be commended for his bravery in the face of those vicious and monolithic Hollywood liberals! Don’t you know what they’ll do to the Santa Monica Solzhenitsyn now? The “blacklisting” was just the first step. Next thing you know, Ol’ Roger might find the severed head of a G.W. Bush action figure under his sheets. Huddled and shivering “apostates” being forced into back alleys to trade Samizdat dvds of An American Carol! Comrades sent to Siberia Massachusetts! The inevitable show trials and firing squads!
Hanx to Scott for the Hollywood Blingnuts link!
As long as you’re blacklisting yourself, why not go ahead and ban your own book?
The fact is, Real America, Here In The Heartland, should boycott Hollywood until they make move movies like American Carol.
I think we’re really onto something here. I mean, with its crummy box office, American Carol, is a movie that practically boycotted itself.
Why is the man always holding the white male down?
Shorter Roger L. Simon memoir: I wear the fedora because I’m bald. I wear the crown of thorns because I’m a martyr. I suffer because Hollywood liberals don’t buy any more of my dreck in order to persecute me for my beliefs as CEO of Pajamas Media.
javafascist, I don’t believe I have to say this, but it’s because the white male is the Jew of liberal fascism.
(First they came for Roger L. Simon, and I didn’t speak because, well, he’s kind of a self-important jackass…)
Wasn’t he blacklisted because of Scenes From a Mall? Let’s go with that. Now no one has to read the book . . .
. . . not that anyone will anyway.
The fact is, Gary, shut up.
Simon’s post title is:
Don’t judge a book by its cover – except this time!
Okay. Let’s see, it’s a bit of film with some guy staring off frame. What’s he thinking about? Who knows, maybe that’s what the book is about. Let’s see, I don’t recognize this guy, maybe something on the cover might tell me who he is. Roger L. Simon. EEEuuuuwwwww. Now I have to go and disinfect.
“Simon relates his adventures with Richard Pryor, Warren Beatty, Woody Allen and real-life Hollywood KGB officers”
Real-life Hollywood KGB officers. Awesome.
A synopsis: Hollywood writer finally come to terms with the fact that he sucks and writes a book in order to make a few bucks from the fReichtards.
A black, guy, a white guy a Jew and a KGB officer walk into a bar…
Roger L. Simon is the Erich Maria Remarque of Liberal Fascism.
Um, Roger – it’s not that kind of film stock. The perfs run across the bottom – that’s still photography. Unless the shot is supposed to be from some Swedish Art House flick where people pop in through the side of the frame and just stare off into nowhere.
Additionally, “Hollywood Apostate in the Age of Terror”? Really? If it truly is “the Age of Terror” doesn’t that mean that the fear-mongering jackals are controlling the narrative? Wouldn’t the “Apostates in the Age of Terror” be the patchouli scented DFH’s that keep saying that the whole Islamo-terror bullshit is way way way fucking overblown? Oh – you mean that you’re only an Apostate from “Hollywood” – which is apparently at odds with the folks who actually dictate the cultural mood of the nation. Brave stand there Roger – some people sell-out to Hollywood, but Roger L. Simon managed to compromise himself so much that he sold-out from Hollywood.
For Roger:
Eat it, Cobag!!1!
Why is the man always holding the white male down?
The less fortunate get all the breaks.
Why is the man always holding the white male down?
That’s what he’s paying for.
I really, really wish the wingnuts would understand that the people actually in charge of movie production — corporate shills who answer to such liberal mainstays as GE and Viacom — really, really only care about making money.
If they could make movies featuring real torture, make a ton of money, and get away with it, they’d make 50 of them tomorrow. The only ideology they care about is green.
“Um, Roger – it’s not that kind of film stock. The perfs run across the bottom – that’s still photography. ”
Made me laugh. They are so consistently wrong that I would expect no less.
They did, except it’s a popular TV show of terrorism pornography. What more could a conservative possibly want?
The trouble is, if they acknowledged the fact that hollywood is just out to make money, then they would have to accept that Hollywood is making films people WANT. All those films which are so horribly liberal? People LIKE them.
Wingnuts can only accept they are in a minority when it allows them to have their persecution fantasies. When they are looking for moral authority, they are “the moral majority”. They need to imagine that they are actually acting on behalf of a massive group of “real americans” who support them.
It is hard to argue with box office numbers. Every wingnut film does extremely badly. This simply CANNOT be because nobody wants to watch them! It has to be a liberal conspiracy!
Perhaps the poor bastard just isn’t a very good screenwriter. But fear not, he’s a blessed wingnut welfare princess so it is all good.
Wow. Not fitting in in Hollywood. I’d qualify for that one by virtue of not having a boob job. WHAAAAAA!!!!! Pussy.
P.S. I voted early….heeheehee…..it’s already done. YES!
Maybe he could turn his post 911-life story into an inspiring after-school TV special. Lets see…. 911 changed everything. Roger starts soiling his sheets. Which is perfectly normal considering the experiences that the average southern Californian had to endure that day. But this condition turned chronic and inexcusable. In order to cure Roger of this habit, his significant other began hanging his soiled sheets out the master bedroom in full display of his Beverly Hills gated community. Roger had to sneak off the studio lot early, before the other writers and producers, and drive his expensive sports care home at break neck speed just on the verge of loosing total control in order to remove the linens from plain view of his peers. When he finally grows up, he wins the NASCAR Nextel cup.
Anybody else check the third-weekend box office for American Carol? You have to look way, way down the list. After falling 61% the second weekend, it lost almost two-thirds of its screens and dropped a further 71%. Monday it made $50 per screen. (Supposedly. The distributor still hasn’t put out any actual numbers, just estimates.)
Hell of a job by the Acne Conspiracy Network.
I’m getting an empty page on that link with both Safari and Firefox.
Bejus, what a drama queen.
. In order to cure Roger of this habit, his significant other began hanging his soiled sheets out the master bedroom in full display of his Beverly Hills gated community. Roger had to sneak off the studio lot early, before the other writers and producers, and drive his expensive sports care home at break neck speed just on the verge of loosing total control in order to remove the linens from plain view of his peers.
There’s a poignant scene when Roger discovers that someone has vandalized his shit-stained sheets with Sharpie™ scrawlings saying “much better than your last book”. In order to prevent this from happening again, Roger starts digging a moat around his clothesline.
try that, Pim.
Gary, I wouldn’t start any of your posts with “the fact is” – you’re bound to prove yourself an idiot in the next 10 words.
Stick with opinions. Easily formed, easily disregarded.
As long as you’re blacklisting yourself, why not go ahead and
banburn your own book?Is “blacklisting” a new term for “pitying”?
Interesting little slideshow. How old is it? The Kelsey Grammer and Trace Adkins blurbs don’t mention their most important conservative credential – being in An American Carol.
Then again, I suppose they might not want that shouted around too loudly.
The self-importance is strong with this one (even for a wingnut). Like anybody would bother to buy his dreck in order to burn it. Ought to have titled it “Burn This Book” (with apologies to Mr. Hoffman).
and please, “Age of Terror”? Grow up, Mr. Simon.
“It’s eerie for me to compare that photo with the fedora-clad man in his sixties ”
Yes, and it’s eerie for me to read “fedora-clad,” since it takes an especially tin ear to write “clad” with respect to a fucking hat. The proper cliche would be “fedora-sporting.”
25. Rightwingsnarkle:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Awesome. I ordered several copies. The holiday season is coming soon, and we need more kindling.
Oct 23, 2008 – 7:55 am
– – –
I think it’s a pretty moderate comment, don’t you?
Are they really so ignorant that they don’t know their favorite President helped establish a real Hollywood blacklist? Jeebus on a stick, you would think a screenwriter should at least know about irony.
The proper cliche would be “fedora-sporting.”
Isn’t it “befedorated”?
Isn’t it “befedorated”?
Simon has to review his own book because no one else will. All while pretending to have a crush on the cover designer. What a yutz.
Anyone can review Simon’s book, even though it hasn’t even been released yet. He specifically asked for people to judge this specific book by the cover. You can read my review at 14:37 of this very thread!
So I have a question:
Let’s assume, for argument’s sake, that the subculture of Hollywood filmmaking is comprised primary of people who are liberal.
Why is this necessarily a bad thing? Why are “liberal” subcultures somehow horrible examples of persecution, but “conservative” subcultures are, like, totally okay and not even worth a mention?
Why are “liberal” subcultures somehow horrible examples of persecution, but “conservative” subcultures are, like, totally okay and not even worth a mention?
In this case, I think it’s that the Hollywood librul subculture is capable of reaching and programming the minds of millions of people through its horrible propaganda. There is no equivalent conservative subculture.
Except for the news media, but nobody pays attention to them.
i’ve said it here before, but it is worth saying again: as a full-on lefty progressive here in town, and having worked for a bunch of other lefties in hollywood, i have never, NEVER FUCKING NEVER heard anyone at any level of the industry make any decision based on the creative’s political beliefs. it is such a fundamental misunderstanding of what drives people in this town that is rises to the level of leo strauss/religion/rubes/neocons. roger simon has his rubes, his fake religion and so on. it drives traffic to his website. it simply has no basis in reality.
i’ve worked with my friend michael, a far right guy (in some ways) on SPY GAME amongst others. michael is an out and out conservative but not one of my lefty friends with power in town has EVER even discussed it with me when asking if they should hire michael. they just want to know if he delivers. since he does, once they get that answer they don’t need to do any more vetting.
at many reform and even more reform than reform synagogues in town, Mel Gibson’s behavior has been a topic of conversation. some may feel they can’t hire him again because of what he has said about jews (though i’m not clear it is fair to call gibson a conservative–he’s a religious fundie nut first, and a political animal second. i’m not even sure he gives to the republicans) but most say it’s not germane to what we do–make movies and tv–so just forget it. that is the reality. unlike roger simon i have no money to be made from having an apostate-like opinion, i’m just a grunt trying to get shit done. but much as some of the conservatives in town piss me off at times (especially because they will spout limbaughisms and i know those when i hear them) even someone as crazy left as me would work with anyone (cyrus nowsrateh, who wrote path to 9/11 and is pariah to many here i’m sure, is someone i’d love to work with again) who is talented, smart, and interesting.
that’s the majority opinion. it just is. i know. i’ve talked to these people, the ones who hire, studio execs and big producers and so on, for 15 years. i’ve worked on huge movies and indies and big TV shows and internet content and so on. i’ve done it all.
Shorter me: Roger Simon is full of just enough shit to make himself some money “writing”.
I would say they just want persecution fantasies, regardless.
If the DNC would pony up for some complimentary dominatrixes, we might not see them again for a while.
they just want to know if he delivers.
So, I’m guessing that Mr. Simon doesn’t deliver.
and more:
the reason roger can’t get arrested in this town any more is because if there is any crime a writer can’t commit, it is getting old. very few writers make it past their late 40s in town before they become yesterday’s news. it sucks–it’s ageism, it’s wrong on many levels–but we’d rather have the next diablo cody than the winner of the academy award for best screenplay from 1988.
so it does suck to be roger. and the way some writers deal with it…
well, i will quote gang of four: “some flirt with fascism, some lie in the arms of lovers…we live, as we dream alone.”
So an Academy Award nominee who lives in Hollywood (and at one point France) churns out a book where his experience is the equivalent to being threatened with imprisonment and forced to name names. Oh, Fedora Boy, woe is ye.
Unless some dysfucntional billionaire wants to insulate his home with bulk copies of Simons’ sob-story, this will go straight to pulp.
Apostasy is the abandonment of one’s past reigious affiliations.
When the FUCK was Roger Hell ever progressive????
If Hollygulag really wanted to punish Simon, he’d be forced to work on the American Carol sequel.*
No big surprises on the conservacelebrity list, except for James Earl Jones, which is really more of a disappointment.
*Shot on a single off-brand refurbished camcorder; actors responsible for their own wardrobe, makeup, lunch, carfare.
diablo cody? now there’s a blacklist i could get into!
This has been an another edition of Republicans Who Suffer From A Persecution Complex.
I told those damn police that their “public indecency” charge was bullshit; I was clearly wearing a fedora!
(Lex) Palianated said,
October 23, 2008 at 16:10
Wow. Not fitting in in Hollywood. I’d qualify for that one by virtue of not having a boob job. WHAAAAAA!!!!! Pussy.
P.S. I voted early….heeheehee…..it’s already done. YES!
Good job. Now register many more times through ACORN, and then vote some more. This makes teh Toof happy (on the inside).
Oh, if only he’d decided to “Blacklist” himself before making that turd An American Carol … consistantly crappy box-office like that is pure anthrax to the folks who underwrite movies. He is SO dead meat in Tinseltown now – & it’s his own damn fault for being such a prosyletizing (& unfunny) doofus.
Yeah – “fedora-clad” tells me he writes books like he makes movies … so I’ll look forward to seeing this in the $2.99-Bin at my local Safeway by spring.
Oh,this is just embarassing.These clowns never tire of this masochistic martyrdom;it’s clearly the main attraction that neocon culture has for all of these hacks ,frauds and losers.It tells them that they are never to blame for any failure,it’s always “the Other’ that is at fault.
And whats up with that cover?Is he trying to convey the impression that he was a young hot writer in Hollywood before the Age of Terror compelled him to “blacklist” himself?Funny because I’m pretty sure he was a dried up hack in his 50’s/60’s by the time 9-11 occured.
yes, that is correct. he was washed up at that point. i made a lot of writer’s lists (the lot of a young executive) back in 99 and he was on exactly none of them.
The whiny little fucker hadn’t gotten a sniff in Hollywood since his bomb Prague Duet in 1998 — years before he became a neocon War Pimp, and Prague IED was his only work in the industry since 1991 — ten years before 9/11.
But somehow his brave stance in favor or fearmongering and support for Bush in 2003 got him blacklisted years earlier.
The only good thing Roger L. ever made was “Enemies: A Love Story”. And that was adapted from a novel. With Paul Mazursky.
Having said, I haven’t seen his episode of the Father Dowling Mysteries. For all I know that could be a watershed in gentle TV murder mystery.
Suddenly my sense that she despises Whedon and his fans* is justified.
*Honestly, I can’t understand that. Seems once you get a part on a Whedon project, you instantly gain a sizeable fanbase with unquestioning loyalty. Sure there are some who go too far with it, but to spit on the whole? As a clueless outsider, I’d think having a group of people who will watch any role you get would be a good thing.
Are they really so ignorant that they don’t know their favorite President helped establish a real Hollywood blacklist?
Besides, that blacklist was only for evilbad Comsymps. (Has anybody but Colonel Flagg ever used the term “Comsymp”?)
From comments:
Perhaps this explains the movie’s enormous box-office success.
Made him CRY?
That’s not usually the goal of a comedy.