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FDA to ban sperm from men who had gay sex
NEW YORK (AP) — To the dismay of gay-rights activists, the Food and Drug Administration is about to implement new rules recommending that any man who has engaged in homosexual sex in the previous five years be barred from serving as an anonymous sperm donor.
The FDA has rejected calls to scrap the provision, insisting that gay men collectively pose a higher-than-average risk of carrying the AIDS virus.
To paraphrase the words of one brave man, “What about a sperm donor who does nothing but fuck his wife up the ass?”
Umm, don’t they screen that stuff for disease before giving it out? Why stop there? Why not ban them from giving blood, too? Hell, for all I know, they probably already do.
Certainly the folks at the sperm bank will know if a man has gay sex because of the big scarlet “G” that appears on one’s forehead after one partakes of homosexual delights. That’s why they don’t even have to test the sperm for disease if you don’t have the scarlet “G”. And of course they don’t accept sperm from men with the big blue “I” on their foreheads either, ‘cos that’s what you get when you abuse intravenous drugs.
Are the sperm rainbo-brite or something?
What camel crap! Sperm can’t carry any virus.
There are over 80 conditions which give a false positive for HIV. Pregngancy is one, and prescription drugs amke up about 50.
With so many false positives, there is no real evidence that therre is such a thing as HIV anyway.
There is immune disfunction, but HIV does cause anything. AIDS is a collection of 30 other diseases, the result of poor nutrition and excess drugs. You can find the real truth about AIDS at: AIDS: THE SELENO-ENZYME SOLUTION Nexus Magazine, Vol 11 (1); (December-January 2004)
Forgot the link, sorry.
Sorry Anon. The place for rabid defense of wild, unscientific theories is up one post.
I don’t understand why the FDA has done this (outside of marginalizing gay men). The incidence of HIV transmission via artificial insemination is so low that this makes no sense. Only 6 cases have been reported in the US before the advent of HIV antibody testing, and only one case reported after. And that case was a couple, HIV+ husband and HIV- wife, trying to conceive in the late 1980s. There really is no reason for these guidelines.
I’ve written a bit more at my site if folks are interested.
Umm, don’t they screen that stuff for disease before giving it out? Why stop there? Why not ban them from giving blood, too? Hell, for all I know, they probably already do.
Sadly, yes. *sigh* And they’re more strict about it. A gay friend of mine was turned away recently from donating blood because he’d had sex with a man since 1972, I think. At any rate, it was some year before the poor fellow was actually BORN.
No word on whether us godless, yet still remarkably under-condemned lesbians can donate blood. Though I hear The Gay spreads like wildfire these days.
What would America be without useless solutions that don’t fit the problem?
Here’s a typical testing regimen.
Yeah, they test sperm. They test it a lot.
To paraphrase another, “The articifal insemination didn’t give you gay, did it?”
What shall we tell the children? Oh, never mind. There wont’ be any.
Next, from the “we couldn’t make this up if we tried” files, the FDA is preparing to institute a rule saying that males who have engaged in homosexual activity in the last five years can…
FDA to bar gay sperm donors
AP To the dismay of gay-rights activists, the U.S. government is about to implement new rules recommending that any man who has engaged in homosexual sex in the previous five years be barred from serving as an anonymous sperm donor….
I’m gay, and I’ve also had a few relations with wonderful women. These women are also now barred from giving blood, simply because they once had sex with a man who had sex with a man.
Sheesh. abundantdelightfulfilm
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