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Mentally Handicapped Man Forced to Vote For Obama (Video)

More Hope and Change for America…
A mentally handicapped man says that he was forced to vote for Obama when he was taken to the polls for early voting:

“They told me to vote for Obama, I said no I wanted to vote for McCain.”


Comments: 92


Okay, that teaser is good enought to get me to actually go read whatever it is he’s managed to pump from his shitmoat into the interpipes.


whereas all the McCain/Palin mentally handicapped voters are pulling the lever willingly.

I blame Obama.


Obama forced me to eat two pints of peanut butter and marshmallow fluff ice cream smothered in chocolate syrup and then he forced me to commit self-abuse while watching a re-run of CHiPs on TNT.


If it was up to Gateway Pundit they wouldn’t even be allowed to vote.


k, i’m back. They went from post to Godwin in just two comments. Surprise, surprise, surprise.


The Obama camp told me to steal all the ballots from my building (here in OR we do it by mail) and mark them all for Obama. But I’m defying their order. They’re already marked for Obama. Every single one of the 300 or so.


Good lord! Because of this man’s vote Georgia’s electoral votes all go to Obama!


Okay, which one of you is Bruce?

The Inside of Lou Dobb's Head

It is my understanding that soon we will all be in ACORN re-education camps where we will be chained to a barbed wire fence and forced to eat gruel until it is time to vote, at which time ACORN will put guns to our heads and lead us to the polls where, once we’ve pulled the lever for Obama, we will be “disposed of.” Then we will all be replaced by illegal immigrants who have been surgically altered to look just like us!

Why aren’t the American people more upset about this?


If true, the aide should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, but I have to say it’s astounding how much his standards for evidence shift.


As much as I despise his politics, Twoofie should not be forced to vote for Obama. If he wanted to vote for McCain, he should have been permitted to.


The ever brilliant “chuck in st. paul” has a problem with it:

[…] my aunt. She’s judicially declared retarded and a ward of the State (in Illinois). Disfunctional adults are allowed to “vote” in Illinois (Oh! Surprise! Shock!). […] I still fail to see the legality of someone who is ajudicated as disfunctional being allowed to vote!

Umm, the legality is in “it’s the law.” As in legal. Because it’s, you know, the law and all. chuck, do you need to stuff a few more dicks in that big bag of dicks you call a head?


As much as I despise his politics, Twoofie should not be forced to vote for Obama. If he wanted to vote for McCain, he should have been permitted to.

Does this mean you’re FOR assisted suicide?


The fact is, Bush did NOT steal any election. The Supreme Court vacated a Florida Supreme Court decision to overturn a lower court ruling that “the court cannot enjoin the Secretary of State” in any direction: the counting of votes and announcement of same was clearly written into Florida law as her discretionary decision (and the judge was a Democrat, btw). The Supreme Court told the Florida court that it must only overturn a ruling of a lower court WITH LAW, not vague philosophical principles: either the law was miswritten by the legislature or the lower court misapplied the law: tell us which it is, said the SCOTUS to the Florida Supreme Court. THE FLORIDA SUPREME COURT FAILED TO ANSWER THE QUESTION.


I’ve seen enough.



As much as I despise his politics, Twoofie should not be forced to vote for Obama. If he wanted to vote for McCain, he should have been permitted to.



For some reason videos haven’t been working for me lately. If what this guy says is true on the video, someone should slap the Obama volunteer upside the head.


Which part of Bush v. Gore became legal law precedent ‘n stuff, sweet Gary?

And which part was not vague philosophical principles?


The fact is, the Demoncraps will do anything to steal this election for communism and Islamic Jihad. The One will make free enterprise illegal. He will kill the white people and take our property.


Dude, Gary, READ Bush v. Gore before commenting on it.


well of course he did, bless his heart.


Not an Obama volunteer. An employee of “his adult day rehab program.” More WALB:

Secretary of State Karen Handle’s office contacted WALB Thursday to tell us they asked the Office of Inspector General to investigate Jack Justice’s voting experience.

Wednesday, the Albany Area Community Service Board which oversees Primus Industries said they will bring in an external agency to investigate allegations made by Justice.

He told his family that an aide from Primus took him and five other mentally challenged clients to vote and forced them to vote for Barack Obama.

If true, then Primus sucks.


The One will make free enterprise illegal. He will kill the white people and take our property.

Plus he’s gonna gay sex you up then force you to abort the baby and become a vegan hippy!

Quaker in a Basement

Now seriously.

This should be checked carefully by the elections board there in Wherever, GA. If a poll-worker was marking ballots for McCain against the wishes of a voter, I’d certainly feel that way.

Quaker in a Basement

If true, then Primus sucks.



Who wants Ruppert’s hahahaha ‘property’. A crumpled bag of cheetos, the dirty futon he dragged out of a dumpster, and a stained copy of Coulter’s latest I HATE LIBERALS PART 11 is not really desirable.


steal this election for communism and Islamic Jihad. The One will make free enterprise illegal. He will kill the white people and take our property.

That’s the Gary others aspire to. It could use some typos, but otherwise fine work.


Lesly – I’m not going to watch it again but I think the claim is it was a staff person or possibly volunteer from the home, not an Obabma vol.

Also, someone has spent a few hundred thou gaming McCain’s Intrade #s.

Also, what’s the difference between Palin’s lips and her woowoo?
Only some of the things coming from her woowoo are retarded.

[yes, I do feel a little bad relating that joke. oh well, I’m a bad bad boy]


I have to agree with the Quaker.

J with “Primus sucks” FTW.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

If true, then Primus sucks.

Seconded. Sure it’s just one example, sure it’s nothing compared to hanging chads and voter roll purges and the NH phone jamming, sure it is the actions of some immoral and deranged individual – who still has mentally challenged individuals in his/her care. Despite all that, I condemn it – that’s clearly horrible behavior.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Opps, I meant “fourthed”



Will J— repudiate Quaker in a Basement or is it business as usual?


Man, I hope Sailing the Seas of Cheese is in my car somewhere. I need that shit all of a sudden.


Well, it looks like Mcain is popular with the retarded. They can obviously identify with him in some way..

But really, this wasn’t done by an official poll worker, just a carer who did something illegal. No real scandal, except it was a little blatant. This kind of thing happens occasionally with mail in voting.

I think small scale fraud gets somewhat ignored, on the basis that it should all even itself out in the end.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Now that the denunciation is out of the way,
How are you gentlemen!!!!
You have no chance to survive make your time.


Like others have already said, if this is true, then the volunteer needs to be fired (at MINIMUM).

Sorry wingers, no we don’t condone this.


The recommended response when/if any wingnut brings this up in person is “So?”


Now that the denunciation is out of the way,
How are you gentlemen!!!!
You have no chance to survive make your time.

For great Justice!



Oregon Guy said,

October 17, 2008 at 21:58

Okay, which one of you is Bruce?

Nope, nope nope. Bruce isn’t coming back.

He said so.


The recommended response when/if any wingnut brings this up in person is “So?”

No, the proper response is, “see? THIS is ‘voter fraud.’ What you’ve been bitching about is ‘voter registration fraud,’ which has sweet fuck-all to do with ‘voter fraud.'”


how can anyone be forced to vote one way? Last time I checked, you’re in the booth by yourself.


Wrong, but I’m sure it’s an honest mistake. The aides are kept busy preventing their wards from harming themselves all day, ever day. It just becomes an automatic thing.


by all means, condemn the alleged actions, but let’s remember they are allegations. let’s not assume it actually happened. GWP et al do not have a good track record.


How hard to we have to condemn them before the Right stops blaming the entire Democratic Party for it?

Oh, wait.


It’s too bad there’s not another debate. McCain could have spent half the night talking about Jack the Retard.

Quaker in a Basement

how can anyone be forced to vote one way? Last time I checked, you’re in the booth by yourself.

Under the Help America Vote Act, you can have someone assist you in voting. The purpose is to overcome barriers to voting for people with disabilities.


The aides are kept busy preventing their wards from harming themselves all day, ever day. It just becomes an automatic thing.

Ha ha ha ha!

What is the equivalent of the Cork on the Fork to protect against voting Republican?


how can anyone be forced to vote one way? Last time I checked, you’re in the booth by yourself.

That would depend on a number of things, including the voter’s disability level. The last time my grandmother voted my mom had to stand with her at the board because gran couldn’t hold her cane and vote and she refused to use a wheelchair.

Folks, please don’t try to excuse this sort of crap. It is disgusting on several levels, starting with the fact the aide wasn’t given a looooong talk on voter’s rights and moving on to the mis-treatment of the mentally and physically disabled.


I’m wondering why he didn’t say anything to a poll worker. Isn’t that what they are there for?


I’m wondering why he didn’t say anything to a poll worker.

He’s supposed to defer to authority.


Folks, please don’t try to excuse this sort of crap.

In all seriousness, I agree.

I think/believe/hope that improved voting conditions will be a side-effect of a Democratic government. With those, as with everything else, it’s amazing how quickly things improve when the most powerful people in the country aren’t working as hard as they can to make them worse.


who is excusing it? I see 45 comments of people condemning it, when we don’t even know if it is true.


Here’s what I wrote over at the (first) linked site:

If it’s true, then the aide should be dealt with harshly. Just as people guilty of fraudulent voter registrations, and people guilty of fraudulent voter roll purges.

I understand the Republicans need to start gearing up the “OMG THEY STOLED THE ELECTION!!!” noise machine. And I understand it’s easier to understand the right’s cries of “voter fraud” than it is to understand the left’s concerns about Diebold’s easy-to-hack, no-paper-trail voting machines. And this approach worked so well for the Democrats back in 2000, didn’t it? So good luck to you with that.

In the meantime, takekaze Godwins the thread in comment #2. That may be an Internet record.

(That last part is totally true. The guy went straight to Austria 1938 and coerced voting for annexation.)


So let me get this straight: we have the word of one admittedly confused man who claims he was forced to vote for McCain, and suddenly the right wing is jumping on this as voter fraud?

ONE case????

And we’re willing to assume the man is telling the truth, even after the “Joe The Plumber” revelations?

I want more proof before I start condemning anything.

Rusty Shackleford (not that one)

I’m with actor212. This story has the strong whiff of bullshit about it, especially after that little bit of Joe the Plumber theater that has been staged over the last few days..


What proof are we going to get? It will always be the word of the disabled man, against the word of his carer. There are unlikely to be any other witnesses, not in a polling station. People tend to allow others their privacy in a polling booth.

The only likely witnesses are the other disabled people, who may be able to say they saw some persuasion going on, but unlikely to have actually seen how the ballot was marked.

And of course.. No paper evidence. No matter what the voting method, it is always anonymous.


What? You mean a corporation that’s been contracted to provide social services isn’t doing a real good job? Well I’m surprised. Votes for McCain should rectify this.


So let me get this straight: we have the word of one admittedly confused man who claims he was forced to vote for McCain, and suddenly the right wing is jumping on this as voter fraud?

ONE case????

And we’re willing to assume the man is telling the truth, even after the “Joe The Plumber” revelations?

Wait, because the fReichtards blow up one incident into proof that every single disabled person is being forced at gun point to vote for the Obamanation it means the individual event didn’t happen? Uh. No.

And yeah, I trust the word of one mentally disabled guy over the idiots who don’t know they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed any day. People treat the disabled like shit, and a lot of those facilities basically grab anyone off the street to work there. It wouldn’t surprise me at all that some fuckwit pulled a stunt like this. Hopefully, other long-term and adult day care facilities will use this as a training opportunity so some other scum bag doesn’t tell his charges to vote for McPalin.


Given the bullshit that the GOPers are obviously planning for when they lose (VOTE FRAUD! DAFFY DUCK VOTED FOR OBAMA!!), I’m already printing up “Get Over It” signs. Anyone up for a Brooks Brothers Riot at the election boards of every contested state?


One day Libs, we are gonna RUE this day.

Count on it,…


Anyone up for a Brooks Brothers Riot at the election boards of every contested state?

I think a patchoulli and tie-dye theme might be more appropriate.


I think a patchoulli and tie-dye theme might be more appropriate.

Nope, sorry, the uniform has to be khakis, loafers and button-down shirts, no ties, in order to convey that casual “hey, I’m just a guy off of the street” look. Congressional staffers preferred.


Well, it’s awfully conveeeeeenient that this bit of news pops up right when we discover that thousands of registered voters are being purged from the rolls in swing states this year.

I see the building of a narrative to cover up a criminal conspiracy here.


I see the building of a narrative to cover up a criminal conspiracy here.

I’ve been saying for months now that Obama will need a 20 point lead to overcome the shit that’s gonna go down.


…the uniform has to be khakis, loafers and button-down shirts, no ties…

How about Birkenstocks?


“I think a patchoulli and tie-dye theme might be more appropriate.”

Yes a Brooks Brothers drum circle. Can anybody make those big hula hoops. I like mine with silver glitter.

If they hate hippies, we give them hippies. It is only fair.


Although google shows that it has been used a lot; I had never seen that one before, I kind of like it . . .


Whatever the details of the actual event, the comments section at that second link is a raging hurricane of stupid:

typical dems can,t stand anyone to vote for the other guy .demleader : VOTE THE WAY WE TELL YOU OR ELSE COMRADE : stolen votes thats right angellight I only know of one group that can raise the dead to vote just ask chicago about the Daily’s SOCIALISM KILLS THE HUMAN SPIRIT!!!

Time to enact the national ID card, with security features of fingerprint, dna and eye imprint. And an automatic death penalty for those that commit fraud to this ID system. To he!! with the illegal aliens and those that want to fraud the election process by voting for Obama 72 times.

If Acorn is committing millions of counts of federal election fraud, then why isn’t the FBI having a field day? Is the FBI too busy kissing the black mans a@@?

And my favorite:
If you want free stuff move to Cuba.


Ah, what’s the use of reasoning with you guys? You suffer from Palin Derangement Syndrome.

Get over it! Because the GOP is going to win big time!


Time to enact the national ID card, with security features of fingerprint, dna and eye imprint. And an automatic death penalty for those that commit fraud to this ID system.

Wait – lemme guess – small-government, pro-life.


“If Acorn is committing millions of counts of federal election fraud, then why isn’t the FBI having a field day? Is the FBI too busy kissing the black mans a@@?”


“If you want free stuff move to Cuba.”

Free commie oil


J. Leo Marvin: Wow. That link’s a goldmine. Thanks for posting.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Afro-Commie gaytheist Islamic jihad wiccan hippies gonna shove a fetus up Gary Ruppert’s cornhole and force him to abort it!

Then they’re gonna take his stuff!



I’ll see that mentally challenged man’s forced dem vote and raise you a rethug registration fraud.


One of my best friends reports in from her early-voting experience today that a guy was wearing a “pro-life” T-shirt and an “obviously mentally ill” (her words) woman remarked, “You must be Republican! ’cause the Democrats love abortion.” She kept her cool til the deranged woman said that she’d heard “Barack Obama is the anti-Christ.” At that point my friend told the moron lady that she found her words offensive and to STFU. Moron sez: “Well, that’s just what I heard!”

Tonight at dinner the good Xians in the next booth (I know cuz they prayed before their meal) commenced to talkin’ ’bout how Obama is a turrist. I loudly remarked to The Spouse that I’d heard Cindy McCain was a drug addict, but he frowned and told me to STFU.

Another day, another night in the Bible Belt. Sometimes I despise these ignorant fools so much I want to throw stuff at them. Other times, like tonight, when I saw their brows furrowed in consternation and overheard their frightened, appalled words, I relaxed and almost smiled. Yeah, I thought, be afraid. Be concerned. See how it feels to know your most cherished hopes are about to get ground into dust. That those you oppose, and everything they stand for, are about to win and start making the rules for a change. That the time for the marginalization of your world view has finally come round again at last. Interestingly, I didn’t feel like throwing my plate of pasta at them anymore. I actually empathized with what they were experiencing, even as I despised what they believed.


I do hope when Obama gets in, he will prioritise some legislation to prevent local rubes from slashing the voting rolls indiscriminately. In places where almost all of the lower level elected positions are held by republicans, it is always going to be a real worry until the situation is fixed.

Hell, they came up with a better voter registration system in Iraq. Purple ink would probably result in a fairer election in the US.


Will not condemn alleged random goofball. Looks like he’s been caught. What’s his side of the story?

Far more egregious is this drumbeat from the right about ACORN, etc. designed to distract newsgatherers from wholesale systematic government sanctioned disenfranchisement and intimidation being carried out in the final weeks of an election campaign.

It’s cloudcuckooland, ladies and gentlemen.


Will J— repudiate Quaker in a Basement or is it business as usual?

Sorry, were you talking to me?


So someone manipulated a retarded person into voting for Obama. So what? The Republicans are in the process of manipulating millions of retarded people into voting for McCain. It’s how they win elections.


Launch every Zig!


McCain is short-bussing in voters to the polls!!! I call fraud!


God bless the Gateway Pundit. He has done us–and all handicapped everywhere–a favor. Of course, no one should unduly influence the mentally handicapped. Surely, we can all agree that everyone should vote and vote what’s on their mind. I’d like to recommend a pragmatic and ethical solution to all voter fraud arguments. Let’s spend all of our money and time focusing on helping preserve the integrity of the handicapped. More polling of the handicapped. (And I’d like to see some breakdowns, please. Don’t patronize the handicapped. Obama or McCain? Who wins among the bipolar? Autistic? Lead poisoned?) A joint Obama-McCain GOTV for the mentally impaired would be so, so beautiful. And what’s not to like for the media? There’s your narrative, run with it. Every vote will mean more knowing all of us, even those of us who were struck by lighting and failed kindergarden. And, fine, I’m okay with McCain handling all zombies, as long as the Dems get the aspies.


What proof are we going to get? It will always be the word of the disabled man, against the word of his carer.

Precisely, which makes this completely, utterly irrelevant as a story. Move along.


Wait, because the fReichtards blow up one incident into proof that every single disabled person is being forced at gun point to vote for the Obamanation it means the individual event didn’t happen? Uh. No.

And it matters to THAT individual and that individual alone, but for us to even be discussing it (beyond, you know, poking fun at the right wingers for having their knickers in a twist over this isolated incident) is lending credence to thhis bizarre conspiracy theory that they’ve drummed up to try to, I don’t know, get the sympathy vote for McCain?

And by the way, it was the man’s caretaker who was supposedly the influence, not some poll worker, so you’ve already warped a story into being bigger than it was (a poll worker being biased is a far more egregious claim than an overenthusiastic health care worker, you would agree I’m sure).

In other words, when you’re opponent is floundering in their own pool of desperation, DON’T HAND HIM A LADDER!

Johnny Coelacanth

“when your opponent is floundering in their own pool of desperation, DON’T HAND HIM A LADDER”

Perhaps a ladder made of iron and lead? With anvils attached?


Well, it should help offset the Morans for McCain vote.

Though seriously, if this really happened, it’s awful, and it should at least be investigated. Even retards who want to vote for McCain shouldn’t have their vote stolen.

That having been said, they can try their darndest to cook up this narrative about how the election was “stolen”, but it ain’t gonna fly. The spread is going to be too large, and the electoral vote is looking like it will be in landslide territory. Claims of stolen elections kind of lose any credibility when it’s not even close. Not that it will stop them from claiming it because again, they’re morans for McCain.


Voters say they were duped into registering as Republicans

PM, a group hired by the GOP, allegedly deceived Californians who thought they were signing a petition. YPM denies any wrongdoing. Similar accusations have been leveled against the company elsewhere.
By Evan Halper and Michael Rothfeld, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
October 18, 2008

I demand booger/teh Toof’s immediate resignation.


And an automatic death penalty for those that commit fraud to this ID system.

Death penalty for fake ID’s?

Well, it’ll cut down on underage drinking, I guess.


“…steal this election for communism and Islamic Jihad. The One will make free enterprise illegal. He will kill the white people and take our property.”

dude, i know, i’m totally stoked, it’s gonna be AWESOME.

The Notorious G.O.D.

I used to work with retarded adults and my experience tells me that this probably didn’t really happen–or at least didn’t happen the way the Justice family is presenting it. My apologies to the mentally disabled community but mentally retarded adults lie. A lot. And their famnilies lie. A lot.

My guess would be that the worker marked the ballot to reflect the man’s choice. The man then went home and told his sister he voted. The sister got upset because she couldn’t control how the man voted and now she’s making a big deal about it as a way of getting back at the people working with her brother.

The end result of this will be that the worker will be punished, the sister will gain more control of her brother and nothing else will be heard about it.


I think small scale fraud gets somewhat ignored, on the basis that it should all even itself out in the end. – Sockpuppet #47

I always figgered it got ignored because “both sides do it”, yadda, yadda, yadda. If one side made an allegation, there would be investigations, etc., and then it would be found at that the side making the allegations were being hypocrites and it would be damaging.

But then the GOP figgered out that hypocrisy and partisanship work so long as it’s done completely shamelessly. It’s like the SEP field from the Hitchhikers’ Guide series. You paint a mountain dayglow pink and, suddenly, if becomes invisible. You shamelessly start complaining about fraud and whatever dirt is dug up on you becomes dismissed as “well, the Dems, and their lackeys in the [so called] liberal media are just trying to dodge the allegations against the Dems”.


(comments are closed)