“So Your Slutty Daughter Wants to Pierce Her Belly Button? Give Her Some Teen Virtue!”

Via the American Family Association, we learn that Vicki Courtney, author of such classics as Your Girl: Raising a Godly Daughter in an Ungodly World, is publishing her own “magazine-style book” for teen girls, called TeenVirtue!

While I doubt TeenVirtue will surpass Focus on the Family’s Brio Magazine as the premier mag for fundamentalist teenage girls, I think it’s definitely got potential.

Let’s check out a sample article posted on Vicki’s website:

A common question we get at our events from Christian girls is this:

Q: All my friends are getting their belly button pierced but my parents won’t let me. I don’t understand what the big deal is- I mean, they let me get my ears pierced. What’s the big difference?

A: There is not a Bible verse that says, “Thou shalt not pierce thy belly button…”

Really? I thought the belly button commandment was right after the part where God smites a bunch of Israelites for getting rub-on tattoos…

…but here are some important factors to consider:

What is the purpose? 1 Timothy 2:9 tells women to dress modestly, so technically, girls should not be wearing clothes that expose their midriffs. If you are living by God’s Word, why pierce something that you are going to cover up all the time?

Actually, 1 Timothy 2:9 says:

“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.”

So every time you braid your hair or wear gold or pearls, God gets pissed off. Anyone out there wanna tell Pippi Longstocking that she’s going to hell?

Consider the actual effect it has on guys. Some Christian girls try to justify piercing their belly buttons by saying they intend to cover it up except for when they are wearing a swimsuit. Piercing your belly button is different than piercing your ears. While I understand that many girls innocently want to pierce their belly buttons because it is the current fashion trend, believe me, it will send a different message to the guys. There is no arguing that a pierced belly button is considered by most to be sensual and even sexual.

I actually consider it “painful-looking,” but that’s just my heathen opinion.

Case in point: If you put two girls side by side who are wearing the same swimsuit and one has a pierced belly button and the other one does not, and then line up a group of guys and ask them which girl was more likely to have loose morals, the majority of the guys would pick the girl with the pierced belly button.

So if you pierce your belly button, guys will call you a slut, and you’ll deserve it for making them look at your body. Plus, ear-piercing conjures images of steamy ear sex in guys’ minds, so it’s best to avoid that too.

In the end, do you want to risk sending a signal to guys that you may be willing to compromise sexually? I hope not.

Yeah, there’s nothing worse than a Christian cock tease.

Think about the future.

The near future? Or the “Duck Dodgers of 24th-and-a-half century” future?

One sample group of students who opted to have their belly buttons pierced indicated that it took approximately thirty-eight weeks for it to heal verses the standard six weeks for pierced ears.(1) Again, that?s a heavy sacrifice for a Christian girl who plans to cover it up. For those who are willing to assume the risks and attempt to justify it with the claim that it can always be removed, it is not uncommon for a navel piercing to tear or leave a permanent scar.

And if you have a scar on your belly button, good Christian men will regard it as the Mark of the Beast, no one will marry you, and you’ll die all alone because you’re a belly-tainted skank. And it’ll be all your fault.

Many girls fail to think past the moment and evaluate what a pierced belly button would look like ten, twenty, thirty-plus years later. You will spend the majority of your years in adulthood and the truth is, most adult women are not running around flashing their midriffs to show off their pierced belly buttons. Try to picture yourself ten to twenty years from now at the neighborhood pool party with your kids. Better yet, try to imagine your mom with a pierced belly button. OK, you get my point, right? What would God say?

Apparently, the same thing Ludacris would say: “Yooooooouza ho!”

First Corinthians 6:19?20 says this: Do you not know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God with your body.

OK, but what if I get a “What Would Jesus Do?” tattoo on my scrotum? Is that kosher?

This is a hard concept to understand but the truth is, if you are a Christian, your body doesn’t belong to you- it belongs to God.

“And in His absence, your husband.”

In the end, you must ask yourself, Would piercing my belly button bring honor to God?

Probably not, but I doubt He really cares all that much. I mean, can you see God going down His checklist after you die and saying, “Well, you faithfully attended church every week, you were a loyal wife and mother for forty years, and you ran several local charities to help out the homeless. Buuuuuuut, you got a belly button ring when you were fifteen, so I have to send you to hell. Oh, and one more thing: YOOOOOOOOUZA HOOOOOOOOO!”


Comments: 179


Too bad Vicki doesn’t have a mag for young boys…cause I’d write her a letter asking her to comment on the Prince Albert I was thinking of getting. I can hear her now…Your penis belongs to God!!!!


There’s a great Barbara Bush joke that went untapped here. The older one.

Come to think of it, there are so many younger-and-midriff-baring Bush twins jokes that also go untouched.


I’ve already got my first article written: “Why sex with a crazy homeless person who has visual and auditory hallucinations is not really sex, according to Galatians 3:5.”


Man, that chick on the cover is hot. I wouldn’t mind gettin’ me summa that. Think she puts out?


There is no arguing that a pierced belly button is considered by most to be sensual and even sexual.

Actually, the only male I know that really enjoys looking at belly button rings is my grandfather. Of course, that’s also a pretty good argument not to get one.


“1 Timothy 2:9 tells women to dress modestly…”

You know, I haven’t spent enough quality time laughing at (as well as with) Texans. Anyone else gonna catch “Sheer Dallas”?


Q: My mother braids her hair, wears pearls and has a gold wedding ring. According to 1 Timothy 2:9 she’s a whore. Shall I smite her?


Shall I smite her?



Shall I smite her?
Nay, for thee art woman and thus may not do the work of God. Have your father beat her senseless, as he should already be planning to do so anyway as a good True Christian Man; in fact, have him do it twice.


Don’t get me wrong–this blog usually makes me laugh…but…why pick on people just for practicing their religion and imparting it to their children? I don’t object to the ridiculing of people when they are trying to fuck up your life–but this just seems mean spirited. So we are making fun of the Bible now and not just absurd uses to which it can be put in the dismantling of what is supposed to be a secular country? What I mean is: This is a different category of religious practice–it isn’t in your face or anything…


[i]it isn’t in your face or anything…[/i]

Well, there’s always nose rings…


Don’t get me wrong–this blog usually makes me laugh…but…why pick on people just for practicing their religion and imparting it to their children? I don’t object to the ridiculing of people when they are trying to fuck up your life–but this just seems mean spirited. So we are making fun of the Bible now and not just absurd uses to which it can be put in the dismantling of what is supposed to be a secular country? What I mean is: This is a different category of religious practice–it isn’t in your face or anything…

Nope, I’m not making fun of Christianity. I’m making fun of Vicki’s stupid interpretation of it. Here’s what I take issue with:

1.) Girls that wear belly button rings aren’t automatically viewed as “sluts,” despite what Vicki says.

2.) Vicki says we should obey 1 Timothy 2:9 without mentioning that it specifically condemns braiding one’s hair, and wearing gold and pearls- I mean, if you’re gonna take EVERYTHING in the Bible completely literally, from Creation onward, you might as well take this at face value too.

3.) The idea that, in the long run, God really gives a shit about whether you got a belly button ring in high school. Life is long, and things you do when you’re a teen just ain’t that important.

I’m not making fun of the Bible- I’m making fun of the fact that Vicki’s a moron.


Come to think of it, there are so many younger-and-midriff-baring Bush twins jokes that also go untouched.

Posted by: Adam at April 14, 2005 08:52 PM

And for that we are eternally grateful…


Don’t get me wrong–this blog usually makes me laugh…but…why pick on people just for practicing their religion and imparting it to their children? I don’t object to the ridiculing of people when they are trying to fuck up your life–but this just seems mean spirited.

The lives they’re fucking up are the lives of their children. I don’t think that’s OK.


Pippi Longstocking packs a gun and can bench-press a horse. You tell her.


I don’t object to the ridiculing of people when they are trying to fuck up your life

Their goal is to fuck up all of our lives and have us all be subject to these various Biblical laws. I’m not sure why being “mean-spirited” about that is so bad.

I’m partial to the part of the Bible that says that children making fun of bald men shall be eaten by bears(?).


If we (read: Christians in general) also followed the scriptures to the letter, we’d all be vegetarians and we’d probably have to have our minister bless our house every week because of all the mildew in our bathrooms. 😉

The scriptures say a lot of things. IMO, not all of them are to be taken literally. Besides that, some of them don’t even apply to the here-and-now.

As for me, I’m a left-leaning Christian, and I don’t see any problem pointing out the ludicrousness of other Christians’ behaviour. I just see it as “what not to do”. 🙂

Besides all that, I think God is concerned about more important things than whether or not some teenage girl gets her belly button pierced.


Vicki isn’t talking to US. She’s talking to young girls who are Christians. Nor does saying a biblical passage rejects ostentation or promotes modesty require a literal reading of the Bible.

“The lives they’re fucking up are the lives of their children. I don’t think that’s OK.”

I don’t agree. In fact, there are many fulfilling ways to live that don’t involve the liberal approach to sexuality. So everyone with a traditional religious outlook is ‘fucked up’? I.e., at least half the world? You think these kids can’t have decent lives because they don’t get belly button rings? Are all Christians miserable? Do you have to lose your virginity when you are 16 to have a good life now?

Surprise–people pass down their culture to their children. I guess our goal as leftists or liberals is now to transform every person with traditional sexual or social mores? Or to make sure that no one with orthodox religious views is allowed to transmit their most deeply held moral and religious beliefs to their children? Is it impossible that these kids adopt these values sincerely and want to live by them?

You know, reading this I think–do these people (the orthodox–muslim, Christian, Jewish, whatever)–have a point about the secular fundamentalism and all the other horseshit they spew? Because you all seem pretty serious about disrespecting their way of life.

Do you people ever consider your own intolerance? I never thought I’d be on THEIR side but I also thought we were cooler than they are about respecting other ways of life.


I never thought I’d be on THEIR side but I also thought we were cooler than they are about respecting other ways of life.

I was going to respond to this, but Shelly above did it soooo much more eloquently than I did. Thanks 🙂


Now that I think about it, what you wrote really bugs me, so I’m going to respond directly:

I’m agnostic, but I was raised Christian. For the first 16 years of my life, I dutifully went to church, prayed, and tried to obey the Ten Commandments. So when I pick on Vicki, I’m not some snooty outsider who’s mocking the “primatives”- these are, for all intents and purposes, “my people.”

Now while I’m not Christian anymore, I’m glad I went to church when I was younger because it taught me a lot of important things about how to treat other people, how to resist the temptation to do something that might feel good in the short run, but in the long run is a mistake, etc.

These are the good things about Christianity, which is why it offends me that Vicki and her cohorts are completely botching it up by focusing so much on Old Testament dogma. Basically, they’re so worried about the “will God punish me for getting a belly button ring?” questions (not to mention wasting their time thinking about the fictional Rapture “prophesy”) that they miss the big picture.


Do you people ever consider your own intolerance?

I’m sick of hearing this. The people who put out and read this magazine are the ones who want to control the government and have everyone live by Biblical law — and they’re making headway toward this goal — and yet liberals are scolded for being intolerant. (You can nitpick about whether the EXACT people who read this and put it out are trying to do this, but I think it’s a safe bet that they at least support it.)

What is our tolerance of people who want to control our lives supposed to accomplish? Is our tolerance supposed to open their hearts and fill them with love and cause them to reconsider or something? I doubt it will. I think handwringing over “But we mustn’t offend them!” will only make it easier for us to be controlled.

In case there’s confusion, I’m not talking about average people of any religion. I’m talking about fundamentalists of any religion who want to use their dogma to control everyone else.


I hope TeenVirtue will refer its readers to http://www.abstinenceonly.com (brought to you by the Freeway Blogger) for abstinence advice.


I actually caught the author being interviewed last week on a news journal show (airs, I think, on the East Coast) and she was quite impressive. Much of her purpose for writing it, she claims, is her disgust with the way teen fashion magazines send a mixed message to girls that they are here on this earth to please guys. If you read her bio, you will find that she was a one-time agnostic that used to debate with Christians. This gal is not what you picture when you think of your average Christian soccer mom. She is well-educated, attractive, and sharp as a tack. On the show, she was up against the Editors of some of the teen fashion magazines and she called them to the carpet. I was so impressed, I ordered several copies of the magazine. You have misrepresented her as her deepest concern is to call for the respect of women and to get young women to respect themselves. Who can argue with that? We need more out there like her. Your attack is baseless and without merit–not to mention, it makes you sound whiny and childish. Reminds me of being in junior high– If you find somebody threatening…well, just trash ’em.


You have misrepresented her as her deepest concern is to call for the respect of women and to get young women to respect themselves. Who can argue with that?

You can’t, but that’s not what she’s doing. She’s saying that you shouldn’t wear belly button rings because guys will think you’re a slut. This is wrong on a lot of levels- first of all, it’s stigmatizing women who wear belly button rings. Second, it portrays men as a bunch of horn-dogs who can’t be expected to control themselves- therefore, if you wear a belly button ring and they think you’re a ho, hey, that’s your fault. Don’t believe me? Here’s what she says herself:

Case in point: If you put two girls side by side who are wearing the same swimsuit and one has a pierced belly button and the other one does not, and then line up a group of guys and ask them which girl was more likely to have loose morals, the majority of the guys would pick the girl with the pierced belly button.

But I suppose you’re right, I’m just misrepresenting what she said because I can’t handle The Truth.

Your attack is baseless and without merit–not to mention, it makes you sound whiny and childish.

No, my attack is funny, and it pissed you off enough to make you write a goofily angry reply.

Reminds me of being in junior high– If you find somebody threatening…well, just trash ’em.

Riiiiiight, I’m the one threatened by someone doing something different, unlike Vicki, who tells girls that women who wear belly button rings are seen as sluts.

Now look- I agree that teen magazines are terrible. They do teach women that their only purpose is to please men, and they perpetuate the notion that women should be Olsen-twins-skinny. If Vicki wanted to come out with a more positive alternative to SEVENTEEN, YM, et al that taught girls to respect themselves, I wouldn’t have a problem with that.

But from what I’ve seen (her sample article on belly button rings) it’s just a bunch of fundamentalist garbage that doesn’t teach women to think for themselves, and doesn’t teach them to be their own person, but encourages them to follow silly fundamentalist dogma.


Seriously, I think every individual (liberal or otherwise) has the right to complain about religious literature which teaches young girls to determine who is or is not more likely to be a slut based on the placement of their body jewelry. Its fine for people to have their own religious beliefs, but if those beliefs mean making ridiculous moral judgements upon others then you have to be able to take some criticism. And who wants a God who judges them by their body piercings, anyway?


Seriously, I think every individual (liberal or otherwise) has the right to complain about religious literature which teaches young girls to determine who is or is not more likely to be a slut based on the placement of their body jewelry. Its fine for people to have their own religious beliefs, but if those beliefs mean making ridiculous moral judgements upon others then you have to be able to take some criticism. And who wants a God who judges them by their body piercings, anyway?

Thank you. And let me add to that:

I think it’s perfectly reasonable for a mother to object to her daughter getting a belly button ring (well, when she’s under 18, at least- after that, she can do what she wants) for the same reason my mom didn’t let me get a tattoo when I was 16- because in the long run, I might not want it there anymore and I’ll be stuck with a Pearl Jam tattoo/hole in my belly. Vicki made this argument to some extent, but chose to emphasize it less in favor of the “the boys will think you put out” argument.


All you need to know about this movement is the tagline on the cover reading “Are you dressed to lure or be pure?” Perhaps they have patterns for burqas inside?


In the early 70s a Mormon guide was published for young males. I was given one and came across it in the basement 10 years ago. Here is my typed version:


Mark E. Petersen
Council of the 12 Apostles

Be assured that you can be cured of your difficulty. Many have been, both male and female, and you can be also if you determine that it must be so.

This determination is the first step. That is where we begin. You must decide that you will end this practice, and when you make that decision, the problem will be greatly reduced at once.

But it must be more than a hope or a wish, more than knowing that it is good for you. It must be actually a DECISION. If you truly make up your mind that you will be cured, then you will have the strength to resist any tendencies which you may have and any temptations which may come to you.

After you have made this decision, then observe the following specific guidelines:

A Guide to Self-Control:

1. Never touch the intimate parts of your body except during normal toilet processes.

2. Avoid being alone as much as possible. Find good company and stay in this good company.

3. If you are associated with other persons having this same problem, YOU MUST BREAK OFF THEIR FRIENDSHIP. Never associate with other people having the same weakness. Don’t suppose that two of you will quit together, you never will. You must get away from people of that kind. Just to be in their presence will keep your problem foremost in your mind. The problem must be taken OUT OF YOUR MIND for that is where it really exists. Your mind must be on other and more wholesome things.

4. When you bathe, do not admire yourself in a mirror. Never stay in the bath more than five or six minutes — just long enough to bathe and dry and dress AND THEN GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM into a room where you will have some member of your family present.

5. When in bed, if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your vital parts, and so that it would be difficult and time consuming for you to remove those clothes. By the time you started to remove protective clothing you would have sufficiently controlled your thinking that the temptation would leave you.

6. If the temptation seems overpowering while you are in bed, GET OUT OF BED AND GO INTO THE KITCHEN AND FIX YOURSELF A SNACK, even if it is in the middle of the night, and even if you are not hungry, and despite your fears of gaining weight. The purpose behind this suggestion is that you GET YOUR MIND ON SOMETHING ELSE. You are the subject of your thoughts, so to speak.

7. Never read pornographic material. Never read about your problem. Keep it out of mind. Remember — “First a thought, then an act.”

The thought pattern must be changed. You must not allow this problem to remain in your mind. When you accomplish that, you soon will be free of the act.

8. Put wholesome thoughts into your mind at all times. Read good books — Church books — Scriptures — Sermons of the Brethern [sic, Cistern too?]. Make a daily habit of reading at least one chapter of Scripture, preferably from one of the four Gospels in the New Testament, or the Book of Mormon. The four Gospels — Matthew, Mark, Luke and John — above anything else in the Bible can be helpful because of their uplifting qualities.

9. Pray. But when you pray, don’t pray about this problem, for that will tend to keep [it] in your mind more than ever. Pray for faith, pray for understanding of the Scriptures, pray for the Missionaries, the General Authorities, your friends, your families, BUT KEEP THE PROBLEM OUT OF YOUR MIND BY NOT MENTIONING IT EVER — NOT IN CONVERSATION WITH OTHERS, NOT IN YOUR PRAYERS. KEEP IT _OUT_ of your mind! The attitude of a person toward his problem has an affect on how easy it is to overcome. It is essential that a firm commitment be made to control the habit. As a person understands his reasons for the behavior, and is sensitive to the conditions or situations that may trigger a desire for the act, he develops the power to control it.

As one meets with his Priesthood Leader, a program for overcoming masturbation can be implemented using some of these suggestions. Remember it is essential that a regular report program be agreed on, so progress can be recognized and failures understood and eliminated.


1. Pray daily, ask for the gifts of the Spirit, that which will strengthen you against temptation. Pray fervently and out loud when the temptations are the strongest.

2. Follow a program of vigorous daily exercise. The exercises reduce emotional tension and depression and are absolutely basic to the solution of this problem. Double your physical activity when you feel stress increasing.

3. When the temptation to masturbate is strong, yell STOP to those thoughts as loudly as you can in your mind and then recite a prechosen Scripture or sing an inspirational hymn. It is important to turn your thoughts away from the selfish need to indulge.

4. Set goals of abstinence, begin with a day, then a week, month, year and finally commit to never doing it again. Until you commit yourself to never again you will always be open to temptation.

5. Change in behavior and attitude is most easily achieved through a changed self-image. Spend time every day imagining yourself strong and in control, easily overcoming tempting situations.

6. Begin to work daily on a self-improvement program. Relate this plan to improving your Church service, to improving your relationships with your family, God and others. Strive to enhance your strengths and talents.

7. Be outgoing and friendly. Force yourself to be with others and learn to enjoy working and talking to them. Use principles of developing friendships found in books such as How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

8. Be aware of situations that depress you or that cause you to feel lonely, bored, frustrated or discouraged. These emotional states can trigger the desire to masturbate as a way of escape. Plan in advance to counter these low periods through various activities, such as reading a book, visiting a friend, doing something athletic, etc.

9. Make a pocket calendar for a month on a small card. Carry it with you, but show it to no one. If you have a lapse of self control, color the day black. Your goal will be to have no black days. The calendar becomes a strong visual reminder of self control and should be looked at when you are tempted to add another black day. Keep your calendar up until you have at least three clear months.

10. A careful study will indicate you have had the problem at certain times and under certain conditions. Try and recall, in detail, what your particular times and conditions were. Now that you understand how it happens, plan to break the pattern through counter activities.

11. In the field of psychotherapy there is a very effective technique called aversion therapy. When we associate or think of something very distasteful with something which has been pleasurable, but undesirable, the distasteful thought and feeling will begin to cancel out that which was pleasurable. If you associate something very distasteful with your loss of self-control it will help you to stop the act. For example, if you are tempted to masturbate, think of having to bathe in a tub of worms, and eat several of them as you do the act.

12. During your toileting and shower activities leave the bathroom door or shower curtain partly open, to discourage being alone in total privacy. Take cool brief showers.

13. Arise immediately in the mornings. Do not lie in bed awake, no matter what time of day it is. Get up and do something. Start each day with an enthusiastic activity.

14. Keep your bladder empty. Refrain from drinking large amounts of fluids before retiring.

15. Reduce the amount of spices and condiments in your food. Eat as lightly as possible at night.

16. Wear pajamas that are difficult to open, yet loose and not binding.

17. Avoid people, situations, pictures or reading materials that might create sexual excitement.

18. It is sometimes helpful to have a physical object to use in overcoming this problem. A Book of Mormon, firmly held in hand, even in bed at night has proven helpful in extreme cases.

19. In very severe cases it may be necessary to tie a hand to the bed frame with a tie in order that the habit of masturbating in a semi-sleep condition can be broken. This can also be accomplished by wearing several layers of clothing which would be difficult to remove while half asleep.

20. Set up a reward system for your successes. It does not have to be a big reward. A quarter in a receptacle each time you overcome or reach a goal. Spend it on something which delights you and will be a continuing reminder of your progress.

21. Do not let yourself return to any past habit or attitude patterns which were part of your problem. Satan Never Gives Up. Be calmly and confidently on guard. Keep a positive mental attitude. You can win this fight! The joy and strength you will feel when you do will give your whole life a radiant and spiritual glow of satisfaction and fulfillment.


“Spend it on something which delights you and will be a continuing reminder of your progress.”

You know — like whacking material.

Seriously: that’s fucked up. Aversion therapy for masturbation? Let’s make our kids hate sex, shall we? Yikes.

Not that the fundies here come off much better: If you want to look sexy, you must be a slut! And God will hate you!

Yeah, these are good family values. Let’s pass these down to our kids.


Pippi Longstocking packs a gun and can bench-press a horse. You tell her.

definitely laughed out loud to that one . . .

I think the difficulty here isn’t so much that Christians are passing down traditions and culture to their children . . . the problem is that this particular example once again promotes a shame based culture that points to women and girls as the source of all sexual impropriety on the part of men.

It teaches girls to repress healthy sexuality and in the end, only promotes an air of mystique around sex (and as we all know, that works so well in the drug programs that kids are fed in schools). The problem isn’t that these girls are being told that abstinence is a good idea (and yeah, if you are 16-18, it probably is not a BAD idea), it’s that they are not being given the WHOLE STORY. Everyone knows a preacher’s daughter who got knocked up. Everyone knows the kid who was raised an evangelical who wound up in prison. Force-feeding teenagers this slop about avoidance rather than informing them about choices and truth is just a band-aid solution.


First off, I know this was directed at teenage girls. I can read. Yet, you could apply what was written in the piece to ALL Christians, regardless of age.

Like I said, the scriptures say a lot of things. There are verses in the Bible that forbid the eating of pork, red meat, and seafood; and there is a verse that says if there is mildew or whatnot in your house, you must inform a priest and have him come and bless it. There’s even a verse that says that women on their periods are to stay in seclusion for the duration and are not allowed to have sex!

But here’s the thing: Those verses I cited were not meant for us in the 21st century. They were meant for Moses’ followers. Also like I said, I believe God has more important things on his mind than whether or not a teenage girl gets her belly button pierced.

I can also say what I can because I was raised in a Christian household and converted at a very young age (IMO, too young to understand everything about it). I believed everything I was taught without questioning it; and had I seen an article like this, say, ten years ago, I probably would’ve believed it, too.

But then after September 11, 2001, my personal politics began to take a shift. Soon after that, I started questioning my faith. I started figuring out what I believed for myself, defining who God is for myself. It pisses me off to see what these so-called Christians out there are doing to the faith–twisting it, polluting it, that sort of thing; and they should be called out on it.


I am a post-college, newly married mom to be and I think what the author is trying to do is get girls to think past the moment and consider the consequences of their decisions. It is a Christian magazine so duh, she will tackle it from a Christian perspective. I definately went through a phase of wanting to get my navel pierced and fortunately, didn’t give in. Most of my friends did and wish like anything that they could go back and do it over. This goes for tattooing also. And as for her comment that it is sensual to guys, she’s dead on. My ex-college roommate got her navel pierced because her boyfriend begged her to. Most girls know that it is a turn on to guys. Also, let me say that I heard this author speak several years ago at an event for college women and you might be surprised to know that she was a radical women’s libber, raised in a very liberal home, and agnostic or athiest (can’t remember). She used to be a Christian basher. After experiencing the negative consequences of the casual “hey, if it feels good, do it” philosophy that so many of you seem to endorse, she turned to Christianity. That’s what I find humorous on this blog. She used to be one of you.


After experiencing the negative consequences of the casual “hey, if it feels good, do it” philosophy that so many of you seem to endorse, she turned to Christianity. That’s what I find humorous on this blog. She used to be one of you.

Did I ever endorse the “if it feels good, do it” mentality? Sadly, no! You’re conflating belly button rings with promiscuous sex, just like Vicki. That ain’t Christianity, that’s silliness.


I am SO tired of the accusation that liberals always say “If it feels good, do it!” Please, sound MORE like a “hippie” from a Jack Chick comic.


YOU PEOPLE ARE CRAZY. do you really honestly belive that guys are going to bust a nut if they see a girl with her belly button pierced? every other girl has one, so its not even considered sexual anymore. besides…if these girls want to have sexual relations, then they can definitely do it without a stupid piercing. you dont trust these girls to have thoughts of their own. if they want to remain abstinent, then they will. a peircing changes nothing.


shit man…maybe i should stop braiding my hair. boys might think im a slut. jewlery is bad too. uh oh. shit. im such a skank. so is my mom….and my 78 year old grandma. man.


WE’RE crazy? Do you mean the people who write at the magazine?


I, for one, am so sick and tired of the “Oh, I’m so repressed because of my Christ-loving beliefs! See how intolerant you evil liberals are!” routine. Just because liberals support tolerance for people different from ourselves doesn’t mean that we can’t criticize the blatant stupidity of things.

Religion can be a great thing – not for me, but for others it is. I would never want to insult someones’ beliefs. However, I refuse to waste an opportunity to point out someone’s idiocy.

The more and more the US shifts to the right, the more I begin to see that the opposite of logic is theologic.


im a christian…i’m actually a youth pastor… believe it or not, articles in that magazine make me laugh plenty, i get them sent to me all the time and i understand how goofy it makes us look…
i hope you understand, first, that these authors and parents that are going nutts about belly button piercings and all that are doing so because of the cultural context they’re coming from… the bible tells us to focus on the heart, that sin is to be avoided, but its not caused by belly buttons and piercings – but by evil desires within us… i dont think Christ would be so concerned about belly button rings, he would be more concerned about the inner desires of man that are sinful… the people that are freakin out about piercings are doing so because thats what they grew up thinking, they come from conservative backgrounds, they may quote scripture, but they’re driven more by thier conservative beliefs than the word of God..

second, it always bugs me when people take a single passage like tim. 2:9 and misuse it (i.e “my grandma must be a whore cuz she has braids”)… read it in its context… in those days, temple prostitutes for the goddess athena would adorne themselves in braids and gold as a part of their ritual prostitution, Paul (the author of timothy) is warning readers to avoid being mixed up in that culture…. the bible isnt saying your grandma is a whore…

sorry to get preachy, its just always kinda bugged me… people do that pretty often…

anyways, i just stumbled across this blog… seems interesting, i’ll keep checking it out… i’m gonna go braid my hair….


While some of her “proof texting” is flawed the point is still there, though hidden in her sophmoric effort.
If you want to feel better about yourself, a belly button ring will not accomplish that. At least not in the long run.
The fact of the matter is that something like that is a fleeting feeling of satisfaction.
Guys do tend look at belly button rings as “sexy.” We tend to look at ear rings as cute or pretty.
The scripures about the importance of the mind do have something to do with this issue. Are the things that make you feel good the things that make guys stop and stare at you and say “wow.” Or are the things that make you feel good the things that makes everybody see how loving, kind, compassionate, etc. you are?
The real things that will make you feel good about yourself are the things that grow your character. If something as un-important as a belly button ring damages your reputation in anyone’s eyes, doesn’t that make it something that is worth passing up?


hey. im a christian but this article is just weird. i don’t believe that just because you have your belly button pierced it means that you’re a slut. seriously, braiding your hair means you’re s skank? well then, im definitely a skank cuz i braid my hair and wear jewellery…wow…yeah right.


Seriously, why do Christians use the Bible as any kind of relevant context at all? Especially the canonical Gospels? People- the stuff that you’re getting in the Bible is way less than half the story. You want the words of Jesus? Try looking at the Gospel of Thomas, the only Gospel devoted to only the sayings of Jesus. What’s that? It’s not in the Bible? No way! I thought the only stuff ever written about Jesus was all there contained in the Bible. See how many Books and Gospels were written up till the fifth century, it may surprise you. Do you really think that the Book of Mark was a one shot deal that miraculously made it down to the sixth-seventh century in one piece, unchanged, for all the faithful to revel in? Of course not. These books, including ALL the Gospels, were redacted and rewritten copious times, so that just the right version would mesh with the theology of St. Cyril, or St. Leo, or St. Athanasius, or St. Whomever. Don’t believe me? Look up St. Eusebius of Nicomedia, see what relevance he has on the compilation of the modern day Bible. The Bible was written and compiled with intentions, certainly good intentions, but intentions nevertheless. Though it may really have been the Word of God (I’m certainly not going to say, I don’t have an answer, but I’m still looking…) what we read today really isn’t. The Bible (let me be more specific and say the New Testament, though the Old Testament went through the same process) you have in your house, listen to at Church, maybe even sometimes read is more of a political manifesto- the teachings and documents that a select group of old, Mediterranean, Greek-speaking men wanted to be disseminated. If you really want to open your minds, get past this “fundamental” bullshit moniker you throw around and try to find out something about the real “fundamental” Christianity. I think a lot of people would be surprised at what they learn…


wtf. i’m not dissing vicki, really. i’m just saying that her opinion is really gay. i don’t think that braiding your hair means your a skank…that’s just plain stupid ok? the Bible is fine…but look it up and does it say “you shall not pierce your belly button” or “you shall not braid your hair”…? no, it doesn’t. so if you’re reading this, vicki, i want you to know that if you really think that braiding your hair is a sin and that it means your a skank, then go braid your hair and wear all the jewellery you want. cuz in my opinion, i think that writing a bunch of shit like this might mean that you’re a skank too, really. piercing your belly button doesn’t mean that you’re a frikin slut…


I think that it is foolish to see girls that want a belly button ring as sluts who wish to endure a sexual activity. I am fourteen and have my belly button pierced. Does that mean I wish to have sex? No, it doesn’t. You people need to stop acting like you know why everyone wishes to have their belly button. Sure, there are those people who are sluts, and yes, some do get it to ‘turn’ guys on. Okay? Are you happy? I don’t think that anyone has the right to say “oh look, you pierced your belly button, your disobeying god and now your a slut who wants sex” Okay, see my point? You people are foolish to think like that, because fact is, it’s not true. You don’t call anyone a slut because they are not a slut unless they have slept with a number of guys, and I would only hope that every girl that has their belly button hasn’t slept with a guy. I know I haven’t, and I know I don’t plan to for a very long time. So don’t judge before you know. Because calling people that have their belly buttons pierced a slut, is calling me a slut, and I am not a slut okay? I don’t believe in god, so apparently I do not care if it is disobeying god, and I do not care if I go to hell. I can own hell. So don’t say “Okay, you have your belly button pierced, your going to hell!” No, that’s not true either. I don’t care about 20 or 30 years down the road, because a guy isn’t going to take one look at my belly button and say “Oh look, a scar, I can’t love you now because you have an ugly belly button.” 20 or 30 years down the road..is 20 or 30 years down the road, it isn’t now, therefore, I will care when I get there. It will be my problem from my choice. So don’t go around saying “Oh, your belly button is ugly, you’ll never be loved, but your a slut. Your also disobeying god, therefore your going to hell.” This site is foolish, and calling people with their belly buttons pierced hell born sluts is foolish. I hope I made a point, and I hope people understood my point. Thank you for taking your time on reading my point of view. E-mail me, comments, concerns or whatever at Fallenstar4lyfe@aol.com


k there is nothing wrong with gettign ur bellybutton done i mean sure it might inspire you to show off alittle but if you got it flaunt it and as for the guy thing well it never hurts to be noticed and you have the power to say no to a guy.


k there is nothing wrong with gettign ur bellybutton done i mean sure it might inspire you to show off alittle but if you got it flaunt it and as for the guy thing well it never hurts to be noticed and you have the power to say no to a guy.


get it done no matter wha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


well mrs vicky i think u have a smart ass mouth and u should go live in the world instead of thinkin that all guys do is call girls skanks and i believe that evryone would tell u that so get ur facts straight


everyone who wantsz to pierce their ears or belly buttons peirced get it done and dont listen to vicky she dont no wat she talkin bout


Just because a young lady may have her belly pierced, doesn’t mean she is a slut. Some women might get just for the purpose of attractive males, but that doesn’t mean all do! Body piercing is a method of self-expression, it tells people who you are, not that you are a slut. On another topic, I am agnostic and I think the Bible is alot of bull. All the sexist verses about women convinced me that, well, like I said it is a load of bull. And the whole masturbation thingy? It is a part of being a guy!! So if a man ends up has a wet dream will “God” smite him for being a disgusting pervert or what? And if a true Christian guy is a guy who does’nt masturbate, wear gold or pearls (well, it should apply to guys as well) then there are probably 14 in the whole friggin’ history of man! So they will supposedly go to hell, eh? That is so friggin’ retarded. I don’t even believe that there is a hell or heaven.


because litte girls want there belly dun doesnt not mean she is a slut thank u very much


Alright I’m new but don’t crucify me too soon. Anywho I was reading that article and as has been stated before you can get belly button peircings and whatever (tatoos, ect.) the main point comes down to not on the ring or tatoo but what your motives are. When it really comes down to it Christ wants your heart meaning he wants a relationship with you. Everything else can come after through his spurring on. If you look at the theif on the cross he did no good deads and most likely looked like crap but you know what? Christ can for the one in the gutter, in a pile of crap, messed up with drugs or prostitution. He came for the bums and ones addicted to pornography or acid. He hung out with the sinners but did not take part in the sin that he hated so much. If you feel like God wants you to not get it then don’t, if you don’t feel convicted then if you want the nosering go ahead!


Ok first of all, if this is a christian site why would you say, “so your slutty daughter” hmm well i dnt think tht would bring honor to God. And most all my frinds have their belly button done, even my sunday school techer. its not bad. whtev. ITS NOT EVEN SLUTTY!








ok, my parents are letting me get my navel peirced. and im just lookin for information then i come across YOUR stupid site. and realize how much of a friggin idiot you are. theyre NOT skanky. covering up for midrift even if you have it peirced, is pretty much what girls in my town do,. i dont know what skank invested ville YOU live in. ear peircings for steamy ear sex? grow up ! but with or without your naval peirced, you could be viewed as a “slut”. so i think you stop judging people & get a fucking life. THANKS


Heyy y’all..
i didnt know all of this stuff.. i have my bellybutton peirced and had for a couple months, and guys seem to like it. this is stereotyping i would never run around shirtless bcuz i have a bellyring! i dont want God to be mad at me or anything but i do pray and i am a christian who loves God more than anything, and if He reads this, please forgive us of our sins!


u no what iam cathlic and iam 16 and iam still a virgon and iam in ballet and i want it done and the thing you said about lining two girls up and guys saying that there not virgons or what ever not true we did thet at my school and people know me and how iam they said that i was a 16 year old virgon and the other girl brandy did not have hers done and she had a abortion 3 monthes ago i have never even dated so you no what you need to take your little rude comment and trash them becuse is very affensive but u r right about some things about some sluts and all but thats not me plus i dont wear bikinis iam very self-concious about about how i display my body i wrote this message becuse some girls are not sluts who get there bellybuttons piercied ever heard of gpa governers program on abstinense iam president of this club becuse some girls that have there bellybuttons piercied are not sluts and some are but iam not


eeww you make me mad


OMG wtf errr who ever wrote that pisses me off!!!!!!!!!!!i have it done and im NOT SLUT!!!!!!!!!


Ok i am officially absolutely disgusted and offended by many of these stupid comments! Obviously none of you have properly understood the bible if you think that god will ‘hate you’ for getting your bellybutton pierced! We weren’t born with clothes on is that ‘violating’ our bodys now too? Don’t any of you have anything better to do with your lives. In case you didn’t notice a prostitutes sins were forgivin in a bible i hardly think getting your bellybutton pierced is significantly ‘evil’ in comparison! If guys are sexually aroused they need to control themselves because the intent is not to sexually arouse! I personally have mine done and because it is pretty and cute not to give guys boners! So maybe everyone who has posted negative and harsh comments needs to rethink.


As a further comment Paris Hilton doesnt have her bellybutton pierced… and she has famous porno tapes! I am interested in what you people have to say for yourselves, looking at the cold hard facts… all i can say is get a LIFE!


One more comment yet… see i have so many ways of proving u idiots wrong! And to be pathetic low-lives! If jewellery is wrong why do people marry using WEDDING RINGS to announced their love for each other… YEAH! That’s jewellery!


so what is gods view on lesbian vegitarian bohemian fuck ups? just woundering…:) ive been one forever… im buddhist meslef, but whatever floats yer boat.


It’s people like Vicky that made me an Atheist.


I have a belly button piercing and where am from no one thinks of it as a sluttish thing we take it as a style. where ever yall are from yall need a recheck!!


ok my little sister (who is 9) braids her hair god forbid and jewlry omg freek out!!! and so if you cant do that or get ur belly button pierced wat about dieing your hair cuz lil miss thang up there deffinatly has that done!!!


ok. I do not like people bashing the bible and saying things that are totally wrong. yes, you do have your own perspective on life and everything but i would never totally mess with some ones religon…its not a nice thing to do. everyones different..cant you get that now?!?! also, i think that to get your belly button pierced is not a slutty thing at all. Maybe when your mom was alive it was but times change. I totally disagree with vikki. god cares about whats inside, unlike man. serously, take into consideration that you are accually giving people “advice”. I dont care if your buddhist, calthoic, jewish, or any other religon everyone is the same and god loves each and every one of us… now dont you feel tight.


Hello. I am new to this site. I am a college girl with my bellybutton peirced and I have kept myself pure. There are, in fact, several Christian girls who have their bellybuttons peirced and remain conservative dressers. It is something that is personal and I do not show it off to others, as it is my own body. Peircings are a method of self-expression and the majority of women in churches now have their ears peirced. It does not specify anywhere in the Bible that a body peircing is any worse. If the young girl is keeping the peircing to herself, should she not be able to enjoy it? Yes, the parent should be monitoring the young girl’s attire, but she should be permitted to peirce her bellybutton. If not, she will do it when she is 18 years old. Essentially, I am stating that there are several Christian girls who have their bellybuttons peirced, remain conservative dressers, and are well-respected (and people do not even know she has such a peircing). Please keep that in mind.


even if a guy thinks a girl is easyer to get in bed because she has a belly ring who cares what he thinks? if its not true


im 12 and when im 13 and a half im going to get my belly peirced (if i can find a place to perice it)and SHOW IT OFF ALL THE TIME and i love god to lik all my christian friends and my best friend whos a christian got her belly periced when she was 11 and shows it off and i dont think that a guy thinks that if a girl has a belly pierced that there easy to get into bed cuz its just a peirced not a sign thats says “easy slut” and all my friends think its cute and stylish not sluty and i when to this christitan camp wiith my friend and the consuler had her bely peirced


I’m 22 years old & planning to have my belly button pierced. Hmmm…I suppose I’m a slut, then. *smiles*

I believe that the Lord looks mostly at the contents of a person’s character & the fundamental goodness of their spirit. I don’t believe He would condemn a woman or deny her entrance into Heaven because of a pierced navel, if she is basically a good person.

I won’t pretend that certain piercings (i.e., navel, tongue, etc.) are completely innocent & non-sexual. Some people have other intentions besides merely enhancing their appearance. However, it is not up to anybody to pass judgement on these individuals, except the Lord. Personally, I will admit that it is about vanity for many young women, including myself. The Bible does frown upon vanity in some forms. However, some people believe it is a sin for women to be attractive or to enhance themselves. They feel that “true” Christian women should be plain & dowdy. The only enhancement I really have a problem with is breast implants, but that’s a different issue. I just think women should learn to love their natural breasts no matter the size, but I wouldn’t condemn somebody for having implants.

I have been in a relationship about 6 years now. I’m not piercing my belly button to please him (he’s never asked me to), or to turn anyone on. I receive plenty of unwanted male attention without my ears even being pierced & I don’t show off my body much, so this wouldn’t be with a sexual purpose in mind. Simply put, I’m into creative self-expression. I like to experiment with hair, makeup & clothes. I love to feel feminine. I like sophisticated outfits that show a hint of cleavage. I want to pierce my belly button because I think it looks feminine. Does that mean I’m without morals? No. Does it mean I’m a filthy XXX slut? No. It means that I like being a woman and being able to have fun with what the Lord has given me. Not all Christian women should be forced to conform to a certain standard in appearance, it is quality of character that counts. I’m still the same person inside and will continue to be after piercing my belly button. I respect others. I’m loyal, bright, witty, loving. I care about animals, the environment, world peace, & human rights. I’ve accepted Christ into my heart. My point is that true Christians try to help others, but don’t impose their views on others or pass unfair judgement. Don’t make snap judgements & assume that every female with a pierced belly button is low or slutty.

P.S. And I agree with Sharon…you don’t have to wear skimpy clothes just because your belly button is pierced.


Consider the actual effect it has on guys. Some Christian girls try to justify piercing their belly buttons by saying they intend to cover it up except for when they are wearing a swimsuit. Piercing your belly button is different than piercing your ears. While I understand that many girls innocently want to pierce their belly buttons because it is the current fashion trend, believe me, it will send a different message to the guys. There is no arguing that a pierced belly button is considered by most to be sensual and even sexual.

first of all, who cares what anyone thinks. if boys cant keep their mind out of the gutter thats their own fault and society’s for teaching boys that they dont have to control their own thoughts and actions. i suppose every woman who has ever been raped deserved it, right? i was born into the mormon religion, and after dealing with the hypocracy that i witnessed on a daily basis at my church, i denounced it. that article is an example of why religion is such a farse. isnt there a verse in the bible that says he who is sinless shall cast the first stone, or judge not lest ye be judged? isnt this article teaching girls to make decisions based on what people will think of them? i think it would have been more appropriate to emphasize how the girls should view themselves. not how others will view them. isnt that whats wrong with the message society sends to young men? that they arent responsible for their own thoughts and actions here? that its womens responsiblity to make sure we dont tempt men at all. that they dont have to show any self control if a woman wears tempting clothing or belly button rings? geeze i wonder why rape is so high now.

Piercing your belly button is different than piercing your ears.

how in the world so?? the only reason it is considered “different” is because society is used to the idea of piercing ears. there are religions that consider piercing your nose “normal”. so are they all sluts? your body is your body. it doesnt matter where you pierce it. you could pierce your eyelid and it would make no difference. it would look painful, but its a part of your body. it all depends on what society views as normal.i know lots of men that consider the neck and earlobes very sensual. and what are the ears closest to? hmmm, the neck. which is why i say fu** society. what has it ever done for you?


Can you pierce your belly button twice? Mines Is crooked and i want to do it again so its more in the center. Can i pierce it again?


Vicki says that teenage girls that wears a belly button rings are seen as a sluts.i had a belly button ring.
*WooP T Do*
She also says that if you have a scar from a belly button ring that you will never get married. to tell you the truth i dont care if i get married or not. vicki is a moron.is she crazy or is she just stupid?(or both)


Vicki says that teenage girls that wears a belly button rings are seen as a sluts.i had a belly button ring.
*WooP T Do*
She also says that if you have a scar from a belly button ring that you will never get married. to tell you the truth i dont care if i get married or not. vicki is a moron.is she crazy or is she just stupid?(or both)


i think that this is bogus! what was she smokin when she wrote this! she should go back to her small town church and go to the kid service and start all over! wat an airhead!!!!

Your Mother(^Caitlin^)

How could you!I thought I tought you better than this!You know this isn’t true! I told you not to come and try to mess with peoples heads!You are so grounded!Go to you’re room and I’m taking the computer with me so don’t even try to think that you are going to make any more damages in the internet life and christian life!






wow..is getting you belly button pierced really that big of a deal? i highly doubt that a good Christian guy would turn down a good Christian girl that he loved, because she has a “scar” from having her belly button pierced when she was younger.

“And if you have a scar on your belly button, good Christian men will regard it as the Mark of the Beast, no one will marry you, and you’ll die all alone because you’re a belly-tainted skank. And it’ll be all your fault. ”

If they were a good Christian guy they would know to look past the appearance and love you for loving God and for who you are.


i think you need some serious medicial help. getting your belly button pierced does NOT make you a slut. its just a piercing. i am 14 and got mine done. i didnt get it pierced for anyone else or for guys to find me more appealing. i got it because i liked it and honestly theres nothing wrong with getting ur belly button pierced its just like getting ur ears pierced. what r we going to hell cuz we stuck a hole in our body?! no i didnt think so. i think your going to hell for saying all that crap and saying how God is going to judge us


Hiya am Emma and i really really really want my belly button done but my mam wont let me its not fair how will i persuase her please help?!
love Emma


s. Try to picture yourself ten to twenty years from now at the neighborhood pool party with your kids. Better yet, try to imagine your mom with a pierced belly button. OK, you get my point, right? What would God say?

MY mom does have one…


wow!! i think that is about the stupidist thing you could wirte about saying it could make you look like slut.
if a girl wanted to be a slut all they would have to do is start putting out not pierce their belly buttons.
and besides i only read this because i guess what was looking at belly button rings on the web so F this you call yourself a christian then trash girls because what they do and besides a lot of girls that i know that do have their belly buttons done is because their moms do and the keep it covered unless they are in the shower or in a swim suit


you guys are freeking out about belly buttons.
what about the people that go and pierce their nipples or genitals.
what about them
find a new topic to be completely insane about ok


This type of female-bashing dogma is exactly why women have been restricted to popping out babies and cooking the meals for thousands of years. Men have never been held responsible for their own actions, especially within Christianity and Islam. The Roman Catholic Church specifically makes Eve the reason she and Adam are thrown out of the Garden of Eden, despite the fact that Adam took a bite of the apple too. If you go to the Middle East, women in certain Islamic countries are stoned to death if a bit of their hair is accidentally exposed in public. It is considered far too “revealing�. So why are men never held responsible for their actions? It is because most societies in the world are Patriarchal. Bottom line: men aren’t held responsible for their own actions because they run everything. Women need to learn to think for themselves instead of just going along with whatever they are told. That is the only way that anyone can lead a good life. (Side note: The peak of United States is considered to be the 1950s, right before the feminist revolution. Coincidence? I think not.) Instead of telling young girls that they should worry about their body piercings, maybe we should tell them facts and let them make their own judgement. That is the only way society will truly progress.


Wow you guys are retarded. seriously fuck god i don’t believe in god and set my own morals and decide what is right and wrong for my own. It is extremely pathetic how you need some creature in the sky that you have no scientific proof of existence of to tell you what is right and wrong.

You people are all so close-minded.


Geez. I’m 20 years old, a religion major and a future minister and yes, I have my belly-button pierced. Am I less able to be a minister because of it? No. I can’t imagine a God who’d agree with views like these (then again, I sometimes can’t imagine a God who’d create people this dumb and shortsighted). I got the piercing for myself, nobody else. Yeah, I like to put different jewels in it and make it look pretty. It’s also a good incentive for me to do my exercises and keep in shape. buth this is just crazy and above all, stupid. But hell, I’m a Christian with a jewish boyfriend, so I’m damned already, anyway 😉


Yo!! k i think this is a huge steryotype maybe kids where these cuzz its fashioin it is the new trend i highly disagree!!!

Your not a slut if u wear peircings and i know plenty of nice parents who where belly rings.

k im a christian and how do u no what god things. i deeply believe in him a nd u rnt suppose to take the literal meaning of the bible… thats a thing u choose withn you!!!!!!

like its fine if thts what you think but dont pu t up a web site against it and use god as a n excuse…..how do u no what god wants…….. i believe in him but common~


i came across this website when i was trying to get info on piercings. i have multiple piercings on my ears and am getting my navel pierced soon. I am not christian but i have read the bible because of school if you really think of it the bible was written may years ago and times have changed, so it cannot be taken so literaly. just because i have piercings and braid my hair doesn’t mean that i am a slut or that i am going to go to hell, i don’t even believe in hell or the devil. ( it think that the devil was created because people can’t blame themselves for what they do wrong ) .Anyways there are so many other ways to attract men then braiding your hair and wearing pearls and sh*t. there are so many other ways of attracting guys i mean the way you talk, move or look at them can send them falling to your feet. even a smile can make guys go week at the knees. i think that piercings and tatoos are just a way of personal expression, everyone is unique and has different beliefs, these difference should be respected.


Ps. don’t they teach christian people in church that you should respect everyone because of thier differences, doesn’t that mean not calling people sluts or whores because they are different from you?


Hello, My name is Shelby and I am 15 years old. I have studied Roman Catholocism my entire life. My mom is Luthern and I went to a Catholic School for 7 years. I have been exposed to Baptism, Lutheran, Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Christian and Wiccan. I have my belly button pierced and thought about it for 2 years before I did it. I think that it should be a girl’s decision what she does with her body. i did not do this for guy’s attention and am not slutty. I got this piercing for myself as something to distiguish myself from others.
I believe God will judge me on my character and how I live my life and now what i do to my body. I realize that i do not own my body and that it is to be reused after my death but god also creates everybody in his image so the scar it leaves he will get rid of.
I have talked to several of my friends of different religions. (most of these being guys) And got their views on a girl with their belly button pierced and only a couple said they would think of a girl as slutty who had it done. The reasoning behind saying a girl is slutty was becase the girls they had saw with it were acting slutty at the time.
I am not trying to bash any religions just giving you my views on this subject too. I am a very strong Catholic. Please do not label people for scars they have. I understand it’s not right in the bible but God will make the final decision not us people on Earth.


okay. i think you all are a little too holy. Your not going to go to hell because you have your belly button pierced. If so then heaven will be pretty empty because belly button piercings are the new thing. If your daughter wants her belly button pierced that bad, you can bet she’ll have it done the minute she walks out of your house, if she doesnt already have it done behind your back. Teenagers dont care what parents say. think about it . . .


this is a stupid article, you are putting down a persons right and free will to express themelves, and if they feel they want go get a belly button peirced so what. God will not care about a persons outside, God is suposed to care what is on the inside and who you are as a person, if you want to peirce your belly button go ahead. A girl with a belly button, under no circumstances is a slut.


lady you are one fucked up crazy bitch!!! i am 17 years old and have my belly button pierced….i am really into art and have dedicated my body to it, i have no STDs and i am not a whore and for you to call everyone who has a bellybutton ring a whore just shows how goddamn stupid you are. you have no right to judge on this matter and no right to judge what all guys think. my boyfriend doesnt like my belly button ring and he told me to tell you to SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS.

a girl from somewhere

I think this blog is ridiculous! I just got my belly button pierced a few days ago, and I did not do it to get boys’ attention, but because I liked the way they look, and I wanted to be different from everybody else. I am definately not a slut, and I take offense to that! I am 18 years old, and I was in a 4 year relationship, and did not have sex once, because I am waiting until marriage. I really don’t understand how a belly piercing is “un-christian” because I go to church. And as far as guys are concerned.. yes, some of them are stupid and think girls are slutty if they have their navel pierced… but most of the time those guys are the ones involved w/ those certain few “slutty” girls. Get my point?


the belly buttons must b pierced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i lov em lik tht


I would just like to say that dont u ever think that maybe no one cares what it will look like in ten to twenty years! And for ur 411 my mum has hers pierced so does that make her a slut? I dont think so! For my 16th birthday i will be getting the top part of my ear pierced and my belly button piercred and to be quite honest i really dont care what anyone thinks of it because its my body and my life and im doing it for myself! Not for anyone and so what!!!!!! SUCK ON THAT!!!!! =D and yeah yeah i already know what u’ll say! Im gonna rot in hell for eternity but do u know what bring it on i like the heat!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, I’ve been reading this and honestly all of you guyz need 2 arrend church serves more often….not just on christmas, easter, or your little cousin’s baptism but i mean be up in there every Sunday!!! I mean this is obsurb how u guys are all saying that God’s word is going to mess your life up!!! I mean honestly, go get a belly button piercing but the reason why people don’t encourage them is because people’s purpse of them have gone to far these days. Like thousands of years ago, they were used for religious reasons, ya u heard me RELIGIOUS reasons but people these days have no self-control and loose their heads when they get out their in the real world. For example, take thongs. Thongs were meant for wearing underclothing so that you won’t get any nasty lines , but little girls these days think its cute when their underwear is in part of their outfit by hiking it all the way above their pants! I mean like I said do wat ya want but all in all respect your self because years from now when you wnat you boyfriend, husband, co-workers, friends, children to treat you with respect and wonder why people treat u like some prostitue, dont wonder why. Since you wanted to look like some girl straight out of a ying-yang twins video just to get unnessary attention, this is how it pays off and trust me these days its takes alot to earn people’s respect.

So young girls respect your self! You may think its cool to act a fool at the club with no clothes on but in the long run your doin nuttin but lower your self esteem and dont let some little boy tell you nuttin….ur beautiful and smart….embrace it…love your self

And dont think I forgot about you boys…treat that girl with respect even if she’s lost her head. Think about it….would you rather be with the lady or tramp???


Someone asked that you should not show off your midriff so whats the point of having a belly button piercing done….?? What about for the beach and anyways… you get it done because you like it and not because it has to be shown!!… If you wanna add me its xbecky_glossyx@hotmail.com ( for those who want my opinion ;))


im gettin my belly button pierced this friday (its monday) im only 13 n ur not sposed to get it done till ur 16 cuz if ur to young ull grow out of it but im already full grown. (im super tall) so my rents’ r lettin me also cuz they feel bad that i cant go to this amazing conert with some of my BFF’S (plus the guy i rele like who keeps inviting me) which sucks cuz now i cant go but at elast ill have a sweet piercing to show off! lmao


hey ill add again plus im gettin it 2 impress him 😛 how stupid hey hopefully it works tho but alll my friends like fite over him so i hava do anything 2 win! sadly hes moving to another province soon and ill b all ALONE!! 🙁 but ya belly button piercings rele impress guys


ewww..you guys bother me. None of you are really even listening to each other and are being way to literal and easily offended. Take the spirit of the law in context, have some fun, and show some Christian love..PLEASE!!


What the fuck is this, who the hell are all you people to tell girls wether its right or wrong, slutty or innocent to have a belly pierced|? go to hell! i’ve had my done for ages now, and no guys try anything on me.my boyfriend thinks it looks hot but thats all. Sorry for the swearing but i’am really shocked that people would be saying stuff like that, like young people with belly piercings are sluts and that god doesnt like it! ok if he didnt like it then why is it around?huh why the fuck does he let it happen? why the hell does he kill people as well? if he was anything there wouldnt be so many attacks on countrys and shit like that! open your eyes people and see that god doesnt give a shit about any of you! with love , Krissyxox


A belly buton piercing gives a girl confidence. and makes them stand outl.. Your not a slut if you pierce it.. it is like your ears.. You cant use it for anything.


“It’s people like Vicky that made me an Atheist.”

Exactly! People like her should get there own lives.


well if you want all the evil liberals to stop taking the Bible in literal terms, all of you people should stop inserting your own meaning into the Bible.

Also, do we liberals jiggle our various piercings and tattoos in your face and ridicule you for not having any? NO! So maybe you should stop shoving your beliefs down our evil throats, yes? Because I’m sure most of the world knows what Christianity is and what it entails. Even though your “mission” is to convert everyone, THIS ISN’T THE WAY!!!~


wtf tina your a freak!


God says not to judge.. im a big time christian, grew up in a catholic and pentacostal home, and i learned you are not supposed to judge others our god isnt a condeming god so what gives the you the right to call someone a ho just cuz she has a peircing????? i think the person that says that you will go to hell for doing that is wrong bcuzz since ur going against the bible and judging and the person that has the peircing lives right doesnt engage in sex outside marriage ,obey’s all the comandments and loves god with all their heart etc…you decied who is going to hell.

By the way my belly button is peirced !!!!!!


i agree wt Kristaleah


fuck you vickie.you are so fucking stupid.did you like, get dropped on your head when you were a baby.i am NOT christian, i believe in god but i think relegions have been twisted out of context and are complete bullshit so basically i go with the flow.i do things that i think are okay.like getting my button pierced.fuck yeah.im gonna go get my tongue pierced to.take that.bitch.skank.slut.whore.ugh.god does not care as long as you arent a complete whore who gets fucked up the ass 24/7.wich you probably do, huh vicky.do you take it through the back door?huh?thats what i fucking though skank.


i totally understand the concept of modesty, i too believe that our bodies belong to God, and this life is just a temporary state. what i dont understand is how a person can belittle God’s words and be proud to say things like, i don’t believe in religions or God anymore because it doesnt suit my lifestyle…
hell with the lifestyle if it makes u a weaker person, u r submitting to Satan. like there is no hereafter… Good luck, will see u in the day of Judgement and we will all remember this discussion.

i think having the bellybutton pierced is ok as long as it’s strictly showed to the husband. makes perfect sense, because its sexual in a way, and thereful it becomes lawful.
May God forgive u.


so what are we talking about here


does get your ears pierced hurt and having braids in your hair mean your going to hell huh?


i am way confused here iam a christain but like what are we talking about here ?who is cuzin how?


ok um i am not trying to get in a fight here you are not going to hell if you are a christain but all my friends are christains and there is nothing wrong with getting your ears pierced


having braided hair is not wrong here i think vicki is just trying to tell us we need to look to god when thing s do not go well ia m ok does not mean you have sex does not mean you are going to hell but you will regret it my favorite part of me is my virginity but wearing a swimsuit /bikini is not wrong cuz you just wanna swim and have fun even my mom thinks it is cool believe me iam a ministers daughter i am not trying to make anyone mad all my friends are christain and if wearing a bikini is a sin that is a stupid kind of sin yes i have been a christain ever since i was a little kid and i think that we are going to far with this


i do not think there should be any cussing people out here like vicki we all have different oppions it is what makes us people different what is wrong with everyone we are christains and ya people who are not christains will go to hell


becky is right having your ears pierced is not wrong even my mom has her top ear pierced you do it because you like it god likes it when you like your body but using as an idol is not right vicki is suppossed to be a great girl christain model i thought she was too cuz i saw all her great magazines and thought they were really cool so i picked it up and bought it and it said do not be a fake but the girl i looked up to which is vickiy is just a fake herself a jerk!


so you might say bellybutton piercing rocks !dude it does but all viciki wanted to do was make people mad


having your bellybutton pierced is cool! and it is fun so it is not wrong and this is a christain site vicki is a bad example to girls that is what makes girls turn away from jesus when i read this it made me really mad cuz having your ears pierced is cute


vicki is not suppossed to be calling my mom a slut or a whore


hmmm i go to church every sunday and will your belly button get infected cuz mine has never


even my grandmother loves belly button rings she has more then my mom they look pretty cool


god does not think being in style is wrong ya some teen magazines are garabage


im sorry but this whle thing is pretty silly. so wat if you have a piercing big deal it doesnt really matter. im a normal girl i aint a slut in fact im quite a gody goody but i have quite a lot of piercings. as for the whole if you have a scar u wnt get married yeh right !! i gt my bell done and it tore n has left a tiny scar but it dnt matter really. i got it done for me not to annoy god and my parents are totally fine with it. in fact im planning to get it done agen and i really can wait. i dont want to offend anyone but your basically saying that anyone who has their belly done is a slut and i assure u i aint!!


hi i really want my belly buttton pierced. i do not see why a guy can to get his belly button pierced. i think it looks really cutie on girls why can not a guy have one then. i have wanted mine done for 3 years now i am 16 years old now


Honestly, think about this.

Aside from every mislead thought and assumption from a guy who happens to think with his dick more than his head, i dont think there is ANYTHING wrong with doing what you want with your own body. A girl shouldnt have to worry about going to hell over something such as a piercing, as well as sending the wrong messages. Do these same “rules” with peircings and tattoos follow with breast implants? or anything such? NO, because a women has a right to do what she wants with her body if she would like, and no women should be judged or misled by that. whoever left a comment saying” if you out two girls both in a bathing suit next to eachother, one with a pierced belly button and one without, and see with guys are more attracted to” can take that back because if you want to compare 2 girls with a piercing, then shouldnt we ask ourselves what would be more misleading, a boob jor perhaps? I dont see what the big deal is with a piercing. If your against it, fuck off because what makes you think you will change someones opinion if thats what THEY want to do with THEIR body.

DID ANYONE EVER THINK THAT THE ISSUE WITH MISLEADING GUYS ISNT THE PIERCINGS? maybe its just the guys. the horny guys who are too afraid of commitment and just go for the so-called “easy girls” and only think with their dick and not their head?

yeah, so its not our problem. GET IT PIERCED IF YOU WANT.


ummmm this whole website is a retarted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


is it all right if i want my belly button pierced i am really femmmine i have want mine done for the last 3 years should i go for it


guys are naturally prevs and this website is effing retarded. besides you no that if they really dont wont you to get your navel done it is because they are a to fat to get theres done or b they are a bunch of crazy moms who think there kids are still 2


man there are some serious hatters out there!….i don’t think that vikie is saying that you shouldn’t fix ur hair a certain way and what not, but i believe that her point is that if you have Jesus in you heart and u believe in God then u need to consider how this piercing will honor God. If you are a christain you should stand out and not be like the world! I use to want my belly-botton pierced but now i realize that it is not for me. I’m not one to judge and i don’t think ur are slut or ho if u do have it pierced I just choose not to.


i think that if you want to get your belly button pierced then you should get it done…its not against the law and theres not a verse that says thou shalt not get thy belly button pierced in the Bible…but vickie has alot of good stories and stuff in her magazines but some of it is just unnecesary…who cares if you get your belly button pierced or not!


jeez. having your belly button pierced doesn’t make you look like a slut.
the only thing that makes you look like a “slut” is bending over with a lowcut shirt and lowrise jeans showing your butt the whole time. people like you, give christianity a bad name. no wonder more and more people are turning away from it. I don’t have my bellybutton pierced- my best friend does . My best friend is the girl that has really good grades, doesn’t drink or smoke or any thing – I drink, I get C’s and D’s, and I’m the one who’s sexually active. Not every little thing has to relate whether God will like it. Would God love you any less if you got your belly button pierced? No. God is a forgiving soul, and wants what makes you happy.

God does want you on the right path to “heaven” but, I don’t know if I believe in heaven and hell . But, even if there is a heaven and hell, would you honestly go there for having you’re belly button pierced?

If you don’t want your belly button pierced, because YOU think its trashy- say that YOU think its trashy, not God. You aren’t God, you don’t know what he thinks. You made God seem scary, and honestly its hard core christians like you, that repulse me because you’re so closed minded.


As far as I can read, Liberals are a bunch of whiny pansies for even taking the time to throw stones at the blogger. You don’t live by any moral laws except your own laws and shockingly the laws of society. You are a bunch of bitchy piss-ants and the truth of this will come in the form of how pointless your existence is.. I will not conform to your slander of family and human peoples. You say that an individual can do whatever makes them happy, The fact is you ignore that what you preach will make your victims inevitably miserable. Take a female pornstar how long will they use her before they toss her out like yesterday’s garbage. Sure you could argue that she’s happy getting plowed by alot of different people male or female, but you can sure bet that her situation runs deeper than that. Drug abuse, being inappropriately objectified by people who would see her as nothing other than flesh ( including child abuse), and rendering her unable to be in a monogamist relationship, later after she is dumped by those who don’t give a shit about her. You can apply that to anyone, including a teenage child who gets sensual jewelry, Peircings, tattoos when sexually explicit. Morons that say Jesus doesn’t care if young girls get these things, obviously doesn’t care about the well being of anyone but his or her self. Those Implying that these things are harmless is a fool, I’m a guy who thinks these things are repulsive and the girl would most likely be objectified by adolescent boys and even perverse adult males. what about this “and I say to you whoever shall even look at a woman in lust has already committed adultery in his heart” – Jesus. it’s a round about quote and not sure if the terminology is right. That being said I’ll admit that I haven’t been the best Christian in my past, and constantly fall to sin in the present. When I say this, it is not just in the name of Christianity it is because of the misery that grows from a rampant , unchecked lifestyle and the fact that I care about people but I couldn’t give two shits about idiots who talk out of their ass and attack a woman who knows what a woman knows, because she is a woman where are your grounds for criticizing her for her opinions of her own gender. Does she not make more sense than the Liberal Feminist who contradicts herself by lowering the bar of the dignity of her fellow females by advocating the “anything goes” attitude. think about it.. ” I who am the most wicked and sinful of men do not recall your sins in reproach, but call upon the abundant mercy by which they were blotted out” – St. Anselm’s devotion to St. Mary… assholes Magdalene


As far as I can read, Liberals are a bunch of whiny pansies for even taking the time to throw stones at the blogger. You don’t live by any moral laws except your own laws and shockingly the laws of society. You are a bunch of bitchy piss-ants and the truth of this will come in the form of how pointless your existence is.. I will not conform to your slander of family and human peoples. You say that an individual can do whatever makes them happy, The fact is you ignore that what you preach will make your victims inevitably miserable. Take a female pornstar how long will they use her before they toss her out like yesterday’s garbage. Sure you could argue that she’s happy getting plowed by alot of different people male or female, but you can sure bet that her situation runs deeper than that. Drug abuse, being inappropriately objectified by people who would see her as nothing other than flesh ( including child abuse), and rendering her unable to be in a monogamist relationship, later after she is dumped by those who don’t give a shit about her. You can apply that to anyone, including a teenage child who gets sensual jewelry, Peircings, tattoos when sexually explicit. Morons that say Jesus doesn’t care if young girls get these things, obviously doesn’t care about the well being of anyone but his or her self. Those Implying that these things are harmless is a fool, I’m a guy who thinks these things are repulsive and the girl would most likely be objectified by adolescent boys and even perverse adult males. what about this “and I say to you whoever shall even look at a woman in lust has already committed adultery in his heart” – Jesus. it’s a round about quote and not sure if the terminology is right. That being said I’ll admit that I haven’t been the best Christian in my past, and constantly fall to sin in the present. When I say this, it is not just in the name of Christianity it is because of the misery that grows from a rampant , unchecked lifestyle and the fact that I care about people but I couldn’t give two shits about idiots who talk out of their ass and attack a woman who knows what a woman knows, because she is a woman where are your grounds for criticizing her for her opinions of her own gender. Does she not make more sense than the Liberal Feminist who contradicts herself by lowering the bar of the dignity of her fellow females by advocating the “anything goes” attitude. think about it.. ” I who am the most wicked and sinful of men do not recall your sins in reproach, but call upon the abundant mercy by which they were blotted out” – St. Anselm’s devotion to St. Mary… Magdalene


That being said I’ll admit that I haven’t been the best Christian in my past, and constantly fall to sin in the present.

Beat it, dirtbag. We don’t like filthy sinners like you hanging around the place, implying that Mary Magdalene’s nickname was “assholes”. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Hi my name is Emiljano Bleta and i am from Albania but i am living a dn working in Athens Greece for the last 110years and i want to marry a christain girl who ,love God from Sweden or America.I am a christian and i love God and i amserving him in my church in Athens Christian Center where i am srving him now as a usher .Can you call me in this number 00306934778517 and my home address is Ellanikou 23 Pagrati Athens Greece God bless you all your friend in Christ Jesus Emiljano .


Hi my name is mikey. I’m from california but I once vacationed in hell. I now live and work in silicon valley for the last three thousand years and I want to marry a pagan girl who loves satan. I am an atheist but atheist girls are just too bookish. So I want to marry a satan or even gaia worshiping girl if I can.

Can you call me at 1-800 EAT SHIT and my home address is 101 boring concrete tilt-up, number 80637, santa clara, california?

Oh, and fuck jesus, ok?



im 13 thank you and i have just got my navel pierced i have two in my ears already and no boys call you a slut for it so the person that said that must be very weird


this is all bullshit.. why do you christians care so damn much about something that isnt even true.. the bible was written by some opium fiends trying to make future generations worry about every stupid thing they do.


I find this whole thing hilarious actually…




im 13 i have my belly button pierst it aint bad top ear pierst and my bottom ear piest and im not a slut my mum didnt want me to have it done so i got my dad to take me then i told my mum and now she is okayy with it and ha ha ha u doh call me a slut


I’m 16 and had my belly pierced I’m a firm beliver in god there is nothing wrong with getting it done I mean don’t get mad cuz ur to old to and it’s not scanky or nasty about it and if it’s not on your belly don’t worry about it u have no right to judge people and if u where a good christian


I’m 16 and had my belly pierced I’m a firm beliver in god there is nothing wrong with getting it done I mean don’t get mad cuz ur to old to and it’s not scanky or nasty about it and if it’s not on your belly don’t worry about it u have no right to judge people and if u where a good christian U would know that


Its a way of decorating your body and enjoying your body!
there is absouloutly nothing wrong with it,
We live in the real world bbz,
we are the next generation eh…

and if you do say God has`nt a problem with it,

Why the f*ck not 🙂


Ya’ll are fucking crazyy. Praise an Hail Satan. Love ur flesh. My pierced and tattoed ass will be fucking your daughter with the piercing in my dick lol


DUDE. im 15, i want a belly ring. my mom is strictly catholic, and she thinks most everything is trashy. she questions me when i say stupid things like ‘sexigente’ (its just a word i say to goof off. its pronounced, sexy-hen-tay.) I DON NOT want anything to do with sex at this age, nor am i looking for a guys attention in getting this done. ive always wanted it done, cuz i think theyr cute. is that SO hard to believe thats why? i fail to see why its seen as strictly slutty and sexual. my morals are straight, and its MY body. I have a good head on my shoulders and im not going to let some boy manipulate me. I do not understand why its a big deal.


I fail to see the purpose in making fun of Christians that are trying to pass on their morals and beliefs to their kids. The article has some valid points, from the Christian perspective, and you either take them out of context or make fun of it without giving a real reason why its invalid. It amazes me how so many people seem to take offense to the very existance of Christans, even though they are hardly allowed to display any form of their beliefs in public (unlike another Monotheistic religion taht folks tend to bend over bakwards for, and I don’t mean Judaism). Also, navel pirecings are very unattractive, as are most body pirecings. Especially those flks with all the facial tattoos; I call that Facial Shrappnel.


After a simple google search for answers to a simple random question – “why do so many women get their belly buttons pierced?” – a few things turned up, but no real intelligible answers.
“Lol because girls like how it looks its sexy”
“I hate my belly button so I want to cover it up”
“Because guys like how it looks”
Apparently, it shouldn’t be a big deal. It’s like getting a small tattoo. There’s no real point to it, kind of a waste of money…
Yet, on this six year old article, even more unintelligible comments. All-caps misspelled paragraphs that deny idiocy… using screams of idiocy.
People saying that parents that don’t want their kids to have a body piercing are “fundamentalist” is wrong. Our current fundamentalist system most values “judge not” and “be respectful of others.” A child getting a body piercing is only making a dumb mistake, because its a waste of good cash. Most of the people on this site should be ashamed for senselessly bashing a religion that teaches strong lessons and builds a character in children. I personally believe that God is in my heart, and the choices I make reflect that representation of my values. I won’t say I’m smarter than anyone, but religion is for those people who cannot build their own values and live by them. An inherently evil person can find religion and use it as a crutch to pursue happiness. I know a few people who have had drug problems, and turned to God after a bottoming out. Many convicted killers/rapists/thieves find religion in self-loathing and soon find that they are able to forgive themselves by refining their virtue. So, so many people raised as Christians or Buddhists or Jews or Muslims are able to live normal lives where they would not have without guidance. They are still diseased souls, but able to live amongst others because they stop and ask right from wrong to a moral code rather than their instinct. Is religion, then, the “opiate of the masses?” Quite possibly, but that is a very, very good thing. Our society is funded on a good religion, and, by that, a strong moral code and a good outlook on life. Before you attack people for their religious beliefs, realise that there are atheists out there who don’t need religion, and you might be one of them that does.


ok you are a real weirdo, i always notice its the butt ugly ladies and girls who are jealous and envious of the beauty of other ladies and girls who get bellybutton rings, belly button rings are very cute and classy, i know several girls who get them who never even go to bars and clubs, and just would rather hang out at the coffeshop, if there is one thing i know about girls its that the ones who accuse other girls of being slutty are the ones who are the most slutty themselves, its all about projecting.


lol. there is nothing at all sensual or sexual about a bellybutton, its just what you interpret as being sensual, to some guys a girls nose, hair, and face gets them off, and some feet, its just behavior imprinting and how some guys feel, it doesn’t mean shit,

a belly is as sensual as a steel toed boot, or a mailbox.


I believe using a term as “slutty” for a mothers daughter and choice for a piercing is rude and disrespectful. I follow the lord and im a virgin and all 🙂 but im not a slut just because my mothet got my belly button pierced or i wanted it done it was my choice and if its bad then im sorry lord and father God. Its my last piercing ever. I still believe its rude and disrespectful.


they deserve it? thats harsh. no one should be so intolerant as to say someone deserves to be called a slut over a piece of body jewelery. they have different morals and standrard than others. and it should be respected.


That is some funny stuff, im thinking about getting mine done. This made me want to pee my pants, and all of you people taking it seriously? REALLY? come on, ive never read sarcasm this clear! and funny haha


Girls everywhere and all you emasculated “men” who are trying so hard to be politically correct at the expense of your masculinity, listen up.

Men and women are equals. This does not mean that they are equal in every single thing they do. For example, men are, on average, physically stronger than women. It is much easier for a semi attractive (even a 6/10) woman to go out and get laid. The same cannot be said about men. Men have to work at it, have some skill (game) and thereby get a woman to sleep with them. It is a LOT harder for an equally attractive man to get women than it is the other way around. This is one of reasons behind why we, as a society, naturally celebrate men who are successful in bedding multiple women; while at the same time shame women who bed multiple men.

Let us briefly visit the topic of virginity from both perspectives. Virginity in a man is not a desirable state or label when it comes to an attribute that the opposite sex wants. This is because he has obviously not been preselected by other women. However, female virginity is not looked at negatively in the least by men. If she looks decent, no man cares if the girl is a virgin or not. In fact, a female virgin is often wanted more.

Now don’t get me wrong, men LOVE sluts. We will never turn down an opportunity to sleep with a good looking slut. Partly because she’s good in bed, partly because it’s sex. But any decently intelligent, self-respecting man will know that it is a terrible idea to emotionally involve himself (i.e. date) with a slutty girl. That would be a very dumb move. Why would any man want to get emotionally involved with a girl who’s had 15+ sexual partners? We would just be setting ourselves up for failure. There are many nice worthy girls out there who don’t have daddy issues and haven’t slept with an entire fraternity house. But, by all means, fvck the brains out of sluts in the meanwhile.

Most guys can detect when a girl is a slut by the first few dates and by what he hears about the girl from other people and from the girl herlself. We put this information together and figure out if she is dating material or not. If not, I like most guys, will still go in for the prize but have no intention of following through with dating the dirty little tart.

To put it simply, a lock that can be opened by many keys is a useless lock and of little worth. But a key that can open many locks is a master key and is valuable.


i think the only slut here is the male slut with a perverted mind projecting his crap on other ladies. the guy who wrote this article is a big time slut and only sees everyone else in a cruel way, its your sins and very unchristian.


brody what you call truth is fictional 100%, everything you write is the exact opposite of the truth.


@brody, lol you’re a pussy, your post is just a reflection of yourself. you don’t even know what the word masculine means until you are in the army and fighting in afghanistan. and there is no such thing as game, just life and living.

Sick of people and their judgment

This is exactly what is wrong with our country today. Look at all the judgement in this thread. And you people call yourselves Christians. I am sure many of you that have written above are dressed with expensive “adornment” when you go out. I have seen pastors wives dressed with literally thousands of dollars in jewelry. It does not say do not wear belly button rings, it says to dress moderately……yadda yadda. Well you don’t seem to judge yourselves for wearing excessive jewelry etc. And yes it is exactly the same thing.

You try to force your own personal beliefs on other people instead of actually living to the word of God. It is your interpretation based on your upbringing. To you it may seem valid and correct, yet to others it seems completely from left field. Your judgement of others is appalling.

According to the christian religion if you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior you to go heaven. I don’t remember seeing the clause in there that says unless you wear belly button rings, do things the way other expect you to etc.

Get off your high horses, take a look at your own life and before you condemn someone for what you THINK is wrong learn to be accepting of others that think differently than you do.


Buddy, you have been in Afghanistan for too long and lost way too many neurons. Game is big right now. A lot of guys are doing very well with game theory. We are banging scores of girls and choosing which of the hotties to go for. Not like you sitting on the sidelines and being sent in to fight someone else’s war.


Women complain about how unfair it is that men are called studs when they sleep around, yet women get called sluts for the exact same behavior. It’s actually not a double standard though, because both scenarios are pretty different in terms of circumstances and consequences. I can think of at least four crucial differences:

First, sleeping around is easier for women. Regardless of how you feel about promiscuity, we can all agree that a guy who manages to rack up a lot of sexual partners has to have some skills. It’s challenging for men to rack up partners, even for men with low standards. A man needs social intelligence, interpersonal skills, persistence, thick skin, and plain old dumb luck. For women, though, a vagina and a pulse is often enough. Whenever an accomplishment requires absolutely no challenge, no one respects it. It’s just viewed as a lack of self-discipline. People respect those who accomplish challenging feats, while they consider those who overindulge in easily obtained feats as weak, untrustworthy or flawed.

Second, women have potential to do more harm by sleeping around than men do. Say a man sleeps around with a bunch of different women. He’s definitely doing harm to these women if he pretends to be monogamous while sleeping around. He may cause them emotional pain by his promiscuity. He may cause unwanted pregnancy. He may spread VD. When women sleep around, however, they can cause not only all these same ill effects but one additional crucial ill effect: the risk of unknown parentage.

If one guy sleeps around with five women, each of whom is monogamous to him, and they all get pregnant, it’s a safe bet as to who the father is. If you reverse genders and have one woman who sleeps around with five men who are monogamous to her, and she gets pregnant, the father could be any of the five men. And if one of those men is tricked into raising a baby that isn’t his, he’s investing time, money, estate and property to provide for a child that isn’t carrying his DNA into the next generations, a costly mistake from an evolutionary standpoint.

Our two basic primal drives are to survive and to reproduce, and promiscuous women traditionally make it hard for a man to know for sure whether he is truly reproducing or is secretly raising another man’s child. Men stand a lot more to lose from promiscuous women than the other way around. And it’s no picnic for the child to not know who his real father is either. And it’s a mess for the women carrying on the deception as well. Or just look at any random episode of the Maury show if you don’t believe me.

Since the DNA test and the birth control pill didn’t exist until recently, there were no reliable ways to prevent pregnancy or prove parentage for most of human history. For this reason society developed a vested interest in preventing promiscuity among women, and society accomplished this by creating the slut stigma. And even though the creation of birth control and DNA tests have made this less of a risk than the past, longstanding traditions and customs are not easy for society to break so the slut stigma remains.

Third, men have evolutionary reasons to be programmed to sleep around more. A lot of women roll their eyes when they hear that men are “hard-wired” to sleep around. But from an evolutionary standpoint, it makes total sense. If the two primal drives of humans are to survive and to reproduce, nothing leads to maximum reproduction like one man sleeping with multiple women. If one women sleeps with many men in a nine month period, she can only get pregnant just once. Nine months of rampant promiscuity would give the same result as nine months of highly sexed monogamy: one pregnancy. Now if one man sleeps with many women during a nine month period, you can get many pregnancies during that period. The more women he sleeps with, the more possible pregnancies.

So from an evolutionary standpoint, there are concrete advantages to men being promiscuous compared to women being promiscuous. This doesn’t mean that women have evolved to be strictly monogamous. Women have evolved to be somewhat promiscuous too, something men badly underestimate. However they haven’t evolved to be as rampantly promiscuous as men.

Fourth, promiscuity poses more risk to women than to men. A woman has more to lose from choosing bad sex partners than a man does. She’s the one who gets stuck with going through a pregnancy and taking care of a baby alone if she chooses a deadbeat. For this reason, promiscuous women throughout history have historically been viewed as being a vastly more irresponsible risk takers than promiscuous men, who rightly or wrongly could always run away from the consequences of unwanted pregnancies easier than women could.

These four reasons explain why the longstanding tradition came about of men being rewarded for multiple partners while women get socially punished for similar promiscuity. Of course all this is gradually changing, but we’re up against millenia of evolutionary and cultural conditioning here, so don’t expect any dramatic overnight reversals.

Understand that I’m just explaining why the double standard came into existence and not condoning or condemning it. This is not an attempt to pass judgment or be self-righteous in any way. It’s just an explanation of why the two conditions are treated differently.


You are rude as shit, a piercing doesn’t make u “slutty”. God also says not to judge dumbazz


Why do you do this to yourself? That is highly disrespectful. You don’t know, maybe your the fucking sluts!?!?!? YOU’RE NOT GOD!!!!!! DON’T YOU DARE SAY THAT PEOPLE ARE SLUTS BECAUSE THEY ARE WHO THEY ARE. You’re so obsessed with god, that you’re putting yourself over God and treating yourself as if you’re God. What is your problem? Maybe just get a life, people can have piercings, tattoos, different colored hair, we’re all the same. They can all worship God, and all you have to worry about is trusting Jesus into bring you into Heaven. You don’t go off and say that to people. You can end up hurting someone so badly, maybe killing themselves. And it would b all your fault because you’re a fucking dumbass. Go to hell for saying that!!!! Bitches, im tired of people like you. You ruined my life and made someone murder some of my family. It’s all your fucking fault. Go to hell, please!!!!


Guess what bitches. People who have piercings aren’t fucking sluts. We think it’s a cute little trend or what ever. You don’t fucking say that a teenager is a slut until they had sex under marriage. GO TO FUCKING HELL YOU PIECES OF SHIT WITH NO LIFE.


You don’t fucking say that a teenager is a slut until they had sex under marriage.

So after “sex under marriage” calling teenagers sluts is okay I guess.

Minche Cotenian

Usted ha hecho mi hija se suicidó! El hecho de que ella tenía un piercing en el ombligo. Llamé a mi abogado y yo soy capaz de presentar una demanda en la que por 150.000 dollats de angustia emocional. ¡Perra! El hecho de que eran la perra banda geek en la secundaria que ningún hombre va a querer hasta la fecha no es mi culpa. Y no es culpa mía que estás a punto cincuenta y seis años de edad y todavía virgen, cuando mi hija no era virgen, a la edad de diez años. Eso es porque soy una madre fría y su novio la quería! Usted culo tonto. Mierda cabeza. Maldita sea. Vete a la mierda. Vete a la mierda. Vete a la mierda. Vete a la mierda. Vete a la mierda. Nadie te quiere en el cielo. El diablo me llamó anoche y me dijo que asswhole se quemará en el infierno.


okay soo i was looking up new belly rings on google &came across this &waisted two hours reading this dumb fucking shit but its funny as fuck foreal al you pircing , sex hating motherfuckers im the type of person to tell people the good way to live in my opinion &i just had to post this bc reading this dumb shit is annoyong &dum heres the way i think &percings are absoloutly fine &so are tattoos love them both there amazing but the way i think about it id rather a pircing then a tatoo bc pircings close up &go away tattoos dont go away i mean &as far as people seying if god wanted holes in ur body hed put them there okay well god made us naked when were born so dose that mean were soposed to walk around naked bc if thas the case id b more then happy too walk around naked &as far as sex goese i think its okay to start having sex at lets sey like 14 AS LONG AS YOU UNDERSTAND TO STAY PROTECTED COMPLEATLY FROM stds & getting a bitch knockd up &as long as you dont have these lil cum guzzing whores fucking every guy in the univrse in one week its okay ya know if ur ready &al i think its fine like alot people expecialy dads think that if there daughter has sex then they are getting hurt like wtf kinda shits that sex is one of the best feelings in the world &no im not a slut iv only fucked one guy me whole life &im still with that same guy 7 yrs later i have alot of other points but ima leave it at that evey body needs to chill the fuck out so get drunk or go smoke some happy grains


I?m not that much of a online reader to be honest but your sites
really nice, keep it up! I’ll go ahead and bookmark your website to come back down the road. All the best


God this website is ridiculous! Just cause someone has a piercing doesn’t mean shit. I’m about to Pierce my belly button, and I have my tongue pierced. That doesn’t mean anything either. Except, I guess I’m a huge “slut” Ohh well! They make certain things better! 😉


I stand by the proposition that all pierces are crazy sluts and muslim and communist too. IT’S IN THE BIBLE.


You ppl are nuts… believe in what you wanna believe, but jeez… keep it for ur self will ya? n’ minda ya own Goddamn business… it’s the 21th century u dumb fuckin’ hebies


There are actually a whole lot of particulars like that to take into consideration. That is a great level to carry up. I offer the ideas above as basic inspiration however clearly there are questions like the one you carry up where crucial thing shall be working in sincere good faith. I don?t know if greatest practices have emerged around issues like that, but I’m sure that your job is clearly identified as a good game. Both girls and boys feel the impact of just a second’s pleasure, for the remainder of their lives.


This is obviously a joke. You’re all taking thus too seriously.


Animals detect pheromones greater than a distance – they help them line neighbourhood and remember mates. Pheromone products large contain one or all of the following human pheromones: Androstenone – the pheromone that gives a macho, predominant spear aura. It attracts and arouses women on a primordial uniform and women reported having better and stronger orgasm during sex.

i was reading this


God loves you not for what you look like but for who you are , we are all different it’s what makes us unique ! This post/blog (whatever) is way too literal on the interpretation of the bible , the bibles main message overall to me is love, the love that god has for everyone , short/tall, blue eyes / brown eyes , pierced/not pierced! I’m not meaning this as an insult but if somebody who is on the edge of whether they believe in god or not came on to this site and saw this they would run, because it may come off a little extreme especially in today which has changed soo much! Don’t call people sluts just because they got pierced, in reality you are the one who is sinning , from my perspective god teaches us to love each other .. Calling women sluts is derogatory and totally unnecessary.


If she wants a belly button pierces that probably means she will turn 18 in a few years so telling her not to will no nothing she will turn 18 and do it and she will most likely not die alone she will find a nice guy with more relaxed morals just calm down there are far worse things she could do


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