BARBARian Booze Up 2N1TE!!!!1! Sadlynaughts R GO!

At Zeitgeist, San Francisco, starts — 6:30pm, ends — conclusion of third Obama State of the Union Address. More details here.

Update: Starts — 6:30pm, ends — conclusion of post SOU cable news gabfest following third Obama State of the Union Address


Comments: 67


Can somebody tell Teh Editors and Sifu Tweety?


The fact is, you liberals suck.


You mean post it on their blog, D.A.?

I could do that…wish I could go, but I need to be at work tomorrow AM in good old Columbus, OH.


Exactly Gary, which is why I’d never pay for a republican hooker.


They might already be going … they’ve been to them in the past.


ends — conclusion of post SOU cable news gabfest following third Obama State of the Union Address…

Wow, if it runs for 8 years, I might even be able to make it.


The fact is, you liberals need to stop being faggots and supporting them. Joe the Plumber is a real American in the Heartland, and you are all fakes.


I’ll be getting blotto in Vermont in support of your efforts to get blotto in San Fran. You cosmopolitan fuckers have all the fun. I can haz citi job now?

This is just begging for an appropriate caption, or some photoshop action.


have one for me, and one for Kathleen-in-utero, DA. And give us more warning next time!!!


The way things are here right now, it wouldn’t take much to make me jump in the car, drive to the airport, buy a ticket, and head on out there. Even with the time difference, perfect connections, and a quick cab ride from the airport, I doubt I could get there much before midnight your time. I’d really have to slam the drinks in order to catch up. Unless I flew first class . . . hmmmm . . . how much room is left on the credit card, I wonder.

Must …resist ….temptation!


Talked to three Canadians today who think Obama may be a terrorist. They also think Palin is a competitor for Biden. They also supported Hillary. Now they support McCain. I’m frickin’ stumped.

Plus one…an educated person…said that liberal/lefty commenters on blog threads are being paid by political parties. I asked about the right wing commenters but he thinks they are few and far between so they’re just regular folks.

And you think you know people. (And you think you wanna know until you know, and then you don’t want to know anymore.)


This is just begging for an appropriate caption
McCain is pandering shamelessly to Hindu voters.


said that liberal/lefty commenters on blog threads are being paid by political parties.

Um . . . I want to know where the hell is my moonbat welfare? Somebody get Soros on the phone!


Dammit, I’m just not willing to sit in the 880 traffic to get to the city right now.

If it was a weekend, I’da gone in a heartbeat, but when I got to zeitgeist after sitting in creeping traffic for an hour and a half, then tried to find street parking on valencia street, I’d probably be unpleasant company…


Rugged in Montana

The way things are here right now, it wouldn’t take much to make me jump in the car, drive to the airport, buy a ticket, and head on out there.

Aww, forget that Candy, we’re having a meet’n greet for Republican furries at the Blood Clot Bar in beautiful downtown Butte, at the same time. And we’ve got ‘shrooms!


They also think Palin is a competitor for Biden.
The technical term for a Sarah Palin supporter is ‘SPigot’.
If it isn’t, it should be.


we’re having a meet’n greet for Republican furries
Are you dressed as squirrels?


if i were there, i’d buy.

but i would say that, wouldn’t i?


cuz that will definitely feature drinks on me. i suggest out doors at the hungry cat.


I’m virtually drinking with you fancy-schmancy coastal liebruals, stuck as I am down here in the Glorious Border State™ as always.

Candy: Where you at? I think somewhere betwixt “Teh Heartland” and “Teh Southland” would be an ideal place to sponsor a S,N! post-election celebration. Who’s up for that? Anyone? Anyone?

Rugged in Montana

Are you dressed as squirrels?

Yeah, there are a couple of squirrels, I mean, to each his own, right? Personally, I can’t see it. Then again, I fur up as a badger.


I’m right in the heart of teh heartland in Des Moines, otherwise known as the People’s Republic of Iowa.

I am totally up for that, MzNicky.


Rugged, on the show My Name is Earl, I’m told there is a woman character who was attacked by a badger!

Jeez am I running late. All I ever do is hit’n run these days. Gotta fly.


Holy motherfucking shit is right.

The image is worth seeing.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

ThinkProgress has a picture. It’s pretty bad.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Too slow by half.


mikey: Hey, I’m in teh nickel-dime too.


Um . . . I want to know where the hell is my moonbat welfare? Somebody get Soros on the phone!

Moonbat #3656-T-9342 AKA Candy,

It is not necessary to get me on the phone for I see all. You haven’t received your moonbat welfare check for the 3rd quarter because my records show you did not meet the following commenting requirements:

1. Did not declare “the stupid, it burns!” often enough if at all.

2. Did not huffily criticize proprietors of this blog for directing traffic to some random wingnut who would be best ignored and left in well deserved obscurity. In order to fulfill the requirements of this category it is also necessary to make reference to ad revenue said wingnut will realize as result of linkage.

3. Did not issue impassioned directives to blog proprietors to cover the really important issues as you perceive them.

4. Woefully insufficient # of “FTW” declarations for comments that weren’t really all that funny, truth be told.

5. Most egregiously, insufficient commitment to offering up absolutely insane strategic and/or tactical political advice for the Obama campaign based on a sense of panic over momentary polling setbacks.

Despite these failings, a Q4 recommitment to your responsibilities and the fundemental principles of moonbat blog commenting will make it possible for you to earn a tidy little War on Christmas bonus that will allow you to attend the next sloppy, drunken, SN orgy.


And the woman who designed it said she meant it “to represent food, nothing else. I’m not a racist. I’m a German Jew whose (grandparents) had to leave Germany. Why would I be racist?”

Because you’re an ignorant dipshit like other racists?

And she just happened to pick, by accident, at random, watermelon, ribs, and fried chicken not knowing anything about the association.

Rugged in Montana

Rugged, on the show My Name is Earl, I’m told there is a woman character who was attacked by a badger!

Well, I’ve been trying to warn people of the dangers of badgers for a long while now, haven’t I? Still, that has nothing to do with my own particular fetish, which is built around…well…it’s complicated, ok?

Anyway, all you LIEbral commies are welcome to attend, if you get lost, just ask any random Butte-ock on the street and they’ll tell you where the Blood Clot is.


Actually, I’m in the 420-12 kinda zone, where we exhale BEFORE we inhale, and any motherfuckin path you take, 880, 280 or even that bastard child of a road, designed by people who had read about roads but had never actually SEEN one, 101, going into The City at this point on a workday better involve life and death, is all I’m saying…



Why the Kool-aid? I thought that the stereotypical black people beverages were grape soda and malt liquor.


Y’got yer Upton, yer Pena and yer Longoria.

Honest to gawd now, what hte HELL else do you really need?

G’night, Irene…



I thought that the stereotypical black people beverages were grape soda and malt liquor.

Nope. Mutherfuckin’ ice tea.


George Soros said,

October 17, 2008 at 3:02

Um . . . I want to know where the hell is my moonbat welfare? Somebody get Soros on the phone!

Moonbat #3656-T-9342 AKA Candy,

It is not necessary to get me on the phone for I see all. You haven’t received your moonbat welfare check for the 3rd quarter because my records show you did not meet the following commenting requirements:

2. Did not huffily criticize proprietors of this blog for directing traffic to some random wingnut who would be best ignored and left in well deserved obscurity. In order to fulfill the requirements of this category it is also necessary to make reference to ad revenue said wingnut will realize as result of linkage.

George Soros IS Norbizness?

It all makes sense, now.


George Soros = Norbizness = The Left

Nothing more needs be said.

I am also officially offering to host an S,N! gathering in Honolulu, as long as people are looking at flying a long way, why not Hawaii?


John Cole:

According to everything I have read and everything the talking heads on my television have said, last night was John McCain’s best performance, but that Obama committed no gaffes, held his own, and then finished strong. I have to say at that I am relieved that McCain had a better night, as there is still a chance that he could pull it out and win. Anything can happen, and it would be nice to think that if Obama does lose, the next administration would not be a total disaster.

I guess it ain’t easy to leave one’s roots after all.


I have to say at that I am relieved that McCain had a better night, as there is still a chance that he could pull it out and win.

D00d still doesn’t get safe sex?


The Washington Post has endorsed Obama.


According to everything I have read and everything the talking heads on my television have said….

…the next administration would not be a total disaster.

Sarcasm, no?


Sarcasm, no?

If so, it’s understated enough to fly right under my radar.

Might be a relapse.


Actually, the full Cole quote is a bit more sensible:

Anything can happen, and it would be nice to think that if Obama does lose, the next administration would not be a total disaster.


Sarcasm, no?



I’d like someone to describe how a McCain/Palin administration wouldn’t be a total disaster compounded by the catastrophic mess left by the Bush administration.

McCain’s ‘plan’: contracting more government to the private sector “but with oversight this time, I promise”, staying in Iraq for 100 years, reducing taxes for the richest people, overturning Roe vs Wade.

Past that he’d probably croak and Christy Palin would inherit the presidency.


So, Barack Obama and John McCain walk into a bar the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner.

And Barack says:

You know, my first name is actually Swahili for “That one.” And my middle name was given to me by someone who never thought I’d be runnig for President. . . . . Contrary to the rumors swirling around about me, I was NOT born in a manger. I was born on the planet Krypton . . .

But seriously, folks . . . . Maddow had portions of the C-SPAN broadcast live during her show. C-SPAN video not up yet, but should appear here shortly:


BTW – that Obama dude can bring the funny.


Despite these failings, a Q4 recommitment to your responsibilities and the fundemental principles of moonbat blog commenting will make it possible for you to earn a tidy little War on Christmas bonus that will allow you to attend the next sloppy, drunken, SN orgy.

Lord Soros, I am not worthy. I will study all the points you made and double down on my efforts to, er, badger the Sadly hosts into doing thy wise bidding. All hail Lord Soros!


Nope. Mutherfuckin’ ice tea.

Ahem. That’s Ice T.


Sarcasm, no?


Well, I’ll be…

My bad. I hadn’t gone over there and seen that ‘On the other hand…’.

Strange dude. Doesn’t he regularly call out the media for being dumb, sheeplike and equivocating?

Hence my benefit of the doubt.


The next time I hear someone start with the “could Obama be a terrorist? mumbo jumbo, I’m going to pull an Alvy Singer.

Duane: Can i confess something?… Sometimes when I’m driving on the road at night, I see two Barrack Obama’s coming toward me. Fast. I have this sudden impulse to turn the wheel quickly and head on into the oncoming car. I can anticipate the explosion, the sound of shattering glass, the flames rising out of the flowing gasoline.

Alvy: Right. I have to go now Duane, because I’m due back on the planet earth.


Aww, forget that Candy, we’re having a meet’n greet for Republican furries at the Blood Clot Bar in beautiful downtown Butte, at the same time. And we’ve got ’shrooms!

Rugged, you are a fine upstanding exmaple of your kind. Thank you for the invite, and watch out for effin’ badgers. I’ve heard tell some of them pretend to be Republican furries and then . . . well . . . I’ll leave that up to your imagination.


Drooling lynch mobs poisoning the political process got you feeling a little down?

Try some campaign cheer.


Candy: Iowa works for me.

C’mon Sadlys! This will be HISTORIC!! Let’s do it! If’n I can traverse that far northwise, you guyz can traverse that far eastwise and westwise.

BTW: Talk about yer cognitive dissonance. I just watched FOX NEWS’s coverage of Obama and McLame’s appearances at the Al Smith (?) event. They were both congenial to each other and funny and awesome. No other outlet that I surfed to had anything about it. Go figure.


Robert Green asks, pleads–


I’m in. Thoughts?


MzNicky, Tennessee declared October Elephant Awareness Month. 🙂

Not exactly resonant with shooting wildlife from helicopters.


Lesley: We don’t call it Teh Glorious Border State™ for nothin’, bitch! 🙂


dammit. fer some reason it won’t link to the Hohenwald refuge. I blame Bush.


ewwwtoob of Obama roasting McCain up at Teh Great Orange Satan:


I *heart* Tennesse, and yeah the site was down. No longer though 🙂

Best video ever is Misty being released from Quarantine. I call her “Plumpkin.” She was enslaved by the circus industry between 1965 and 2004, she lost her best friend, Lota, to TB (inflicted while in the circus), but she perseveres and is the happiest elephant. (Lota had three months of joy and freedom at the Sanctuary until she succumbed to her illness). The sanctuary vet said he’d look deep into her big sad eyes and just bawl.


Looks like some radio jackass picked up the Obama “O” flag story!


are you fucks all too drunk to post or what?


i hope it’s a wonderful sadly evening! next time let us know a little sooner, if you please…mikey, we can meet at bart and you can skip the driving altogether. it will be awesome!


Um, I thought the next one of these was going to be on the REAL side of the bay. The one that doesn’t get isolated from the mainland when the BART stops at midnight.


(comments are closed)