More Choice Swankery

I’ll stop writing about the Swanksta when he stops giving me ripe material. But until then, here’s a round-up of Pastor Joseph Grant Swank’s writings for the past week:

First, Pastor Swank takes issue with Bill Clinton’s belief that Pope John Paul II will have a mixed legacy (i.e., his fight against Communism was good, but ignoring widespread pedophilia in the priesthood was bad):

J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Clinton’s legacy? The Thong!

Clinton’s legacy? Backslidden Southern Baptist!

Clinton’s legacy? Religious hypocrite!

Clinton’s legacy? Sleaze in the Oval Office!

Clinton’s legacy? Baby killer supporter!

Clinton’s legacy? Homosexual lifestyle endorser!

Clinton’s legacy? Doublespeak to the max!

I dunno, I think that’s a pretty cool legacy. In fact, I’d like my gravestone to read:

“Brad R.: Religious hypocrite, homosexual lifestyle endorser. The Thong!”

Anyway, Pastor Swank bitches about Clinton being a murderer and a rapist for about five pages before he plays his “You’re going to Hell!” trump card:

Clinton has much in the way of soul repair prior to his appearance before the One who proclaimed Himself the Way, the Truth, the Life. When Clinton faces the great white light of Truth Christ, may he have confessed his tawdry earthly witness, repented of his evil ways, and clung humbly to the forgiving, bloody cloak of Savior Christ.

Though Jesus better watch out- I hear Clinton likes to feign penance while moving in for a cheap feel.

Next, Pastor Swank tells us about an inmate he used to see at a prison he worked at who would play with children visiting their incarcerated parents:

In one corner of the visitors’ room was an inmate wearing a T-shirt. On it were large letters reading SESAME STREET.

I said to the fellow I was visiting: “How quaint. Is that man paid something for overseeing the children in that corner over there?”

The corner was filled with castoff toys. No doubt they had been contributed to the prison just as persons contribute toys to the Salvation Army. So a play area was made for them and the large, hulky male taking charge.

And as we all know, nothing turns Pastor Swank on more than being taken charge by large, hulky males.

How pleasant. Just like daddy on the outside going to playground with offspring for an afternoon on swings and see-saw.

Well, not exactly, but we could use our imagines. And in prison using one’s imagine goes on a lot on a variety of themes.

And since Pastor Swank’s imagine is always running wild with demons and hulky men, he knows what he’s talking about.

The next time I visited the murderer, I could not help but note that the SESAME STREET T-shirt and hulk were missing.

OK, that’s the greatest sentence in the history of the English language right there. I should quit my writing career right now, because I’ll never be good enough to write anything as good as, “The next time I visited the murderer, I could not help but note that the SESAME STREET T-shirt and hulk were missing.”

Pastor Swank also has advice for the newly wedded Royal Couple. I’m not gonna excerpt the column here, but the title is priceless: “SWALLOW HARD AND FORGIVE: CHARLES AND CAMILLA.”

Finally, Pastor Swank tells us about his anxiety over the Pope’s successor:

Evangelicals frankly don?t know what to do with the recent death of Pope John Paul II. They are having the theological shakes and one can’t blame them.

After all, the large percentage of evangelicals are attuned to biblical prophecy. They at least know the broad outlines. Many know the fine lines.

Therefore, they are particularly aware of Revelation 13 in which symbolically there is pictured the false prophet. He rules with an antiChrist. The former is a demon possessed religious leader. The latter is the demon possessed political leader. Their charisma encircles the entire globe ? all peoples, languages and tribes, to use the language of Scripture.

So if Pastor Swank is to be believed, evangelical Christians are scared to death that the Vatican might elect a demon-possessed Cardinal as the next pope.

Really, I don’t know why right-wing evangelicals don’t get more respect from the mainstream press. It’s probably because reporters are all demon-possessed too…

Therefore, these evangelicals hold the prophetic time line to the present moment mainly. They say this: The Pope was a man who was on our evangelical side on moral issues. He held to biblical doctrinal basics just as evangelicals do.

Therefore, we have to stick together in these confusing times with any semblance of the righteous remnant. Consequently, we will laud the Pope for what he means to us evangelicals according to the aforementioned.

However, these same evangelicals, attuned to prophecy, hold in balance the future. They are not sure if the next Pope will in fact be the false prophet; maybe he will turn against his own believing community and play the part of the devil’s man. If so, we are all in for big trouble.

So if the New Pope takes Bill Clinton’s advice and changes church doctrine to allow priests to marry, he’s likely working for Satan, because taking action to attract more non-child-molesting men to the priesthood is clearly against God’s will.

You guys taking notes on this?


Comments: 15


With his (commercially unsuccessful) “New Pope” article, Pastor Swank reveals himself to be a member of an ages-old secret organization that has the sole purpose of comparing current events and persons to those in Revelations: the Curious Cabal of Chicken Little Christians. It appears that Swank is vying for the coveted office of Wielder of the Broad Brush of Misunderstood Prophecy.


Aw, Tish and Tosh.

We all know the False Prophet and the AntiChrist are Bush & Rove. And I’d like to prove that mathemagically, if I may:

The words Bush and Rove each have 4 letters, to which you must add 2 (there are two of them). The result is 6! There are 6 letters in George! If you count the letters in Carl Rove and subtract 2 (you must, because this is the SECOND time the name is used) you get …6! The Number of the Beast! 666! AAAAUGH!


OK, that’s the greatest sentence in the history of the English language right there. I should quit my writing career right now…

Brad, you are right. Swank-top is a master of language. I’ve never heard the word “Backslidden” in my life and haven’t heard “to the max” in at least 15 years.

Also, whats up with superhappyfunblog? Are you letting it die alone in the cold now that you’re getting famous at S,N!? Or is the server just down?

Also also, have you ever seen any of Swank’s poetry?


“Also, whats up with superhappyfunblog? Are you letting it die alone in the cold now that you’re getting famous at S,N!? Or is the server just down?”

Hemlock- my free trial with Typepad is up. Now that I have S,N! I’d rather just blog here than actually, you know, PAY anyone 😉


“And in prison using one’s imagine goes on a lot on a variety of themes.”

As a wiser man than me once said…

“You don’t know what words MEAN do you?”


When Clinton faces the great white light of Truth Christ, may he have confessed his tawdry earthly witness, repented of his evil ways, and clung humbly to the forgiving, bloody cloak of Savior Christ.

Don’t mess with the Christ Brothers. One shines that light in your face, and the other one has a cloak full of blood! It’s kind of like highway troopers at an accident scene. The accident FROM HELL!

I said to the fellow I was visiting: “How quaint. Is that man paid something for overseeing the children in that corner over there?” […] The corner was filled with castoff toys.

Um, Pastor Magoo, those are dolls, not children.


When Clinton faces the great white light of Truth Christ, may he have confessed his tawdry earthly witness, repented of his evil ways, and clung humbly to the forgiving, bloody cloak of Savior Christ.

What is it with Clinton and (literally) dirty laundry? Get the poor man a couple of scoops of OxyClean.

Hysterical Woman

Clinton’s Legacy? Peace and ecomomic prosperity! I mean, hanky-panky!


“So if the New Pope takes Bill Clinton’s advice and changes church doctrine to allow priests to marry, he’s likely working for Satan, because taking action to attract more non-child-molesting men to the priesthood is clearly against God’s will.”

Can we just clarify? Just because a man gets married doesn’t mean he is any less likely to molest children. Men don’t molest children becuase they’re denied sex (i.e. priests), men and women molest children because they’re seriously fucked up in the head. There happens to be a (relatively) high percentage of priests that are child molesters because it’s the perfect place for a molester to meet children and earn their confidence. Plus they get more press since they’re supposed to be all holy and shit.

Just wanted to clairify. Lots of married men (and women) molest children all the time.


Can we just clarify? Just because a man gets married doesn’t mean he is any less likely to molest children.

Right, but what I mean is a lotta men shy away from becoming priests in the church because they can’t get married. This is what Clinton meant when he said the Pope enforced very conservative theological donctrine that left the church with a let loss of priests over his reign.

If the church let their priests marry, it’d give them a broader selection of people to choose from and would make weeding out bad apples (rather than just, say, transferring them to another parish) a lot easier.


Should I delete super happy whatever the fuck from my bookmarks?



Behind the Curtain

Therefore, these evangelicals hold the prophetic time line to the present moment mainly. They say this: The Pope was a man who was on our evangelical side on moral issues. He held to biblical doctrinal basics just as evangelicals do.

The same evangelicals who claim Catholics aren’t Christian? The same anti-Semites who suddenly support Israel because it fulfills their skewed interpretation of the End Times? Any wonder I so detest these fucking hypocrites?


I wish that all these fake Christians would shut the fuck up about Catholicism. We’re the original. The rest of you are sad, stupid, fucked up quitters and liars. So shut the fuck up.



oh yeah, Catholics can say fuck, too! and drink and gamble (bingo!), and dance. We can fuck as long as we don’t use a condom. Except me, because I’m the


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