We Demand A Correction, Etc.
It’s been a day since our avatar of fact-checking and investigative ‘citizen journalism,’ Mr. Confederate Yankee, was fooled by a totally fake, made-up, and does-not-even-exist news service into publishing this.
It’s been about half a day since we pointed that out to him, both here and in a polite comment on his site — which he deleted, failing to make any correction at all to the story, and so on down the exact line of behaviors that he routinely and without irony accuses the ‘liberal MSM’ of doing when they print something that contradicts the unbiased reporting of Republican dupes, quasi-fascist Internet cranks, and screaming talk radio hosts.
Anyway, that was half a day ago, so it’s about time for another flaming catastrophe, chez Yankee. Let’s see what he’s gotten himself into this morning.
Secret Service: Media Claim of “Kill Him” Unfounded
Don’t have any proof of rage-filled bigots at McCain-Palin speeches, even though you just know in your shriveled little heart that they have to be there?
Never fear. You can always just make it up.
The agent in charge of the Secret Service field office in Scranton said allegations that someone yelled “kill him” when presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s name was mentioned during Tuesday’s Sarah Palin rally are unfounded.
Unfortunately, many also know in their shriveled hearts that the notorious, original “kill him” incident, as reported by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post, happened on Monday, October 6, in Clearwater, Florida.*
Confederate Yankee must do what is right and resign the editorship of Confederate Yankee. We await his urgent reply, etc.
* Update for the purpose of clarification: There have been two distinct incidents in which a McCain/Palin supporter allegedly shouted “kill him,” allegedly in reference to Barack Obama.
Bob Owens is dumber’n a bag of hammers.
I’m grilling some big pork chops Friday night. Mmmm.
Hey Folks I think Bob’s got us.
Somebody somewhere didn’t say it so nobody everywhere didn’t hear it.
Just because a thing I thought I heard wasn’t really said doesn’t mean that the thing couldn’t have been said so I didn’t hear it.
Damn banjos in my head again.
Speaking of the liberal MSM:
They even got FOX News.
supporting a fake president, reporting fake news, makes bob a swill guy
So let me get this straight: Cornfed takes a story that was likely made up on a blog that probably is based in, ohhhhhhhhhhh, Kentucky, as opposed to Kenya, and makes up even more shit about it?
And then, not content with that little bit of Internet performance art, he invents yet another story to deflect a story that he didn’t even respond to in the first place?
Wow. I need my Dramamine just to keep up!
I can understand how Cornfed wanted to keep the door open on the chance that the interview was real. After all, it wasn’t written in broken English, and didn’t sound exactly like every Nigerian scam email I’ve ever received. I can totally see Michelle Obama saying things like, “All dirt has been thrown on my husband’s face.”
You really can’t blame the guy for keeping an open mind here.
Actually, TIDOSY may be right. Check the story on Talking Points Memo.
He MAY be right on the “kill him.” He’s still the same old 14 K fool on the API “story”
CY’s point appears to be that it has never happened based on this particular incident, and that’s false.
The “IT” being rage-filled bigots yelling stupid things.
The McCain campaign says they don’t condone it, they don’t want to see it happen, but it’s happening more and more every day.
Rouse the rabble, fire up the mouth-breathers, the hate-radio listeners, the ignorant knuckledraggers, the bigots and the racists and the blind ragers; rile ’em all up with inflammatory rhetoric about “palling around with terrorists” and class code-words like “eloquent” and “elitist”; then when calls for “kill him” and “off with his head” and “traitor” inevitably rise from the crowd, stand back and say you “don’t condone” it. Classic demagoguery at work, and the Rethugs are SO good at it. Except that now, just about anyone with a triple-digit IQ is onto them, and they’ve got nothing left. Nothing. How about that.
Well, it may not be true this time, but doesn’t the fact that I believed the story – and the fact that it actually did happen previously – tell you something?
Well, maybe there wasn’t someone yelling “Kill Him” the second time – but then again maybe there was:
Actually, TIDOSY may be right.
Newp. His post suggests it never happened. Which suggests he doesn’t understand that it was claimed to happen at two different rallies. The secret service investigation isn’t finding evidence that it didn’t happen at the second rally.
How can we question the hearing of Republican Secret Service folk? I mean, come on, they were clearly saying “Senator Obama is near”.
OK, I misread the TPM story. I blame lack of caffeine…. My bad. carry on.
Except that now, just about anyone with a triple-digit IQ is onto them, and they’ve got nothing left. Nothing. How about that.
If 100 is the average IQ, about half the country isn’t in the triple digits. I suspect that the density of two-or-fewer-digiters is higher than average at those rallies, too.
Sad, innit?
You so silly. Republicans don’t resign because of incompetence, they get promoted.
“Except that now, just about anyone with a triple-digit IQ is onto them, and they’ve got nothing left. Nothing. How about that.”
Like the kids say, “it’s all over except for the crying.” And there’s gonna be A LOT of crying. Loud crying.
Just as Sarah Palin was coached before her debate, John McCain prepared by carefully studying debates from previous campaigns.
‘He’s as crooked as a warped shillelagh!’
Anyone care to bring me up to speed on what TIDOSY stands for (besides ‘blindingly stupid’)?
Treason-In-Defense-Of-Slavery Yankee
Treason In Defense Of Slavery Yankee.
Willy, TIDOSY = Treason in Defense of Slavery Yankee
And there’s gonna be A LOT of crying. Loud crying.
Oh, I dunno, these folks seem to be pretty gracious losers. I mean, you never hear anything against the New Deal or the War of Northern Aggression anymore.
TIDOSY = Transom Investigations & Distribution Of Stupid Yakshit
Eep. Owens is like the Bruce Lee of Fail-Fu.
Does he ever NOT screw up?
Memo To CY: People have screen-capture software now. The “Delete” key cannot save you.
(PROTIP – if postscripts entitled “Correction” or “Errata” are quickly becoming the norm on your blog, you’re probably Doing It Wrong.)
When I saw the link to the Wilkes-Barre Times-Leader, saying that the SS couldn’t find any evidence of shouts of “Kill him!”, I just had to laugh.
The Times-Leader should be celebrating its 30th anniversary this month as becoming an official scab newspaper. 30 years ago, Capital Cities (long before it punchased ABC, then was swallowed by Disney) bought the paper, and then tried to break a strike with barbed-wire fences, surveillance cameras, and Pinkerton agents. The strikers started The Citizens’ Voice, which is now owned by the same newspaper group (Shamrock Communications, owners of the Times/Tribune) that reported the shout. There has been bitter feelings between both papers ever since.
Whereas The Citzens’ Voice has always been more of a “Scoop Jackson Democrat” type of local rag (love the unions, hate the commies), the Times-Leader has been at the forefront of the right-wing takeover of local news. There are still bitter rivalries between the papers to this day, reflecting how they both cover the news. But at least the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre region is still a legitimate two-newspaper town.
Don’t youse guys know yer NEPA history? Haina?
Clearly, the Wanker has not heard something someone said that wasn’t there, therefore it *might* have not occured!
Now I can haz law perfessership in Wisconsin?
OT again.
Wow. This latest ad is some slick.
Choice cutting. Snarky narrator. All done overnight.
Poor little feller. Why won’t the referee stop this bloodbath?
This is in his latest story:
First off, the fact that he didn’t do this previously tells me that he was willing to tar an entire staff of reporters because of what he perceives as one person’s bias (or error).
That’s sort of like calling the New York Times a gaffe-filled conservative rag based solely on the columns of Bill Kris–
Oh. Um, maybe he has a point…
Wow. This latest ad is some slick.
Choice cutting. Snarky narrator. All done overnight.
C’mon, John, give us some tongue like you mean it!
Al Austin, a GOP fundraiser in the Tampa area, sent out a My Right-Wing Dad-type email yesterday.
Later he said sent it without reading it.
he said he sent it
They weren’t yelling “Kill him”, they were yelling “Boourns”.
I hate to defend the Wanker, but
1. The exclamation was heard at both the Clearwater rally and the Scranton rally. The Clearwater incident was reported by Milbank, while the Scranton incident was reported by David Singleton of the Scranton-Time tribune.
2. The Secret Service has now investigated both claims. They went through the tapes on the Clearwater rally and were supposedly in the audience at the Scranton one.
3. In both cases they claim that they have no evidence of anyone yelling “kill him”. The Clearwater one is really close (the Secret Service says the tapes sound more like “tell him” than “kill him”), but even then, few people think that one was directed to Obama. It was likely intended for Ayres.
With all that said CYs claim that people are making stuff up is pretty strong for no evidence. But the snark is not on Sadly No’s side in this case.
The relevant sentence:
Yes, there is proof.
The Clearwater one is really close (the Secret Service says the tapes sound more like “tell him” than “kill him”), but even then, few people think that one was directed to Obama. It was likely intended for Ayres.
Yeah, I think you’re full of shit.
“Few” people think it was directed at Obama? Like fuck.
On the Clearwater incident, note the spokesperson’s phrasing:
With all that said CYs claim that people are making stuff up is pretty strong for no evidence.
Well, except for the fact that it’s repeating eyewitness reports: the witnesses may have misheard, but nobody reporting what real people actually said they heard can be said to be “making stuff up.”
In this video, you can clearly hear a man yell “Kill that fuckin prick”, it starts at 0:13
Malkin’s making the same claim: nobody can confirm ‘Kill Him’ remark.
Go to it fellas.
We Demand A Correction, Etc.
Start with more attainable goals, that’s what I recommend.
Like “We demand a shitstorm of incoherent, dignity-free screaming.”
I was just downstairs in the lobby and clearly did not hear someone not saying “Teh Wankee’s tongue is buried deep in McCain’s fundament.”
Perforce, it must be true.
Of course if the Secret Service asks the McCain campaign “did someone here yell ‘kill him!'” what’s the campaign going to say expect “nope, uh-uh, no sir.”
And yes, I do think the Secret Service takes their job very seriously and I don’t doubt they’ll do their best to protect Senator Obama (hopefully soon to be PRESIDENT OBAMA). But frankly, I don’t think some fool yelling “kill him” at a McCain/Palin rally is at their top of their lists of threats.
expect=except. sheesh.
Damn, that is one fine, fast piece of work in that ad. I would like to know where that final clip, of McCain saying he voted 90% with Bush, came from.
Is there a slaughter rule in political campaigns?
Peej, are you saying TIDOSY was ‘tongue-jacking McCain’s shitbox’?
Because that phrase can’t be used enough.
Also, Teh Buttocks.
Peej, are you saying TIDOSY was ‘tongue-jacking McCain’s shitbox’?
No, what I meant to say was “the Cornfed Wankee is tongue-jacking McCain’s shitbox.” So, no I was not saying TIDOSY was tongue-jacking McCain’s shitbox.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
PS – @Intrade Obama 86 (+3.4) McCain 14.8 (-3)
Also, poop.
“I would like to know where that final clip, of McCain saying he voted 90% with Bush, came from.”
Didn’t he say that during one of those ghastly Republican primary debates when he was courting the wingnut vote? It seems like 118 years ago, but that’s what I seem to recall.
Ah but Willy, “Kill that fucking prick” isn’t the same as “Kill him” now is it? Totally, totally different.
Joe Klein wrote something fairly decent today.
I have a few quibbles, down around comment 121ish, but give credit where it’s due.
Then, if I understand the thrust of these events, the Secret Service investigated McCain’s Shitbox in Scranton and in Clearwater. In Scranton, they found no evidence of Toungejacking, but in Clearwater they could not rule out the possibility that McCain’s Shitbox had actually been Toungejacked.
As possible evidence in further investigations and any possible criminal action, the Spokesman for the Secret Service announced that they were going to have to seize McCain’s Buttocks in order to determine the extent of the Toungejacking.
Ahh. American Law Enforcement at it’s finest…
Spellchecker seems to think the phrase should be “Hijacking McCain’s Shinbone”…
D-K Wang:
They surely aren’t the same. I suck at this game.
Guess I’ll just go back to reading Pastor Swank’s columns backward. I found out recently they make much more sense that way.
Al Austin
Isn’t he related to Al Jazeera and Al Qaeda?????
And yes, I do think the Secret Service takes their job very seriously and I don’t doubt they’ll do their best to protect Senator Obama (hopefully soon to be PRESIDENT OBAMA). But frankly, I don’t think some fool yelling “kill him” at a McCain/Palin rally is at their top of their lists of threats.
As well it shouldn’t be, altho it did bear a bit of investigating, to be sure.
What troubles me more about this is not the “threat” to Obama’s well-being, but the disingenuousness of claiming liberals are unAmerican and have threatened Bush repeatedly over the past eight years, and then allowing shit like this to be *defended* without any firm evidence that Milbank’s story is inaccurate or incorrect.
Holy fucking shit! Al Jazeera gets the heartlanders on record.
I seem to recall some cries of “terrorist” and “traitor”.
What is it that we do again to traitors and terrorists?
seize McCain’s Buttocks
I’m sorry to butt in, but please, let’s put an end to cracks about buttocks. I know it’s fun to fart around, but it’s been run into the toilet. This hilarity is pooping me out. Let my people go!
if they are wingers then they get talk shows (see North, Ollie and Liddy, G. Gordon)
Plumbing the depths of toilet humor is like trying to fill an inside straight flush. You get a nugget occasionally, but usually the humor is tissue thin, and the whole joke just goes to pot.
Speaking of flushing, I’m a non-violent soul but I’d probably wink at someone sticking TIDOSY’s head in the loo and flushing a couple of times. Hey, waterboarding ain’t so bad, now is it, Bob? And there’s no proof anyone yelled “Drown the rat bastard!” It was “Don’t hurt the Bobster!” That’s what the crowd was demanding. Really.
Candy, there’s a part of me that says Ole Bob has already been on the receiving end of a fair number of swirlies.
Not to say he couldn’t use another, oh no.
I don’t want to pile on to this scatology, butt it seems to me that if you have to resort to the single act of creativity that each and every human being is capable of (except for anally-retentive conservatives and a few librarians I know), then clearly you’re in the dumps.
You try getting your shinbone connected back to your kneebone after it’s been hijacked.
Holy fucking shit! Al Jazeera gets the heartlanders on record.
Have they checked the kerning on the video????
Buttocks are inherently funny. It is in-nates.
I’m so tired of all these corny jokes.
Leon Trotsky
Yeah, I think you’re full of shit.
“Few” people think it was directed at Obama? Like fuck.
Again, I am talking about Clearwater, not Scranton (which if it happened is clearly directed to Obama). Milbank, together with some audio tapes, are our only source on this. He specifically said in his original article that this was possibly a reference to Ayres given the context in which it was shouted. This fact was unfortunately dropped by many of the sites spreading the story about the blogosphere.
So, by “few” I mean “few people seriously investigating this thread” and not “few random people who have read a link to a link to a link to a link on a blog”.
Look, CY is a wanker. But crap like this gives them moral high ground and that is not cool.
You get a nugget occasionally, but usually the humor is tissue thin, and the whole joke just goes to pot.
It is kind of corny.
Look, CY is a wanker. But crap like this gives them moral high ground and that is not cool.
I disagree. *Nothing* gives Confederate Yankee the moral high ground. He calls himself “Confederate Yankee”, for fuck’s sake. But let’s suppose you are correct in that the actual statement of “kill him!” was directed at Bill Ayers.
Are we then suggesting a direct threat on him is justifiable? I mean, either way, we have people demanding someone be *killed*. Obama, Ayers, fuck, the Easter Bunny, it’s all pretty unseemly.
Look, CY is a wanker. But crap like this gives them moral high ground and that is not cool.
Please reread the post above and note this from CY:
Yes there is specific proof of rage-filled bigots at McCain-Palin speeches, whether or not “kill him” is removed from consideration.
“Teh Wankee’s tongue is buried deep in McCain’s
It is kind of corny.
It set me back on my haunches. Also, I have a cousin named Fanny.