Malkin = c**t (pass it on).

(‘C**t’ Malkin)

We would never make such a thing up. We confirmed this information via Malkin’s own blog:

This is what passes for intellectual debate at Kevin Drum’s blog, Political Animal, hosted by the esteemed liberal magazine, the Washington Monthly.

Michelle Malkin is a cunt.
Posted by: hostile on April 7, 2005 at 11:17 AM | PERMALINK

Michelle Malkin is a cunt.
Check your talking points, dude. The Official Left-wing Anti-Malkin punch-word is “whore.”
Posted by: Once a dem on April 7, 2005 at 11:21 AM | PERMALINK

nope. hostile is right. she’s a cunt. Coulter is neither cunt nor whore. she’s a man. Maggie “Pay for Play” Gallagher is the whore.
Posted by: sean on April 7, 2005 at 11:24 AM | PERMALINK

Drum may argue he has no control over these bile-spewers. But Drum himself set the tone in his own shallow post on the Schiavo memo matter, in which he tells me and other bloggers to “just STFU” (“shut the f***k up” for the acronym-challeged). Does respected Monthly editor Charles Peters condone this rhetoric?


But, hey, I’m just a c**t. And a whore. And I should just shut the f**k up. Right?

[Crickets, a breeze through the pines, a lonely freight train whistles in the distance.]

[It’s not supposed to be this simple, Michelle. We like to work for it more.]

P.S.: Many have wondered, How was the former Michelle Maglalang rendered such a rabid Republican racist, who reasons so ruinously?


Was it the ‘Vitamin R!?’


Comments: 39


Yeah but, it begs the question –
“Who put the Malkin in Maglalang-alanga-ding-dong?”

She is a very hot psycho chick. Come on! We all chased them in college! Then we spent years cursing them and knowing the pussy was NEVER worth it.


Yeah, and I’m sure if Michelle had comments on her blog, they’d be nothing but sophisticated critiques of modern art. Also, the posters at Little Green Footballs (one of Michelle’s favorite sites) are intellectual sages who never resort to angry ad hominem and racist remarks.

That said, it’s not cool to call her a cunt. The best way to make fun of somebody is to go after their arguments. Well, except in the case of Carey Roberts, where it’s fun to call him a crazy old kook.


That said, it’s not cool to call her a cunt. The best way to make fun of somebody is to go after their arguments.

You’re right. No more name-calling or personal attacks here on Crooked Timber. From now on we…

Hey, wait a second here!


Malkin is not a c**t. She’s a LIAR, LIAR, LIAR! The fact that your source for the claim that she’s a c**t is Malkin herself demonstrates that she’s not one because, as I think I might have mentioned, she’s a LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR!


What’s this?!? The fickle Filipina forgets her own ferocious yet fruitless feces-flinging?


Many have wondered, How was the former Michelle Maglalang rendered such a rabid Republican racist, who reasons so ruinously?

If there was ever a rhetorical more calculated to incite blogwhoring, I don’t want to know about it:

Her husband had a lot to do with it.


Clearly the Freepers and Little Green Snotballs say lots of vile things, but I don’t the left should descend to their level. The expletive used here, is, frankly misogynistic, and I think this post was over the top and, frankly, offensive. I agree that LIAR and other similar epithets would suffice to describe Michelle


The expletive used here, is, frankly misogynistic, and I think this post was over the top and, frankly, offensive

You’re right. There’s no excuse for quoting Michelle Malkin saying, “I’m nothing but a cunt.”

We will be referring to Malkin as a “concentration-camp-loving, hate-mongering fellow human of female identity” whilst we get back to the dick jokes that everybody loves so well.


Hey, don’t make fun of vitamin R. It has helped me be a good, uh, where was I, oh yeah, Liberal.


We will be referring to Malkin as a “concentration-camp-loving, hate-mongering fellow human of female identity” whilst we get back to the dick jokes that everybody loves so well.

That’ll work. šŸ™‚


Hey, Michelle, if you can’t stand the heat, get back in the fookin’ kitchen, you fetid heap of parrot droppings!


No way, Clif… I had to wait 18 years before I could use offensive, over-the-top, misogynistic words like cunt.

Besides, if the shoe fits…


Actually, I think we should descend to their level. Mockery and scornful laughter are excellent weapons.


In defense of Michelle Malkin (I never dreamed I would ever type that), she did, as she says, actually question the truth of Martinez’ story:

Bob from dowstairs

10 years after WW2, do you think anyone still cared whether they thought they might have used to harsh a language when referring to Eva Braun?

If Manglalang doesn’t like being called a c*nt, maybe she should stop acting like one.


C**t??!?!? Gimme a break, didn’t we go through this with Atrios a year ago? If you want half the damn population to read you, respect you, or value your opinion, don’t turn their unique body parts into epithets.

This is totally uncool. Gavin, your are hereby instructed to email or telephone your mother and apologize for perpetuating the myth that the birth canal that you emerged from is an insult.


This is totally uncool. Gavin, your are hereby instructed to email or telephone your mother and apologize for perpetuating the myth that the birth canal that you emerged from is an insult.

As I said, we plan to concentrate heavily on penis jokes in the future.

Humor, we believe, is to instruct and not to offend. The joke made in a spirit of opprobrium is as a carelessly-hurled javelin — a hazard to those who love and attend good sport.

The word c*nt is, unlike a prior reference to Mark Crutcher looking like a ‘penis molded out of veal,’ impolite.


Barbed-wire tunnel. It’s innuendo if you want it, and a concentration-camp reference to her narrow-mindedness if you don’t.

I can’t believe I just said that.


personally – i like c—s. in fact, i love c—s. c—s are wonderful, beautiful things.

michele is neither, so i do not find her deserving of such a compliment. i think if you want to be really accurate, you should refer to her not as a c—, which is a good thing which many of us love, but as [say for instance] a hairy shitball, which i think very few of us love.

but let’s set name-calling aside for a moment. is it not enough to say that she is a know-nothing, empty-headed pseudo-intellectual who gets aroused by the smell of totalitarianism?


but let’s set name-calling aside for a moment. is it not enough to say that she is a know-nothing, empty-headed pseudo-intellectual who gets aroused by the smell of totalitarianism?

Well I think so, but if Michelle wants to go around calling herself a cunt and a whore, I think that’s really just in poor taste.

No more of these crude anatomical references; it’s penis-joking time around here!


Bah…you Americans ruin everything. You also ruined political correctness, turning it from a push to be more sensitive and less offensive in the use of language to being a mindless rallying cry for what whatever stupid identity politics you happened to be modelling that day….while MISSING THE POINT ENTIRELY! One being that Malkin is a lying fascist who would support the internment of people based on race. Crematoria are only a step removed from that.

Where I come from, women will use the c-word when it’s warranted. My 72 year-old mother calls Malkin a c*nt because of her hatefulness. She calls Bush a c*cks*cker…seriously, she’s even figured out how to sound out the asterisks (they sound like Xhosa ‘clicks’)


My take on this isn’t that I’m offended by the word “cunt”- it’s just that ad hominem attacks are not effective arguments and they let Michelle get all righteously indignant on us. It’s much better to go after her arguments, not her- World O’ Crap does this expertly.


I get very puzzled when I can say, “No more totally unacceptable anatomical remarks — it’s penis jokes only!” and people are like, “Uh-huh. Whew! Thank goodness there will be no more crude anatomical remarks. Those were offensive.”


Nothing in the world will stop Michelle Malkin from being righteously indignant. That’s all she does when challenged. And if you challenge her arguments, she’ll spin, lie, move the goal-posts, indulge in convoluted logical fallacies, or just not engage.

Easier, and more meaningful, in fact, just to vilify her with degrading, ad hominem attacks.


Nothing in the world will stop Michelle Malkin from being righteously indignant. That’s all she does when challenged. And if you challenge her arguments, she’ll spin, lie, move the goal-posts, indulge in convoluted logical fallacies, or just not engage.

Easier, and more meaningful, in fact, just to vilify her with degrading, ad hominem attacks.

Well, yes and no. Yes, Michelle will always act indignant when challenged- see her response when Chris Matthews clobbered her on HARDBALL when she tried to give creedence to the Swift Boat Liars’ stories that John Kerry intentionally wounded himself to get a Purple Heart.

But degrading, ad hominem attacks that don’t take down her arguments only make her look better. When people angrily call her a “cunt,” it shows she’s pissed them off, which is the best way to lose an argument. Does this make sense? Or am I talking out of my ass? (Wouldn’t be the first time)


I get very puzzled when I can say, “No more totally unacceptable anatomical remarks — it’s penis jokes only!” and people are like, “Uh-huh. Whew! Thank goodness there will be no more crude anatomical remarks. Those were offensive.”

I think it’s kinda like the difference between when Jewish people make fun of themselves, and when non-Jewish people make fun of Jews. Or imagine if The Boondocks were drawn by a white guy and not Aaron McGruder- it’s be the most offensive thing on the planet.

It’s OK for men to make cock jokes, because that’s trashing “our own.” If S.Z. had called Michelle a cunt, I don’t think there woulda been a negative reaction. (that said, I didn’t find your post objectionable- she was, after all, setting herself up for it).


Or am I talking out of my ass? (Wouldn’t be the first time)

No, not at all. But the venue is relevant. Of course no one should call her a c*nt on national television (although I’d have a hard time holding back, that’s for sure) during a “serious” debate (as serious as those things are of late), but I see no problem in anyone who doesn’t have much of a reputation to lose calling her that.

And for those of us who are watching with dismay the sad state of public debate in the States, the wingnuts won’t stop until they’re shouted back into respectable political discourse.

The Nazis came into power because too many decent people couldn’t get over their bourgeois mannerisms to take back some control over the social conversation until it was too late.


The one counterargument that I can wholly endorse here is that calling Malkin a cunt is disrespectful to vaginas. The ‘making fun of Jews’ analogy kinda neatly sidesteps the fact that Malkin is the one in favor of putting people in concentration camps.

Pardon my boldface. I believe, honestly, that we lose our humanity when we defend racist hate-mongers like Malkin on the basis of special privileges they might otherwise claim as women or minorities — seeing Malkin as a ‘woman’ first, and only secondarily as a poisonous race-baiter and an authoritarian bully.

But as for the comment,

I see no problem in anyone who doesn’t have much of a reputation to lose calling her that.

I certainly resemble that remark!




Bigots in Birkenstocks

As Christopher Hitchens says, 9/11 was one of those “measurable historical moments” when w…


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Very interesting. keep the good work! out little pieces of bread and cups of juice: , bring heavy cream just to a boil


Ron Paul, 2008, FTW. We are tired of the lame stream media, the yellow journalism, the lies, the wars, the broken dollar, the identity politics and the military industrial complex. America is waking up to freedom and liberty. Its our last chance to have them again if we chose to walk with Ron Paul. If we don’t chose him, we will become more authoritarian and America will no longer be what the founders wanted it to be and it will become a hell on earth with a dropping standard of living.


Cunt is NOT misogynistic!! It can/is/will be used as a reference for rabid, vile, putrid, racist Fascisti like Michelle Malkin and the 3 actual Nazis in a storefront in Phoenix, Oregon (White MEN of course since every loyal Aryan Bitch stays home to breed more loyal Nazis!).. Example Given: Sting’s lyrics in “Rehumanize Yourself” from one of the Police albums; “Billy’s Joined The National Front, he always was a little runt, he’s got his hands in the air with the other Cunts..yougotta humanize yourself..” I mean, Sting is a Very Devoted Husband (He took up Tantric Yoga so he could schtup Trudie like ten times a day). I mean, how can you get more Liberal than him?? (Maybe Bono, both rockers have long resume’s of generous if self-indulgent “Save-The-World “projects as well as one hundred times the ardent and horney female fans that thy could actuallyschtup if they weren’t such Boy Scouts!!

Face it… Cunt is Necessary in our discourse. CUNT!! For when BITCH Just Isn’t Enough!! Michelle Malkin IS A CUNT!! CUNT!! CUNT!!
“Mann” Coulter is probably a SheMale so she doesn’t fit. And Michelle Bachmann is so obviously sleeping with Prince Valium that she is innocent by reason of Chemical Insanity. Besides, didn’t my favorite Republican, Senator McCain called his “Other Woman”, his Backdoor Girl and 2nd “TrophY’ (and MONEYBAGS) wife who he cheated on his First Wife which he dumped while she was in a cancer ward a (AND I QUOTE) “Stupid Cunt”???


And Mick, when you get a little older you will see that The Ronster is just like all of those other Terd-Party funsters from George Wallace to Ross Perot to Nader…a wasted vote on an egomaniac whose only function is to act as a spoiler. And Wallace helped us get “Tricky DICK” Nixon while Nader was instrumental in us getting that retard “Duhhhhbya”!!


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