Best. Election. Ever.
Andy McCarthy gives a “heh-indeed” to this awe-inspiring rant from Melanie Philips:
You have to pinch yourself – a Marxisant radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshipped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it’s considered impolite to say so.
If you thought tales of Vince Foster’s murder and of smuggling cocaine through the Arkansas governor’s mansion were fun, then hold onto your seats. The next four years are going to be something to behold.
Another misuser of ‘comprise.’ But why ius it impolite to to say he’s on the verge of becoming President?
Word to search for: Marxisant
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Who wants a drink?
The fact is, every thing she says IS TRUE.
People think I got the power because I got the monkeys. But I got the power, because I’m gonna let the monkeys out.
The fact is, you cannot refute the facts about Obama/Osama’s USA hatred and his plan to destroy America through socialism and Islamic Shania Law. The truth is not touched by the MSM, only by FOX and the internet, and liberals play along instead of speaking truth to abuse of power like Osama has planned for us, this will be the last free election in the USA ever if Obsama wins, we must stop him by any means necessary from winning, and if he wins, he must be driven from office before assuming it.
Last paragraph 1st page for Marxisant.
Marwick rejects the view, held by most 60’s rebels and their enemies alike, that the cultural revolt he describes was about destroying the bourgeois social order. The champions of this apocalyptic project he labels ”Marxisant,” a catch-all term for various ideologies that share ”a broad metaphysical view about history and about how society works, derived from Marxism.”
Ah, so he’s calling him the antichrist again? “Apocalyptic”?
Darn, though. I was sure it wasn’t gonna be a real word.
Keep screaming! C’mon is that the best you got? I CAN’T HEAR YOU! Get crazier! Keep digging that hole deeper and deeper until you and your fucked up movement are buried forever (or at least a decade or so.) Your boy George was given free reign to implement Neocon ideology and it’s been a complete failure in every way. You’re going down this time. You know it, there’s nothing you can do about it, and you just can’t take it.
Feels good.
“politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters”
Needless to say, Obama’s National Finance Chair and chief strategist are both Jewish. Mad Mel does it again!
I don’t think “impolite” was the word she was looking for.
I think the correct phrase is “bat-shit insane”.
I liked Melanie Phillips when she sang with the Mamas and the Papas.
The GOP is intent on torching the nation because they are about to lose. Like a child flipping a checkerboard because they can’t win.
Let’s hope that they push so hard that they become self marginilized.
Let’s hope.
‘Marxisant’ is in the OED, in the “foreign words and phrases in English” section. I think it’s French. You are so busted you batshit loony fucking toon bitch.
= Marxist pissant radical?
I got a fever, and the only prescription is….MORE CRAZY!
You touch-a dis voting boot’, I break-a you face
I’m holding out for Obama masterminding the ’94 WTC bombing and/or personally faking the Apollo landing. Oh! That, or proven factual documented anecdotal proof that Obama was the one who made St. Ronnie get the Alzheimer’s.
“DID Obama father the Bat Boy? Where was he when Di was murdered in that tunnel in France? It would be irresponsible NOT to speculate!”
Mad Mel, a zero score on the Naziometer for this one, but still mad.
“Black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters”? And at the first staff meeting one of them’ll object to Obama’s plans, so Obama will hit a secret button and that guy will fall into a tank of sharks, and then he’ll deadpan “are there any other objections?” and the mobster and the terrorist will look at each other nervously and shake their heads …
Oh, OK.
“Marxisant” is a word invented by some dude who wrote a book about the 1960s. Apparently Phillips read the book.
“I liked Melanie Phillips when she sang with the Mamas and the Papas.”
I liked her in “Body Double.”
Wow, that Melanie Phillips article is quite a find! Seriously, I had no idea that the UK had a far-right that was just as retarded as the USA’s! I’m kinda amazed, which I guess just shows how provincial I am, in some respects.
Gary Ruppert says,
“The fact is, you cannot refute the facts about Obama/Osama’s USA hatred and his plan to destroy America through socialism and Islamic Shania Law.”
The Obama-allied Muslims are going to force us all to listen to Shania Twain ALL THE TIME?!?!11!
Those bastards.
She quotes someone or other:
This is supposed to be radical? Any honest person can see the basic truth in this.
As a pasty caucasian, I’m a little ashamed of my fellow paleskins who want all the marbles and then shout down anyone who points out how they’ve rigged the game.
We’re just going to have to laugh at them, because Lord knows they can’t shut up and will just get crazier. It drives them nuts to be accused of racism, so maybe we can do that for a few years. Plus, it’s true.
Wait a minute. I knew about the black supremacists, the Marxists, and the unrepentant terrorists, but what’s this about Jew haters and mobsters? Next you’re going to tell me that B. Hussein Obama X Radical MOOOOOSLIM doesn’t recycle. That’s the final straw for me!
Seriously tough, these people are really losing their shit. It’s kind of funny to think that they really believe this and that they really think McCain and the Republicans are free from such awful but very tenuous associations. At the same time, it looks like they actually believe this sort of nonsense. The next four to eight years weren’t going to be a picnic no matter who won, but they are upping the ante quite a bit with rhetoric like this.
This Annenberg Challenge sure does sound like a front for giving money to those who are bent on destroying America. Something ought to be done.
Not just that, but we shout down anyone who suggests that maybe we shouldn’t have all the marbles all the time?
Amazingly, Mad Mel used to write for the Guardian. I can’t remember what it was that turned her into the Daily Mail raving lunatic she is today. She’s a fan of “Intelligent” Design too. I think she probably spends too much time on teh interweb.
Hey, GOOPers, maybe you low-level trollls didn’t get the memo, but most of your top GOP rats have already jumped off the USS McCain!
Heh. Indeedy!
Mad Mel needs to be sectioned. But apparently it’s impolite to say so.
‘Marxisant’ is so recherche. We’re all Marcuse-eousie now.
Correct spelling is for the boozewazee.
And to think John Cole thought we’d all ready hit Peak Winguttia. Sadly, wingnuttia is a renewable resource, inversely proportional to the amount of power they hold. We haven’t even begun to see crazy.
off topic, but didn’t Doughy Pantload say that if Obama was white, that the repunklicans would have gone after him twice as much? So they went easy on someone because he was ‘of color’? Isn’t that the basis of the affirmative action and the soft bigotry of low expectations and not being judged by the content of your character and completely contrary to everything every repunklican ever stood for/against? Did Pantload run this theory by research braintrust available to him?
Graun -> Obs -> Sunday Times -> Daily Mail. That’s quite a progression.
She’s either gone steadily bonkers, or followed the money, or both.
While we’re correcting Melanie’s word usitivity, I think she meant to start off with “slap” instead of “pinch.”
Oh, oh! And his underground lair is catered by a phily cheese steak company who ONLY servers orange juice with breakfast. And George Soros throws a hat… a deadly hat!
There’s a joke in there about his fiendish plan for world domination by aborting the first un-born male child of every house unless we give him absolute power, but the only funny operation name I can think of for it is ‘Operation UNICEF’. It’s lacking.
most of your top GOP rats have already jumped off the USS McCain!
Wow. So what’s next – say Obama wins (knock wood because it’s a liberal tradition of never assuming your candidate can win), do these assholes take credit for anything good he does, or do they just wait for the anger at Republicans to blow over and turn back into whiners about how horrible liberals are and Obama is the liberaliest liberally liberal evar?
And even weirder – I still think McWorse was the least bad choice out of the Pathetic Bunch of Pygmies™.
the only funny operation name I can think of for it is ‘Operation UNICEF’.
Operation Herod the Dog that Bit You?
Yeah, I’ve brought up the Clinton cocaine smuggling as an example of a retarded conspiracy theory before and got filled in on just how much it wasn’t at ThinkProgress among other liberal sites.
Not as funny as the TP post there where they were complaining that Fred Thompson was unfairly linking Harry Reid to 9/11 truther lunatics. Cue 150 comments defending the truthers as being non-lunatics.
Yep. If you look at Obama’s legislative history, you see all those “Kill Whitey” bills.
I like how rank speculation come in to cloud-out what he’s actually done. Of course, looking at the record might not be too good for their man McCain. All those changes of position, all that money from the last real estate bubble. Good times.
There’s also this weird compression of leftist though. Can she really not see the daylight between Obama (a moderate corporatist) and real left-wing figures? I mean, I can tell the difference between the politics of your John McCains from your Pat Buccanans.
Michael ‘Jaws’ Giorango? Fuckin’ aye! That was the guy who was indicted on three separate occasions for the murders of Chicago city comptrollers, but was never convicted because in each trial the entire jury disappeared without a trace.
Why did it take the wingnuts so long to come up with a mobster? They should’ve wheeled one out months ago instead of wasting their time on Bill Friggin’ Ayers. And if they’re going to push the Marxisant angle, they really need to roll out some Soviet spies. C’mon loons, time’s slipping away.
Call him inexperienced, call him an empty suit, say that he’s never achieved anything except writing a book about himself – but that is one helluva coalition. If Mel P. (Idiot Spice) is right, then Obama might actually be the one able to bring about peace in the Middle East.
Why did it take the wingnuts so long to come up with a mobster?
That’s a good point. Strategy hasn’t been their long suit this time around. Like, unveiling all the character-assassination crap after torpedoing their credibility in every other area – probably not the best order to do it in.
The MSM still refuses to clarify Obama’s role in Apollo 13.
Obama in a propeller beanie is the new black helicopter.
Is it any wonder that a Chicago pol knows his way around polls? Well is it?
Seriously, I had no idea that the UK had a far-right that was just as retarded as the USA’s! I’m kinda amazed, which I guess just shows how provincial I am, in some respects.
Dude, they’re the original typical white people.
Right on! Ain’t nobody gonna fuck with the Neo-Nazi Weather Underground Black Power Al Capone Communist League.
“Marxisant” is a word invented by some dude who wrote a book about the 1960s. Apparently Phillips read the book.
No, actually.
Ellen Willis, in the review of Arthur Marwick’s The Sixties that Righteous Bubba links to above , writes as if Warwick invented the term. He didn’t.
Starting in the late 1960s or early 1970s, “Marxisant” was a popular self-description for thinkers who saw themselves following in the tradition of Marx, but who wished to, in various ways, separate themselves from the legacy of Marxism-Leninism that the phrase “Marxist” tended to evoke.
I meant to add:
Melanie Phillips almost certainly uses the term because back when the term was actually in use, she was on the left and she thinks that it makes her sound as if she’s in the know.
In fact, it makes her sound like a rather out-of-date wanker.
PeeJ: I gave up on the correct use of “comprise” long ago, when a professor in a PhD-level creative writing seminar “corrected” my correct use of the word in a paper I wrote. That’s when I knew for sure the world was goin’ to hay-ell in a big ol’ handbasket.
Starting in the late 1960s or early 1970s, “Marxisant” was a popular self-description for thinkers who saw themselves following in the tradition of Marx, but who wished to, in various ways, separate themselves from the legacy of Marxism-Leninism that the phrase “Marxist” tended to evoke.
What a convenient tool for the right wing.
Correction needed:
“These next EIGHT years are going to be something to behold”.
If only wingnuts realized that when they paint Obama as anti-Americanism incarnate, and when he shows how ridiculous that is during his debate performances, they make their candidate look like a chump.
Also I’d like to add that this Ms. Philips is a dreadful writer. I don’t care if she is a Brit and thus theoretically should know better. Speaking of which, she’s a Brit? Then why the hell is she burbling all about Obama? Run out of things in the UK to whine about, did she? Fuck her.
Also, this thread is worthless without Josh St. Lawrence.
Also, this thread is worthless without Josh St. Lawrence.
Scientists have yet to prove that Josh actually exists.
What henry lewis said at 15:16. I believe Ms. Melanie McWhiteyWhite’s whiteys are showing.
>>What a convenient tool for the right wing.
Oh, they’re all convenient tools.
The amphetamine-fueled quote at the top of this thread seems to be a pretty typical example of her style.
Scientists have yet to prove that Josh actually exists.
You’re forgetting to consider the evidence of The Buttocks.
Ah, crap.
Ah, crap.
More evidence of The Buttocks.
You’re forgetting to consider the evidence of The Buttocks.
Evidence of me?!?
I assure you that I exist!
“I was going door to door the other day and someone asked, ‘Why don’t you put “Republican” on these fliers?’ ” said Bill Kennemer, a longtime Clackamas County commissioner who is running for the State House as a Republican. “I said, ‘Because I don’t want to lose.’ ”
One thread back the kindest, sweetest cryptozoologist who never existed considered The Buttocks and was soon eaten by a monster.
Be careful when probing the fundamentals.
What gets me chuckling is that
A) Even if all that were true, most sane people wouldn’t listen to twits like this about it. The wingnuts have cried wolf about forty gagillion times too often, and have actually, finally, lost all credibility among the adults. Where once folks might have thought that simply having a semi-respectable venue equated to having something semi-worthwhile to say, now, after having been fois-gras-stuffed with the purest distilled bullshit year after year, more and more are simply immune.
B) Also under the “even if all that were true” banner, what does that say about their dude that all she has said has been out in the mainstream for long enough that the argument is new to exactly nobody, and they’re still getting their asses handed to them.
Ha, ha.
Oh, and…
The Buttocks.
Is that what the cool kids are calling it these days?
From the top of Mel P’s aticle:
With apologies to our gracious hosts – Sadly, No!
First hit on gazoogle “William Ayers”
Granted the first hit for is a “he said – she said”, number four is this:
first hit oldie but wingnutty:
second hit? dated Sept. 11 of all things.
and here’s number three (first McCain mention):
If you thought tales of Vince Foster’s murder and of smuggling cocaine through the Arkansas governor’s mansion were fun, then hold onto your seats. The next four years are going to be something to behold.
Of course! The wild stories of Vince Foster’s murder and Bill doing blow off Hillary’s boobs are EXACTLY like the documented history of Obama’s associations with anti-American radicals.
It’s this sort of clarity of thought that keeps me coming back to Sadly, No.
FYWP. Well not that witty. Linkless summary – if you ask Gazoogle about William Ayers and specify site names such as or you get some interesting results that basically say that Melanie Philips is full of shit. Not that that’s news.
The above comments are a prime example of why a MODERATOR is usually a good idea.
Hello, it’s Alfred, right?
How do you do?
Oh, you can’t stay?
Well, it was nice to meet you.
‘Til next time, I guess.
The above comments are a prime example of why a MODERATOR is usually a good idea.
That one too, broom-up-ass person.
The fundamentals of The Buttocks are strong.
You really don’t want to open the “ties to terrorists and shady figures” door. Not with McCain and Palin.
Trying to help you out here, buddy. Work with me.
K. Parker in the Post:
Somebody has some explaining to do.
And if she’s working for Bubba, who’s spying for Darling?
Using plurals when a singulars is more accurate, is so much funs.
So B. Hussein is not a Leninist then? Damn. There goes my vote.
On behalf of the UK, we’re sorry.
No, we don’t know what the crazy bitch’s problem is either.
I hope kpkpkp wasn’t referring to me. Speaking of wandering off the topic –
Michael Scherer begins the long and arduous task of extracting his head from McCain’s ass. As a Scherer basher, I feel obliged to point out that his last two posts haven’t been entirely terrible.
And even though today’s post has a laughably ridiculous intro by MS, the fact that he linked it at all is a sign of progress.
You have to pinch yourself – a Marxisant radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshipped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it’s considered impolite to say so.
She’s right.
Michael Gerson also raises the specter of Marxism, although his column sounds like a really bad high-school history paper.
Somebody has some explaining to do.
It’s a dangerous game. Agent Parker has ably undercut the Palin candidacy at the price of thousands of threats on her life. I’ve ordered her to write stupid things again until the election is won by Obama and me and Ayers can get down to some advanced gay abortionetics.
Fuh? Goddamned Nazi shit-on-the-doorknob. Cowfaced webcrawling dildoes. Skyscrapers, you punk! Worms with hands, railroads that go in circles. I didn’t order fish, you idiot! Fuh? Fuh?
(Anytime you want more clarity of thought, you just come on by.)
She is right. You do have to pinch yourself. Obo the Magnificent demands it.
Wheee!!! I spoke too soon. The following link won’t make sense unless you read through Scherer’s comment thread but apparently his unthinkably stoopid “hard question” wasn’t a joke. Like Wow!
Wow, Ringo, you aren’t even trying anymore.
Well, he did make me pinch myself.
Who would have guessed Obama is Nat Turner reincarnated. I suspect we’ll see a lot more of Limbaugh’s and McCarthy’s fear mongering over the rise of militant blacks.
If it worked against Humphrey, then why not against a black man himself.
One thread back the kindest, sweetest cryptozoologist who never existed considered The Buttocks and was soon eaten by a monster.
Thanks, RB! I had missed the last thread.
It makes me feel very special that I am part of the proof that the Patterson Footage is Real!11eleventy-one!
Clarity of thought?
Staying on topic?
Maybe Sadly No! does need a manifold.
Or a Mission Street.
Or some guided missiles.
Josh St. Lawrence, get in here quick! We’ve found Bigfoot! Incontinentia Buttocks is Bigfoot, or at least Bigfoot’s backside!
She’s right.
Oh. Ringo the Gringo said Phillips is right. That’s it, I guess. Game over. We should just pack up now, fold the tents, cancel the campaign. Thanks for setting us straight, Ringo.
I’m surprised she didn’t throw in “towelheads” in the middle of her screed about his associations…
The fact is, shut up. You are going to loose and you know it.
Shorter assholes for the next 8 years: If Obama does it, then by definition, it’s not good.
Here’s how Phillips’ Wikipedia entry starts off: Melanie Phillips (born June 4, 1951) is a wanker. Her articles appear mainly in useless rags and focus on hopeless paranoia. She has previously written for The Guardian and other publications. When she is not soiling herself over the thought of an Obama presidency in the United States, Phillips is a tremendous douchebag and a regular panelist on the BBC Radio 4 programme, The Moral Maze and on BBC One’s Question Time.
The first comment below Phillip’s article sums it up perfectly –
“’s interesting , isn’t it, that if this gentleman was applying for a job in the CIA or the FBI he would not pass the vetting process…….”
The first comment below Phillip’s article sums it up perfectly –
Because the vetting process is what?
Anything good that takes place under an Obama administration was, of course, caused by policies put in place by George W. Bush.
‘Why don’t you put “Republican” on these fliers?’ […] ‘Because I don’t want to lose.’
It’s fun hearing about this, and I’m having a schadenfreudelicious good time with it. But the important thing to remember is that all the bloodthirsty, greedy assholes who so proudly trumpeted their Repub affiliation in 2001-2007 are still bloodthirsty, greedy assholes. They’re going to jump ship and become Democrats, if they can. We need to keep opposing stupid deadly bullshit, no matter its label.
Um, poop.
Still fighting the sixties, I see.
Marxism? Really? They’re down to allegations of Marxism??
I think we should be adding “rational conservatives” to Josh St Marshall’s search list…
Umm, Ringo – why is that interesting?
You see, in a democracy the police, like the military are supposed to work for the people. The requirements are totally different. The very idea of a policeman as president is pretty frightening to me.
Yeah, uh sorry about this one, we must have forgotten her medication this month. The UK apologises.
Although I do like the contrast.Your nutjobs foam at the mouth over patriotism, ours appear to be more concerned about being polite.
Apparently the rules of etiquette page on ‘Afternoon Tea With An Anti-white Jew Hater” aren’t too helpfull on what is considered polite conversation.
But Ringo, I do want to thank you for reminding me to check the comment thread. Whooo hooo. Will an Obama administration be a theocracy or a thugocracy? And if theocratic will it be islamist or christianist? They’re asking all of the sarcastic questions that I would to point out how stoopid they are, but they’re being serious about it.
“Umm, Ringo – why is that interesting?”
Because shut up, that’s why. Sarah Palin might not be qualified to wipe her own ass, but she could be a FBI/CIA agent if she wanted, not like the islamarxistmobsterblackracist Obama Hussein Barrack.
“’s interesting , isn’t it, that if this gentleman was applying for a job in the CIA or the FBI he would not pass the vetting process…….”
Neither would McCain or for that matter, Palin.
In fact, Biden may be the first national candidate since Bush the Elder who would.
By the way, “marxisant” est francais…
Ecouter la définition…
Influencé par le marxisme, de tendance marxiste.
English ain’t good enough for you, Phillips, you cheese eating arugula munching surredner monkey????
In fact, the last President that was a CIA man was HW Bush. I’d have to say that based on his performance, this is a lousy criteria to judge Presidential potential.
As for the FBI – imagine what life would have been like under a J. Edgar Administration.
I take utmost exception to Kathleen Parker calling residents of the Southland a bunch of gorillas. There are many of us down here who do NOT pick the fleas off each other and jump up and down screeching wildly at the slightest provocation. Well, some. Okay, not many, but still.
Bush, Cheney, McCain, Palin; each has skeletons in their closets, including drug use, arrests, marital infidelity, mental issues, and ties to terrorists or anti-American groups which would cause the CIA to look askance at them.
As the right continues to marginalize themselves in this country, it should be interesting to see how many average apathetic Americans start getting wise to the cognitive dissonance required to reconcile all these wacky charges with that cool, level-headed guy they see on the TV. Obama just doesn’t give off that “crazy radical” vibe, no matter how they try to spin it.
Actually, our American nutjobs foam at the mouth over anything and everything ever imagined by humankind. And that’s why we love them so.
Melanie Phillips is a wretched writer. Her prose is so contrived that you can hear her shouting behind every word: “Look how clever I am!” She gives me a big headache.
She needs a copy of The Elements of Style.
Neither would Palin. Neither would McCain (at least, I’m betting the rage factor would be enough).
Obama just doesn’t give off that “crazy radical” vibe, no matter how they try to spin it.
That’s true, but it’s only half of what’s going on. The other half is that Palin and McWorse do give off that crazy radical vibe, or at least their crowds do.
The fundamentals of The Buttocks are strong.
Can’t we leave this subject behind?
Not until we get to the bottom of it.
I got nuthin on my end.
In hinds sight i should have let it rest.
We’ve hit bottom here.
Time to butt out.
Good idea, Mz. We don’t want to be in arrears.
Relax, have a seat.
Time to butt out.
Not until our ANALysis is complete.
All this bad punning is going to leave you wordsmiths as a rump organization.
WTF is a Melanie Phillips? She looks like one of Camille Paglia’s fuckbuddies.
Melanie Phillips has posterior motives.
What? Did Putin rear his head again?
…and she’s in the tank for McCain.
Isn’t it time to rectumfy this thread?
This butt thing is a bum deal. It’s quite assinine, really.
We have no one to blame but arse-selves.
I’m gonna try to squeeze one more out, then I’m done.
Everyone’s getting just a little too cheeky.
You just need the moral fibre to be able to regularly produce. Relax and let the blockage work itself free.
And at the first staff meeting one of them’ll object to Obama’s plans, so Obama will hit a secret button and that guy will fall into a tank of sharks
I think it would be awesome if, at the first Cabinet meeting, Obama picked up a baseball bat a la De Niro in “The Untouchables” and bashed the Secretary of the Interior’s head in.
This thread makes me feel like singing the “Londonderry Air.” It sure tucchus by storm.
Yup, it wasn’t done half-ass by any means.
True. None of you is ex-lax.
Chicagga maabstiz?
Do naat come over by here wid daet!
I wuz dere in doze days. What Hizzoner was yelling at Ribicoff from da convention floor was “shoo! shoo!”
You guys are getting awfully pompeis.
Well I’m pooped out.
Feces facts, we’ve dropped a real load here.
Guess everyones run out of gas.
Obviously I’ve come in at the tail end of this thread.
“Actually, our American nutjobs foam at the mouth over anything and everything ever imagined by humankind. And that’s why we
loveloathe them so.”FIFY.
As an Enema Of The State, I hate being the butt of these jokes.
Melanie fucking Phillips. The poor man’s Michelle Malkin. I’m not kidding.
Gary Ruppert said,
October 15, 2008 at 13:44
The fact is, you cannot refute the facts about Obama/Osama’s USA hatred …. this will be the last free election in the USA ever if Obsama wins, we must stop him by any means necessary from winning, and if he wins, he must be driven from office before assuming it.
This is beginning to bother me. Brad, you actually know who this racist fuckhead is, don’t you? Don’t you think the Secret Service would be interested in these threats of violence?
Because shut up, that’s why. Sarah Palin might not be qualified to wipe her own ass, but she could be a FBI/CIA agent if she wanted, not like the islamarxistmobsterblackracist Obama Hussein Barrack.
Actually, her ties to radical militias and marraige to a secessionist would likely disqualify her.
if this gentleman was applying for a job in the CIA or the FBI he would not pass the vetting process…
My security clearance. Let me show it to you.