
The staff here at Sadly, No! would like to take this occasion to remind our readers that Ms. Kathryn J. Lopez is the editor of National Review Online. In her defense, however, it should be noted that Ms. Lopez hasn’t been quite right since learning yesterday that An American Carol slipped from 9th to 15th in box office standings and last week rustled up the paltry sum of $861 per screen, not counting Sqwigglies Gummi Worms revenues.


Comments: 45

Trilateral Chairman

I presume that it’s really MISS Lopez. Though you never know–by this point she may prefer the layer of ambiguity conferred by “Ms.”

Trilateral Chairman

You know, the NRO crowd really undermines the advice I give to my students. “Do your research,” I tell them. “Know what you’re talking about, or nobody will pay attention to you.” Then along comes Jonah Goldberg, who has made a career out of knowing (and saying) essentially nothing. “Proofread,” I say. “Check your work. Nobody’s going to hire somebody who’s totally sloppy.” Well, K-Lo blows that one out of the water.

Fortunately, “Check your work or you’ll look like a bloody idiot in front of the whole world” still holds true. ‘Course, that still doesn’t stop the Jonah Goldbergs of the world, who are lacking the sense of shame on which that exhortation depends.


Ms. Kathryn J. Lopez is the editor of National Review Online.

In other words, she’s the brightest kid on the shortbus…


Ya know, I used to work in newspapers and magazines. Much of my career – and my preference – was as a writer. From time to time, however, an editor’s position would open up and, since the money was better, I’d lose my mind temporarily and take the job. Now, in this particular instance, I’ll give K-Lo the benefit of the doubt, just a computer slip-up she didn’t catch, hey, it happens to the best of us.

I swear, though, every other time y’all or someone else posts her poorly written, atrociously edited gibberish, I want…well, I don’t know what I want to do, but I don’t feel good about myself afterwards. It’s disgusting this woman has a job as an editor, just sickening.


Woah! That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen written! <!_ style definitions * to you too, K-Lo! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama’s got an oozing sense of entitlement. The media are in the tank for Obama. This poll I made says Obama is a liar!


You know, the NRO crowd really undermines the advice I give to my students.

I think it’s fair to consider the NRO crowd the exceptions that prove the rule. Though it is worth pointing out that working hard and competently is a) no guarantee of success and b) not the only path to success.


K-Lo: “Smart, creative, patriots, who realized the market exists (or so many of those antiwar films would have done much better) for the kind of movies they’d like to make, the cultural contributions they want to make to their country.”

Yes, Bill O’Reilly slapping Michael Moore in the face in a Port-o-potty is a cultural contribution that needs to be made.

Do it for the children.


It’s hard to tell which makes less sense, the gibberish at the top of the quote, or the gibberish at the bottom.


I’d accept the “shit happens” defense in regards to the above if K-Lo could string together two coherent thoughts – ever. That’s all anyone at the NRO has to do to secure a lifetime position, so it seems (and they only have to do that every once in awhile). As editor, she cannot do that. Take the following:

The Corner

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I am pretty sure that if you sniffed deep into the brown mass, Sarah Palin’s hair really smells like Gummy Bears.

Did I write that or was it K-Lo? hard to tell, right?


i can haz copy and paste skillz?

fixed: we’re going to get gummint out of the business of bailouts and equity stakes, but not until we have made sure our pals can keep their second and third homes, jets, and other necessities.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

For your enjoyment, text of McCain’s speech from Blue Balls Bell.

We cannot spend the next four years as we have spent much of the last eight: waiting for our luck to change. The hour is late and our troubles are getting worse. We have to act immediately. We have to change direction now. We have to fight.

Would you look at that, I actually agree with JiSM3 there. The rest of it – not so much. He’s still pushing for the “buy up toxic paper” plan, he repeats the thoroughly de-bunked $42K per year lie, etc.


I see that An American Carol is already tanking after having only made $6 million so far toward recouping a production investment of $20 million. That doesn’t count promotional expenses by distributor Vivendi, which BTW, is owned by those cheese-eating surrender monkeys, the French!

I really doubt the producers can count on recovering anything from the [*ahem*] foreign distribution market, where many not-so-great US films make back their investments.

And even wingnut welfare may not be willing to save them by buying up truckloads of DVDs (“Sorry, Mr. Zucker, there’s just not enough money to go around this year…”), even though Vivendi will surely want to bring out the DVD prior to the election before wingnut fever collapses.

Can you imagine what the deleted scenes will be like?

Like their nemesis Michael Moore, I’m sure they will forgo their shoo-in for an Academy Award by releasing the DVD early. For the good of the country.



The DVD is set to be released in January. Wingnuts are smart getting it out just in time for Christmas. Sorry, during the War on Christmas.


About a week ago, it finally dawned on me who this woman reminds me of, in literally every possible sense (except that Jean Teasdale is married):


I think I’m going to have to go on injured reserve, what with all the pointing and laughing in just the last couple days.

Amy Alkon's Testicles

You Sadly Pathetics keep making fun of the “failure” (actually, resounding success) of An American Carol without noting that there have been several reports of pimply (possible faggot) teenagers sabotaging this film by giving patrons tickets to that movie about an illegal-alien lawbreaking chihuahua instead.

If I could delete your comments here, I would. Also, would it kill you to talk about ME once in a while?


Sounds like the Korner Kidz are all throwing temper tantrums and smacking each other around over there. Perhaps it’s nap-time.


not counting Sqwigglies Gummi Worms revenues.

I heard even they left after the opening credits.


Ms. Kathryn J. Lopez is the editor of National Review Online

I’ve always thought of NRO as the digital equivalent of a public restroom wall; there’s just no need for editors.


“But it also has Jon Voight at St. Paul’s Chapel in New York City, in the shadow of where the World Trade Center once stood, as George Washington, in a most moving scene, that will have you begging Voight to do a miniseries playing our nation’s first president.”

What ever you say, Lopez.

Well, if the K-load wants to claim Adam Sandler for conservatism that’s fine with me. How about taking Rob Schneider while she’s at it?


Shorter Miss Lopez If You’re Nasty:

The Sandler Middle Period represents the acme of modern American cinema.

Amy Alkon's Testicles

Heavens knows I could use a laugh around now during this tense election.

But the ridiculous is so ridiculous if you’ve got the compass going in it does no harm.

It’s explicitly political levity is balanced by occasional gravity.

All three of the above complete sentences came from ONE article written (and presumably edited) by Kathryn Jean Lopez… the EDITOR of National Review Online.

Let’s review: a person who hasn’t learned the difference between “Its” and “It’s” is the EDITOR of National Review Online. And this column has been up for ten days.

If I were Kelsey Grammer, I’d also be upset that she misspelled my name. Then again, if I were Kelsey Grammer, I’d’ve killed myself a long time ago.

Stag Tunnel Palin

“…the exceptions that prove the rule…” Please don’t say that. It’s just wrong. There is only one exception I will allow, and that is when Mommy says that those hooman footprints in the middle of the dinosaur footprints prove God is a Republican.

Help me ……


“But it also has Jon Voight at St. Paul’s Chapel in New York City, in the shadow of where the World Trade Center once stood, as George Washington, in a most moving scene, that will have you begging Voight to do a miniseries playing our nation’s first president.”

How the hell do you stand in the shadow of a hole in the ground?


The HTML trash in the screenshot is much more accessible than the fact that a certified wingnut is approving of government regulation.

These are strange times, but I guess when your principles consist entirely of “whatever Daddy says goes” this kind of thing happens.


The markup crap hides the fact that McCain is proudly stating that his plan is to prevent this same crash from happening again. I feel like his claim that he “knows how to win wars” operates along similar lines, with the “secret” being either:

a) keep bombing Charlie and also secretly bomb a neighboring country BUT HIRE BETTER BURGLARS TO BUG THE DNC
or b) invade a smaller, closer, less threatening country, blow up a bunch of stuff, and don’t try to occupy it. Maybe Puerto Rico.

A Different Jake H.

Speaking of gibberish, America’s Shittiest Website™ also has the world’s shittiest URL naming scheme. What’s with the gibberish at the end of their URL’s, for example:

Well, the = at the end strongly hints of Base64 encoding, and sure enough, it decodes into:


In other words, every article is referenced by a 128-bit number encoded in hexadecimal, then encoded a second time with Base64 for no reason at all. I’m sure someone thought this was super 1337 and haxx0r proof, but proof from what? It just makes it impossible to tell from a URL whether or not you’ve seen it before. Surely some deep insight into the wingnut mind would come from deep analysis of this brain damage.


Not, for one nanosecond, to defend K-Lo, but I don’t see why it’s such a big surprise to everyone that an editor can’t write, or edit, for shit. In terms of the processes involved in producing a magazine, my current editor literally doesn’t know what anything’s called or how anything works. I’ve seen her call a banner ad a strapline, a strapline a standfirst, and a standfirst a “standfast”. I’m convinced she has genuinely never heard of InDesign, despite working on a magazine that’s been produced with it for at least the last half-decade, and she regularly writes things like “PDF sent to author’s” (meaning authors, plural) on the proofs.

Most magazine editors get the job because they have contacts. Very few in my experience even read the copy.


I liked TRex’s description of K-Lo: She is not so much a writer as a serial killer of ideas.


That’s one of the best things she’s written!


“…the exceptions that prove the rule…” Please don’t say that. It’s just wrong.

Ambrose Bierce:
A thing which takes the liberty to differ from other things of its class, as an honest man, a truthful woman, etc. “The exception proves the rule” is an expression constantly upon the lips of the ignorant, who parrot it from one another with never a thought of its absurdity. In the Latin, “Exceptio probat regulam” means that the exception tests the rule, puts it to the proof, not confirms it. The malefactor who drew the meaning from this excellent dictum and substituted a contrary one of his own exerted an evil power which appears to be immortal.


According to Boxofficemojo, An American Carol is at no. 208 on the list of All-Time Biggest Second Weekend Drops.


She is not so much a writer as a serial killer of ideas
That would explain why we only see her in a mask.


Holy crap! K-Lo wrote something so craptacular that it broke the style sheet!


reminds me of a boss I had once who told me that something was outside of her “belly wack”

It was an epic struggle, but I kept a straight face.


At least K-Lo’s worst fear didn’t come to pass.

“You might wonder whether An American Carol might worsen an already angry and crass political culture.”

Be at peace, Kathryn. It didn’t. Nobody noticed it except wingnuts who had already reached the rock bottoms of angry and crass.

I wonder what an Adam Sandler character would say to a character who dumped the disabled mother of his children for young, rich chick? Well, maybe he wouldn’t say anything. The dumper character would probably experience a groin injury. But there was the character Sandler played in Reign Over Me. He’d lost his wife and children in the 9/11 tragedy. He spent all his time lobbying politicians to invade Iraq. No, wait, he didn’t. The theme of the movie was in harmony with the title song, “Love Reign Over Me,” by The Who.


busker, that one goes in the retrieval file….

Typical Republican

Why does that Ambrose Beirce elitist fellow hate America so much?

(And be careful not to mock me for not knowing who Ambrose Beirse is, or I will call YOU an elitist. I’m serious. Grrr.)


“The exception proves the rule” is an expression constantly upon the lips of the ignorant, who parrot it from one another with never a thought of its absurdity.

Pwned by Ambrose Bierce. If a dead man can bop my snoot over the clichés I use, I’ll have the decency to be embarrassed.

Then again, I don’t think it’s ever been proven that he’s dead.


Goopers & the Interwebs – sort of like trying to get fish to ride Segways.

I’ve done that, too – & I promptly fixed it.
But being a mere human, I wasn’t protected by the Doctrine of Editorial Infallibility.


The Sandler Middle Period represents the acme of modern American cinema.

You misspelled “acne.”


The staff here at Sadly, No! would like to take this occasion to remind our readers that Ms. Kathryn J. Lopez is the editor of National Review Online.

While you’re at it you can probably take this occassion to recall that you are viewing a website. That this looks like a CSS error, which is a website rendering problem, which may not have been visible to the author. Also that editors who even know WTF CSS is are kind of rare.

If your website goes offline is that gonna be a graphics design problem ?

Amy Alkon's Testicles

Really? And that explains the hideous sentence structure and misspellings I outlined above?


The Goddamn Batman Sticks To Basic HTML Tags

There was some inadvertent truth in this short para:

American Carol represents the efforts of a team that wanted to put together an unapologetically American film that explains some basic truths, takes on some hard topics — including the war on Islamofascism — and really presses the Left. [emphasis mine]

Much in the same way that a child with a towel tied around his shoulders wants to be able to fly. Well, Clark pulled that off, but he’s the exception. And Diana, although I don’t think that she was really ever a child, like, her mom made her out of clay, which would make her sort of a golem, a sexy, sexy golem. And all the Green Lanterns. You know what I mean.


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