Shorter AdNags


It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

  • While all the polls suggest that Obama could win the election, I’ve interviewed several GOP operatives who shockingly say that he’s going to lose big-time.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 245


Always good to see an appearance from the awesomely named Dick Wadhams.

Dick. Wad. Hams.




I stupidly went over and read the actual article. Silly me. My shorter: McCain camp hoping for bad weather Nov. 4th.


another alternate shorter:

If I admit this is over I will have nothing left to say. Therefore it is not over.


Nagourney isn’t alone. Michael Barone also has not yet written off McCain. He points to the tragic flaw in Obama’s seemingly dominant organization: stocking caps.


Nagourney’s #5:

Race is, of course, the question that has hovered over the contest for two years. Are there a significant number of white voters who will not support Mr. Obama because he is black, no matter what they tell pollsters? Some Republicans said they have come to look at this as Mr. McCain’s last, best hope.

Racism, the Great White Hope of the Republican Party.


That’s just pathetic. I need some real hte funnay so I took a quiick look at Obama at conservapedia.

In 2007, Obama was rated the most liberal Senator by the National Journal, who had rated Senator John Kerry the most liberal senator during his presidential run as well.[4]

And that doesn’t make me wonder one bit, nope, nosiree Bob.

If elected, Obama would become the first Muslim President of the United States.

What, no footnote? Surely all those citations from and weekly standard have something you use to put a footnote on that. Everybody knows you have to use a footnote to make it inassailable.

I suppose it’s okay if you back it up with logic like:

Obama is likely to be Muslim because:
Obama’s background and education are Muslim, and fewer than 1% of Muslims convert to Christianity.[9][10]
Obama’s middle name remains Muslim, which most Christians would not retain.[11]
Obama recently referred to his “Muslim faith”.[12]
Obama uses the Muslim Pakistani pronunciation for “Pakistan” rather than the common American one.[13]

Jesus Hussein Christ, is the entire right wing moonscape from West Virginia or something?


Shorter Adam Nagourney: The Cubs could totally still win the series.


I keep hearing about a Reverse Bradley Effect in southern states, where white people tell pollsters they’re voting for McCain but in the privacy of the voting booth pull the lever for the Democrat. This might be good for 3-4%. Logic being that the social pressures of talking to a pollster are different in California than say, Georgia. I can’t imagine why that might be!


Obama uses the Muslim Pakistani pronunciation for “Pakistan” rather than the common American one.

Well how do the Christian Pakistani’s pronounce “Pakistan?”


“Oh look a graveyard!”



Obama recently referred to his “Muslim faith”

Wait, WHAT?


Ken Lowery: Obama said something along the lines of “McCain isn’t out there talking about my Muslim faith,” in the context of praising Walnuts for his restraint in not picking up insane right-wing tropes.

How quaint that seems now.


If I admit this is over I will have nothing left to say. Therefore it is not over.

He pretty much admitted that here:

Campaigns have rhythms, and inevitably swing back and forth for all kinds of reasons, including mistakes by candidates (think Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants) and the news media’s desire for a competitive race and tendency to find the “underdog is surging” story line irresistible. The pendulum theory is certainly one that Republicans are grabbing onto these days.

Or maybe he expects us to assume he’s above all that because he’s Adam Fucking Nagourney of the New York Fucking Times, motherfuckers. And this is the second time in a few weeks that he wrote an article like this. On October 5 he and Jeff Zeleny wrote this front page piece that acknowledged that McCain is trailing but ignored some key polling data to make this seem like more of race than it is.


Obama recently referred to his “Muslim faith”

Wait, WHAT?

Ken, it was on Stephanopolous’ show, and he misspoke. Georgie actually corrected him, obviously realizing how it would be interpreted. Sure enough, the nutters have been all over it ever since like flies on PooP.

No worries out here in the reality-based community though.


From TPM:

In an increasingly hard-to-follow series of signals, the McCain Camp first suggested it would announce new economic proposals today, then nixed that plan, then — just a few hours after Obama made headlines with his own proposals — announced that details of McCain’s plan were forthcoming tomorrow.

See: It ain’t over till it’s not not over. Or not. Maybe.

Maybe McCain should slap on a Groucho mustache?


People whose eyes cross tend to think as well as they see.

Forecasting his post-election comment: “Just because Obama won 95% of the votes, doesn’t mean McCain lost.”


If elected Muslim, Obama would become the first Muslim President of the United States.


Also: the fuckin’ redneck says he isn’t being forced to marry Bristol Palin.

But he doesn’t say he wasn’t forced to say that.


Salon had an article about the Dewey Defeats Truman potential today as well. I’m actually glad to have a mental clothespeg on which to hang my natural and inevitable pessimism and despair even in the face of a potential landslide.


West Virginia to PeeJ:

fuck you.


OneMan: It wasn’t even “misspeaking,” and George’s correction was wrong (he responded “Your Christian faith,” which would have meant Obama was saying “McCain isn’t talking about my Christian faith,” which clearly isn’t what he was saying). It was slightly unclear wording, but he was saying “McCain isn’t out there talking about my [alleged] Muslim faith.”


Will you guys get on with it and elect Obama already? The rest of us out here (in my case in Europe) want to get on and start rebuilding our ruined world…


What are you talking about, Toof?

Here in Ohio, I’ve early voted over a dozen times already. From tiny ACORNs massive electoral victories grow.


Well how do the Christian Pakistani’s pronounce “Pakistan?”

I believe they pronounce it “Pokemon”.


Here is a storyline that seems to have impact on people I talk to: Democrats ran the Congress for the time where the lending disaster occured

I suspect that the GOP talking points for the 2012 election will be that the Dems were in control during The Much Greater Depression. I’m sure it’ll work (to some degree), after all, my Republican parents always insisted that Roosevelt had caused the Depression (because, yes, he was President during it!!).

There’s no “cause and effect” for GOPer’s, must be a very odd parallel universe they live in.


Did the shenanigans start before or after John McCain’s speech at the ACORN meeting?


There’s no “cause and effect” for GOPer’s, must be a very odd parallel universe they live in.

I think that’s true, but I think a lot of people have this medieval / royalist mindset which states that the King invites favor or disfavor from God just by being who he is. You see this kind of “thinking” a lot from the fRighties who claim that having Democrats in charge of Congress emboldens the terrorists, just because Democrats don’t have this magical Will that keeps the terrorists from attacking.

People who believe crap like that really need to watch some Schoolhouse Rock or something to find out how genuine, non-magical government works.


That is an expression that shouts out “OMG, the gerbil has thawed”.


Dig this comment from a neocon:

Fall of Discontent from Canada writes: You should actually check with a stock broker and investment manager before you vote [Liberal]… you’d be amazed at their critique of his stupidity and reasons why he is not someone to listen to about finances.

Is this not the most powerful stupid you’ve seen all day? This same guy is still ok with deregulated banking because “rich people are successful and poor people are stupid.”

Man, I’d love to deport him to your country, but you seem to have an abundance of these already.


Vote early, vote often!


Truth: Who is going to vote with these spurious and generally obviously false registrations?


Not just.


Who is going to vote with these spurious and generally obviously false registrations?

IP Freely.


Hey! I’m a real person. Who do you think invented the IP Address?

Smiling Mortician

That is an expression that shouts out “OMG, the gerbil has thawed”.

Yes. Yes it is.

humbert dinglepencker

Holy Crap! I clicked over here and was assaulted by the twin of Balok from The Corbomite Maneuver!


Speaking of nasty, the triumphalist tone at liberal web site is getting truly vicious.

Cry about it, pussy.


Howard Wolfson huh? What possible reason would Hillary’s campaign manager have to stir up Republicans with a declaration (It’s Over!) like that?


Maybe McCain should slap on a Groucho mustache?

I am deeply offended by your scurrilous accusations.


Voter fraud leaves liberals unmoved – in fact, you are thrilled about it – because it is after all your modus operandi. I’m pleased that this time, at least, the nasty corrupt tactics of liberals are out in the open.

Yeah, we were unmoved by the voter fraud in Florida (2000) and in Ohio (2004) because we knew that Gawd wanted George W. Bush to be president even if the GOP had to rig the vote to make it happen (that worked out well, didn’t it?). Clearly, we were thrilled. It’s nice to know that our corrupt tactics are out in the open, it’s just too fucking bad that you don’t know a damned thing about election law. Like the fact that ACORN (and groups just like it, including Republican get-out-the-vote efforts) are legally compelled to submit *whatever* registrations they get, even if it’s signed “Daffy Duck”. They don’t certify these submissions, voting officials do. I’m thinking that this is WAY over your head, right?


Nagourney isn’t alone. Michael Barone also has not yet written off McCain. He points to the tragic flaw in Obama’s seemingly dominant organization: stocking caps.

Ahh, Baroney. 538 promptly took a big steaming pile in that hack’s lap.


Cry about it, pussy.

I believe the proper phrase would be “Suck it, libs cons.”


Speaking of nasty, the triumphalist tone at liberal web site is getting truly vicious. It seems you liberals were projecting all along when you cast conservatives as vindicative etc – you are already telegraphing where you think you are going. It’s not news to me but must surely surprise people who swallowed the liberal lie that you somehow have the moral high ground.

You gotta issue? I gotta tissue.


That is an expression that shouts out “OMG, the gerbil has thawed”.

Lordy, the things I learn on this site.


That is an expression that shouts out “OMG, the gerbil has thawed”.

Once again, I am awed by the sheer range and sweep of The Most Honorable Smut Clyde’s sophistication!

Smiling Mortician

Well, yeah, I guess I am feeling a little vindicative, come to think of it . . .


Me, I love Sadly, No! This site is an ungulate’s best friend. Better, says Thidwick, than moose-moss to munch.


the triumphalist tone at liberal web site is getting truly vicious. It seems you liberals were projecting all along when you cast conservatives as vindicative etc – you are already telegraphing where you think you are going. It’s not news to me but must surely surprise people who swallowed the liberal lie that you somehow have the moral high ground.

Oh my, this wouldn’t the same person that has crowed that he’ll be here November 5th more times than I can count using finger binary, would it?

But I do love “vindicative,” it’s a new favorite.


While begging for a free lunch from Bill Maher, Dinesh D’Souza writes:

Ultimately he is an intellectual coward who relies on the argumentum ad ignorantium—the argument that relies on the ignorance of the audience.


Investigators have already uncovered

Links or it didn’t happen. Fox/Newsmax/etc not valid.

Speaking of nasty

Wow. How do you do that?

<Cranes head around. Tries to look through armpit.>

Projecting in reverse. Impressive, sort of.

Oh, and it’s “vindictive”. As in putting the “dick” in “vindictive”.


…let’s work to promote “genitalitive”


In fairness, the one slim, remote, tiny, Jonah-Goldberg’s-Pecker-Sized chance that Obama could lose is if everyone takes it for granted. Low turnout, reduced ground game, electiowhat? type situation. So maybe Ad-Nags is doing us a favor by saying this. but who am I kidding, it’s over.

Joe Biden Dropped A Hot Batch In The Truth's Mom's Mouth

The Queef-

Do you really need me to fuck your shit up again? Are you that desperate for attention? I haven’t seen your now-famous micropenis stand at attention since the last time I took a shit in your mother’s mouth.

Why don’t you leave here with at least a microscopic portion of your dignity in tact, you fucking pathetic coward dicklicking sack of shit? Eat shit and die, but mostly, just die.


fywp. Once more, without unicode.

Investigators have already uncovered

Links or it didn’t happen. Fox/Newsmax/etc not valid.

Speaking of nasty

Wow. How do you do that?

(Cranes head around. Tries to look through armpit.)

Projecting in reverse. Is that beam coming out of your… Oh.
Impressive, sort of.

Oh, and it’s “vindictive”. As in putting the “dick” in “vindictive”.


the liberal lie that you somehow have the moral high ground.

Personally, I occupy the immoral high ground.


From comments on the D’Souzaphone thing:

This Marxist Traitor Obama needs to be in jail for current and past crimes along with his old Buddies Frank Raines and Johnson who took in all those bogus mortgages, took their huge multi million doallar parachutes, and left us taxpayers holding the old perverbial bag.



But I do love “vindicative,” it’s a new favorite.

It is a goodie. Right up there with when Gary told us we were cupable.



Damn, I’m going to leave this thread with a whole new vocabulary!


…but to retain the new vocabulary words, you always have to use them in a sentence:

The perverbial gerbil has thawed.


Will you guys get on with it and elect Obama already? The rest of us out here (in my case in Europe) want to get on and start rebuilding our ruined world…

Percyprune: We have a pre-set date for our national election, so kwitcherwhinin’ already. What, your whole continent can’t figure out what to do until you know what we’re gonna do? That’s kind of sad.


when Gary told us we were cupable.

But did we ever get cupped? Even perverbially? That’s surely vindicative of something, though not something genitalitive, more’s the pity.


“He’s a MUSLIMMMM!!”
“His wife is MOUTHY!”
“Corrupt Chicago POLITICS!!”
“Palling around with a domestic TURRURRISTT!!!”
and now:

Have I missed any of your Obamanian pseudo-scandals, Truthless?

(This is the first and only time I will feed this particular troll-thing, and I’m just doing it now cuz he’s so pathetic and risibly lame and just flat out of bullshit that I almost feel sorry for him.)

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

I wouldn’t miss the reaction on Nov 4 and 5 here for the world!

Good, okay, you can come back then.

But until then, why dontcha just fuck off and leave us alone?


Well, right now Mcain still won’t win even if he keeps hold of NC and IN, and picks up MO, CO, OH, NV AND florida too! He would still be 14 electoral votes short. After that, to win, he would have to get virginia AND maine, where he is trailing by 6 and 5 points respectively.

Hell, even winning Florida would need a 4 point bounce, and Ohio would need 3.


Truth: Answer the question. How is the fraud ACORN suffered even a remotely plausible method for “liberals” to game the election? Of what use are sixty registrations for the same person or for Mickey Mouse?

Joe Biden Dropped A Hot Batch In The Truth's Mom's Mouth

Ahh, The Shit’s micropenis is haaaaaaard as can beeee! Pathetic. Remind me next time I’m unloading on your mother’s face to get a little on you, little piggy.


That guy looks like one of the Onion’s “man on the street” interviewees, identified as something like “Delbert Whankocant, industrial machinist stenographer.”

Joe Biden Dropped A Hot Batch In The Truth's Mom's Mouth

Actually, I’m starting to think that The Queef’s micropenis has reverted into his pudgy body, never to return again. Maybe if The Shit got his sausage fingers out of his own asshole for a while, he might get laid by his blow-up doll of Michelle Obama…but hey, his priorities, not mine.

What really needs to be noted is that, yeah, you, The Fuck…eat shit and die.


Oh, and whoever is doing the revolting “Joe Biden etc.” comments: Fuck off already. You’re not funny, you’re repulsive.

Yes I’m Ms. Crabbypants today. Wanna make somethin’ of it?


The Truth’s link is precious. Basically out of 53,000 new registrations in MO, 100 are duplicates, and 280 have non-existent addresses. Less than 1%. Clearly this is an evil plot, and not just people who forgot that they had already registered, or wrote down the wrong address.

Then there’s the evil genius who registered the 2006 Dallas Cowboys as a voter in Nevada. Everbody knows the cowboys aren’t from Nevada. like, DUH!


Hey, Troofie is back, spreading good cheer as always.

Yeah, we gotchyer ACRON covered, Troofie, you betcha.

Malkin: “Sigh: McCain and his friends at…ACORN”

Michele is very depressed. Maybe you could go over and cheer her up.

Here’s the story from Ben Smith:

The immigration event, which other photos show was packed with red-shirted Acorn members, was co-sponsored by the local Catholic Archdiocese, the SEIU, and other groups. McCain, still splitting much of his party on immigration at the time, was the headliner.

Bertha Lewis, Acorn’s chief organizer, said in a statement that came with the photo, “It has deeply saddened us to see Senator McCain abandon his historic support for ACORN and our efforts to support the goals of low-income Americans.”

”We are sure that the extremists he is trying to get into a froth will be even more excited to learn that John McCain stood shoulder to shoulder with ACORN, at an ACORN co-sponsored event, to promote immigration reform,” she said.

Mr. McFilp flops again! That’s steady leadership, darn right.


Hey, the first commenter, ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©, said a shorter version of what I was going to say. Bastard.


Well how do the Christian Pakistani’s pronounce “Pakistan?”

“The Raj”, presumably.

Although God knows there’s probably LaRouchies there that’d object to that too.


So John McCain was for ACORN before he was against them. Maybe he just forgot, though; I hear he’s pretty old.


That guy looks like one of the Onion’s “man on the street” interviewees, identified as something like “Delbert Whankocant, industrial machinist stenographer.”

I think Nagourney looks more like this dude.

Concerned Democrat

Hello. I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t too much incivility or rejoicing over Obamas lead in the polls, or too much liberal dismissal over voter registration fraud. We may not win if we are too critical of the Heartland or of Traditional Values. We count out McCain at our peril, especially the appeal of Palin to the massive Hockey Mom demographic in teh Heartland.


The fact is, Obama is black.
The fact is, He’s a Muslim.
The fact is, His wife hates America.
The Fact is, he is a product of Corrupt Chicago POLITICS.
The fact is, he is known for palling around with a domestic terrorist.
The fact is, Acorn is registering illegals and criminals and black people to vote.

The fact is, you liberals are so busted.


Will you hold us cuppable, Concerned?

And Nags.


Then there’s the evil genius who registered the 2006 Dallas Cowboys as a voter in Nevada. Everbody knows the cowboys aren’t from Nevada. like, DUH!

Nevada is an atypical swing state in that there is very little of the state that is both evenly divided and worth caring about. The swing, such as it is, is between people who believe they’re living in Utah and people who believe they’re living in California.

The Republicans tend to get desperate easy here, and because you can’t get elected state-level as a Republican without also being a worthless Republican suit-filler, us winning the race will likely involve Gibbons doing everything short of literally strafing us to punish Clark County for being bigger than his northern jackass constituency.

If I wanted to get conspiratorial, I’d suggest that western Republicans’ general paranoia in respect to Mormons played a major role in Ron Paul coming in a close second to Mitt Romney – and the involvement of the Paul campaign in Vegas played a fairly big role in forcing the local GOP to conduct even tenuous voter outreach in Clark.

Which, of course, bit them in the ass. You can’t keep urban voters, even urban Paul voters, completely ignorant the way you can people in any backwoods run by a political machine. This is why Nevada’s in play again.

The GOPniks trying to harass ACORN is just business as usual – I guess they took it as code for ‘darkies’ as it was meant to be and just started wantlessly haranguing them about being Mexican.

My favorite part is that the Republicans like to believe that ACORN was doing something malicious by not throwing applications out. The kicker? Doing so is a felony. No private body is allowed to determine prima facie who should be allowed to vote and who shouldn’t, and people have named their children stupider shit than 2006 Dallas Cowboys. All anyone with a conscience can do is report irregularities and hope the gov’t fixes it.

Of course, this is coming from a party that barely even bothers lying about throwing out registrations with exotic syllables. Of course they’d think the other side is devoted full-bore to raping democracy up the ass; they’re already fucking it in the goddam ear.


the real Gary would be pointing out how McCain was closing in the polls. that’s what Drudge is pushing today.


The fact is, The Truth is right. You liberals don’t have a hope. Here in the Heartland, where we work hard and have traditional values and common sense, not eletists tastes, we are NOT in the tank for Your Boy The Savior the way the Media is. We are voting for freedom, voting for McCain and Palin, and we don’t care if you think we are stupid or rasist, it is YOU who are.


that’s what Drudge is pushing today.

Kinda like what he’s packing tonight.


Here is a storyline that seems to have impact on people I talk to: Democrats ran the Congress for the time where the lending disaster occured – what exactly do you want to change? It’s having an effect.

I am intrigued by your storyline, sir. The one I have been following is the one where Reagan comes back from the dead and takes Palin in super-matrimony (Jesus dictates vows through skywriting) – but is it really the Great Communicator — or his evil Brazilian clone, Senhor Doktor Adolfo Rägan??


Aw, poor Troof. He and his girl Malkin’s latest fluff scandal isn’t paying off despite 24 trumping by Fox.

So sad. I feel for ya, Troof. Must be hard to be so wrong and rocking a fake scandal in the blue state you live in. You could always move to a red one where you’ll find like-minded “kill ’em” folks.


MzNicky: I’m fairly sure the obsessive anti-Truth poster is either Truth himself or a confederate. The style isn’t consistent with any regular posters here, and he appeared around the same time as some other “liberal” strawmen that Truth used as punching bags. (Like that one person who claimed to be a 12-year-old who thought the US should be a socialist country like France, and so on.)

He also happened to seize onto the “Truth = TIDOS Yankee” claim and beat it into the ground until it became apparent nobody gave a shit. So I’m afraid your objections (and mine, too) are going to fall on deaf ears.


…the appeal of Palin to the massive Hockey Mom demographic in teh Heartland.

I’m not worried about that. The Hockey Moms who are really massive won’t be able to squeeze into the voting booths.


The fact is, liberals think disenfanchising people is funny, just like making dead people vote. They are biased against reailty and hate the USA


…and people have named their children stupider shit than 2006 Dallas Cowboys.

Has anyone entered this name into the Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator?

I tried it, but I couldn’t get the damned thing to work.


Obama is married to an openly racist wife – you dispute this but there is after all a reason that we’ve not been treated to Michelle outside of forums like the View.

Would you care to provide evidence, or can I similarly prove right here and now that your father put food on your table by giving himself over to the advances of itinerant farmworkers?

Obama used underhanded methods against his state and US Senate opponents – not in dispute.

Maybe if you specified what ‘underhanded methods’ those were it would be. Instead, it’s a subjective statement that evaluates to a personal opinion requiring no more than that someone swear at an elected official.

Obama received massive contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – not in dispute.

‘Massive’? That’s an interesting claim in light of how much money he’s taken in. Would you like to provide numbers?

Obama is connected to the Chicago political machine, which openly threatened the children of a prominent journalist – not in dispute.

Why stop there? Obama is connected to the Chicago political machine, which played a major role in keeping the especially-affected Mideast calm during the throes of the depression. I mean, if this is where you’re getting your arguments from, I guess we could say that Obama is connected to the Chicago Cubs, who failed to win the last World Series – ergo proving that Obama is doomed. By ‘ergo’ I’m doing more violence to the word than Jesus Grande did to Poppa Troof, but you know, you have to make do.

Obama helped ACORN, which is currently under investigation for voter fraud – documented on this very thread.

‘Documented’? You’ve made a series of unsupported assertions. That’s not documentation, it’s shouting; even if you had documented it (which you have not, ever – nice job being completely worthless at the one thing you’ve ever been capable of doing well, which seems to be choking down Karl Rove’s stinking choad and begging for more), ACORN is a massive voter-registration project which benefits both parties and which has received patronage from Democrats and Republicans alike, including John McCain.

If you didn’t have horse shit where God gave some people brains, you might have observed that, among several categories of recent migrants – Cubans, Mexicans from certain states, Eastern Europeans, South Asians – the vote breaks for the GOP more heavily than class and area would normally indicate. These people are subject to the same ACORN outreach programs as any other group; you’re just ignoring them and praying desperately that your fellow Republicans will be shut out at the polls because they’re the wrong color and you’ve got your marching orders.

Some people would shoot their own mothers for money. Not you. All you want is to be yelled at first.

What a beautiful life you live, and how glad I am not to be a part of it.


Hey, don’t knock 12-year-olds who think the US should be a socialist country like France!

See Emperor’s New Clothes …


Would you deny us our right to vote, sir?


The Joker Truth: “Now you fellas have said some pretty mean things. Some of which were true under that fiend, Gary Ruppert. He was a thief, and a terrorist. On the other hand he had a tremendous singing voice. He’s dead now, and he’s left me in charge. Now, I can be theatrical, and maybe even a little rough – but one thing I am not, is a killer. I am an artist. I love a good party. So, truce! Commence au festival!


But I do love “vindicative,” it’s a new favorite.

It is a goodie. Right up there with when Gary told us we were cupable

You won’t be laughing when you are forced to live under Shania law.



MzNicky said,

October 14, 2008 at 2:05

Oh, and whoever is doing the revolting “Joe Biden etc.” comments: Fuck off already. You’re not funny, you’re repulsive.

Yes I’m Ms. Crabbypants today. Wanna make somethin’ of it?

Hi Ms. Crabbypants. Right there wit’ ya.

ProTip. If you put the word “Truth” in your troll list in your pie script, it captures idiots like this one just as it traps the original in a thick, gooey mass of apple and boysenberry…



We’ve decided to put aside our differences (for now) and join together in voting for Obama.


Obama was directly involved in the murders of twelve successive City of Chicago Comptrollers – not in dispute.
Obama used radioactive projectile vomit to subdue political opponents – not in dispute.
Obama is secretly married to Sarah Palin – not in dispute.
Obama set off the current economic crisis by gaining hypnotic control of Alan Greenspan – not in dispute.
Obama is not a carbon-based life form – not in dispute.


Who’s that in the picture, a muppet?


If you put the word “Truth” in your troll list in your pie script, it captures idiots like this one…

Exactly what I did, and my brain thanks me for it. Thank you, too!


“If I’ve registered a dozen Djurs, a dozen liberals committing voter fraud can use that name.”

Which requires a massive conspiracy. First, a list of fake registrations needs to be compiled. That would require either a large network of corrupt registration gatherers or a near-complete infiltration of ACORN. Second, usable fake registrations need to be distinguished from real registrations — and the only real way to do this is to get that information from the gatherers. So the network of gatherers is required in any case.

Of course, if you have such a network, ACORN is unnecessary — there are other groups that have the same legal requirement to pass on registrations regardless of the group’s confidence in them. And if ACORN is a corrupt arm of the sinister Chicagobama conspiracy, why did they repeatedly report their suspicions of registration fraud to the officials in charge?

So to get all of these juicy fake registrations in a form they can be used, you need hundreds — if not thousands — of gatherers knowingly collecting fake registrations and forwarding the information on them to some other set of conspirators. That set of conspirators now needs to rope in tens of thousands of crooked liberals all over the country, ready and willing to risk fines and imprisonment by receiving a packet of false registrations and voting with them (at different voting precincts, natch, because the risk of being recognized voting twice is far too great otherwise). “But wait,” you say, “the liberals are just going to round up homeless people and bus them to the polling stations.” Not today. Not in a presidential election. A story like “sinister Obama thugs paid me to vote five times” would be a goldmine, far too risky to put into the hands of thousands of ideologically uncommitted vagrants.

You’re asserting a nationwide conspiracy of no fewer than fifty thousand persons, every one of which by necessity vetted for ideological fervor. Furthermore, everyone in this conspiracy would be knowingly committing electoral fraud — there’s absolutely no hope of convincing the judge that you were just voting for your pals Brett Favre and Josef Stalin. You’re telling me that out of the hundreds of thousands of people such a conspiracy would have to approach, and the tens of thousands who would ultimately be privy to a titanic plan to rig the election, not *one* would quail at the prospect of jail and run to the feds? Not *one* would be willing to sell out at the prospect of their cup running over with wingnut welfare? Not a *one* would have a crisis of conscience and confess?

And despite the sheer ability required to even attempt to orchestrate such a sweeping fraud, somehow the whole edifice collapsed because they funnelled *all* their fake registrations, including ones for Mickey Mouse, through a *single* organization who reported their suspicions? Hell, seems like ACORN should be lauded as heroes for outing this sinister plan at their own expense. Obama and McCain should, if anything, be commended for their involvement with such a clearly ethical organization.

Or maybe the whole thing is an absurd farce, the only fraud perpetrated was against ACORN, and your claims are so unbelievable as to make “Loose Change” appear sober and conservatively researched.


I’m neither Alec nor a liberal, Hypocritical Left.

Please provide proof for your claim that voter fraud of the “bussing” type has occurred in a recent presidential election, in any state.


“Oh, and I see more liberals can’t handle my posts. It is to laugh!” Troof

Oh, and we are laughing. Don’t you worry, Troof. Laughing. Hard.


ProTip. If you put the word “Truth” in your troll list in your pie script…

I need specific instructions, please.

Thanks in advance for your loving help.


Obama was born in the same 60s that brought us Bill Ayers, pornography, and the New Deal – not in dispute.
Obama got his position at the Harvard Law Review by killing another boy, as Islamic custom dictates – not in dispute.
Obama spent every day of his adult life up until fairly recently continuously thinking about fucking – not in dispute.
Obama is a wooden French statue of a sweaty guy in a tank – not in dispute.
Obama is personally responsible for the coincidental pogroms and race riots frequently following Passion plays until their recent papal interdict – not in dispute.
Obama is often mistaken for Mr. T by bigoted hipsters – not in dispute.
Obama cannot legally be president by virtue of being a Barbary Pirate by sworn oath – not in dispute.
Obama is the proud mother of two obviously black girls – not in dispute.
Obama destroyed the firing mechanism of his Scout’s Glory Device through excessive gusto and can easily be defeated, but maybe there’s another way – not in dispute.
Obama is simply a front for retired Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to assume total control of the devastated American government – not in dispute.
Obama, as the love-child of Harry Truman, sets a devastating precedent in which even non-Republican presidents are the sons of prior presidents – not in dispute.
Obama and the International Workers of the World – not in dispute.
Obama reproduces by a form of asexual reproduction known as budding and keeps Michelle around because he is a fungal pervert – not in dispute.
Obama and the rest of Hawaii are subject to the house of Kamehameha in a terrifying alternate reality where nothing is as it seems and the sex scenes are far too goddamn explicit even though Mr. Turtledove has to suspect he’s not particularly good at them – not in dispute.
Obama is mostly water, and the rest is black – not in dispute.
Obama spent a livid period of his youth grappling with the terrifying question of his own ineluctable mortality, likely finding the roots of his later religious beliefs in this harrowing experience – not in dispute.
Obama is just two improbable sound shifts away from being all vowel – not in dispute.
Obama is sexually aroused by mercury – not in dispute.
Obama didn’t get Seinfeld and neither did you, you fucking hacks – not in dispute.
Obama probably no longer even thinks about hearing some white lady shut her locks on him on the crosswalk, and when he realizes this it will depress him horribly – not in dispute.
Obama forms an approximate poisson distribution when dropped into a quincunx in large numbers – not in dispute.
Obama is a product of the decadent American tradition of democracy, which all good Catholics must reject – not in dispute.

Obama ’08 – not in dispute.


I need specific instructions, please.

Do you have the piefilter script running already?


For the record, I’m not a West Virginian. I live in the glorious border state of Tennessee™. I thought I had made that clear. Some trolls just can’t get a fucking thing right.


Who’s that in the picture, a muppet?

It is I, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew.


Does Nagourney know something we don’t? He seems to be hoping that Osama checks in to prop up McCain’s sagging campaign. Don’t be surprised to see a bin Laden tape pop up in the next three weeks calling for Obama to wage jihad in the United Staes. Even though he’s been dead for years, the Caveman is still the best thing the wingers have going for them.


No, Sam, I don’t have anything running in FireFox.

But I do have FireFox running and I have Prince Albert in a can.


You asked about the affirmative action princess, Michelle Obama.

You racist sack of shit, Michelle Obama was a straight-A student. I suppose next you’ll be ranting about her giant lips and inordinate fondness for chicken.


Djur, you know damn well 3 guys with trench coats and fake mustaches could pull the whole caper.

Oh and Hats! Don’t forget the Hats!



The Truth said,

October 14, 2008 at 3:18

I lick my ass!


Dude, what the hell? He looks like he’s about to worf up a hairball.


RWSnarkle – OK, if you haven’t already, install the Greasemonkey Add-on

You might need to restart Firefox after that.

Once that’s going, get the Antitroll For Sadly, No! script.

Once that’s going, let me know.

excessive exclamation points

“The Tru-oaf” Johnson is right! Joke names on Acorn voter registration forms is a threat to repunklican hegemony! And so is early voting! Say there, “The Tru-oaf”, I’ve already voted four times in your hometown…Dogpatch!


Troofie, projecting as usual: I understand you liberals feel you can start the looting now

Too late. The Rethugs are already looting the Treasury, to the tune of $700 billion for starters ($400,000 of which went straight to the Ritz-Carlton so they could celebrate while the rest of us are scrabbling for health insurance). There’s no way us liberals could match that. Or would, but you never seem to understand that — unlike you — liberals aren’t motivated solely by greed.


I am waiting for all that fraud evidence done by Democrats in Milwaukee and Madison. Perhaps Troof is searching for the final report? I am sure he’s not just making shit up, as the last article linked contains no proof of Democratic voter fraud?

Eh? Eh?

Rugged in Montana

Badgers and Pelicans™³²®© said,
October 14, 2008 at 2:50

We’ve decided to put aside our differences (for now) and join together in voting for Obama.

Oh, crap! My worst nightmare come true!!

I’m moving to France.


In short, you don’t fucking know anything; if you did, you wouldn’t be so routinely embarassing yourself. You’re presenting random outcroppings of wingnut rage and opinion columnry as if they’re primary documents, conflating small groups for enormous historically significant ones. Really, this is the most egregious – saying ‘the Chicago political machine’ to mean what you think it means is like saying ‘New York’ specifically to mean a single block of Far Rockaway, although given your unwillingness to bring the subject to light (which is evidently what passes for Gospel truth these days) I suspect it’s not as if Daddy could provide for any better, huh?

It’d be pathetic if you were parroting arguments verbatim, but you’re not even doing that. You’re taking stupid, poorly-formulated talking points and warping them so far even the tenuous basis they had in fact is gone. Insinuational stories about a big-city machine becomes Chicago as a city of jeering jigaboos chasing white families with afro-tridents; floated racist pabulum about ‘voter fraud’ becomes a grand conspiracy to steal the polls, the election, and Southern womanhood; a relatively small campaign contribution becomes $1 million (convenient how federal law prohibiting that means if there were hard evidence Obama would have been thrown out on his ear before 2006 was out, right?), and a single lisping man becomes the fault for everything going wrong with America.

You’re the special combination of stupid and willfully ignorant it’s truly rare to encounter, Troof. I could have argued circles around you when I was five; that I and everyone else have largely stopped bothering to confront your ridiculous hallucinations instead of just enjoying what an idiot you’re making of yourself presenting them is certainly proof that you’ve “owned” us all, as the kids say. The peals of unrestrainable giggling as you shit triumphantly in the baptismal font are simply appreciative heralds of your genius.

Barack Obama Fucked The Truth's Mom And It Scarred Him For Life

Listen up, Micropenis, McAsshole is fucked, fucked like me and Crawdad did to your mom after Barack Obama was done destroying that chick. It’s over, assfuck, it’s over, shitknocker, it’s over you pathetic little farty fart fuck…so roll on back to Confederate Wankoff land and jack off to pictures of Michelle Obama while Bob Owens attempts to get it up to Glenn Reynolds singing Dixie. You make me sick, you pathetic micropenis puke.


LOL, i heard this shithead was here but had to see it for myself

“Man, you liberals are making this too easy!”

right, like your mom, asshole. too bad obama’s pimpslapping mccain all over the electoral map, and all you can do is slap off to michelle obama you pathetic ass


Voter fraud? After 2000 and 2004, this is seriously what they’re on about now? That’s even sadder than Bushy I trying to buy tube sox at Wal-Mart and checking the time on his watch at the debate in 1992. And yet, somehow, even more schaudenfreudy and exhilarating!

I’m starting to think about sort of being hopeful that our long, long, long national nightmare may indeed almost be over.


Some of her teachers told her she didn’t have the grades or test scores to make it to the Ivies. But she applied to Princeton and was accepted.

Geez, some of her teachers told her that, huh? I wonder what some of Bushie’s teachers at Andover told him when he wanted to apply to Harvard (and Yale).

You don’t want to get into “affirmative action” baby, you’ll get crippled by the results.


I’d just like to point out again, Troofie, that outside of the Malkinite race-hate wing of the Republicans ACORN is an organization with bipartisan respect. It gets a lot of Republicans who wouldn’t otherwise be able to vote registered.

Of course, you don’t give a shit about that because it ain’t what you done read. You ignorant hick, Karl Rove could probably get you to castrate yourself if he asked loudly enough. How pathetic can one person be? How long will you keep plumbing the depths? Questions for the ages.


don’t worry, hoss, the truth has already castrated himself


“Some of her teachers told her she didn’t have the grades or test scores to make it to the Ivies. But she applied to Princeton and was accepted.”

Oh noes! She defied some of her teachers and proved them wrong? Scandal.


Obama’s voter fraud activities are just a front for his Bulgarian porn film empire.


Voter fraud? After 2000 and 2004, this is seriously what they’re on about now?

I believe it’s called “projection.”


We need to express our rights and have had the right reasons and serving for the right for many years now to develop those resources for us and they do have the energy independence that I’ve been working on the renewables, and we have to lead to war and it changed my life. In fact, I usually had two jobs all my life until I had kids. I was – I answered him yes because we have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you just cited, with his warnings two years ago about Fannie and Freddie – that, that’s paramount.


Argh – need to run –

RWSnarkle: Once you get Greasemonkey running, adding a new troll to the piefilter goes like this.

– Right-click on the Greasemonkey icon in the lower right of your browser window.
– Choose “Manage User Scripts” from the menu that pops up
– Pick “AntiTroll for Sadly, No!” in the list
– Click Edit button
– you might have to choose an editor; any text editor should work, like Notepad on a Windoze machine.
– Somewhere in there is a line that looks like this:
GM_setValue(‘trolls’, ‘,Shoelimpy,shoelimpy’);
– Add “,Truth” (without the quotes) to the end of the list, before the last single-quote.
– Don’t add any spaces before or after the comma, or after the “Truth”; also make sure the upper/lower case letters match. The script is picky like that.
– Save the file and close the editor
– click “Close” button in the Greasemonkey dialog box (lower right)
– Refresh the page, and the new troll should be gone.
– any other troll can be handled the same way, with either all or part of their nym OR the URL that it points to, if they have one.

Phew! Takes some getting used to, but well worth the effort.


Obama’s voter fraud activities are just a front for his Bulgarian porn film empire.

I do not know anything about this. Please tell me more and in great detail.


lol he’s so bitter, pathetic hack fuck


Way OT, but Rachel Maddow just handed David Frum his ass on MSNBC. I’m sure video will be floating around.


Swirled Bull with Obnoxious Jellied Lite Coconut Milks

3 pounds bull, scintillatingly candied
3 gallons lite coconut milk, grated
1 brown artichoke
6 pounds mare stomach
1 ounce paprika
4 bags jasmine

Surreally grease a cookie sheet. Place the bull into a large cup. Stir the lite coconut milk with the artichoke over high heat in a jar. Stuff the resulting goo into the bull. Find some clotted cream and drink it. Sugar the mare stomach, paprika, and the jasmine. Pile the latter combination on to the former. Grill for 78 minutes. Serves 3 nude enemies with alchemical stomachs.


So, I ran “gerbil has thawed” through teh Google (because I was unaware of that particular Internet tradition) and came up with this:

I believe that I now understand. Especially the OMG!! part.


Twoofiewoofie says “Read about it”. In this article from ..uh 2005. Well that’s certainly current.

In the linked article itself. there’s this:

city records are so sloppy that it will be difficult to establish cases[…]
U.S. Attorney Steve Biskupic likened it to trying to prove “a bank embezzlement if the bank cannot tell how much money was there in the first place.”

So, the city records are so bad they can’t tell whether fraud was comitted but the GOP insists well, it just must have! So there!

Hmmmm, Steve Biskupic, that sounds familiar. Oh, right – he had one high profile case.

“In a stunning reversal, a federal court of appeals struck down a state worker’s fraud conviction that Wisconsin Republicans used in efforts to paint Gov. Jim Doyle’s administration as corrupt.
During oral arguments Thursday, one of the members the three-judge panel said the charges against Thompson were unfounded. “I have to say it strikes me that your evidence is beyond thin“, federal Appeals Judge Diane Wood told prosecutors. “I’m not sure what your actual theory in this case is.”

BRAPPPPPTPTPHTPTHTT. Strike three, yer out!


“MzNicky and Marco, voter fraud in WI in past elections was clearly documented in the article I linked to. The Democrats won by a tiny margin. Surely even government workers can figure this one out.” Troof.

Surely you’ll provide evidence of the Democratic Party celebrating and enabling voter fraud by producing the final report which states just that? You can figure that out, right?


It surprised the heck outta me when I found that Toof’s link didn’t support his claims.

Also, he’s starting to give off a creepy vibe.


In other news, nor am I a state worker.


In other, other news, why I am expecting disappointment with Troof’s response?


Also, he’s starting to give off a creepy vibe.

Starting to? At least today he’s not trying to establish a case for preemptively murdering us.


“While all the polls suggest that Obama could win the election, I’ve interviewed several GOP operatives who shockingly say that he’s going to lose big-time.”

Karl Rove resigned from the Bush administration for a reason…to go undercover before this presidential election, keeping his extensive travels off the public records, while he scurries around our nation in the shadows, working on “the math,” which is Republican “code” for trying to steal another election, by whatever means possible.

Which means that if Rove’s “math” involves gaming the electoral college in some way, disenfranchising enough Democratic Party-leaning voters and “fixing” enough electronic voting machines, then McCain and Palin will win by a landslide…and civil war will break out in America the day after the election in November…especially if Obama and Biden enter election day with a commanding lead in the polls…and if exit polling indicates that they won handily.

Which may explain why the Bush/Cheney administration has been putting a police state in place, in preparation for the outrage of American citizens at so blatant a stealing of the White House occurring.

Hopefully, I’m wrong, but since Karl Rove and so many other “non-reality based community” Republicans are certifiably insane, I wouldn’t put anything past these corrupt, anti-American election stealers and neo-fascist police state pushers.


That typically nasty liberal is typically liberal wrong!

I do not have a micropenis. It’s a full 2″, damnit. TWO INCHES!

I do not wank to a Michelle Obama poster. It’s a Michael Jackson poster, you stupid liberals.

Joe Biden never fucked my mother. Neither did my father.


Only you liberals seem to think that the article doesn’t document voter fraud in WI. That’s OK, I’m used to intellectual dishonesty from leftists.

MzNicky, sorry, I thought I was looking at your blog, in which you say, “I am a state employee.”

Ooh, ad hominem arguments! Fatty learned a trick!

I’d say the same about the incompetent stalking but, you know, there’s the whole thing where you harangue people on a blog about being illegal homeless Mexicans in the tank for Black Osama. You could have just replaced that post with pissing yourself and YouTubing it and it’d be a step up in the grand scheme of things.


Right. Asking you to produce the final report that states Democrats were involved in voter fraud is intellectually dishonest. I see. I mean, the article you posted said there would be an investigation. Inquiring about the results of said investigation is so wrong.

All too believable.


Obama’s voter fraud activities are just a front for his Bulgarian porn film empire.
I do not know anything about this. Please tell me more and in great detail.

Barack Obama has been using fraudulent voter rolls to obtain thousands of forged US passports, enabling him to easily transport members of his worldwide sex cult to Bulgaria, where they perform in movies of unbelievable erotic power.

The full details are readily accessible here.


Which means that if Rove’s “math” involves gaming the electoral college in some way, disenfranchising enough Democratic Party-leaning voters and “fixing” enough electronic voting machines, then McCain and Palin will win by a landslide…and civil war will break out in America the day after the election in November…especially if Obama and Biden enter election day with a commanding lead in the polls…and if exit polling indicates that they won handily.

Exit polling done lead us wrong before, and there was a lot more at stake in 2004. Bush was an incumbent in a war – his being voted out would be unprecedented and how close he came was damning.

Then again, the polls don’t lie – neither Kerry nor Bush broke 270 beyond the margin of error for any given week, the breaks generally favored Bush with the exception of a fairly strong week post-debate-one, and as of today, to win the election McCain is going to need to win states Obama has down by 5+ points.

This includes a number of fairly sudden breaks consistent with the idea that the Republican social neuroses have become a luxury – West Virginia going from solid red (in the early sept. Obama nadir) to near-solid blue along with VA (very recent and very consistent – no poll turns up significantly different results), North Dakota breaking hard and fast in Obama’s favor in the last couple of days and several of the ‘God, gays, and guns’ Southern states being on razor margins since Wall Street started imploding.

I like to put it this way – the Clinton campaign and the Republicans have convinced the electorate in West Virginia that Obama is or may be a secret Muslim, but as of this week they’re voting for him anyway. That’s not two competing facts – it’s the maybes of ‘radical Muslim leftist with bad friends’ compared to the certainty of ‘hard-right fiscal deficit-spending war loon who has not just friends but economic advisors calling us whiners for losing our retirement savings’.

You can’t BILL AYERS ANTONIN REZKO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO away a terrifying recession, and no amount of loyal partisan bleating will convince people to blame it on the pushover Class of 2006. This is your retarded baby and you’re bearing it to term.


The full details are readily accessible here.

It’s going to be a baffling yet sweaty evening.


SamFromUtah said,
– Choose “Manage User Scripts” from the menu that pops up
– Pick “AntiTroll for Sadly, No!” in the list
– Click Edit button
– you might have to choose an editor; any text editor should work, like Notepad on a Windoze machine.

On this Window$ machine, clicking ‘edit’ doesn’t open up the script automagically so you have to find the the script yourself. Should be in a directory structure like this:
C:\Documents and Settings\[redacted]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5wu6esv2.default\gm_scripts\antitrollforsadlyno.user.js


The Truth said:

I said that her sneering contempt for white people was evident – cf her thesis, her comment that she was never proud of America

And here, Troofie conflates “being white” with “being American.”

You’re done. Pack it up. Leave, you racist sack of shit.


Yeah, it’s too bad Michelle Obama didn’t have the distinguished academic career of John McCain, who got into the USNA because his dad and grandpa were admirals, and graduated something like fifth from the bottom. But hey, at least he didn’t benefit from affirmative action!


That balkan stuff is just too wild for me. I much prefer the Czech boypr0n. Please provide some links to that.


An adulteress brought before Musrum was condemned to the electric blanket. This is not in dispute.
After reading the works of de Sade he went out and whipped a tree to death. This is not in dispute.
Knowing that both tigers and bottles of arsenic are killers, he placed a tiger and a bottle of arsenic in his private arena and sat for three days waiting for them to fight it out. This is not in dispute.
Musrum’s Castle also contains the only upstairs dungeon in existence, a subtle form of torture reserved for prisoners with a fear of heights. This is not in dispute.


Hello, everyone! Tomorrow is my birfday and I am already drunk and I’m just fishing for ‘happy birthdays’!


The Truth:

John McCain and George Bush Jr.’s entire careers. That’s your rebuttal to “affirmative action princess.”

Now fuck away off, you racist scumbag.


Happy birthday, troll who is more interesting!


Hey, ‘The Truth’: Learn to fucking read, K?

The ‘I am a state employee’ remark was

posted by MountainLaurel at 8:25 PM 3 comments links to this post

Stop breathing, the oxygen use is wasted on you.


So, I ran “gerbil has thawed” through teh Google (because I was unaware of that particular Internet tradition) and came up with this:

In space a frozen gerbil is more powerful than a cruise missile


More gerbil research please.


No, sorry, that was me. I’m already wasted, even though I’ve got to be in work at 8 tomorrow morning. Whoops!


That balkan stuff is just too wild for me. I much prefer the Czech boypr0n. Please provide some links to that.

Well, if you’re ready for some hot hi-jinks from Mittel-Europa, here you go!


You can’t BILL AYERS ANTONIN REZKO CHICAGO CHICAGO CHICAGO away a terrifying recession, and no amount of loyal partisan bleating will convince people to blame it on the pushover Class of 2006. This is your retarded baby and you’re bearing it to term.

Good one Alec. I might use that.


“The Democrats hope is to register felons and otherwise commit fraud, and they got caught doing just that (cf the Wisconsin article on the felons; take your pick of the national news media for ACORN).” The Troof

Why oh why won’t you prove your claims? Produce the final report on all the Democratic voter crimes.
C’mon. It’s getting late here.


Oh, Toof?
You’re still here?

This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in ages.

It seems that not very many Republicans are willing to admit to party affiliation on their websites.

I wonder why?


The Democrats hope is to register felons…

That’s absolutely true. Even as we speak, the Democrats are frantically trying to register Jack Abramoff, Bob Ney, Randy Cunningham, Dusty Foggo, Brent Wilkes, and many other desperate criminals.


And I’d love to discuss how the Princess makes a living these days.

We have these things in America they call “housewives”. Mind you, most of them don’t give up promising professional careers to focus on their children, but I guess that’s what gives the elitist game away, huh? The family values.

And just FYI, a university like Princeton generally selects between students with nearly perfect scores and exceptionally strong applications barring special circumstances, and ‘special circumstances’ involves profound learning disabilities. Suffice it to say I’m not particularly impressed by you scoping out a single quote from a Newsweek article about her facing long odds getting into Princeton and declaring her an “affirmative action princess”.

You’re going to vote for a woman whose prior political experience involves running at Mat-Su suburb into the ground and pretending professionally that winning the Alaska gubernatorial election meant she owned the Alaskan government and could do with it what she pleased. This is the woman you want as Vice-President. She failed her way through five safety schools and became a newscaster. But that’s okay, because she’s not an affirmative action princess. Obama’s wife having written a thesis with strong language (in the American academy in the 80s? why, I never!) is a damning blow to his presidency; Palin being married to an active seccessionist (in constitutional terms, a fucking traitor – the Supreme Court didn’t exactly leave that loose end untied) just proves how genuine she is.

So all you can do when you no longer have Republican talking points to mangle is freak out about whether or not people are darker than you. You think anyone’s fooled by the stupid confidence act, boyo? Telling us once that you’re going to laugh at us when we lose the election while we’re losing it sounds genuine; telling us that two dozen times while your candidate plunges into the toilet just sounds desperate. No matter how hard you fake it, you’re not gonna make it – your Great White Hope is losing to Barack Hussein Obama.

To quote Cesar Chavez, now that I’ve ruined your ass forever all you can really hope to do is to raise an even bigger failure as a man than you. Good luck, buddy. Hard to top having that many Mexicans inside you so often.


Why oh why won’t you prove your claims?

Lighten up! What fun are paranoid delusions and baseless accusations if people expect you to start dealing with all that tedious ‘proof’ shit?

Josh St. Lawrence

Hi guys, I’m back. My apologies for not posting here for a while, but my doctor thought I had prostate cancer. I went through a few tests and thankfully I don’t have prostate or any other type of cancer.

But back to the important subject of cryptozoology. I’m sure many of you have heard of the famous Patterson footage that was shot by Roger Patterson on October 20, 1967 that shows a female speciman of Sasquach from 6-7 feet tall and from 500 -700lbs estimated. As many of you are also probably aware, several people have come foward over the years that claimed to be the man in the “gorilla suit.”

However, what I am about to write you will most likely prove to you beyond a reasonable doubt that the Patterson footage indeed shows a large unknown species of bipedal primate and that all of the people who have come foward and claimed to be the man in the “gorilla suit” are to put it bluntly, liars.

I will here by give you the top ten reasons why I and many other cryptozoologists believe the Patterson footage to be genuine.

1: The breasts.

Why would a hoaxer put breasts on a gorilla suit to create a prank costume? How would a hoaxer posess the knowledge that, against all considerations that look sane, placing hair on the breasts makes perfect sense (as hair exists on human and chimpanzee breasts)? The mere fact that this is a female is one of the greatest positive indicators that this is not a hoax. Most hoaxes of Bigfoot appear to be projections of male human behavior, and it appears to be totally illogical to think that a hoaxed female would be created. The film of this slowing walking female departing the area seems to be calm, powerful, and a behavior that, despite what we see before our eyes, natural.

2: The muscle movement.

You can see muscles moving under the hair. Look closely. This is especially true of the arms, the thigh musculature and the pectorals. Tears in the hair and flesh are visable in some enhancements, but the basic nature of the connection between the muscles and the hair is a good piece of evidence for this being real.

3: The turn.

Grover Krantz felt the whole head and shoulders moved together, something he said you would only see in great apes. Multiple analyses have shown that?s not exactly so, but there is a rigidity to the move that seems someplace between a human and an ape. Besides, the direct stare-down when the turn happens shows an intellegent primate that does not seem human or a human acting like an animal.

4: The toes.

Jeff Meldrum found that the right foot shows a toe splay that opens independently.

5: The Hair.

The overall pelt rests on the body like it is hair versus fur. Standard gorilla and monster costumes made in the 1960s do not show this feature, but have fur, rough artificial inserts, and other fake materials that do not have the look of this Bigfoot?s apparent hair coat.

6: The Sagittal Crest.

The bony structure so obvious on the top of the head, the sagittal crest is unexpected but so right. If these Bigfoot are Paranthropus, as they seem to be, than a sagittal crest, found in females as well as males should be on this bipedal hominoid.

7: The Native Traditions.

This film was shot in Six Rivers National Forest, near Bluff Creek, California, a location that is surrounded with hundreds of years of Hoopa First Nations? folklore about the Oh-Mah. The context and reinforcing notion that this film was not taken in a vacuum assist in the multiple layers of evidence apparent in this event.

8: The Human Emotional Feeling.

Patterson?s reaction, Gimlin (Roger Gimlin, his companion.) holding his rifle but not using his gun, and the general sense of how this film makes people feel may seem to be a shaky bit of support for this film. But if humans and Bigfoot have coexisted for hundreds of thousands of years, the kind of nonverbal reactions I have seen in people may indicate a deeper level of evidence that this is genuine.

9: The Stabilized Film Images.

The feeling one gets from the regular motion and slowed down stabilized footage, especially in contrast the flood of You Tube videos and blobsquach images, is night and day. The Patterson-Gimlin film looks very clear, and a hoaxer must have realized the slow movement of this creature in the frames would expose a hoax quickly and early.

10: The Buttocks.

The existence of steatopygia, under-discussed by researchers, is one of the most postive new pieces of the puzzle to be added to the pro-stance.

My advice to you. View the Patterson film in its entirety.


SamFromUtah said,

October 14, 2008 at 3:44

Argh – need to run –

RWSnarkle: Once you get Greasemonkey running, adding a new troll to the piefilter goes like this…

Yes! It works! My life is improved!

Thanks much, Sam.


the twat is just setting up along with all the other losers of his ilk the reason why mccain got crushed on nov 4th – the lieberals cheated!

if only our massive voter fraud organization was so successful the past 8 years we could have possibly prevented the fucking worst president and party ever from turning the country into a smoking crater.


I get such a kick out of Harper supporters. None of them can spell and they’re all either hysterical or duller than Slingblade

Lyndie Farmer from Canada writes: You are so wrong!!! There has been just as many scientists that have proven that the world is not warming. And in fact we are in a cooling stage right now.

I understand if there is any warming at all, it is about 0.002 degrees since the ice age. This is a drop in the bucket.

You want people to lost their jobs over something as small as these numbers published by the scientists. Your crazy!!


I bet the birds have stopped singing in her neck of the woods.


Your reading comprehension skills are nil.

Fuck. Off.


Thanks much, Sam.

You’re welcome!


Ugh, the boorishness. Why do I bother?

“I wish there was a way to convict the liberals who committed voter fraud in Wisconsin and other places.” The Troof

Well, there certainly is a way. If a 60+ page report you cannot find produced evidence of voter fraud by “liberals,” that’d sure enough to get the charges/indictment ball a-rolling. Disagree?

“Your friends at ACORN are marching down the path with all the other shrieking far-left liberals.” The Troof

I have no friends at ACORN. Former keynote speaker and shrieking far-left liberal John McCain might, but I certainly don’t know anyone who works for them. You might want to ask him about marching down the path. A path made well-worn by ACORN turning over bogus registrations to officials, as is the law.

If I had to shorter you, Troof, I’d just say FAIL. But you know you’ve failed again already.

Do you care or care about the truth? Sadly, No!


Your friends at ACORN are marching down the path with all the other shrieking far-left liberals.

Marching down a path is no easy matter when you’re being jostled by a mob of shrieking left-wing extremists. You feel like you’re going to go deaf from the ungodly noise and you keep tripping over roots and walking into low-hanging branches and shit.

But it’s worth it, because at the end of the path Bill Ayers is waiting with a heaping plate of chocolate chip cookies, glasses of cold milk, and his big, friendly leer.


@Djur: Please provide proof for your claim that voter fraud of the “bussing” type has occurred in a recent presidential election, in any state.

Djur, ask and thy shall receive.

Here is a nice article from 2004 detailing Democratic voter fraud in Wisconsin, where voter ID was not required.

Sorry, Troofie, no cigar.

No mention of homeless people being bussed. No mention of it being “Democratic voter fraud.” Certainly no Democratic party officials or employees have are named, or even implied. In fact, here’s how the same paper covered that story as it developed months later:

The party is letting ambition get the best of it. Bureaucratic meltdown most logically explains the mess here in November. Mayor Tom Barrett believes long lines and other snafus suppressed far more votes than the amount cast illegally. He’s likely right.

But the GOP has been screaming voter fraud. The authorities have indeed uncovered spotty evidence of fraud, none of which has yet been shown to be preventable with a tighter voter ID rule, which, for instance, won’t stop felons who give their correct names from casting ballots. Yet, the GOP cites felons’ voting and other non-germane problems as a reason for tightening ID requirements.

Lot’s of other stories on the issue at this link:

Did you check any of them out, Troofie? Most of them report a couple of convictions for paroled felons voting, many more dismissed, and this little gem:

Error nets Bush 100 extra votes

While Milwaukee officials blamed computer glitches and data-entry errors for its more-ballots-than-voters-recorded problem, that explanation simply won’t fly in the Town of Herman, population 741.

The Shawano County town has no official registration list, and its voter records are kept by hand. Nevertheless, the presidential results in the Nov. 2 election were off by nearly 25%, with President Bush getting 100 extra votes by mistake.

Hmm, computer glitches and data entry errors or massive conspiracy of thousands of ideological criminals?

How sharp is your Occam’s Razor, Troofie?


The Troll said your stock in trade is identity politics.

Question for Troll: If it’s the Dems who traffic in identity politics, why hasn’t there been a single Black Republican Congressman, Senator, or Governor in six years?

Hint: It has something to do with the behavior seen at recent McCain/Palin rallies that true Americans find so disgusting.


Not to interrupt Troof’s latest whinegasm, but Kathleen Parker is on Colbert right now.

Her politics are evil, and she’s a racist at heart, but shoot- she’s some kind of fetching. And she’s tearing into Palin.


As we all know, Palin’s nomination was not at all about identity politics. Nosir.


Well, as long as we’re linking to the Great Orange Satan, there’s a piece up with a video clip of Rachel Maddow treating David Frum with singular unfairness by talking to him as an adult. She should (and, of course, DOES) know that he’s unequipped to handle rational adult discourse. Shame on her!


Hi guys. Truth, you’re as always on the right track, but these leftists don’t want to hear it. The Truth hurts, as I’m sure you know.

Truth, you’re exactly right that Obama’s electoral chances are being vastly overrated by a media that has it completely in the tank for him. Truth, you might want to check out this site to see exactly what I’m talking about…obviously they don’t let you post HTML and charts over here.


Oh look it’s Confederate Tankee. I can’t wait to see you sob on election day you lying piece of shit.


The NBC map is basically at a point where Chuck Todd won’t take a couple of states that have consistently shown Obama leads out of the ‘toss-up’ category, because it would put the EV total over 270.

Did the media pretend that Dole had a chance in October 1996?


“Speaking of nasty, the triumphalist tone at liberal web site is getting truly vicious. It seems you liberals were projecting all along when you cast conservatives as vindicative etc – you are already telegraphing where you think you are going. It’s not news to me but must surely surprise people who swallowed the liberal lie that you somehow have the moral high ground.”

Conservatives paint themselves as a persecuted minority even when they’ve got all three branches of the federal government. It’s central to the right wing authoritarian worldview.

We’re just trying to make you happier.

Smiling Mortician

I’m thinking that’s not the real CY, Lesley, since s/he sent Truth to the “you are a idiot” screamer site.

MaineMan, thanks for the link to the Maddow-Frum smackdown. It was pure bliss watching an intelligent person skewer bad-faith arguments while defending snark as a necessary part of political discourse. Also fun: watching Frum go “buh buh buh” and then shaking his head dejectedly. Yup. That was fun.


Orange Tom, let’s indeed talk about affirmative action. Michelle had below standard grades and test scores, but still got into Princeton.

Geez, do you camp out here? I don’t know about you but I’ve actually got a life besides this.

Now, about your typically wingnutty lack of investigating anything you hear on Hannity, let me set you straight (again). First oof, she skipped a grade in elementary school, in high school she was on the honor roll for four years, took advanced placement classes and was a menmber of the National Honors Society. I suspect that her fantastic grades and test scores had vastly more to do with her being accepted into both Princeton and Harvard than anything like affirmative action, and she sure as hell didn’t get in because she was the scion of a weathy graduate, the way that so many of your precious GOPers did.

So, you might want to go back to wherever you got this “below standard grades and test scores” bullshit and remove them from your bookmarks (as they’re lying assholes).


Tomorrow’s election day in Canada. Wish us luck. Pray we won’t see a neocon get a majority or even a minority.


Good luck, Lesley. Good luck us all.


Good luck, Lesley and friends north of the border. Hopefully everybody else BUT the Conservatives win enough seats to at least force them and Harper into the minority.

But hey, Harper may not be ideal, but would you want to trade him for a George Bush?


Shorter Troof: The white crust at the corners of my mouth is not, in fact, dog semen.


John Cleese on Sarah Palin


re: Maddow/Frum,

Frum says, about having Dems in control come next year…

and that opens the way to some, uh, to some potentially very destructive changes.

WTF? And why did she let him get away with that bullshit? Asshole went on there and basically said that anything not in the propaganda stream was equivalent to the drumming up of lynch mobs by his lot. Okay, that’s fucked up, and she called his ass on it, but really. “Teh Democrats Will Doom Us All!!111!!!.” is one hell of a line of bullshit to let slip by. She should not have been nearly that nice.



So, this penguin’s car breaks down…


I love John Cleese.

Johnny Coelacanth

I’m watching Maddow vs Frum now. He’s not an attractive fellow… Is he chewing gum? Yeah. Mr. Guppylips is chewing gum. Stay classy, David. Wasn’t he the speechwriter who got fired after his wife bragged about him putting the “Axis of Evil” line in Bush’s mouth? How’d that all work out, anyway? Have we defeated North Korea yet? Truth? Somebody help me out here.


I agree with you justme that Frum’s statement was all kinds of fucked up but Maddow did a pretty good job of keeping her cool and not letting him off the hook with the “equivalence” nonsense. He never answered her. He looked like a total douche. Oh, wait, David Frum is a total douche.

That exchange would have caused most people to get pissed off and lose their composure. She didn’t. Then they ran out of time and she rubbed fake politeness all in his face and he didn’t like it one bit.


The Truth Says:
October 14th, 2008 at 1:38

Oh, I’ll be here, don’t worry.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

Yeah, we’re “vindicative” – & lying scum like your bum-buddy Confederate Yankee there are the reason why. If you’ve got a bottom-feeding hypocrite like him on your side, you lose by default. Nobody wants to be downwind from you, let alone in the same room, once you’ve acquired that stink of death. A while ago you were coming here every single day, spitting Zogby & CNN polls in our faces & gloating.

Where are your polls now?

Oh liberals, it is a special kind of fail to run away from someone who persists only in politely telling you the truth.

Not nearly as epic as constantly implying that the people who keep proving you wrong are looters, terrorist-dupes or -sympathisers, hypocrites, liars, parasites, intolerant hate-junkies, have no morals, etc. – raised by wolves, were we? Because where I’m from that sure the fuck isn’t “polite” or even civilized. Just because you don’t say “fuck” you think you’re civil. You’ve been proven totally full of crap so many times here it’s a wonder you keep coming back for more, so the “telling you the truth” noise is nothing short of hilarious. Enjoy your AIDS.

Meanwhile, the rest of you can enjoy reading about Democratic voter fraud

– because there’s nothing a tad Rovian about ACORN consistently receiving 50 or 100 registrations (which they’d have to violate electoral rules NOT to receive, asshat) with the exact same fucking name, or one filled out by one Daffy Duck or one Mickey Mouse (& said “NEWS” then hitting the wingnutosphere at Mach speed, for the umpteenth time), is there now? What a diabolically cunning plan the Great Liberal Conspiracy has launched! Yeah, I’m sure the registrar will just let those ALL go through without a blink. Microcephalic much?

Uh, & as for the “Affirmative-Action Princess” horseshit? Come on back & explain to us how many people will be voting for Michelle Obama in November, your “early Christmas” … otherwise, pack it in. It gets sadder – & creepier – every time you drag it out.

Stupid troll is stupid.


I also watched Frum on Maddow just now on MSNBC. She should have Gallowayed his smug, lying ass.


I saw Frum the giant prick on Maddow.

If I had been Maddow, I would have started laughing at him. “Oh, poor, poor Mr. Frum! You and everything you value are losing, and losing badly! Aw! No more chances to destroy this nation, wreck our economy, and make us less secure! Boo hoo hoo!”



David Brooks gets ready to cry.

The new [recessionary] situation will reopen old rifts in the Democratic Party. One the one side, liberals will argue (are already arguing) that it was deregulation and trickle-down economic policies that led us to this crisis. Fears of fiscal insolvency are overblown. Democrats should use their control of government and the economic crisis as a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make some overdue changes. Liberals will make a full-bore push for European-style economic policies.

On the other hand, the remaining moderates will argue that it was excess and debt that created this economic crisis. They will argue (are arguing) that it is perfectly legitimate to increase the deficit with stimulus programs during a recession, but that these programs need to be carefully targeted and should sunset as the crisis passes. The moderates will stress that the country still faces a ruinous insolvency crisis caused by entitlement burdens.

Obama will try to straddle the two camps — he seems to sympathize with both sides — but the liberals will win. Over the past decade, liberals have mounted a campaign against Robert Rubin-style economic policies, and they control the Congressional power centers. Even if he’s so inclined, it’s difficult for a president to overrule the committee chairmen of his own party. It is more difficult to do that when the president is a Washington novice and the chairmen are skilled political hands. It is most difficult when the president has no record of confronting his own party elders. It’s completely impossible when the economy is in a steep recession, and an air of economic crisis pervades the nation.

What we’re going to see, in short, is the Gingrich revolution in reverse and on steroids. There will be a big increase in spending and deficits. In normal times, moderates could have restrained the zeal on the left. In an economic crisis, not a chance. The over-reach is coming. The backlash is next.

Once again, I like the standard imputation that “moderates” are by definition intent on continuing the very same idiotic ultra-Republican policies which brought us to this mess.


[…] of the day is from S,N (yet again – will you guys please stop being so funny and let me read something else?) and relates […]


Also, teh SURGE ™ WORKED!!! Suck it, libs!

Iraqis are being attacked and killed for returning to their homes

By Corinne Reilly | McClatchy Newspapers

BAGHDAD — Haj Ali’s family had been home for less than a month when a makeshift bomb blew off part of his garage. The message was clear: Go back to wherever you came from.

Two years ago, when Sunni Muslims began killing Shiites in Ali’s west Baghdad neighborhood, he quickly gathered a few belongings and fled. Last month, his family returned home. They didn’t stay long.

“We thought it was safe,” Ali said. “Now I see that for us, home means death. There are still people who don’t want us there.”

Only a small fraction of the roughly 5 million Iraqis who’ve fled their neighborhoods in fear since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion have gone back, although returns have picked up since the Iraqi government last month began urging people home.

In Baghdad, where most of the sectarian cleansing has taken place, about 8 percent of the people who moved within the country have gone back to their neighborhoods, according to the International Organization for Migration.

Many Iraqi families have returned to their old homes in peace, but a disturbing trend already is emerging: They’re being targeted and attacked, and in some cases killed, for trying to go home. Some have been threatened. Others have found explosives tied to their front doors. Some have had their homes blown up.

The trend, along with an uptick in sectarian and ethnic violence in northern Iraq and growing tensions among rival Shiite factions in the south, is a worrisome development for American political and military leaders who [are] increasingly eager to declare victory in Iraq so more U.S. troops can be sent to Afghanistan.

Sectarian cleansing has helped to reduce the violence in Iraq to a four-year low, but the small number of returnees who’ve been targeted so far could be a warning that the violence could return, too…

VICK-TREE!11!!1!!!1!1!!! U KN SMEL IT!




I think that Frum and Brooks attended the same Concern Troll and Speech classes, possibly together. Both do that neck-twisting windup, possibly a physical manifestation of the extraordinary effort required to get their heads around their “logic”, and then bob forward beseechingly as they utter the talking point.

Or maybe it’s just that they’re from the same production lot at the marionette factory.


I’ll take same production lot at the marionette factory for 200, Alex.


Hey, “The Truth” — do you read the stuff you link to? Your own link for evidence that Michelle Obama is an “Affirmative Action Princess” (your phrase) states she wasn’t in “the top of her class” — but also that she got good grades and even skipped a grade. What exactly is it that you think demonstrates that race was the defining factor in her admission?

I don’t know what Princeton’s goals were at the time, but at my ivy league school, there was an expressed emphasis on the well-rounded student — meaning the good-grades, good-works, good-game student was as likely to be accepted as the just-plain-academically-gifted student.


Frummy wins the Most Shit-Eatingest Grin in History award for his performance at the end of that video.

On second thought, perhaps that honour goes to this Aryan superman:


MzNicky, sorry, I thought I was looking at your blog, in which you say, “I am a state employee.”

Such extraordinarily poor reading and comprehension skills help explain a lot about Truthless’s perception of reality. He must make it a constant habit to attribute statements made by some to others who did not state them. Dumbass.


El Cid:

The surge was only the first part of Teh Total Victory™ in Iraq. All that needs to happen now is for John McCain to get elected, then he’ll sit the Sunnis and Shiites down and tell them to “cut the bullshit.” Then it’s Mission Accomplished For Realz, bitches!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Man, way too late to get in on the Troofy bashing. Well anyhow, for completeness:

re: Trinity United – an “openly racist” church – BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Two or three minutes of cherry-picked quotes from a preacher’s twenty odd year career? Using that criteria, you’d have to label the now-melanoma-free John Sidney “Gook” McCain the Third a racist too.

re: ACORN – this ACORN?

As recently as February 20, 2006, Senator McCain was the keynote speaker at an ACORN-sponsored Immigration Rally in Miami, Florida at Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus.

re: Michelle Obama – well this is from the end of August so there’s plenty more to add to it. I’d like Troofy to name one Presidential Candidate’s wife who has received as much media attention during the campaign. I suspect even Hillary didn’t get this level of scrutiny during either the ’92 or ’96 campaign season.

re: Troofy in general – POOP

Also, you just lost out on another twenty McCain Points™ because you forgot to mention Bill Ayers.


Happy Birthday Our Dead Selves.

bernard quatermass

“[Y]ou are still the good guys.”

Big of you to notice. Thanks.


If Obama wins, I am going to start working out.


I have this terrible nostalgia for the sight of my own genitalia, and my fish white big mound of belly just gets in the way.

Plus I need to assess my, er, size against the day Obama’s legions of Negroes from Space™ land in their silver ships to steal our white women.


There will be a big increase in spending and deficits.

Brooks is unbelievable. Whatever he is using to blackmail the New York Times must be some truly heinous stuff.

What a disconnect with reality. Since conservatives “by definition” spend less, then the billions upon billions pissed away in Iraq isn’t really spending. Since conservatives run small deficits, then the billions and billions given away to the rich don’t really make deficits. Unbelievable. When words are more real than, well, reality, then you know you’ve had your Kool-Aid.

Who ya gonna believe, Bobo, definitions 50 years out of date or your own lyin’ eyes?


Bobo is an empire, now.

He creates his own reality.


This whole “OMG don’t vote for Obama because what if we have Dems totally controlling Congress and the White House” seems a mite overwrought, considering the whiners who are now bleating about party domination in DC had no problem whatsoever with it when it was all-Rethugs in charge. Also says a lot about how they assume Congressional and Senate races are going to turn out. It must suck to be them. It must always have sucked to be them.


Ummm, pie. Pie for breakfast!


Shorter Troof:


Even us lurkers are bored of your same old shit.


And truth is a racist.



Since conservatives “by definition” spend less, then the billions upon billions pissed away in Iraq isn’t really spending.

Well, it was all “off the books”. Conservatives are masters at the double-tongued method of accounting, and they always keep two sets of principles.

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

I gotta hand it to The Truth. He’s got my bit down pat…but this guy does it with flair, baby. I mean:

Yes, liberals, Reverend Wright is a racist. Michelle Obama has benefited enormously from affirmative action. Bill Ayers is an unrepentant sociopathic terrorist. The Democrats were in charge of Congress as the housing bubble grew and then burst. Obama used underhanded tactics to win his State and US Senate contests (not much talk about that, hmmm). ACORN is sending fraudulent voter registrations into many swing states.

And here all I’ve got is Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Etc. I weep. Heh.


I’m sure it is occurring to millions of others as well.

And The Truth stoooooops on a Whammy!

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

Michelle Obama has benefited enormously from affirmative action.

Yeah, and she killed somebody with her car, too, and got away with it!

Oh, wait. That was somebody else.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Ummm. Hate is what drives far-left LIEberals to electoral fraud? Well, considering the mountains of electoral-fraud you’ve proven, there ain’t that much hate. Regardless, this makes no sense at all – I’m a hater so I’m gonna sign up Hugh Jass and Mike Hunt as registered Democrats. That makes no fucking sense whatsoever. You should instead be accusing us of monomaniacal thirst for POW-WAH.

That’s right, once I get Shania Law and Allah Akbar registered it’s fucking gay abortions for EVERYBODY!!1one!


Hee hee hee! I cannot tell a lie! You loooose!

Smiling Mortician

the whiners who are now bleating about party domination in DC had no problem whatsoever with it when it was all-Rethugs in charge.

It’s never about their actions, their policies, their values. Every single time they get caught unilaterally shitting the bed, they point at it and yammer about the evils of partisanship, the dangers of one-party rule, and (a la David Frum) the need for both sides to just simmer down or I swear I’ll stop this car.



And The Truth stoooooops on a Whammy!

Now here he can just say “Bradley effect Bradley effect Bradley effect ooooh scaryblackman”, or he could try for the technical routine and claim that McCain’s big Wunderwaffen scandal revelation is just around the corner, which will make you libs cry on November 5th, indeed, heh, libs.

Or maybe he’ll attack the polls themselves, or even deny they exist.

Johnny Coelacanth

“I’m sure it is occurring to millions of others as well.”

I’m sure it’s not. Now go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.


Thanks for the picture.

That Ad Nags is a hell of a good-looking man.


Wow! The party of “Country First” is counting on latent racism, a terrorist attack, low voter turnout and an egregious error by Obama to win. I really don’t like these people.


I’m very concerned about that report – Obama’s still under 95% likely to win. He just isn’t closing the deal.


He just isn’t closing the deal.

Uncertainty looms.


Let’s review:

1) People who ARE on the ballot for the Presidential Election:
Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John McCain, Sarah Palin.

2) People who are NOT on the ballot:
Michelle Obama, Jill Biden, Cindy McCain, Todd Palin.

So, if we limit comparisons only to others in the same group:

Michelle Obama = from middle-class family, Princeton/Harvard grad, successful practicing attorney
Cindy McCain = inherited a gazillion dollars from her dad

Jill Biden = Doctorate in Education, continues to teach
Todd Palin = oil field production worker, member of a secessionist political party

Still, I’m not voting for any of them.


I think John McCain should start calling Michelle Obama an “Affirmative Action Princess”. Preferably at tomorrow night’s debate.

After all, we all know that can’t be racist, right?


Barack Obama has been using fraudulent voter rolls to obtain thousands of forged US passports, enabling him to easily transport members of his worldwide sex cult to Bulgaria, where they perform in movies of unbelievable erotic power.

The full details are readily accessible here.

man, those albanians are just no substitute for the real thing.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

He just isn’t closing the deal.

Remember how during the primary season from hell, we were told time and time again that Senator Hussein X was unelectable?
Good times.

Speaking of 538, they’re now showing a 30% chance of a 60 seat senate, now that Coleman is trailing in the polls. You think Krugman winning the Nobel pissed off the wingnuts, imagine their reaction to Senator Al Franken.


Remember how during the primary season from hell, we were told time and time again that Senator Hussein X was unelectable?

I don’t recall that.


I have to admit I was twirling my little moustache and chortling as I typed my last post. I couldn’t help it – you liberals are so silly!

And yet, I must confess, I still failed to get hard.


The best thing about Troof is that he’s always completely up-to-date on the best arguments that the GOP has to offer.

Now if only he would re-direct some of the energy he puts into memorizing conservative talking points into something constructive or useful.

THAT would be the October Surprise.


Please tell me you photoshopped that guy. NO ONE should actually look like that.


Hey Troll, how come you keep ducking an honest straightforward question? If Libs are the REAL racists, why isn’t there a single Black Republican Senator? Or Congressman? Or Governor?


(comments are closed)