Yeah, it’s definitely bacon. Looks like it’s been awarded some sort of medal or something. The blob at the bottom kinda looks Jabba the Hut-ish, but I dunno….The guy presenting the award to the bacon looks a little Ian Anderson-ish, but I don’t remember if he’s blond or not.
The standing character is one of those stoopid cavemen from the bad insurance company ads.* The ‘l’ is supposed to be the ‘l’ in ‘google’ but it awoke this morning to find it had become transformed into a Ungeheueres Ungeziefer
As for the other character, I’m still working on it.
* Both the company and the ads fullfill that descriptive.
By the way, Wikipedia shows today’s got a good mix of birthday celebrants, including Killer Kowalski, Ari Fleischer, Mary Kingsley, Paul Simon, Lenny Bruce, Sammy Hagar, Marie Osmond, Doc Rivers, Maria Cantwell, Borat, and the Thorpedo.
Perhaps the DOW went up a grand because Ford, GM and Chrysler announced that they’ve laid off ALL their hourly workers. That’s the way it usually happens, right?
PS – Happy Birthday, Marie! I’ll never forget our “special moment” in the Red Roof parking lot after your show in Pontiac back in ’91. Even though I did end up catching your cold.
of course you should be honest about your opinion, but what purpose does it serve to offer up one that does nothing but undermine your candidate?
When my girlfriend shows up for a date dressed in a particularly awful outfit, I don’t say anything. I just hope for the best. At that point in the evening, I don’t see any other viable options.
Ok, Ok. Think I’m on to sumpin here. The ‘l’ in ‘Google’ is definitely bacon. That’s been established. Could the guy apparently awarding a medal to the bacon be Plato? If so, the blob-like creature could only be Ace o’ Spades
a) Columbus Day celebrates genocide
b) I didn’t think you American types would have the Paddington logo, you don’t really have him over there, do you? Or do you?
c) Fuck you, K-Lo, Paddington is awesome.
Columbus day doesn’t celebrate genocide, it celebrates fat Italian-American men in weird psuedo-military uniforms and hats marching, drinking and presumably eating large quantities of food to stay nice and fat. At least that’s what it represents where I’m from.
It’s some famous white dude lording smoked bacon goodness over a defeated red skinned heathen (who would have been a vegan if not for the whole “entire diet based on bison” thing). For far too long we’ve neglected the proper celebration of Columbus day, lauding the works of the Great White Father, who finally brought smoked pork products to the ignorant savages.
Matters get worse when the chef resigns and Paddington has to take over the cooking. In his confusion he serves the guests `baked elastic’ instead of `baked alaska’
Everything makes sense when you realise that Righteous Buddha is Paddington.
Of course we have Paddington. All former British colonies have Paddington.
Although for the most part, we have no idea why. You Brits and your inscrutible culture.
Looks to me like an Aryan superman (Michael Flatley?) fwopping a smallpox-ridden blanket in an untermensch’s face, or depriving him of his proto-Islamist feathered headdress.
Columbus Day was never even ostensibly anything more than one of those civic holidays that were used as a watershed date (although falling as it does in mid-October it doesn’t really mark anything significant) or a convenient mnemonic for sales events. You could technically make it about the enduring human quest for discovery, but:
(a) that would be painting over the actual Columbus, who was so stupid he believed the earth was around the size we associate with Mars, so vain he refused to accept the manifest truth that where he had located west India was nothing even resembling it, and so malignant that he managed to use #2 as a brisk pretext for slavery and murder sometimes with only the vaguest pecuniary entanglement;
(b) there are better existing holidays for that and better people to romanticize for that purpose alone (what, Marie Curie too Slavic for you?)
(c) the people actively pushing the Columbus Day narrative are either so vile as to openly excuse the systematic and unprecedentedly vicious destruction of tens of millions of human beings or so completely disinterested in the reality behind their political kay-fabe that it never enters their mind that no sane person would want to do so;
and of course (d) the major fields of human progress in the last century – including the creeping recognition of human dignity that snuffed out the dignity of Colon’s whitewashed romance – are ones in which they generally scream and pout and throw fits until either it goes away or puts something they can buy or snub on QVC.
The weird game of telephone the kulturkampfers have played with their largely Carter-era academic sources on multiculturalism leads to this particularly hilarious echo chamber effect where what was originally openly polemic and extreme (and therefore pretty implicitly flippant) intra-academic screeding has become an accurate, deadly serious representation of how people in the humanities who actually know what they’re doing and take knowing so seriously behave. It eventually, as all things must, trickles down to the sparrows – although ‘vultures’ would be more apt – and they flock and fight over little crumbled turds of fourth-hand swinger-envy as if the world actually depends on it.
The best of their gladhandlers will learn to pitch the disgusting santorum this produces as a direct evolution against and perversion of the simple truths they were taught in whatever grade they stopped listening because their new teacher was a colored; so you get illiterates like K-Lo solemnly rumbling about a day no one should care about celebrating an event no one should commit especially to memory committed by a man who committed the only complete genocide commended to written history.
In the spirit of thanksgiving that must animate us on this most glorious of days, I should like to share an anecdote. You’ve probably heard it, although you’ll probably not encounter it too much in your materialist, scientismic curriculum.
When the hated Spaniards, driven by a lust for cheap jobs and white women, first landed on this country, who would approach but a tribe of friendly Native Americans. America’s first and simplest people greeted them warmly. “We come-a from over-a the sea,” responded the proto-Mexican interlopers. “How? Did you swim?”
The hated Dago, not understanding the unique perspective enjoyed by a people in close communion with nature – rather than Papism – responded, “These-a shippas. We came over in these-a shippas! Why-a you no see ’em?” No doubt, he continued to deride the innocent people’s inability to handle some manner of spicy meat-a-ball.
Because of their childlike wonder for the Earth, these simple creatures could not perceive the unfamiliar objects on the horizon. “You wanna hit of peyote out my ass?” Sadly, the horrible wopps had been steeled by their false Church against popular drugs within state permission and civil partnerships short of the holy and inviolable sacrament of marriage marriage. So would be born the United $tates of Amerika.
I find this story works best if you have run out of ways to insult everyone you know, and also when repeated in a neutral but deliberate monotone in preemptive response to any other version of it. I just figured, hey – when else am I going to inflict it on you people?
The NR must be the only rag whose ‘editor’ is capable of only one or two sentences per post, and most of those are first drafts that aren’t legible because she is drunk on Chardon…stupid when she writes them. Put her in pigtails and she’d look two years old. In a two hundred year old way. Hell, maybe she is two years old.
According to Wikipedia, “cf. is an abbreviation for the Latin-derived (but also modern English) word confer, meaning “compare” or “consult”. It is mainly used in common and statute law contexts as well as in academic writing.”
Paddington Bear was clearly a leftist Peruvian stooge coming over here to sabotage the tradition of ‘elevenses’, on which all civilisation depends.
Also, he was an illegal immigrant, and is now to be seen peddling anti-semetic produce. (Marmite)
How so? you ask.
In 1999, Edward De Bono was asked by the British Foreign Office for help in sorting out the Israel-Palestine problem. De Bono, an expert in lateral thinking, had an interesting solution.
Quote the Independant; “The celebrated master of lateral thinking is promoting supplies of the yeast extract spread as the means to resolve the region’s seemingly intractable problems.
The logic, briefly, is this. A lack of zinc makes men irritable and belligerent. You get zinc in yeast, which is fine for your average lover of Mother’s Pride. But in the Middle East, the bread is unleavened. Ergo, the great man says, Marmite is the answer to easing the way to peace.”
If this dastardly plan were to come into being, the Islamofascists, being the devious kind of orientals that they so clearly are, would only pretend to eat the Marmite, thus leaving the Israelis suceptable to a second holocaust.
Paddington Bear was a poor brown person, a Latin American leftist who conned the stupid liberals into accepting him into society, an illegal immigrant, and now a supporter of Islamofascism.
Also, he was an illegal immigrant, and is now to be seen peddling anti-semetic produce. (Marmite)
As someone who was less than impressed by the use of Paddington to sell Marmite over marmalade, I have to say that the adverts (on YouTube) are really fucking funny.
But we’re not meant to talk sammiches here, right?
OT: I’ve been thinking … perhaps the reason Sarah Palin has such a problematic relationship with Alaska’s moose population is that she just hasn’t met the right one yet.
“The logic, briefly, is this. A lack of zinc makes men irritable and belligerent. You get zinc in yeast, which is fine for your average lover of Mother’s Pride. But in the Middle East, the bread is unleavened. Ergo, the great man says, Marmite is the answer to easing the way to peace.”
I have to wonder whether De Bono really peddled that bullshit to the Foreign Office, or whether he simply lied to the Independent about peddling it. Either way, he’s ill-informed, or lying, or both.
The logic, briefly, is this. A lack of zinc makes men irritable and belligerent. You get zinc in yeast,… Marmite is the answer to easing the way to peace.
I guess if you imported it. But most yeast extract industries only exist as a byproduct of the brewing business, and beer tends to intensify belligerence.
No beer / yeast extract: very mellow (no national examples I can think of.)
Beer / no yeast extract: very belligerent. Cf Germany, America.
Beer AND yeast extract: a healthy balance. Cf, Britain, Australia.
Although that does make me wonder how much more effing belligerent the Brits and us Aussies would be if we only had beer.
Shouldn’t he be holding a lightsaber?
what the hell is that even supposed to be?
Leave K.Lo alone.
It’s not polite to make fun of the mentally challenged … unless they are running for vice president.
Er, that looks like Commander Warf holding a bathrobe up over a cowering homeless fellow. Which I’m sure is what you intended.
Why does Google eat…er, hate America?
make it bigger. I can’t see it. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!1!!
But seriously, I can’t tell what it is.
I saved it to my computational device, but it didn’t have enough pixels to figure out what it was after I expanded it.
Clif, how about a clue?
A young Sandra Day O’Connor holding a giant strip of bacon over a rusted-out imperial storm trooper?
Am I close?
Columbus should be poofier than that.
Yeah, it’s definitely bacon. Looks like it’s been awarded some sort of medal or something. The blob at the bottom kinda looks Jabba the Hut-ish, but I dunno….The guy presenting the award to the bacon looks a little Ian Anderson-ish, but I don’t remember if he’s blond or not.
It’s Richard Simmons holding up a lovely dress to someone who’s fleeing in a burqa.
Yeah, it’s definitely bacon.
But is Play-doh ™ involved?
Yep! Ran it by the household pooch brigade. They say definitely BAYKON!
My guess: Christopher has SKINNED Paddington Bear and is showing it to the “Indians” whom he discovered.
Sorry to go off thread here but…….does anyone else out there see the market closing up almost 1000 points in a day as not really a good sign?
On the Dow: I went to Krugman’s blog to find out if this rise was a bad sign, but he hasn’t updated it since this morning. Slacker.
OK new theory.
The red thing is just the ‘l’ in google.
The ferocious snake with huge jaws that just killed the flat guy has flung itself into the air and is biting Christopher Columbus’ hand.
P.S. O.T., at this rate we’ll have Dow 16,000 by next week. What’s to worry?
Krugman’s too busy bathing in Swedish kronor Scrooge McDuck style.
I went to Krugman’s blog to find out if this rise was a bad sign, but he hasn’t updated it since this morning.
I suspect he’s a little busy drinking champagne at the moment (Nobel prize and all…)
[insert joke about “Krug Grande Cuvée” here]
I thought it was that creepy Burger King covering up his dead Golden Retriever with the only thing he had on hand, the Burger Pope’s vestements…
K. J. Lopez blew this one. Happy birthday, Iron Lady!
You sillies! It’s Brad Pitt holding up a giant slice of bacon to terrorize a cowering Jew.
The chick in the burqa is about to perform a devastating leg sweep on some hippie for assisting in the implementation of Sharia law.
The standing character is one of those stoopid cavemen from the bad insurance company ads.* The ‘l’ is supposed to be the ‘l’ in ‘google’ but it awoke this morning to find it had become transformed into a Ungeheueres Ungeziefer
As for the other character, I’m still working on it.
* Both the company and the ads fullfill that descriptive.
By the way, Wikipedia shows today’s got a good mix of birthday celebrants, including Killer Kowalski, Ari Fleischer, Mary Kingsley, Paul Simon, Lenny Bruce, Sammy Hagar, Marie Osmond, Doc Rivers, Maria Cantwell, Borat, and the Thorpedo.
Columbus warding off a swarthy A-rab (probably Barack HUSSEIN Obama in disguise), with a slab of delicious bacon.
Perhaps the DOW went up a grand because Ford, GM and Chrysler announced that they’ve laid off ALL their hourly workers. That’s the way it usually happens, right?
PS – Happy Birthday, Marie! I’ll never forget our “special moment” in the Red Roof parking lot after your show in Pontiac back in ’91. Even though I did end up catching your cold.
Swing K-Lo, Sweet Chariot
My cup of schadenfreude runneth over.
Ok, Ok. Think I’m on to sumpin here. The ‘l’ in ‘Google’ is definitely bacon. That’s been established. Could the guy apparently awarding a medal to the bacon be Plato? If so, the blob-like creature could only be Ace o’ Spades
a) Columbus Day celebrates genocide
b) I didn’t think you American types would have the Paddington logo, you don’t really have him over there, do you? Or do you?
c) Fuck you, K-Lo, Paddington is awesome.
Columbus day doesn’t celebrate genocide, it celebrates fat Italian-American men in weird psuedo-military uniforms and hats marching, drinking and presumably eating large quantities of food to stay nice and fat. At least that’s what it represents where I’m from.
That Muppet from Farscape, and a glam rocker holding up his boa. (I got nothing.)
A huge run up for no concrete reason except market psychology makes me nervous.
Of course we have Paddington. All former British colonies have Paddington.
Paddington rules. A much more amiable fellow than Columbus.
Hurray for marmalade. Perhaps a sufficiently large jar of it could shut K-lo up for a while?
It’s some famous white dude lording smoked bacon goodness over a defeated red skinned heathen (who would have been a vegan if not for the whole “entire diet based on bison” thing). For far too long we’ve neglected the proper celebration of Columbus day, lauding the works of the Great White Father, who finally brought smoked pork products to the ignorant savages.
Paddington gave Ms. Lopez a Hard Stare.
Have you guys heard the Good News about Allah?
Some former colonies got the shaft. No Paddington at Google Jamaica today. Nor at Google Bahamas.
That Google thing is clearly Thor Hyerdal on Kon-Tiki, attempting to catch a breeze whilst his boatswain snoozes…
So it’s Buffalo Bill? Couldn’t find a Columbus Carl wax figure?
I thought it was young Santa triumphantly displaying his vestments after winning them from the defeated Sand people.
Was that “Cf” link there all along?
Still looks like bacon to me.
Everything makes sense when you realise that Righteous Buddha is Paddington.
Bacon was funnier.
Was that “Cf” link there all along?
I didn’t see it either.
I still like the Bacon -n- Plato interpretation Not Richard Cohen had.
I want creativity points for my leaping snake interpretation.
Could we play the “K-Lo” or “Paddington Bear” guessing game instead?
Exhibit A: Hmm . . . I’m stumped.
Although for the most part, we have no idea why. You Brits and your inscrutible culture.
Looks to me like an Aryan superman (Michael Flatley?) fwopping a smallpox-ridden blanket in an untermensch’s face, or depriving him of his proto-Islamist feathered headdress.
Columbus Day was never even ostensibly anything more than one of those civic holidays that were used as a watershed date (although falling as it does in mid-October it doesn’t really mark anything significant) or a convenient mnemonic for sales events. You could technically make it about the enduring human quest for discovery, but:
(a) that would be painting over the actual Columbus, who was so stupid he believed the earth was around the size we associate with Mars, so vain he refused to accept the manifest truth that where he had located west India was nothing even resembling it, and so malignant that he managed to use #2 as a brisk pretext for slavery and murder sometimes with only the vaguest pecuniary entanglement;
(b) there are better existing holidays for that and better people to romanticize for that purpose alone (what, Marie Curie too Slavic for you?)
(c) the people actively pushing the Columbus Day narrative are either so vile as to openly excuse the systematic and unprecedentedly vicious destruction of tens of millions of human beings or so completely disinterested in the reality behind their political kay-fabe that it never enters their mind that no sane person would want to do so;
and of course (d) the major fields of human progress in the last century – including the creeping recognition of human dignity that snuffed out the dignity of Colon’s whitewashed romance – are ones in which they generally scream and pout and throw fits until either it goes away or puts something they can buy or snub on QVC.
The weird game of telephone the kulturkampfers have played with their largely Carter-era academic sources on multiculturalism leads to this particularly hilarious echo chamber effect where what was originally openly polemic and extreme (and therefore pretty implicitly flippant) intra-academic screeding has become an accurate, deadly serious representation of how people in the humanities who actually know what they’re doing and take knowing so seriously behave. It eventually, as all things must, trickles down to the sparrows – although ‘vultures’ would be more apt – and they flock and fight over little crumbled turds of fourth-hand swinger-envy as if the world actually depends on it.
The best of their gladhandlers will learn to pitch the disgusting santorum this produces as a direct evolution against and perversion of the simple truths they were taught in whatever grade they stopped listening because their new teacher was a colored; so you get illiterates like K-Lo solemnly rumbling about a day no one should care about celebrating an event no one should commit especially to memory committed by a man who committed the only complete genocide commended to written history.
In the spirit of thanksgiving that must animate us on this most glorious of days, I should like to share an anecdote. You’ve probably heard it, although you’ll probably not encounter it too much in your materialist, scientismic curriculum.
When the hated Spaniards, driven by a lust for cheap jobs and white women, first landed on this country, who would approach but a tribe of friendly Native Americans. America’s first and simplest people greeted them warmly. “We come-a from over-a the sea,” responded the proto-Mexican interlopers. “How? Did you swim?”
The hated Dago, not understanding the unique perspective enjoyed by a people in close communion with nature – rather than Papism – responded, “These-a shippas. We came over in these-a shippas! Why-a you no see ’em?” No doubt, he continued to deride the innocent people’s inability to handle some manner of spicy meat-a-ball.
Because of their childlike wonder for the Earth, these simple creatures could not perceive the unfamiliar objects on the horizon. “You wanna hit of peyote out my ass?” Sadly, the horrible wopps had been steeled by their false Church against popular drugs within state permission and civil partnerships short of the holy and inviolable sacrament of marriage marriage. So would be born the United $tates of Amerika.
I find this story works best if you have run out of ways to insult everyone you know, and also when repeated in a neutral but deliberate monotone in preemptive response to any other version of it. I just figured, hey – when else am I going to inflict it on you people?
OK, that K-Loadington gif was funny.
The NR must be the only rag whose ‘editor’ is capable of only one or two sentences per post, and most of those are first drafts that aren’t legible because she is drunk on Chardon…stupid when she writes them. Put her in pigtails and she’d look two years old. In a two hundred year old way. Hell, maybe she is two years old.
I believe K-Loadington.gif just made my point.
Shirley it should be Paddington’s 100th birthday, since he has two a year.
Thank ya, thank ya.
I’ve available for Photoshopping weddings and bat mitzvahs, too.
What? Fuck you, England! That’s not how time works!
yeah, the CF is definitely new.
Which reminds me, WTF does Cf stand for.
I hate when the internet leaves me out!
Has anyone ever seen Sarah Palin and Olga da Polga together at the same time?
Which reminds me, WTF does Cf stand for.
According to Wikipedia, “cf. is an abbreviation for the Latin-derived (but also modern English) word confer, meaning “compare” or “consult”. It is mainly used in common and statute law contexts as well as in academic writing.”
Good catch.
Wow, I thought that only GavinM could save the photoshop day. Sorry Clif but Mucho kerning.
But CapnFatback saved teh day.
But but….erm….
Paddington Bear was clearly a leftist Peruvian stooge coming over here to sabotage the tradition of ‘elevenses’, on which all civilisation depends.
Also, he was an illegal immigrant, and is now to be seen peddling anti-semetic produce. (Marmite)
How so? you ask.
In 1999, Edward De Bono was asked by the British Foreign Office for help in sorting out the Israel-Palestine problem. De Bono, an expert in lateral thinking, had an interesting solution.
Quote the Independant; “The celebrated master of lateral thinking is promoting supplies of the yeast extract spread as the means to resolve the region’s seemingly intractable problems.
The logic, briefly, is this. A lack of zinc makes men irritable and belligerent. You get zinc in yeast, which is fine for your average lover of Mother’s Pride. But in the Middle East, the bread is unleavened. Ergo, the great man says, Marmite is the answer to easing the way to peace.”
If this dastardly plan were to come into being, the Islamofascists, being the devious kind of orientals that they so clearly are, would only pretend to eat the Marmite, thus leaving the Israelis suceptable to a second holocaust.
Paddington Bear was a poor brown person, a Latin American leftist who conned the stupid liberals into accepting him into society, an illegal immigrant, and now a supporter of Islamofascism.
[…] And then there is this… […]
That strip of bacon would go well with the egg on Billy K’s face downthread.
Marmite is the answer to easing the way to peace.
… he just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich…
Also, he was an illegal immigrant, and is now to be seen peddling anti-semetic produce. (Marmite)
As someone who was less than impressed by the use of Paddington to sell Marmite over marmalade, I have to say that the adverts (on YouTube) are really fucking funny.
But we’re not meant to talk sammiches here, right?
OT: I’ve been thinking … perhaps the reason Sarah Palin has such a problematic relationship with Alaska’s moose population is that she just hasn’t met the right one yet.
I’m here to help.
The one standing in the google picture looks like Billy Connely, formally Glaswegian funnyman, now distinctly unfunny, pronto hollywood actor.
As for Columbus Day, i wasn’t even aware of it, until that Sopranos episode.
“The logic, briefly, is this. A lack of zinc makes men irritable and belligerent. You get zinc in yeast, which is fine for your average lover of Mother’s Pride. But in the Middle East, the bread is unleavened. Ergo, the great man says, Marmite is the answer to easing the way to peace.”
I have to wonder whether De Bono really peddled that bullshit to the Foreign Office, or whether he simply lied to the Independent about peddling it. Either way, he’s ill-informed, or lying, or both.
The logic, briefly, is this. A lack of zinc makes men irritable and belligerent. You get zinc in yeast,… Marmite is the answer to easing the way to peace.
I guess if you imported it. But most yeast extract industries only exist as a byproduct of the brewing business, and beer tends to intensify belligerence.
No beer / yeast extract: very mellow (no national examples I can think of.)
Beer / no yeast extract: very belligerent. Cf Germany, America.
Beer AND yeast extract: a healthy balance. Cf, Britain, Australia.
Although that does make me wonder how much more effing belligerent the Brits and us Aussies would be if we only had beer.
I would have thought Paddington was far too British to be comprehensible to you American things. Do you even call it “marmalade”?
Do you even call it “marmalade”?
It’s known as Orange Whiz.
What? Fuck you, England! That’s not how time works!
It’s the exchange rate: the US year is not worth half a hoot nowadays.
[…] Clif at Sadly No points out that today is Paddington Bear’s 50th birthday. Unfortunately for Paddington Bear and his […]
[…] Clif at Sadly No points out that today is Paddington Bear’s 50th birthday. Unfortunately for Paddington Bear and his […]
[…] Clif at Sadly No points out that today is Paddington Bear’s 50th birthday. Unfortunately for Paddington Bear and his […]