Slap-Fight At The Wingnut Corral

Jonathan Adler and Andy McCarthy have been flinging poo and calling each other names over at America’s Shittiest Website™. It all got started with Andy’s post endorsing Jack “Clinton Shot Ron Brown” Cashill’s claim that Bill Ayers ghost-wrote Obama’s first book.
Adler’s first slap (color commentary by me in, er, color):
C’mon Andy. Giving credence to Jack Cashill’s maybe-Ayers-wrote-Obama’s-book theory is a bit much. (A “bit much”? C’mon, Jon, you’ve got more fight in you than that!) This is even more outlandish (There, that’s better.) than his stuff alleging a possible connection between Enron and Ron Brown’s death. Even if Obama’s book was ghost-written — and I’ve seen no evidence that it was — fingering Ayers (two point deduction for disturbing metaphor and imagery) as the potential author is nutter-territory stuff. (Did I just hear Adler call McCarthy a “wingnut”?)
Jon, it’s very like the other side (Andy doesn’t take to being called a wingnut lightly and so is comparing Jon to the looney LIEberals) to engage in the attack ad hominem (“Attack ad hominem”? Andy is slipping into Swankian syntax. A bad sign.) and leave substance for another day (that never comes) so I’m surprised to find you doing it. Cashill has written a very thorough analysis. (Not.) If you’re content to have that be your reaction to it, so be it. … I expected to get gruff (“Gruff”? As in the three billy goats?), but I did hope it wouldn’t come from my own (diminishing) ranks. But such is the way it is these days. (Ya think that Andy is writing his note of resignation to K-Lo? Nah, probably not)
Andy — I agree that there are many troubling things about Obama, and there are many things that the press should — but has not — covered or investigated in any detail, including his relationship with Bill Ayers. (And don’t forget the gay blow job BO got by a crack addict in the backseat of a limousine.) I also don’t think it is at beyond the pale to speculate about the provenance of his books (but, Jon says, you have to be way smarter than Andy to do it), or even to suggest that to suggest he may have had help (like an editor, which would be totally cheating). But it’s still a giant leap to Cashill’s suggestion that Ayers was the actual writer of Obama’s book, his “analysis” (scare quotes . . . smooth move, Jon) notwithstanding. There are more serious issues at stake (like whether a remake of Red Dawn is a good idea), and we (well, I) can do better than that.
Gee, Jon, I guess it’s too bad that other than the Cashill post, I’ve done no other work on Obama’s background. (whiny sarcasm is, pretty much, an admission of defeat). I’ll try to “do better than that.” (Nice, Andy, trying to turn the scare quotes back on your opponent, but I fear it’s too late in the fight to do any good.)
Adler wins it by decision.
UPDATE: I read Tbogg religiously, and it looks like I engaged in some subconscious title plagiarism. If I ever come up with anything as funny as the stuff Tbogg regularly comes up with, he has my permission to steal it. (H/t to Smut Clyde)
What even they won’t admit is that Barack Obama’s autobiography was actually written by Barack Obama’s faked birth certificate.
PINK please.
I just had a schadenfreudegasm.
Why bother claiming that someone else wrote Obama’s book, when it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated that Obama is not a terrorist? Or a Jesus-hatin’ Moslem, or whatever scary thing he’s supposed to be today?
McCarthy doesn’t seem like a very bright fellow. No, not very bright at all.
Pure pablum. William F. Buckley and Norman Mailer would have done a more entertaining job. And, Buckley, bless his ratty little heart, would have used an ad hominem argument correctly.
Has anybody mentioned Jack Chick to McCarthy? Evidence to ponder, and convincing as well.
Wait — has Obama even proven yet that this so-called “book” exists and if so is not some sort of faked duplicate?
Shalom, gentlemen. The fact is, badoodle-boo-yeah! Ding dong dilly! Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! lol this ace of spades link totally owned you liberals. I’m going to be here after McCain wins to laugh while you liberals completely lose it.
If we don’t have a real birth cerferticate (I have always preferred the Marleyan pronunciation) for Obama, then isn’t it possible that Obama is Not Obama, and that therefore the ghost writer for Obama’s book is Not Obama, AKA Obama?
If that is indeed what happened I believe it constitutes the first successful double-secret-reverse Ratfuck ever performed in competition. Of course we’ll have to check the kerning to before it can be officially certified by the IORF.
Check the kerning.
I just love it. Adler attacks Cashill and, since McCarthy is schlurping Cashill’s dinkie-winkie, McCarthy reacts as though the attack is against himself. The best part is how he demonstrates his case by “attacking ad hominem” the supposed ad hominem attack(er). These guys would fail a kindergarten debate.
Anyone see Rick Davis get pwn3d by Axelrod? Of course Davis evades the question, tries to change the subject, tries to attack the other guy. And of course, the ever reliable “they did it first.” defense.
I swear, the thing that perhaps impresses me the most about Obama is how he’s controlled the message. As McThuselh and his Rovian minions keep fighting the last campaign, by staying on course, sticking to the message (it’s not about me, it’s about you the people) he’s deprived them of their most useful weapon. And it’s driving them nucking futs.
Merely writing about it, I get the giggles.
Or the competing world ratfucking body: the IRFC
Off topic, but Paul Krugman just won the Nobel Prize. I hope you guys at Sadly, No are get ready for a total wingnut overload.
NRO (Un)Civil War: When Damp Tissues Attack!
Once again, “The Lord of the Flies” comes to mind.
Ahhhh. I love it when wingnuts start eating their own. This should only get better and more vicious as the election draws nearer. I’m stocking up on popcorn.
you know, i know it’s been said in many better ways around here, but it still fucks my mindhole that people of such astronomical dweebery get paid for pretending to be warriors or journalists or thinkers or, well, anything but the contemptible douchenozzles they undeniably are.
And the right-wing “public intellectual” gravy train rolls on. What whiny chumps these clowns are.
And speaking of “whiny,” here’s K-Lo complaining about…Paddington Bear being in Google’s logo today.
And speaking of “whiny,” here’s K-Lo complaining about…Paddington Bear being in Google’s logo today.
That’s right folks, that DFH Paddington Bear!
Oh God, you weren’t kidding. She really is complaining about Paddington Bear.
But I haven’t had enough wingnuttiness yet. Tell me more about how great Columbus was.
I love how when they abuse each other they have to include something in there so no one will question that they are a brainless right wing shithead, “…I agree that there are many troubling things about Obama, and there are many things that the press should…”. See, even though I am saying something bad about you, I still think Obama is a very bad man so don’t kick me out of the twits club, please.
Of course they should have gone with Columbus Day! Google only works in the U.S, right?
Speaking of Paul Krugman’s Nobel Prize, here’s Donald Luskin!
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Poo-fling!
I just had a schadenfreudegasm.
No kidding. I had to have a cig, then fined myself for breaking the no-smoking codes.
They have celebrated other US only holidays in the past.
Tell me more about how great Columbus was.
The sun is shining, and I’m not at work. So pretty freakin’ awesome.
Adler wins it by decision.
Really? Looks like this to me.
Thanks for that link, ittdgy. It was the perfect laughter appetizer. Now for lunch.
They have celebrated other US only holidays in the past.
There’s a Columbus Day every year, too. I don’t even get out of work for this holiday, so it’s not like it’s a major one.
And speaking of “whiny,” here’s K-Lo complaining about…Paddington Bear being in Google’s logo today.
Well, Bill O’Reilly beat everyone to the War on Christmas. John Gibson managed to snap up the War on Easter. The War on Columbus Day? Pretty lame, but it’s all that’s left on the shelves.
And speaking of Google logos, has a cute one for us Canucks today — a pumpkin pie to celebrate our Thanksgiving. Nice one, guys.
So Barack HUSSEIN Obama claims that Paddington Bear was “only a casual childhood acquaintence.” I think Larry Johnson should jump on this one ASAP.
I’m still savoring the “Klaus Barbie” joke.
While at the same time NOT savoring So. Cal Fire Day, not to be confused with Columbus Day.
Why, it’s “the most wonderful time of the year” !
I hear Obama likes marmalade on his arugula.
I’m just enraged that Google put up Paddington Bear instead of Chris Carter.
This Palin moment is priceless. The audience, upon hearing that McDodderingoldfart is “going to end the abuse of power,” doesn’t know how to react. “Erm…”, they take a moment to contemplate, “does that mean he’s dumping her?” After a few confused seconds, they finally muster up a semisincere “Yays!”
via TPM. Ya gotta watch it.
Today is the day Columbus Day is observed in the U.S.—the second Monday of October, which is Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians! Today is obviously not the 12th, the day Columbus stumbled upon the Bahamas, and actually the 12th on our calendar isn’t even right, because Columbus made landfall on October 12, 1492, of the old Julian calendar.
Paddington Bear wins on both technicality and stupidity.
Remember they’re not “booing.” They’re saying ‘NROoooooooo”!
the day Columbus stumbled upon the Bahamas…
J—, are you trying to me that Columbus did not sail the ocean blue in 1492 in search of reggae, jerk chicken, and sugary rum drinks?
The audience, upon hearing that McDodderingoldfart is “going to end the abuse of power,” doesn’t know how to react.
I’d be confused too – is she running away from Bush / Cheney, or herself?
Lest we think that the Columbus ragegasm is limited only to Ms. Lopez, Ye Olde Perfessor works hisself all into a tizzy over folks not bowing at the Columbus altar.
Here’s where I’m at with Columbus- He’s a useful idiot w/r/t global exploration and understanding our planet, but he was also a ruthless rampaging jackass who did a great deal of harm to people(s) who didn’t have his sort of technological advantage to make it a fair fight. I put him up there with the conquests of the Ming and Qing dynasties…thanks for helping us climb the ladder of technological achievement, fellas, but I could have done without the sound and fury, thanks.
Oh God, you weren’t kidding. She really is complaining about Paddington Bear.
Is this on account of the latest Paddington book arguing against anti-immigrant prejudice, against persecution of foreign-looking people, and in favour of sympathy for refugees? I can see how Paddington could become the target of the next 15-Minute Hate.
Oops, forgot link.
I mean, if your antipathy to illegal immigrants is such that you’re opposed to Paddington Bear, then consistency demands a denunciation of Columbus as well.
are you trying to me that Columbus did not sail the ocean blue in 1492 in search of reggae, jerk chicken, and sugary rum drinks?
He most certainly did not. As I recall, he sailed and sailed and sailed and sailed to find this land for me and you.
BTW, Dow Jones up 800 points so far today. I’m gettin’ dizzy.
Consistency, SC? From the likes of K-Lo?
Speaking of which, the Dow is up 812 points.
This is no doubt due to the fact that McCain’s new speech is sure to knock Obama off the top of the charts.
Which speech? The one he was going to give but didn’t or the other one he was going to give but didn’t? Oh wait….speech. Right, it was policies he never had.
My Friends, now that I’ve solved that pesky economic “crisis”, let’s go ahead and start a war somewhere, shall we?
*snorf ** snirk* The Reuters political news panel on Yahoo
McCain attempts fresh comeback bid – 1 hour ago
Obama lays out fresh economic proposals – 2 hours ago
help me! I can’t stop laughing.
Isn’t this like the second or third recent pissing match McCarthy has engaged in with his Corner compatriots? Hmmm. Turning on friends with paranoid delusional rantings… sounds like Andy’s in the midst of a coke-induced breakdown.
When’s the last time anyone saw Microsoft go up 18% in one day?
That’s just weird.
Huh. I’d always heard that Columbus was just sailing around looking for a decent Take-Out Curry place.
While at the same time NOT savoring So. Cal Fire Day, not to be confused with Columbus Day.
Why, it’s “the most wonderful time of the year” !
Yes, the snowflakes were falling this morning.
Scare “quotes” always frighten ME, tho not as much as ALL CAPS!!112@**!
Isn’t this like the second or third recent pissing match McCarthy has engaged in with his Corner compatriots?
There was this one:
Dow finishes up 936 points!!
Yay! We’re saved! The Great Financial Crisis is over! Until probably the next President is sworn in! Or until the October jobless , CPI and personal bankruptcy numbers come in showing just how fucked Main Street still is! Or until the banks have burned through everything they’ve just been given and come begging for more!!
Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT Boy howdy! Goshdarnit! In what way, Charlie? Gee whillikers! Palling around with terrorists! Consarnit! I can see Russia from my house. Dagnabit! Bleep blorp beedle bezorp mooseBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOOOOOOWWWWWTTTTT
Like Dodger Stadium, Paddington Bear turns 50. Unlike Dodger Stadium, Paddington Bear turns 50 today.
Oops, stratch Dodger Stadium. Replace with Dodger baseball in Los Angeles.
What – no pistols at dawn?
Oleaginous little pussyboys.
Find these stoneless gits some flintlocks & seconds, post-haste!
Or do you just WANT to make Baby Darwin cry?
Isn’t this like the second or third recent pissing match McCarthy has engaged in with his Corner compatriots?
There seem to have been earlier examples.
I’m not optimistic about this comment getting through the spam filter since someone seems to have primed WP to suppress any links to TBogg, especially when TBogg used a title like “Slap-fight at the XX Corral” a week earlier than Clif.
Isn’t this like the second or third recent pissing match McCarthy has engaged in with his Corner compatriots?
His shoes may never get dry.
Will somebody tell these guys to get a room already. Or at least a stall with a door.
Didn’t “Grillboy” Yankee start this meme?
A little catfight brewing … gellar can’t believe she hasn’t been named in the Islamophobia’s Dirty Dozen, though, horrors, Malkin has!
[…] Obama Write “Dreams from My Father” … Or Did Ayers? (a post that resulted in a WTH? exchange from one of his collegues at […]
All right, I’ll admit it. I wrote “Dreams from My Father”. But Barack did insist I add the cocaine part.
Thanks for the link. Pammy is pissed that the Malkinthing stole her “Rachel Ray is a Terrorist” idea and cites ‘Lil Debbie in doing it. It might actually be the most perfect example of internet insanity in history.
[…] (Rich Lowry, Ed Whelan), etc. But Andy McCarthy’s unique descent into full-fledged reality-detachment and ”sheer madness” has really been something to behold — not because […]