The Right doesn’t merely promote violence when they’re about to lose power

No, they promote violence all the time.

While goofy shenanigans such as these are sure to increase in frequency if Obama gets elected, it’s worth remembering that right-wingers don’t just promote violence and bigotry when they’re about to lose power. Indeed, when they’re in power, the Right promotes violence not against the state, but by the state. Some classic examples:

Civilized societies have found it harder, though, to beat the barbarians without killing all, or nearly all, of them. Were it really to become all-out war of the sort that Osama and his ilk want, the likely result would be genocide — unavoidable, and provoked, perhaps, but genocide nonetheless, akin to what Rome did to Carthage, or to what Americans did to American Indians. That’s what happens when two societies can’t live together, and the weaker one won’t stop fighting — especially when the weaker one targets the civilians and children of the stronger. This is why I think it’s important to pursue a vigorous military strategy now. Because if we don’t, the military strategy we’ll have to follow in five or ten years will be light-years beyond “vigorous.”

Glenn Reynolds

Why did Bosnia collapse into the worst slaughter in Europe since World War Two? In the thirty years before the meltdown, Bosnian Serbs had declined from 43 percent to 31 percent of the population, while Bosnian Muslims had increased from 26 percent to 44 percent. In a democratic age, you can’t buck demography, except through civil war. The Serbs figured that out, as other Continentals will in the years ahead: if you can’t outbreed the enemy, cull ’em. The problem that Europe faces is that Bosnia’s demographic profile is now the model for the entire continent.

Mark Steyn

IF a prize were awarded for the most-improved government publication of the decade, we could choose the winner now: “Army Field Manual 3-24, Counterinsurgency” (MCWP 3-33.5 for the Marine Corps). Rising above abysmal earlier drafts, the Army and Marines have come through with doctrine that will truly help our troops. […]

In the spirit of constructive criticism, here are a few of the gaps remaining:

While the sometimes-you-just-have-to-fight realists are in the ascendant at last, the military’s academic side still has too much influence. You see it plainly in the illustrative vignettes chosen to accompany the text: They emphasize soft power (doesn’t work – sorry) over the need to kill implacable murderers to provide security for the innocent.

The bias in the case-study selection still favors the hand-holding efforts that helped create the current mess in Iraq (military academics, like all academics, won’t give up on their theses just because mere facts contradict them). The drafters cite the anomalous example of Malaya (while downplaying that campaign’s violence), but ignore the same-decade example of the Mau-Mau revolt, in which the British won a complete victory – thanks to concentration camps, hanging courts and aggressive military operations.

Ralph Peters

I’ll make a deal with the Left: You wanna impeach President Bush? Go ahead. Knock yourself out. In fact, let’s just go to the polls and turn the whole government over to the Democrats. You wanna run the whole show? Fine. Elect Howard Dean President. End all surveillance against possible enemy combatants, unless you can get a warrant based on probable cause. Withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan immediately. Permanently kill the PATRIOT Act. Do whatever you want to do. I’m perfectly willing, at this point, to do it your way.

I mean, really, what’s the worst that can happen? An American city goes up in nuclear fire? Well, it’ll probably be New York, Chicago, or LA. You know, a major city. I don’t live there, nor do most Americans. So we’ll be fine.

But here’s the other half of the deal: If that happens, we get to march on Washington, drag you naked and screaming from your offices, and hang you from the ornate lampposts that line The Mall. Then, free from roadblocks thrown up by infantile political fools, maybe we’ll get serious about defending the United States, her people, her freedoms, and her values, in an increasingly hostile world.

Dale Franks

History never offers exact parallels, but it does have useful lessons. In assessing manning needs for Iraq, one would do well to look to prior conflicts of similar nature: one might look especially to the Boer War, in which a fractious, semi-fanatical culture was slowly ground into submission by an occupying force several years after the seeming success of the initial invasion. If it sounds familiar, it should: and so the means of victory there offer an instructive thought experiment for Iraq today.

Make no mistake: those means were cruel. I have stated previously that I endorse cruel things in war — to eschew them is folly. The British achieved victory over the Boers by taking their women and children away to concentration camps, by laying waste to the countryside, and by dotting the veld with small garrisons in blockhouses at regular intervals. The men who remained were hindered in their movements by the wire stretching from blockhouse to blockhouse (a phenomenon that the Morice Line experience has shown would be massively more effective now); they could either surrender or die. Absent women and children, the rules of engagement were lax. From implementation to victory took under 18 months. To accomplish this required over one-quarter million soldiers.

Josh Trevino

[W]e have a couple of choices, and everybody has been talking about being an honest broker, but there’s another choice, and that is to be a participant on one side, with the Shias and Kurds against the Sunnis. The Shias, while they are a bigger number of people, they don’t have the experience that the Sunnis have, but if you combine the Shia numbers with our technology and our support, technical support, we could in fact get a second best; not what we wanted, which was a government that was genuinely democratic, but perhaps a friendly, semi-theocratic Shia government that we had put in power by helping them win a civil war. That’s not a wonderful choice, but it’s a lot better than turning tail and leaving.

Tony Blankley

Fun, fun, fun.

It’s quite amazing to watch the same people who pushed for concentration camps, hanging courts and genocide during the Bush years to now talk about taking up arms against the tyrannical and violent government that Barack Obama is about to unleash. There are many words one could use to describe this mentality, but I think calling them “crazy assholes” will suffice.


Comments: 206


Crazy assholes, republicans, it’s all become the same thing.

Incontinentia Buttocks

Aah, Tacitus at his finest.

For the record, this statement:

I have stated previously that I endorse cruel things in war — to eschew them is folly.

…was the initial inspiration for my nom de comment.

When I read it, I couldn’t help but hear it in the voice of Michael Palin as Pontius Pilate:

I have stated pweviously that I endorse kwoooool things in wah––to eshoo them is fowy!

And the rest seemed obvious.


I like turning over the rock and showing the squirming underneath. It show how dangerous they are and how outside of the mainstream. Tag them with the crazy brush in all cases.


Bloody hell, those fat bastards dream of a world where they wouldn’t last five seconds.

If that happens, we get to march on Washington, drag you naked and screaming from your offices, and hang you from the ornate lampposts that line The Mall.

Dude might actually want to visit D.C. 1. People wear clothes when they go to work so how they’re going to wind up naked is something probably best left unexplored. 2. Most of the lampposts along the mall aren’t ideal for hanging. 3. We’ve got more police services than you can possibly ever imagine. 4. Guns? We got guns.

Christ, the cops wouldn’t even need to get involved. Just post street gangs around the perimeter.

It reminds me of the hilarity that ensued after the Klan planned a huge March of The Sugar Plum White Supremacists in DC a few years ago. It was going to be the biggest White Power Rally EVAR.

No. One.

NO. ONE. Showed up.


“Providing financial aid to terrorists who target European civilians would be uncivilized — but, then, the Europeans are supposed to be the civilized ones, no?”

What a whimsical way to dismiss concerns about killing Europeans for the sin of living in Europe, Professor Reynolds!


Wow. Sometimes I forget just how bugfuck insane these people are. “We’re lynching people to defend our freedoms.”

You know, like those rights to life and liberty.

I dare these motherfuckers–dare them–to try to drag my ass anywhere. I’ll show them what a fighting liberal can do.


Well, it’ll probably be New York, Chicago, or LA. You know, a major city. I don’t live there, nor do most Americans. So we’ll be fine.

Wingnuts believe their own farts smell exquisite.

But they’re wrong.


“I dare these motherfuckers–dare them–to try to drag my ass anywhere. I’ll show them what a fighting liberal can do.”

Fortunately for all involved, that won’t be necessary. The people quoted in the article above–the whole lot of them–are cowards and frauds, too busy huddling in their rooms and pretending guns make them tough. To think that they would try anything that might result in harm to themselves would be like getting nervous about a 10-year-old with a Super Soaker.


Encourage other people to take up arms? Absolutely.

Take up arms themselves? Not a chance in hell.

These folks work for wingnut welfare. They actually have a job whose basic tenet is stirring up rabble. To be that money-hungry (I started to say “to be such a whore”, but that would be demeaning to actual ladies of the evening), to have so little self-respect, to spend all that time writing pissy little screeds on a computer screen – please. To actually hit the streets takes SOME kind of principle, even if the principle is hard-wired inbred white superiority. These sacks of human filth don’t even have that.


What I hate the most is how they dress up the ugliness in sober, measured, reluctant words. They don’t even have the stones to speak plainly; they have to hide their impotence in a flow of verbal diarrhea.

Then there are the folks who actually would commit violence. I can only hope that the Minutemen are an example of their organization and military skill.


These folks got NO game … And then prance around trying to convince the rest of us there’s only one game in town. No game — one game. Lame brains. Crazy is too fine a notion for what they are. Crazy implies a whole bunch range of qualities that these foolish bastards shut their eyes to on a daily basis. What they are is fucking stupid. Epically, operatically stupid. They are The Mole People.


But here’s the other half of the deal: If that happens, we get to march on Washington, drag you naked and screaming from your offices, and hang you from the ornate lampposts that line The Mall. Then, free from roadblocks thrown up by infantile political fools, maybe we’ll get serious about defending the United States, her people, her freedoms, and her values, in an increasingly hostile world.

With only about 30 million people left????


OT, but have you seen this purified wingnutty goodness?



I find it slightly fascinating how much these people admire the cruellest aspects of the British Empire and wish to emulate them.

That is of course, exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they took on King George. That’s why the Declaration of Independence goes:

“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. We can only hope in years to come to copy His Majesty’s fine example.”


There are many words one could use to describe this mentality

but the accepted, precise, and historically-accurate term is “fascist”.


Reynolds, Steyn, et. al: legends in their own lunchtime. They can fulminate. They can threaten. But it appears that they’re shit out of luck. People all over the western world are blaming the current recession on conservativesregardless of whether they’re in power or not.

Except for Italy. Go figure.


Actually, this reminds me of something I’ve been thinking about for a while. Many of you will consider this obvious, but…

We’ve got the neoconservatives, and the paleoconservatives (to oversimplify greatly). There are individuals and groups which seem to partake of both points of view, but I think the distinction is real enough to consider. Now, the neoconservatives have always focussed on starting and preserving wars through the state, far outside of the US territory. Consider the effect of Pipes continually raising fear of muslims in the US. And the paleoconservatives focus on starting ‘wars’, or at least fighting, inside the USA (Consider the real-world effect of Buchanan’s statements about hispanics “invading” the US south-west).

Neither group seems to posses, or even desire, a sense of objectivity or perspective about the ‘threat’ they continually warn people about. The neoconservatives are more subtle in their racism, and they wish to remove voices that disagree with them from academia. The paleoconservatives have a more elemental form of racism. They aren’t necessarily less clever, but they are sorta more straightforward.

/total pedantry


I suppose none of them appreciate that the British empire lasted as long as its economy did. The economic underpinnings of the American empire were never half so sound, and are now completely gone. In that situation, there is no such thing as victory.

At the height of the British empire, Britain was the foremost manufacturing nation in the world. The colonies supplied Britain with raw materials, and received finished goods in return. The jobs, the money, and the shiny new goods helped keep the colonies complacent, as the richer and more powerful locals were making a lot of money.

Does that sound like America today? Urm.. No. The US has no monopoly on the export of goods. Infact, the US has to import the vast majority of its consumer products, and is running a huge trade deficit.

So if there is no financial advantage to being part of the US empire, where are the local supporters? All of the most successful empires have relied on getting enough colonials to support them, particularly the most rich and powerful.

Where is the pro-American movement in Iraq? In Afganistan? Where are the people who see the yanks as anything more than a proxy to kill their enemies with? In Iraq and Afghanistan, the main exports are oil, and heroin respectively. For both substances, it is a sellers market. For purchasing the wonders of the modern world.. The USA isn’t the place to go. It is a buyers market when it comes to infrastructure, technology, and consumer goods.

The US just doesn’t have anything to offer its empire. No perks, no economic benefits, and certainly nothing they can’t get elsewhere. Thus, it must collapse. Sending in the troops is just re-arranging the deck chairs.. a show of force to salve wounded pride. The Boer war represented the END of that areas usefulness to the empire, which was marginal to start with.


Maybe the wingnuts are just thinking ahead, anticipating Putin taking over America or something, and want to quickly move us to the point where that would seem like as improvement? “Wow, our previous thugs were pretty heartless, but this guy is cruel and effective! Awesome! Sweet, sweet *competent* evil!”


Why do so many of these freaks have such a hard on for us to become the new British Empire? Didn’t we fight a war of independence against those guys? Are they implying George Washington was some sort of unhinged moonbat? Or is fighting against the Empire only admirable if you’re a WASP?


If it wasn’t for Sadly, No! and a few other blogs, I and the vast majority of Americans who live in the cities some douche Dale thinks no one would miss, would never even hand heard of these chunks. As Amy Alkon proved, if they weren’t mocked and laughed at by the sane in this country, they’d never get web traffic.


Hand heard? Marco, don’t type without coffee.


Oh, get ready for the new Patriot Movement during the Obama presidency. It will be ugly. Dave Niewert has the best job security in the country.


In other words: The Patrician/himself ’08! (I want to be in the assassins guild! ^^)


“Ross Douthat is the co-author, with Reihan Salam, of “Grand New Party: How Republicans Can Win the Working Class and Save the American Dream.”

Wonder how that is selling now?


Come to think of it.. Why this assumption that the next terrorist attack will be some massive event in a large liberal city?

Now, if I were an Islamic terrorist, whipping middle america up into a frenzy would be top of my to do list. After all, 9/11 didn’t turn new yorkers into neo-cons did it?

I would adopt the same tactics used by right wing militias. Small bombings, the occasional murder.. Leave notes at the scene claiming responsibility. Give the impression of an entire army of followers scattered all around the heartland. Threaten the wingnuts directly. Infact, kidnap and behead a prominent wingnut. Literally make him into a martyr for the neo-con cause.

I mean, I cannot think of a better way to destroy the USA than 1 year of President Mcain, and 7 of President Palin.


D.A.: I’m not really concerned about concentrated, organized acts of violence. As has previously been indicated, these guys are cowards.

What we’ll see, instead, is arson (not actually attacking people) or, in a worst-case scenario, lynchings. But nothing that isn’t 20 vs. 1, you know?



Who Would Jesus Genocide?



Shorter Dale Franks:

“I really really really want to kill Democrats, and I’m perfectly happy watching American cities be destroyed if it’ll mean I can kill some Democrats. If I can kill me some Democrats, I don’t care how many millions of Americans die, especially if those millions are mostly liberals. Then its a twofer!”

Shorter Shorter Dale Franks:

“I want many of my fellow Americans to get killed. Hopefully I can kill some of them myself.”

Come to Wingnuttia! where taking rights away from citizens is called “defending freedom” and wishing death on your fellow countrymen is called “patriotism.”


Folks don’t forget, we have something now to help deal with Militias and the armed fundies that we didn’t have in the 90s.


Just saying,…


If what they’re hoping for were ever to come to pass, Glenn, Mark, Ralph, Dale, Josh and Tony, then, as now, can be counted upon to serve in the rearest of echelons.


I mean, really, what’s the worst that can happen? An American city goes up in nuclear fire? Well, it’ll probably be New York, Chicago, or LA. You know, a major city. I don’t live there, nor do most Americans. So we’ll be fine.

Isn’t New York the front line in the fight against terror? At least, I thought that’s what Hewitt told me. I believe it’s also the home base for FOX “News”. Oh, and the Freedom Tower (ETA: Never)

L.A. – home to the LA Times, a newspaper with sympathy enough to pity-publish Jonah Goldberg’s “column”.

Chicago – home to Andy Martin, the self-proclaimed “leader of the anti-Obama movement”.


Funny, J–, I was just linking the same article while arguing with some dimwit at the WaPoo:

auntmo9990 wrote:
Thanks, Fannie and Freddie. Thanks, Barney and Chris. Thanks, Maxine Waters.

Banks should have had the right to DENY loans to applicants who were without income, without jobs, without credit ratings, PERIOD.
To the back of the class with you, auntmo.

While it must be pleasing for you to recite the propaganda created for the Low Information voter, the scenario you are describing (liberals made the poor bankers lend money to the coloreds, and now we’re all losing our jobs!) did not occur.

You can do a little reading, and become informed. You can keep your mouth shut, and perhaps be thought an idiot.

Or you can open it and remove all doubt.


Projection, thy name is Republican.


Here’s a classy Palin supporter:

“As the crowd cheered at a Sarah Palin rally this morning in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a man in the audience grinned as he held up a stuffed monkey doll with a Barack Obama bumper sticker wrapped across its forehead.”


Susan of Texas says:

“What I hate the most is how they dress up the ugliness in sober, measured, reluctant words. They don’t even have the stones to speak plainly; they have to hide their impotence in a flow of verbal diarrhea.”

This is what, to them, makes it satisfying and fun. They’re not writing to persuade, to inform, or to pursue some plausible version of the truth. They’re hobbyists, like Civil War re-enactment fans.

It’s the intellectual equivalent of children playing dress-up in Mommy’s and Daddy’s clothes. They adopt (a debased version of) their literary betters’ style and pretend they’re “patriots,” too. As Humbert Humbert might have said, “You can always count on a wingnut for a fancy prose style.”

It’s either that, or auditioning for the community theater production of 1776.

Pockmark Notorious

Anyone been to RedState recently?

Cause it’s back.

The comments are worth checking out.


I endorse cruel things in war



Those Red Staters amaze me. Many are still entranced by the idea of Obama not wearing patriotic flair and his thoughts real or imagined (the latter in this case, of course) regarding the national anthem.

Numbnuts, all of them.


Pssst! Don’t look now, but RedState’s founder says he just can’t vote for McCain.

It’s ’cause ‘a that Palin woman.

Who, by the way, appears not to be wantin’ so much to listen to McCain’s campaign tellin’ her to back off a bit from the ‘off with his head’ crazy talk.

OMG, I so, so, so hope this is true. I sincerely hope that we’re going to have the Republicans’ VP nominee going full wingnut in defiance of her own Presidential candidate.


Hrm, guess I don’t know how to do proper marking up in WP.



Don’t look now, but RedState’s founder says he just can’t vote for McCain. It’s ’cause ‘a that Palin woman.

I wonder – does that qualify him for a big wave of death threats like K-Pax got?


Palin rabble-rousing and the Old Man snore style. If what you say is true, the Palin and the Old Man could be dangerous.


Isn’t there a bigger list of Wingnuts Who Want To Kill Americans somewhere?
Or is that the Republican voter rolls? I get them confused.


1 year of President Mcain, and 7 of President Palin

Slightly possible Fix 1: 1 year of President McCain, and 7 3 of President Palin

Not impossible Fix 2: 1 year of President McCain, and 7 30 of President-for-life Palin

Likely Fix 3: 1 4 years of President McCain grumping all over the airwaves, and 7 3 of President Palin running for President before being squashed like a bug by someone even nastier


Yes, America is indeed in imminent peril from the remorseless savagery of …
Teh Berserker Wingnut Hordes O’ Death Blood & Hellfire!

Well … unless it’s cold out that day … or there’s something REALLY good on TeeVee … or they stub their toe on the doorsill … or they come up with a way-kewl new idea for their next blog-post … or their sciatica starts acting up again … or they get another of those attacks of Cheetos-related-constipation … or they just wind up snivelling in the corner in a fetal-position again, too scared to even go down to the corner-store for milk & cookies.

But other than THAT, you dirty liberals are DOO-OO-OO-OOMED!!!1!


The so-called “right-wing” has gangrene. Time to cut that fucker off.

Then we all need to come back to reality and understand that there were never any “wings” to begin with. America was always all-hands.

Where do they dig up these innocuous milquetoast “rightwing” commentators from anyway? It’s like Shyamalan flick, The Happening, where random people on the street start doing weird shit for strange, inconspicuous reasons. One day, these buffoons just start talking about “liberals,” “Marxists,” and all other wingnut articles of derision with no concern for context. Do they go to school for this shit? REALLY?!

See, I ask for the simple fact that it seems to me, at least, that that is exactly what a child does when no one is there to correct them. Too much coddling, too much ass-kissing has made an entire generation of Con-servatives read and sound like a bunch of lip-smacking, teet-squeezing, gibberish-espousing knuckle-heads that have been in a bubble all their lives. What the fuck is wrong with these imbeciles. They are vessels of ignorance.

Now, I’m not the smartest motherfucker in the world, but I know bullshitters when I see, read, and hear them. I learned that back in kindergarten. Why the hell does the American electorate take the Republicanus ignoramus seriously in this day and age. We are in the 21st century, and these fuckers are a goddamn drag on us, meaning the citizens of the world with enough brain cells to understand when shit is SOOO last century. Dredging up shit about being “unpatriotic,” “Socialistic,” or, good Lord, “un-American” (like the fuckers relaying such pap know anything beyond how long it takes paint to dry) is not going to benefit anyone, including during a fucking election.

What the hell is wrong with these buffoons? What the hell is wrong with us not badgering these GOP fuckers the way unruly kids in the second grade would a “special” kid on the cheese bus?

Sadly, No!, we need more of your quality. That’s my word, we need to laugh these muthas the-fuck-OFF the national scene. Quickly!


Lexaburn: Are you alleging that the trees are releasing spores into the air causing people to become right wing lunatics, and thereby maybe speeding our human demise and freeing land back up for the trees?

Clever. Clever, clever trees. They’re all around. And they know how to destroy us all.


They don’t want those things, really. What they want is a movie in which those things happen. Haven’t you noticed that conservatives are not to well connected to real life? They would be satisfied with just the images.


While you traitorous liberals deplore the acts of war that fighting against uncivilized barbarians makes a necessary evil, you have yet to realize that those acts of war those brave scholarly patriots have mentioned are absolutely essential if America and the West ever hope to survive as a civilization and defeat this resurgence of medieval savagerey.

I know, I know, you think this whole thing is America’s fault with all of our “imperialist” ways and our “corrupt” capitalist system. But the terrorists don’t hate us for our nonexistant “imperialism”, or our capitalist economic system which has made US the wealthiest nation since Rome. They hate us because we are NOT MUSLIM. As a Christian nation, we are infidels to them. And because America is the most powerful of the “infidel” nations, we are their number one target. PERIOD!

While Christians, Jews, Hindus and most every other major religion on the face of the earth has learned to live in peace with other religions and to try and convert “non-belivers” into their respective faiths peacefully, muslims have always and even now spread their faith by the sword. People of the Book ie Christians and Jews must either convert to Islam or either be killed or pay a “infidel” tax depending on the level of brutality of the local muslim cheiftian. While Buddhists, Hindus and every other group of people are to be killed without mercy.

This is the war we are fighting. A backward ideology with modern weaponry. Now that Iran is on the verge of building nukes and Pakistan is on the verge of becoming a Taliban style theocracy, the backward tentdwelling savages will soon have the means to carry out their “divinely ordained” genocide.

This is why cruel and brutal tactics such as those used by the British against the Boers have reluctantly become necessary. It is for our survival. If America in general and the West in particular ever hopes to survive we must use these tactics. I suggest that since muslims believe that their “sacred” Kabbalah can’t be destroyed because of “Allah’s” protection, that a single well placed cluster bomb will shatter their hopes and savage dreams of world wide caliphate.


D. Aristophanes said,

Oh, get ready for the new Patriot Movement during the Obama presidency. It will be ugly. Dave Niewert has the best job security in the country.

Oh aint that the fucking truth. I actually did my final research project at University on the Patriot Movement. We had to contrast an example of “old” terrorism with “new” terrorism, the assumption being we would pick some European group like ETA or the Red Brigades (Provisional IRA here) and Al-Qaeda.

Because, you know, Al-Qaeda is the quintissential “new” terrorist organization. Its got the media coverage, the public impact, its where the money for projects tends to go, in terrorism studies.

I instead chose to do the Patriot/Militia movement, because I noticed some interesting parallels in both organization and background when contrasted with the first wave AQ recruits. Since this was final year, and we were all terrorism studies peeps, everyone was going “what are you, nuts? The militias are dead and buried, AQ is where the research funds are at.”

I just smiled and went on my way.


Look on the bright side. Now it’s our turn to answer everything these nitwits say with “WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA?????”


What we’ll see, instead, is arson (not actually attacking people) or, in a worst-case scenario, lynchings. But nothing that isn’t 20 vs. 1, you know?

I expect to see a lot of Eric Rudolph style crap. Snipers. Fertilizer bombs. They don’t really have to be organized to do a lot of damage. It only takes a couple of bastards with rudimentary engineering skills or good aim.

You can bet your rapidly shrinking 401K there won’t be any suicide bombers, though. Nosirree, as Sayruh might say.

Just look at this bunch of worthless dipshits: Sidewalk to Nowhere Not a one of ’em could organize a fucking brunch, but there are some among them who would be perfectly capable of shooting a doctor from a distance.


Kabbalah isn’t Islamic.


Cid: Shit, the righties are the ones that like mingling with the Bushes, not us. The plants aren’t trying to destroy us rational thinkers; it’s the wingnuts that are going to throw themselves off of rooftops, lay in front of roving lawnmowers, and stab themselves in the neck when Obama’s sworn in come January ’09.

Too easy! HA!


These sick pricks in their murderous fantasies never suggest anything that would put themselves in physical danger, of course.


“Drug gangs working with Islamic Terrorists on routes into U.S.

It’s happening right now—and it’s a big reason to be worried. That’s the word from terrorism experts who will tell you Latin American drug gangs are letting terror groups use the same routes they use to move their products in to the United States.

“We’ve had several cases of individuals linked to radical Islamic groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas who have been smuggled across the Texas Border in to the United States via these drug routes” said Jeff Addicott at the Center for Terrorism Law at Saint Mary’s University in San Antonio. That’s especially disturbing, given how the world stage is set up these days.

“If we get in to a shooting war or some type of a major conflict with Iran—Hezbollah is closely linked to Iran—it’s very likely Iran will give orders to the Hezbollah cells—which occupy every major city in the United States—to engage in terrorist activities” Addicott said.

As for Al-Qaeda, Addicott said that group has had less success exploiting the weakness, which he blames on border security that’s simply not tight enough.

“The good thing about the War on Terror against Al-Qaeda—despite all of the missteps that we’ve had in the War on Terror—is that we’ve been on the offensive. When you’re on the offensive against Al-Qaeda—they don’t really have time to plan detailed operations against us” Addicott said.”

Mexico should have been declared a state sponser of terrorism along time ago. I know this might sound crazy to you liberals, but I believe Mexico to be a greater threat to our national security than Iran. Militarize the border, let the Mexican government know in no uncertain terms that any drug gangs or Mexican military units operating on our side of the border will be considered an act of war, and America will respond militarily. Time to stop treating the corrupt Mexican government as an ally and time to start treating them as an enemy.


By the way, I think this time if they try to pull the patriot / militia sh*t again, they’re gonna get a really different reaction.

These f***ers have just spent the last 8 years screwing the sh*t outta this country.

My guess is that people ain’t gonna have a whole lotta patience for a buncha loudmouth, proto-violent pricks trying to sabotage the rebuilding of this country.

They got tolerated or ignored in the 1990s, and then a few of their own blew up the Oklahoma federal building, while their ideological peers went on to f*** this country over ever since Newt Gingrich and his clown patrol.

They’re dangerous, all right — the nutbag proto-violent right may end up encouraging some of their own to kill liberals, a few politicians, maybe even attempt on the Presidency.

But I don’t think this time they’re going to get the pleasure of being let free to build to that point on their compounds and nut radio battalions.

Unlike the aftermath of Gulf War 1, the veterans coming back when Obama finally all but ends the Iraq occupation are not going to be on the side of the anti-government right. This is way, way, way different.

I think they’re seriously underestimating how p***ed off a LOT of normal people are at these clowns.


Shortly after USA PATRIOT, I kept thinking back to folks like the Michigan Militia and thinking, wow, for once in my life I may find my interests and fears lined up with goddamned militias, what with all their paranoid fantasies coming to life.

Strangely, they seemed pretty quiet about a Bush administration enacting the very legislation they ranted on about previously. I do think that, come November 5th, a whole lotta right-wingers are suddenly going to do a lot of hand-wringing about excess executive power…


Kabbalah isn’t Islamic

ACORN SUCKS probably has another window open on which he’s posting comments to his favorite neo-nazi web site. He just got his anti-semite comment for them mixed up with his anti-Islam comment for here. He can’t keep his hates straight.


I never understood some peoples love to anarchy with collapsed goverment and having gun to protect yourself.

Seriously, if their loved “shoot those who disagree with me” world would come to be, how many of them would survive long enough to cross the street from their house?

What on earth makes them think that in a situation where anyone can kill who they want they would be the one to survive out of maybe 10 000 people in close neighbourhood?


LD is right.

Smart people will stock LSD for themselves, and crack cocaine for their followers, and found a cult in the collapse of civilization.

With LSD to give crazy visions, and crack to keep the cult soldiers in line, you shall become a Warlord among Men in the rubble of a Brave New World.


It’s quite amazing to watch the same people who pushed for concentration camps, hanging courts and genocide during the Bush years to now talk about taking up arms against the tyrannical and violent government that Barack Obama is about to unleash.

For a decade now, I’ve been urging every Dem/liberal/Leftist I talk to to exploit the 2nd Amendment to it’s very limits. I’ll say it to you now: armor up. The psychosis of the Right isn’t leveling off, it increases exponentially on a monthly basis and sooner or later, we’re probably going to be directly engaged. Yes, these shit-pants are cowards on a one to one basis, but get them in a mob against a small group of liberal types and they will egg each other on to commit the basest cruelties.

These assholes are going to become complete assholes in an Obama presidency. The Limbaugh’s of talk radio will be inciting them, non-stop, urging violence everywhere (and then excusing it as “a joke”) and during the sliding-to-hell-in-a-handbasket we’ll be doing (thanks to Bushie’s economic plunder), the potential for serious friction on a massive scale is going to become larger than life.

Whether you grasp it yet or not, the dollars you’ve worked to hard to store away for the future are soon going to be nigh on to worthless. Take some of them and invest them in something that will likely have practical application in the future. Allow me to suggest rifles in .308 and 30-06 along with handguns in .45 (along with a ton of the appropriate ammo). Even shotguns with double ought shells (or better yet, slugs) are valuable tools. It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see that we’re heading towards a dystopian future or to recognize just how powerless a large group of unarmed lefties would be against a handful of armed, ass-wipe wingers. Think neighborhood watch and home defense, as the legitimate authorities will likely be defunded and overwhelmed.

This may sound like paranoia to you, but a little paranoia is downright sensible in dark times. Your gut has probably been sending you messages recently, and you’ve probably been ignoring them. Don’t. Your DNA comes loaded with all sorts of primitive gear that you’ve never used and now may be the time to take an inner inventory of things you never dreamed you’d have to use. Armor up, bitches, just to be prudent.


I plan to get as far up into the hills and hollers as I can, with some big dogs, cats, a shotgun or two, and a deer rifle. Build a cabin, dig a well, clear a small field for growing corn, potatoes, squash, and all the other good shit the native Americans survived on in this area. Might go russle some sheep and a milk cow or two, and steal some chickens.

Note to self: Get shotguns first. Other supplies will then be easier to obtain.

I’m just joking. I wouldn’t expect to make it through the first couple of years of civil unrest, should it occur. I’m way too mouthy and I don’t take direction well, let alone orders.


What Glen Reynolds needs to know is he’ll lose big time if he declares war against the 99.9% of Americans who vote for Obama. And we’ll git his little dog too (that is, we’ll lovingly rescue it from his shitty clutches and give it a good home).

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

To my last dying day, which given my principles will come assuredly, I will say this:

Fuck the Second Amendment.

Fuck guns. I’m not giving the frightened little shits the satisfaction of purchasing shit, I’m not funding the hundreds of right-wing nutbags that run gun shops, and I’m not shooting a bunch of pricks and fucking up my morals, ethics, and personal existence because they’re in such a rush to show what big men with big dicks they are with their fetish weaponry.

Like living through a dystopia is such a fun thing to do that I need to murder someone to keep doing it.


Most recent moral outrage of Glenn Reynolds:

NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE? So we’ve had nearly 8 years of lefty assassination fantasies about George W. Bush, and Bill Ayers’ bombing campaign is explained away as a consequence of him having just felt so strongly about social justice, but a few people yell things at McCain rallies and suddenly it’s a sign that anger is out of control in American politics? It’s nice of McCain to try to tamp that down, and James Taranto sounds a proper cautionary note — but, please, can we also note the staggering level of hypocrisy here? (And that’s before we get to the Obama campaign’s thuggish tactics aimed at silencing critics.)

I was shocked, SHOCKED to learn that a political hack was booed at a hockey game! What is this world coming to when people can’t even maintain decorum at a hockey game?

Actually, on second thought, there may be some truth to his observation that the GOP base is equivalent to a crowd of Flyers fans.


With LSD to give crazy visions, and crack to keep the cult soldiers in line, you shall become a Warlord among Men in the rubble of a Brave New World.
Memo to self: Re-read “Barefoot in the Head”.


Fuck guns

That’s cool, Leon. You can stand somewhere in the background whilst I stand between these clowns and your girlfriend. I understand your position will defend you nevertheless.


Smut, if one goes barefoot in the head won’t one get pee on one’s toes?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

And fuck that attitude as well. I don’t give a shit about how many Cubans are on the other side of that fucking wall, I didn’t ask you for dick, and whatever pleasure you get from firing a gun at them is your own bullshit.


Hey, ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©, your comment at 17:43 has cleared. I thought the McClatchy article was very effective: concise, thorough, and accessible to someone like me who has limited understanding of finance and is trying to play catch-up (and who has, by the way, been spending a lot of time in the past few weeks at that Forbes Investopedia sites reading the entries).


That’s cool, Leon. You can stand somewhere in the background whilst I stand between these clowns and your girlfriend. I understand your position will defend you nevertheless.

Now you sound EXACTLY like the people we’re mocking.


LT, E-i-M, you’re my new hero. Alongside Retardo/Mencken, that is.

Smiling Mortician


I remember looking at a political-spectrum diagram in my high school government class and walking away with the rather simplified understanding that the Left is characterized by the belief that humans are essentially good and should be free while the Right is characterized by the belief that humans are essentially evil and need to be controlled.

Nice to see how hard we’ve all been working at the self-fulfilling prophecy thing all these years.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Well, thanks, I guess. I suppose I’m in pretty good company there.


I don’t give a shit about how many Cubans are on the other side of that fucking wall

(Cubans?? WTF??).

I didn’t ask you for dick, and whatever pleasure you get from firing a gun at them is your own bullshit.

It’s amazing the assumptions people make. Pleasure from firing a gun? I doubt you could grasp just how twisted you’ve gotten my take on all of this, but that really isn’t important. I run into folks like you all of the time, so I’m used to it. Be as hostile as your fear makes you be and I’ll still do what I can to defend you. Still, I expect that if things ever broke down the way that I expect them to, the first two sentences out of your mouth would be “Umm……do you have an extra gun I could borrow?” and “is the safety off this way…or this way?”. Fine. I’m cool with that.


Shorter Miami Herald commenters (in response to the McClatchey article cited above):

“Don’t confuse us with facts!”


“Leftist propaganda from those radicals at McClatchy.”

If you value your sanity, do not read the comments.

Whenever I start to think, y’know, maybe we’ve got enough sense to blame the real perps this time since it’s so freakin obvious, I read that kind of shit and realize that no, there’s really no way out. Too many of us are just too fucked in the head to be able to ingest a clue.

Yeah…Janet Reno is to blame. Fuck me these people are too stupid & deluded to live.


Now you sound EXACTLY like the people we’re mocking.

Yeah, I forgot that part where I was inciting mobs to hunt down and kill our political opposites. You’re right, EXACTLY like ’em. (whatever….).


Meanwhile, I live in a mid-sized city, on the outskirts of town, where I have a rented quarter acre and two geese–who are sticking their heads through the porch rail and making a gentle rusty-gate noise… which helps drive out the nastiness that infects my soul after reading that shite.

Thanks, geese! What the hell would I do without creatures??


(Cubans?? WTF??).



Umm, Leon? How about if they come for me and I stab them in the neck with a sharp stick instead of shooting them? Is that okay? Or does that still mean I’m BAD.


I made a mistake libs, its not the kabbalah I was refering to. I was refering to that black thingamajig in Mecca that the muslims believe Adam built for Allah. I forget the name. For some reason I thought it was called the kabbalah. And no, I am not an anti-semite. I am a zionist and very pro-Israel. The Palestinkians have no right to any land in Israel. Oh and by the way, 75% of Israelis support McCain for the Presidency. Israel is the only true ally America has left.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

The line about Cubans is paraphrased from “A Few Good Men”, which is basically about your same stupid stance.

The belief that I need you to protect me or my girlfriend from these fucking clowns, like a bunch of cretins are a threat to my life to such a degree that I need to purchase a gun to protect my near-dystopian life of hell. That a life in dystopia is so great that I need to murder someone to live longer through it.

The belief that “barbarians” are at the gate, and my only protection is to destroy what morals and ethics I have because god-damn, they do make me so a-feared of what they might do to me and my woman!


Fuck you.

Go protect your bullshit your asinine way, and I’ll live or die based on my principles. In the end, both of us will die, and it’ll turn out that despite your actions, despite mine, we end up in the same fucking place in the end.

So fuck your guns.

Fuck your safeties.

Fuck YOUR fear of these clowns.

I’m at peace with all conclusions to my stance, you’re the one who believes I’ll throw it all away to stand behind your solid, manly bullshit against these conservative shitbags that can’t do a goddamn thing right.


Armor up, bitches, just to be prudent.

In a week that reminded us of John Lewis and George Wallace, I think it is worth remembering who won and how he won it.


Thanks, geese! What the hell would I do without creatures??

Some days my cats are the only anchor that keeps me tethered to this earth.


Attitudes like that Leon, show just what a pussy you are. Those of us on the right are not homicidal maniacs like you liberals seem to take great delight in portraying us as. However, mess with our right to keep and bear arms and we’ll pay you back in blood. No one will ever take away the six guns that I own. The only way the leftist politicians will ever take my guns is from my cold dead hands.


Oh, wow, I didn’t think to read the comments at the Herald. I sometimes check the comments to pieces on Cuba and Venezuela just to amuse myself. They’re usually pretty predictable in what they say and how they break down. These are dreadful and unfunny.


Yeah, I forgot that part where I was inciting mobs to hunt down and kill our political opposites. You’re right, EXACTLY like ‘em. (whatever….).

You sound like the people buying AKs because “Barack gonna come for our guns.” Or the pathetic conservatives who jack off to RED DAWN, which has been discussed here the past few days — armed freedom fighters who protect good Americans from THEM!!!! That your definition of “them” is different from Sadly, No’s usual targets doesn’t really excuse the sweaty fantasies you have about protecting girlfriends while us cowardly pacifists meekly beg for your help.

I don’t know what dystopian Hellscape you live in, but a bunch of shitbags on the Internet don’t make me go running for guns. You have a curious definition of “living in fear,” my friend.

Murder is murder, period. I don’t begrudge others’ right to have firearms; in the wonderful world of democracy, one must compromise so that everyone’s quality of life improves. But I don’t have to take any part in it, and I don’t need you calling me a coward or hypocrite.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Yeah, and then they’ll have your guns, and you’ll still be dead. So who won that fucking exchange?


So we’ve had nearly 8 years of lefty assassination fantasies about George W. Bush

We have? In actual reality, or only in his fevered noggin?


We have? In actual reality, or only in his fevered noggin?

I eagerly await the no-doubt copious video evidence of people at Democratic rallies calling for murder. Of anyone.


And maybe in between Reynolds’ dreams of electric sheep someone could forward him the texts Gavin quoted. Staggering hypocrisy, indeed.


I like most conservatives am a peaceful man. I desire to live in peace. The guns that I own ensure that I will live in peace. However, if the government tries to take away my right to keep and bear arms, that government has become illegitimite and no longer serves its intended purpose. That purpose being to protect our God given natural rights according to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. Chief among those rights is the right to self defense. Thomas Jefferson once said something to the effect of “the soil of liberty must be regulary cleansed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thats probably not the exact quote, I’ll probably have to look it up. But the point is that our Founding Fathers declared that WE THE PEOPLE have the right to overthrow any government that infringes upon our right to bear arms. Does this decision come lightly? No of course not. It has to be the last resort after all peaceful options have been exausted. Like a wiseman once said “if the ballot box and the jury box fail you, than its probably time to turn to the cartridge box.” No government or government official has the right to infringe upon our God given right to self defense. Any government that does so is illegitimate.

White Male, Jew of Liberal Fascism

No one will ever take away the six guns that I own. The only way the leftist politicians will ever take my guns is from my cold dead hands.

Well, congratulations for being a total asshole!

And when one of your kids gets hold of one of your six guns and shoots somebody, I just hope it’s another total asshole just like you.



Who the hell is seriously talking about taking anyone’s guns away? Stow the stale talking points.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

I’m pretty sure Nature’s God had a thing about not killing anyone. Pretty sure “government” contains people who you’d have to kill. So you’re condemning your soul to protect some bullshit firearm.

Nice priorities for someone flinging a bullshit line of religion. Why not just make it even more clear, and condemn yourself for idolatry.


Yeah yeah, we gotcha: man of peace, man of God, slit your fucking throat if you come for my guns you pussy. Bite it off.


The Democrat party platform calls for serious gun regulation. Any regulation on firearms by any level of government violates the second amendment. It ends with “The right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed.” Any regulation on gunownership, even so called resonable regulation like the Dem party tries to spin, is an infringement on that right.


So, no one, then.

Fuck along, now.


Re: SUCKS and Kabalah:

And I call troll on Orange Tom.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

You still haven’t said anything about acknowledging you’d murder someone. Why not? You too afraid to man up and say you worship the gun over God, prize a firearm over your soul?

C’mon, pussy, say it. Commit to idolatry, you’re already one in practice.


I am amused by the notion upon the right that should they freak out and think civilization is ending and Barack the Islamic Shock is going to crack down on them and took’er’jobs and all, they will go to the gun shops and get all survivaled-up…

They think they’re gonna sally forth and pretend it’s all Mad Max. But they’re neither going to be in or be successful at convincing people that we’re “all” now in Mad Max crazy world.

Instead the ‘patriot attack right’ would look like a bunch of yahoos who thought they were free to form their own Republic in some town temporarily evacuated for a hurricane, and then when everyone comes back, and sent the cops to eject these nit-wits, these nutbags’ll say how the cops can’t do that according to their new Constitution they wrote on a series of 3″ x 5″ cards.

Or running into a shopping mall during the Obama administration and announcing that anyone who ran fast enough to get into their converted school bus would be driven straight out of Imperial Obamastan and transported direct to Freedom Land in their new Republic ‘somewhere in outer Nebraska’, and then being all surprised when people stare at them and have no idea what these madmen are raving about and eventually go back to shopping. ‘It must be the Zulu mind control Obama’s usin’! If only they’d listened and looked close at his birth certificate!’


I like most conservatives am a peaceful man. I desire to live in peace. The guns that I own ensure that I will live in peace.

How Christ-like.


I can kinda see the point of both what “Orange Tom” and “Leon Trotsky Exile-in-Mexico” are saying. Yes, in a truly dangerous social situation, when you can’t necessarily depend on the authorities, it is much better to be armed. And yes, there is also certainly a point of diminishing returns.

I think we can discuss about potentially arming ourselves, and whether that’s a great idea in general, or in our specific situation, without insulting each other. We’re not the ones that we want to fight. There is really nothing to fight over, in my eyes. Person A thinks its best to get a gun. Person B thinks not. OK.


And I call troll on Orange Tom.



… you worship the gun over God, prize a firearm over your soul?

Man, Leon, you’ve got it bad. Guns are just tools dude. Chill.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Yeah, tools to kill things with.

Unless there’s been some new advance in firearm technology. Do they get the internet or record Numb3rs if I’m out of the house that night?


And I call troll on Orange Tom.

You sound like the people buying AKs because “Barack gonna come for our guns.” Or the pathetic conservatives who jack off to RED DAWN, which has been discussed here the past few days — armed freedom fighters who protect good Americans from THEM!!!! That your definition of “them” is different from Sadly, No’s usual targets doesn’t really excuse the sweaty fantasies you have about protecting girlfriends while us cowardly pacifists meekly beg for your help.

Jeezus fuck.

Strangefate, what makes you think Orange Tom is a ‘troll’?

Ken can’t you listen to someone who differs on gun rights without accusing them of being a secret wingnut or some shit?


I don’t think Orange Tom is a troll, I think there’s just a difference of strongly held opinions. We can do that, we just have to have sweaty make-up sex after. And then government-funded gaybortions for everyone!


Ken can’t you listen to someone who differs on gun rights without accusing them of being a secret wingnut or some shit?

Did you miss the part where I said I have no problem with the Second Amendment? It’s not about gun ownership, it’s about his weird, plainly stated fantasies. Nothing “secret” about it.


Yeah, tools to kill things with.

Right. Tools to kill things (&people) with. Tools that we might need at some point.


OK, so when taking your guns away, the government has become illegitimate, etc. But hey, when the government wiretaps your phone and reads your email, puts you in jail without charges, puts you on a no-fly list, all that’s right and holy and good, at least when it’s initiated by a Godly Man like our great leader George W. Bush.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

For what it’s worth, I don’t think Orange Tom is a troll. I’m just not as classy and tactful as some of our more lettered commenters, so when I disagree with someone on a point as strong as this, I get pretty…

well, happy with the expletives.

Guns are a deal-breaker for me. You can go have fun being complex, multi-faceted people with plenty of political stances that cross left and right, me, I’m going to stay the stereotype leftist against guns because I frankly *cannot* see a point to them that outweighs the drastic features included in owning and operating one.


it’s about his weird, plainly stated fantasies. Nothing “secret” about it.

OK, I guess you’ll maybe find me to be a ‘fantasist’ as well. I don’t think Orange Tom is necessarily wrong about what the far right might try in certain places within this country.

Find that paranoid? Fine. Maybe you are right.

I just don’t think you need to jump to conclusions like that.


We can do that, we just have to have sweaty make-up sex after. And then government-funded gaybortions for everyone!

See, that’s what I’m all about.


in between Reynolds’ dreams of electric sheep
In an alternative universe, Phil Dick and John Brunner are both alive, and collaborating on a dystopic science-fiction novel called “The Electric Sheep Look Up”.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Tools that we might need at some point.


Seriously, draw it out for me. *Why*, in the wide world of sports, might I need a gun for killing? Is my life going to improve having something or someone else’s blood on my hands?

I’m kind of in agreement with Ken here, rhetoric that paints guns as a *necessity* is what led to the American right-wing growing so stupid and asinine.

Either we go and buy into it and the country’s collapse really does prolapse into a third-world shitbox covered in brush wars, or we say fuck it, and live with the fact that these assholes are gonna want to play war with no other players, and look like the exact kind of extremist lunatics we know they are.


Guns are a deal-breaker for me. You can go have fun being complex, multi-faceted people with plenty of political stances that cross left and right, me, I’m going to stay the stereotype leftist against guns because I frankly *cannot* see a point to them that outweighs the drastic features included in owning and operating one.

OK, and that’s totally fair. But the thing is, I see it differently.

I can see a situation where even a big ‘ol wimp like me would feel it was better to get something.


In an alternative universe, Phil Dick and John Brunner are both alive, and collaborating on a dystopic science-fiction novel called “The Electric Sheep Look Up”.

I’d totally love to read that


I don’t think Orange Tom is necessarily wrong about what the far right might try in certain places within this country.

Seriously, dude, reread. I’m talking about his PLAINLY STATED fantasies of “protecting our girlfriends” while we meekly ask for guns now that we’ve seen the error of our ways, silly fear-gripped pacifists that we are. It’s bullshit fabrication perfectly in line with the gung-ho spirit of RED DAWN, which, if I remember correctly, we were mocking like two days ago.


Yes, because a bunch of random jagoffs on the internet is exactly the same as VP rallies stirring up violence.


Orange Tom is not a troll. He’s been around here before making perfectly sensible conversation. Just because someone disagrees with you does not make him a troll. Just sayin’.

atheist is right.

fwiw I hate guns. I positively loathe them, even though I have fired them and used to play with a .22 as a kid, shooting at an old car out in the country and whatnot. I’ve never killed anything and wouldn’t hunt unless I was literally going to starve if I didn’t. I don’t think guns for burglary protection are worth the risk of an accident nor do I think deadly force should ever be used to protect property. However, I do not believe I would hesitate to arm myself in the event that my child or any of my loved ones were threatened by some nutbar paramilitary fuckheads. I assure you that I would shoot anyone attacking my family, without delay and without a qualm. In that situation, I might even enjoy it. Again, fwiw.

I’m actually glad I have to go do laundry. I hate this infighting shit.


This is why I prefer to rant about trebuchets.


Yeah, I overstepped on the troll thing, which was dumb of me. But man, I don’t like being painted as a coward and a hypocrite in someone’s end-world fantasy.


Next time, goober, just link to One click gives access to those images and many more.


Seriously, draw it out for me. *Why*, in the wide world of sports, might I need a gun for killing? Is my life going to improve having something or someone else’s blood on my hands?

You might want to deter someone from attacking you by making it clear that you have a gun. I don’t think it would work well against crime, not even if you carried the gun around. You also would not have to deter someone if the police in your area were on top of the situation. So I’m talking about deterring someone or someones fairly specific, who live in your area, in the situation where you can’t necessarily depend on the local authorities to defend you.

Does that seem to fantastic to you? This is a serious question, because I’m not sure I know either.


I don’t like being painted as a coward and a hypocrite in someone’s end-world fantasy.

Yeah, I can totally understand that.

This is why I prefer to rant about trebuchets.

This is why I luvs me some Smut Clyde!


Yes, because a bunch of random jagoffs on the internet is exactly the same as VP rallies stirring up violence.

Aw, lay off of goob, Ken.

Nonsense is all they have.

You can’t blame them for using all of their nonsense. If it wasn’t for gibberish, they wouldn’t be able to play. Poor things.


Maybe if I feed goober a fish, he can clap his hands like a seal? Everyone loves seals!

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

I can see a situation where even a big ‘ol wimp like me would feel it was better to get something.

Well, maybe that’ll work out for you.

Me, I’ve grown to reject the attitude that not digging the idea of killing something out of fear of OMG what they’ll do to me if I’m not packing is wimpy, cowardly, or the act of a pussy.

It’s easy to cave in and act like a bunch of fools when afraid, as the past eight… ten? twenty… fuck it, most of the existence of the United States shows. It takes strength to remain by the idea that, “y’know, fuck that, what do I have to fear from these assholes?”.

The right-wing lives in fear, and that’s why they keep howling and yowling about how much armament they need to have to one day get all us big bad leftists.

Me, well, despite my nom de comment, I’d prefer to work legally and nonviolently in the system. I don’t have anything to fear from these twits that I don’t have to fear from a bolt of lightning in the sky.

You only die once, but living in fear of dying destroys you when you could still *live*, y’know?


If you feed goober a fish, Ken, he’ll never learn to fish. Then he’ll just be a worthless layabout collecting wingnut welfare.

Ah, too late.

Clap, goober! Clap and say “Aurora! Aurora!” and we’ll toss you a red herring.


I’m talking about his PLAINLY STATED fantasies of “protecting our girlfriends” while we meekly ask for guns now that we’ve seen the error of our ways, silly fear-gripped pacifists that we are. It’s bullshit fabrication perfectly in line with the gung-ho spirit of RED DAWN, which, if I remember correctly, we were mocking like two days ago.

said by Orange Tom:

“That’s cool, Leon. You can stand somewhere in the background whilst I stand between these clowns and your girlfriend. I understand your position will defend you nevertheless.”

I agree that Orange Tom should not have said that. It’s childish and insulting. However, that part was kinda an add-on to his(?) original point.

Yeah, I overstepped on the troll thing, which was dumb of me. But man, I don’t like being painted as a coward and a hypocrite in someone’s end-world fantasy.

Agreed and understood.


Neocons, now with more blind hatred for more Americans than ever.

We’re seeing a similar trend in Canada. The fundies have had a taste of power (not much of it, but all the same), and it’s like blood in the mouth. They’re furious at the prospect of either losing or getting another minority government.


Me, I’ve grown to reject the attitude that not digging the idea of killing something out of fear of OMG what they’ll do to me if I’m not packing is wimpy, cowardly, or the act of a pussy.

OK that came out wrong. I mean that even someone like me, who has no idea how to handle a gun, I can sorta see a point where I might decide I wanted one. Just understand, it would have to be a pretty extreme point.


Understandable, atheist.


And Leon, I don’t think you’re a wimp or anything. I know I’m kind of a wimp. It wasn’t directed outwards.


Goober, you do I hope realize that only 2 of those are relevant to Reynold’s “8 years of lefty assassination fantasies about George W. Bush.” So one anonymous sign waver and a cafe press-type shirt with no named maker or sales figures signify a long-term phenomenon that was wide-spread enough to be common knowledge: yeah, color me convinced. You can bite it off with Sucks.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Does that seem to fantastic to you? This is a serious question, because I’m not sure I know either.

It seems something we’ve been bullshitted into believing will work out for us, instead of just blowing up in our faces.

I don’t know about you. I know it doesn’t work for me. I’ve got too much stuff rattling around in my head regarding morals and ethics, about what’s right and what’s wrong and some sturdy absolutes in there that I don’t really feel I could stomach the concept anyway.

Killing’s wrong, full stop.

If I die for that, then that’s what happens to me. I’m not killing someone over shit I own, I’m not looking to rely on the kindness of gun-toting strangers to murder for me, and really, unlike these right-wing nutjobs, I don’t see Mad Max coming and wanting to *live* it. I don’t want to be packing and show off my shiny killing-tool to scare off other packing people, I don’t want some dystopian bullshit forced on me because everyone’s so terrified of what the other guy’s gonna do.

You can kill all the conservative nutjobs you fear are coming for you when the whole thing topples. I just don’t see what it’s going to prove if you live longer than they do. You’re all gonna end up in the same place eventually.


I have no doubt that some right-wingers are going to be committing acts of terrorism during an Obama administration. All of the factors are there: a black man with a vaguely Arab name as a president, the losing Republican candidate whipping them up into a fury of aggrieved hate, a collapsing economy, a history of being ignored even by the white politicians who claim to represent them, etc., etc.

But I can’t think of a plausible situation in which me having a gun would prevent any of that. For instance, could anyone with a handgun have stopped Timothy McVeigh? Surely OK City has a well armed populace, but what could any of them have done? While it might be a good idea for people who work at abortion clinics to pack heat, I don’t work at one, and our examples of abortion providers being assassinated are with bombs and rifles at a distance. Could we save Obama’s life if we all had submachine guns? Are we all Jack Bauer now? The only way a gun would help me against right-wing nuts is if there were roving bands of heavily armed survivalists trying to take over my city. That’s just not going to happen, barring some apocalyptic scenario.

As for ACORN, if you weren’t so unhinged, you might be aware of a pretty solid consensus among liberal constitutional lawyers, Obama included, that believes the Second Amendment protects individual ownership. Furthermore, because we don’t require a that every right you have be stated directly in the Constitution (unlike your asshat “Constitutionalist” judges), the long tradition of gun ownership gives you a right to continue it. You need to get over that whole “taking my guns away” b.s. It is a lie used to manipulate you. You have no examples of anyone with any political power, let alone Obama, wanting to take your guns away. (Well, I suppose if you live in a child-molesting, tax-evading cult with an armory someone might take your guns away, as they should.) If they try, it would lose in court and you would get your guns back. Your foolishness on this topic stands in the way of having a reasonable government approach to appropriately weighing public safety and individual rights. All those Mexican drug gangs that control our border get their weaponry entirely from illegal dealers in the US that the NRA protects. So much of the violence in our cities boil down to illegal arms smuggling. But we can’t do anything about it because you and your lunatic friends are gullible fools.


You only die once, but living in fear of dying destroys you when you could still *live*, y’know?

I’m sorry, but that’s just bullshit. Life is, quite simply, not dying. Every living thing tries to avoid it.


You only die once, but living in fear of dying destroys you when you could still *live*, y’know?

The same clowns who clutch to guns for fear of imaginary brown people behind the corner and under the bed were putting Saran Wrap on their windows when DHS went “boo!”

They were all too willing to take away a free and open society from 300 million for fear of a thousand fanatics in Afghanistan.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

And Leon, I don’t think you’re a wimp or anything. I know I’m kind of a wimp. It wasn’t directed outwards.

I get that, I just wanted to make a point based off the attitude implied in the wording. Not knowing how to handle a gun doesn’t make you a wimp. It just means that you don’t know how to handle a fucking instrument of death.

Frankly, it means you’re not frightened by this bullshit. That’s a lot stronger than a lot of people in this country.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico


I don’t care about anything you think. Run along now, and think your frightened little thoughts.


I don’t know about you. I know it doesn’t work for me. I’ve got too much stuff rattling around in my head regarding morals and ethics, about what’s right and what’s wrong and some sturdy absolutes in there that I don’t really feel I could stomach the concept anyway.

Killing’s wrong, full stop.

Fair enough. Makes sense.

But I can’t think of a plausible situation in which me having a gun would prevent any of that. For instance, could anyone with a handgun have stopped Timothy McVeigh? Surely OK City has a well armed populace, but what could any of them have done? While it might be a good idea for people who work at abortion clinics to pack heat, I don’t work at one, and our examples of abortion providers being assassinated are with bombs and rifles at a distance.

Yes, it definitely would have to be very specific circumstances. They wouldn’t work against “everyday” crime, nor against serious terrorists like McVeigh. Just in the type of situation I mentioned earlier. And even then I’m not sure how well they’d work. Perhaps not well, to be frank.

As I said, I have no experience with guns at all, and not much desire for such experience. I just understand that some folk want them, and can sometimes see the point.


Ya know, it occurs to me – and experience has taught this – that a coward with a gun is still a coward. He/she’s just an armed coward. Also, I fully support gun owners’ rights, so they should fully support my right to make fun of them and their toys. ‘Course, if they don’t like it, they can shoot me, but I’m cool with that.


It seems something we’ve been bullshitted into believing will work out for us, instead of just blowing up in our faces.

I don’t know about you. I know it doesn’t work for me. I’ve got too much stuff rattling around in my head regarding morals and ethics, about what’s right and what’s wrong and some sturdy absolutes in there that I don’t really feel I could stomach the concept anyway.

Killing’s wrong, full stop.

We’re just expressing slightly different views toward the use of guns. You are more definitively, radically opposed to them. I’m more like what Candy described:

fwiw I hate guns. I positively loathe them, even though I have fired them and used to play with a .22 as a kid, shooting at an old car out in the country and whatnot. I’ve never killed anything and wouldn’t hunt unless I was literally going to starve if I didn’t. I don’t think guns for burglary protection are worth the risk of an accident nor do I think deadly force should ever be used to protect property. However, I do not believe I would hesitate to arm myself in the event that my child or any of my loved ones were threatened by some nutbar paramilitary fuckheads. I assure you that I would shoot anyone attacking my family, without delay and without a qualm. In that situation, I might even enjoy it. Again, fwiw.

except that I’ve never even touched a gun.

These two ways of viewing guns aren’t actually that different, and in most situations are identical.


Smut Clyde said,

October 13, 2008 at 0:36

This is why I prefer to rant about trebuchets.

Re-posted for teh lulz.

OMG how could you people not acknowledge the Grade-A quality of snark like this? Frankly, Sadlynauts, I’m disappointed.


Mostly we just silently swoon when Smut posts. Plus, it’s hard to type when I’m almost up to my elbows keyboard.


In a dystopian future ya’ll will never see me coming… ninja skillz baby!


I don’t know what dystopian Hellscape you live in, but a bunch of shitbags on the Internet don’t make me go running for guns.

(sigh), I’m a troll now?

I’m guessing my life is somewhat different than your own. Where I live (including my neighborhood proper), wingnuts thrive. Virtually all of them around here are heavily armed, and many of them are the very picture of the loudmouth Right-wing lunatic of lore. I’ve had more than my share of run-ins with them.

By way of example, there’s a typical specimen down the street from me (who, I kid you not, has a “Sarah Palin for President” sign on his lawn), who goes out of his way to make his opinions known to me and my family. About two weeks ago, he spotted my teenage, Down Syndrome daughter in our front yard and stopped his truck to call her a “fucking retard” and then was burning rubber before I could get out the door (maybe the Palin sign is ironic?). My daughter’s a sweetie, loves everyone and everything and she was completely confused as to what had just transpired. Apparently, he and a group of his comrades feel that providing my girl with with minor services is not something the community at large should be paying *any* taxes for (you can’t win with these bozo’s, they’re anti-abortion whilst refusing to have anything to do with the post-fetus results of that policy). “Christians” that hassle us on all levels for living the life that they profess…..go figure.

This is by no meanst directed just at us, our entire block has had our Obama signs stolen and minor vandalism at virtually every home that had a sign. I know it’s just a handful of knuckle-heads, but they’re abetted by the wingers at large who wink and smile at the shit they pull. Things are going to get dire around here as the economy tanks, and these assholes are going to look for ways to manifest their frustration.

These things don’t affect me the way they do most people as I’ve had the fear literally driven out of me by circumstances beyond my control, a long time ago (maybe Mikey can explain it to you). The problem with commenting like this is that you can’t hear my tone of voice and I can’t hear yours, so things I write here may appear in your mind as a doppleganger of what I mean (it may look the same on the surface, and be a completely different animal inside). So…….when I tell you that the thoughts I’ve expressed here are not coming from fear, you may not appreciate what it’s really all about. I’ve been appropriately conditioned by events in my life to attempt to see the near future and prepare a path for my family based on those projections. I’ve been reasonably accurate in my planning and I see no reason to conclude that my current thinking is “beyond the pale”.

You think guns are an abomination. Fine. I hate them too. I also hate paying taxes, I hate many rules and laws, and after living under Cheney, I can appreciate the thinking of those that hate government. Despite that, I can see the advantages of these things. They have their good purposes. When people start in on this “guns should be illegal” theme, I can’t help but think “and what, only doctors should have first aid kits? Only restaurants should have food? Only libraries should have books?”.

We disagree, and I’m perfectly ok with that. If your philosophical position is that you’d rather die than defend yourself, well, I’ll surprise you and say that I admire that. I’ve got a family that needs more protection than most, so I don’t have the same nihilistic luxury of thinking that way, but I’ll defend your right to have some thugs set you on fire for your political leanings, if that’s what you really want. As to the protection of girlfriends, I’m guessing that your misunderstanding of such wasn’t willful. It’s one thing for people to take a rigid stance on something, but forcing their loved ones to live by these dictums may be a bit over the top. As to whether you’d suddenly want a gun in dire circumstances, I can only speak from personal experience. Having bullets aimed at your noggin triggers extremely profound reactions in a human, one of which is self-preservation and/or the defense of those around you. I’m not one who believes that you’ll find god in a foxhole, but you’ll sure find the raw parts of yourself that had been previously hidden. That being said, you’re welcome to differ with me, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t treat me like an asshole wingnut for differing with you. That’s fair, isn’t it?


Mostly we just silently swoon when Smut posts.

Also when smut is posted.


I got nothing.


Orange Tom, I’m sorry your neighbors are such juvenile asshats. You have every right to arm yourself against them. Although it’s never been nearly as serious of a situation, I’ve had that same experience of having to make hard decisions about my life and my politics based on the needs of people I love and not my idealism. So, I hear you on that.

But, I still don’t think a call to arms against right-wing violence helps anyone.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Orange Tom:


Fuck you still.

It’s not nihilism. It’s not “luxury”. I’m not forcing my girlfriend to live by my code, (hey, crazy thought, girls can make their own moral and ethical decisions, and don’t have to rely on me or some gun-toting twat to defend themselves). Your entire “welcome to differ” shit is patronizing, loaded bullshit that I’d love to not hear every time I say I’m against guns and get looked at as a coward, a wimp, because I TRULY DO NOT WANT TO HARM PEOPLE.

You live your life, I live mine, my girlfriend lives hers. We all end up in the same location in the end despite our choices.

That is what is fair.

I hate guns. I hate them because all they cause is death. That is their one, unique purpose in the annals of invention. They don’t deter because they’re so shiny, and great conversation pieces, they deter because they *kill*. I’m not down with that, even for the most bleak wingnut thug. That is the difference between me and them, that I will not tear apart my beliefs at the drop of the hat as long as I’m terrified.

So, really, fuck you. Do not defend me for shit. You are not here to protect my rights, you are not Voltaire. In truth, my rights are self-evident. Do not guilt me, do not believe I owe you something. I have human rights whether they are recognized or not. That is why they are *human* rights.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Listen, for what it’s worth, on any other subject, I can be very accommodating, even understanding and such. It’s just that this is not one of those subjects. I’m not going to dance around the raw nerves in my opinion because that just obscures the strength of what my conviction is here. I’m not someone who responds to the treatment as some naive waif just too unworldly to bite down and be some practical soul about this well.

I will not pick up a gun. There is no point to it that doesn’t destroy who I perceive I am as a person forever, and at that point, what’s the difference between that and death? Maybe that’s too idealistic for you, maybe as a father you had to choke down hopes like that, maybe you can’t make the spiritual/philosophical leap I did to propose such a stance.

Life is not just dying to me. I am not into a life where I must destroy another person to continue. I am not going to live in fear from these twats, but I am not going to let my anger at them rule me so much that I lose sight of who I want to be. Others may defend themselves, but I do not expect defense of myself, I do not request it, and I do not want those around me to behave in that manner.

(and shit, it’s not like I’m a Jain. I just won’t kill another person, no matter what a wretched credit to humanity I may come across.)

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico


“Life is not just not dying to me.”


I gotta say a gun trumps an icepick.


Why do so many of these freaks have such a hard on for us to become the new British Empire?

Because that was the absolute highwater mark for pasty Anglo-Saxon(ish) nerdboys. When ‘Victoria ruled the waves’, some half-breed hustler with a funny name might have been able to accumulate the Harvard education, the stunning wife, the successful legal/teaching career, the book deals, the political acclaim… but when Josh Effin’ Trevino said “Out of my way, boy!”, then Master Obama would have bloody gotten out of Josh’s way, and with a quickness, if he knew what was good for him.

Post-muscular-strength-rules-all, pre-diversity. It’s not pretty, but then, neither is your average lightsabre-wielding warblogger.


Only if you like lead in your cocktails.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

I gotta say a gun trumps an icepick.

An icepick at least had a non-lethal purpose that worked as well as a killing instrument.


I gotta say a gun trumps an icepick.
Only if you like lead in your cocktails.

Future episode of Mythbusters!


An icepick at least had a non-lethal purpose that worked as well as a killing instrument.

Leon, a gun has a non-lethal purpose whenever a cop shows up.


I’ve got a family that needs more protection than most, so I don’t have the same nihilistic luxury of thinking that way, but I’ll defend your right to have some thugs set you on fire for your political leanings, if that’s what you really want.

Yeah, I don’t think Leon is a nihilist, he’s just a pacifist. It’s different.



It’s not nihilism. It’s not “luxury”. I’m not forcing my girlfriend to live by my code, (hey, crazy thought, girls can make their own moral and ethical decisions, and don’t have to rely on me or some gun-toting twat to defend themselves). Your entire “welcome to differ” shit is patronizing, loaded bullshit that I’d love to not hear every time I say I’m against guns and get looked at as a coward, a wimp, because I TRULY DO NOT WANT TO HARM PEOPLE.

Is that what’s driving this? Your (incorrect) perception that I’ve called you a coward? Chum, if you haven’t grasped the fact that I admire the courage of your convictions, even if I don’t share them, you haven’t been listening. Ah, but then again, you probably look upon THIS as patronizing, so it would seem that you’ve walled yourself in with regard to you and I being able to respect each other’s position. Forgive me for noting how “wingnutty” that attitude is.

So, really, fuck you. Do not defend me for shit. You are not here to protect my rights, you are not Voltaire. In truth, my rights are self-evident. Do not guilt me, do not believe I owe you something. I have human rights whether they are recognized or not. That is why they are *human* rights.

(shrug). If I step out into street to pull a child out of the way of an oncoming bus, and I get run over instead, does that child “owe me”? There’s a concept in this world known as altruism, look it up sometime. Your “guilt” over “owing” me is your own construction, not mine. As a liberal, I don’t operate like that. We all have “human rights” (not that you’d be aware of them under this administration), and as I said previously, that includes your right NOT to defend yourself. I’m not sure how to make this any clearer and your insistence on ignoring that begins to sound like an intentionally perverse game on your part. Play it with someone else, would you?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Leon, a gun has a non-lethal purpose whenever a cop shows up.

I believe the term for that is “wounding”. It is in fact, only mildly less lethal than its regular use. And I believe cops end up killing people anyway.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

You’ve called me a nihilist, and claimed it’s part of my “luxury” to have that kind of belief. Forgive me dearly if I’m not responding well to that kind of phrasing.

And as I said before, I don’t think you’re a troll or wingnut.

I just don’t agree with you on this point.


Leon, a gun has a non-lethal purpose whenever a cop shows up.
Rest assured that if a cop showed up and asked me about any guns that might happen to be stashed around the house, I would be able to think of non-lethal purposes for them.


Only if you like lead in your cocktails.

Note the handy bayonet attachment.


Y’know, I don’t THINK I’m stupid, but I’m having no end of trouble following this discussion.

You hate firearms. So you go unarmed. I don’t. So I go armed.

You can’t change my mind or my behavior.

I don’t even have any INTEREST in changing your mind or your behavior.

I don’t love being insulted, but know what? I’ll get over it.

And I’ll still have my guns.

I’m not sure what you think you can accomplish here, other than drive some kind of a moral stake in the ground. I’ll accept that. I know that taking lives is less moral than not taking lives. Still, I’ll retain the option.

So rock on, my friend, and I hope your world never challenges your worldview. I truly do. Because it seems apparent to me you’ll lose…



Leon, a gun has a non-lethal purpose whenever a cop shows up.

I believe the term for that is “wounding”.

Um, so whenever a cop shows up they wound someone?


Rest assured that if a cop showed up and asked me about any guns that might happen to be stashed around the house, I would be able to think of non-lethal purposes for them.



Note the handy bayonet attachment.

Oh, no, that thing is MURDER on the olives.


Damned preview.

Rest assured that if a cop showed up and asked me about any guns that might happen to be stashed around the house, I would be able to think of non-lethal purposes for them.



I’m not sure what you think you can accomplish here, other than drive some kind of a moral stake in the ground. I’ll accept that.

NOOOOO! You’re patronizing him!!!


Leon, here’s another of my frightened little thoughts. You call it a spiritual/philosophical leap to take a stance that you would not defend your own life. I call it a lie.


You’ve called me a nihilist, and claimed it’s part of my “luxury” to have that kind of belief. Forgive me dearly if I’m not responding well to that kind of phrasing.

I think you’ll find I called not defending my own family a “nihilistic luxury”. It’s all about you, isn’t it?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico


What I hope to accomplish is to build up some chatter about something I feel strongly about. S’bout it. I resist the urge to think these conservative nitwits represent some great and powerful threat to me in the future any greater than they do right now.

In the end, I think that their behavior won’t be any real different than the past 25 years of my life. There’ll be right-wing crazies targetting people violently, and one day, maybe I’ll get caught in the range of fire and die. Maybe there’ll be some mindless talking head on Fox News babbling about how if only I had been armed, and could’ve gotten some crossfire going, and slaughtered those right-wing extremists, what a great action that would be.

Heck, maybe I could man up and be like that gentleman in the Unitarian church that tackled the shooter, or that took a bullet to save someone else. I don’t think I’m that kind of person, but I’d like to hope I could be that strong.

But I won’t live in fear of that day, and I won’t carry a weapon that could hurt others on the rare off-chance it could be useful in one specific situation that might never come.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

No, no, you said:

I’ve got a family that needs more protection than most, so I don’t have the same nihilistic luxury of thinking that way,

So you called me a nihilist and that option a luxury. Your belief that the option would be a nihilistic luxury for you does not mean I regard it in the same manner. So it is not the same “nihilistic luxury”.

It’s not all about me, but it’d be fantastic if you could at least understand where my principles lie.

Oh, and ryk:

You’re still not worth my time.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Um, so whenever a cop shows up they wound someone?

Well aren’t I just in a pickle. My principles picked apart in one clean blow. Can I bask in your dazzling greatness now?


Your belief that the option would be a nihilistic luxury for you does not mean I regard it in the same manner.

I can hardly argue with that…

It’s not all about me, but it’d be fantastic if you could at least understand where my principles lie.

You repeatedly and adamantly refuse to believe that I understand where your principles lie. That leaves me, and most everyone else here, unable to communicate with you. That’s pretty self-defeating, if you don’t mind me saying so.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Fair enough. Subtract that line, I guess.

I’d just like to not be regarded as a nihilist, that’s all.


My principles picked apart in one clean blow.

Guy, you picked those apart yourself here: What I hope to accomplish is to build up some chatter about something I feel strongly about.


Time to stop treating the corrupt Mexican government as an ally and time to start treating them as an enemy.

Right, because that worked so well with Pancho Villa.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

If that happens, we get to march on Washington, drag you naked and screaming from your offices, and hang you from the ornate lampposts that line The Mall.

I have this icky feeling that he had a hand down his pants as he was typing this… sorry for leaving you good people with that image!


Eight years too late to worry about corrupt governments being your enemy.


Can’t we just dress up like Injuns and dump tea in a harbour?


Maybe so, Bubba, but this time around it seems like we could maybe just blow some shit up too?



“Rest assured that if a cop showed up and asked me about any guns that might happen to be stashed around the house, I would be able to think of non-lethal purposes for them.”


Collector’s items. Fine examples of technology, artistry, smithery, historicity. Also, excellent resale value. Thus, in my experience, goes the standard gun-owning defense for those who insist guns are more than killing machinery.

Heck, I really AM a nihilist, in that sense. I’ve chosen not to have guns around because I have anger management issues, and it would get expensive just replacing the televisions & PCs, much less the annoying godsdamned pets on the third rainy day in a row. And if that means some fReichtard gets to successfully Mad Max me after the election Goes Wrong, well, since I also believe in reincarnation, I can say ‘better off dead’ with a clean conscience. Others will make different choices, or the same choices for different reasons.


Bitter Scribe said,

October 13, 2008 at 3:59

I was thinking more in the line of Santa Anna.


What the left doesn’t seem to understand is that the second amendment is our first and our only Homeland Security. Without the right to keep and bear arms we are just sheeple living at the mercy of the government. Does gun control work? Sure it does, just ask Hitler and Stalin. It worked very well for them.


Collector’s items.

One-cylinder engines.

Why did Bosnia collapse into the worst slaughter in Europe since World War Two?
It bears repeating every few months that Mark Steyn is an apologist for genocide.


Shorter ACORN:
My dick is, in fact, exactly as small as I’ve always feared it is.


I got nothing.



And remember – America is in Iraq to spread democracy and liberate the Iraqis…


[…] A rundown of violent Right Wing fantasies, long before they had Obama to fear. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)The […]


[…] Sadly, No: The Right doesn’t merely promote violence when they’re about to lose power” […]


Brandi wins!


So goober, what Nationally broadcast lefty promoted those images?

Or did you find them via a link from a Lefty magazine’s website?

Or was it a Biden Rally that had them?


Over at Instaputz, BLue Texan lays down the gauntlet to Glenn Reynolds on the trope of right wing anger v. left wing hatred, and some moran took up his challenge in comments.

It’s goddam performance art, I tells ya!


“the need to kill implacable murderers to provide security for the innocent.”

Yes, murdering murderers because they are murderers – where does that logic end…?


(comments are closed)