Shorter Kathleen Parker

Above: The PoFolks MoDo

Put the Gloves Back On

  • Has anyone else ever noticed that Republican politicians speak in a sort of code whose subtext communicates certain tribal messages about race, religion and regionalism, which – if taken to their logical extreme – could poison political discourse or even inspire politically motivated acts of violence? Who knew?

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

Brad adds: This is remarkable. I can’t remember seeing anyone inside Wingnut Nation ever give up the game like this:

The McCain campaign knows that Obama isn’t a Muslim or a terrorist, but they’re willing to help a certain kind of voter think he is. Just the way certain South Carolinians in 2000 were allowed to think that McCain’s adopted daughter from Bangladesh was his illegitimate black child.

Could Kathleen Parker be having her Terri Schiavo moment? Hey John, do you think you could help us with the deprogramming?


Comments: 206


God bless her for being able to see the light for some time period. May we not be a nation of Flowers for Algernon, in which many Republicans suddenly acquire the ability to see the Republican base & message for what it really is, but then lose it just as quickly after a (fingers-crossed) Obama victory.


It’s a little late now to try to come off as human, K-Pax.

Lou, Lou, the Dancing Panda

I do declay-uh, I never, I say never, KNEW what type of messuhges were being thrown out they-uh by our esteeemed Republican candiduhts. /faints, spills sweet tea all over dress.


If K-Pax is not careful her model is going to be boxed on the baseship. Does she believe that some racially mixed wunderkind is going to save the world?


I had no idea she was such a subtle comedienne. Brilliant!


I don’t think I’ve seen a jacket that color since Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith were dating. How old is that photo?


She looks a bit like Melissa Etheridge.


Give Kathleen a little credit: for Father Coughlin to interrupt Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica and announce to the assembled congregation that the Resurrection is a myth and that Divine Liturgy is out of touch with reality does require a certain courage.

However, as aimai pointed out in another place and another context, she is reaping what she has gleefully sown.

OK, enough religious references…


Every time I see that pic I’m struck anew by the vanity of the woman, not to mention the hamfisted photoshopping.


You’ve GOT to read the comments. It’s clear those readers have never, ever heard a word of dissent in their life. They simply cannot accept it. Too damn funnah.


Alternative Shorter Parker: The Southern Strategy was meant to be deployed subtlety, not in the brutish manner of that hick from Alaska.


Oh man . . . the comments over there are pretty great. I enjoyed this particularly enlightened gem from “talent scout”:

Your attitude is a nasty one Mrs Parker, full of venom, may your curses come swiftly on your own head.

Go do the dishes Kathleen

emphasis added.


Wow, the right-wingers are calling for her head…And can we officially call “_____ Derangement syndrome” for what it is? As my mother-in-law kept reminding us when talking about Clinton raping 60 women, “where there’s smoke, there’s bound to be fire.” We’re not deranged in our hatred of someone, we see them for who they are.



Go do the dishes Kathleen

Frankly, I’m old enough to want to watch her lick them clean…


Who would have guessed that Kathleen would stray so far from the talking points? She must be afraid that the wingnut welfare gravy train is giong off the rails.

I don’t seem to be able to see the comments to her post, but do go over there and vote on who won the debate. Obama is up over McCain 2:1.


Here come the nasty emails Kathleen.


Is there a way to read the comments without signing up? I’m really curious, but I don’t want Clownhall emails flooding my inbox.


Go do the dishes Kathleen

May he be reincarnated as a kitchen slave in the Middle Ages.

I mean, if we’re going to bend time & space, what’s a little wormhole?


Shorter K-Pax: You can call That One a stealth Muslim, just not a scary stealth Muslim.

I was going to call her K-Pa, but K-Pax is clearly superior. I doff my hat to actor212.

The Goddamn Batman Is All About the Older Ladies

She’s looking a bit more *aherm* mature here and here; dare I say it–even MILFy.


i didn’t sign on anywhere; the comments were just at the bottom of the page. lots of frothing going on down there.


Just got an email from the proprietors at Townhall. They want to know what we’ve done with the real Kathleen Parke. They want her back.


One of them blames it on KP’s “vagina envy”.

Fuckin Golden!


I heard Seymour Hersh speak at Berkeley last night. He was fairly certain that the Secret Service might not be amused.


So she’s, basically, being provided with a ton of evidence about the ugliness of her own people.


One of them blames it on KP’s “vagina envy”.

it’s a wingnut clearance sale! all inane comments must go!


I was going to call her K-Pa, but K-Pax is clearly superior. I doff my hat to actor212.

Murky bowcups. I just remembered the movie with Kevin Spacey about an alien who suddenly had to deal with a psycho ward and blammo, it hit me.

Quaker in a Basement

Now, now.

Ms. Parker is in the midst of learning a valuable lesson. Don’t interrupt.


Interesting fact about K-Pax: She’s had four stepmothers.

And this is a woman who writes almost exclusively about the sanctity of the American nuclear family. I mean, I guess she understands the consequences, to be sure, but four stepmoms doesn’t speak well for her dad, now does it?


I’m waiting for her to be called the Fourth Dixie Chick. Actually, I think she may want to become the Fourth Dixie Chick.

OK, so she refused to sweep the leg after the GOP Cobra KKKai non-sensei ordered her to. Now she’s alone, skulking around the mat, just hoping to say “You’re alright, Caruso Obama.”


So funny. The wingers with two brain cells to rub together are slowly (and likely to their great horror) finding out how truly backward, hateful, and violent their readers truly are. Disagreeing with this ugliness is tantamount to treason. She’s an apostate now.



Well, she did post this in her last screed about incivility:

Readers have every right to reject my opinion. But when we decide that a person is a traitor and should die for having an opinion different from one’s own, we cross into territory that puts all freedoms at risk. (I hear you, Dixie Chicks.)


The truth is making her kind of hot. And I don’t mean in an offical lipsticky mavricy way. I’ll forgive her past rightardness

jason in winnipeg

Reply # 24:

“Once Again You Don’t Get It!
GOVERNOR Palin (which you seem always to forget)is not representing the normal amongst us…she is representing what we see in this wonderful Country.

It has nothing to do with education, status, or ethnicity. I’m disappointed that you have chosen to believe your own spin.”

Palin no longer represents the normal? Who the fuck is Joe Six-Pack then, the elite?


Yeah, dBa, but that jacket still makes her look like one of Balky’s dates on season 2 of “Perfect Strangers.”


Eh? I never notice clothes on hot chicks, especially reformed rightwngers.

Lou, Lou, the Dancing Panda

Jason, Palin represents the American vanguard that Nietzsche called, in one of his more prophetic writings, Josef-Sechserpack, who would transcend all “kinda mainstream” (my translation) morality for the sake of the “blond beast” of true American culture (Fun fact: “blond beast” is Cindy McCain’s second nickname from John– the first is “f*&^ing c&nt”). “Normal” people are those inferior races who like to read “books,” talk about “issues,” and grant voting rights to other “citizens.” Lee Greenwood was not singing about them.


Jason in Winnipeg, that’s great! “This just in, right-wing voters say Palin is not normal! Details at eleven…”


one of Balky’s dates on season 2 of “Perfect Strangers.”

Beware. The mad Arab Abdul Alhazred was eaten alive by an invisible monster for flirting with such knowledge.


In pursuit of and the furtherance of our sacred and beloved S,N! culture of pedantry, I have a question. Obama said [my recollection] “you won’t see one dime of your taxes increase.” I would have said “you won’t see your taxes increase one dime.” Did he misspeak or is that maybe an idiom I am unfamiliar with due to my not being one of hoi eligoi?

Also, ℙ◉◉ℙ


I kind of feel sorry for her.. She is going to get kicked out of the wingnuts club for this, but it won’t be easy for her to fully acknowledge the truth and completely shed that right wing identity.

I get the feeling that the comments to that article are showing her just what right wingers are really like. I’m not seeing a lot of polite disagreement there. Just profanity, bullshit, and imaginary accusations.

But the article itself was factually correct, to the point, and quite well written too! Brilliantly written by clownhall standards.


Wow. It’s like, after all these years of vilifying progressive, K-Pax finally started reading what they actually wrote.

I agree with dBa – in a way, it’s kind of hot.

Maybe John Cole can give her some advice on how to navigate the transition from wingnut to sanity.



The truth is making her kind of hot.

Three Dressed Up As a Nine?


you sad guys should get hold of some of these pics while they last:

our Captains of Capita…er…Socia-lism at work !


Pics of the fuckers we just bailed out? Nah, give me hot chicks.


This piece shows us the kind of “sensible thinking” that will land K-Pax a job with the Washington Post after she gets exiled from Winguttia. They can always use another commentator who gets the vapors whenever people start acting uncivil.


K-Pax has an epiphany:

(best with sound on)


Palin no longer represents the normal?

When did she represent the normal?


Man hitting on woman at the gym this morning, bragging about his chili recipe:

My secret ingredient is cilantro

Cilantro. Who would’ve thunk?


My secret Chilli ingredient is chocolate.


Mine is ocelot tentacles.


Mine is hashish.


Wow are my browsers smart! Safari won’t show the comments, and Firefox shits the bed the moment I go to TownHall. The thing is I love to see wingnuts eat their own. It’s schadenfreude-licious!


Cilantro is liberal fascist of herbs.
Food killer.


Even if K-Po is attempting a conversion to our side, I think I speak for many of us when I whip out the Palin and say thanks, but no thanks.


Wow are my browsers smart! Safari won’t show the comments, and Firefox shits the bed the moment I go to TownHall.

ClownHall is a Web design nightmare.


My secret chili ingredient is ….secret.
SSHHHH Don’t tell anybody.


What’s going on here?

Female celebrities are automatically stupid therefore our female celebrity is awesome?


What’s going on here?

Mrs. Hathaway said those things only to piss off her staunchly republican boss, Mr. Drysdale.


But the article itself was factually correct, to the point, and quite well written too! Brilliantly written by clownhall standards.

It may be a cross-posting of a column she wrote for the WaPo. I read that column this morning but I’m not going to go to clownhall to verify.


Yeah, its the same thing. Damn washington post wants me to sign in or some bollocks though. I’l take my chances with the wingnut site.


My secret Chilli ingredient is chocolate.

“Ingredients” are for elitists! Libearl fascist! Buy it by the six pack like real Americans!


Sockpuppet: Google bugmenot


Obama said [my recollection] “you won’t see one dime of your taxes increase.” I would have said “you won’t see your taxes increase one dime.” Did he misspeak or is that maybe an idiom I am unfamiliar with due to my not being one of hoi eligoi?

A misstatement, if you are deconstructing this from a grammatic point of view, but from a colloquial point of view, he was attempting to make the general case (“I will not raise your taxes”) more specific (“Not one dime”), and had he said it that way (“I will not raise your taxes, not one dime”), it would have been a better construct but hey, as an experienced radio, film, and TV actor, I’ve flubbed a line out of nervousness and I’ve had less at stake than Obama!


“Put the Gloves Back On”?
I’m afraid it’s more like putting the proverbial worms back in the can – not all that simple a task, to put it mildly. Revving people up into a frenzy is fairly easy (her reference to “code-words” is a bull’s-eye) but getting them to climb back down off that psychic window-ledge is a real bitch.

Ms. Parker is getting an unpleasant tutorial in Reality 101, & it’s not over yet: she’ll probably lose the Clownhall gig & have others evaporate for her heresy against The Noble Cause … & is likely going to lose “friends” as well … & it’s not as if liberals are going to suddenly fall in love with her, either.

Those comments are ugly, both in their monolithic ignorance & their vituperativeness. She’s jealous, she’s better suited to Daily Kos(!), she’s a closet liberal – I see a bunch of folks who know deep down they’re just not going to be able to steal it again this time, & it scares the piss out of them.

My question is: when you keep seeing your own party cornhole the economy, make a fortune sending your kids overseas to die &/or kill other people’s kids, & set Americans at each other’s throats … then see the other party come in & try to fix things, over & over again … how do you justify going back to voting for the fucking jackals that always bugger things up?

Is this a learning-curve-allergy or what?


I’m afraid it’s more like putting the proverbial worms back in the can…

“Unshitting the bed” is what I thought of.


…although “Unburning the cross” might fit too.


“Unburning the cross”

That’s really good.


Unfucking oneself?


Ms. Parker is getting an unpleasant tutorial in Reality 101, & it’s not over yet: she’ll probably lose the Clownhall gig & have others evaporate for her heresy against The Noble Cause … & is likely going to lose “friends” as well … & it’s not as if liberals are going to suddenly fall in love with her, either.

I don’t didn’t take Arrianna too long…


My fellow prisoners

Dude’s got serious issues.

max thunderfist, moonbat slayer

OK, so she refused to sweep the leg after the GOP Cobra KKKai non-sensei ordered her to. Now she’s alone, skulking around the mat, just hoping to say “You’re alright, Caruso Obama.”

Oh hell yes. I can’t wait till after the election when David Axelrod makes Rich Davis punch his hand through a car window, then grabs his nose and goes “honk”. It will be the best episode of “Meet the Press” ever, I think I can safely say.


I was thinking she might go full John Cole as well, Brad.

As I said somewhere else. There is always room for redemption.


My secret Chilli ingredient is chocolate.

I prefer T-Boz and her various secret ingredients.


One of them blames it on KP’s “vagina envy”.

This is a central part of the Palin Feminism Movement. Any woman that complains about her is just jealous.


Even if K-Po is attempting a conversion to our side, I think I speak for many of us when I whip out the Palin and say thanks, but no thanks.

Eh, let’s see if she actually has the guts (and willingness to admit her own horrible idiocy) to keep going with this. God knows if I’d been around for John Cole’s wingnut days I’d probably have said the same thing about him.


a touch of chocolate is very good in chili – gives a richness and mouth feel.

try adding a pinch or two of ground cinammon, too.

if you’re making north texas red, which contains only beef and peppers and chili powder and garlic and spices, you might like adding a couple tablespoons of a roux made from masa harina.

and if you’re making “gringo” hamburger-and-beans-and-onion chili for kids or midwesterners, a healthy squirt or four of tomato catsup will add sugar and vinegar in balance to provide the taste they expect.


I dunno. Parker has always been so fucking venomous. My assumption is that she’s pulling a (Peggy) Noonan.


What don’t we know about Cilantro?

According to a non-partisan analysis by The Herbalist Journal, it also goes by the name of ‘Coriander’.

It may be used in Joe Sixpack’s All-American favorites, like chili, but also occurs commonly in Mexican and Middle Eastern cuisine.

What else is “Cilantro” trying to hide?

Can we afford to find out?


Djur: Yeah, but she already told Palin to step down. That’s TWO Noonans, and she did them on purpose, not when she thought cameras had stopped rolling.


It’s nice when the rabid tiger starts to purr, and wants to cuddle…but don’t do it!


My secret ingredient will run you off the road!


I’m wondering if any other wingnut got their eyes opened a bit with those catcalls of “terrorist!” and “Kill him!” at Tina Fey’s… I mean, Palin’s rallies the other day. This sounds very close to getting out of hand.

I just saw something about McCain’s camp dropping the Ayers attack mode. I wonder if those brownshirts had anything to do with it?

It is amazing, tho, isn’t it, what it takes for some people to have that light bulb over their heads get illuminated. “Jeez, I’M getting hate mail! That isn’t supposed to happen!”


The Klanservative wingtard cheerleader, Caribou Barbie, is “speaking in tongues” to convey a very important message to the wingtard faithful. Obama is BLACK!!! He isn’t “like us!!!” He’s SCARY because he’s BLACK!!!

Sarahpoleon is almost an unabashed racist. She has made that clear for a long time now. And that’s precisely why Klanservative mouthpieces like “Oxy Moron” Limbaugh pushed so hard to get her on the ticket.

Rip rappin' Bob Owens

Yo yo yo sadly no I say yo yo yo sadly no wazzzzzzzup confederate yeezy in the heezy if ya feels me

Bill Ayers be droppin bombs on ya nuff to make me say Hussein O-bomb-a if ya feels it lemme hear ya say O-bomb-a oh yeaaaah terrorizin the the policizin of the heez fo sheez lemme feels ya


My secret Chili ingredient is chiles.


What’s relevant is motive. Cole & Huffington “converted” when they realized their ideology was shite, & that many of its champions were & are extremist ghouls … whereas Ms. Parker seems to want Palin out because she’ll hurt the long-term game-plan for teh Grand Crusade O’ Conservativez, which is a wee bit different.

What’d be ironic is if her own former compadres generate said “conversion” with their ongoing chronic malice. I also suspect a LOT of current wingnuts will miraculously “see the light” & abandon The Dark Side circa December, as their neocon-kneepad-jockey meal-ticket shows symptoms of evaporation, knowing that they can pimp the same old swill with new “Sensible Liberal” terms (cut-&-paste political MadLibs) & at least some low-information readers will lap it up.

J— Says:
October 8th, 2008 at 21:13

“My fellow prisoners”

It’s not like he wasn’t warned.

Him & Palin both have the same bug cropping up: that’s what happens when you buy your neural implants from Radio Shack! Never scrimp on the important stuff. Cheap-ass CIA!


Holy shit, intrade has Obama beating McCain by 52 points today.


Sarahpoleon is almost an unabashed racist.

Obligatory fix.


re: intrade

Holy shit is right. Obama is up 10 and McPOW is down 10 FROM THIS MORNING!

Which is perfectly understandable given that McPOW won the debate so decisively.

Rugged in Montana

My secret ingredient for chili are these little mushrooms I find out on the Montana woods. Although they make me feel a little dizzy, they seem to repel the massive flocks of rabid pelicans that regularly blot out the sky here…


If Kathleen would come over to the Sane Side, I guess I’d be able to accept her more easily than some. I think she’s at least kind of tough in a grownup way, which is more than you can say for snakes like Coulter and Malkin who talk tough but don’t have the guts to run their mouths without backup.


Could Kathleen Parker be having her Terri Schiavo moment?

She’s thirsty?


Rugged, could you send me some of that ‘shroom chili? I’d like to try it. Hey, maybe you could add some wild morning glory or wood rose seeds to it as well, give it a little extra zip?

My secret ingredient is about a half a cup of really hot picante sauce. If you’re not sweating, it ain’t hot enough.


Obama is up 10 and McPOW is down 10 FROM THIS MORNING!

Well, Obama needs to have at least a 20 point lead nation-wide on election day to keep from being Diebolded.



I’m partial to “Mooselini” myself.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but my impression is that Cole and Huffington were never far right on social issues (nor was, to push things back a ways, Joan Didion, another who moved over politically). I don’t see Parker the same way. She’s still going to peddle her loony, reactionary, patronizing family drivel regardless of her dissatisfaction with the way the GOP is currently carrying out its national propaganda campaign.

Rugged in Montana

Rugged, could you send me some of that ’shroom chili? I’d like to try it. Hey, maybe you could add some wild morning glory or wood rose seeds to it as well, give it a little extra zip?

Sure, I’d be happy to, DEMON-crat. Just send a self addressed envelope to:

Rugged (aka Cecil Smallpecker)
c/o The Blood Clot Bar & Tavern
Butte, Montana
The Heartland, USA of America


Those funny ‘shrooms grow like weeds out here. I’ll show you where to get ’em, Candy.


Rugged really is the best strawtroll around these parts, methinks.

Ya think?




She’s still going to peddle her loony, reactionary, patronizing family drivel regardless of her dissatisfaction with the way the GOP is currently carrying out its national propaganda campaign.

Yeah, I think you’re right about that. She always struck me as a woman who could have benefited from some really competent therapy. Daddy Issues worthy of the name. I don’t know if I’d say it was a “creepy” vibe, but I always thought there was something sort of touching and quite sad about her columns.when she used to appear in our local rag in the late 80s-early 90s. They haven’t carried her in ages and the only time I bump into her drivel is on Sadly.


Those funny ’shrooms grow like weeds out here. I’ll show you where to get ‘em, Candy.


Yes, Rugged is a jewel of his kind.


Completely OT, but I noticed that one of today’s biggest losers in the ongoing DOW slump was Stewart Enterprises which “provides funeral and cemetery products and services for death care industry in the United States.”

Apparently they lost the pending KBR contract when Cheney decided it would be simpler to just go the mass grave route during the upcoming “Festival of Martial Law”.

However, Caterpillar was one of today’s big winners as its stock soared on KBR’s purchase of a huge new fleet of front-end loaders.


Sure, I’d be happy to, DEMON-crat. Just send a self addressed envelope to

Thanks, Rugged, but maybe you’d better ship them to me by biker courier. Might not want to ship via US of A mail, if ya know what I mean! You don’t want those black helicopters flying over your bunker again.


Ouch! What was that for, Greenie?


My favourite quote from clownhall;

“I don’t mind different opinions
but this has become a twice a week event.



also, I can’t spell my own name, which is central to my point.


According to a non-partisan analysis by The Herbalist Journal, it also goes by the name of ‘Coriander’.

Whigger, please. The Herbalist Journal is totally in the tank for cilantro and is deliberately trying to confuse you. Yes, the yummy coriander seeds that are used in curries and masala are from the same plant as the nasty, stinky cilantro leaves that some assholes put in their chili, pad thai, whathaveyou. But you can’t hold the seeds responsible for that when it’s the leaves what cause so much unrest.


The Herbalist Journal is totally in the tank for cilantro and is deliberately trying to confuse you

Mmmmmmm………Cilantro and fresh ginger with sweet chili sauce on braised tofu!

Gotta make that tonight.


I’m with Lawnie.

Cilantro is not right. It is like McCain to Basil’s Obama.

Corriander, however, is delectable.


Ladies and Gentlemen, mikey has issued a formal statement regarding this ongoing Cilantro controversy.

mikey believes that while, unlike Brussels Sprouts, Cilantro is actually an edible food product, people of good will, not to mention of varying culinary predilections can differ on it’s appropriateness in any particular dish.

But, ladies and gentlemen, you have to ask another question:

What would a fish taco be without Cilantro? Indeed, as that guy on his lawn pointed out so disparagingly, a Pad Thai? How would you approach a deviled egg, a Salsa Fresca, a caprese salad that was not redolent of that tangy cousin to parsley, cilantro?

mikey merely wonders what a person’s world must be like if it is a world without cilantro. And what would motivate someone to go on living in that world.

That is the totality of mikey’s position on cilantro, and it is not negotiable.

Later in the week, mikey promises to regale us all with the story of how he was beaten nearly to death by a tricycle one summer afternoon in a small bar on Highway 50…


To leverage fadgey’s comparisons, I must be a Bob Barr fan. I don’t like either basil or cilantro. No, green leafy == bad, almost universally.


Coriander, Cilantro… Pick a side, we’re at war! And I’ve got my eye on you, “Anise”… or is it “Fennel”?


The green leaves are called Coriander, and the ground seeds are called Dhania. Both are essentials if you ask me.


parsley garnish considered harmful: discuss


A nine course breakfast:

I love the concept of Screamin’ Toast.


I’m a folksy sorta guy when it comes down to it. I curse fairly often and I grew up in the Midwest where we don’t change our slang every 5 minutes like the West Coast does. But I am at a loss as to what the fuck Mooseolini means here, which is incidentally her first ever interaction with the press corp on the campaign plane:

Both Palin and her husband had refused to be interviewed in the state Legislature’s probe, and Palin said the inquiry “has been kind of a goat rope, very partisan and very controversial type of investigation.”

Now, maybe I need to go ask Mickey Kaus what the hell a goat rope is.

I’m sure it’s one of them metaphors that elitists like me don’t get (isn’t it elitist to use metaphors in the first place?), but it would be irresponsible not to speculate as to what the Palins do with goats and ropes.


Ah, but everyone loves green onions.

your subconscience

Kernells are Go!

Indicted, indicted, indicted.

And you all thought it was gonna get dropped. Silly proggies.


I’m also puzzled by that “goat rope” expression, but this one doesn’t need any translation:

“I’ve been in an underdog position quite often in my life and so has John McCain and we’ve both come out victoriously from that underdog position.”

Doggie style.

Heh, indeed.


Palin said the inquiry “has been kind of a goat rope, very partisan and very controversial type of investigation.”

Maybe a “goat rope” is like a round-up, only of goats rather than cattle.

Or maybe Palin was misquoted, and she really said the inquiry has been kind of a zoetrope. That’s the kind of esoteric reference the kinda-mainstream-media would never expect!


My only issue with the controversial Cilantro is that ever since the American discovery of Food, every damn meal I order at any restaurant seems to be covered in a bright green pile of it. I like a little bit (when recipe-appropriate), but too much and it’s like a mouth full of grass clippings.


“…her first ever interaction with the press corp[s]…”

“It’s relevant to connect that association he has with Ayers, not so much he as a person Ayers, but the whole situation and the truthfulness and the judgment there that you must question if again he’s not being forthright in all of his answers, “

Jesus Christ, every time I read a direct quote from Palin I just can’t believe she ever got anywhere in politics. Every fucking phrase coming out of her mouth is utter gibberish.

Why would anybody think that there’s some brilliant argument left on the cutting room floor from the Gibson / Couric interviews? What evidence has she ever given that she can put together three words that make any sense at all? What the fuck did McLame think she’d bring to the campaign? Tits and gams and godbothering do not a running mate make.


I’ve heard (and used) the expression “goat rodeo” to describe any sort of clusterfuckery. Maybe that’s where she was going…


Well, it’s not a peniscopter, but it’ll do in a pinch.


So, uhmm, can we be friends now guys?


So, uhmm, can we be friends now guys?

Retitle the column “Put the Condom Back On” and we’ll discuss it.


Retitle the column “Put the Condom Back On” and we’ll discuss it.



Ughh, I am deeply embarrassed I wrote press corp rather than corps. At least I didn’t use core.


I just read K-Pax’s column and its comment thread…fucking hell. I know in my withered black heart that she’s just reaping the whirlwind of morons that she and her ilk have helped create…but I think I actually almost feel bad for her…and I’m a rotten bastard, so nobody’s more surprised by this than me.


Could goat rope mean the rope that ties a bait goat to a stake? Like in Jurassic Park, when they fed a goat to the toothy jesus horse.


OneMadClown, I’ll feel sorry for her when I’m convinced she’s truly learned something.

Until then: Reap, you sow.


Also, apparently, the unspecified “racial epithet” hurled at the sound dude at the Palin rally was “uppity negro”.

‘cuz, y’know, he had a job.


I’m partial to “Mooselini” myself

Out of simple compassion for America’s largest ungulate ( the one, as Meredith Burgess says, the French trappers called “l’originale”) can we not associate Mooses with Palin, except insofar as we point out that they are the innocent victims of her blood-lust and cruelty? I’ve got enough on my mind as it is.


The comments are pretty terrible, but there are some gems, like this one:

Go light with the reality-based commentary, Kath… it just won’t fly here!!!
1) We are superior in thought and deed
2) We are horribly victimized by all the rest of those who aren’t superior to us in thought and deed…
Stick to the script please, you risk annoying us !!!
Conservative A. Lemming

Something tells me that guy doesn’t comment there much.


Tits and gams and godbothering do not a running mate make.

But the wingnuts really think she’s swell.


give that woman some credit. Every one of those comments over at her own site is horrendous (except for conservative a. lemming, of course!) is an ugly attack on her. It has to take guts to go out on a limb like that with everyone baying for your blood. Wonder where this is going to take her and whether she’ll backslide just to get back in their grace and favor or whether, like Arianna (as one of them pointed out) she hasn’t had some epiphany that makes this a point of no return for her.


Check the McFreudian slip

John McCain told a crowd in Pennsylvania today that “[a]cross this country, this is the agenda I have set forth before my fellow prisoners. And the same standards of clarity and candor must now be applied to my opponent.”


You liberals are a bunch of anti-American slimeballs. Your candidate is a leftwing supporter of terrorism who has the endorsement of Hamas, Mahmoud Ahmadenijad and Momar Quadaffi. Who’s next in the international hall of losers to endorse Obama? Osama bin Laden? Given all the terrorist groups that have endorsed Obama, not to mention the Workers World Party and Vladimir Putin, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit. With Obama’s endorsement by the international loser league he has lost instant credibility in the eyes of all sane patriotitc voters. You liberals go ahead now and continue to suck on your messiah’s cock.


What awesome comments:

Location: CA
Reply # 165
Date: Oct 8, 2008 – 11:41 AM EST

Subject: what conservatives have become
There was a time when conservatives had ideas, when they could challenge people with intellect and substance. You look at replies to this article and its all name calling. When a movement has run out of ideas, the only thing left is to denigrate your opponents or in this case one of your own. If Palin is so great, make the case for her. The truth is Palin knows nothing about national and international affairs. The radical right loves her because she is right on abortion, guns and gays. They don’t care that she has no understanding of the complex issues the country faces. That’s what the GOP has become. It’s sad.


Motley Crue
Location: CA
Reply # 168
Date: Oct 8, 2008 – 11:45 AM EST

Edward. Sit down, boy.


must-see youtube embellishment of McCain


You liberals are a bunch of anti-American slimeballs. Your candidate is a leftwing supporter of terrorism who has the endorsement of Hamas, Mahmoud Ahmadenijad and Momar Quadaffi. Who’s next in the international hall of losers to endorse Obama?

Don’t forget Canadians, Germans, Italians, the British, the Scandinavians, the Dutch, oh heck…the whole world pretty much endorses Obama.


Obama calls McCain on his bullshit and messes with his head.

Obama: Well, I am surprised that, you know, we’ve been seeing some pretty over-the-top attacks coming out of the McCain campaign over the last several days that he wasn’t willing to say it to my face.

But I guess we’ve got one last debate. So presumably, if he ends up feeling that — that he needs to, he will raise it during the debate.

From Charlie Gibson’s interview with Obama.


ACORN SUCKS said, gnarf gnarf gnarf

You hadn’t even heard of ACORN last week, had you?


Hey, sucks, if two of us suck our “messiah’s” cock would that bring about the second coming?


“Supporter of Terrorism”

Um, I’m going to need your definition of the term “Terrorism” here. Because if “Terrorism” is what I understand it to be, nobody, even somebody who HATES the US would support it unless that person and his family didn’t actually LIVE here…

This is like the word “victory”. They get to throw it around, as long as they don’t actually have to say what it means…


Have you all seen Google’s latest email feature, Mail Goggles? Is this a joke?


Ah, message discipline. Osama bin Laden is boldened by Chicago existing; ACORN is designed to give birth to the Antichrist; tomorrow I expect they’ll be trying to taunt us because, unlike the American hero McCain, we’re capable of achieving an erection under our own power – the turgid liberal homos we are.


With Obama’s endorsement by the international loser league he has lost instant credibility in the eyes of all sane patriotitc voters

America – a land of traitors & lunatics.

Love it or leave it, bitch.


This is like the word “victory”. They get to throw it around, as long as they don’t actually have to say what it means…

cf: liberal, conservative, freedom, democracy, values, support (of troops), communist, socialist, fascist, …

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

And Vladimir Putin used to be George Bush’s very special friend, whom he gazed longingly into the eyes of and saw his *choked up* soul!

But I guess now that he backed Obama, his soul really is the cold, dead-eyed KGB heart of Dr. Doom we liberals knew it was, huh?


. . . the whole world pretty much endorses Obama.

Actually, according to the international poll in The Economist, everybody but Macedonia and Georgia.

That’s the former Soviet Georgia. Apparently, Obama is now polling ahead of McCain in the one over here.


I thought she had already dealt with this back in ’77 on Rumours:

Listen to the wind blow
Watch the sun rise

Run in the shadows
Damn your love
Damn your lies

And if
You dont love me now
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain.


And Vladimir Putin used to be George Bush’s very special friend…

Don’t forget, Bush is probably officially a liberal these days.

Lou, Lou, the Dancing Panda

You liberals go ahead now and continue to suck on your messiah’s cock.
Hymns not doing it for you lately, ACORN? Needing some more, um, mystical intimacy?

Look, I know it’s hard to cheer for someone whose unscripted speech is one continuous series of verbal cakefarts, but please– save your repressed sexuality for your James Caviezel blow-on doll..


Overheard today: Interesting how some people say that we consider Obama to be a divine savior when all we ever said was that he’s reasonable.


Kathleen Parker has even lapsed into French. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!


J— said,
October 9, 2008 at 3:08

Wait, Gibson interviewed a candidate that can actually string three words together coherently? And didn’t “ambush” him? BLARRGH! HE’S IN THE TANK!!!

Oh, man. The rest is choice, too.

So, you know, I think that, you know, Senator McCain’s campaign has been focusing on me primarily because they don’t want to focus on the economy. And they’ve said as much. I mean, you’ve had their spokespeople over the last couple of days say if we talk about the economic crisis, we lose.

I mean, you can’t be much more blatant than that. They want to change the subject. And I understand it because the fact is that John McCain has subscribed, for the most part, to the same economic philosophy as George Bush, the same economic philosophy that has governed over the last eight years and has helped to get us in this mess.

and about Ayers,

And the notion that somehow he has been involved in my campaign, that he is an adviser of mine, that he — I’ve palled around with a terrorist, all these statements are made simply to try to score cheap political points. And, you know, the idea that the McCain campaign would want to make this the centerpiece of the discussion in the closing weeks of a campaign where we are facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and we’re in the middle of two wars, I think makes very little sense not just to me but to the American people.

Oh, Snap. Somebody got told.

And as to “mail goggles…

By default, Mail Goggles is only active late night on the weekend as that is the time you’re most likely to need it.

Lol, “need it” = “drunk”.

A Different Jake H.


You REALLY don’t see it?

You really wanna ride this stupid game right to the bitter end?


On the off chance that you’re just missing it, let me make it real clear for you.

The BEST you can hope for is that you’re collateral damage.

They don’t CARE about you. They aren’t in any way invested in your survival.

You are NOT on the radar.

I don’t know how to make it any clearer to you. John McCain’s health care plan includes taxing your insurance benefits. From a guy who NEVER met a tax he didn’t hate. Are you fucking goddam paying attention?

You are an endangered species. Obama gets who you are, and what you need, but he also gets that while americans will spend trillions on wars and occupations and nation building, americans WILL NOT spend a dime on americans.

Sure, I could go thru the history of how that happened, but the fact is it did, and we lose.

Obama is not the answer. WE are the answer. If it’s not politics, it’s civil war.

A friend asked me today “are we insurgents”?

I dunno.

We goddam better be. The alternative is the most horrifying slow death you can imagine. Know what? I’ve got neither family nor pets. You wanna go this route? You are selling out every promise you ever made.

Suck it up or shut up….



Finally, some helpful guidance on dealing with the crisis | Main

No liveblogging from me
07 Oct 2008 09:21 pm

I can’t concentrate on the debate; I’m too busy concentrating on drawing breath. Check out Culture11, Alex Massie, and Will Wilkinson for the finest in libertarian debate-blogging.

Don’t tug on superman woman’s cape, peeps. She’s gotta cold.


ssluuurrrppp mmm nom nom slipsssssluuurp

What? I can’t hear you. I’m too busy sucking messiah cock.



Obama will never succeed in garnering james’ support of electoral votes here in bret’s hartland. Those PUSSIES… Noonan, Parker, Cole, Klein and other gutless wingnuts to be named and slurred later, will regret the day that the Silent Majority was underestimated for the general election. And, might I say, that I greatly enjoyed “An American Carol” last weekend, chuckling immeasurably at the sight of a swarthy dude smacking a fat dude, followed by an army dude smacking the same fat dude. The High Concept!!!


More extreme funny on the horizon. The Powerline “sleuths” have a hot lead on Barry O the Socialist:

In June sources released information that during his campaign for the State Senate in Illinois, Barack Obama was endorsed by an organization known as the Chicago “New Party”. The ‘New Party’ was a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America (the DSA) to push forth the socialist principles of the DSA by focusing on winnable elections at a local level and spreading the Socialist movement upwards. …
After allegations surfaced in early summer over the ‘New Party’s’ endorsement of Obama, the Obama campaign along with the remnants of the New Party and Democratic Socialists of America claimed that Obama was never a member of either organization. The DSA and ‘New Party’ then systematically attempted to cover up any ties between Obama and the Socialist Organizations. However, it now appears that Barack Obama was indeed a certified and acknowledged member of the DSA’s New Party.

On Tuesday, I discovered a web page that had been scrubbed from the New Party’s website. The web page which was published in October 1996, was an internet newsletter update on that years congressional races. Although the web page was deleted from the New Party’s website, the non-profit Internet Archive Organization had archived the page.

Can’t wait for Malkin, C-FedY, Stosh Kurtz and Roger L. Simon – with the help of Moses WHine – get to the bottom of this case.
Scooby! off to the Mystery Machine – pronto.


Sorry to go OT, but Virgin Ben’s latest is too awesome.

I only graduated from UCLA in 2004, the last time professors backed a Democratic candidate to the hilt. A lot of my classmates showed up to vote for John Kerry. A lot of them showed up to campaign for Kerry — after all, the students in the Kerry campaign office were probably easier than the students down at Bush-Cheney headquarters.

I’m sure the same holds true today. There are probably a lot of good-looking Obama students out there. And I’m sure that it’s tempting to go sign up to phone bank next to that student wearing the “I Heart Abortion Rights” T-shirt.

Yes, he just attributed Obama’s popularity to the presence of loose co-eds willing to get abortions ala Jay in Dogma.

Cletus von Clausewitz

Off topic, but whatever made fuckin’ McCain fuckin’ think that taxing people’s fuckin’ health insurance premiums would fuckin’ be a winning fuckin’ strategy?


…but whatever made fuckin’ McCain fuckin’ think that taxing people’s fuckin’ health insurance premiums would fuckin’ be a winning fuckin’ strategy?

I think he was assuming no one would find out about that until it was too late. Muhuahahahahahaaaa!

excessive exclamation points

Yes!!! I am president of Democratic Socialists Of America…and Obamerica…and Kramerica!!! We gave $12.57 to Obama’s state senate campaign in 1996!!! We own his ass!!! Eat it, Small Businessmen Of Former-Merica!!!!


The McCain/Palin Mob.

Yeah, that’s some seriously whacked-out shit.

I’m not just bothered that these people can vote. I’m very disturbed that they can reproduce.

An evolutionary biologist

I’m very disturbed that they can reproduce.

I have definitive proof that they can not, in fact, reproduce among their own kind. Their numbers are replenishable only through raiding warthog sounders. Also, goat litters. is Obama 349 McCain 174 Ties 15.

Honey, I shrunk the heartland.


Jesus Christ was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor.


“Your candidate is a leftwing supporter of terrorism who has the endorsement of Hamas, Mahmoud Ahmadenijad and Momar Quadaffi.”

Dude, didn’t you hear? al-Gaddafi (you’re welcome on the spelling correction, btw) is one of ours now!

Welcome to the 21st Century.


Goat rope.

Clusterfuck seems to be the most common synonym. Several different origin stories on teh Google, but the one that just sounds right to me:

History: From LCDR Charles Breen, USN, who tried to untangle a goat’s rope, only to be bitten by said goat, then to deck same goat, Mongo style, right as busload of tourists rounded the bend in time to think he was beating the crap out of a goat for no reason.

Been there, done that, y’know?


….beating the crap out of a goat for no reason
Oh, that brings back memories!…


…although “Unburning the cross” might fit too.
It’s time to put the vomit back inside the Abyssinian cat.


Has anyone mentioned B-Rock “The Islamic Shock” yet?


Along the lines of Parker, David Frum is all like, hey dudes, chill:

Those who press this Ayers line of attack are whipping Republicans and conservatives into a fury that is going to be very hard to calm after November. Is it really wise to send conservatives into opposition in a mood of disdain and fury for the next president, incidentally the first African-American president? Anger is a very bad political adviser. It can isolate us and push us to the extremes at exactly the moment when we ought to be rebuilding, rethinking, regrouping and recruiting.

And I’m all like, BWAHAHAHA. Enjoy your sinking ship, fucker.


from that Frum article

Like a lot of Republicans, I’ll be swallowing a great deal in order to cast my vote. I’ll be swallowing objections to McCain’s views on issues from immigration to campaign finance reform. I’ll be swallowing doubts about personality and temperament. And above all, I’ll be swallowing some fairly intense suspicions that a McCain administration would veer quite sharply to the left – as McCain reverts to a career-long practice of pandering to conservatives during elections and then apologizing to liberals afterward.

Holy crap, how could any sane person hope to lead the conservative movement? They’re so paranoid about sneaking “leftiness” that they think they see it in John McCain. And that’s from one of the more rational ones.

ohioans everywhere

Oh God. Pam’s vlogging again and, safe to say, it’s pretty racist.


Sorry to go OT, but Virgin Ben’s latest is too awesome.

What a load of shit, BWWWWAAA, all these college students listen to their communist professors and go out and vote for Obama. Does he think US college campus’s are hotbeds of one party, Marxist thought. Aren’t universities, eh somewhere to go to exercise free thought, what a twat.


The fact is, SHUT UP!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

It’s time to put the vomit back inside the Abyssinian cat.
Please don’t. That’s my secret chili ingredient.


“Virgin Ben’s latest is too awesome.
I’m sure the same holds true today. There are probably a lot of good-looking Obama students out there.

If I were the one trying to encourage support for McCain, I like to think that I would come up with a better argument than “Good-looking and intelligent people seem to prefer Obama”.

My secret chili ingredient is more chili beer. Is there nothing it can’t do?


Looks like a number of Parker’s male commenters took her to task using some variation on the old “get back in the kitchen, bitch” routine. Must be particularly galling for someone who’s made numerous comments along the lines of how the real feminists are all right-wingers.


Can’t wait for Malkin, C-FedY, Stosh Kurtz and Roger L. Simon – with the help of Moses WHine – get to the bottom of this case.
Scooby! off to the Mystery Machine – pronto.

KERNERS ARE GO!!!!!!1!!!1!!


Shorter Kathleen Parker, “Now I am become wingnut, the destroyer of reason.”


Shorter Frum:

Like a lot of Republicans, I’ll be swallowing a great deal.

Fixed yer post.


. . . the presence of loose co-eds willing to get abortions . . .

Ahh! College life!

And people wonder why I’ve spent six seven eight years on my undergraduate studies.


HA! I was in for sixteen! 😛


It’s time to put the vomit back inside the Abyssinian cat.

There’s one advantage of having a dog – they take care of this sort of thing themselves.


The column has been made to dissapear from ClownHall.

Comments off, not on the list of columns…



Would you folks be embarrassed if I told you I loved you all? And in a real honorable intentions sort of way, too. I would marry Sadly, No! if I could. My wife would understand, she’d think it was big of me.


i think this comment, from JD2008, is worth quoting in full:

Parkers worse nightmare, “a moose hunter presidency”
A successful moose hunt is no different than being a successful president.
A glimpse of what 2009 should have been for Gov Palin at the top of the ticket.
1)Avoid the wolves and use the hunting dogs— avoid MSM media, except for Hannity and others that share her goals
2)find the moose— identify the important issues
3)stalk the moose and site it in— frame the issue correctly for congress and target the best parts why all of congress would want to pass this legislation
4)use proper breath control and kill it—Give speech and talk past congress to the people to reinforce the instructions to congress
5)field dress the moose—get line item veto back, (I believe she has this in Alaska), so all the unneeded fatty parts of the bill are discarded.
6) avoid feeding the dangerous scavenging polar bears—these are special interest groups that are already well fed that just want a free meal.
6) bring the moose to the hungry family—make sure the masses see who got the kill or in this case bill passed so the vegetarians/PETA part of the hunting party, (shameless liberal fringe), won’t try to poach this kill 4 years down the road.
Gov Palin has shown she can do this in the frozen Tundra and in governing well in Juneau. Obama in contrast has all the shiny new gear for the hunt- but would just bring home dead fetuses, war losses, a snow machine out of fuel, and hungry, corrupt, friends after the hunt.

just try to refute that logic, commie LIEbrul demoncrats!!!one!11!!!! I’ve always thought the line item veto is *exactly* like field dressing a moose.



Yes, he just attributed Obama’s popularity to the presence of loose co-eds willing to get abortions…

You say that like it’s a bad thing.



Only because, unlike Ben, the rest of us wouldn’t give up our entire political persuasion for a tight t-shirt.


cilantro tastes like I just swallowed a very clean little room. I don’t like it.


(comments are closed)