Sure, but good GOD, he sounds better than Bush ever has. A Reublican candidate who, after being asked what we might have to sacrifice, gives an answer about cutting defense spending? Sure, he might not mean it, but he’s the first Repub candidate in my memory who would ever have thought of giving that answer.
I think Obama is doing much better and is much more nimble, but McCain isn’t an absolute disaster. Scary that that’s a change for the better.
I am watching on CNN. There’s one of those worm things. Some of what McCain says is popular, mostly because he’s flat-out lying. He would not have homeowners bought out and restructured and he is Mr Pork when it comes to defence. But Obama is pushing the worm to the top of the box that contains it, with what he’s saying so popular that it flatlines at the peak.
If you’re for tax cuts for the wealthy, against tax on businesses, for tax cuts for teh poorz, how the fuck are you going to pay for buying up everyone’s mortgage, dude?
You know, back in middle school, I did a propaganda poster in history class about Pearl Harbor, and misspelled “Arizona”.
Every since then, I’ve been pretty careful to proof read everything I put on signs. And, ya know, use a dictionary to double check. This is a lesson, like so very many others, that conservatives have not learned.
Christ, McCain can’t do anything but hammer the “maverick” schtick. It’s not a bad strategy, but it ain’t gonna work if he keeps spewing it over and over again.
McCain is repeating the same stupid crap over and over. “Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill”, “Obama never broke from his own party” (never mind why anyone with any sense would align themselves with the lunatic fringe that is the 21st century Republicans)
Obama looks calm and relaxed. McCain, stiff and uncomfortable and OLD. Not to be ageist, but, c’mon. He’s waddling for the love of demons. Actually stumbling around trying to face the entire audience. He’s not only trying for words and reason, he’s trying for balance against gravity!
Comical. What the hell did McCain just say about nuclear weapons? “Obama worries about waste or something like that”? “The French do it”? Good Lord, he botched the answer AND made the Repubs’ heads explode.
Great Cats, McCain was smirking in the background. It only would have been complete if he was mouthing, “yeah, riiiiight”. He’s not just a tool, he’s a fucking toolbox.
Watching this debate, commenting here, and doing double tequila shots every time MadJack says something stupid is enough for me to handle. I can’t take no instatracker shit.
Fascinating. McCain just made the same mistake that he did in the first debate. He criticized Obama’s vote on the surge and Obama tore McCain to shreds in his reply.
The fact is, I am enjoying watching you liberals loose yet another election because you supported a biased, eleitist, terrorist. I can’t wait for November 5th when you can all blow me.
Post of the night from the Joseph F. Six-Pack, Jrs.:
Bias [Bill Whittle] We’re more than halfway through this thing, and it’s been all economy. If Brokaw is selecting these questions, every minute we talk about the economy and healthcare is simply handing the battlespace to Obama. Who agrees to these moderators? What are they thinking?
Yeah, where are the Rev. Wright & Bill Ayers questions?
handy, you have a point. I would’ve liked to see Obama acknowledge there’s a different government there now. Gave McCain an opening to actually run to McCain’s left a bit (albeit with a Teddy Roosevelt quote).
“I’m not going to telegraph my punches.” (Spit-take.) As if you’ve been doing anything else as your campaign goes spinning down the toilet.
“I have acted responsibly through out my military career…”
No no no no no no no NO! Everyone forgave you for wrecking planes and acting like a general jackass because of who your daddy and grandpappy were. If you were a regular Joe, you would have been thrown out LONG before you got your ass captured.
If McCain knows how to get Osama, why hasn’t he given this Seekrit Nollidj to the Bush Administration and demanded that they get off their asses and do it?
Well crap, if Balloon Juice keeps crapping out I’m gonna have to start posting my witty commentary here. I apologize in advance. Except not. My Friends.
Of course, poor Brian didn’t leave his house for how many years?
I don’t blame Brian. He’s doing much better these days, but he’s still not all there.
And his own smile has improved since he finished Smile , but that quote just made me think of the horribly uncomfortable grimace he used to sport in all his photos.
Agreed, Obama did much better in this one. McCain didn’t shake off the creepy, irritated old guy image at all. Sorry gramps, maybe next time. Better hope it will be a walk off grand slam, three pointer at the buzzer, and TD in overtime all combined.
New rule: If you run around screaming USA! USA! but you can’t spell A.M.E.R.I.C.A., you get sent to Gitmo for three months of enhanced orthography instruction.
Ah fuck. I give up. McCain looks like a fucking marionette and, yet, MSM will say he did WOUNDerfully. I’m going to bed. I honestly believe that the only way that the repubs can win this election is to steal it. Again. And if they manage that, FOR THE THIRD TIME, come Nov. 5th I’m going to be working on my immigration forms. I really cannot take the intentional ignorance anymore.
No one’s pointing out that the areas primarily invaded Georgia were largely pro-Russian to begin with. Pushing for Georgia admission into NATO is retarded.
Anticipating problems vs. triage after they happen.
Wonder which one is safer, cheaper & easier?
“If Iran gets nukes, so does the rest of the Middle East” – how? Will they find a way to BREED flocks of them? A “Manufacture 5, Get 60 More Free” plan?
You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch!
The idea that Iran would start handing out nukes to other countries in the middle east is simply laughable. That right there is enough to DQ McCain from the presidency. The middle east countries DON’T LIKE EACH OTHER. That’s there’s so many goddamn wars there.
I didn’t get to see the whole thing, but i think Obama ‘won’ that. He came off as exciting and energetic and with new ideas and directions
McCain seemed more like a dottering geriatric uncle. Not outright senile, but definitely living in the glory days of years past. Plus, when did he start shuffling around like that? They were both getting tired by the end, but it’s like his knees were starting to fuse together.
Obama is so much more comfortable in his own skin. Look at him and Michelle shaking hands and being genuinely friendly after McCain has already fled the premises.
‘Cause y’know as a part of serious political discourse in this country less than a month before the presidential election we should be trying to decide if one of our major party’s nominees is a fucking terrorist.
Rapier-like wit from the Joseph F. Six-Pack, Jrs and their readers.
Running for President of Europe? [Kathryn Jean Lopez] To: Kathryn Lopez
Subject: Liberal elite moment
When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay.
Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality.
Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.
Obama consistently comes across as calm, reflective, thoughtful, considerate while McCain is blustery and emotional and on the verge of losing his shit.
I’m watching CSpan. Obama is still shaking hands and answering questions with individuals in the audience, giving photo ops w/ the people. No siting of McNuttzoid.
That Iran question was disgusting. Both candidates spouting of the imperialist line even more so. So we are suppose to support the guy who threatens Iran with “dire consequences”, wants to basically invade Pakistan, wants to increase the violent assault on the people of Afghanistan, and suggests making Warren-fucking-Buffet Secretary of the Treasury? Thanks but no thanks. We will never get a real choice if we don’t tell these guys to fuck off once and for all.
I’m really impressed with Michelle O. Didn’t know at first, but she’s coming across as a real actual human being. Imagine a “First Lady” who’s comfortable with regular people. I’m trying to think of a precedent.
I wonder how many of those town hallers know somebody who has come home crippled or in a box from Iraq. I wonder how many have medical debt up to the eyeballs.
So we are suppose to support the guy who threatens Iran with “dire consequences”, wants to basically invade Pakistan, wants to increase the violent assault on the people of Afghanistan
Um yeah. ‘Cause he’s the PEACEFUL one.
I’m serious.
We don’t get out of this madness clean.
And we aren’t going to be the pinup model for a government working for peace. We’re only trying to pick the ones that maybe can keep a lid on it, for a while, anyway.
The moon is full and my arms are empty
All night long how I’ve pleaded and cried
You always said the day that
you would leave me,
Would be a cold day in July
CNN and MSNBC’s “focus group” and “dial-a-reaction” horseshit is providing a great contrast to C-Span’s continuing live coverage of the debate’s afterward. Obama is STILL shaking hands and talking to the people as the VO host takes live calls. I heart C-Span.
Hil aside, pretty much every Dem First lady since the thirties has been pretty cool. Hil was just too interested in actually being the President, even then. Even She was a huge step up from Mrs. “My Beautiful Mind”, though.
Hillary was forced to become a cookie-baker after her health-care plan (hahaha! remember THAT crazy-assed idea?!) was torpedoed by the rearing head of Rethuglican evility.
you think you have problems. Last week our PM said Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion was panicking when he outlined a five-point plan to deal with the [global economic] crisis and its effects on Canada. Mr. Harper said Canadians weren’t particularly worried about their jobs or their homes; they were more concerned about the stock market.
Today he’s talking about maybe running a deficit – because he’s spent most of the surplus already – and bailing out banks (even though none need to be bailed).
“Joe Lieberman and I…” ooooh how “bipartisan”! (Urp)
Bipartisan my a**! Ho-Joe was all over the news today telling people how “niave” Obama was, and that he was thinking of jumping parties. Suck-up will do ANYTHING for a shot at the reins of power–including giving McCain a push off this mortal coil once he replaces Palin.
I love that McCain took off while Michelle and Barry were still shaking hands.
Like he has something more important to get to right now rather than running for president. What, is frakking Matlock on? Did Cindy reduce your curfew? Did you forget to turn off the gas? WTF was so important you couldn’t spare 15 minutes for the electorate?
527s are tax-exempt organizations (the name comes from the U.S. tax code) that are exempt from federal and state elections regulations. They are formed to advocate on issues; they are not allowed to endorse a specific candidate for election. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, for example.
Obama will inherit the irreparable mess and when he can’t fix it in ten seconds, the neocon shitbags – who won’t go away no matter how many cockroach hotels you put around the nation – will attack him without mercy whilst rewriting history to show the mess was created by liberals.
It would be nice to just sit back and enjoy an election for once, but no. The crumbbums persist in ruining the party.
Now they have the vox populi section, and the obligatory moron blubbering on about taxes. Thanks for sticking up for the top 5% while our infrastructure falls to fucking pieces, sucker!
Now some very angry guy is snarling about what a bad speaker Obama is. Whew. Stupid people are not going away, even if we are likely to win this one. Strap on your seat belts, kids.
Hey, y’all. help settle an argument. When the black woman asked the question about the environment, did McCain turn his back on her while she was speaking? That’s what it looked like to me.
I love how people think they can keep the country running without taxes. Taxes are collected for needed services, and the government is not allowed to make a profit. So our taxes pay for everything, and if we are in denial of this, our taxes will just be given to contractors (privatized) to provide those services at twice the price and half as well, with no repercussions, no regulations. This is stupid. Get noodlebrained!
I love how people think they can keep the country running without taxes.
especially after voting (at least once) for a president who has misappropriated every dime in the treasury and borrowed hundreds of billions the US can’t repay any time soon.
Obama was the centrist milquetoast I wuz expecting when this convo got on to foreign policy. But, goddamned, I haven’t heard even that shit in so long, that it sounds like poetry. It’s the less stupid, stupid.
I love how people think they can keep the country running without taxes.
Well hello. Every time McGramps sez “Obama will raise your taxes,” I want to scream: “And the country is going to pay for these trillion-dollar wars and this trillion-dollar economic bailout HOW?” Just print up a few trillion-dollar bills, I guess!
Seriously, we are in such deep shit we can’t even imagine it.
I don’t know. From what I hear from the kids, that salvia stuff is a pretty potent stupid-maker. I just don’t get how they pipe it in to those people 24/7.
Just print up a few trillion-dollar bills, I guess!
Sadly, yes. That seems to be the plan. I just saw another story today about just that.
Because history is so darned-tootin overrated, these clowns don’t seem to remember the fate of every other country that has tried to print its way out of hard times. I weep.
Because history is so darned-tootin overrated, these clowns don’t seem to remember the fate of every other country that has tried to print its way out of hard times. I weep.
I love how people think they can keep the country running without taxes.
I seriously think they have no idea what taxes are actually for. They believe taxes are just money stolen from them, which then disappears – or else all of it is given to welfare queens.
I seriously think they have no idea what taxes are actually for. They believe taxes are just money stolen from them, which then disappears – or else all of it is given to welfare queens.
the money spent on Iraq was from Bush’s personal chequing account.
There is something deeply troubling about a country that spends billions on war and Wall Street crooks with little to no oversight or accountability, and yet bickers over every dime spent on health care.
I am sick and tired of taxes. Taxes are wrong and socialist, even back when they were being collected by Roman emperors or Athenian democrats.
We need to go back to the way we paid for this country when it began — a small fleet of revenue cutters which sailed the coasts collecting tariffs and fines on liquor shipments!
Also, we need to get rid of all these extra states and go back to the yeoman / plantation economy which got us started!
I don’t understand why we got to leave the trees which were good enough for several million years of our ancestors. What made our people great was a mixture of cooking and enough meat to supplement scarce nutrients. I don’t understand all this ‘agriculture’ and ‘semi-permanent settlements’ that you g** d*** socialist kids want, and none of you appreciate real freedom, the freedom of the deep forest / forest edge lifestyle.
Whew! I think I need a cigarette after that one, too! For those still sober enough (that is to say, those who were fortunate enough not to choose as trigger-word “friends” in their drinking game) to care, Greta Buckethead has two polls over at fauxsnooze right now: to crash.
Yep, utter, utter child-like foolishness. (But I’m coming off such a buzz-glow it just seems like fun!) Also, the main political page poll has Obama leading the “who won the debate” poll.
Man, McCain pissed of a lot of his peeps tonight with that “mortgage buy-out” plan! Interesting, in that just a few moments prior he was promising a “government spending freeze”. Er, so where’s that extra toppin’ of $300 billion coming from again, Mr. Magoo?
By now everyone’s probably seen Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs whoopin’ dumb Sean Hannity’s ass up and down the field when Hannity tries to pull out the Ayers sh*t.
When the black woman asked the question about the environment, did McCain turn his back on her while she was speaking?
Well, I did notice that it was the first time he didn’t repeat the questioner’s name at the start of his response disjointed rambling (“Uh, that’s an excellent question, there…”).
Maybe he should get partial credit for not calling her “Missy” after an awkward pause.
amusing comment …Barry is a pussy, he want “safe nuclear power”. Real men eat depleted Uranium for breakfast and shit out weapons grade plutonium by dinner!!!
Apropos of earlier comments, from the same CBC comment thread Coming soon on bumper stickers in a neighbourhood near you: “I’m voting That One.”
A number of Canadians have expressed disgust for the remark, characterizing it as racist. McCain’s not going to live “that one” down. People are pissed.
Lesley, I gave Obama an A, and it said the average was B. I gave McCain a C and it said the average was D. I suppose I could’ve given him a D or an F, but I was being charitable, and I figured McCain did about average, for John McCain, which is, as we know, epic fail at best these days.
CK, I don’t usually pop over to the Malkin’s, but it seemed worth it from your description. Here’s a choice excerpt I flipped to at random (I don’t have time to read the whole craziness, so this’ll have to do):
On October 8th, 2008 at 12:02 am, NJ-Aviator said:
Marine_NCO. That’s exactly right. Obama is essentially a radical extremist’s mole. A sort of Manchurian candiate, albeit not meant to assassinate a person, but rather assassinate the heart of America and replace it with whatever socialist radical vision it is that his ilk sees fit.
As for the debate, it’s clear that debates are not going to help McCain. That is unless Palin is in one before election day.
He had better rip Obama a new one or it’s over. The changes that will follow here will make America unrecognizable. Yes…. it would be THAT bad.
On October 8th, 2008 at 12:04 am, ITookTheRedPill said:
I classified myself as Agnostic throughout college, and a little beyond it, so I understand where you are coming from. You are free to believe as you wish, without pressure to change.
To win the war that is being waged against us by the combined forces of Islamic Jihadists and Marxists/Socialists/Communists, however, we have to return as a nation to the foundation of what made this country strong, good, and great.
On October 8th, 2008 at 12:05 am, ITookTheRedPill said:
Might I ask that those so inclined FAST and PRAY for John McCain to be removed from the Republican ticket and replaced with a God-fearing Strict-Constructionist Conservative?
So we fasted and entreated our God for this,
and He answered our prayer.
Samuel Augustus Maverick (July 23, 1803–September 2, 1870) was a Texas lawyer, politician, land baron and signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence. His name is the source of the term “maverick”
The Maverick family has actually recently said that they detest McCain using this term to describe himself.
I was already thinking that McCain will have difficulty getting 40% of the popular vote. I figure Obama will get at least 56%, with an addition 4-6% going to some combination of Bob Barr, Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, etc. Now I’m starting to think Sarah Palin might get as much as 1% as a write-in, but if the election is as lopsided as I think it’ll be, they probably won’t bother to tally those up. dKos has Obama at 52% and McCain at 41%, so if anything these are pretty conservative projections.
The “real Maverick” story was just the icing on the cake for me tonight.
Considering the family’s long history of association with liberalism and progressive ideals, it should come as no surprise that Ms. Maverick insists that John McCain, who has voted so often with his party, “is in no way a maverick, in uppercase or lowercase.”
“It’s just incredible — the nerve! — to suggest that he’s not part of that Republican herd. Every time we hear it, all my children and I and all my family shrink a little and say, ‘Oh, my God, he said it again.’ ”
In the 1800s, Samuel Augustus Maverick went to Texas and became known for not branding his cattle. He was more interested in keeping track of the land he owned than the livestock on it, Ms. Maverick said; unbranded cattle, then, were called “Maverick’s.” The name came to mean anyone who didn’t bear another’s brand.
I’d heard that part of the story before, but to have a quote from a descendent of the dude lamenting his use of the family name is awesome. The rest of the family is super liberal too. Read the whole thing.
Of course none of this matters to the wingnuts. For the K-Lo’s and Kristol’s of the world, the only kind of Maverick that matters is the one that they have collectively pulled out of their ample asses over the course of this campaign. They better pace themselves: they’re probably going to have 8 solid years of bitching about Obama/Biden to look forward to, so they should be careful not to let their collective poutrage peak too soon.
A Different Jake H, that is a double dose of awesome.
“I’m just enraged that McCain calls himself a maverick,” said Terrellita Maverick, 82, a San Antonio native who proudly carries the name of a family that has been known for its progressive politics since the 1600s, when an early ancestor in Boston got into trouble with the law over his agitation for the rights of indentured servants.
I wish the family would sue if only to make this story as public as possible.
This Maverick’s son, Maury Jr., was a firebrand civil libertarian and lawyer who defended draft resisters, atheists and others scorned by society. He served in the Texas Legislature during the McCarthy era and wrote fiery columns for The San Antonio Express-News. His final column, published on Feb. 2, 2003, just after he died at 82, was an attack on the coming war in Iraq.
But how screwed up for the family that McAsswipe decides to abuse the term. I suppose they can just get in line with Heart and any other unwilling victims.
When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.
You know what’s annoying? A superfat cow who think pronouncing a country’s name the same way its inhabitants do is somehow wrong.
She’d probably shit in her hat if some terraist had the temerity to say “Amreeeka”.
Songwriter Gretchen Peters is donating the royalties from her song “Independence Day” during this election cycle to Planned Parenthood – and asks that donations be made in honor of Palin. Planned Parenthood provides women’s health-care services, including abortion clinics, and is frequently a target of social conservatives.
Peters was angered by the McCain/Palin campaign’s use of the song, which is about domestic abuse.
“The fact that the McCain/Palin campaign is using a song about an abused woman as a rallying cry for their vice presidential candidate, a woman who would ban abortion even in cases of rape and incest, is beyond irony,” Peters says on her website.
“They are co-opting the song, completely overlooking the context and message, and using it to promote a candidate who would set women’s rights back decades,” she says.
Planned Parenthood spokesperson Tait Sye said a separate online campaign to raise money on its behalf “in honor of Sarah Palin” has netted more than $1 million from over 38,000 donors in all 50 states and two-thirds of the donations are from new donors who have not contributed to it before.
The mountain of rubbish poured out about Palin over the past month would rival Everest. What a disgrace for our jabbering army of liberal journalists and commentators, too many of whom behaved like snippy jackasses. The bourgeois conventionalism and rank snobbery of these alleged humanitarians stank up the place.
As for Palin’s brutally edited interviews with Charlie Gibson and that viper, Katie Couric, don’t we all know that the best bits ended up on the cutting-room floor? Something has gone seriously wrong with Democratic ideology, which seems to have become a candied set of holier-than-thou bromides attached like tutti-frutti to a quivering green Jell-O mold of adolescent sentimentality.
And where is all that lurid sexual fantasy coming from? When I watch Sarah Palin, I don’t think sex — I think Amazon warrior! I admire her competitive spirit and her exuberant vitality, which borders on the supernormal.
The question that keeps popping up for me is whether Palin, who was born in Idaho, could possibly be part Native American (as we know her husband is), which sometimes seems suggested by her strong facial contours. I have felt that same extraordinary energy and hyper-alertness billowing out from other women with Native American ancestry — including two overpowering celebrity icons with whom I have worked.
Does Camille Paglia REALLY believe that there was a bunch of stuff left out of the Charlie Gibson and Katie “Viper” Couric interviews that actually showed the Palindrone to be some sharp Native-cheek-boned brilliant Amazon warrior? That the idiocy was some MEAN LIBERAL EDITING TRICK????Are you f***ing kidding me? “Salon” pays her for this sh*t?
This woman is seriously mentally mixed up. There should be a club of such nutbags who think they’re somehow misunderstood geniuses. I mean, apart from the NRO.
When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.
Erugh. The line about the NR and a CL makes me think she’s going to flick the bean.
But no one tell Ms. I Wandered Lonely as a Kload that the term “flyover country” pisses off people who live between the coasts (and produce all the food she eats):
“Hey, don’t you hayseeds just hate it when Obama says words in ways you don’t? I bet that makes you so angry you stop having sex with your relatives and kick the 15 coon dogs living under your porch. Now where’s that retard banjo player you yokels keep around, I want to dance! What?”
This woman is seriously mentally mixed up. There should be a club of such nutbags who think they’re somehow misunderstood geniuses. I mean, apart from the NRO.
Paglia should be given some kind of award for lifetime achievement in bullshit.
And where is all that lurid sexual fantasy coming from? When I watch Sarah Palin, I don’t think sex — I think Amazon warrior! I admire her competitive spirit and her exuberant vitality, which borders on the supernormal.
Doesn’t Paglia realize that you can’t be an Ubermensch and a retard at the same time?
And where is all that lurid sexual fantasy coming from? When I watch Sarah Palin, I don’t think sex — I think Amazon warrior! I admire her competitive spirit and her exuberant vitality, which borders on the supernormal.
Maybe just me, but I think Paglia has a crush.
C’mon, girl, just say you’re gay! It explains the self-hate, the passive aggressive feminism bashing, even the sour expression she cultivates.
Thankee, Gavin.
What a lame bunch of stuff McCain brings up. All the past… no future.
Good Golly, that old fuck’s a ditzy assclown.
How do his “supporters” justify the claim that this old doof is presidential?
Man, this shit is hard to watch.
Obama is making sense. Oh dear.
Well, hello.
I had a buddy in the Peace Corps years ago. He was posted in Jamaica.
As you can imagine, he really liked it there.
Yeah, let’s double it.
.. Wake me up when the polls come in.
I was just thinking yesterday about joining the Peace Corps. Hell if MzLillian Carter could do it at age 70-whatever I could do it.
How the fuck can somebody still be “undecided” at this point?
Fucking idiots.
Hoover raised taxes? Never!
“jello to the wall.” How original.
Another “My friends.” shot.
Stumblebum around, old man.
Good Golly, that old fuck’s a ditzy assclown.
Sure, but good GOD, he sounds better than Bush ever has. A Reublican candidate who, after being asked what we might have to sacrifice, gives an answer about cutting defense spending? Sure, he might not mean it, but he’s the first Repub candidate in my memory who would ever have thought of giving that answer.
I think Obama is doing much better and is much more nimble, but McCain isn’t an absolute disaster. Scary that that’s a change for the better.
I am watching on CNN. There’s one of those worm things. Some of what McCain says is popular, mostly because he’s flat-out lying. He would not have homeowners bought out and restructured and he is Mr Pork when it comes to defence. But Obama is pushing the worm to the top of the box that contains it, with what he’s saying so popular that it flatlines at the peak.
It’s a bloodbath.
TriLatChair: I disagree. He’s pathetic.
Just get posted to Jamaica, MzNicky.
Lots o’ pot, and very affordable.
My friend.
I shoulda never designated “my friends” as a drinking shot.
Keep talking about healthcare, McCain.
Brokaw, shut the fuck up!!
My God, McCain is a lying bastard.
And fuck you, Tom Brokaw, you motherfucker.
Brokaw is so fucking pissy. Shut the fuck up you outdated narcissistic tool. Let the man talk!!!
If you’re for tax cuts for the wealthy, against tax on businesses, for tax cuts for teh poorz, how the fuck are you going to pay for buying up everyone’s mortgage, dude?
Oh hell no. Brokaw wouldn’t let him answer the tax thing!
Time bomb my ass, Brokaw.
Just use your tongue.
Jesus God, Tom Brokaw, you ass-licking bastard.
You know, back in middle school, I did a propaganda poster in history class about Pearl Harbor, and misspelled “Arizona”.
Every since then, I’ve been pretty careful to proof read everything I put on signs. And, ya know, use a dictionary to double check. This is a lesson, like so very many others, that conservatives have not learned.
Okay, I called Brokaw being a tool at some point…
will McCain lose it at some point?
Tax cuts/tax raising — go Barack!
Does Brokaw tuck his chin into his chest every time he talks, or does he just have no neck?
will McCain lose it at some point?
Not if Tom Brokaw keeps giving him a soothing massage.
WereBear: He’s on meds. He’s stuttering and looks bad. Cindy’s probably medicated him so he won’t lose it.
I hate McCain’s laugh. It sounds like Muttley on the old Hanna Barbera cartoons, only insincere.
s’okay, Obama handled it and is blowing McCain out of the water.
Ah, McCain knows how to do everything – the ol’ reacharound.
Brokaw’s trying too hard to be an “experienced journalist.” Fuck him.
Hell, I forgot what I was going to say re the original post.
Oh yeah . . . peeple who can’t rite engslih shud be deportid.
McCain’s solution to Medicare: Another commission. Up or down. Stupid old fucking geriatric jackass.
Record: raised taxes!!!!111!!! Obama spends $$$!!!
another “my friends.” I’m gone.
Yeah, MsNicky, I wondered about meds for McCain, too.
When Obama is listening, he’s very calm. McCain is fumbly.
Christ, McCain can’t do anything but hammer the “maverick” schtick. It’s not a bad strategy, but it ain’t gonna work if he keeps spewing it over and over again.
Yes Tom Brokaw. It’s all about you.
I miss Peter Jennings.
McCain is repeating the same stupid crap over and over. “Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill”, “Obama never broke from his own party” (never mind why anyone with any sense would align themselves with the lunatic fringe that is the 21st century Republicans)
Ha! My friends.
He sounds like some creepy uncle or something. Reaganesque, but worse. I need a brick to throw at my TV.
How moronic is McCain to keep pressing on nuclear?
“Joe Lieberman and I…” ooooh how “bipartisan”! (Urp)
Nuclear power? Fuck, Mad Jack eats atoms for breakfast.
for hybrid! for hydrogen!
Good god, I hate McWrinkles. Why am I watching this w/out any booze??
Well, if McCain mutated, it might be an improvement.
New energy economy, the little engine who could.
Obama looks calm and relaxed. McCain, stiff and uncomfortable and OLD. Not to be ageist, but, c’mon. He’s waddling for the love of demons. Actually stumbling around trying to face the entire audience. He’s not only trying for words and reason, he’s trying for balance against gravity!
Our Dead Selves: I can’t imagine.
There you go again, Mz Nicky! Always trying to get me to drink! Enabler!
Let’s look at the record, indeed.
Piss his grumpy old ass off, Obama. Let’s watch him melt down.
Boo-yah! Mad Jack’s an old Washington hack!
ODS: I’m only thinking of your mental health. You just CAN’T watch this stuff w/o teh shots.
Blow me, Brokaw.
Shut UP Brokaw!
Fund my garage!
Comical. What the hell did McCain just say about nuclear weapons? “Obama worries about waste or something like that”? “The French do it”? Good Lord, he botched the answer AND made the Repubs’ heads explode.
Brokaw — “we have lights around here!”
Tom Brokaw, you tool.
NBC’ll be hearing from me about this shit.
Brokaw brought up the million garages thing. Lips, meet ass.
Ooooh, goodies!
“You know who voted against it? THAT ONE.”
Excuse me?
Is it just me or do others get the impression that the ONLY time McSame has voted against anything is when it didn’t pad his own pockets?
Brokaw is TEH WORST. He’s gonna get reamed over this.
Ah, nice for Brokaw to have a chuckle with his butt buddy.
I hate this fucking town hall style debate. HATE IT. It’s just fucking retarded.
Moral imperative. Go Barack!
One what?
Look at McLame gesturing quizzically to the audience as Obama is speaking. Fuck him.
If McLame starts miming, the audience should swarm him.
ODS: Agreed. It’s fucked.
I don’t get mammograms.
MzNicky said,
October 8, 2008 at 3:49 (kill)
“You know who voted against it? THAT ONE.”
I thought that couldn’t really be what I heard.
Great Cats, McCain was smirking in the background. It only would have been complete if he was mouthing, “yeah, riiiiight”. He’s not just a tool, he’s a fucking toolbox.
Give it to McCain over health care! Yay!
“Decent, affordable health care.” Imagine that.
Criminy, I’m barely over the flu, but I gotta have a brandy. There’s too many damn triggers here!
I don’t get how anyone could watch this and say “Wow. McCain’s approach makes sense.” Seriously. Who does that?
Sporkey: He’s not just a toolbox, he’s the whole Home Depot.
Obama just eviscerated him on health care.
Yeah, put my health records on the internet.
You’re all invited to have a look.
RWS: Neither do I. The double mastectomy I had 9 years ago took care of that.
Mandates! Oooo, scary!
Kudlow: Cap gains tax cut anyone?
OOOOOOoo!! booga booga booga health care scare! YOU DON”T MAKE SENSE, MCCAINE!
Yeah, let’s cross state lines to buy healthcare.
Wait… Obama just pointed out how retard the $5k “tax break” is. McCain can’t even phrase it differently?
Yeah, McLame, people buy health care like bathmats from Wal-Mart.
Only if your healthcare comes out of the washer all faded and in pieces, nobody dies.
RWS: Sounds a lot like Chappelle’s “Fake Canadian IDs” health care plan.
“$5,000 refundable tax credit.” That’s my deductible, you fucking jackass.
“go across state lines!” Well thank you Mr. 13 homes/13 cars elitist shithead!
Who the fuck wants to “shop around” for health insurance?
“medical errors, as they call ’em”?
Choice! Not Mandates!
Too bad we haven’t perfected the brain transplant.
Sporkey: He’s not just a toolbox, he’s the whole Home Depot.
You’re quite right, MY FRIEND.
I wish I was drinking while watching this. Fucker. I work in insurance, and $5000 will not help. AT ALL.
Sounds a lot like Chappelle’s “Fake Canadian IDs” health care plan.
That’s WAY better than McOldyoldoldoldpant’s plan.
How is this different than “They can always go to the ER when they’re sick”?
Healthcare: Privilege, right or responsibility?
PopPop takes the 5th!
Everyone I’ve known who has had Medical Problems (with capital letters)? $5k wouldn’t have put a dent in it.
Meanwhile, McCain has had government funded healthcare his ENTIRE life.
You go on the open market, you shithead.
I didn’t know Obama lost his mom when she was just 53.
Shit. I’m 53.
Healthcare, it’s a right.
I think I’m gonna vote for this Obama guy.
Obama’s bringing up the shameful treatment of his dying mother by insurance companies. Wow, I almost choked up. How can that not resonate with people?
You betcha, my friends. Reagan.
Tell it, Obama!
It’s not that it just won’t help when you have a problem – $5000 won’t cover most of the premiums for most people.
Blow me again, Brokaw.
I have some used cat litter I can send Brokaw.
“Did we hear the size of the fine?”
He’s hilarious.
Woohoo! foreign policy! let’s go, beeatch!
RWS, I’m just two years shy of that. I felt that one.
Brokaw is such a useless pompous blatherer.
J Neo Marvin said,
October 8, 2008 at 3:58
Obama’s bringing up the shameful treatment of his dying mother by insurance companies. Wow, I almost choked up. How can that not resonate with people?
Man, don’t even get me started.
Brokaw has interrupted Obama at least twice, but never his buddy.
I don’t buy this American exceptionalism, personally.
My friends.
BTW – how many planes did you crash, MadJack.
All this time I’ve been in the wrong thread.
OK, how, exactly, is Obama wrong about teh Surge?
RWS: I believe 3! Or was it 4? Regardless, he wrecked more tax money than I’ll make in ten years.
(My friends)
I don’t understand….
Tell it, tell it!
Gotta give McShame credit: He’s standing upright, even given his pounding in the polls and everything else.
Oh yeah, now dis Obama on foreign policy. This is rich.
Holy crap, did you see the drop in the CNN instatrack when McCain attacked Obama on Iraq?
5 Planes! Ah-ah-ah!
(At least according to Rolling Stone.)
McCain: “America has been a force of good in the world.”
Everyone agrees except the world.
Bush & McCain! Yesss!
I’m watching PBS.
Watching this debate, commenting here, and doing double tequila shots every time MadJack says something stupid is enough for me to handle. I can’t take no instatracker shit.
Fascinating. McCain just made the same mistake that he did in the first debate. He criticized Obama’s vote on the surge and Obama tore McCain to shreds in his reply.
I’d like to announce the Rightwingsnarkle doctrine:
I have only one rule – make your own rules.
Thank you.
Obama doesn’t have to say “my friends” because people sense he is a friend.
McCain is showing signs of senility, or something. The way he brings up old stuff, but can’t project into the future worth a darn.
The fact is, I am enjoying watching you liberals loose yet another election because you supported a biased, eleitist, terrorist. I can’t wait for November 5th when you can all blow me.
Anything racist in bringing up Rwanda and other African nations in Brokaw’s hawkeyed positioning of “Obama Doctrine”?
My friends, my friends, my friends.
“Victory with honor” — he’s positively Nixonian.
Hey, that’s “Our glorious General Petraueousosuarus.”
My friend, with the cool hand at the tiller.
McWrinkles wants to prevent genocide… has he heard the reports that violence is ebbing in Iraq ‘cos there’s no one left to kill? Fucker.
I think “uncommited” should just be changed to “committed to a mental institution.”
“Thank you Sen. Obama. Sen. McCain, what is the McCain doctrine?”
“I wanna talk about how bad Obama is for wanting to end the Iraq War, and how awful that would have been! We would have been HUMILIATED!”
Apparently, the McCain Doctrine is about killing and being killed to save face above all else.
“Somalia … Lebanon … I know those situations… Did I ever mention I was a POW for 5 1/2 years?”
McCain making decisions about war and peace.
Bet that thought made those CNN dials drop off the screen.
McCain just said “the security of America’s young men and women” are my second priority.
Cain’s tie looks like a Barber Pole. It’s making me nauseous. That his lying along with saying “My Friends”. Bleaaa.
“Ronald Reagan, my hero”. Oh barf.
Uh oh, Vietnam’s ugly head has been reared.
Anything racist in bringing up Rwanda and other African nations in Brokaw’s hawkeyed positioning of “Obama Doctrine”?
I actually don’t think so given that there really are some substantial messes in those countries…and Obama handled the question well.
McCain does have this “My friends” tic going on, and he can’t stop it. It’s as though he’s running five elections ago.
Brokaw’s tone to McCain – very respectful.
His tone to Obama – ‘get me another drink, boy.’
Yes, we’re going to “loose” an election. Turn Obama LOOSE, so he can do his thing!
I now know why I’ve never liked Brokaw. What a jackbag.
RWS: I’ve noticed that too.
Oh christ Teddy Roosevelt again.
Yeah, I bet McCain partied with Teddy Roosevelt.
To the extent that I’m actually paying attention, it sounds like Obama’s answering questions.
McCain? He’s got a new hero – Teddy Roosevelt, who walks the talk and wags his stick.
“My hero is Teddy Roosevelt. I knew him personally.” [/obligatory ageist joke]
The more he says “my friends” the less genuine he seems. I encourage him to keep it up.
He’s also completely bungled the history of Afghanistan.
You know, I’m voting for the guy, but I really wince when Obama talks up the “we’re gonna go all bad ass in Pakistan” crap.
Can we just for once have a major Presidential candidate that doesn’t treat our military like it’s Team America?
No, Katie, that’s a totally loaded question.
Wait a minute. Who’s his hero? Reagan or FDR? There is a dichotomy here.
I’m sure the Pakistanis can’t wait to get our help the way the Iraqis did.
We then had the situation which required us……zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hey! I told you! It’s “Our GLORIOUS General Pettrauesusus.”
Warzistan – that sounds like a tough place.
Wow, his jokes are falling flat even with the Republican respondents.
McCain: talk softly and carry a big stick
Hired help?
So get me another drink, Brokaw, you stupid fuck wad.
“My friends”.
Good thing I’m not drinking on that one – I’d have vodka shooting out of my eyeballs by now.
it sounds like Obama’s answering questions.
EVERY one of McCain’s answers is about Obama, not about the question at hand. Weak shit.
OOh, I love the Beach Boys’ music!
Post of the night from the Joseph F. Six-Pack, Jrs.:
Bias [Bill Whittle]
We’re more than halfway through this thing, and it’s been all economy. If Brokaw is selecting these questions, every minute we talk about the economy and healthcare is simply handing the battlespace to Obama. Who agrees to these moderators? What are they thinking?
Yeah, where are the Rev. Wright & Bill Ayers questions?
Brokaw has no fucking control over this debate. It’s rather sad.
Why is Brokaw here again?
“I’ll git Osama, my friends, I”ll git him”
Oh, we only get McCain answers once he’s elected President.
Will we take that dare?
Capt. Ahab.
People who had “My friends” as their drinking game already died of alcohol poisoning. My friends.
Brokaw has trouble controlling his own bowels.
I have a plan! I’m just not going to tell you what it is!
Maybe he has inside knowledge that Bin Laden is playing a “my friends” drinking game for the debate. He’ll die of alcohol poisoning.
handy, you have a point. I would’ve liked to see Obama acknowledge there’s a different government there now. Gave McCain an opening to actually run to McCain’s left a bit (albeit with a Teddy Roosevelt quote).
“I’m not going to telegraph my punches.” (Spit-take.) As if you’ve been doing anything else as your campaign goes spinning down the toilet.
McCain is so full of shit. “I know how to get bin Laden!” Then why the fuck have you been sitting on that knowledge for decades, douchenozzle?
Oh, handy beat me to my joke. Sort of.
“I’ve acted responsibility throughout my military career”?!
HOW many planes did you blow up, Grumpy?
“I have acted responsibly through out my military career…”
No no no no no no no NO! Everyone forgave you for wrecking planes and acting like a general jackass because of who your daddy and grandpappy were. If you were a regular Joe, you would have been thrown out LONG before you got your ass captured.
New York Times: It will be Wal-Mart moms and Joe Six-Packs who will drive the exchanges between the two senators.
Can’t wait to see the poll results that don’t favour McPalin.
Third time, Jack!
It’s “Our GLORIOUS and BELOVED general Petrosaurious.”
I have a plan! I’m just not going to tell you what it is!
Positively Nixonian.
McCain is so full of shit. “I know how to get bin Laden!” Then why the fuck have you been sitting on that knowledge for decades, douchenozzle?
OOh, I love the Beach Boys’ music!
Me too, and so far I haven’t let Grumpy ruin “Barbara Ann” for me.
Weird aside: I just read a recent Brian Wilson interview where he said he was voting for McCain because he likes his smile. OMFG.
The surge. The surge! The suuuuuuuuuuuurge!
So McCain is for ethnic cleansing in Afghanistan too?
Check out the picture on the front page of Obama looks on as McCain has a coronary. I think it may sum up the debate fairly well.
If McCain knows how to get Osama, why hasn’t he given this Seekrit Nollidj to the Bush Administration and demanded that they get off their asses and do it?
I know how to apply pressure on Russia. Just look at my record.
Oooh, Putin’s Petrodollars!
Apparachicks. Are those chicks from Appalachia?
Oooh, my drinking word was ‘naked!’
Obama looks on as McCain has a coronary. And Obama is smiling! Sweet!
20′ concrete walls surrounding neighborhoods as well?
McCain’s spoilin’ for a war with Russia.
Of course, poor Brian didn’t leave his house for how many years?
Barry has won this one, hands down! This has been a hammering by Obama. Well done!
It’s over, folks.
Christ. He didn’t REALLY go with the “KGB in Putin’s eyes” again?!!
when he said “git Osama” he meant “Obama.” He gets the two mixed up.
I understand why McCain likes this format. He can lie and lie and smile right IN YOUR FACE while he’s doing it.
The only thing I’d listen to Brian Wilson about would be something about harmonics.
That’s a drinking term!
Well crap, if Balloon Juice keeps crapping out I’m gonna have to start posting my witty commentary here. I apologize in advance. Except not. My Friends.
Of course, poor Brian didn’t leave his house for how many years?
I don’t blame Brian. He’s doing much better these days, but he’s still not all there.
And his own smile has improved since he finished Smile , but that quote just made me think of the horribly uncomfortable grimace he used to sport in all his photos.
Obama is SO COOL. McCain is so LAME.
Agreed, Obama did much better in this one. McCain didn’t shake off the creepy, irritated old guy image at all. Sorry gramps, maybe next time. Better hope it will be a walk off grand slam, three pointer at the buzzer, and TD in overtime all combined.
Brokaw loves him the simple yes/no, black/white, right/wrong.
Fuck Tom Brokaw.
jesus, how can either of them accuse Russia of anything after Iraq.
But you know, liking McCain’s smile?
It’s creepy.
I want to hit Brokaw in the head with a polo mallet.
New rule: If you run around screaming USA! USA! but you can’t spell A.M.E.R.I.C.A., you get sent to Gitmo for three months of enhanced orthography instruction.
Ah fuck. I give up. McCain looks like a fucking marionette and, yet, MSM will say he did WOUNDerfully. I’m going to bed. I honestly believe that the only way that the repubs can win this election is to steal it. Again. And if they manage that, FOR THE THIRD TIME, come Nov. 5th I’m going to be working on my immigration forms. I really cannot take the intentional ignorance anymore.
Brokaw is beyond useless.
Wait, did Brokaw just call on Terri Schiavo?
Oh boy, here we go with the hypothetical Iran/Israel war question.
Patreous Rex, maybe?
No one’s pointing out that the areas primarily invaded Georgia were largely pro-Russian to begin with. Pushing for Georgia admission into NATO is retarded.
omg, McInsane toddles over to the question guy and makes him shake his hand. WHAT a dick.
Barry just said he will kill nin Laden.
Game, set, match?
WHAT?! “If Iran gets nukes, everyone else will have them too”? Jesus Christ.
Come on McWar, show us your crazed attack mode personality
“Without preconditions.” LIAR.
McCain talking about a ‘stinking corpse.’
Who said irony is dead?
What a freaking set-up. C’mon!!!!
Yes. That would be the Brian Wilson who couldn’t complete “Smile” because he heard some fire engines outside and thought they were coming for him.
Now that I think of it, it’s probably the same Brian Wilson who’s been yelling scary shit at Palin rallies. Brilliant composer, fucked up human being.
Oh god another “my friend(s).” I’m outa scotch.
I can’t wait for the League of Democracies comic book series.
But you know, liking McCain’s smile?
It’s creepy.>/i>
I know, I know. Don’t let it ruin his beautiful music for you. He’s in another world.
A hypothetical. Way to go, Tom Brokeback.
Brian Wilson, reincarnation of Wagner.
Obama: “Senator McCain, your arse.”
Anticipating problems vs. triage after they happen.
Wonder which one is safer, cheaper & easier?
“If Iran gets nukes, so does the rest of the Middle East” – how? Will they find a way to BREED flocks of them? A “Manufacture 5, Get 60 More Free” plan?
I wonder how many orgasms Atlas Pam has had listening to McNuts this evening.
This has to be a record breaking “my friends” tally.
How are you still conscious?
“direct talks not just with our friends but with our enemies.” What a concept.
The vast majority of people in Iran are under the age of 30.
I work with lots of people from Iran. They’re pretty cool.
Their pope is pretty fucked up, though.
Now that I think of it, it’s probably the same Brian Wilson who’s been yelling scary shit at Palin rallies.
No, no, no. That was Mike Love. There’s a difference between “crazy” and “evil”. 😉
handy: I’m a professional drinker. Years of experience.
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch! You betcha my friends wink wink lurch lurch!
Obama’s self-effacement in dealing with Brokeback’s disrespectful querying is, wow, what might one call it? Oh, I know: PRESIDENTIAL.
Only Wilson isn’t a rabid anti-Semite, at least as far as I know. I believe his freaky charlatan of a “guru” was Jewish.
My friends, how many times did McCain say “My friends” in his speech? from a month ago
Yeah, Barry! Take vague question and turn it into “I love AMERICA! Let’s not let John McCain destroy it”.
A non-answer, but a good one.
“What don’t you know, & how will you learn it?”
McCain will still be answering this one AFTER election day.
Obama sounds like he’s closing the sale here. Go, dude.
McCain: I don’t know what you don’t know. Vote for me and we can not know things together.
McCain hardly knows where they are on the map, but he wants to bomb them anyway.
Let’s see how Mad Jack handles having the last word….
“What I don’t know is what I’m gonna do after this dude beats me like a rented mule.”
Oh, and I have absent father issues. Help me.
Obama just fucking ROX.
McLame: “I think that what I don’t know is what all of us don’t know.” Putz. Fuck you.
“I have spent my whole life serving this country.” BULL. SHIT.
The idea that Iran would start handing out nukes to other countries in the middle east is simply laughable. That right there is enough to DQ McCain from the presidency. The middle east countries DON’T LIKE EACH OTHER. That’s there’s so many goddamn wars there.
And Obama finished up with something about a nude erection!
Oh. New direction. I see.
McCain is now telling us that someone we can’t find on a map is going to nuke us, if I’m not mistaken.
Wait… did he just try to get in on the single mother market?
Shit, McCain is going to cry.
Btw, was McCain once a soldier?
Wasn’t calling Wilson an anti-semite. He’s got problems, but I wouldn’t call him a bad person. Just a fucked up one.
God in heaven, he’s BEGGING.
“Thank you very much, Senator McCain.” Blow me Brokaw.
That ending really did sum up the debate.
I apologize to poor Brian Wilson for bringing him into this.
Well, that’s 90 minutes of my life that I’ll never get back.
Can’t think of a better place to waste it than here, though ;^)
“You’re getting in the way of my script!”
Whoa, Cindy’s let her hair down.
She’s wearing blue; Michelle’s wearing red. ???
I looove Michelle! She is so classy.
Cindy, on the other hand, radiates uncomfortability.
Closing statements:
Obama: Unfortunately generic change, hope, etc.
McCain: Sad begging; please, please, please elect me…. c’mon guys, puhleeeeze?!
Just in: Snuffaluffagus thought McSame’s insane “Let’s buy all the bad mortgages” was a strong statement for him.
Your liberal media.
Oh wow, did I just see McCain avoid shaking Obama’s hand?
Cindy looks like a very stiff stick.
Wow. I never cared for Brokaw, but now I seriously loathe him.
Since Obama didn’t puke on Brokaw – he won the debate!
I didn’t get to see the whole thing, but i think Obama ‘won’ that. He came off as exciting and energetic and with new ideas and directions
McCain seemed more like a dottering geriatric uncle. Not outright senile, but definitely living in the glory days of years past. Plus, when did he start shuffling around like that? They were both getting tired by the end, but it’s like his knees were starting to fuse together.
the cameras are all focused on Obama talking with the audience. McNuts is nowhere to be seen.
I’ll puke on Brokaw, and lose the debate.
If we grade on performance I call it a tie.
If we grade on substance its Obama’s.
Maybe he’s giving Brokaw a blow job in the back room.
Ok, I switched over to rock n roll quite a while ago.
’cause no what?
I know who I’m voting for.
Fuck McCain in his wrinkled old ass..
So McCain is too chicken to bring up his attacks in person?
Yeah, I was just noticing that-where the hell did McCain dissappear to?
Obama is so much more comfortable in his own skin. Look at him and Michelle shaking hands and being genuinely friendly after McCain has already fled the premises.
So McCain is too chicken to bring up his attacks in person?
Yes. Yes he is.
Any bets that most of those town hall attendees will be voting for O?
Oh wow, did I just see McCain avoid shaking Obama’s hand?
Yup. Cindy did the deed, though.
Yup. Cindy did the deed, though.
Somebody’s going to be called the C word tonight.
McCain is too chicken to shake Obama’s hand!?!?!?
Missed that.
‘Cause y’know as a part of serious political discourse in this country less than a month before the presidential election we should be trying to decide if one of our major party’s nominees is a fucking terrorist.
‘Cause hey. That’s constructive…
I went to tonight’s bout because I was told McCain would have the gloves off. I want my money back.
I’m Holden Waite (Damn Right I Am)
And I approved this message…
Where’s McCain? O and the wife are still making the rounds and talking to the town hall participants.
Maybe his diaper leaked?
I wonder what the Manly Republicans think of McCain letting “the girl” attack Obama and he won’t even shake his hand afterwards.
No officer, no gentleman.
Rapier-like wit from the Joseph F. Six-Pack, Jrs and their readers.
Running for President of Europe? [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
To: Kathryn Lopez
Subject: Liberal elite moment
When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay.
Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality.
Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.
I kinda wished Obama challenged McSmuga$$ on the “palling with a terrorist” stuff, but I guess it would have been too risky.
Obama consistently comes across as calm, reflective, thoughtful, considerate while McCain is blustery and emotional and on the verge of losing his shit.
Yup. Cindy did the deed, though.
I imagine Cindy does a lot of things McCain considers too… erm… unsavory to perform himself.
Wait, no. Strike that. Reverse it.
I’m watching CSpan. Obama is still shaking hands and answering questions with individuals in the audience, giving photo ops w/ the people. No siting of McNuttzoid.
Hey guys, is something going on tonight?
But you’d win the war against dickwads.
Be fair. Only a pregnant axolotl could be comfortable in McCain’s skin.
Yeah, ’cause that Chardonnay is some fucked up shit.
Cindy must really want to be First Lady. I mean, she’s rich! She doesn’t have to put up with stuff, ya know?
That Iran question was disgusting. Both candidates spouting of the imperialist line even more so. So we are suppose to support the guy who threatens Iran with “dire consequences”, wants to basically invade Pakistan, wants to increase the violent assault on the people of Afghanistan, and suggests making Warren-fucking-Buffet Secretary of the Treasury? Thanks but no thanks. We will never get a real choice if we don’t tell these guys to fuck off once and for all.
Shit. Forgot to go back in the phone booth.
McPOW had to get back to the Batshit Cave before midnight or his head will turn into a post Halloween pumpkin.
I’m really impressed with Michelle O. Didn’t know at first, but she’s coming across as a real actual human being. Imagine a “First Lady” who’s comfortable with regular people. I’m trying to think of a precedent.
The wingnut apologist on PBS just said “Life’s not fair” for Mr. “I’ve Got Four Million Fucking Houses And You Don’t, Bitches”.
I wonder how many of those town hallers know somebody who has come home crippled or in a box from Iraq. I wonder how many have medical debt up to the eyeballs.
Coors light!!!! Give me a fucking break.
We had a drinking game based on “my friends” and I didn’t pass out. *I* win the debate.
So we are suppose to support the guy who threatens Iran with “dire consequences”, wants to basically invade Pakistan, wants to increase the violent assault on the people of Afghanistan
Um yeah. ‘Cause he’s the PEACEFUL one.
I’m serious.
We don’t get out of this madness clean.
And we aren’t going to be the pinup model for a government working for peace. We’re only trying to pick the ones that maybe can keep a lid on it, for a while, anyway.
It’s not much, but the alternative is death….
“That One” is going to get a LOT of play.
I always thought Ladybird was really sweet. And approaching sainthood, to have put up with LBJ all that time.
K-Lo drinks? I thought she was little miss pure.
And, for the record. I pronounce both Pakistan and Taliban the same way that Obama does.
I also say Ih-rak and Ih-ran rather than Eye-rak and Eye-ran.
I don’t say Eye-talians either.
Of course I speak Spanish and enjoy brie and lattes in my San Francisco residence, so I guess my vote doesn’t frakking count.
Yes, I also say frakking. Sigh.
Man, I want this election to be over.
Did you hear that? Two people just shouted OBAMA WE LOVE YOU at the town hall.
Man, I want this election to be over.
Soon, soon, soon, dear friend. Then the real work begins.
Don’t need a bloody reason.
CNN and MSNBC’s “focus group” and “dial-a-reaction” horseshit is providing a great contrast to C-Span’s continuing live coverage of the debate’s afterward. Obama is STILL shaking hands and talking to the people as the VO host takes live calls. I heart C-Span.
Barry came through in the clutch, tonight. He went 4 for 4. Simply awesome!
Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light
Yeah, cuz everybody knows you just can’t jerk off to the New Yorker.
I’m watching it live on the NY Times front page
Know what?
I’m going for the Patron Silver…
“That one” video up at YouTube.
Obama is STILL shaking hands and talking to the people as the VO host takes live calls.
Yeah, it looks the Obamas left because the Secret Service agents told them it was time to go.
Anyone just hear the fuckwit on CSPAN who faulted Obama for not coming out and stating that he’s not a terrorist?
My head hurts.
“That one” video at
tehhte Great Orange Satan.All hail, Dark Lord Kos.
Hil aside, pretty much every Dem First lady since the thirties has been pretty cool. Hil was just too interested in actually being the President, even then. Even She was a huge step up from Mrs. “My Beautiful Mind”, though.
Dr. Mrs.: Yeah, that’s what happens when the vox populi aren’t screened. They can be pretty scary.
“That One” was a dog whistle pitched waaaaay too low.
CW-fest on Charlie Rose – DK Goodwin, Al “Woodward”, Halperin and David “Applebees” Brooks…zzzzzzzzzzzz
Hillary was forced to become a cookie-baker after her health-care plan (hahaha! remember THAT crazy-assed idea?!) was torpedoed by the rearing head of Rethuglican evility.
Could that be the White Russians, Marita?
Eleanor Roosevelt was a pip.
TDS is totally taking down the “Undecided” voters now. “The Fucktards/The Frozen Lake Jumpers/The Voluntarily Lobotomized”
Anyone just hear the fuckwit on CSPAN
too bad there’s no screening for existence.
“Some go into voting booths, only to urinate and leave”
That dude is creepier every time I see him. I played the ‘Drink every Time McCain sez: My Friends’ game.
Needless to say, I’m a little loaded.
I wasn’t silly enough to do a debate drinking game, Toby. I have to be at work at some point tomorrow.
Stupid game.
Tired of fighting over pretend slights and partial quotes.
Let’s get to it.
I’m ready to try to find a path to the future.
That’s pretty clearly a path that runs through some reactionary criminals.
Let’s just get it done….
you think you have problems. Last week our PM said Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion was panicking when he outlined a five-point plan to deal with the [global economic] crisis and its effects on Canada. Mr. Harper said Canadians weren’t particularly worried about their jobs or their homes; they were more concerned about the stock market.
Today he’s talking about maybe running a deficit – because he’s spent most of the surplus already – and bailing out banks (even though none need to be bailed).
J Neo Marvin said,
October 8, 2008 at 3:44
“Joe Lieberman and I…” ooooh how “bipartisan”! (Urp)
Bipartisan my a**! Ho-Joe was all over the news today telling people how “niave” Obama was, and that he was thinking of jumping parties. Suck-up will do ANYTHING for a shot at the reins of power–including giving McCain a push off this mortal coil once he replaces Palin.
I will commit suicide if both our countries elect neocons. Seriously, I could not live through it.
What’s the consensus?
The consensus is that everyone has to drink.
.308 is probably better, all around, then 5.56.
6.8 Rem is WAY better than 7.65×39.
And it’s hard to beat a good 9mm load. Overall.
That’s the consensus from here…
Bottoms up!
I’ve taken a sleeping pill. It’s not kicked in yet though.
Help us, 527s. You’re our only hope.
I will commit suicide if both our countries elect neocons. Seriously, I could not live through it.
Don’t do that! a) Not gonna happen, grumpy’s goin’ down. b) We need people like you to set Canada right again if the worst happens.
I’ll smoke to that, Holden.
what are 527s?
When they quote the blogs on C-SPAN, they never mention Sadly No! Damned media bias!
Yeah, but they did mention Melissa Clouthier. Not really company you want to be included with, eh?
I love that McCain took off while Michelle and Barry were still shaking hands.
Like he has something more important to get to right now rather than running for president. What, is frakking Matlock on? Did Cindy reduce your curfew? Did you forget to turn off the gas? WTF was so important you couldn’t spare 15 minutes for the electorate?
Beer good.
527s are tax-exempt organizations (the name comes from the U.S. tax code) that are exempt from federal and state elections regulations. They are formed to advocate on issues; they are not allowed to endorse a specific candidate for election. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, for example.
Obama will inherit the irreparable mess and when he can’t fix it in ten seconds, the neocon shitbags – who won’t go away no matter how many cockroach hotels you put around the nation – will attack him without mercy whilst rewriting history to show the mess was created by liberals.
It would be nice to just sit back and enjoy an election for once, but no. The crumbbums persist in ruining the party.
Whoever the idiot caller is on CSPAN right now has seriously been drinking (McCain supporter from CA).
CNN now has a transcript for those interested.
Now they have the vox populi section, and the obligatory moron blubbering on about taxes. Thanks for sticking up for the top 5% while our infrastructure falls to fucking pieces, sucker!
Now some very angry guy is snarling about what a bad speaker Obama is. Whew. Stupid people are not going away, even if we are likely to win this one. Strap on your seat belts, kids.
Hey, y’all. help settle an argument. When the black woman asked the question about the environment, did McCain turn his back on her while she was speaking? That’s what it looked like to me.
The consensus is the asshole old man lost.
With no class.
I changed to Bonnie and Clyde when they got to the part where they interview all those bovine dumb-asses who say they haven’t made up their minds yet.
Thanks J.
I dunno, g. They both paced around when the question was being asked.
McCain is not that stupid.
My question when I see stuff like that is, hmm, if I saw Obama do it would I have a reasonable explanation for it?
Yeah, I know, McCain is WAY less charismatic. That’s why he’s not as good at his job as Barack Obama.
But some things are just unnecessary reaches.
I think….
I love how people think they can keep the country running without taxes. Taxes are collected for needed services, and the government is not allowed to make a profit. So our taxes pay for everything, and if we are in denial of this, our taxes will just be given to contractors (privatized) to provide those services at twice the price and half as well, with no repercussions, no regulations. This is stupid. Get noodlebrained!
Doris Kearns Goodwin, David Brooks and David Remnick on the same panel on PBS. I’m switching to straight Rum.
How the HELL can you POSSIBLY not have made up your mind yet?
They don’t make drugs that powerful.
Trust me, my friends.
They’re starting over on C-SPAN, if you missed anything.
I love how people think they can keep the country running without taxes.
especially after voting (at least once) for a president who has misappropriated every dime in the treasury and borrowed hundreds of billions the US can’t repay any time soon.
Countdown to triumphant post-debate post from Demogenes Aristophanes.
10, 9, 8…
Undecideds are the living dead.
They’re starting over on C-SPAN, if you missed anything.
Someone be sure to tell Toby that he doesn’t have to drink during the replay.
Old man shouts at clouds.
Obama was the centrist milquetoast I wuz expecting when this convo got on to foreign policy. But, goddamned, I haven’t heard even that shit in so long, that it sounds like poetry. It’s the less stupid, stupid.
I love how people think they can keep the country running without taxes.
Well hello. Every time McGramps sez “Obama will raise your taxes,” I want to scream: “And the country is going to pay for these trillion-dollar wars and this trillion-dollar economic bailout HOW?” Just print up a few trillion-dollar bills, I guess!
Seriously, we are in such deep shit we can’t even imagine it.
I don’t know. From what I hear from the kids, that salvia stuff is a pretty potent stupid-maker. I just don’t get how they pipe it in to those people 24/7.
Guess who.
Bush-Cheney lowered the bar for all rethug candidates. McCain-Palin have lowered his low to a new low so low it’s below below ground.
Sadly, yes. That seems to be the plan. I just saw another story today about just that.
Because history is so darned-tootin overrated, these clowns don’t seem to remember the fate of every other country that has tried to print its way out of hard times. I weep.
And I thought he was describing me.
Because history is so darned-tootin overrated, these clowns don’t seem to remember the fate of every other country that has tried to print its way out of hard times. I weep.
Argentina wasn’t mavericky enough.
Honorable. Decent. Serious. Manly.
I think McCain blew it with “that one” … just think, it only took him two words to kill his last (long-)shot at the Brass Ring.
That’s Fail You Can Believe In, my friends!
What Jonah’s mirror sees:
Dishonorable. Fecal. Dipshitious. Hamly.
That’s how I describe myself ever since my recent purchase from CAFSI.
I love how people think they can keep the country running without taxes.
I seriously think they have no idea what taxes are actually for. They believe taxes are just money stolen from them, which then disappears – or else all of it is given to welfare queens.
Do they even teach civics anymore?
[…] From Sadly, No! More here. […]
Anyone have a cigarette?
Re: Jonah’s mirror
I bet it says, “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son.” But he never listens…
I seriously think they have no idea what taxes are actually for. They believe taxes are just money stolen from them, which then disappears – or else all of it is given to welfare queens.
the money spent on Iraq was from Bush’s personal chequing account.
There is something deeply troubling about a country that spends billions on war and Wall Street crooks with little to no oversight or accountability, and yet bickers over every dime spent on health care.
This, “my friends”, is unparalleled craziness.
How long will it take before somebody takes McCain’s performance tonight and posts a techno remix of it on Youtube?
How long before McCain just finally breaks down from the exhaustion of the campaign and blurts: “Psssstttt….That one? He’s blaaaack!”
God he really is awkward with his “quips.”
I am sick and tired of taxes. Taxes are wrong and socialist, even back when they were being collected by Roman emperors or Athenian democrats.
We need to go back to the way we paid for this country when it began — a small fleet of revenue cutters which sailed the coasts collecting tariffs and fines on liquor shipments!
Also, we need to get rid of all these extra states and go back to the yeoman / plantation economy which got us started!
El Cid does not go back far enough. He is wanna them liberal types.
We need to go back to hunter-gathering. None of the new-fangled iron technology, either.
Bronze tools. They hold an edge.
I don’t understand why we got to leave the trees which were good enough for several million years of our ancestors. What made our people great was a mixture of cooking and enough meat to supplement scarce nutrients. I don’t understand all this ‘agriculture’ and ‘semi-permanent settlements’ that you g** d*** socialist kids want, and none of you appreciate real freedom, the freedom of the deep forest / forest edge lifestyle.
Whew! I think I need a cigarette after that one, too! For those still sober enough (that is to say, those who were fortunate enough not to choose as trigger-word “friends” in their drinking game) to care, Greta Buckethead has two polls over at fauxsnooze right now: to crash.
Yep, utter, utter child-like foolishness. (But I’m coming off such a buzz-glow it just seems like fun!) Also, the main political page poll has Obama leading the “who won the debate” poll.
Man, McCain pissed of a lot of his peeps tonight with that “mortgage buy-out” plan! Interesting, in that just a few moments prior he was promising a “government spending freeze”. Er, so where’s that extra toppin’ of $300 billion coming from again, Mr. Magoo?
By now everyone’s probably seen Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs whoopin’ dumb Sean Hannity’s ass up and down the field when Hannity tries to pull out the Ayers sh*t.
Hey kids, this is fun. Head on over to the Malkinbunker right now:
It’s all cyanide pills, lugers to the head, and a hasty dispatch of uniforms. Absolutely hilarious!
Wonkette has footage of McShakingHands not with Obama. Also, K-Lo’s latest incomprehensible rant.
Worf ’08!
When the black woman asked the question about the environment, did McCain turn his back on her while she was speaking?
Well, I did notice that it was the first time he didn’t repeat the questioner’s name at the start of his
responsedisjointed rambling (“Uh, that’s an excellent question, there…”).Maybe he should get partial credit for not calling her “Missy” after an awkward pause.
amusing comment
…Barry is a pussy, he want “safe nuclear power”. Real men eat depleted Uranium for breakfast and shit out weapons grade plutonium by dinner!!!
New official slogan:
This One is voting for That One
Thank you, and please send cash.
best comment in Canadian thread on the debate
Anyway I think “That One” won.
That is truly awesome.
I’ll whip up a bumper sticker after I eat, and put it on cafepress or something.
Apropos of earlier comments, from the same CBC comment thread
Coming soon on bumper stickers in a neighbourhood near you: “I’m voting That One.”
A number of Canadians have expressed disgust for the remark, characterizing it as racist. McCain’s not going to live “that one” down. People are pissed.
Something appears to be wrong with CNN’s “select a grade” for Obama’s performance.
When I picked A, it came up as D. The average is D. This doesn’t mesh with the quick poll.
This one would buy that one.
Lesley, I gave Obama an A, and it said the average was B. I gave McCain a C and it said the average was D. I suppose I could’ve given him a D or an F, but I was being charitable, and I figured McCain did about average, for John McCain, which is, as we know, epic fail at best these days.
CK, I don’t usually pop over to the Malkin’s, but it seemed worth it from your description. Here’s a choice excerpt I flipped to at random (I don’t have time to read the whole craziness, so this’ll have to do):
Spotted on a comment thread
if true, hilarious!
Lesley, use teh Google. It was reported in the New York Times. Awesome!
I was already thinking that McCain will have difficulty getting 40% of the popular vote. I figure Obama will get at least 56%, with an addition 4-6% going to some combination of Bob Barr, Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, etc. Now I’m starting to think Sarah Palin might get as much as 1% as a write-in, but if the election is as lopsided as I think it’ll be, they probably won’t bother to tally those up. dKos has Obama at 52% and McCain at 41%, so if anything these are pretty conservative projections.
The “real Maverick” story was just the icing on the cake for me tonight.
and from earlier in the story:
I’d heard that part of the story before, but to have a quote from a descendent of the dude lamenting his use of the family name is awesome. The rest of the family is super liberal too. Read the whole thing.
Of course none of this matters to the wingnuts. For the K-Lo’s and Kristol’s of the world, the only kind of Maverick that matters is the one that they have collectively pulled out of their ample asses over the course of this campaign. They better pace themselves: they’re probably going to have 8 solid years of bitching about Obama/Biden to look forward to, so they should be careful not to let their collective poutrage peak too soon.
A Different Jake H, that is a double dose of awesome.
I wish the family would sue if only to make this story as public as possible.
How cool,
But how screwed up for the family that McAsswipe decides to abuse the term. I suppose they can just get in line with Heart and any other unwilling victims.
– the Maverick family fought slavery
– self-declared Maverick McCain calls Obama “that one” in a town hall debate
I wonder if the Daily Show will pick this up.
I mean, come on…this is at least as good for Jon Stewart as Cheney shooting his friend in the face during a canned quail hunt.
K Lo:
When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker and find some Chardonnay. Fortunately I have an old copy of NR and a Coors Light to snap me back to reality. Seriously though — no one in flyover country says Pock-i-stahn. It’s annoying.
You know what’s annoying? A superfat cow who think pronouncing a country’s name the same way its inhabitants do is somehow wrong.
She’d probably shit in her hat if some terraist had the temerity to say “Amreeeka”.
Does she even think before she fucking types?
First attempt.
Needs work, but the idea is right.
Hmmm, better with blur.
Well, maybe something will come to me in my sleep.
You have to ask that question?
I’m a Maverick, on my mother’s side of the family. I guess it shows, huh?
When Obama says Pock-i-stahn I have an uncontrollable urge to read the New Yorker.
What in the New Yorker is going to take her mind off Obama? Certainly not this or this or this or this and especially not this.
I can’t picture K-Lo reading the New Yorker ever.
And Chardonnay…heh. No seriously hehehehe.
In a sippy cup or guzzled straight out of the box?
Poor K-Lo, never the sophisticate.
oh wait, she was being sarcastic?
geez, my insomnia is getting the better of me.
Palin/McLame piss more people off:
New campaign button.
Also, I hear cafepress already has a bunch of “That One” tshirts and things already selling.
Well, at least she’s doing some good.
Camille Paglia struts The Dumb Stuff again, yet again mistaking her inabilities as genius.
Does Camille Paglia REALLY believe that there was a bunch of stuff left out of the Charlie Gibson and Katie “Viper” Couric interviews that actually showed the Palindrone to be some sharp Native-cheek-boned brilliant Amazon warrior? That the idiocy was some MEAN LIBERAL EDITING TRICK????Are you f***ing kidding me? “Salon” pays her for this sh*t?
This woman is seriously mentally mixed up. There should be a club of such nutbags who think they’re somehow misunderstood geniuses. I mean, apart from the NRO.
That one.
Erugh. The line about the NR and a CL makes me think she’s going to flick the bean.
But no one tell Ms. I Wandered Lonely as a Kload that the term “flyover country” pisses off people who live between the coasts (and produce all the food she eats):
“Hey, don’t you hayseeds just hate it when Obama says words in ways you don’t? I bet that makes you so angry you stop having sex with your relatives and kick the 15 coon dogs living under your porch. Now where’s that retard banjo player you yokels keep around, I want to dance! What?”
Stupid cow.
I’ve been wanting to say this since friends in college discovered her:
There. I feel better.
Paglia should be given some kind of award for lifetime achievement in bullshit.
Doesn’t Paglia realize that you can’t be an Ubermensch and a retard at the same time?
Maybe just me, but I think Paglia has a crush.
C’mon, girl, just say you’re gay! It explains the self-hate, the passive aggressive feminism bashing, even the sour expression she cultivates.
The closet. Not just for men.
Paglia? Seriously, again with Paglia?
Am I going to have to whip out my Molly Ivins take-down link again?
PS — WereBear: Paglia is a way-out-of-the-closet lesbian.
How did I miss that!
Because I avoid Paglia.
So where does the self-hate come into it?
She just must be a lousy person!
Just got my e-mail telling me the pension fund is safe.
I want this:
Watching Barack was like watching Ari Gold bitch slap Adam Davies on “Entourage”: Very very very satisfying.
Shorter Camille Paglia:
The bio is fucking wonderful.
Andy Pippin said,
October 8, 2008 at 14:17 (kill)
That one.
Brilliant. hahaha. thanks for the reminder.
Cindy’s probably medicated him so he won’t lose it.
Every family should have His and Hers medication bottles.
[…] Gavin M. with visuals from the town hall debate. […]
“Sure, but good GOD, he sounds better than Bush ever has.”
With all due respect, Darwin from SeaQuest sounds better than Bush ever has.
Sure, these are people who speak English worse than you. But there are people who speak English better than you.
If you mean to imply that McCain supporters are stupid, well so are Obama’s.
Obama’s supporters believe in a world where a benevolent American ruler can right everything with sweet words.