What Seb’s REALLY Been Up to…

Read the shocking details here.

(Via Apostropher.)


Comments: 8


I thought so, that story he told was too unbelievable.


You mean we can’t refer to him “that dickless wonder” anymore? Sadly, no…


I see a future in the adult film industry. How? Why, I consulted the bones, of course…


Yeah, I think Seb’s got a bright future in the “porn bloopers” business if he can’t get his wife back…


Now Seb’s claiming that he meant to cut off the extra penis all along, but his wife tells me that the reason she got so mad is that Seb intimated that he’d keep fucking her with penis #2 and was saving his new, improved penis #3 to try to woo Amber with it.


Excellent Post, you have a nice writing style. Ive been running through blogs all day now, I think I wanna get my own started. Hopefully itll look like this someday. Just got to get off my ass 🙂 


Hmm. Does this mean Seb has to double his usual dose of V*agra?


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